Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Fatiha Part 1

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and meaning of Surah Al Fatiha, a title used in the Bible and is the title of the book "Soon of Islam." The title is a summary of the message of Islam and is the title of the book. The importance of honoring the Bible and not reciting it in a way that is too formal is emphasized. The segment also touches on the importance of open communication and learning to avoid false accusations. The title of Surah Fatiha is the greatest title in the century and is linked to the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh inshallah, today we are going to begin our Tafseer of Surah Al Fatiha and we are going to look at Europa over a period a period of a few weeks, as the Tafseer of the surah can get very deep. Now, why Surah Fatiha of all the students in the Quran? Firstly, Surah Fatiha is the surah which we recite a minimum of 17 times a day. What What do I mean by a minimum of 17 times a day if one just praise the first Allah, the obligatory Salah, then one is praised reciting Surah Fatiha twice in fudger four times in Zoo her four times in after three times in Margaret and four times in a shop, which makes up 17. And that's without destroying the knife you

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are paying your sooner as well that's even more if somebody is paying 200 that's even more. So how many times a day do we recite the surah? And why did Allah subhana wa Taala choose this specific surah to be recited in every rock of every solar. It is not a mistake, it is not a chance it's not a coincidence. It is something which is well thought of, because Allah subhana wa tada is Al Hakim, he is most wise and every decision he makes is full of wisdom. And so Allah subhana wa Taala his decision to make sure about the ones to wrap which we recite in every Raka of our Salah is the decision which is full of wisdom. So what we are going to do inshallah, we are going to go into the

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Tafseer of the sutra in details. You know one of the settings nowadays is that you will see many of us when we recite Surah Fatiha, we recite it so quickly that not only do we not get the benefit of it, but we don't even know what we are saying if you have been reciting Surah Fatiha your entire life and you do not know the translation of Surah Fatiha Bhatia yet, then you have not done justice to this surah of the Quran or to your Salah, it is time for a change. It is time for us to understand the word of Allah to know what we are seeing in our Salah so that we can gain full benefit from it.

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Now thirupathi hub is a Moroccan surah what do I mean by a Moroccan surah the surah of the Quran are divided into Makkah and Medina because the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years 13 years in Makkah 10 years in Medina, the period before the hijab, the migration to Medina is called the Moroccan period. The period after the migration is called the Medina and period. Why is it important to know the difference? There are the sutras revealed in Makkah, where the Muslims were a minority and still growing, dealt primarily with our aqeedah with our beliefs, and with Eman with increasing our faith. And with stories of the prophets and stories of the people of the past. The sutras and

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verses revealed in Medina, which

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was when the Muslims were a majority and in control of the verses that deal with Islamic law in general, most of the laws of Islam were revealed in Medina and the laws related to Jihad and running a country etc were revealed in Medina. So this is a distinct theme which you will find in the Moroccan sutras and that is the Moroccan sutras tend to focus on our beliefs and our relationship with Allah subhana wa Taala and that is the main theme of Surah Al Fatiha so just on the theme itself, we can see that Surah Fatiha is a Moroccan Surah Now the way some scholars of the past like Mujahid Rahim Allah who regarded to a party had to be a Medina surah

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but this is incorrect because Allah subhanaw taala speaks about your party in another shot of the Quran. In surah, Al hedger, Allah subhana wa tada says, and indeed I have given you seven of the repeated versus sub masani seven of the repeated verses and the grand Quran. The scholars of the sea are all unanimous that the sub unmeet Miguel masani, the seven often repeated verses, which Allah speaks about the surah hedger is referred to. Now surah hedger was revealed in Makkah, and he's already talking about Surah partea, which means to refer to how was revealed before it, which is complete evident texture of it is a makansutra. Many of the scholars say that we refer the hub was

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one of the earliest suitors to be revealed right at the very beginning of Islam, because it is one of the most important chapters of the Quran.

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Now Surah Fatiha as we know it, which means that the opening chapter has many names in the Quran and Sunnah. The names of the students that we find in the in the copy of the Quran today, and not necessarily the names which they had at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Most of the names of the Quranic chapters were not mentioned by the prophets, Allah

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What he was telling himself that's why you will find sometimes in some copies of the Quran. The ninth chapter of the Quran is called surah Toba, the chapter of repentance, while in other copies of the Quran it's called surah. Bara, the chapter of innocence. Likewise the 17th chapter of the Quran. In some copies, it is called Surah Surah. The chapter of the Night Journey, in other copies is called surah Bani Israel in the chapter of the Israelites. So, the variation in the names is because the naming of the surah was not done by Allah subhanaw taala himself but by scholars of Islam. Some of the names were chosen by the prophets Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, others were not.

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We find that most of the time, the purpose of the lovely was alum, would refer to a surah by its opening verse, and we see that has that has stuck with some of the sutras for example, surah, Taha, and surah Yaseen, are named after the opening verse, but other students were given names to identify them by scholars based on the main theme.

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Now Surah Fatiha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahaba used to refer to it by many different names, because this is a surah they will discuss often and they will talk about a lot. So I have here a list of six names which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaba used to refer to Surah Fatiha as the first name and the most common name today is Surah Al Fatiha the opening chapter. Why is it called the opening chapter because it is the chapter that opens the Quran. It is the first chapter of the Quran. Furthermore, it is the chapter which opens our Salah we start our Salah, which we refer to as well. So it is used to begin both the Quran and our Salam

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would also call it for the How To Get up and other nations but he had to Quran but he had to get up means the opening of the book or the opening of the Quran, indicating that it is the opening chapter of the Quran and Uppsala as well. And there is the famous narration of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said last salata Illa before he had to get up, there is no Salah without Surah Fatiha is no Salah without the opening of the book. So, the word for Surah Fatiha used in the Hades, his family had to get up the opening of the book.

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So that is the first two names of the of the surah or we can call it three names to refer to her, but he had to get up and try to do

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it is also referred to by Buddha Rasulullah sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and the Sahaba. As uhm will get up, or milk or

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milk around the word in Arabic is usually translated as mother, but it also carries the meaning of essence. So in many of the translations I found will get up translated as the mother of the book. I believe a more correct translation would be the essence of the book, or the essence of the Quran. Because the entire message of the Quran can be found summarized in the seven verses of Surah Fatiha, it is the essence of the book it is telling us in seven short verses, everything we need to know for success in this world and in the afterlife. It is a summary of the Quran. It is the essence of the message of Islam, and that is why it is referred to as we will get up for example Rasulullah

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sallallahu Sallam had asked obey Him niqab what is the surah that you recite in every scholar? And he and he and obey God rhodiola one who replied, I recite inshallah, we'll get up. So you can see that Rasulullah slowly seven Sahaba used to refer to it by this name, the essence of the book.

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Another name for Surah Fatiha among the scholars is a Shiva. The cure and similar to this is the name of Rukia the spiritual cure. The word Rukia refers to spiritual healing, where instead of doing

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physical healing through medication or through vaccinations, etc. A person is healed through the Quran. Now Rukia have different types of mahalo some haram but Rukia using the Quran is something which is from the Sunnah, and specifically Surah Al Fatiha, it has been narrated that one of the Sahaba he would resign from the party has seven times employed over an individual who was ill, and the person would get better and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. When he heard about this he asked this I'll be how did you know it was a Rukia How did you know Surah Fatiha was a spiritual healing.

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The entire Quran is in fact a form of healing Allah subhanaw taala refers to the Quran as Shiva holiness. It is a cure for humanity, a cure not only for the spiritual diseases but also for physical diseases. So it is from different

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to recite certain sutras and blue over individual for cure. We mentioned before surah Falak in Surah NAS that we recite surah Falak. And we recite Quran as, for protection from evil eye and from jealousy and from magic etc. Likewise for cure from evil, we can recite Surah Al Fatiha. So Surah Al potty has been given the name of Rukia the spiritual cure and a Shiva the cure it is one of the sutras which is recommended for reciting for healing. And for example, if someone has a headache or someone is not feeling well, they can recite Surah Fatiha a number of times or number of times, usually it's seven and this will inshallah cure them. Of course, this also depends on the level of

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demand and conviction of the person who is reciting

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the final name of Surah Al Fatiha is the name it is referred to in the Quran itself and that is sub mineral masani sub masani the seven often repeated verses

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Allah subhana wa Taala himself calls it sub an inner masani in Surah Al hedger, Chelsea's chapter number 14, verse 87, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and indeed I have given you seven oft repeated verses and a grant Quran so the scholars are all unanimous if you open any books or book of the year, the scholars of Tafseer are unanimous that the Quran is referred to diverse the word the words in this verse sub Amina masani, seven often repeated verses are referring to Surah Surah Al Fatiha is seven verses. The scholars differ on how to divide it into seven verses but they do agree it is seven verses. For example, one of the groups of scholars and this is including the Sharpie scholars

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de Ricard, Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem as the first verse of Surah Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen as the second verse, or Rahmani Raheem as the third Malik Yomi Deen as the fourth iaca Buddha canister

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as the first in a Serato muster team as the sixth and the remainder as the seventh. Other scholars including the Hanafi scholars regard al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil. aalameen has the first verse, And accordingly they have divided after that. And the last verse sirata Latina and M de la him is regarded as the sixth verse, And after that as the seventh verse. So there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars with the Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem is part of Surah Fatiha or not those who are regarded as part of Surah Fatiha regarded as the first of the seven verses, and those who do not have divided the seven verses differently. Nonetheless Surah Fatiha is seven verses as confirmed in

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this verse of the Quran. Now, why is this important information for us to know Firstly, when something has a lot of names, that means that it is very, very important. In any culture in any society, the more important something is to an individual or towards society, the more names it has. That is why in Islam, we have at least we have 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah is the most important to us. And for the Day of Judgment, we have dozens of names, you will kiama the day of standing up Dean, the Dean of the religion, you will hisab the day of accounting or the waqia the occurrence of God and the inevitable truth of Korea the day of traveling. And many, many other

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names in the Quran, are referring to the day of judgment because it is the most important day in our life. So Allah subhanaw taala is the most important,

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most important thing in our life, Allah subhanaw taala in our relationship with him, the day of judgment is the most important day of our life. So likewise, it has many names Surah Al Fatiha is the most important suitor of the Quran. And that is why it also has many names. Furthermore, knowing about the names of Surah Fatiha gives us some understanding of the benefits of the sutra and the importance of the sutra. Because through its names we know that it is seven verses through its names we know that it is praised in the Quran itself. And this is the only sutra that I know of which Allah Subhana Allah mentions directly and praises in another surah of the Quran, which is a very,

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very high honor. We know to the names of Surah Fatiha that it is a cure. It is a spiritual cure, that we can recite it when a person is ill for healing. We know to the name to Surah Al Fatiha that the entire message of the Quran is summarized in its seven verses. That is why it is referred to as

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the essence of the book and we know to the name of Surah Al Fatiha that it is definitely the first chapter of the Quran

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because it is called Fatiha to get up the opening chapter of the Quran. So then

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Names of the surah give us insight into understanding the surah correctly.

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So that is it for the names of Surah Al Fatiha

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very quickly recapture the names. They are Surah Al Fatiha the opening chapter for the hukou Kitab, the opening chapter of the book, omo Kitab, the essence of the book, and we'll call on the essence of the Quran, a Shiva cure, or Rukia, the spiritual cure and sub Amina masani, the seven often repeated verses, these are the various names of Surah Al Fatiha.

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Now, what is the importance of the surah from a traditional spirit perspective,

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you will find in most of the books of Tafseer whenever a surah is mentioned, the scholar of the tree will begin by first mentioning the virtues of the surah.

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Sadly, over time, what we have found is that many of the narrations referring to the virtues of sutras have been fabricated.

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What had happened historically is that there was an individual whose name has slipped my mind I cannot remember his name, but there was an individual who wanted people to recite the Quran more. And so he began to make up virtues for different surah of the Quran. And these virtues became very famous and today many of them are being promoted as the virtues of sutras when in reality they are fabrications. So, we should be very careful when we are saying that something is a virtue of a surah. We need to make sure that it is from an authentic narration of right for example,

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we know that the virtues of Surah Surah not authentic because they are found in Sahih Muslim so he Buhari where Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam himself had mentioned the virtues of the sutras. Likewise, the same for surah Kahf, if mentioned is the Hebrew Hari, that if you recite the if you memorize the first 10 and the last 10 verses of surah Kahf, it is protection from the job. So this is authentic, this is authentic virtues of the sutras, but they are the students where virtues have been narrated, which are not true. And when you study it, you will realize that they are actually fabricated invitations. So let us be careful in Sharla, that whenever we study or we read anything about the

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virtue of a surah, that we check it up with a scholar if it is authentic or not. And accordingly, we follow or not because Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has warned us that whoever lies against me intentionally, let him take a seat in the help file. And he says whoever needs a live from intentionally It is as if he himself has lied against me. So it is not permissible to make up virtues of the Quran. The virtues of the Quran have to come from Allah Subhana Allah and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself, and I did not permissible to narrate something which we are doubtful of, and which we are not sure is authentic. So when it comes to the virtues of Sutras, it is very, very

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important that we stick to that which is authentically underrated. Now 100 agree that we should refer to it being the opening chapter of the Quran. There are many, many narrations which are authentic about its virtues. The Quran itself, praises it. Also behind Allah says, and indeed I have given you seven often repeated verses and the grand Koran, the seven verses your Surah Fatiha. Now this in itself is a virtue because as I had mentioned, when you read the virtues of Sutras, where do you read it? You read it in books of Hadees every other surah that I know of you will find the virtue in the Hadees This is the only surah I know of which is praised in the Quran. Allah Subhana

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Allah mentions it in a verse in the Quran and please it, this is amazing, this really puts it on a higher level.

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And so when when something is mentioned to you know, in something which is already in the Quran is mentioned side by side, this is another important point here that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned here, I've given you seven often repeated verses and a grand Quran. So Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is mentioning Surah Fatiha and the Quran. This is an interesting point because Surah Fatiha is part of the Quran. And from the perspective of Arabic When a part is mentioned next to the whole separately, then this you know indicates that this is the most important part of it. Okay, this is a bit difficult thing to explain in English. But basically, Allah has mentioned the Quran and he mentioned Surah Fatiha next to it. It is not you're not saying that your body is not part of the Quran, but he's saying it is the most important part of the Quran. That's probably the best way to explain it in English. And in Arabic the explanation can go much deeper than that. But

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the fact that the quarter pseudopodia is mentioned side by side of the quarter with the Quran as something which allows to be hung out with Allah has given us is showing its high status as one of the most important sutras in the Quran.

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Not just one of the most important surah in the Quran. I have mentioned multiple

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times already this neuropathy is the greatest surah in the Quran. And this is not something which I have made up. Yeah a few generations, where Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam himself has said so

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this narration is found in the Muslim of Mr. Medina humble and has been authenticated by many scholars.

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It is narrated that Abu Saeed rajala one who was praying sola Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam called him which he did not answer sooner because I was praying sola. So when I finally went to see him, he said, What stop you from coming? He said, Oh rasulillah I was praying. So Rasulullah sallallahu some replied, didn't alert subhana wa Taala say, oh you believe respond to Allah and His Messenger when they call you to death which gives you life. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was trying to teach us the hobby that

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when a hula slow Sam called you, you need to reply immediately. Even if you are inshallah, you should freak yourself out, go and see what

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is calling for. And then get back to the Salah after that. Of course, this does not apply to us any longer, but it applies to the Sahaba

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it applies nowadays to following the trends over worldly things that we need to give preference to the words of Rasulullah sallallahu Islam over everything else, because today we have amongst us many who say that, I don't know I don't need to do this. It's only the Hadees is not in the Quran. That is not the correct methodology. The verse Rasulullah slogan quoted here, do you believe respond to what Allah and His Messenger called you towards? So whether it is in the Quran or in the Hadees if Allah or the messengers are allowed some call us towards something and they see it is compulsory, it is compulsory for us to follow it. So getting back to the narration, Abu Saeed rajala one who

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then Russia some spooker Abu Saeed Ron who and told him I will teach you the greatest surah in the Quran before you leave the masjid note that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, I will teach you the greatest surah in the Quran. So it's not just a great surah or one of the greatest tourists Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is referring to it as the greatest surah in the Quran. And as the relieving whoosah he began to worry that Russia

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will forget to tell him so he told her Sula, Islam messenger of Allah. You sit I will teach you the greatest tool in the Quran. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam replied, Yes, it is Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen the seven often repeated verses and the Glorious Quran that I was given. So, in this Hadees there are many many virtues of Surah Fatiha, which I mentioned. Firstly again Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam refers to it as the seven often repeated verses, which brings us to have no doubt they were alleged to hunter that talks about the seven often repeated verses he's referring to sooner Fatiha. Then Allah

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also called it the glorious core and

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the word Quran which means a recital can refer to the Quran as a whole or two parts of it. So your Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is referring to Surah Fatiha as the Quran. And that really is giving a very, very high status. But the most important point to take from this Hadees is that Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam told Abu Saeed, the Surah Al Fatiha is the greatest Surah Now I want us to think about this for a moment. Every day we recite Surah Fatiha, how many of us think that we are reciting the greatest surah of the Quran? How many of us feel the power of the surah the responsibility of reciting it correctly? Will proper that you read and slowly how many of us

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understand the surah how many of us ponder over its meanings. How many of us are moved to tears by Surah Fatiha or feel the power of Allah subhanaw taala when we recite it, this is the greatest surah in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us the opportunity to recite it every single day, multiple times a day. Have we taken advantage of it. When we say that it is the greatest surah of the Quran. This is nothing small. The Quran is the greatest book in existence. It is a miracle. It is the word of Allah subhana wa Taala himself that he revealed to the angels he brought into the proper so loudly a solemn it is free from error. It is free from contradiction. It is the greatest

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thing in existence. And from it. The greatest part of it is to a party. Hmm. So this is the greatest of the greatest and yet we don't take it as seriously as we should. So Surah Al Fatiha is the greatest surah in the Quran, and we need to treat it accordingly. We need to give it this.

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We need to give it do that it deserves we need to spend time with it properly studying it in detailed research.

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Good understanding and pondering over its meanings in Sala, we will come to another narration leads today, which really shows how we should be able to refer to her in our Salah.

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So, thus far what have we been through thus far we have seen the Surah Al Fatiha is the greatest surah of the Quran. It is the seven often repeated verses, it is praised in the Quran itself. It is known as the cure and the essence of the book. And it is

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one of the earliest revelations to his to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So with this information alone, we should have a very high regard for the surah we shouldn't just recite, regarded as a ritual. That's something we recite by the way in our Salah, but something we should move us something which should strengthen our image, something that should take us to a higher level of Eman every single time that we recite it. If it is not doing this to us, then it is time for us to re evaluate how we are reciting it. And we should make our Salah as real as possible, not just a ritual, but understanding Surah Fatiha reciting it and pondering over its meanings and letting it

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reach the deepest part of our heart and move us to be better Muslims, if we please Allah and we do not come out of Salah on the higher level of Eman. Then we have not preached Allah. We have just done the actions, the solar of the Sahaba and the solar of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, we move them to tears. Maybe we are not on that level yet. But we have to make an effort we have to try. We have to make Sala into something which is powerful and something which affects our Mr. Su Surah Fatiha is the greatest ruler of the Quran. After the break we will continue with more virtues of the surah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah. This week we have began our Tafseer

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of the first chapter of the Quran Surah Al Fatiha

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and we spent the first half an hour looking at some of the virtues of Surah Al Fatiha and we are not done yet well hamdulillah we have seen the Surah Al Fatiha was referred to by OBM nicob, one of the Sahaba rajala one who has almost Kitab the essence of the book, and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has told us in the last generation that we read the Surah Al Fatiha is the greatest surah in the Quran. And that is not a small statement when Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam tells us that something is the greatest surah of the Quran. That's true take our respect for the Torah to an entirely new level.

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going on with the virtues of Surah Al Fatiha another narration found in the Muslim of Mr. Ahmed, in the humble rahima hula. It is narrated that Abu huraira orajel and who said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salaam went out while obey Him niqab was praying. So this is the duration of OBM naqab, which I alluded to earlier. And he said obey, obey did not answer him. So Rasulullah said, obey, obey prayed faster and then went to rosulip licensing, peace be upon you. Or messenger of Allah He said, obey what prevented you from from answering my call away nicasio messenger of Allah our spring and you see Did you not read among the verse which Allah has said down to me, and Allah and His

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Messenger, when you call that which gives you like, he said, Yes, or messenger of Allah, I will not do it again. So it's very similar to the story of Abu Saeed. A same thing happened to Abu Zeid earlier, in adenylation. He was playing in Russia Sam called him and then told him this verse. So the exact same thing happened with obey in a cup. But then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam told obey naqab Would you like me to teach you a surah? The likes of which nothing has been revealed in the Torah, the Injeel this the Boo or the farrakhan? Again, listen to the words of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam told of a cup? Would you like me to teach you a surah the

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likes of which nothing has been revealed in the Torah, the Psalms, the gospel, or the Quran, meaning in the history of humanity, in every bit of revelation that has been sent to humanity with it was the revelation to Moses, or to Jesus, or to David peace be upon them or, or to the Quran or to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Islam himself, there has been nothing in the history of humanity, that Surah Fatiha. That's really an amazing statement. That's really a powerful statement. We should shake us to our core. It should really shake our hearts when we realize that the surah which we are reciting every day, so fast, we don't think about these meanings. And we don't give it is do this

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Surah is something which nothing like it had been revealed in the history of humanity. And yet we don't treat it as it should be treated. But the Sahaba were not like us obey Him. niqab was one of the best reciting amongst the Sahaba. And as all the others the harbor, they want to learn when Rasulullah sallallahu taala is a hobby Should I teach you, they would say yes, teaching me they would want to learn, they had the strong desire to learn things. And like us, many of us sometimes unfortunately, don't want to learn. And that is a sickness which we need to change, because the only way for us to go back to being the best in the world is to issue education. The Sahaba became the

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rulers of the more of the known world of their time, slow solely because they had studied and learned under a solar system wholeheartedly. They had submitted to Rasulullah Islam, Allah subhanaw taala, his teachings, and they had taken on Islam completely. Today, many of us just want to pick and choose follow those aspects of Islam, which suit us. No, but those aspects of Islam which don't suit us, we want to brushed under the carpet. Nobody wants to talk about certain issues, because we feel it's, you know, it's something that we don't want to hear about. But that was not the way of the Sahaba this How about if something was good for tea, and it was something which would take them

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closer to Allah subhana wa Taala they would want to hear about it. If something was such that it could save them from the Hellfire, they would want to hear about it, even if it meant changing their lives. Even if it meant that they were wrong for many years. They did not worry about that. Their hearts and minds were open to the truth. And they wanted to learn in every situation. How many of us today can see we are like that. This is our first step towards getting closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and to rising up as Omar again, to open our hearts to change to open our hearts and minds to the truth that we as an oma need to realize we all have our mistakes. We all have our most

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understandings. And this can only change when we sincerely open our minds towards the truth when we sincerely open our hearts towards the idea that I might be wrong. Let me see what Allah subhana wa tada says about this topic, let me see what Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said about this topic, let me see how the Sahaba understood it and let me follow that.

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So this is the attitude of the Sahaba and obey Him. niqab was one of the Sahaba who loved to learn especially for the Quran. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in many nations pleased his recitation and understanding of the Quran. And he told us was um yes on messenger of Allah. And then after that Rasulullah sly Salaam going back to our story Rasulullah saw Islam was about to leave the masjid and obey niqab said, the Messenger of Allah held my hand was speaking to me, and I was slowing down so that he could finish the conversation and tell me the surah or tell me that which is not which was never nothing like it was revealed before. When he came close to the door, I said, Oh rasulillah

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what is the sutra which you promised to teach me? He replied, what do you recite in your Salah, in your prayer, or be in your cup recited, replied recite Quran. Now, if you remember earlier I mentioned one of the names of Surah Al Fatiha is on the essence of the book. So beam niqab was telling him I was reciting Surah Fatiha. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam replied by him,

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in whose hand

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is my soul, meaning by Allah. This is a emphasis on the oath is swearing by Allah subhana wa Taala. But in a more affirmative way, he sing by him in his hand in my soul, Allah has never revealed in the Torah, or in the Gospel, or in the Psalms, or in the four column in the Quran, a surah like it, it is the seven often repeated verses, which I was given.

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So we can see in this narration, the Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam again, was emphasizing the importance of the surah to the Sahaba. The fact that he called Wade nicob asked him a question to rise his curiosity, walked with Him slowly towards the door, to build that curiosity. And then finally, let him know about this. It shows firstly stating his teaching methodology, and how he emphasized the point. And secondly shows us just how important it is that not only is it the greatest surah in the Quran, but it is the greatest surah ever revealed. It is the greatest

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part of any revelation, because in the previous narration Rasulullah silicom informed us that it is the greatest surah in the Quran. In this nation, he's saying it's even greater than anything revealed to Moses peace be upon him, or Jesus peace be upon him or any of the prophets of God. So how powerful and how important is Surah

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By now, if we are such that we don't we haven't taken the Euro seriously in the past, we should be moved to tears, we should cry over the fact that the greatest thing ever reveal is with us and we have memorized it and recite it every day. But we do not give it to you. This is the most important part of the Quran, we need to treat it as such,

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the other nations where he said the same thing in the same generation as its founding. Shouldn't Attila mizzi he says it is the seventh often repeated verses in the Quran which I was given to again he refers to it as the Quran.

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And in addition, he says, Allah has never revealed in the Torah or in the Injeel, meaning the gospel, anything similar to the Quran, and again I mentioned normal Quran means surah alpha.

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And an interesting point he says Rasulullah source tells us that it is the seven often repeated verses and it is divided into two hops between Allah and His servant. Now what is Rasulullah saw some referring to when he says the good Surah Fatiha is divided into two hops between Atlanta servant we will get to that a bit later in the program.

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So these narrations established the Surah Fatiha is something special not just for this oma. But in the history of this world. The fact that nothing like it was revealed to any nation in any scripture to any profit should further strengthen our respect and love for this amazing and powerful Surah

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Surah Fatiha another important virtue of it is that it is Rukia as we have mentioned, and here is one of the narrations to support that. And this narration is found in Sahih al Bukhari so there is no doubt about the authenticity of Messiah could reset. Once we are on the journey. When a female servant of Allah subhanaw taala a woman came up to them and said, the leader of our area has been poisoned, and our people our way. Is there a healer amongst you, a man who we did not know how to any healing expertise stood up, and he read a Rukia for him and he was healed.

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So this meant the chief God healed and he gave the man 30 sheep as a gift and some work. When the man came back to us, we told him,

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you know, a new Rukia or did you do this before? He said the only recited Makita as Rukia. As I mentioned, omo Kitab is one of the names of Surah Fatiha. So we said do not do anything further until we ask Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when they asked him Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam replied, Who told you that it who told him that it was Rukia? So there's a variety of things to take from this Hadees Firstly, let me summarize it again, in my own words, basically, this is a story with a group of Sahaba were traveling, and they met a chief of a village who was poisoned and sick. And there was no medical experts in the area. So one of the Sahaba, who was not known to be expert in

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medication, he went forward and he recited something over the chief and the chief got better. So the Sahaba were puzzled that what did this man recite that the chief got better? And he replied, I recited it up. And as I mentioned, omo Kitab is one of the names of Surah Fatiha. So he decided Surah Fatiha. Now, the Sahaba did not like to do any act of worship, which was not approved by Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. If they did an act of worship, they made sure that it was something approved by Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said he does not fall into the category of an innovation. So they told this man to please don't do that again until we ask Rasulullah Islam and they went and

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asked him Rasulullah sallallahu do some approved of the recitation of Surah Fatiha and call it rokeya he calls to the party ha Rukia spiritual healing. So they have a variety of other benefits we can take from this Hadees Firstly, we can understand from your Rukia purification through to our and presentation of sutras is a part of Islam. right this is not an innovation it is a part of Islam. It is something that is a habit and Rasulullah sallallahu himself have done so if somebody called it innovation that is incorrect. It should be noted though that not all forms of Rukia are from the sooner we need to study this somebody wants to perform Rukia they need to make sure what they are

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doing is found in an authentic Hadees

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it is safe for us to stick to those methods which have been authentically narrated number two we learn from your students reciting the Quran is one of the ways of Rukia Okay, it's not just about making to offer the person but even reciting the Quran.

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And this is establishing the Quran itself tells us in the Quran that

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it is for those who believe a guide and a healing is referred to as Shiva healing for those who believe. Now the scholars of tafsir have explained the word Shi fire in a variety of ways. Some say that it refers to it being a healing for our spirit.

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indices, obviously no, it's also a healing for all physical illnesses. So surah alpha is a healing for us, as is the entire Quran.

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Now another important relation and read really related to Surah Fatiha is found in Sahih Muslim

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and undersea and it is infinite unnecessary and it is narrated by Abdullah Abbas or de la luna Abdullah Abbas. Let me explain to you a bit about this hobby, so that we can understand the importance of his narrations when it comes to tafsir. Abdullah in a Abbas was the cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and he was a very young cousin, he only about 13 years old Rasulullah Salallahu Islam had passed away

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and he used to spend many nights at Rasulullah salud Sam's house as a child playing tahajjud with him, and also the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam need to offer Abdullah even a boss Allah grant him the understanding of the Quran.

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After Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away, Abdullah evening, Arbus would go and sit outside the homes of various of the learned Sahaba and study under them. He studied he spent his teenage years studying under the various Sahaba. Until when he was only in his still in his late teenage years. He was regarded amongst the Sahaba as an authority of the Quran. Today he is known as the greatest Mufasa of the soma.

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From all of the people who had who had taught us stuff seeks out history. Abdullah Al Abbas is on the highest level. He is the greatest of all the readers of tafsir. And we find that once he was sitting with Omar agilon, who and the elderly Sahaba and the elderly Sahaba were but irritated as to why there was a young boy sitting with him. So they asked Omar Why do you allow this youngster to sit with us? And Omar Rajan who asked him about one of the surah of the Quran, and the only one amongst them who could give the correct seat of the surah was Abdullah Abbas, even though he was still a teenager. So this is not just any Sahabi that we underrating from. This is the greatest

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manifestation of the Quran, Abdullah Abbas, the cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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His father was a boss in the Abdulmutallab and the Rasulullah sallallahu. John's father was Abdullah Abdullah Talladega brothers, that's making them first cousins.

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So Abdullah, Abbas regenerates, while jebra he was with the Messenger of Allah, he heard a noise from above.

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So this is a very interesting relation. Because we don't have that many integrations about,

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you know, showing us about the angels and the you know, the interactions. When we do find variations on the angels, it's something more interesting for us because we are now getting a glimpse at the unseen, something which we'll never be able to see with our own eyes in this world, and the afterlife, it will be seen. So shubra, Ella, Lisa, was good Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when they heard a noise from above Gibran he lifted his sight to the sky and said, there is a door in gender being opened, and has never been opened before. Now, there is a door in general being opened, and it has never been opened before. Now picture the situation rasulillah slice I'm sitting with the angel

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and the year of noise, and the angel looks up into the heaven. And he says that there is a door in Jannah opening which has never been opened before imagine gender and imagine doing gender opening, which never was never opened before. What do you think is in that door?

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What do you think is behind that door. And then he continues he said an angel has come down from that door

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and came to the Prophet slows them and gave you and said, Good News of two lights that you have been given that no other prophet has ever been given before you

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the opening of the book 30 how to get up and the last three verses of Surah Baqarah. You will not read a letter of them, but you will gain its benefits. Again, this narration is in Sahih Muslim. And again when we use narrations like this, it should increase our demand. And really you know we are talking about the angels coming down and Angel coming down and telling Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam directly about the virtues of this of the surah. When the angel told him that you've been given two lights, he referred to Surah Fatiha as a light. And he says it is a light which no prophet before you was given. And he mentioned two things one was Surah Fatiha, which he called Fatiha to look it

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up and the other with the last three verses of Surah Baqarah. inshallah, Allah promises in the future we will do the Tafseer of the last few verses of Surah Baqarah as well because they are also very, very powerful verses which can really impact

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Our lives in a major way. So these are two very, very powerful parts of the Quran, the likes of which nobody before was given, and we have it with us. The angel said that not every time you recite it you will benefit from it. So if we recite the Surah Fatiha with understanding, and with the correct intention, we will benefit from it. Now, think about this, how many of us new notice that your party is the greatest surah in the Quran, nothing like it was revealed before to any prophet. And the angel came down from a door in general which was never opened before to tell Rasulullah about his body's virtues. This is really something which we which many of us can't even comprehend.

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It's such a high level, the virtue of the school at such a high level that is beyond the comprehension of any of us. SubhanAllah

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and we have one

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last idea about the virtues of Surah Fatiha, which is I save this Hadees for last because it is my favorite. This narration again, it's found in Sahih al Bukhari and it is narrated by Abu huraira rajala. One who Abu huraira is a hobby who has narrated the most amount of Hadees and he was one of the latest hobbies to convert to Islam, but he spent all this time studying under Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and he ended up narrating the largest amount of this. So he narrates to us a Hadees could see so this is a Hadees could see which means it's a Hadees we are a slice on the rich to us a large what, what Allah Subhana Allah says,

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and in relation goes as follows. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I have divided the scholar in two halves between myself and my servant, and my servant will have whatever he asks for.

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So Allah telling us that he has divided the solar into half the scholars say solar over a year refers to Surah Fatiha. So Sara Bhatia we can even see another name of it is the solar because there is no solar without savatya Allah says he has divided to the partier between us and him. I want you to think about this relation very carefree. Allah Subhana Allah says, is our caller al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen with the servant recites or praise is due to Allah The Lord of this world. Allah replies hamadani Abdi, myself as pleased me, do we realize this? Do we Resize to Fit her slow enough to take this in? That when we say Alhamdulillah Allah replies, don't we want to reply Allah subhanho

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wa Taala. I want you to think about this when you were installer. When you're reciting Surah pottier in Salah for every line, think about the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is replying and feel that reply in your bones, feel it in your heart, let it move you let it affect you in the most major of ways, that when we see al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Allah subhanaw taala himself replies hamadani Abdi, my slave has praised me. When we see our murni Rahim Allah Subhana, Allah, Christ, Majid any of the my slave has declared my praises when we see Malik Yomi Deen Allah Subhana Allah replies on my sleeve has raised me above all others. When we see he can a Buddha canister in you

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alone we worship and You will only ask for help. And we see it sincerely. And we see it in a way that we love it. Allah subhanaw taala replies that this is between me and my slave, and my slave will have whatever we whatever he asked for. And then after that, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala Idina shiratama stocking guide us to the street part sirata leadin and I'm telling him the part of those who have earned your fever

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dooby Alaykum wa totally not the part of those who have earned your anger or those who have gone astray. And Allah Subhana Allah replies, he replies and says My servant will have what he has asked for.

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Think about this, every day, minimum 17 times a day, we have this opportunity to ask Allah to grant us to speak directly to our Creator, that when we recite the surah in our Salah, Allah replies, that is why Salah is called a compensation between us and Allah is not in a in a metaphorical sense. It literally is a conversation between us and Allah. So Allah when we recite it properly with understanding when you Resize to Fit properly understanding it is a conversation between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala a conversation that should reach our hearts and raise our mind and take us to another level. So today

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we just went through the virtues of Surah Fatiha It took us a full hour just to go through the purchase of the surah that's just how great and powerful the surah is. inshallah next week, we will begin doing the Tafseer of the first verse of the suit.

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Insha Allah, and I want to go as deep as I can into the sutra with us because it is the most important surah in our lives. We recite it a minimum of 17 times every day. So let's do the Tafseer of the sutra with justice. And let's give it our all. So a quick recap of what we have learned today, we have learned the various names of Surah Fatiha multitap, the essence of the book, but he had to look it up the opening chapter of the book as Shiva and Rukia. The Cure sub Amina masani, the seven often recited verses, we learned that it is the greatest surah of the Quran. We learned that the nothing like it was revealed ever nothing like it was ever revealed.

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We learnt that Surah Fatiha a door was open in general because of it which was never opened before. And we learned that Surah Fatiha when we recite it, Allah subhanho wa Taala replies to every line not just to the surah but to every verse, For every verse that received a reply from Allah. And that is how our Salah should should go. When we say Allah, every language should ponder over Allah play and let it affect our hearts. Because in Surah Fatiha Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we'll have whatever we asked for. And you see that 30 have asked for the most important thing in this world. We ask Allah to

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guide us to the straight part we are asking Allah subhanaw taala for guidance. guidance is the most important thing any human can have. Without guidance, we could be headed towards the hellfire. But with Allah subhanaw taala guidance, we can be saved from it. That's the most important thing, any human, any human. I say this to anybody I speak to. I've spoken to atheists, and I've told them, ask God to guide you. Because you don't want to be left without it. You don't want to be left in a situation where you're on your own.

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Allah Subhana Allah is the one who can open our hearts to the truth. And every single human owes it to himself and herself to make this prayer constantly guide us to a straight path. And we the Muslim Ummah have been given the great honor that a minimum of 17 times a day. We have this to offer guidance. Are we taking advantage of it? Are we asking Allah to guide us in our daily affairs, to guide us from our daily mistakes and to bring us closer to him? So with that, we come to the end of this week's stuff seer. inshallah I will see you all next week.

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for part two, where we will look at the Tafseer of the first verse of Surah Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen appreciate you to Allah, the Lord of the universe. I'll see you all then the Sahaba Ferran Walker, that Weiner and his hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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