Kamal El-Mekki – Unbreakable-Imam Shafi’

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad, including his name, lineage, and his lineage to the Prophet sallimm. The chef had to pay a factory money to acquire wealth and eventually joined the ranks of the Muslims. The chef used sycophobic behavior to avoid being called out on the media and talked about his experience with archery and learning to be smart. The transcript also touches on language and language learning, including a chef who used big words to make his language sound fancy and a former scientist who found a method to create a chain. Later, a woman claims to be a chef and worked for five years before becoming a tailor.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sisters can come forward and Sharla to

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the left side of the room

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okay and hamdulillah hearable alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah meanwhile early he was a bit vain about usually what happens when you're going to speak about the biography of someone great, you always start by saying this is a biography that requires but a whole weekend hours upon hours. You almost say that almost every time. But this time Subhan Allah is just so true. You can literally literally spend

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over an hour of lecture time, just on the sayings and wisdoms and the advice of your mama Shafi I mean a full hour but this is like golden stuff, not just the regular you know, nice nothing I hear there but like stuff that just should be written with with in gold, you know, easily over an hour of just on his wisdoms and his sayings, you know, like the quotes, love quotes now.

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Or you can really spend a long time just on his poetry and a long time on just on his books on on how he developed his mother. But what we want to do is just get an idea of who the man was Rahim Allah. So his name is Mohammed Idris. Mostly you will hear people refer to him as Mohammed Abdullah Idris Shafi Mohammed bin idrissa Shafi

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you want to go in details is Muhammad in there's a reason we're going into it. There's some interesting things in the name Mohammed Idris al Abbas, ignorance man shaffir

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obeyed even Abuja z. Yazid Ibn Abdulmutallab

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who polyp even Hashem abdomen if you see the last three. So clearly he's a Hashimi

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And he's linked in lineage to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you clearly from the last three names

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down the grandfather, the pasta lamp, even Hashem even have them enough. Now, he was born in the year 150, after the hijra in Rosa was in full steam. Now you'll find some books will say that he was he was actually born on the same year in Malmo, bouhanni. For him, Allah died, he died. He died on the year 150. But you will find some books that will say he died on the same night. I mean, he was born on the same night remember, hanifa died too much. It's too much isn't it? way too much, same night. So he was born in Gaza. And they moved to Mecca when he was about two years old and some, some say up to the age of 10. So when he was 10, they moved back to Mecca. We explain why they moved

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to my cupboard stick with the name for a while. So we see his lineage to the Prophet Salah Salem. And he is Mohammed bin Idris, ebenen, abass risman, then shaeffer. So then why is he referred to as a chef re like, which is way back in the in the lineage is not the name of his father or grandfather, but like one of his great, great grandfather's, because shaffir, who is the son of

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Sir it was the Companion of the lion who said it was a companion, obviously, as you can tell, not one of the famous companions. But aside on the deal of the Battle of budder, he was actually on the side of the mushrikeen, the co founder of Porsche, and he fought against the Muslims, and he was captured, taken as a captive. And when he was taken as a captive, he had to have with him. So he paid his own video, his ransom, he paid his ransom. Then he took his Shahada and joined the ranks of the Muslims. So they asked them, Why don't you just take your Shahada and we would let you go for free? Why did you pay the ransom? Then take the Shahada. And look what a decent man he was. And he

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said, Mark into a hermit mode, meaning pamana, home fi and he said, I wasn't going to prevent the believers, what they wanted for me, what did they want, he saw that the Muslims were poor, and they were in need of this run some money. So he paid the ransom money first, because they wouldn't accept it if he became Muslim, paid the ransom money first, then took his Shahada and joined the ranks of the Muslims. So Assad was a companion, and he met the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then he had a son born to him, and his name was shaffir shaffir. Now, so chef then grew up knowing and imitating the process of growing up in that environment. So if you have someone who is in your lineage a

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companion, what do you think would happen? You You're going to relate yourself to that person, that's like, the greatest thing in your lineage makes sense. So that's why he's known as a chef. And he, he was so honored to be, you know, from this lineage of a companion, that he wanted to be known by that companion, and that's why he's known as Mohammed Idris Shafi, even though shafa was really far back.

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So he was born in Gaza, we said in Philistine, his father went, he emigrated, and he made the hegira, seeking risk trying to make money. So you can you know, wealth provision. So he went to hersa. And then shortly after Muhammad, meaning mhfa was born, his father passed away, that means he was an orphan, he was orphaned. So now his mother remained in Gaza. But she was a very intelligent woman, a very wise woman. And there's a famous story about her. Anytime you encounter the biography of a chef, you always find this story about his mother, when one time she was needed in court to testify her and another woman, the judge now wants to be smart. So the judge wanted to see if these

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women are just going to copy each other in testimony or not. So he's separated between the two of them. Each one will testify separately. So she stood up, she had knowledge and she stood up to the judge, and she said, You can't do that. Because in the Quran, specifically, Allah Subhana. Allah says, if one of them forgets the other will remind her. And by the way, this is mostly in business, okay? And if a woman witnesses a murder will tell her No, we need another, another woman who witnessed the murder. It's not for murder and things like that. So she tells them, no, you can't do that. You have the right to do that. And the judge has your right give him verse from the Koran. So

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tell us You're right. This is a famous story about his mother and it indicates how wise she was. Rahim Allah. So she wanted, she was afraid of two things. One, she realized that for her son to attain knowledge, they're not in the land of knowledge. And he back then, if you lived at that time, and he 200 something after the hedgerow really early on. You don't go to visit to seek knowledge you would go to an adjuster Mecca to Medina, those areas.

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that's the first reason she wanted to move. The second she also wanted to preserve his

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lineage is Qureshi, and she wanted to make sure that, you know, he, he knows that he is known as that he doesn't just disappear in another land as someone else from that region. So she waited until he was two years old in some narrations. 10 years old. Because the journey is difficult. It's not like now so the journey is a difficult one or you don't want to make such a journey with like a small infant or small toddler. So either she waited until he was two and a little older as a toddler or until 10. And they moved back to Mecca.

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when when they arrived in Mecca, he is a poor orphan. And she puts him in if we can call it a school. But the teacher didn't give him much attention, because he gives more attention to the children whose parents pay him better. This is an orphan boy, he's not getting much money out of this boy. So just naturally, he didn't give him too much attention. He would give attention to the richer children. And so but Mr. Mishra very humble, his memory was incredible. And you would memorize everything the teacher said, then he would memorize it very, very quickly.

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One day, the teacher was late. He was quite late for the class. Kids are just sitting, nothing is happening. So Mr. Scheffer, he got up and he's a young boy, a small boy at this point, he got up, but because he had memorized everything the teacher said, he started giving the whole class just from his memory like that. And he's like saying it like the teacher, you know, eloquent. same wording, not not, he didn't baby fi it. He didn't simplify it, as is. So when the teacher came in, he saw that he was really taken by the by the memorization and the knowledge of this young man. And even though he wasn't making money off of him, he started to give him a lot of attention from that

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point onwards. and due to this, by the time he was seven years old, he had memorized the entire Quran. So he said, hang on one. Second, I memorize the Quran. Well, I'm a boy of seven years, we'll have a little more

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money. And I memorize the motto of Mr. Malik. So this is a fifth book in our Hadith book, if you would have Mr. Malik memorize the whole book when I was 10 years old, completely, and his memory now.

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But from his poverty, he couldn't afford pen and paper and couldn't afford something to write with. It couldn't afford paper. So he said, I used to go to the D one, which is like the courthouse. Why the courthouse they have paper in the courthouse, a lot of paper, no computers back then a lot of paper in the courthouse. So he would go to them. And he would ask them for something to write on and something to write with and they would give him that's how he would be able to do that. And while he was young, he took a love for for archery, love the archery very much. So he said, can add

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he said kind of muddy, which is a word that means like my infatuation like so you're completely taken by something. He said my infatuation was a fish as in two things. For me in archery Rami? When, and knowledge is just infatuated by knowledge and alien. I mean, I said the same thing by archery and knowledge. Then he says, I drank Zamzam for three things, and I drank them making the offer three things. A Rami, you see how much he loved it. So I made the vow when I drag them to be good at archery. So he said I would shoot 10 out of 10. You know, that means? Yeah, and if I shoot 10 arrows, 10 of them and Bullseye, it's not just somewhere near the bull's eyes. Or he said nine

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out of 10, as you see honest, yeah. And what happens if you shoot 20 arrows, and he should tend then you shoot 10 and you get 10 out of 10? Next time you get nine out of 10? What do you tell people 10 out of 10. You mentioned the other one, basically, I would shoot 10 out of 10 or nine out of 10. That's how good he was at archery. So this is I drank them for archery. And I drank them to him for knowledge in Iam, as you see he's telling this later on to his students. So he's a scholar now. So he's saying I am as you see, and it worked, right? And then he says, and I drink them for agenda. Now he drank it when he was young. So when he's young, he loves archery. So when he made that door,

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it's like, young guy now goes to Michael's gonna drink it for video games or something like that, right? But, and he'll drink you know, all basketball of his favorite sport, and maybe some kind of knowledge of becoming a doctor. But Gina is amazing that even at a young age was one of his main goals to enter Elgin.

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He said, I used to be so into archery that my doctor would tell me I am afraid you will get sued. Now I'm having a hard time soul is

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said it's an endless of the lungs. I don't know what it would it be in English. Something that gets in the lungs killer. And you start

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know if it's coughing or bleeding.

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I think soul is in them. Nobody knows. sous

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chef Naropa soon. Yeah, sure. Listen, you're not African.

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Africa always hear about soon, soon, soon.

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Okay, anyways, I don't know do this, but just big deal, right? But you, you don't get sued from standing in the sun. But back then that's what they thought. So medicine wasn't very advanced. So his doctor used to tell him, I'm afraid you might get sued this this illness, because of how long you stand in the sun, practicing archery.

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But it shows you what any one of his passions were at that time. His mother now saw how intelligent he is and how smart now she wants to help him. So he's going to help him by giving him one of the keys to knowledge, one of the things that will make attaining knowledge easier, so and so which is what language so she had him go and stay with the tribe of who they are. And even since the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you remember, people would send their children to be out in the desert, because of so they can gain the pure language of the bedrooms, it's not corrupted, like in the cities. And because it's healthier as well, you know, the, whatever the sewage and the things of

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the city is much healthier out there. But even back then learn language was an issue and the better ones, people outside of the city had the best language. So he went and stayed with the tribe of who they are. And they were particularly known for their poetry and their poetry, if gathered, the scholars, they will be volumes, volumes of just the poetry of only the tribe of who they are not counting all the other Arabs and all the other tribes. He stayed with him until about the age of 20, or about it for 11 years. So maybe 2021 he's all this time staying with photographer today, he learned language, and we're going to express to what degree he learned language and poetry and even

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the lineages which is really when you know the lineage, you know, the history of the Arabs, right? So he knows the lineage now poetry and language. And people would sit and listen to him even though he's young now, early, 20s 20 or 21 years old, but he's so well versed in history, lineage stories, when you say and he would tell stories, we tell the history of tribes and things that happen. And so people would gather around him and sit and listen to him reciting poetry. It was no people are entertained by that. And they love to sit and listen to poets and, and even storytellers and historians.

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He says, When I returned to Mecca, I would recite poetry and stories and history. And then a man from a zoo by Irene zubiri in refers to ancestors of a Zubair of the last one. He says, a man from a zoo berrien. From from bunny me from the sons of my uncle Ganesh, from that side of the family saw me and he said, Yeah, Abdullah,

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slave of Allah. As an akuna Maha the hidden force, ha ha, ha ha, the weather the car.

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He says, basically, as it is, like, it's hard for me to see this or it's like, painful for me to see that with all this eloquence. Like he's so eloquent now, because his languages and we're getting to that unbelievable. He's so eloquent. He's so smart, that you can tell this young man is really intelligent because he's so young. He's sitting there commanding this audience, speaking with such knowledge, such memorization. He said, it hurts me to see with all this incredible with this eloquence and with all this intelligence, there is no

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so if I'm a chef, I asked him, he said,

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he says firmen bourcier noxa Jani who's who's left who is remained Jani, so that we can look pseudo here in LA that we can direct ourselves towards him so we can go to him and study so the man tells him Malik ignore anise seed and Muslim just America is the master of the Muslims in America was two weeks ago, right? We did the his biography with the either it right.

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So he says, My goodness, he said, Look, if you can beat that, just, you know, I was convinced with that. I'll go study with Mr. Malik. The story of when he goes to study with Mr. Malik. So now you imagine in Mecca No, Mr. Malik is in Medina. He never left Medina except to go to Hajj for me, but otherwise never left the city No need to leave it. So if I'm a chef and I was in Mecca, he needs to go to Medina to study with Imam Malik. So he asked the governor of Mecca to write him a letter. And the governor of Mecca writes him a letter to the governor of Medina, and then gives him a second letter to take it to the governor to Imam Malik. So we're going to insert intercede from up top,

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what is the governor of Mecca write him this letter. He knows him. This young man is smart, incredible has potential. We want him to study with the goods called Mr. Malik. We want it to come through intervene for him. So this governor writes a letter to the other governor telling him take him

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all the way to the house.

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Have Malik intervene and asked him, please, the governor of McCann, we're asking you please to teach this young man.

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It is said that even when Shafi went walked barefoot, he was very poor. Remember, he could barely have no money for paper. And so he walked barefoot from Mecca all the way to Medina. They say that he walked barefoot and it's possible and I know it's hard to imagine that now. But because, you know, we don't we don't walk barefoot and our feet are so sensitive, you step on a pebble shoes all the way to your brain. But I will never forget when I go to Africa and I see these little kids like this, and they're playing and running and playing soccer barefoot, and there's jagged rocks and even glass and they don't mean get cut really thick. The you know, the, the soul is very thick skin. So

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he walked all the way to

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to Medina, gives a letter from the governor of Mecca to the governor of Medina, the governor of Medina, reads this letter now from the other governor, what does he tell him? This shows me my Malik

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he reads it and he tells him for you to walk barefoot all the way from Mecca to here is easier than for me to walk from here to the house of Mr. Malik.

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Why? So am Shafi doesn't know, he says, Okay, then send for him to come to you.

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And the government tells them like you don't know who you're messing with. He says if I go with all my soldiers and all like my you know, the generals in the in the nobles and and you know whoever his big shots, his right hand men, we're going to form a procession all the way to his house. We're lucky even gets to see us.

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So he was like, That's strange. This is the governor. So they went to the house of yom Malik and it's the governor with his horsemen everything and they went to his house and they knocked. And and basically, the Imam opens the door and this is what is it and they said and he's like so the Imam you have to understand about the the personality of the Imam Malik ham Allah. He was never an arrogant man haha to be an arrogant man. But he always honored that the aim that was in his chest, so he never lowered himself in front of the Salatin and men of power, because he saw himself due to knowledge higher than them. And this person who holds knowledge here shouldn't lower and abase

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himself to people of power just because they're in power. So for example, and this is Mr. Malik. Now, Malik used to see that there is nothing wrong with taking money from the halifa if he gives you a gift. And that's what's important to realize how the the IMA differed in these issues. Yeah, and Mr. Ahmed refuses to consume the wealth of the halifa to the point where he almost died of malnourishment when he was a guest at the house of the halifa. He didn't see that this was halal money. Okay. So that's one level. Imam Abu hanifa, also didn't take money from the Salatin. But he also was a very wealthy man, and he was not in need of it. But he also didn't like to take it from

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him. And Malik saw no problem with that. Why? Because he sees the scholar serves a purpose and serves the community. Would you agree? I mean, we have a scholar in the in the city, he serves a purpose and he serves the state. So when he's given money by that state, it's it's as if he's given like a type of stipend or a salary. So he didn't see that was hot up. And it's beautiful that people can see these differences. So they don't think that Oh, the scholar is always against the government always hates the government and hates the president and never has a relationship. That's not true. It's not true historically, either.

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So I'm so so in America, the story I wanted to tell was one time he visited the halifa. And the halifa will give you a gift. And, and one of the most

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something that was really a value was they would give you fabric you know some fabric and you can do whatever you want with it, take it to the tailor. But when the Hollywood would give you some a gift, they would drape it over your shoulder like this, so that when you walk out of the palace, everyone knows that the halifa honored you. So in a Malik was was at the holly has place and then they he said give the the mom some gifts, and they brought him some garments, like folded up like this. And the man put draped over his shoulder like this. So the Imam thanked him. And then he went like this

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and dropped it on the floor. And it's just a polite way of saying I'm not going to make a spectacle of myself walking out saying, You honored me and I'm the lower position. So the halifa understood that and he said, please wrap it up for the map. So this is how he didn't lower himself down to anyone because of what is in his chest. And if you remember from two weeks ago, Shama was talking about how he used to like completely bathe and change his clothing and put incense and put on his best oil just to narrate a hadith so he respected the knowledge and was not an arrogant man. Far be it from him to be an arrogant man Rahim Allah

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So now the governor now this is the governor of the city comes to your door. And when Mike opens the door like kind of looks at them, what is it? They're like, we need to we need to talk to you. And we have a letter from the governor of Mecca. So this is white here and closes the door. And they just had them wait, and wait and wait. And just like, you know, I'm not going to rush for you. And I'm not like going to any. They say suck up. I don't like that term. But the actual term in English is a sycophant. Danny sycophantic behavior is what they call sarcopenia. So he's not a soccer fan. He's not someone who's going to come in and lower himself and try to rush because he let him wait for a

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while. Then he came out, he didn't let them in.

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That's why he said, it's easier for you to walk barefoot from Mecca to Medina than for me now to walk to his house because we're going to be humiliated by the amount. He doesn't let them in. They open the door, the servant girl opens the door, brings a chair and then goes and closes the door. And then they're just waiting. And the mom comes out dressed full. And it sits in the chair. Like I'm not letting you in the house. What do you want? So given the letter, so he reads it, a letter from the governor asked him interceding saying, Please accept this young man as your student and he's got a good future and everything. So he became angered after he read the letter and he threw

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it. He said, Now even the knowledge of the Prophet and said lamb is attained through this was by any through intercession and people asking, Please, could you do a favor through it like that? And the government was quiet, and everyone's quiet, everyone's scared. So I'm

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Shafi young man now, he stepped forward. And he started to speak to the Imam. And he explained certain things to him. I think we're going to come back to this again in a bit here. But he spoke to him and the Imam started looking at him. And he was taken by this young man, the way he spoke, the way he's so so so eloquent. so incredibly well spoken. And you can tell the wisdom and the intelligence. So the Imam asked him, he said, What's your name? So now you can see that he's okay. He's becoming getting softer. So what's your name? His name is Mohammed Idris. So he gives him advice in terms of tequila. And he accepts him as a student. And he starts the next day immediately.

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We'll come back to this point. But

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that was of the earliest of the teachers of em Shafi, and that is Mr. Malik. And that's why whenever you study soccer, you find

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closeness in inch in Maliki and Chef a fuck because of this relationship, that this founder was a teacher or was a student of that founder. And then when it comes to Hana fees, and humbleness you see them actually closer to each other in fifth because I'm humbled, studied under abusive. And this the main students of Abu hanifa are the ones who built the Hanafi madhhab. Teachers of Imam

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Muhammad Muhammad Rahim Allah. So anyway, so this is one of the earliest of his teachers, Imam Malik dies in the year 179 after the hegira. And remember, a shaffir was born 150 so he's 29 years old at this time, he so he's still young, but he stayed with him until he died. And then from there, he moves on to the great scholar, Sophia dorena.

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Table Ba, da da, ba da da, the historian, he mentioned that he had 26 teachers, and he counted 26 even harder counts 17 like different scholars that he studied under like major scholars. Now, going back to who they are so going to the language, so just to get a glimpse of how powerful and how eloquent he was. So from who then he studies and learns language poetry,

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Musab Zubair, Mrs. massamba Zubair, Mrs. Zuberi Annie from the descendants of Isabel Milan, he says that his father, so he's narrating this, his father, and the mama chef very went at it, challenge each other, just friendly. They went at it concerning

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what do you call it?

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poetry. So his father was very, very well versed in poetry. So he challenges Imam Shafi in, in LA empowered in memorization of poetry of the Arabs. And so he says that my father was completely astounded at the level of knowledge and the amount of poetry memorized by the amount. Sometimes you hear him memorize like 10,000 verses or 20,000 verses of poetry. And interestingly, he never memorized he, his poetry was all on a man. And he didn't ever memorize poetry about love and eyes and hair and none of that stuff. It was all a man and a column just high level respectable poetry.

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He says My father was completely astounded at this man's level of memorization. And he says, Don't share this with anybody as they don't want

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That you don't share your knowledge of poetry with the scholars of Hadith. They don't like poetry very much they don't like people who memorize so much poetry and that's all they do, they dedicate so much time to it, the scholars will look down upon that. So this is as advice, don't share that with them, they will look down upon you. In another incident related to poetry in Mr. Scheffer used to say that if he would have basically expressed what he knew of poetry to people, he would be more famous for his poetry than for his. But he purposely held back didn't want to be known as a poet, didn't want to be known as someone who recites poetry purposely held back, even though had immense

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knowledge. And that also takes a lot of discipline, when you have incredible knowledge is something that you hold back, you don't express it. Now, when people know something, they can't wait to just show you what they know. But he held that back, he didn't want to be known for his poetry. And honestly, and just to show how it's looked down upon to be someone who just recites poetry, and that's all as opposed to so I don't want people to misunderstand that maybe someone is an inspiring poet right now in the audience. We're not saying that this was an atmosphere of just Elon, Elon Elon. And so they naturally look down at some other things. You know, if you look at how they used

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to regard backgammon and chess back then and it is today now if you like Mashallah educated smart guy who played chess back then needs to look down at it a different environment, you know,

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so, he tells him that do not recite this man advises him says, Do not recite from this because it decreases your mood. It decreases your chivalry, your manliness decreases when you're a person who does that. And not Mashallah any young man dancing and

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just reciting respectable poetry decreases your manliness. Now, this guy's twirling and gyrating cattle.

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yeah, so he memorized the poetry of who they are, and other tribes as well. And this helps him a lot later on in his career, because the essence of it is understanding the language and having a strong base in the language.

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Just to show you what a big deal he was done in the logo, one of the when you look at the names of famous famous scholars of language, Arabic language, you have to hear the name of smile, for example. Yeah, some of you probably heard that name. You have to know that name and ID These are some of the top heavy hitters in Lua and a summary. He's a big deal in the language and in the field of linguistics, Arabic language, and he was a student of Imam Shafi. He says, I studied with him the very complex books of Jay Haley, Arabic poetry, jelly poetry, which what made it so difficult it had these words that were not in use anymore words again, and it's not like you can just google the

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word, but I'm sure he knew the meanings of all these words, their origins, their roots. And so this great scholar of language actually studied with the mama Shafi

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that had language with him.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:12

Yeah, so and he used to They say he used to use the poetry of Jay Hillier to explain that the Quran and tafsir

00:33:14 --> 00:33:18

How do you use a poem from Jay Hillier before Islam to explain the Quran?

00:33:19 --> 00:33:56

And you always find that Yeah, you always find the font like if you look at you know, photocopy or any of the two syllables, you find lots of poetry in it, okay, this Quran or poetry book? No, the scholars say that the Quran Allah will reveal the Quran in a language that already existed. Yeah. And he, Allah did not in, sent down the Quran in a new language. And then anyone who wants to study that book had to study that new language, the Quran was sent down in a language that already existed. So no doubt Allah subhanaw taala will use the words according to how they're being used already in the language makes sense. And if I told you a story with a man got on the bus, the word

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bus exists already in this language, and it has a specific meaning. So how do you think I meant the word bus?

00:34:04 --> 00:34:41

Elephant, he wrote the elephant now you can't change the language. So you know, the bus is the one where the wheels go round and round that one. So okay, so I have to use the word as based on how it's been used by people. So that's why in the two seater books, you'll always find books and lines of jelly poetry. So what the officer is trying to do is trying to tell you that even before the Quran, this is how this word was used. This is what the word meant. And therefore, Allah subhanaw taala must have meant in the same way. All right, so he's too so that's why he would utilize all this data he portrayed memorize in the conceit of the corrupted, tell you what, what this word

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00:34:44 --> 00:34:56

One of the, also one of the scholars of lava lamp language, Arabic language is very famous. And Jehovah has a famous book known as a bandwidth tambien

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he says, No Go to

00:35:00 --> 00:35:19

Feels good to be out in Nevada. This is a word that to refer to like the Masters right? just looked at the books of all these masters in language for them our son, leaf and I've not seen a book composed better men better than

00:35:20 --> 00:35:39

absent and even mean a poly be better than the book of a poly B, who is a poly v Emma Shafi. Why did they call him a poly B? Because he goes back to Metallica. So poly v from the poly sometimes used to refer to him like that before it became like this famous own as a chef and like in our times.

00:35:42 --> 00:36:20

He says analizzato young don't do any, it's as if his tongue is young domani when you when you have beads of pearls, and you string them, put them together, it's as if one his tongue is just like a needle. And it's stringing pearls together. Something very descriptive. And now of course, we animate from the Mater Zeeland had some issues with his appeal, but he was still nonetheless one of the top in the language. And he's saying I've never seen any book in language better than or any writings in language better than that of a Shafi.

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00:36:25 --> 00:36:54

a man by the name of Abdul Malik, urbanization, and I know these people even though they may they're not as popular but they're like big scholars in their own right back then especially. He says I stayed with him I lived with him for a long time for my 72 men who men who caught it I've never ever heard him make a grammatical mistake ever. Not once and I lived with him a long time. Not once Do I hear a grammatical mistake? Not once does he misspeak when our Kelly method via minha

00:36:55 --> 00:37:16

nor a word where there was a better one you know what I'm saying? like someone's giving a lecture and they're looking for a word and then they use a word and you're like, there's a better word and it just comes to you quickly like he should have used this word should not once in my time living with him Did he ever use a word that was not the perfect word? There was a better one not once that I feel oh he should have said this word instead.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:24

What are we describing here? Someone who speaks in this way has command of the language in such a way you know any

00:37:25 --> 00:37:40

had a lot of English professors and I've never like been blown away by one of them and and how they speak and just you know just whatever it is a guy who speaks actually English is dead anyways now right? And look at how people speak now Mashallah teachers, even grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes and

00:37:41 --> 00:37:42

nobody cares anymore.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:49

internet and social media have made it worse even though nobody spells nobody cares. Hmm.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:06

These machines that spell for you, and spoken language. So many companies found these common mistakes by people of academia or in the in the news, people always making these very common mistakes and some of them are very simple mistakes. Anyways.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:12

Yeah, he's okay.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:16

Also another one, one of the linguists of

00:38:17 --> 00:38:28

Basra, one of the masters of language and bustle. His name is Abdullah boss. He says, This man is Schaeffer, he has been a sharp and nuts one of the best in poetry

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and of the most knowledgeable of people in the Quran. And then he says kalama, who took up his language, you can use as evidence and you understand. So when he speaks, I can take his sentences or the way he spoke as an evidence like I don't have to cite the grammatical explanation. I just say that chef and he said it this way. That's evidence. See how powerful that is? Okay. We should move away from language everyone looks bored with language. Now,

00:39:02 --> 00:39:03

where are we here?

00:39:06 --> 00:39:09

This is even a sham was

00:39:10 --> 00:39:53

the the sera Ganesha signature sham. This is when mhfa was in Egypt in a sham goes to him. And he says he basically wants to challenge him in his knowledge of lineage. So they start going at it. Can you imagine two people in his shop Come on the CETA writer so you know, he knows history and lineage, right? So let's let's go out. This is his field now. So let's see, can Imam Shafi go toe to toe with him? And they start going at it with the unsub. Like, you know, they'll just pick a person and they can just go climbing up the ladder, his lineage mentioning the way he is from the branches and does that. So they came to a draw, basically, they came to a draw. So Mr. Schaeffer, I told him,

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

the anchor and sub region, he says, forget about the lineage of men and he he says,

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Her letter Habana when

00:40:04 --> 00:40:10

he says it clearly, I know and you know it. Yeah. And we're both equal when it comes to the lineage of men. He says,

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let's move on to the lineage of women.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:55

How common Do you think this knowledge would be now? And it's someone breaking it down historically with this woman and her tribe and her that, he said, let's move on to the lineage of women. And what do you think happened at this point? In Asia? That's his specialty historian and, and this man. Yeah, that's not really the only thing he does. He does a lot of things. But the the narrative says all the next in the in the audience or the next were raised, what does that mean? So like, everybody's sat up, and everyone's listening like this. So next, we're stretched out like this. Because what happened people were impressed. So now our great historian, genre is quiet. And mmm

00:40:55 --> 00:41:10

Chevy is going at it mystic the lineage of women. So you know, Abraham Maslow said, This happened in a sham says, Marvin on to an aloha as the virgin halaqaat.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:18

He says, I never thought that a large budget created anyone like him.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:23

I never thought like create somebody like this. That's how he that's how much he was taken.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:37

And we're gonna need just a few more things about logo, we'll just have to stop because really, really, there is a whole lot and a lot of testimonials from major scholars in language at the time, and how they still regard him as Shafi.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

And they say a chef, a Indiana

00:41:43 --> 00:41:51

filorga he is a he's a proof and an argument in law, just how he says it. Now what his argument is, he's the argument you know.

00:41:53 --> 00:42:15

And and then he's This is one of the linguists, he said that if he wrote the books that he offered, in the same level of language that he uses to speak to us, nobody would understand his books, he can use terms words, you're not gonna find anywhere words that he picked up from people speaking the language, you're not going to find in a in a lexicon, and nobody would understand what he's saying in these books.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:29

But he actually put an effort to make his books understandable. And he didn't try to make it fancy on purpose. You know, some people purposely try to use big words long English words, elephant hippopotamus, just trying to sound fancy.

00:42:31 --> 00:42:37

But he's went through effort to simplify the language in his books, otherwise people wouldn't understand it.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:42

And people would come to his gathering some of them just to listen to, to his language.

00:42:43 --> 00:43:17

In my humble, humble Rahim, Allah he is, he has a testimonial for Mr. Michel ferry. He says he is failure souf in fear Bhatia failure. So if back then didn't mean philosopher as we mean it today. It means someone who is a complete master in something so humble, says Mr. Chef is a complete master in four things in law in language, and I call it Creed's knowing leaders, you know, are quiet and tafsir. And he's a complete master in all these four.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:21


00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

Yeah. Okay. So

00:43:27 --> 00:43:34

yeah, some of the some other experts in the language that they have never met. One of them said, I have never met anyone who's

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whose books whose speech was more detailed than their books. You know what that means? And in most cases, most people I've met, their books were more detailed than their speech. I mean, you look at some authors. And when they write in their book, what do they do? They they study carefully, they, they cite it, they put dates they put this hadith was from this, that's in their book. But then when they talk, they don't have all that information still in their head. Yeah, they they can't tell you all the little fine details and all the, you know, their, their spoken lecture will not be as dense and as detailed as the book around understand what I'm saying. Yeah, because you research the book,

00:44:14 --> 00:44:32

you put footnotes and you put dense information in the book, but when you speak, you don't speak like a book. He says I've never met anyone except that his books are more detailed than his speech. Except for a Shafi. The only person I've ever met his speech is more detailed than what's in his book.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:35

Unbelievable anyways.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:55

Yeah, so so when he stood he came to study with him and medics will move away from language a little bit when he came to study with Imam Malik, and even my liquid through the paper and they're all sitting quietly so he said, I stepped forward and I said, a stock Allah, may Allah rectify your conditions in the Rajan, Paul lhaviyani

00:44:56 --> 00:45:00

Macaulay biani. I'm a man from from I've been

00:45:00 --> 00:45:46

polyps ancestry. And he talks him his situation of his knowledge of poetry tells him his memorization of the Quran. I memorize your own book just has to be a plus, right? By the way, I memorize your whole book cover to cover. And as he's speaking this young man, Imam, Imam Malik sees his knowledge. He sees how eloquent he is. And the way he speaks just rich language. So he tells him What's your name? He said Mohammed. He so it tells him Yeah, Mohammed gives him advice now, tequila, be mindful of Allah. Which tenemos El Mariachi and stay away from the mouse from the from the sins. For in who say akula Shatner, someone like you is going to have some weight from his ferocity mmm

00:45:46 --> 00:45:59

Rahim Allah, he could tell that this young man is gonna grow up to become something special. So he tells him right now it tequila and stay away from since someone like you, you're going to have a place in society. You're going to you're going to become something big.

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00:46:04 --> 00:46:07

Yeah, it's a cool look at Shabnam in Minnesota.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:39

Next day, the mom says, I came early. And I start reading and the mmm actually Imam Malik told him to come tomorrow and bring someone to read. So what they would do in these gatherings, they would have someone and this person reads well, and he doesn't make mistakes as he's reading. Maybe some of you listen to lectures now where someone reads from a book and the shuttle explains that guy who's reading a lot of times will make mistakes, and the chef will correct him. So he said, bring someone to read for you. So he'll read then we'll stop and we'll explain. So the moms or I can read for the mom comes.

00:46:40 --> 00:47:21

Next day comes and he starts to read, but the way he reads, not a mistake, and just his language is incredible and crisp and clear. That to the point where Mr. Malik now is, is taken and it just enjoying the reading. So I'm a chef right now, he has haber, he's like, you know, he's like, kinda like, Hey, boys, like when you are at all of someone, and you're almost also like a little scared. You don't fool around in front of them. So he's had a lot of hate in front of his teacher of his and it's just one on one. And I'm reading and I'm reading, and I think maybe the Imam is a little tired. So then I asked him, honey, should we stop? And then he told me Ephrata did young man increase, he

00:47:21 --> 00:47:37

was enjoying it. So he says, so we finished the book in a very short period of time, because we were reading so much. We finished them the book in just a few days. Fei Fei, Minh add just a few days. And he stayed with the amount as we said, until he died.

00:47:42 --> 00:48:05

Yeah, okay. There's some things that happened to me. But anyways, the mom used to travel a lot. So he would stay in Yemen for a while he moved to Egypt, he used to travel seeking knowledge. And when he would go to a place in the beginning, of course, nobody knows him. But they would naturally discover him. And that's like one of the best lessons. I think I've forgotten to make the numbering system of the five lessons, but let's keep going.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:10

So he would go to a city one time we went,

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well, there were a number of things. One time he was going to Egypt, and on the way he was robbed, they robbed him, of everything ended, he took all his money, food, riding animals, and the clothes, all his clothes. And they just gave him this old old raggedy torn up to put on I still had decency, then I gotta leave him with nothing. And they just gave him that. So now he walks all the way into Egypt. So when he walks in, he doesn't does he look like a scholar? It looks like a bigger guy. First thing, he goes to the machine, press some rocket, and he sits and then he begins to recite poetry. And of course, that's a full lecture just on his own composed poetry besides what he

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memorized, so and he starts to be recite poetry talking about how that if I'm wearing a garment now that if they sold it, it would not even make a small fraction of a Durham silver denim would, is more worth worth a lot more than this, not even a fraction of it. But in it is a person worth a fraction of him is worth many, many not arrogant, but as far as knowledge and so on. And he's saying but then look at the the it's almost as if he's consoling himself with these words, and also explaining to himself the What's the situation? But he says something really beautiful and descriptive, he said, but the sword is not judged by its protective sheath. Make sense? The sheet is

00:49:36 --> 00:49:59

that cover for the sword? And you never judge a sword by the sheet. And you don't see it covered. These are martial law very sharp, so you don't know what it's like underneath. So he's saying, I'm wearing this, but you don't know. And people are walking by him. So okay. Just I don't want anyone to think he's arrogant. Someone who is recognized and known as a scholar to wish to gather around him. Now he got robbed and entered this

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New City looking like a beggar so nobody's gathering around him. So he's saying they don't know because of the garment. But the sword isn't judged by its protective sheet. judged by what's on inside. Yeah. Anyway, how long have you been gone?

00:50:15 --> 00:50:17

We're almost done anyways. Let's finish.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21

Yeah, so

00:50:22 --> 00:50:35

yeah, Mr. Mohammed Mohammed used to say Cana Shafi can shims for dunya a chef, I was like the sun for the world. He's talking about his place in knowledge. And he's to say,

00:50:37 --> 00:50:56

and he said, I never knew these levels of Hadith natural Hadith middlemen, so jealous to Shafi until I met the Shafi. So even even the humble benefited from him Shafi him I'm sure fury was was 4k and we'll get to that in a second.

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00:51:00 --> 00:51:23

So in the morning, they will pray fudger and then until the sun rises, he's with in the with the Quran, explain a Quran to see then after that the people of Quran leave and people of Hadith Come and sit with him. And he teaches with them until then, they leave and then the people have discussions, they could come and discuss issues and argue and go back and forth. And then around the time.

00:51:24 --> 00:51:39

They the money, they leave and another group comes and this continues until midday from virgin until midday. And it's like different specialties coming and he's the he's the teacher the whole time. And that's the thing is like you find a lot of times

00:51:40 --> 00:52:20

a person will have one or two of the specialties and someone is not a forte what is the muhaddith do. He is involved with authenticating the change of narrations authenticating every narrator. And he can tell you this is authentic. This Hadith is weak. But he can't really give you rulings from the Hadith. It's not his business. He just had this fork. He doesn't really care about any how it came to be. If it's authentic, he can tell you the rulings and the benefit. One of the best stories to explain the difference between the two. Doing atomic theory, a woman comes to the masjid and she sees a bunch of guys sitting in a circle. And they all have beards. She doesn't know the difference

00:52:20 --> 00:52:42

of Hadith. And she goes and ask them a basic question about menses. So, you can imagine from her vantage point, she's just seeing all these shoe turbans, big beards and it looked like they know some stuff. She asked him a basic question about menses. None of them could answer the whole circle. None of Luca danza these are guys in the masjid the whole time, but they're more.

00:52:43 --> 00:53:18

They're involved with authenticity of the reports and narrations they don't deal with. What's the ruling out of this narration? So they couldn't answer. So then they saw Mohammed Idris Rahim, Allah Masha into the masjid they all told us that man. So she went, so she went to him now or he came, and she asked him the same question. And he quickly gave her the answer. He said, Yes, it's permissible, because of the Hadith when the Prophet Selim said to Ayesha, this, this, this and that, the minute he said that, although had been jumped up, and they said, yes, yes, yes. And this narration is narrated by so and so from so and so from so on. So they knew the narration, but didn't know what to

00:53:18 --> 00:53:29

make of it from rulings. And he knew because he's a family. So she actually no, just a lady. She just looked at them. And she said, this one is better than all of you put together as she walked.

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00:53:36 --> 00:54:12

Okay, I think it's getting a bit long. Let me just pick pick some specific things here. There's some things that are interesting that his voice and his recitation of the Quran was very beautiful. Whenever he recited in solo, he just recited the Quran, people start to gather and just look at how the world was back then someone who has Quran and people want to hear it and they would gather, and then the people will start to cry, and then they will start to cry until the voice gets very loud. And that's how much money taqwa they will cry loud. And then when you would hear the voices are loud, he would stop. he would he would like people to ball, you know, be crying loud like that.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:19

The scholars when he was in Mecca, and he was a young man, the scholars used to say lemna reflow sadirah.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:34

Not Kabira. We don't know. They didn't say we don't know the major sin he committed. This is we're not aware of any minor sin he committed. No doubt he committed some you understand, but they didn't know it. We didn't even see him commit a minor sin ever before.

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00:54:39 --> 00:54:45

but I'm going to skip some stories here. This was one of the great scholars back then his name was Abu Thor.

00:54:46 --> 00:55:00

Thor studied with Mohammed Al Hassan al shibani. Mohammed NASA Shivani was basically the student of remember what hanifa even though for just two years, but he was of the two who basically built

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And found the method of the Hanafi madhhab. Mohammed Hassan is shaped by and abou use of very popular longtime student of honorable hanifa. So, this man, Abu Saud, a great scholar of his time, he studied with Mohammed bin Hassan shibani, the student of Mr. Abu hanifa, and he was unhappy. When he met him a missionary. He switched his fifth and became a chef way back then it wasn't really labeled like that, but he switches and became a chef. So then this man who thought he was asked who is more knowledgeable? Imam Shafi or Mohammed Hasina Shivani, who have the two who built the method.

00:55:39 --> 00:56:21

And abou Thor says, Mr. Misha fairy is more knowledgeable, then then Mohammed has an A shibani and Abu Yusuf will be hanifa were hammered. Who's Hamad the number one teacher of among Boniva, Wei Brahim, a prime minister he also from the higher up there will come up one of the great scholars that very famous scholars now what we're saying in the scholars acknowledge that he could have been exaggerating you understand any he could have been exaggerating. But it's still a strong testimonial from someone who knows both facts but he's so impressed by this man or hematoma.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:25

I think I just want to tell him my favorite

00:56:27 --> 00:57:05

just my favorite story and then I'll tell you two fun two three funny stories and then we end one of my favorite stories. This is the great scholar is have a bin raha we all know this name. Yes, very popular scholar who always here in the books today. In the lectures we hear his haka below a very famous scholar. He says we were with soufiane Ignalina. And this. This story also shows you how quick how early on Imam Ahmed discovered the mammoth chef before he became popular, he says is happening. We are aware this famous scholar he says we were with Sophia and again, no joke, heavy hitter scholar.

00:57:06 --> 00:57:46

And then Ahmed Mohammed came to me, and he said get up. And I will show you a young man the likes of which Your eyes have never seen. You have never seen anyone like him. He says so I went up with him. So now he leaves the gathering of soufiane Ignalina, who is telling them a hadith have been Shahab Missouri. I mean, Mr. Missouri, so we're talking about a chain a short chain that can emit an incredible chain of an incredible scholar, he's narrating from Missouri. So if you can get up from a gathering of someone who's narrating from Missouri, if I'm going to skip this gathering, I better skip it for a gathering of someone equal to azuri not equal to this guy speaking. So if you have no

00:57:46 --> 00:58:21

idea Raina equal to the one he's narrating from makes sense. So remember him, it doesn't get up I'll show you the young man, the likes of which no eyes have ever seen anyone like him. And we went to near the well of Zamzam. And we saw a young man sitting, he was wearing white clothing. He was a little tan, and he was handsome. And some other there's a similar narration but it's a completely different day but to describe him has a lot of hair had a lot of hair because Bedouins it didn't really like go to the barbershop much so you don't have a lot of hair, but it's under his turban. And his turban would be like a rope because he lived with the bedrooms. So it's a rope. And you've

00:58:21 --> 00:58:46

seen some pictures of you know, we've seen pictures of Afghans today, they just have a rope basically a rough rope, that's their turban. So that's how we looked at dress rough. And that other nation describes him wearing dyed clothing, the veterans wish to dye their clothing so the word colourful clothing and it doesn't get as dirty. So he says, I saw this young man wearing white clothing had a tan he was handsome. And then he introduced me to him.

00:58:47 --> 00:59:29

He says for the macaroni basically we like I almost like gauged his knowledge as normal issues. And he asked me about issues. He says Then and Now who speaking is hochedlinger away. And he the famous, the famous scholar, he says so then suddenly knowledge exploded. These are the words he used, he says when fungerar Minh who ailment so knowledge exploded out of this young man, to the point that I couldn't keep up with it. Who speaking, I couldn't keep up with it. So then as I turned him, he's still not acknowledging that this young guy is that incredible guy towards Mr. Mohammed. Why is this incredible young guy you told us we were gonna go through.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:59

Here he is this guy right here. So he tells him you got us. You made us get up from a gathering where he is saying hi, Devin azuri narrated by azuri. So at least take me to someone to the level of azuri so we can show them towards him. benefit from this man because my eyes have never ever seen anyone like him. And then the narration continues where his sokoban debates if I'm a chef

01:00:00 --> 01:00:38

And, again, you know who this man is? Is Huckleberry Ramallah? He's, he's not a joke. He's a heavy hitting scholar. So he starts to ask him about fine points of physics. And it gives him an answer, and that guy doesn't get it for him holla the great scholar doesn't get it. And he says something in his language from corizon to the folks around him like this. Something not derogatory, but he makes fun of me on my show, like this guy was always talking about chef, I figured it out. She says, honey, I'll explain to you what I said. He gives him an evidence. This other great scholar doesn't even realize how this narration is an evidence to what I asked you about didn't even see it. You

01:00:38 --> 01:00:43

know, if I explained to him, then he sold this guy. This man is no joke.

01:00:46 --> 01:01:06

Okay, so Mr. Mohammed recognize that early on, and he used to benefit from him, even though he was stronger than him as a muhaddith. But he used to learn from the facts. And that's how I became a fucky. Because Initially, it was only concerned with Heidi has much more so. But when he met him, I'm a chef. He got all the gems, and he learned.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:21

I'm just going to close with two things. One of them a funny story, the short one, just talking about the fears of the Imam, the fear, rasa. And the problem said the believer sees with this fear also, the movement sees with ferocity. rasa is

01:01:22 --> 01:01:35

I mean, I don't know. It's basically what there's no word for it. But there is a knowledge of philosophy. The Westerners have it any animal philosophy. In the old days, you would study it how to read people. And it's not but in the Western world, it's called

01:01:37 --> 01:01:45

physiognomy, if you look up physiognomy. It's basically trying to read character based on people's physical appearance, right? In my opinion.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:13

It's a little bit too technical in western terms, any they told you, if the nose looks like this, he's this kind of person. If the ears are that big, this guy is greedy, if it's just a bit too technical, but in the Muslim way, it's a combination of things. And so sometimes, we will meet people with philosophy, there was a guy there was a chef in Virginia, wish to call him Abu ferocity. His process was unbelievable. And he would see a brother and he'd be like, that brother is a spy.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:19

You go talk to that brother, push him, push him push him. He admits, yeah, they told me to ask these questions.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:37

He just saw him like that. It just saw him. And he can't explain to you can't tell you Oh, because of this issue or that issue, but it just has that philosophy. His philosophy was so strong. I knew this guy. Personally, I actually worked with him. His philosophy was so strong, that we'll learn I'm telling you, he would know when a road is blocked.

01:02:38 --> 01:03:09

I'm telling you like that. Yeah. And he would just be going down. 45. Okay, so it takes an exit off. 40 we're lucky. Okay. We're supposed to continue on 45 for half an hour or two hours. This is Houston. Right? He's like, I got a bad feeling about it. He just takes the side road. Sure enough, you look over complete dead stop, complete any accidents. You cannot move. So how did you know? I just I don't know. He can't even explain it to you. Right. Anyways, him. I'm a chef. He studied philosophy when he was in it in Yemen for five years. He studied philosophy

01:03:10 --> 01:03:29

on and one of his friends one time tested him. So just for fun. One of the and the scholar with him, tells them look at that man over there. What do you think his job is what he does for a living, just basically testing his philosophy. If I looked at this man, he says he is probably he's either a carpenter or a tailor.

01:03:30 --> 01:03:43

And is there anything when a guy walking down the street, you can tell? I mean, unless he has a soul. Can you tell he's a carpenter or a tailor? You can't. He says probably a carpenter or tailor. He says that the Scala got down in rent him said, Listen then. So now,

01:03:44 --> 01:03:55

I just want to ask you a question. What do you do for a living? The guy says exactly what he says. He says, I for the longest time, I was a carpenter. I just switched and I became a tailor.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:32

Don't ask me how that's that's fair rasa. Right? So when he studied for us for five years, they came back from me, he started in the lemon, and he came back, traveling with a group of scholars. They stopped at this village. They don't know anyone in that village. And this man came up to welcome them. Hey, you guys are travelers. You know, I'll take you in for the night. I'm just a generous guy. I'm sure if I looked at this guy. He tells everyone with him. This guy we shouldn't. He's not a generous guy. He's a stingy person. We shouldn't stay with him. The guy comes you guys we're gonna stay in my house. I insist. And he puts up tents for them. And he slaughters you know, go for them

01:04:32 --> 01:04:59

and it gives them food and brings them milk and dates and gives them cushions and things to sleep upon. So they tell the Imam he's a stingy guy. He's a very generous guy. So the man became sad, said I studied this for five years. I'm that bad at it. So it says I was depressed all night. In the morning, the guy makes us breakfast and you know honors us and everything and then he helps us put our stuff back on our riding animals.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:25

We all mounted our animals is bidding us for well and then he says so just before you guys leave where you guys from? And you know mama chef tells him where he's from next guy says where he's from from so and so from this tribe from that area from this land. He says, So, do you guys know my father or something like that? They're like, No, we don't know your father. Do you know my grandfather or something? No. Do you know me? I've never met before there's no.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:44

So you just like stay in my house and you eat the gold and everything just like that. And you don't even know me? Pay me for everything I did for you last night. And he forced him to pay him. And the man was happy that hamdulillah I still got I did learn the philosophy properly. The funny story and we'll end with this locker locker for your patience.

01:05:45 --> 01:06:27

Mmm narrated himself. Mr. laces, I'm coming. We're coming back. Five scholars for grown men coming back from travels. And long journey and we're tired and we're hungry. And we only have two chickens with us. What does that mean to chickens? back then? chickens didn't look like like dogs like this big like they are today. Chickens like this. Its legs are like muscular when they look like that. How big was the chicken back then? There's a tiny little hand like this. Imagine to these little things. And five grown men who've been traveling for a long time and they're hungry, said we stopped. very hungry and tired. We slaughtered these chickens, pluck them, clean them all up, cook

01:06:27 --> 01:06:33

them and they're ready to eat now they said Should we eat or should we pray? One of them said Let's pray. First. They got up they prayed.

01:06:35 --> 01:07:16

He said while we were praying, a fox came and took one of the chickens and run away with it. He said we finished the Salah. And we were so depressed, like the two chickens were barely enough for us. And now five of us and we're hungry and traveling. I have to share this one little thing is that we just sat there staring at the chicken on Saturday. What are we gonna do? While we're sitting there all sad. We see out from the darkness the fox comes out with the chicken in his mouth. And he puts it down and it slips away into the darkness. Like he felt bad for them. They just brought the chicken but he said we were so thrilled all five of us started sprinting, running at the chicken. We

01:07:16 --> 01:07:23

got there when we looked at it. It wasn't a chicken. It was a loofa shaped like the chicken. We turned around and the Fox was taking the section.

01:07:27 --> 01:07:37

You guys welcome the mom dad. 204 sorry, he was born 150 right. And he's died 200 for up to the age of four coming in for staying so long buckle Hamada Salaam Arigato overcut

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