Kamal El-Mekki – Hold On To the Rope Of Allah

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of fear and unity in Islam is discussed, including the need to address one's own mistakes and complain about them. They also emphasize the importance of fixing one's attitude towards others, bringing others to the group, and notifying others about their actions. The speakers stress the importance of smile, eye contact, and avoiding mistakes in businesses and personal growth. They also emphasize the need for people to practice smile and avoid mistakes, and stress the importance of notifying others about their actions and helping them.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the hamdulillah namaha wanna stay you know who wanna stop hero when we let him asurion fusina Omen sejati Medina manga de la hufa la moving De La MaMa Yulin fella ha de la y shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger yeah you hola Dina Armando Taka la Hakata de watamu tuna 11 to Muslim moon. Oh you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam. You hola Dena Amira, Taka la havapoo Colin de de de la cama cama de novo, la hora Sula, hufa cada faza fosun alima are you who believe fear Allah and speak the truth, he will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive your sins, and

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whomsoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great achievement about finance takasaki tabula rasa Alhaji * Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mashallah Morimoto Sato Hakuna Matata timbira wakulla beratan Bala Waka wakulla attend for now.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam today we're speaking about brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam. And we'll begin with the verse in Surah Al Emraan Allah subhanaw taala says well tasi mu b habla he Jamia wala tarraco roku with Kuru net amatola here is going to

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be napoo become for us bottom binetti in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says wow tasi movie habla Jamia So, so hold on to the rope of Allah. So what does it mean? hubballi law what is the role of a law, so, if not, the law and he says it means the religion of Allah. So the verse is saying so hold fast to the religion of Allah, another Companion of the muzzleloader the law. He says it means the Jamaat the congregation, the group, the community, hold faster being part of that group, part of that community. Other mufa sitting even said it refers to the Quran the rope would be the Quran.

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Either way, we see that it is something that if you hold on to it is something that is very unifying. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, what are the pharaoh who do not become separated with Kuru? Mata La, la come and then mentioned, the favor the blessing of Allah upon you when you were enemies, so who united your hearts so Allah subhanaw taala mentions that uniting the heart is a favor of blessing from Allah as the origin then for us, to be mighty, he is Juana and then as a result of his blessings, or his graces, you became brothers, twice, Allah subhanaw taala in this verse calls it a blessing to have the hearts united to have brotherhood and people together.

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we have also a hadith that showed us the greatness of unity the greatness of brotherhood specifically or sisterhood for the sisters. Remember torani Narita Hadith where the Nabi sallallahu Sallam said, in Manila heavy burden, you go home Yeoman Tamati Allah manabi Rahman know that Indeed Allah subhanaw taala has certain servants, that he will have them sit on pulpits of light on the Day of Judgment Yasha would you know and then their faces emitting an envelop with light.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, you will never saw Selim says well, you will, on whom say to see atom Annie See you at that their bad deeds will be thrown away. So they're sitting on both bits of light their faces emitting with light and their deeds will be thrown away their bad deeds will be thrown away until Hatter, yes, Allahu Allahu sabi and a bad until Allah is done dealing and and judging or holding the people to account. Yeah, I mean, while billions of people are being held accountable, they're sitting, waiting on these puppets of light with their faces emitting light and knowing that their deeds have been thrown away their bad deeds have been thrown away. The lemon home

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so then the companions asked Who are these people then? And then a piece of Selim said and Maha buena Villa has aged, those who love each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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in another narration, and maybe Salaam Salaam also in a torani mentioned that they will be sitting on chairs around of light near the throne of Allah subhanaw taala. In another narration, there'll be sitting in such a position that the prophets and martyrs would be envious of their position. And what did they do, they just love

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each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. I live in a beautiful villa. And he used to say, keep your brothers close, for they are your support in this world and in the next keep your brothers close. They're your support in this world and in the next and then he says, haven't you heard the statement of the people of the Hellfire so he quotes from sorta Shara in the Quran, the people of the Hellfire they complain from Allah Misha serene world, so they are in harmony. So we have no intercessors nor do we have any close friends. Not only that, but in sort of, sort of you see that the only friendship that endures in the next life is that of righteous people, only righteous

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friends in this world, their friendship continues into the next life, all other types of friendship, either it disappears, or they become actual enemies in the next life, a larger distance of sorts. And

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even better Bow Bow home labor, I do. So the akhila those who used to be love one another and be very close to each other. They'll be enemies to each other on that day, inland multiple except for the righteous. So if someone doesn't have righteous friends, high probability, they will not be their friends on the Day of Judgment, or they will be their enemy on the Day of Judgment.

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And this is a topic brotherhood or sisterhood linked to the strength of the oma because the strength of the oma is built on the strength of individual nations, which is built on the strength of communities, which is primarily built on the Brotherhood and the individual relationships in that community. But rather than sisters, this hotbar is not about the amazing concepts of brotherhood, about sacrifices or ethos and preferring others above yourself. This whole book is about the simple things, the simple things that we even fail to do, being friendly, greeting each other properly smiling at each other's faces. These are the simple things. So let's start with the right attitude,

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the right attitude. Sometimes we approach each other in the community with the wrong attitude with an unfriendly disposition, or just looking for flaws. And this is very common in our community, Yanni. I don't mean here, I mean, generally in Muslim communities, where even the Juma hotbar, someone will be sitting, not looking to benefit, not looking to hear something that will benefit them, just listening for grammatical mistakes in English or in Arabic, or just listening for weak Ahadi, or just wanting to see if something is factually wrong. And then they will go up to the team. These are not personal experiences, but they'll go to the team. And they will critique this issue

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and complain about that issue and argue about that issue, or attend the lecture and come to the lecture at the end. I didn't agree with this point. And it didn't like that story. And I didn't like this joke, as if it's important to tell everybody everything you feel and every opinion that you have, even in soda, they're praying behind the Imam, they're not listening for the Quran, they're just praying behind the Imam trying to see is he going to make the juried mistakes or not is going to make a mistake in the recitation or not even in solid the cap benefit, because they come with the wrong attitude to begin with. So first thing we need to do is to fix our attitude towards one

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leadership or non leadership fixing our attitude towards each other, coming with a friendly disposition with a pardoning and a good hearted disposition. A man accompanied Ibrahim, one of the righteous men from the past, from the early generations of him Allah His name was Abraham. And when they were going to part ways, so they were together for this journey or for part of a date, but when they were going to part ways, the man says lona Bethany and Mr. Femina lie, he tells him basically, let me know whatever faults I have, and he gives me advice you we were together for this journey. You saw whatever mistakes I have, so let me know what my faults are. So Ebrahim number one, Allah

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tells him he tells me he Lem Allah, Lucky Ivan, he says when my brother I have not seen any faults in you, the Aeneid have to be I need Allah because I was looking at you through an eye of loyalty. First to Minka Mara eight, so everything I saw from you was good. First elevator and a big so ask someone besides me about your flaws. I was looking at you with an eye of loyalty. I didn't see any flaws, and then he recites lines of poetry. We're in Aruba and couldn't be I even kalila tune when i can i in a suit to deal Masaya he says, A favoring eye to any defect is blind, whereas an angry eye deficiency will find you any when you look at someone with a favoring eye, you don't look at their

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flaws, and you you might overlook them. But an angry eye the one that comes with a wrong attitude the wrong disposition will only find deficiencies and flaws.

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Simple things brothers and sisters smiling. Most people don't smile

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Most people don't even pay attention to the fact and they're not aware that most people don't smile.

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After this, when you're putting on your shoes and meeting other people notice how many people were smiling, even though we mentioned smiling and notice how many people will smile after this photo. If you're aware of this, you will notice that very few people smile when they give you greetings. And they will say kind things to you and kind words to you, but they won't smile.

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But what is the sad is that when someone is completely unaware of how they come off to other people, yeah, I don't see I don't even realize that I'm not smiling. Although I don't even realize that I'm frowning at your face, I have to be aware of how I behave towards people. So most people don't smile, pay attention to that. And they belittle this good deed, where and maybe saw Selim said with a bazooka, he watched a cassava, that you're smiling in the face of your budget is a charity. So if you smile at just 10 people a day, how many is that per year, multiply that by the days of the year, and if you live to 60 or 70 years that piles up, and then you understand why an OB Salallahu alaihe

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salam said, la Tierra del mar officia. Do not belittle any of the good deeds. Smile, smiling, when you smile at your brother or you smile at your sister, it conveys confidence shows that you're a confident person smiling, it shows that you're welcoming the individual, you're telling them you're welcome here because you're smiling, and you're telling them that you're happy to be here. And that I'm happy to see you here.

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And Nabi sallallahu sallam, they describe them working on a hash and bash and latos law aka SEMA. He was always easygoing and gentle. And you only see him smiling. Anytime you look at him. He's smiling. So listen, and this knows a particular message for the young people in the audience. Young people in the audience, purposely don't smile, because this is what they learn is what a man is about, from rappers from action heroes, that the man is hard that he's a thug.

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And so they don't smile. And they think this is the attitude This is the proper way. This is how a man is no, it's not the real man, sort of the law. How do you sell them? That's the real man. And he was always smiling, always friendly.

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It's a shame that we don't even teach our children. When you shake hands with someone smile, look up at them, look them in the eye. They're walking around, frowning at people thinking they're hard and all that. But it's a power law. In the two years I've been in Houston, I've only met two young men who smiled to teenagers and who know how to look you in the eye and just smile and just greet you and make you feel happy that you saw the most teenagers when you greet them. It's like a disaster has happened in your life. Because they can't smile, they can't look you in the eyes. Can't even fake being excited to see you but boredom, boredom.

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simple things brothers and sisters in Islam, simple things, the handshake, and maybe salsa lambay. Describe what either said lemma said lemma be couldn't be yet a new one he gave when he greeted you. He he turned his whole body and his whole attention to you, not just his hand, not just his face, but he turned his whole body and give you full attention. How many times have you given Salaam to someone who just shook your hand like this, like just an insult to you, shaking his hand, never looked in your direction, continued his conversation with the other person. But the problem would give the person full into full attention, maintain eye contact.

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And this is a skill that we need in business in our professional careers. And part of that just it's part of having good people skills. One study showed that doctors who get sued a lot, you would imagine that a doctor who's always getting sued by his patients makes more mistakes than the doctor who doesn't get sued by his patients. But they found out that the doctors who don't get sued, they make the same number of mistakes. So what's the difference? The difference is that they give attention to their patients, and they make them feel important. So when they make a mistake, they're forgiven and they're pardoned. But the other doctor who marginalizes them doesn't give him

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attention. When he makes a mistake, you're angry with them, and you take them to court. No difference in how smart This one is, or how skilled The other one is. It's just their people skills. So from being a doctor to any other profession, even studies with waiters, waiters and waitresses show that when you give more attention to the people you give, you get a higher tip. So what this is, it's a basic norm for human beings that we love, and we love those who give us attention or make us feel important. That's just how it is. That's just the nature of people. So you give someone attention when you greet them, you smile at them, you face them, you get make them feel important,

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and that goes further than anything else and they will never, ever forget that sometimes

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You hear things and they make you jealous. They see in their religion, they believe that they're completely brothers, they believe that they're brothers. So if a safe man traveled from India and lands in London, and he has nobody in London, this is in the old days, he would just go to the to any phone booth booth, pick a phonebook up and find any sick name, and call that person up. Doesn't know him ever. He'll tell them. I'm your brother, so and so I just arrived at the airport, and I need a place to stay. And that person is religiously obligated to pick him up, put him in his home and support him until he is able to stand on his own two feet and get his own place. And they don't

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even have the Quran. They don't have a logical agenda. But something and somewhere someone in their religion said your brothers and they took it seriously and less of how to articles in

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a logical tells us in the Quran. The only true book on Earth, the word truly brothers, and how much do we take that to heart.

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This also happens a lot in the sisters section. Very little sisterhood, true story in a Masjid in California. This woman she took her Shahada. She took a shower that was just the mom and some males. She cannot wait until Friday to come and meet her new sisters in her new religion. And she couldn't wait the whole week. And she put on her best effort that hijab and her best effort had good mother's clothing and came excited to meet her new sisters in the religion the masjid and what did they do? They just looked her up and down with disgust and everybody walked away from her. She cried and walked out and never ever came back to that Masjid again. We don't even know if she's Muslim or not.

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How many times a stranger will walk into a Masjid and nobody will welcome them. No one will ask them. Are you new here? What's your name? Do you need help with anything even if you can't help just ask. And sisters especially pay attention to this, especially pay attention to this. So smiling handshakes greeting people, this is part of how people will see you and evaluate you something known in psychology as the halo effect, the halo effect, it is when one trait of a person is used to make an overall judgment of that person. Yeah, I mean, if someone comes to you, and when you greeted them, they found in your face didn't greet you properly, everything else they do, even if it's nice

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will be interpreted through that first impression, that first lens. And so they conducted many studies like this, where they gave two groups of students a description of the new substitute teacher. So the first word was a negative word. And all the other words were the same. So the other group, they will give them the same words, but the first word was a positive word. And then they had the students at the end of the class evaluate the new instructor. And those who started off even though they all have nine of the same words, the ones that had the negative word first interpreted everything else through the first negative word, the ones that had the positive word, they interpret

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everything through the first word, showing you how people interpret everything, through their first impression through their initial contact. And it's a shame when many people don't even know just the proper way of greeting someone and remembering their name and looking them in the eye and giving them full attention and smiling in their face. Being aware of how you come off to someone else.

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talking to him, the engineer, the new Festo CFO, Mr. Green asked Allah subhanaw taala for his forgiveness, indeed those who asked for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah I mean,

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he was talking

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we all know the famous Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that you may know how to come had you hit Bala he may you have enough see that one of you will never truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. So this is a hadith that we all know and we've known since childhood. But let's put ourselves to the test concerning this Howdy, Yanni. Do we truly love for our brothers what we love for ourselves? And we can test this with some very, very simple things. That when you're trying to find a good parking space, and the person in front of you takes it from you. Are you happy for them? Or is your initial reaction, a little bit of anger, or you're

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peeved? Or you're a little disgusted because someone took the better spot from you? And this is just a simple test when someone takes a good parking space. Are you happy for them or not? Whether it's in the masjid or at the mall, most of the selfishness creeps into our life sometimes without us paying attention to it. Anytime, someone

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Takes a good parking space that you were about to get, always be happy for them, honey, and don't be happy for them. Never be that bitter person who's getting bitter even over a parking space. But many people are like that someone takes a parking space and they just angry because, oh, I should have gotten it. But what is interesting in Japan, where many people are very considerate by culture, in Japan, when people come to work to the company, those who come early, they park far away from the door from the entrance of the building.

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The exact opposite of what we do here in America, when you come early, you're happy that you parked right near the door, and you park the car right in front of the door. But in Japan, when you come early, you park far away from the door. Why? Because the way they think is so considerate. The way they're thinking is, my colleague who's late is more in need of parking near the door than if that's how they think about it. Look at the level of consideration. My coworker who's late is more in need of parking right near the door. And it's very logical, the one who's late, he doesn't need to park at the end of the lot and come running. The one who's early is not in need of parking near the door,

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but look at the level of consideration. So these are just simple tests, simple ways to put ourselves up against this Howdy. Do we love for our brothers the way we love for ourselves? Do we practice good brotherhood sisters? Do you practice good sisterhood with one another? Never say the answer is yes. always aim to improve and become better. Always. The biggest problem was someone sees themselves as a good communicator and they feel they don't need to improve or develop it further. But be conscious of how you smile at people be conscious of how you greet them if you gave them attention or not.

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Last Ramadan, I met this young man, and he was speaking to people and he shook my hand and he came to me and apologized. And he said, I'm sorry when I shook your hand I wasn't looking you in the eye and he shook my hand again. Never happened ever before. Most people don't even care how they come off. Most of you don't even care how they greet you. If they look you in the eye or not most people they care, but they're not even aware of how they come off. So number one step to having good people skills to seeing if you're hurting people's feelings or not the number one thing you need to do is be aware That's all it is. If you heighten your level of awareness of how you're coming off to

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people, that's 50% of the work done, or maybe more just by being aware, as opposed to being oblivious, and to being heedless, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us of those who recognize the truth as clear truth and and help us attain it and to make use of those who recognize falsehood as clear falsehood and help us abstain from it. For lahoma, Chaka Khan was looking at Ba ba ba ba, ba ba,

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ba homina Well, I'm a blogger Elmina

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mercy Allah, Allah Hamas La Habana Nairobi.

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Aluminum. We ask Allah subhanaw taala

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to grant victory to Islam to the Muslims. And we ask Allah soldier to grant freedom to all the Muslims who are being held and dealt with unjustly around the world. And we ask Allah as we get victory and ease for the Muslims all around the world, the Muslims in Philistine and in Syria and in Iraq, and in Afghanistan, and in Kashmir, and Bangladesh, and in Burma, Arab amin and in Yemen and in all parts of the world for lahoma Arab Abdullah Hello Matamoros Didn't you.

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Were you

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were you unhappy?

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Yes, me

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alameen wa sallahu wa sahbihi Jemaine Coco Murat, Mohan Kumar.

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Shadow Allah Illa llama

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