Kamal El-Mekki – Courage

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of physical courage and avoiding fear in Islam. It emphasizes the need for a message to be given to others and a practical plan to avoid overwhelming workers. The importance of physical size and physical ability to live a man's body is also discussed, along with the use of words to control behavior and control behavior. The segment provides a list of lectures and videos on encouraged content for those interested in sharticipa.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sisters in Islam or hookah is about something that is sorely needed in our oma or when our men need it, and our women are in need of it. We needed to raise our children properly. It is needed by our political leaders by our teams and religious leaders, and it is needed to ascend in any situation. Our topic today is a shujaa, which is courage. And it is a topic that is not spoken about much anymore. If you go on YouTube and search shujaa in Arabic, you will get six lectures only on courage. And if you search the opposite, and jubin, which is cowardice, you will get 100 videos on cheese and how to make unprocessed cheese in Japan. But nothing about cowardice.

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And we have chosen this topic, because Muslims are living in a constant state of fear all around the world. Fear of discrimination, fear of the possibility of being attacked, and now the fear of being shot.

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Last weekend, we had our conference here in the masjid, and the babysitter's passed out balloons. And every time a balloon popped, the whole mustard jumped up.

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Whereas By comparison, a friend of mine told me he was in Jerusalem at a cafe, just having coffee, and a loud sound, something that sounded like a gunshot. He said within an instant, every man every woman jumped from their purse and everyone had their gun out instantly. So this is not a pro gun message. But it's just look at the comparison. And what kind of life is this where one would live in constant fear and not even have an immediate threat but of a potential threat. If that coward in New Zealand causes you to live in fear, then he is defeated you and he's defeated the entire oma one coward defeats an entire oma people living in constant fear of what if the house burns down? What if

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my store burns down fear of attackers fear of accidents, fear of something might happen to the children. One of the famous authors who constantly writes about positive thinking His name is Norman Vincent Peale. He met an old man that did something very unique. This man that he met, whenever he worried about something happening in his life, he wrote it down in this notebook. So if he feared his house might burn down, he would write it down. He feared that his car might be stolen, he would write it down in this notebook. And towards the end of his life, he says 92% of the things that I worried about never happened, and never even came close to happening 92% of them, but what a waste

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and what a shame, to live your life constantly a fear afraid of things that could happen. And there is no immediate threat, but just living in a constant state of fear of things that will 92% chances are not even happening.

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It is not from the way of the believers to live in a constant state of fear. And imagine we dedicated all this fear that we've given to random things and just dedicated all of it to Allah subhanaw taala even fear of Allah now speakers don't like to call it fear of Allah they say translate taqwa as being God conscious, but not being fearful of Allah subhanaw taala. So they're challenging the only fear that is beneficial and praiseworthy. Whereas the other fear Allah subhanaw taala does not praise it in Surah Al embrun. Allah says, In Nima De Luca Masha Tano, you have with Alia, this is a this is the shaitaan scaring Alia who his friends or his people, but a lot of

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students his father to half of whom waha funi, do not be afraid of them, but be afraid of me in meaning if you're a true believers, to be constantly afraid of things, or possible events is not one of the signs of the believers. And a larger agenda mentioned this in the Koran. As one of the signs of the hypocrites. One of the descriptions of the hypocrites allows you to have some sort of monopoly on the chapter of the hypocrites. Yes, yeah, savona couldn't have been la him. They think that every cry is against them. Every crime meaning every declaration, every announcement, every message, they think it's about them. The hypocrites are the ones that are in constant fear.

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To be clear, we're not saying that the believer does not experience fear. Because Musa alayhis salam and he is one of the five greatest prophets of Allah, he experienced fear. And you will find that no other prophet had fear described or his fear described as much as Musa alayhis salam in the Quran. And the scholars say

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Because he was sent to the biggest of all tyrants. So Musa alayhis. Salam was constantly in different times and different events afraid. And Allah subhanaw taala would strengthen his heart. We're not talking about fear of an incident or something specific, but someone living in constant fear, afraid of what might potentially happen. And unfortunately, we're in the age of movies on Hollywood. And courage now is just synonymous with aggression, and physical altercations and rude discourse. This is courage. And for young people, they see it for young men for young Muslim men. Courage is Jihad only, as if there's no other form of courage whatsoever. But there's also courage

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of opinion. And speaking the truth, the famous poet and Madonna, he said,

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you published Satoshi Gianni or you publish. Johnny. Here, oh, well done. Well, who am I?

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Who am I hallucinating? He's saying that the courage of opinion comes before the the courage of the brave ones and in the battlefield or physically being courageous, but he says this is first and that is in the second place. So giving value to that. And we see that historically, in the life of Mr. Humble Rahim Allah, his courage was not that of a physical courage physically. He was actually a weak man, Rahim Allah, but his courage was that of sticking to his opinion. And that's why the scholars and historians say there are two incidences through which Allah subhanaw taala saved Islam, because Islam was never under threat of actually changing many times in history, Muslims, their

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lives were under threatened under threat their livelihood.

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But in all these events, Islam would have been unaffected and unchanged. But they said there are two stances where Allah subhanaw taala saved Islam through two men. Allah saved Islam through Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu on the day overridden because if he didn't stand firm on his view, we would have received an Islam today that had nose a cap. And then Allah saved Islam through Ramadan humble, because if he didn't stand firm on his beliefs and his view, we would have received an Islam where the Quran was not the speech of Allah Subhana Allah Tada.

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And so, what then, is the source of our courage? What is the source of the courage of the believer and the courage that opposes natural fear which Allah subhanaw taala instilled and created human beings with a lot of good says in the Quran in sirna. Hola. Hola. Indeed, man is created. They translated as of a hasty temperament. But Hello, Gianni yet za ne. If calamity befalls them, they panic instantly. Or this before calamity, they're stingy. They're fearful. They're extra cautious. And but Mr. moto Pereira him Allah says this verse is not talking about the believer. This verse is talking about non believers. So what makes the believer different? What makes the believers

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different is would be their principles, their values and their beliefs. They're a man in Allah subhanaw taala they're a man in an cudham that everything has been pre written 50,000 years before Allah azza wa jal even created this earth, it was written that a man gives courage, the fact that your agenda, meaning the exact time of your death is written, and that nothing changes that it will not change for one second more or one second less. And being brave does not bring your agenda closer. And cowardice doesn't push it back either.

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being brave and courageous, doesn't mean ignoring all the physical means and preparations that one has to do. And the best example of that is in the hijra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And Nabi sallallahu Sallam wants to go to the house of Abu Bakar and inform him that it's time that tonight we will leave to go to Medina. So he leaves the narration says to go to the house of obaku at the time of the hero, and the time of the hero is this time between her and the officer, that is the hardest time of the day. And those of you who have been in the Middle East at that time, there is usually not a living thing out during that time because of the extreme heat. So the Prosser lamb

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leaves at the time of the year where there will be less traffic, less people to see him going to the house of obika. But on top of that, even though there are not many people he covered his face Salalah on he said, then he entered the house of blue book, and he said as a precaution, send everyone out and what I'm going to tell you is top secret, then Obama tells him that it's okay to speak in front of them.

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Then he leaves the plan was he leaves it alone to sleep in his place. And that's another storage of a story of courage on its own. Because I literally alone who sleeps in the bed of the prostate exam and the person who explained to him, I need you to sleep in my bed because there's some people who are going to attempt to kill me. So you would not sleep a wink, if that's the position, but a little below and said he's never ever slept better sleep in his life than that night.

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Then the filament over her head out in the opposite direction of Medina, look at the precaution and the preparation. being courageous doesn't mean ignoring all the physical preparations. And the means they didn't head towards Medina, they headed in the opposite direction where nobody would think to look for them. And they left at a time of night were so somewhere like near the second third of the night, there are some people who are the early risers, and there are people who stay up late. And then there's that moment where the people who stay up late has have gone to bed, and the early risers have not woken up yet. And that's the exact time that they left.

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Then they had amueblado Hara, bring goats and he would walk them over the trucks to cover all the trucks of the profits or loss element. As they were heading towards the cave, then they would stay in the cave for three days. Because the first day that the search is intensified, and the second day, it still might be intense. But the third day, the search will decrease. And so they stayed for three days, and then they leave. In the meantime, Abdullah Abu Bakar, who is a small boy, the son of okra still did, but he was precocious. Yeah, and he, he was mentally way ahead of his age. So he was young enough to walk amongst the Quran, and they wouldn't suspect him of understanding anything. But

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he would come back at night and report everything to them. Everything was carefully planned out as smart, the daughter of obaku would bring them food in the cave during the three days. And no one would suspect her because she was in her third trimester of pregnancy. So no one would expect this pregnant woman to go out into the desert and climb this mountain. In the dark. No one would suspect that the plan was perfect. And then three days later, after live Nora, who was inexperienced, and he knew the terrain and he knew the way he would come back later on with the camels. But despite all this preparation, Allah subhanaw taala decreed that the Quran should make it all the way to the

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door, despite all this preparation. So the question is, why would Allah Subhana Allah allow that despite all this preparation, there must be a message why Allah allowed them to come all the way in front of the door of the cave.

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Before we answer that, on the way to the cave, look at the situation of Abu Bakar and compare it to that of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And Nabi sallallahu Sallam was doing nothing but making Vicar of Allah azza wa jal and calmly writing his animal towards the cave. In the meantime, oh, Book of narrates, I would think to myself, What if there's an ambush ahead, and they would capture the profits on him. He said, so for a while I would be way ahead of the process. So if there's anyone in ambush, the capture me and he is alerted, then he can escape? Then I think what if they catch up with us from behind? So I'll go far behind the prophet SAW Selim, then I think, what if they catch

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up from the right, so I'll go forward to the right of the problem, then you think what if they come from the left, so I go forward to the left. So he's just moving Right, Left Front, back. And the problem is commonly just making dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Look at the situation of a worker and out of the profits. Fast forward to the Battle of bud. And now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is making the law and he's raising his hand so high that his cloak falls off his Blissett shoulders, and now abubaker the llama and who is lifting the cloak and putting it back on the shoulders of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he's telling him enough of you calling upon your Lord, Allah will give you what he promised. So the scholars see what is the difference between the behavior obika and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in these two different instances?

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And why did Allah allow the courage to reach them out of the cave

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so that we can see a practical application of relying on Allah subhanaw taala because on the way to the cave, the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam had done everything humanly possible. There is nothing else you could have added to his list of preparations. He did everything he could. So the only thing left was to completely rely on a large surgeon, but on the Battle of better The problem was expecting his 313 men to overtake a caravan of 60 poorly armed men. So he had not made preparations to meet an army of 1000 so because he did not make the full preparations he made up for it with much to Allah subhanaw taala so Allah azza wa jal allowed them after all this preparation to get to the

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The cave. So you know, after you've done everything what is there left to do? Nothing but to put your token, your complete trust and reliance upon Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's why it will work who said, Yasser Allah, if they just look down, they'll see us. There was no spider web. That's a weak, very weak narration. There was nothing to stop them from seeing through in looking inside and seeing them. And then the process of them tells a worker to be quiet that tells them to keep quiet, because he tells them mamanuca bitmain Allahu Houma. He says, What do you think of to whom Allah is there? Third, when there is nothing left to physically do, you put your token on Allah

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subhanaw taala and you don't falter and you don't shake after that. But not only that, on the same journey, and maybe someone said and then continues towards Medina, and then Soraka bumalik puts on his full armor and weaponry and comes to capture the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And in the story that everyone knows, in the end, the Nabi sallallahu Sallam asked him key for NTR Soraka wifia, deca, soiree kisara, he asked him, How will you feel Oh, Soraka, when on your wrists will be the bracelets of kisara. So the problem is telling him, you're not going to capture me. And I'm going to get there. And I'm going to start a new nation. And it's going to become powerful. And it's going to

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bring down one of the two superpowers on Earth. So this is the reliance on Allah subhanaw taala. This is the confidence and strength that it gives. And we see this again and again, in the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There were times when the companions were in constant fear. But that's because there was an actual threat that they were aware of, when the sun, which is a large, Christian Arab tribe in the area of Iraq, was going to attack them. It wasn't just a rumor, it was just a possibility. But they were during those times constantly aware, and cautious that a son might attack.

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But this is not to compare to the type of unwarranted fear that people are living in today. Just last week, a young lady came to my office, and she said she wants to wear hijab, but her mother doesn't allow her to why, because she might get attacked, nobody sent her a note saying you'll be attacked, but she's just afraid. And if you do the numbers, if you look at the millions of people who are in America, and if you look at the few incidences here and there of a woman who had her hijab pulled or so that's such a small negligible number, but to avoid putting on hijab, because maybe someone will attack you. And there, the fear of being pulled hijab pulled off or being

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physically struck, and then no fear of the punishment of Allah subhana wa tada

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we have a nation with a history of brave men, and brave woman, Sophia rhodiola, Anna saved the Muslims on the back level as up because there were all guarding the ditch and there was no one to guard the back. And

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some of the Jews have been no karela came. And they were trying to see if there were any men in the back so they can attack them. So Sophia goes and tells her sign up nothing but the poet of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he was physically incapable of doing anything. And she found that the situations are one of to one, she will do nothing. And then they will know that the Muslims are uncovered, and then they will attack them from the back, or to she has to do something and save the Muslims save the oma. And so she took one of the poles of one of the tents and struck this man who's coming to spy on the on the top of his head, and then she cut off his neck. And she was Danny. It's

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not a common thing for a woman to just easily chop off a man's man's head and then throw it back to his his comrades. But she mustered up the courage and this is something that even men cannot tolerate to chop someone's head off. But she gathered her courage, and she threw it back to them. So when they found the head of their companion, they said that Hudson Valley region, it's full of men, so they decided not to attack. And it was never about physical size. It was never about muscles and physical ability, meaning courage was never about physical size and muscles and physical ability to live no macoun. The companion the blind companion, will be alone who he held the standard, which was

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the most difficult job during the Battle of Al qadisiya. He told him you're not able to see he said, That's even better. So I will hold the standard and stand. And even if we lose, and we retreat, I can't retreat because I don't know where I'm going.

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like Alberto Abdul Malik, during the battle against Muslim al Qaeda, and there was an intense moment where Muslim and his people were in the garden that was fortified and the Muslims couldn't get to him and they didn't

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Adil Bara nomadic Ravi Allahu anhu. What kind of layer abedeen meaning he's physically wasn't impressive. He was small physically. But he said, Bring a shield and they brought a shield. And he stood on top of that shield and he said lift it with your Spears, so many men gathering, lifting the shield as high as possible with their spears. And then he jumps inside. not physically strong, but courageous, and many, many other examples. But if it were just about physical size, and Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said inaho laity, or Raja Lu, a semitone, of the movement, Yama kiama law, yes, no in the law, hey, Jenna haba. He said, a man who is great and fat

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and physically large will come on the Day of Judgment, and he will Allah is not equal to the weight of mosquitoes wing.

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So it's not about that physical size, but it's about a quality that we're sorely in need of, and we're in need of it also, when it comes to raising our children, not just courage in the playground, but courage to speak the truth, and to stand up for the truth. Back to Sophia the out of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. She raised one of the most fierce warriors in the history of our oma is debatable, ombre Bella Juana. And when he was a young boy, she would leave him in the desert in the dark, and he would cry for long periods of time, and people would come and tell her. And this when you look at what you're doing to the child, as we say, Now traumatizing everything now is

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traumatizing. Your trauma, and you're traumatizing the child in our terms. And she would say rather, I'm making him a courageous warrior. So he grew up not afraid of the dark, and not afraid of anything else. Inside Buhari in one of the battles, he entered into an army of 240,000 by himself, and cut through the entire army all of its ranks, and then turned around and cut through again and made it back to his camp will be alone. In summary, brothers and sisters,

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we are not to live our life in constant fear of potential bad things that might happen. This is not a description of the believers, we have tawakkol in Alaska, we rely and trust upon a large audience. We believe in elkader things were written 50,000 years before the earth was created. We know our agenda, our time of death is written. So it's not a matter of Will you go or not, it's Are you ready to meet Allah subhanaw taala and that is what is inevitable. So we shift our focus from being afraid of things that could happen to having our fear of Allah subhanaw taala and preparing to meet Allah azza wa jal. And we saw that having Toku doesn't mean ignoring physical preparations and the

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physical means, and finally the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to seek refuge from an bookboon while jubin he's to seek refuge from being stingy and from cowardice. Apolo colada was stopped for lalala money. Welcome, man, Jamie, I know first off thoroughfare for almost offering. ask Allah subhanaw taala for his forgiveness Indeed, those who ask for forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah amin wala

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the last, the last point here is to not mistake anger for courage. And this is something that's very common. And psychologists mentioned that what anger does is it gives a person a false sense of control. So they lose their temper. They say they use choice words. And in their mind, they feel that they weren't defeated. They control the situation. They yelled at everyone. But in the end, what really happened is they just lost their temper, and that is not courage, and that is not strength. We have the famous Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Lisa, should you do this? surah Jani that the strong person is not the one who can out wrestle people

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physically strong. In nimisha de la de em lacunas who indelicato but the strong person is the one who can control himself at the time of anger.

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Hello, my name is Luca and to matana Allah insha Allah homage Nakamoto metal Islam sikuli makhan Allahu la Lubumbashi Joshua, Dom and Shadow DOM and Allah Mohammed Madonna. Madonna, Allahu Allah Muslim in Abu in Florida Qaeda hoof in a hurry. NFC for lahoma Ellen nanosilica. I'm Avastin robotic with Lumosity. Murphy. hibbett maruf. Were you unhappy? Yes. Mr. De Soto lahoma barik

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alameen wa sallahu wa sahbihi Docomo, South Korea, Hong Kong

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