Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 64 – Promote The Goodness And Discourage The Evil

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remaining true to religion and trusting oneself is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to believe in their abilities. The shaping of Islam's actions and its use of prophets and messengers is also discussed, along with the importance of belief in the heart and the shaping of Islam's actions. The segment concludes with a recap of the history of Islam, highlighting the significance of belief in the heart and the importance of the Prophet's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're gonna shave on

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Santa Monica rahmatullahi wa barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Kleber to the remoter, been on our Eduardo Illa Allah volley mean we should do a la ilaha illallah Hua Hua la sharika hula hula verde Nola serene. We should do under the Vienna Muhammad Abdul Hora su Mustafa. I mean Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Abdi Cora sadaqa Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine and welcome to another episode of How to seal program page by page and a shallow Tyler today we are upon we are on page 64 of the Quran which is the fourth chose Surah to Ali and Mon Allah azza wa jal in the previous verse he spoke about a number of important issues and foremost

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amongst them was the issue of remaining steadfast upon this religion. And how remaining steadfast upon this original requires Taqwa of Allah subhana wa Taala remaining firm upon it until the time of death, bring United upon the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and not just uniting. We amongst being amongst those people who call to God enjoined the god forbid the evil. And so on. Today's episode we begin with verse 109. And that is the secret of Allah subhanho wa Tada are all the bIllahi min a shape on a regime, what Allah He manifests sommariva to fill out, well in Allah He told Geralyn or more everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah, it is to

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him the role things return, Allah subhanaw taala as he's, as he's mentioned, in numerous places in the Quran, that everything in the in the heavens and the earth belongs to him. subhanaw taala there is nothing in the heavens and the earth except that it is in the Dominion and the kingdom and the control of Allah subhanho wa Taala and therefore, the one that controls everything in the heavens and the earth is the one that has the most right to be worshipped. subhanaw taala he is the one who is worthy of worship subhanaw taala he is the one that we should worship the we should love in a divine way, trust in Him subhanaw taala and fear His punishment.

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Allah azza wa jal in verse 110. He then continues and he says, Go to call your meeting or Khadija clean necesita Morona Bill goofy within Helena honeymoon Carrie what to me no Nabila wallow. Lauren kita, pinata Nakamura la whom mean human me no and our actor who will pass it on. Indeed you are the best community singled out for people. You order what is right for bid what is one of them believe in Allah. If the people of the book had also believed it would have been better for them? For although some of them do believe most of them are disbelievers or lawbreakers, Allah subhanaw taala. In this beautiful verse, He tells us, and one of the things that makes this OMA dome of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam special, and one of the things that singles us out. And that is this issue, as we mentioned briefly in the previous episode, of commanding the good and forbidding the evil in joining the god and reminding others so when we see something that people are missing out, we tell them that they should do it, or when they're doing something which is wrong than evil, we tell them to stay away from it. This is one of the core roles and duties of every single Muslim not just the Imam or the hottie, or the island or the Mufti. It is every single Muslim that should play this role, each one in their own sphere of influence each one according to their ability. So that's

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the parents with their family members, their children. That's the employer when it comes to his employees. That's the teacher when it comes to their students as the Imam when it comes to the congregation. Every single person plays the world with regards to this Allah azza wa jal says quantum Hira Uma, you are the best of people, oh holy jitteriness from all of mankind. And we know that the OMA the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be the first of nations on the day of judgment to be judged, and therefore will be the first of nations to enter into Paradise by Allah's permission and through His mercy Subhana wa Tada.

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What is it that makes his own muscle great and unique in that way? It is this that all of us have this collective responsibility of enjoying the good and forbidding the evil. If you look at this verse, Allah subhanaw taala mentions three things that make this amazing Morona build my roof you enjoy the gut. That how the Moncure you forbid the evil took me no nebula you believe in Allah. Now if you were to look at those three things you would say that surely belief in Allah should be the first thing that is mentioned by you have to have Eman in Allah believe in Allah, then you enjoy the good and forbid the evil. So why didn't the there's a large mentioned in joining the good and

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forbidding the evil first and then delays mentioning Eman and Allah azza wa jal

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And there are a couple of reasons but one of the main reasons for this and Allah knows best is because from the eloquence of the Arabs is that if they wanted to highlight an attribute from a number of attributes that someone possesses, they would begin with something that needs to be focused upon in that particular context. So we know that the man is the most important thing that is something which is known by every single Muslim. But here Allah azza wa jal is speaking about a certain aspect, which is over and above just simply having Eman and that is what makes this different and unique because they were believers in the time one of the prophets, Ibrahim Ali Sinha

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had believers Mousavi salaam Elisa Ali salaam knew how to use that I'm good solid, Sheree bloat Are you masala to Sunday would have believers. So every one of these groups of people are blessed in the sense that they have Emad But here Allah azza wa jal is saying what makes you OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what makes you unique? What gives you an advantage what makes you even special, even more special than those who came before you? And so Allah azza wa jal begins what is with the special traits, as opposed to the common denominator between all of these nations. And that is this OMA is an ummah of what we call an admirable roof. What nahi Mancha and OMA that enjoys the

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good and forbids the evil. And as I said in the previous episode, it is something which unfortunately, is being lost in our communities, in our families, where people don't really correct one another anymore, they don't advise one another anymore, you see someone, and you think that that person maybe doesn't play, or isn't doing something good or is involved in something which is haram. And sometimes people are involved in criminal activity in our own families, we know our relatives, our neighbors, they're doing things that are wrong or haram blatantly, and we have influence over them. They respect us, they like us, we have some ability to influence them, but we choose not to,

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because it's going to serve our relationship, because it's going to cause problems within the family. And so will dismiss what command of Allah azza wa jal is out of a person's you know, for the sake of a person's feelings or what it is that they may become offended by or not. And so Allah azza wa jal is saying that this isn't the way of the Muslims, the Muslims are those who understand this issue of commanding the good forbidding the evil. And so that's something which is unique, it is something which is unique, and it is something which Allah azza wa jal mentioned numerous times in the Quran. And that is because when the people don't do this, then what evil becomes widespread,

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everyone gets involved in evil. Because if you don't speak out, when evil is taking place, it becomes the norm. And as people become desensitized to it, and it becomes the norm of their existence, then they're more likely to accept it. And as they accept, it becomes more and more widespread. Whereas if every time someone's every time someone saw it, they spoke out, every time you see it in your family, you correct your advice, at the very least people will know it's not acceptable. At the very least, you may not be able to influence people's actions, they have a degree of freedom and a degree of an ability to do as they please, that's fine. But they know, everyone

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knows that the very least Oh, you know, it's not good. It's not right, and so on. And people used to have what we used to call a level of shame before where even if they're doing something wrong, they would try to hide and do it. What if they were in public, and he saw someone walking that they respected was someone that looks like for example, as Muslims, they're practicing their religion, they would feel shy and embarrassed and they would kind of walk away. Whereas now we're seeing that people are more bold amongst Muslims are speaking more bold and more likely to evil and haram in front of others, because people are less likely to speak out and less likely to show their

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Allah azza wa jal says, We know I'm an advocate tabula Karna haolam. If the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have also been better for them, because as we've said, in these previous few passages, some of these verses and some of this context is related to the people of the book and the people of the Scripture. So Allah azza wa jal says, had they had a man that would have been better for them as long as men who will make me known. Amongst them are true believers meaning those who accepted the true prophets and messengers of their time in the way that they should have without committing ship, and by following the Sharia of those prophets and messengers of that time, so Allah

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azza wa jal does not dismiss from any ummah of any profit that they were believers amongst them. It is not our iman, for example, that in the title of Musa Ali salaam, that they want people who are moving in believers truly following the religion of moosari Salaam, in terms of upholding to hate and upholding the Sharia of Mousavi Salaam and following him, however, as we've said numerous times before, once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent every Shani or the king before him was abrogated, every ruling every hokum everything's abrogated by the Sharia of the prophets of Allah who he was sitting them, but Allah azza wa jal says, Yes, during those times before the coming of

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the prophets of Allah who it was sent him, there were people who are known work through human Facetune but they were the minority. The majority of them are those who disbelieved or who broke the laws of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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In verse 111, Allah azza wa jal then says, lay of the rule Camilla, the what you call to come you will look woman at the bar of Milan Simone, they will not do much harm to you. Even if they come out to fight you, they will soon to Intel and they will get no help. So Allah azza wa jal says that these people are the scriptures, they cannot hum. And even if they tried to do so, they wouldn't have the determination to be able to fight you or to come out and to meet you in battle speaking to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the time and that is why as we know, the vast majority of the battles that the prophets of Allah who fought during his time were against the Arabs

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and the Quraysh. And hardly any, if any, in terms of a pitched battlefield war, was engaged with any of the People of the Scripture, Allah subhanaw taala says in verse 112,

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do Rebbe 30 He will then lead to 18 MSOP fall in love you humbly meet Allah he will humbly minuteness you

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will be Adobe Milan Allah, He will do riba 30 He will miss Ghana, then he can be in our hometown work for ONA. Tila, he went up to learn and

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be really happy that he can be Merson. What can we do one analyst they hold fast to a lifeline from Allah or for mankind, they are overshadowed by their vulnerability wherever they are found. They have drawn Allah's wrath upon themselves. They are overshadowed by weakness too, because they have persistently disbelieved Allah's revelation, and killed the prophets without any right or because of their disobedience and boundless transgression. Allah subhanaw taala in this verse, So speaking about the People of the Scripture, Allah azza wa jal in the previous verse said that they will come and fight you. And if they do, they will soon turn away and they will free. Allah Allah says, and

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that is because Allah subhanaw taala placed upon them humiliation, and they only have strength, when they have one or two things Allah azza wa jal says, number one is a covenant from Allah, meaning that when the prophets of Allah wa salam enter into a treaty of peace with them, that's a covenant now, we're not going to fight you, you can't fight this and so we're going to have this treaty between us and between you or they accept for example, the jizya payments or whatever it may be, we will accept this or they have a covenant with mankind meaning that they come under some type of guardianship some type of, of rulership that gives them security gives them safety, that is when you

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will see them otherwise they are always overshadowed by weakness. Well that will be heard of him in Allah and Allah azza wa jal says that they have and have incurred the Wrath of Allah subhanaw taala, the anger of Allah azza wa jal Madhuri, but are the human mascara and poverty and weakness has been placed amongst them, and that poverty and weakness sometimes is real poverty and weakness, and sometimes it is the poverty of weak and weakness in the sense that they are never content never satisfied, no matter what they have, they will never be people who are content and that is because even though they claim that they worship Allah, and they know and they believe in the hereafter,

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they don't really like or don't really understand or don't really don't really know, and have that firm Eman and guarantee or surety within themselves, that for them there is reward in the Hereafter. And so they're always afraid, afraid of death, afraid of meeting Allah Azza disliking to go to that place and to that point, and that is because of the weakness that they have that is within them, that it can be a nom, can we look for Runa Biya Tila, what Allah has been placed upon them this weakness, give them his wrath and anger. It is because the disbelieved in the verses on the signs of Allah subhana wa Bucha either work to loan an MBA, I believe in the UK, and they kill the profits

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without any right. Not all of their profits, but some from amongst them, they kill them in any Jew right, as is mentioned, for example, in the books of the Syrian as we mentioned before, for example, that some of the scholars said that the likes of Zekeriya and Yahia, Halima salatu salam were killed and murdered. And this isn't something by the way, strange that people would actively try to go and kill the prophets and messengers that was sent to them, because they disbelieved and they rejected them. And they saw those people as people who are causing major upheaval within their communities and within their societies, and so they will try to remove themselves from them. Then they tried to

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kill Ibrahim Ali he set up when they threw him into the region Piatt the fire that was blazing. That's the type of trying to kill him. Allah azza wa jal seemed Ibrahim Ali Salam, and when they couldn't kill their profits, they would exile them. They would tell them to leave, get rid of the problem. And so they would tell them to leave from the lands. Allah azza wa jal tells us in the Quran that they said to certain prophets. If you don't stop what you're doing that the Conan terminal module mean, we will stone you to death. And so that threat was always something which was visible during that time.

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Even our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how many times do they attend?

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To assassinate him, kill him murder him, tried to get rid of him. And that's because of the problems that they saw him bringing within their society. And so it is not a, a strange concept that people who Allah is to whom Allah azza wa jal sent prophets and messengers that they would turn away and they would try to kill those prophets and messengers that Allah azza wa jal sent to them. But some of them managed to do so Allah subhanaw taala says, saved certain prophets and messengers, as we know, such as Ibrahim Ali salaam, and such as the Saudi Islam. That's another example. The people of that time believe that they crucified Him. Allah azza wa jal saved him as we know, but they believe

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that they had crucified Him. So this concept of killing Prophets and Messengers is very much something that you will find in the Stories of the Prophets and messengers of Allah, Allah to set up So Allah saved some of them like Ibrahim, like Risa, like our Prophet, some Allah Allah He was Cinemark salatu salam, for the prophets, Allah azza wa jal decreed that they would be killed, to show the evil of what was being done. And that is what Allah subhanaw taala says here, while back to normal and bi behind the hawk and they killed some of the prophets without any cause or any justification, that he can be merciful. What can we are doing or because of their disobedience and

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transgression beyond the boundaries that Allah azza wa jal has set.

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Allah subhanaw taala in verse 113, he says,

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lease also

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mean Nikita be Matome email to me at LUNA yard in

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lady with whom Mr. Stone but they are not all the same meaning the People of the Book not all of them are the same. From amongst the people of the Scripture, those who are upright,

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recite Allah's revelations during the night and they are straight in worship team subhanho Tada. So as we said before, as Allah azza wa jal mentioned already in one of the verses that we just talked at the beginning of today's episode, Allah azza wa jal mentioned most of them are all equal the People of the Book, not every single nation of every single messenger disbelieve during that time, they will FROM AMONGST THEM believers and FROM AMONGST THEM disbelievers and from the justice of Allah subhanaw taala is that those people who believed in Allah azza wa jal from at the hands of those prophets and messengers that were sent to them during those times, then Allah azza wa jal will

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bless them and Allah azza wa jal one of them and reward them. And that is why Allah azza wa jal says that from amongst them, you see a group who are upright meaning upright in terms of the debate of Allah azza wa jal upright in terms of upholding the Sharia that was sent to the prophets and messengers of the time, that Luna I, Atilla he, and I laid these they recite the wrote the verses of revelation during the night mean they stand in worship, and they shows you therefore, that even before Islam, there were this concept of such that of prayer of my prayer pm will lead this isn't something which is unique, for example, to the Ummah, of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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but all of the prophets and messengers of Allah had worship, like sada and like giving sadaqa and like fasting, these are acts of worship that are well known amongst the prophets and messengers of Allah, Allah wa salatu salam, yes, some of those rulings may have changed in terms of the way that the prayer is offered, or some of the conditions and those changes as we know, is something which Allah azza wa jal changes from Shediac Sharia but the general concept in terms of the worship of devout devoting yourself to Allah azza wa jal submitting to Allah subhanaw taala, prostrating borrowing, fasting giving charity those are things that you will find across the board across the

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sharara or the surely hours of the prophets and messengers of Allah.

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So this is what Allah azza wa jal is seeing them from amongst them you will find those people, people who uphold the truth, people who worship Allah people who recite the revelations of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah azza wa jal then continues in the description in verse 114. You may know that biller he will Yomi Maroondah Bill Maher ruffian honer anil munkar more on Roe v Wade and honer Anil Moon carry on you said you're going to hola Camino Sani him. They believe in Allah and the last date they order what is right for bid what is wrong, and they are quick to do the good deeds. They hasten to do good deeds, deeds of the people amongst the righteous. So Allah azza wa jal gives a

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description Allah azza wa jal says that they will people of belief, belief in Allah belief in yarmulke Yama, people who upheld what was good, enjoined what was good forbade what was wrong, people who hasten to do the good deeds, all of these attributes as we know that in our religion, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also recommended and urged us and motivated us to perform as well, that there were there were people of Riba, the people of Eman people have been joining the good forbidding the evil people who hasten towards Allah's mercy and forgiveness through the act of doing good deeds. This is righteousness. And we know therefore that from amongst the followers of

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the Prophet saw people like this, so Jana is not exclusively for the people, or the nation of the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but

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or the engender, they will be the true meaning the believers of what are the prophets of Allah and the messengers of Allah who had those believers during their times and in those respective places?

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So Allah azza wa jal tells us that this is the reality of that case. And we know even from our own tradition, in the time of the prophets of Allah, what He was selling before you will emerge as a messenger. There were people who in Makkah, were people who were upon the religion of Ibrahim Ali cinema, as we've mentioned before, people like the father of 3d mosaic, or the Allah Huang, people, like whatever you want to know for the cousin of Khadija, or the Allahu anha, to whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went after first receiving revelation, there were these people there in Mecca, who didn't worship idols, didn't sacrifice to idols didn't believe in this whole concept of

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idol worship, and they wanted to follow the pristine religion of Allah subhana data to the best of their ability as they could. And as we know, also in the tradition, that from amongst the people outside of Arabia, people who are monks of Christianity and so on, and Judaism, rather, they were from amongst them, people who also didn't fall into this issue of shipped and worshipping Allah other than Allah azza wa jal, and they knew of the prophecy of a man who would come and be the final messenger and they were waiting for the time and you see this in numerous stories. For example, in the story of Salman and Pharisee, Radi Allahu and how he moved from monastery to monastery from

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month to month, each one of them according to Allah azza wa jal, until he comes to one who tells him that the time has come now for a messenger to emerge for you to meet him. You need to go to the land of palm trees, and then he takes his long winded journey trying to find this place, until eventually arrives, as we know, in the city of Medina, the city of the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, and that is where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would migrate to and as we also managed Pharisee radula, one becomes not only Muslim, but becomes from the well known major Companions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So therefore Allah azza wa jal says that yes, amongst them

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there are those people as well. The difference however, as we said, now, is that once the Sharia or the coming of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was announced once he emerged, so Allah What are you saying was the Messenger of Allah, that no one has any leeway except to follow his way? As we've mentioned previously, before as well, but Allah azza wa jal is speaking about those people who came before and for them Allah azza wa jal says investment 15 And the final verse with which we will conclude today's episode, he says Subhana wa Tada. We may have our loom inhaling filioque photo Wallah who are the minimum tapping and they will not be denied for ever good deeds they did. Indeed

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Allah knows of those who are mindful of the amount of Taqwa of him. Allah azza wa jal says that that which those people did, those people have good from the people of the scriptures in the past nations. They worshiped Allah, they believed in Allah they call to Allah azza wa jal, they hasten to do good deeds. Allah says that which they did, they will not be denied the reward of it, they will not be denied the reward, those people will put me in on that time. And likewise, someone who truly as we know from our Sunnah or the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who truly believes in the message of a prophet, and then comes across Islam and believes they have a double

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share of the reward as the Prophet told us of Allah while he was sitting there from those who have a double share of the reward of those, for example, who believe in Risa Ali Salam, and they believe in his message truly, and then when they hear about Islam, they accept Islam as what Allah azza wa jal will give them a double reward. And so Allah subhanaw taala tells us therefore, that there are from amongst the people of the Book of those times of those generations who believe truly and Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanaw taala will have their reward in full and that is because Allah azza wa jal knows what is in the heart knows people's sincerity knows the taqwa that they have and the piety

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that they have within their hearts. And with that, we come to the end of today's episode BarakAllahu li Walakum wa sallahu wa ala Nabina Muhammad Anwar the idea he will be a Jemaine was sent to light Baraka

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Bismillah you

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