Jamal Badawi – The Importance of Ibadah – Reaping Divine Reward

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The concept of worship in Islam is complex and multiyear, with worship being an act of worship and a complex process that involves praying, spending money, and not drinking. The importance of understanding context and finding the right person to use worship is emphasized, as well as examining financial contracts and innovating in technology. The segment also touches on ritualism and the need to practice the four practical so called Pure acts of worship, including praying, spending money, and not drinking, and provides examples of popular figures and their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Letter of galantamine wa salatu salam ala Fatima MBI. When mursaleen early he was a big man, my dear brothers and sisters Islam said Mr. Lake Warahmatullah. Hello, Baraka, I know the time is short and we are behind to each other, I try to be as concise as possible. The topic assigned to me is worship of Allah, and particularly put that subtitle and Islamic perspective, the coverage insha Allah would include the following first the relationship between worship and the purpose of creation. Secondly, how does it relate to the trusteeship a lover of the human on Earth.

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Thirdly, to clarify that worship in Islam is a very broad and comprehensive concept. Firstly, we'll talk about some of the traditional distinction between pure record record acts of worship versus worship in a broader sense. And then we'll pick more particularly the pure acts of worship and reflect on them a little bit, that they are not just a matter of ritualism, but there is a deeper meaning behind them. And I borrowed the term moral drill from Chef as early actually wrote it in Arabic, but I this is my translation of it, that all the acts of worship, besides being required in their own are actually more than drills, they're not separate, because they are pure worship, for

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that matter.

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Their worship and creation. Of course, we're all familiar with the Al masala to dinner Well, inside Lilly Abu doing it from that area, it says it is the reason that's the very reason that we are here on Earth and we are created is to worship Allah.

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And you'll notice that in the following area, it shows that Allah doesn't need anything from us, we all need him.

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Matt will need a minimum risk. But it's not only the matter that Allah doesn't need to be fed, because of course, he's above that, beyond that.

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But you notice, even in the

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sense that

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we are the beneficiaries of the worship of Allah if he doesn't need us to feed him or anything, then of course he doesn't need our worship who benefit from him. We he doesn't benefit anything. doesn't need it. The opposite is true. When this we disobey Allah subhanaw taala we're not harming him. There are so many a hadith time was Allah with that we go to other Hadith something to that effect. But this video is harm us I just chose that one Aya from Surah Al Baqarah. One Mavala Munna what I can can enforce a homie ugly wound, that we do no harm. I was speaking about those who disobeyed Allah, they did not really harm Allah, but harmed or did injustice to their own souls.

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The second question, how does worship relate to our mission on earth, more specifically, trusteeship?

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Well, we have to realize in fact that when we speak even about our day to day, mundane or temporal activities in Islam that not separate from spiritual and moral perspective. In fact, moral and spiritual perspectives are the foundation of all our activities. And the ayah in the Quran is quite clear, that trusteeship really is if you look at the purpose of creation from another angle, is the very reason why Allah subhanaw taala, dignified, and in Nabal the human race by appointing them as his trustees or vice Gerrans on on earth. Now, if you are a trustee, then one must understand the condition and terms of that trusteeship, and try our best to abide by that contract, if you will, at

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all times in all our action as best as we can, as fallible humans.

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The third aspect of worship is that it is a very comprehensive concept. When people hear the first area I quoted Allah did not create Jin and, and human except to worship and that mean, praying. 24/7? No.

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The worship of Allah includes not only our actions, but even our thoughts, our words, what we say. It's all within the same line. In fact, any action, mundane as some people might describe, is itself a potential act of worship, but not during

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can weigh in, of course. So there are two conditions one, it is something that is lawful that we're doing. And our intention is pure. And I quoted the idea again, in the Quran

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that Messina Who do you notice, by the way, too, is you're following, I tried to highlight with the gold. The basic points if you didn't have time to read it on, it just sums up the Muslim worship in sincerity and devotion. That is indeed the right and straight path of Allah.

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More specifically, rather than talking theory,

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you're your study your work, you're playing sports, matrimonial relationship, even business dealings, public service governance, and many of you are familiar with the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that if a person even goes to his wife, that he will get a reward. And the companion said, One, fulfill their desires and get a reward. Then he says, if he does that, in Haram, will they be punishment? They said, Yes. So he said, then there is reward if you do it in the Halon, and wholesome way. Now, I'd like just to make a comment in the second point, and that slide, about the traditional

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division of Acts,

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that many jurist have done, possibly for convenience, it might be useful, perhaps, just convenience of classification of topics vary by that, and that, they say that, for example, the Sharia or the teaching of Islam can be divided or dichotomized into this polarity, either a bad or Mamilla like like business dealing, for example. But now having defined I bet that based on the text of the Quran, and other Hadith and other evidence that I didn't have time to even to list or speak about,

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then that dichotomy must be taken with caution. It is not absolute, because what is my Mallette I mean buying and selling, and try to do the the your activities in the halal manner, wholesome manner, that itself is better, like I said, again, playing sport with the intention of getting good circulation, strengthen yourself so that you fulfill your Khilafah duty is also no better. So we have to be careful that the division they did was for any given purpose, because again, the area that cited was cited earlier, that the entire purpose of creation is worship, which is not only prayer, or, but I prefer personally to use term of pure worship, even though even that's not totally

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accurate, because you can have pure worship also in your business dealing, but just for convenience of subdivision. And I understand that's my humble interpretation of the topic assigned to me that they meant actually a focus on pure acts of worship. That's what we turn our

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attention to what make

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this x pure, and how they are distinct from others. There is a good reason also for for the distinction

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because as the jurists say that the in the matter of ibadah, they are called Pelkey failure is something was stopped at what Allah and His messenger said. And we don't have to look for reasons even why do we have to pray or pray for Raka for Zohar and so on.

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There is good reason for that. Because the matter of Ibaadat is basically embodies our submission to Allah subhanaw taala, which is the essence of Islam, derived from the etymology of the term itself. And it is above all, an expression of love to Allah subhanaw taala.

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To emphasize that notion of relationship rather than ritual, you know, there's this beautiful Hadith Kotze I'm sure many of you are familiar with, just to give the translation very quickly.

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Mozzarella, your Abdi we have Berman, Masato Ali, the Hadees that Allah subhanaw taala reveals to the Prophet SAW Selim because in this cutscene it is not the word of Allah its title appear this but actually it is revelation in meaning, but basic Allah communicate to us that my servant would not get closer to me with any act better than what I made mandatory for him or her.

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But then he continues, and my servant keeps getting closer to me by the non mandatory or, you know, extra act of worship like so nephila, and so on.

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And until I love him or her, of course. And if I love him, I would be the eyes with which he sees the tone with which he speaks the hands with which he does things, the legs with which he works.

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Of course, this is not in any anthropomorphic form at all, but it means that the eyes will only look at what is halal and avoid haram. So does the ear, the tongue, the hands, the legs, always, the whole body would be trying to conduct itself in line with what Allah subhanaw taala as ordained, and then the goddess continues, and if he or she asked me or beseech me, I will give. And if he or she seek refuge in Me, I'll give them refuge. It's such a beautiful Hadith about beginning first with the mandatory x and then the more you express the love of Allah, the more Allah also reciprocate that love.

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One distinction also about about that as compared to,

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again, the conventional term AMOLED, like dealings

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is that in matter of dealings, you can change interpretations you so long as you don't divert, or deviate from exclusive texts that are definitive in meaning got a year to develop that something which is,

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you know, has only one meaning so there could be no dispute on that.

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So you can change in interpretation or application of various financial contracts, for example, in the light in line with the guidelines of Sharia, but in Arabic that you have no right to modify, you don't say, let's pray today. Zohar, five Raka is instead of four what's wrong with that? It is extra even like the Egyptian says yet

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increasing goodness means to goods No, not at the matter of whether the analyst eliptic Tibet when I say I lifted out the basic guideline for a better is to follow, not to create or innovate, but you must innovate in mundane aspects technology, commerce, commerce, and so on.

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But very important difference here, of course, is that in the matter of dealings, which is part of worship, I'll ask if you had tallied the origin, the original or the basic rule, interpreting them or understanding them, are the wisdom behind them. And the Quran deals with many of those aspects, of course about Riba and so on, give some reasoning, Kalay Hakuna do lettered by

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the matters of distribution of wealth in general, even though the occasion of revelation was about war booty, it says so that meaning wealth will not only circulate exclusively among the rich amongst you, so if you take that as a guideline, and then you discuss an issue, is there a cap on precious stones? Because there's one Hadith that says there is no zakat does that mean automatically applicable in all times and places read if you'd like for great details and understanding of the HEC map

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in the Falco's occur, the two volume work that was the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Yusuf al Qaradawi.

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Under the title as the cam Zakka.

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Okay. Furthermore,

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the the counterpart to that that allele in principle, and I say, in principle, it's not absolute. In principle, you don't have to find reason why we fast you don't have to find reason and be convinced why you fast or pray or pray five times a day because like we said, originally, it is an expression of submission and love, submission to and love of Allah subhanaw taala.

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However, there is no harm of reflecting even about the possible wisdoms of the acts of worship, even the so called Pure act of worship the four other pillars of Islam, other than shahada

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another observation before they come to elaborate a little bit on evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that you can think but don't make it a condition to follow. You don't say Alright, let me first convinced me who I pray, convince me why five times a day, and then I'll do it. No, I'll do it anyway. I love Allah. I submit to Allah, that's fine. But it doesn't mean I can't think about the wisdom which is really the essence of this topic. But one observation before we do that, is that you notice that even Chris

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debit is when people are celebrating and feeling happy. And there's all that, you know, food, cultural things and all that stuff. Even that is not separate from each other. For example, you know, some people sometimes, and this is not the true teaching by the way of previous prophets, but that's how things came to be. People begin their celebration for things like Christmas and so on. And something that has nothing to do with the teaching or SLA setup, because it begins with drinking hard and doing all kinds of stuff

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until the early hours of the morning. In aids, it's connected with other number one they come after one measure a better or pillar of Islam. It will fit it comes after a bad the fasting of Ramadan, or even

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after the highlight of hajj that is standing in Mount Arafat.

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Secondly, it doesn't begin in the middle of the night and begin with the masa like drinking, like fish. No, it begins going early in the morning sleeping, getting early in the morning with the speed and with with prayers. So that's the intertwining of what even pupil consider the most mundane celebration and happiness still is connected somehow, with the concept broad concept of a better. But then I'd like to address this issue of ritualism. Because from various interfaith dialogues I've been involved in sometimes I hear that statement that Islam seem to focus on the external not internal, on ritualism.

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But I'd like to distinguish first between ritual and ritual ism are the rituals in the teaching of Islam. Yes, like any other religion, ritual means actually, you have to do it in a particular form. For example, if you have to pray, you don't say, All right, I can go around putting my hands in my pocket, I'm praying while walking, you have to do it in a given form. But ritualism is when the rituals become ends, rather than means. The focus and obsession is with the outside cleanliness, they say also Muslims, I'd have to go make will do this, this and that, they forget again that this is not just the fringe benefit to get from LA to the in terms of cleanliness itself. But it is

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simple, simple, a symbol of cleanliness inside. So the question of ritualism is not there. This is the most key area 177 and Surah Baqarah that rejects this kind of ritual is it because it begins lazily to wonder would you have come prepared and measured

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it is not righteousness that you turn your face toward Eastern West, it might include even towards the Kaaba itself, even it's required, but this is not an end in itself. And if you look at the translation of meaning, because the area is long, you can notice again, the highlighted points, we talk about righteousness, it includes belief spent out of love, to be steadfast in prayer, to pay regular charity, and then something commercial even and that's part of righteousness, fulfilling your contracts or covenants,

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to be firm and patient. These are the ones really who are on the path of truth. But let's spend a few minutes remaining

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in reflecting on the four practical so called Pure acts of worship, like salah,

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even and salah, you say yes sir man, our Atlanta we listen and we will do it as Allah are then I follow the path and teaching of the Prophet SAW Selim, how you do salah, especially the essential I'm not talking about small details, where there is legitimate but the essentials, the number of raka the basic format of prayer, but then the Quran itself even give some reason and help us to reflect some at least of the Hikmah of Allah subhanaw taala in the case of Prophet Musa alayhis salam, when Allah spoke to him, what our claim is solidly victory, established prayer. It didn't say stablished don't think about any reason no, to remember me.

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When the Quran says, in the salata, 10 100 fascia you will make our Salah restrain the person from doing indecent and shameful act. That means Salah is reminder. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes salah, like somebody who have a small rivulet in front or at the doorstep of his house and he goes there and wash himself five times every day, will they be any impurity on him? They said no or messenger Allah say these are the prayers, the cleansing in different points distributed in the day and night to cleanse ourselves so that the impurities does not accumulate too much. We repent to

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Allah in between two prayers for whatever wrong we did, we remember him so that we get the motivation in the church to use for the remaining time until the next prayer.

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When we speak about the camp, it doesn't simply say, like any tax, calculate this and pay that yeah, there are calculations. But the Quranic description of Zika is not just purify your wealth, but purifying your own soul, your own heart. What was a key him behind? It's not just take the car and spend it in the proper way. Know what was the key him Ben was holding him the prayer of the Prophet and his would be good for them. So it's more than just money or taxes,

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fasting? Well, we do fasting in a given way. It appeared very ritualistic. You can't eat after dawn, you cannot break your first one minute even before sunset. But that's not the issue. Yes, you follow it. But why is the fasting Lakota taco and so that you can learn self restraint in pilgrimage.

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The Quran speaks also that we go you go for Hajj, you avoid obscenities, wickedness wrangling and had some terms, by the way, are interpreted differently, which is a common translation anyway.

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The best provision is not that I did had I followed the rituals. I follow it. Yes, the best provision really is right contact, how you reserve the Dakota

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to conclude them. If I were to sum it up as requested by the organizers in three concise things to take home. One,

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worship is the reason before behind our creation and our trusteeship road on earth it is always shipped.

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Secondly, I hope there is ample evidence not to opinions of any speaker based on the understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, that it is a very comprehensive concept embraces all aspects, phases, and levers of our lives. Thirdly,

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some aspects, nobody would embrace all or can understand 100% But some aspects of the wisdom of even pure act of worship are

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stated in the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu. With this, I hope I might have met the deadline 15 minutes earlier.

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Baruch ALLAH

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SubhanA Coloma Hamdi Kenisha Allah Allah hyndland stockbroker Zach Kamala cola

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