Ismail Kamdar – Productivity Principles #2 – Parenting

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The host of a second live stream discusses the first principles of parenting, including practicing parenting and learning from one's parents. They emphasize the importance of learning from one's parents and creating a "immediate" of their father. The success of parenting for children is based on the results of parenting, rather than just their own accomplishments. parenting for children is crucial for their productivity and longevity, rather than just for their own sake.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam o in the bill Karim Allah, he was happy to jump in. So welcome to our second live stream on the book productivity principles of Omar, the second among even Abdul Aziz. Last week, we looked at a section from the introduction to this book, in which we discuss some of the principles covering history. Today, I want to discuss the first chapter of the book, which is practicing extraordinary parenting sorry, we'll just see if we can get that okay.

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Practicing extraordinary parenting, I put this as productivity Principle number one in the book. And I'm just going to share some of the stories from the book. And then from there, we can discuss some of the parenting tips that we can take from this and some of the main points that are covered in this chapter. So when putting together this book, you know, deciding which principal to do. First, I went with parenting, because essentially, the parenting I discuss in this book is not over even Abdul Aziz as a parent, so much I do discuss that, but more how he was raised and how his parents were raised. Right. So there's this.

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There's this pattern I noticed in history as a teacher pieces pattern I noticed in the lives of many great people throughout history. And that pattern is that very often, many of the most amazing people in our history, they are the products of two or three generations of amazing parenting. It's not just their parents were awesome. It's that their parents and the grandparents and the great parents, great grandparents, we also I mean, when you look at people like even Tamia, we look at people like a Shafi mmamoloko Ahmed, even humble Bukhari, all of these people, their parents played an important role in who they became, right, there is extraordinary parenting in all of these

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examples. And Omar, even Abdul Aziz is not an exception to this rule. He is a product of three generations of extraordinary parenting. Right? So the principle I discussed in the book is not good parenting. It's extraordinary parenting, what is extraordinary parenting, it's about, it's about just doing parenting with ESA, doing the absolute best you can do. So, I begin the book by discussing the story of of how Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz was raised. And also,

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before that, also how,

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how his parents or how his lineage came about going back three generations to how his grandparents met. So this story is very famous, and I'm not going to go into details about it. Now, most of you should know this story. If you don't, it's in the book

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about how the grandparents of Omar bin Abdulaziz got married. So the story goes that Omar even a hotdog rajala and who was doing his nightly patrols, and he heard a woman tell her daughter, you know, to, to do something deceptive in their business, right. And the daughter said that he loves watching, we can't do that. So only when Abdul Aziz was Saruman living a hotdog or a gala, one who was so impressed by the taqwa of this young girl, that he found out who she was, and proposed to her on behalf of his son. And so this young lady Mary's the son of oma regno hottub, and he has like a dream, that from the progeny comes in just to rule up right when the progeny comes in just a ruler

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with a scowl on his face. And so, they have a daughter and they raised their daughter to be righteous. And then dear daughter maddies, the immediate Prince Abdulaziz even Marwan so now the granddaughter of oma regnal hotdog is marrying de omiya, Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Marwan, and they have a son who the name over after his his great grandfather. So now, their son is Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, the mega Prince. And he is an immediate from his father's side and descended the Moroccan hotel from his mother's side. And so what I discussed in this chapter is how his mother raised him. The most extraordinary thing I found about how his mother raised him was he was growing up in Medina, and his

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parents had to move to Egypt because his father had been appointed as the governor of Egypt. So they had to move to Egypt. And so when they were moving to Egypt, his mother made a very difficult decision. She realized that Medina was a better place for her son to grow up in than Egypt. But that meant separating from her son. And so she left her son in the care of her grand uncle.

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Are the her uncle his grand uncle Abdullah? Even Omar Raji La Jolla, Hamada, Greek Sahabi. So she moves to Egypt to live with her husband. So Omar Abdullah, his parents moved to Egypt. He is left behind in Medina to be raised by his mother's uncle Abdullah, even Omar, the great scholar amongst the Sahaba. So he grows up in Medina, surrounded by the old ama in the company of Allah, as he grows up to be this righteous, scholarly individual. And many people wonder, you know, from all of the millions, why did only Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz become a pious scholar of Islam? It's because of the different upbringing. All of the other mermaid princess grew up in the palaces of Damascus, Omar,

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even Abdul Aziz grew up in the home of Abdullah even over in Medina. So this definitely created a very different upbringing, which can be seen in the kind of man he became a woman. Even Abdul Aziz was a very different person from the rest of his cousins and the rest of the roommates. He was knowledge knowledgeable, he was wise, he was scholarly, he was pious. He followed the sooner very strictly, you can see the impact of this parenting in him. And you see this even with the next generation, because the scholars of history state that the son of Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, Abdul Malik, even Omar was even more pious than him. Right, Abdul Malik, even Omar was even more pious in his

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father. So this is now five generations of righteous parenting, and we see piety increasing with each generation. So the main point that I take out of this chapter is, if we want our children to be extraordinary, then the way we raised them is very important. And towards the end of this chapter, I discuss a objection that a lot of people make nowadays towards extraordinary parenting.

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And that objection is that there's no guarantee our kids are going to turn out pious if we raise them. Well. I do see the objection people make to say, look, no Ali, salaam son went straight. Right?

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lewd, Elisa, wife industry, what guarantee we have that our children are going to turn out pious if you raise them like this? And the response to this, is that in this world, nothing is guaranteed.

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Do we just not work? Because there's no guarantee we're going to make money? Do we just stop going, you know, to our job, because there's no guarantee you're going to have that job for the next five or 10 years? Do we not try to get into gender because there's no guarantee that we're going to gender? No, everything in this world is risk. Everything that we do, there is risk involved. Parenting is the same. We do parenting with a son, we do parenting to the absolute best of our abilities. And then we understand what that there is a risk involved. It may or may not work. If it doesn't work, or the Rola we did our best our rewards for that. If it works, the results are

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extraordinary. The results are beyond our imagination. When it works. It is truly mind blowing what amazing parenting produces, whether it's Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, whether it's Mr. Sharpie, whether it's not even humble, whether it's even Tamia or whether it's mamas Buhari, you know where whoever it is, I guarantee you, you study the majority of amazing people in our history. They are the products of amazing parenting. This is just the way it works. So I don't agree with this objection, just that because there's a chance that the kids may not turn out right, there is no point in parenting, rather, number one, parenting well is our duty before Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it works or

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not. Number two, if you don't try, it's never going to work. If you do terrible parenting, you guarantee terrible results. If you do extraordinary parenting, there is a chance that you're going to produce extraordinary results. You do your best and you make two art and you put the work in Lhasa Hana with the Allah. So in this chapter, I mentioned a few other stories of extraordinary parenting, the case of Ibrahim Ali Salaam, and the way he raised his maryellen is happily seldom the case of Imam Shafi and even humble the roles that their mothers played in their life. Absolutely amazing. You know, this is actually this is really beautiful TV series, currently available YouTube

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about the life of Ahmed. And it really shows the relationship he had with his mother, it's really worth watching because, again, it emphasizes this lesson about amazing parenting. So yeah, that's what chapter one of the book is about amazing parenting and its role in productivity. Many of the most productive Muslims in the history of Islam, were the results of extraordinary parenting. So if we want our kids to be on that level, we've got to up our game As parents, we really have to push them not in a negative way, but in a positive way to be the absolute best versions of themselves that they can be. We have to be role model parents, we have to do things other people are not doing

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right up. So for example, what

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The things I do is I teach my kids subjects that schools don't teach. I teach my kids things like financial money management, and entrepreneurial skills, and leadership skills, and time management skills. I teach them all of these things privately equal to schools to teach these things so they will have an advantage in life. So we really need to focus on doing this with our children doing things beyond what is expected and beyond what is normal if we want to produce amazing children. So that's it for today. That's all I wanted to discuss. If there's any questions you can post in the chat box, I will deal with your questions now. If not, we closed off in a but again, a reminder,

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this wasn't a reading from chapter one of my newest book productivity principles of Omar, the second Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz, currently available on Amazon, and also on gumroad. If you want the PDF edition, you can purchase that from gumroad. If you want to paperback, this beautiful paperback with a beautiful cover, you can get it from Amazon. And so thank you all for your time and attention and inshallah be back next week with another video in which we will discuss even more lessons from the life of Omar even Abdul Aziz is aka fade on to Africa. 111 oB alameen wa Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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