Kamal El-Mekki – Another Recipe For Success With

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses several instances of former enforcement officers and a recipe for success that was given to a woman named Amara by someone named Callie. The recipe includes various ingredients and is linked to her success in life and motivation. The segment emphasizes the importance of following rules and staying away from Yo-yo activities. sexual language is used, and pop culture references are made.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Almighty.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hill, I mean, while he wants to be a domain about

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the title of our hotbar today is another recipe for success. And this hook by is going to be a story, an incident that happened to a man by the name of Malik ignore Amara Malik ignore Amara was a knock me from bunny Lacan in English called the liquids and he was an intelligent man and he had an incident with Abdul Malik ibn Marwan who would later on become the Khalifa, or one of the Omate Hola.

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He this man, Malik of Nomura, he used to sit with people in an Masjid Al haram near the Kaaba. And he said we would sit and it would be with Otto organisers of air,

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the son of a suburban awam and Abdul Malik ibn Marwan and Kobe isa have been the ape. He said, we were cooking on the whole fulfill key marathon with him with karate Mara, with the HR in Arab uncertainness. So sometimes we talk about film, sometimes we talk about poetry, and they just had different kinds of conversations. But he noticed that again, Melaka number one was the most eloquent of the three and the best in knowledge of the three and the best in manners. So he became fond of him. He said, When the gathering was over, I followed up the medical marijuana, and at this point at the medical marijuana had no relationship with the government nor any attempts at politics. So I

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praised him his speech and his eloquence and his manners.

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So he looked at me and said, Yeah, O'Meara interosseous Iran saturon Anaka Illa, Yama, Illa. Well, ma Lu nahi. Samia, he said yah Amara. In a short while meaning if you live a little in a short period of time, you will see it basically he's telling him you I'm going to become the Khalifa.

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He has nothing to do with the color for at the moment, but he's telling him if you live long enough, you're going to see that I'm going to become the Khalifa for in Canada Annika fun Fila Anika and Tatiana Annie, the raja Iike bourbon, Willie, Malika Daria. He says if that's the case, basically come to me and I will help you with whatever you need when I if I become the Khalifa come to me and I'll help you with whatever you need.

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He said for Allah He let him the NA DECA Ripa. He said, Well Allah Allah will fill your hands and lipped Hua hospital Hall, or specifically he's saying, I'm going to give you what pleases you whether x one Naka net mutton sebelah, I'm going to give you from all kinds of good

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since then, the days and years passed, and he became the Khalifa. And then more years passed, and Amara says, I remembered what Abdulmalik Marwan said to me in the shade of the Kaaba. So I said well, hola, hola, se Rana la he was an array. Orion Maya SNA. He said, I'm going to go to him and see what he's going to do. So I started to head out towards a sham. He says I arrived on a Friday while he was on the member giving the hotbar because he's the Khalifa. So I made myself visible to him. When he saw me, he turned away and he didn't recognize me. He didn't smile or anything. He turned away from me. So I thought maybe he didn't recognize me. And then the front the prayer

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finished and he left and people began to disperse. And then a little while later I know time passed barely any time passed when a guard comes out and he says where is Amara is nomadic. And he took me in to the Khalifa and he extended his hand. And he says in the catalog at li fi molder in La Jolla, Josephine De La Mara eight he says you made yourself visible to me at a time or in a position where

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the only appropriate reaction is the one that I gave for a man Marhaba herland isn't as for now welcome and he starts to welcome him and then he tells him K for content but it would happen to you after we separated or parted ways

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he welcomes him and then he says yeah, well um, he tells one of the servants and ZIL who dar on give him a room to stay in with a crane who are three he was your other human ha Sati housie. So it tells him to honor Him and to give them a place to stay and to make him close to me and from my close circles always near to me. So amount of demonic says I stayed with him for 20 nights, and, and every night or every day, I would have lunch and dinner with him. And after the 20 nights I wanted to leave. So he gave me 20,000 dinars and 200,000, silver Durham's and 100, camels loaded with gifts, and he gave me clothing and he gave me many things. And then he said, Yeah, O'Meara, a toorani,

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godmother to your daycare, HIPAA. He says, Do you see that I filled your hands with what pleases you? So I smiled and said, Yes, Subhan Allah, our third Kuru. Amira, meaning he said, Do you remember that day when you said that? You mean? He says no. He says no. Um, yes, well, Hola. Hola. Hi, Rafi mon NESEA ma Hua other way or the kuruma Awad?

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So he says Wallahi there is no good in the ones who forget their word L Word is the promise of good

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they forget the promise of good and they only remember their threats and worried here Oh other Yanni the promise of threat or to do something bad. He said there's no good and someone who forgets his promises of good and only remembers his threats and promises of doing something about

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so he says, come they had an Umbria Amara How long has this been since we had that? takia Amara he says he answered him Wallahi Luca nama Carnaby MC we're in a whole lotta Haoran Pauline he said it was as if it were yesterday but it was a long time ago. So then Abdullah medical Marwan tells him wala, Hema, Canada dekha min harbor in Santa Ana, Walla and Hadith in Khattab na wala an earthen Rowena he said me telling you that I'm going to become the Khalifa is not from anything, Hadith or speech someone told me or a narration or like a saying or repeat repeating someone's phrase. If no one came and told me you're going to become the Khalifa that's what he's saying. layer underneath

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alkyl to a moron fee uh, yeah, mille Hadassah, Jana yam Shabaab. He says, except that I recognize certain things when I was a young man, Rado to be her a year for Allah hooba decree where you're foundry. So with these things, I hoped and I expected that Allah subhanaw taala will raise my mentioned my name and will raise my rank. So he tells him, Amara asked him, so what are the meaning? So now he's giving us his recipe for success, which is what this cookbook is about. He said, controller who Shari Walla, Omari, now who Shari Yanni I don't look for a sharp, the evil or the bad. I don't seek out the bad not in stories, not in events. I don't look out for bad I don't start

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with it. I don't go towards it. What are Omari Amira who will Giuliani so I would not argue with anyone I'll never seek out evil never chase after it never tried to follow its news. And I would never argue with people

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when adequacy translator hola hoo Dooney and I will not search investigate look for faults are going to what doesn't concern me anything Allah put a barrier or a veil between me and it. I never tried to research it or look into it or investigate or get into other people's business or embarrassing people or rumors about people. Whether Turkey Omaha ramen, Hadera Hula, hula Ali, Yanni I stay away from sins as much as I can. in public and in private. I do my best to not disobey my art My Lord subhanho wa taala.

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What a hazard to well above a two I'd never had envy towards anyone. And I never oppressed anyone will come to feel call me colossal total colada. And he's giving an example here a parable or is a metaphor. He's saying I was in my people like the central jewel, which means I always gathered my people. I didn't allow them to separate always make amends between people always kept my tribe and my people together, always making peace between people. Well, we're going to remove jealousy. We're in Canada moment, and I would honor whoever I'm sitting with even if he's not worthy of that. What are other Well, Oklahoma theta. So he says I

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I always have the best and most refined manners and if someone is like a trustworthy and a respectable individual, I will honor him even more. What will that is he the one who is ignorant or not that intelligent I will just let it let it go let it slide.

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We are humbled by Eve and I have mercy on the week Fabula dica Rafa Allahu Kaduri and with that Allah Subhana Allah raised my rank, when a Shara decree and written and spread my mentioned through makalah yah, Amara hood of buttock, Juan de Rashida. So then he said the Amara, take your gift, and, and go back to your family. A cola cola was tough for a lot of the day welcome, man Jimmy the no buffer stuff it all falls on Mr Vereen, ask Allah Subhana Allah for his forgiveness, Indeed, those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hill, I mean, what are the early was B, a domain.

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So how about this formula then, taqwa and other and

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refined manners and knowledge, staying away from sins as much as possible to reach your goal getting near to Allah subhanaw taala as much as possible to reach your goal. And we wanted to present this recipe for success because it's different and it's another recipe for success. And many of us have tried life coaches, and goal setting and motivational speakers and self help and all kinds of things, and sometimes, to no avail or with little progress. But this recipe doesn't need much explanation. Many times your success in this dunya and in this life is linked to your relationship to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So if you've tried everything, and nothing has worked, try this. Try

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your relationship with Allah azza wa jal, also linked to your behavior and your treatment of others as Abdon medical marijuana puts so much effort, and he was so confident that he was telling him in a few years this will happen and is even promising to do good for him in the near future.

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With that, we ask Allah azza wa jal to make us of those who hear the truth as clear truth and follow the best of it and recognize falsehood as clear falsehood and abstain from it. For Lahoma, eternal haka konasana Tada. Worrying about a lot bolted on was organised in Alba Allahumma Rajala dunya Kabara Homina. Well, I'm a blogger elimina wala Remo Sirona. For Allahumma Brimley, hallo mucha Mirage, didn't you ask Sufi and biotic way of Duffey Allah ma sciatic Murphy hibel maruf while you're in Hawaii Hanuman Korea Samia dua also Allahumma barik on a rota hatherleigh Meanwhile, the he was a big marine will como la sala token or hum como la

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so we're going to read the announcements while I'm up here.

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Number one reminder to continue donating to the masjid here or online at the masjid.org our weekly classes will be as usual Chuck will lead on

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