Kamal El-Mekki – Youth Aqeedah Course Day 1 Part 3 Of 4

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of death and the use of shrek in religion, as well as the potential consequences of doing so. They also touch on hate and the potential for a future hellfire, as well as the use of words like "we" in Islam. The discussion also touches on the theory that one Lord can control everything and the hidden ob careful allows the creator the Sustainer. The speakers emphasize the importance of breaking down things to make them understand and discuss the cultural and political changes that have come with the "verbal" approach to Islam. They also address the confusion surrounding the assignment of Islam as the only exception to the rules of Islam and the importance of following the rules.
AI: Transcript ©
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or other Really? Yes or no?

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Death meaning the idea of death or the Angel of Death no no not the angel that the idea that that itself Yeah.

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He'll be there. Some of them will have jobs some of them will be worshipping Allah some of them will guarding the Hellfire things of that sort. They have they have different as you know, when we discussed the angels you will you'll see that this they have none.

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Thank you. Okay

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Are we on eight? Are we done?

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We just finished

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Well, I was gonna give you a verse so

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excuse me, so focus on what the verse is saying. So here I will tell you in Arabic first. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran Allah limestone regime in Allah La yo Pharaoh and you Shaka be well do another luckily Masha, Allah usually Kabila he forgot if Tara If man avena or another verse pocket dolla dolla and paid Everybody understand that all right, so here it is in

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Chinese, Allah subhanaw taala does not forgive, that partners will be set up with him meaning you know what a partner is right? You worship something with a law or something else instead of Allah. Allah does not forgive that at all. He will forgive anything else to whom ever he pleases and whoever does shirk, he has done a most evil deed or another verse, he has strayed far far away. So now somebody explained this to me a lesson he will never forgive Shrek. He'll forgive anything else to anyone else. So then if someone is was a mushrik, and they become Muslim, would they be forgiven?

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Yeah. How?

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embracing the idea that, okay. All right. So that the verses really good verses really saying that? If you if you die before you repent from shark, you'll never be forgiven. So let me explain this to you.

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So here, there was a Muslim. He prayed and everything because the Muslim always praised, right. Otherwise, it's a different story. And he but he used to drink alcohol. And the way the Muslim would do it, if they were drinking, they would pray and then they would drink. And actually, I know someone like that. I won't mention the country. But someone called him. His drinking buddy called him up in front of me. grown man, he said is so and so home, because they're gonna go out drinking. He's like, Oh, he's praying Ayesha. Okay, tell him I called him when he's done. So that guy, he praises he. Then he goes to gets drunk. I said, I like this guy.

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He's not half bad. At least he prays. He keeps him Muslim. So anyways, the point is, let's say there's a Muslim he prays and he drinks alcohol, okay? Or he smokes something. Now, here, when he does, he could if he doesn't, let's say he's going, he's drinking on the way back from drinking, he still didn't repent. He gets in a car accident he dies. Can ALLAH forgive him?

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It's possible, right? It's possible I just might from his mercy just forgiven without any punishment on the Day of Judgment. Or it's possible that he might have to go to the Hellfire will add the villa, until it kind of balances out. It takes away from his sense of he's in the hellfire. It's kind of like you know, your video games, the power meter, whatever it is, it keeps decreasing and whatever until it comes to zero now he can come out of the hellfire. So here he could be punished by he'll come out of it inshallah. Or maybe it might just forgive him like that even though he never repented from it.

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But sherek if you never repent from it in this dunya there is no chance to come out of the Hellfire major shift of course we're gonna discuss that another time, Michelle. So that's why it's so serious. And that's what the verse is saying. That if you die upon major shirk, you believe that you know this thing is God. And you refuse Islam and everything. If you die before you repent, there's no way to come out of the hellfire. That what makes this topic more and more. So important. What time is it?

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So you can't wait to get out of here watching this. You can tell me the seconds. So 55 and 43 seconds 44 make that 45 do I have 46? Let me get out of here. Let me get

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going here. Okay.

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All right. Let's do this. People.

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Normally pass this out.

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That's not a quiz.

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Take one and pass one to

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an exam.

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Okay, close them down and to back for use of

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This is just, this is really, really brief on onto hate, we're going to get into it in more detail. But just as just so we can follow along now. Now don't read until until we go through this points together.

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There's one great thing. When I was in Australia, they loved it. They don't say together they see together. So we're gonna do this together. Okay, this is how it looks.

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This is good.

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Well, I would highly recommend that you do. Because this is a innovative, brilliant way of teaching without aid, which I stole from an innovative and brilliant man.

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Mr. Abdulaziz Hassan, if you're watching. So here,

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this is how we do this.

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I call it the hate triangle. You could call that the head pyramid if you want to.

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But I have to give you a written permission to do that. So for now, we'll call it the hate triangle. Okay.

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This is great.

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So he triangle people, of course, now if this were a pyramid, I probably shouldn't make it a pyramid. But I'm stubborn. If this were a pyramid, which would be which room would have the most number of people in it?

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The bottom one, right. And then the one after that, obviously, the middle one and then the one after it. The top one. So now, if this were like, let's say hello, let's say party, no intermingling, or anything like that. But the first floor is for all the common folks. Right? The losers. There's a lot of smoke. The drinks are cold and mean that soft drinks and juice and no chairs when everybody's standing.

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Yeah, the drinks are hot. Yeah. Now here, the second floor is probably going to be a little better because you know, only the elite go there. Right? And so people can sit down now, the drinks are cold this time. And you know, it's nicer there. Now, of course, you can imagine now the top floor. Even the more elite go there. It's every time you go higher. You're more special. So what what do you think happened to the third floor?

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People were monocles.

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And they speak with a British accent.

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You see, that's how special it is up there. So they'll and sorry, almost and they say Ooh, a lot

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like that.

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Oh, they sip tea my friend they sip tea. So you see it's very special being up here. Nothing special about being down here. And here it's alright you know you're okay. It's like you know business class first class and economy. So anyways,

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these are people who have to hate an outside will be people who have no to hate those big

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All right, thank you very much. So outside the people who have no tawheed meaning no belief in Allah subhanaw taala we're gonna have hope

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and have atheist right? For sure. For sure. agnostics don't they believe in a greater? We're gonna have

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we're gonna have

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we're gonna have Buddhists. Buddhists will be in this group as well.

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Jainism will be out here. Jainism. Oh, Jainism. You don't

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know, sir. So now you can look at your sheet.

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The first sheet to the first floor, what kind of hidden we think will be here that a lot of folks have.

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Good man, Ruby people. Excellent. A lot of folks have this top of their head. So this will be tauheed.

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You can spell it any way you want to this is just transliterating will be.

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I'll explain. From obeah. Here we can see the root here you see it.

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Which means

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Lord, so here that means it's to believe that Allah is the only Lord

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that there's one Lord, first floor. So let's get this straight. First floor there is one Lord. So who believes in one Lord give me names here.

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Christians some groups right believing that there's one god

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Who else? Muslims.

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Who else? Thank you

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Sir Hindus they have many gods right?

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Thank you sir Good man who is one supreme god is one top Godhead and the others that do work. Zoroastrians

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sorrow asterisms

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Megan's fire worshippers they believe basically they believe in two Gods there is a horror monster but he's a stronger one. And he's the one who created all that is good life and other things and because they couldn't attribute bad to God, they created another god and said He's the God of bad, but really hold on as is the stronger one so they still really in a sense, they believe in this type of hater hater. obeah also the Zulus

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I just came back from South Africa, the Zulus they haven't gone on kulu but that's not how you say it's uncool uncool.

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That's how they say that no, well, some some clicks, but not Not this time. So here, so I'm not special at all on the first floor. You know, I'm bumping elbows with Zulus and Zoroastrians and stuff, I want to go to the second level. And that's why the second level is still here.

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Okay, so then he let's let's take a look at our sheets. Well, let's them.

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I think we've all seen this before from the mason days, I think, same old, same old, can you pass that back?

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So here, though, he'd probably be the first one. Why not? I'm going to explain it. So let's go back to the first paragraph to heterotopia. It's affirming that Allah is the only Lord is to believe that Allah is the Creator, the Sustainer, the giver of life, the one who takes it away, and believing no one else can do these things meaning in the way Allah does it, right? Because you say, Well, you know, a lot takes life away, or he can take life or so well, I know I thought down the street, he can take life away. No, it's different than not in the same way a lot does it. So we're gonna come to the details later, but just so you have an idea. Now this is a great part of this document. It

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says notice that this type of tawheed is based on the actions of Allah. So the hidden obeah allows the creator the Sustainer The one who gives all these actions a lot doesn't we don't do anything in this type of door Hey, we just believe that Allah is on who does that he's on. But then so many other folks believe that there is one rub. How about the pagans, people pagans?

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pagans they're inside?

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How about the pagans in Mecca? Did they believe in one Lord? Yeah, well insert Omaha la casa Mata will

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lay a hold on Allah. If you ask them who created the heavens and the earth and the sun the moon, they're gonna say Allah, they have no issue with Allah being the Lord. They just wanted to worship other things with Allah. So now you start to see that as much as it's great. It's that's what you find in capital letters. Earth Oh, heat or rubia does not guarantee paradise. Nor does it get one out of the hellfire.

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Yeah, for sure. For sure. Because he was pagan, right.

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So, no, no, no, no. We're not gonna go there. You're breaking the first rule. Now. Remember the first rule?

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Probably there. They believe in the Lord. Right as some creator at some point.

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You know, we're gonna do we're gonna open a backdoor for them right there that can stand in the middle. Half in and half out. Yeah.

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Okay, so.

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All right. So now we're starting to see what there's nothing great here. Many folks are in this in this room, and starting to get hot. And you know, and smelly too. So we need to move up. But now so now that's why I say this type of tohei doesn't guarantee paradise. A lot of folks have it. So that means the real deal is to heat the second stage which the Heyerdahl erased the Jainism stuff here.

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What is the real deal to heat?

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Buddha or Allah here.

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And we're gonna come back to all this in more detail inshallah. So you don't have to worry. But just so now I just can't wait to put the triangle up. That's why we're doing it now. Because I like it.

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As all of you do.

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Good question, sir. Smart, man. We're gonna come to that in Sharla.

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Right now it is yes. Initially, there were different. There were four types, two types. But you'll see that the three makes more sense than any other type, as we'll see in a few minutes in Sharla. And I certainly that's the next point we're coming to. But so now, just so you know,

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Never ever get confused with these terms like oh, boo Dee Oh, no here, you know

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which one here. It's like this.

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All right, great, great jokes or whatnot. Somebody needs to write this down somewhere. All right, so Robo BIA, you just look at Rob. And you know, Lord, that means this is the heat of love being the only Lord.

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Now obaldia, you know, the route will be a good year, it'll be a bad, there you go, a bad. So that's when we worship Allah subhanaw taala. So he's the only one that should be worshipped. Guru here from the root.

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It's the same thing you can call it this or that both names are exist. So obaldia from a bada boo hear from Allah. And Allah is the one that is worshipped. So it goes back to worship again. So a Baba is worship, hello here, the one that should be worship. So now let's read the second paragraph of the page to see the UI or Odia, meaning that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one worthy of worship. This is the tauheed of Allah based on the actions of his servants that h for his capitalize it, please capitalize the H. second paragraph, second line at the end. So it's based on the actions of the servants of Allah. So the first one was based on the actions of Allah as the Lord. The second

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one is based on our actions of worshiping Allah. And we're going to get into the definition Oh, there it is right there. Worship is a word This is considered to be one of the best definitions of worship. It's a word that encompasses all the actions and words that Allah likes and accepts from his servant actions and words can be worshipped. But only the ones that Allah likes and accepts. So meaning if you make something up alone, like it and not not accepted, the way that Allah likes and and accepts it is how he taught us to do it or his prophet. So

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la Harlem Sallam told us to do it. Understood. Anyways, if you're if you're a little confused, don't be confused, as long as I want you to visualize how to hit the road will be a lot of folks in the room starting to smell really bad, and starting to get hot. Now, second level, now we have

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Yes, sir. Because there were stringing along the way he wants to be worse, because other groups worship one Lord, let's say like the Jews, for example, or some Jews, but they don't do it the way alone wants to be worshipped, the prayer and all the other stuff. So the Muslims are here. Now there's some elbow room, you know, and everything like that. But there's a third level, which is basically it's supposed to be the easiest type of terrain. And I still believe it's the easiest one. But people like to make it difficult. And people like I always say, they always make things difficult. Everything is easy. We make a difficult

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focus in Islam is easy, will make it difficult. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, Shiro was, right. He said, make things easy. Don't make things difficult, but shuru whether it's like, like good glad tidings and do not like scare turn people away. Now, don't you just see the opposite today? Whereas yesterday, these days, you just see the difficult stuff, everyone coming up with difficult things, you know, bus shuttle, give the good news, everyone's coming in with the hard stuff. Also the processor Lam said a D news, when are also that their religion is ease. And it's not difficult. Where do you see ease these days? All you see is difficulty above the door. All you see

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is people making things difficult, you know? So again, like marriage in Islam, easy or not?

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Very easy. Well, in Islam, it's easy. It's so easy to contract is easy. The witnesses it's so easy, like I will make it difficult now, you got to be from our country, and from our country gotta be from our tribe. And then for our tribe, you might have to be in some places from our mother up, you know, and then from this and that and all these fighting all these issues, and you gotta pay this much. I'm going to accept anything but that and my age. And I got to finish this. Before I do that. A lot of things make it difficult. So But really, the religion is easy to hidden a smile or Seyfarth the names and attributes of Allah. It's the easiest one. But why is it the smallest room?

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Because so many people that will philosophize? And they make a difficult, and then they make, they don't make it up to that room. And so here, that of hate of the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, the descriptions of Allah, the rule is so simple, I could tell it to you and you could never have to talk about it again. If Allah subhanaw taala describes himself in a certain way in the Quran, or he's described a certain way and as soon as you take it at face value, you don't interpret it. You don't try to explain it and that's the end of the story. That's it. Allah says he's on his throne. That means Allah is on his throne. So nice and easy. But no, people

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philosophize, oh throne, oh, they start to say no, he's not on his throne because then they start to add philosophy. I'm going to give you details later on, but so only a few Muslims. Make it here.

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And as we said, what do they do?

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They wear monocles. And they say, oh, a lot, and they speak with British accents. They get that pleasure. And they don't just get cold drinks. Jeeves brings them to drinks. And he's wearing white gloves. You see why it's special to be up here? Yeah. Okay. Great. So now we'll come to the question that our brother Ahmed.

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So we can

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Yes, you can. You can write vaccines. Thank you for, for adding that. So the VIP people are right here. Okay.

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No, he was, here's the question, why this breakdown.

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I'm sure you'll all agree that when you categorize and you break things down, it helps you understand an issue. That's why your textbook in school has chapters in it. Imagine your textbook was just one lump just from beginning to end, no chapters, no breakdowns. And things are mixed together, it's probably going to be hard for you to understand whatever science it is, you're studying. So that means there has to be when you break something down, you categorize it, it's easier to understand what Tom is.

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What 810 solos would send me for 20 more minutes. We'll call it a day. Tomorrow. You guys coming tomorrow? You like not coming back to this guy? Yeah. Okay. So tomorrow, we'll do on top inshallah. But the point is, why the breakdown, maybe we can finish with the breakdown. Very nice. So we said, first of all, to make something to explain something, you break it down, so you can understand it. Now, if all these three types that I just discussed, were all mushed together, it will be really hard to probably understand it. So the more you break it down, the easier it is to understand you studied the hotter first, right when you study Salah, when you study Hajj, when you mix it together

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probably be very confusing. So here

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since the early times, scholars have been categorizing parts of Islam to make it easier to understand. For example, if I'm a chef at Arrowhead, mahalo who was the first one to put together the principles of physics, right, he put together a solid film. And what happened was that it was well received by other scholars underlying well received. So a lot of folks liked it. So okay, well, this is a good way of breaking it down, it makes it easy to understand. And so we have now the principles are broken down like that. So it makes it easier to understand. Now, did you read also the rules of Tajweed recitation are on, you know, you have the letters that make this sound over

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here, the letters that that become like, and it was in English, I don't know where you'd say it didn't become invisible, or whatever, over in this category, it makes it easier for you to understand. So now, same thing with the science of toe hate, they broke it down. So you can make it so it can be easier for people to understand. Now,

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later on, I'm going to tell you about the different categories that different scholars had. But you might want to ask me something you might want to ask me. But if you want to ask me, I will block it. And take the x away. So now if you want to ask me about this, I'll tell you

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that I hate things like x. And when you don't like you say our I hate that. I'll send you an email in an hour. No, it's an email in an hour. And it's library. Not like Barry.

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hate to say like Barry. So I went to the market. I bought some raspberries, some strawberries, and I went to the live Berry.

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Okay, forget it. All right. So

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this is, this is how it is? How do we come to these three categories of tawheed is the result of study and analysis. I'll tell you how easy it is. Scholars open the Koran, and they started pondering the meaning of the ayah. So they noticed a lot of ayat, and look at this, you're gonna understand it now. They noticed a lot of is telling you to worship a lot.

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alone. Many, many is saying worship a lot alone worship a lot alone. So they said Matt, that means there is the tohei meaning alone now of the worship of Allah. So put that as a category. Then they looked at the Quran again. And so many is talking about Allah being the only rub, the one who is a creator, the one who's a provider, the one who is control of all things. So they said, Well, these things have to do with the fact that Allah is the only Lord. So let's call this categorize put them under the category of being the tawheed of Allah zero will be you starting to see how that's coming together. Now, they looked and found out about worshiping a lot, I find that a category they found

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many is about a lot being the only Lord they made that a category and they also looked and found many is mentioning the Divine Names and the sublime attributes of a lot and they said that would be another category also. So that's how they came to the

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Phase three. Now, I'll give you an example. There was also you when you look at the ayat, now I want you on a genius to tell me to explain this part to me. Also, they looked and they found many is telling you to follow the rules of Islam. Obey Allah follow the messenger. So

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you understand. So now they said, this is tauheed and metabo. To hit the following are the two hidden obedience to hidden mudarabah? Is it legitimate or not? It is because they found an ad that said, Keep following the process of them. Follow the rules of Islam obey, obey, obey. So that's the top hidden metabo is the fourth category. So now remember, I told you well received those three? were the ones that were most accepted? Why do you think number fourth are hidden metabo of following? Didn't really catch on? Who can tell me?

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Why don't you a politician? I don't know what that means.

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Based on YouTube, I want you to put it in one of these three. That's why it didn't survive.

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Uh huh. He's a second one. What do you think, with which one would have fallen? The

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second one, right? Because following and obedience is part of worship. So then, a group of SWAT said there is no need to make the fourth one, because it really fits here. So why make another category? And that's why it's would have been Alright, it's not anything wrong with making a fourth category. But because it really fits under here. Why make a separate category?

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No, that was the sort of stuff I was just an example of seeing how he came up with

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this. I don't know if I read up on the history of it. I don't know if there's a specific person that it's attributed to, but they can trace it way back to some early scholars who mentioned the categories of tohei.

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Know the people that's the triangle, my friend, that's right here. That's the that's why I'm telling you it's so amazing trade triangle, because it's not part of the traditional way of teaching the it's just making it exciting.

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Breaking the second rule.

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So let's see. So looking finish on time.

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So many ways, many I thought about the hidden turbo that I was going to give you. Now the naming these names in these categories are not in the Quran, you'll never find the Quran, the word will be or Buddha or Lu here. And you will never find them into sadhana either. So is that an issue? No, it's not an issue. How do we know?

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You're a good man, sir. Like, for example, it's called time said there's nothing wrong with these new concepts and new words, as long as they don't have something bad in them. So these are just to explain things and to make things understandable, as some scholars actually say that in the future, because they say that as knowledge decreases, you need to break things in order to explain to people, they're saying it's possible in the future, there'll be more than three, we might even have him without buy, because people have to understand things. I'll tell you how to does that is that how knowledge keeps decreasing.

00:28:14 --> 00:28:53

One of the scholars was telling us that they when they were starting to study physics, they started a certain book in Maliki said this book was written by an early scholar for kids. He's grown men sitting in the Holocaust and beards up to here and stuff, local groups from law start reading their brother for lunch, and they start reading this book, it's a children's book, really, but it was their level now, back then kids, you know, would be sitting there, and they'll be reading that book. But so it's kind of as things become, you know, knowledge becomes more of an issue. You might have to break it into more and more categories. But at any point, that's how I did it. There's no problem

00:28:53 --> 00:29:00

with new words, new concepts. It's as long as it's for explaining something and there's nothing wrong or bad in them themselves.

00:29:02 --> 00:29:41

Now, as I was alluding to earlier, some scholars have made two categories some have made for now I'm going to tell you what the two categories are, and you're going to tell me why they didn't last too long. Of course, the hint is, they're gonna be meshed in there somewhere. There's no he'd known as to hate America when it's bad, to hate of the oneness of knowledge and affirmation. It included believing in the existence of Allah and His Lordship, and his names and attributes, sort of hidden, but included, believing in Allah is the only Lord and His names and attributes. So why didn't it last?

00:29:46 --> 00:30:00

Everyone with me or is this confusing? Because it's two in one is the hidden module is birth is this to hate mixed with this to hate so why mix it is going to be making let's make it two chapters. It's easier to understand. Instead of teaching you both

00:30:00 --> 00:30:17

These together, let me separate them. This is the names and attributes. This is the Lordship of Allah ohata. That's why it didn't last because it was 211. So to break it apart and makes it easier for people to understand there was another tauheed it was called tauheed cost what Bala is the head of the army

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