Ismail Kamdar – On Laytul Qadr

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of Lair to symbolize the upcoming return of Jesus to Earth is discussed, along with the need for people to remember the Lair to symbolize the return of Jesus to Earth. The importance of finding the reward of living many lifetimes is emphasized, along with the use of h a m i e to describe actions taken by the second Hadees during the last few nights of centers of worship. forgiveness is emphasized as crucial for everyone to be forgiven, and the importance of forgiveness for one's actions and actions for others is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lila he

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was Salatu was Salam ala manleigh And Abby about the Ummah bad

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for God call Allahu Allah the Quran in Majeed.

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Lila glucosuria Hi Reuben Alfie Shahar.

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Call rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Monica Malay, it will call the man or what is our Whovian Allah who might have got the woman zombie.

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Even though we are facing a lot of difficulty at the moment, and we are dealing with a lot of calamities in our lives, and many of us are still having to deal with the aftermath of the floods,

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and the tail end of the pandemic, and many of the other trials that we've been through, we should not allow the trials of this dunya to distract us from the fact that it is the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And it is a time to earn Allah's forgiveness. A time to earn Allah's blessings, a time to have our doors answered. It's very easy for us to be distracted by the child of this world, to such an extent that we forget to take advantage of the most beloved time of the year.

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To every believer, a time of the year that Allah azza wa jal himself has praised in the Quran.

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lair to coddle is something we are all aware of. I don't need to go to all of the virtues of NATO goddess because inshallah we all have some understanding of why this night is important, and why we should seek it in the last 10 days of Ramadan. But just for those who might not know for those who need a reminder, very briefly, eight things to remember about layer two cutter number one, this is the only night that is mentioned by name in the Quran and prays in the Quran. When Allah mentions the name Lila recorded in the Quran in three verses

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right to Allah Samantha calls it by this name in the Quran. You know, most of the other big nights in our community, there's a little dispute over whether the authentic or not right and generally dispute comes over Hadith because the night is found in the Hadith and some constants that had these authentic others constants I had this week. But everybody agrees that late will codon is important, everybody why? Because this is the only night mentioned by name in the Quran.

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So this is such an important thing that Allah subhanaw taala would mention it in the Quran and call it by this name. Number two, not only that Allah mentioned it by name in the Quran. But the ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala dedicated an entire Surah to little cuddle, did we have Surah Al Qadr. The entire surah is about the virtues of this night. I want you to think about this no other night of the year about which is an entire Surah no other night of the year or day of the year for that matter, about which we have an entire sutra dedicated to that day or night. That's how important layer two academies and one of the virtues mentioned about late will gather in the Surah. And this is the one

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that everyone should know. And everybody must know and this is what should push us to do the most worship in the next few nights is worship $100 industry right he tells us Laylat will call you a hero mean official, that little quarter is better than 1000 months. Now what a lot of people get wrong about this verse is they miss translated as Laird will color is equal to 1000 months. That's not what it says it says hey Roman better than that little color is better than 1000 months, meaning on this night, you have an opportunity to earn more than 1000 months worth of reward, you have the opportunity of earning the reward of living many lifetimes. And the actual amount of reward you earn

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depends on the quantity of your ibadah, the quality of your Ibadah and the quality of your intention. So it could be 1000 months, it could be much more than that Allah's Mercy is infinite. We shouldn't limit it to a specific number where Allah has said it's more than that, we should think that it can be much, much more than that.

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Number four, this is a time for us to seek the reward of many lifetimes. Many of us don't know how long we have left in this world, none of us do ready. And many of us might not be around for next Ramadan. And many of us maybe we live another 1020 3040 50 years. How many of us can say we're going to live 1000 months? How many of us say we're going to live that over and over again? We don't We can't. Right. But we have an opportunity to earn that reward within these next few nights.

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What else do we know about little quarter? We know that the exact date was kept hidden from us that Allah subhanaw taala in his wisdom did not reveal a specific date for the quarter and the many different reasons for this and many different explanations given by the Obama. I'm going to give two that I believe are correct.

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Number one, I believe that we'll call there is not a specific night like the 27th or 23rd, I believe it changes every year. So one year to be the 27th, the next day could be the 2015. Next year, it could be the 23rd, that Allah did not make it as specific night. So that it is something that is continuously changing, right? Because this is the corner of Allah and Allah can do as he wishes. And number two, Allah did not tell us his specific night, because that would make us lazy and complacent. Think about how many of us when we think a specific night is there to cover, we stop worshipping Allah after that for the rest of our mother. How many of us when we feel like oh, the

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23rd Night was led recorder to 2426 2890 like Ramadan? jova. Right. So Allah and His wisdom did not tell us which night it is. So we spent all Nine Nights in Nevada, we spent all Nine Nights in worship, right, Allah's way of pushing us to do our best in the last few nights of Ramadan. Because Allah wanted he could have told us, but it is wisdom that he chose to withhold it. Number seven, this is a time of the year

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in which sins are forgiven, in which two R's are answered, and in which our powder for the next year is cemented is put in stone. So these three points are actually that we need to go through. Number one is a time where our sins are forgiven. And fact that is all of Ramadan. Ramadan is a time and sins are forgiven, but specifically Laylatul Qadr is a night in which sins are forgiven, in which the prophets like Samson, whoever spends the night the lyrical God worshipping Allah, praying to the hydroplane Kiama lane, or who the other who might have got them in can be he that his previous sins are forgiven. So we use this time to seek Allah's forgiveness. Number two, it's a time when do other

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onset that this is a time where you do have to answer that specifically you do is related to your concern for the coming year. Now the final point I want to mention about layer two coder is a bit of a technical point.

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And it's something that's a bit difficult to grasp because he's dealing with coder and coder is something that is beyond human understanding. So we just explained as best we can understand you as best we can, but understand that the element to it that is beyond human understanding. So one of the reasons why it's called layer four powder is because it is the night in which our coder is laid out for the next year. We Allah tells the angels for the next year, who is going to pass away, who is going to be born, what calamity is going to take place who's going to get wealthy, who's going to get poor, all of that for the next year is conveyed to the angels during this during the Mikado,

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right, so So you do ask that you make during this night can change that. Meaning, if it was going to be conveyed to the angels that you pass away within the next year, and you spend little garden making dua for a long life, that Allah will change what he's supposed to be conveyed to the angels, or if it was written, that you're going to become poor in the next year, and you spend, it will go to asking Allah to grant you halal, unless it risk that Allah will change what is written to be given to the angels. Now we must understand that God is on different levels, we have the knowledge of Allah, and the knowledge of Allah is Prophet. Allah already knows everything, meaning Allah

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already knows that you are going to make the DUA and Allah is going to change the instructions to angels based on that da, right, that's a higher level of God. But then we have the lower level of further, which is what is what the angels, Allah has made? What is with the angels, something that can be changed with dua. Why, Why did Allah do this? To give us some free work, to give us a motivation to make dua. If Allah had just left it as that we everything set in stone, what will be the motivation to make dua? If there's no way to change, whether you're going to get rich or poor, whether you're going to die soon, or you're going to get sick with any calamities are going to

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happen, then nobody would have any motivation to make dua. So Allah even though he has power over all things, and he has knowledge of all things, he still gave us this leeway. He gave us this room to make dua, where you have these nights where these points are going to be given to the angels. But if you make dua for something else, Allah will change it. But Allah already knew he's going to change it.

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So what should we do on the Ecuador

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hamdulillah the Mother of the Believers Aisha Radi Allahu anha. She has narrated many beautiful narrations about the etiqueta It is thanks to her and her generations from the Prophet while you Salam that we know what to do on a toccata. And what is the Sunnah of the aplicado? Because she is the one who asked him questions. She's the one who observed his behavior, and she's the one who generated it. And we ask Allah to be pleased with the Mothers of the Believers and 108 and all of the prophets or some Sahaba always show appreciation to the believers, or we show appreciation to those who do good to us, including those who came a long time ago, the Sahaba who taught the Hadith

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because of them, we know what to do. And so we have three Hadith says today that we're going to look at all of them from Aisha Radi Allahu anha. So we shouldn't be asking

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Allah to grant her the highest levels of gender for her contributions to the field of Hadith and conveying the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In the first Hadith Aisha Raja says

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that when the last few nights of Ramadan would come, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with observed a tick off, and he would tell people to search for late recorder in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. This hadith in Sahih al Bukhari another Hadith in Sahih, Al Bukhari just narrated the eyeshadow Johanna said that when the last few nights of Ramadan will come, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would tighten his belt and fold up his pay and fold up his sleeping mat and pray all night and wake up his family to pray. So the first part is, tells us one of the things we should be doing in the Kokoda or in the last night of Ramadan. And that is a take off, right to spend it in

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the masjid. So whoever can at least at some point in your life, you should at least try and make it take off. It's not something you have to do every year. But it is something that is very beneficial for the soul. Because essentially, when you are involved in take off, you are cutting yourself off from the dunya for a few days, and you're completely dedicating those days to Allah subhanho wa taala. So whoever can do it should do it. But if you can't do it, there's still a lot of things you can do at home. And that's what the second Hadees teaches us. What can you do when you are at home? So what is the second Hadees say it says that he used to tighten his belt and fold up his sleeping

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mat. Now this is, you know, a translation of Arabic phrases that we might not understand. Tighten his belt doesn't mean he's literally make his belt tighter. Right? That's not what he means. It's an Arab metaphor, it means that he used to work hard, it means he's to put in his best effort. Now even the Arabs say he's going to tighten his belt, it means he's going to do his best. So in Ayesha Rajan has said that the Prophet slicer would spend the last few nights of Ramadan tightening his belt, he means she means he used to do his best effort in the last few nights of Ramadan, that the most worship that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam would engage in would be in these 10 Nights. All

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right, number two, what do you mean he used to fold up his sleeping mat? Remember the prophets a lot of you some did not have a bed like we have today. He essentially had a mat on the floor that he would sleep on. So folding it up means that he's dedicating his night to worshiping Allah and avoiding the enjoyment of this world. And he's just focusing on the worship of Allah even if it means not getting much sleep. So we know that it is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to spend these last 10 nights in the worship of Allah and to dedicate so much time to worshiping Allah did you sleep less and you worship more? Number three, what is the specific act of worship he used

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to do? This specific act of worship the Rasulullah saw some use to do was the family to spend the nights into hygiene to spend the nights in taraweeh to spend the nights worshiping Allah to Salah This was his main act of worship throughout Ramadan, and specifically in the last few nights he would increase in his night prayers.

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And finally, and this is the one most of us neglect. He used to wake his family up to pray. Many of us we will take it upon ourselves to spend the last night of Ramadan in Salah, but then we see our families sleeping if we solve for them and we leave them but understand the Sunnah is the in the last 10 Nights, you try and motivate the entire family to pray more. You change motivate the entire family to stay up in worship Allah more and you try to create that atmosphere in your home everybody's worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So again, Hamdulillah we are now in the last few nights of Ramadan. Let us focus these

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nights on worshiping Allah, on getting our sins forgiven and outdoors answered. It does increase in the worship of Allah does increase in our Salah increase in our zikr increase in our charity increase now dua there has been more time in Kiama lane, there has been more time in in giving charity there has been more time in

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encouraging our family to worship Allah and those who can choose to perform perform at coffee this time as well. We ask Allah to accept our efforts to bless the month of Ramadan to make it a means of forgiveness for us. So behind Arabica Robin is at MRC, fullness nama mousseline with hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Here on behind Amin was salatu salam ala Karim Allah Allah He was he was right on my bed for inner circle Hadith Nikita Bula waka you heard you heard the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were Shahrukh Morimoto is out to

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work a little bit again Dolla dolla to infinity.

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Allah rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and alma de to color Eman the Saba hopefully Raja Houma Takata Brahmins and became

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many of the main acts of worship. The motivation mentioned in the Hadith for doing them is that your sins will be forgiven. So Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said that whoever prays five times a day, it says if they beat it in a row five times a day

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destinies are washed away. And he said Whoever goes for omega one omega two the next is a means of forgiveness for any sins in between. And he said who ever performed and accepted Hodgins is a means of forgiveness for all of their sins. And he said to me first the month of Ramadan, it is a means of forgiveness of all the persons. And he said to ever spend the night of Ramadan in Salah is a means of forgiveness for all persons. And he said, Whoever spends late will gather in the worship of Allah in the kingdom, it is a means of forgiveness for all of the persons. So the question is, why is this the main motivation? Why did Allah keep giving us opportunity upon opportunity to seek his

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forgiveness? Why are all of the acts of worship that are so important all of the pillars of Islam directly linked to the forgiveness of Allah?

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It is because of two things. Number one, because Allah is Allah or food or Rahim, he is most forgiving, Most Merciful. And number two is because we are sinners. Allah is a Rahman, He is the Most Merciful in a way that humans cannot comprehend, that his mercy is beyond the comprehension of human beings. He is our fool. He is the One Who forgives all sins, if you seek forgiveness. We the human race, we created as soon as it is not possible for human being today to reach a status where they do not commit any sense at all. At the very least, even the most pious of people fall into some minus it's very small minuses, but it's still there. And one of the wisdoms behind that is to keep

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them humble. So they don't think that they do pious, but everyone has their fault. Everyone has the weaknesses and everyone has their struggles. And this is part of how Allah made us because Allah subhanaw taala for him to be out for full, he needs someone to forgive him. For him to be a lab. There needs to be someone making Toba for Allah's attributes to manifest in our lives, for us to be able to see how Allah is Allah full, how Allah, how Allah is for us to be able to observe that they have to be sinners. And so Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, that if human beings did not sin, Allah would wipe out the human race and create a creation that doesn't and that seek forgiveness so

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that he can forgive them. Allah created us to be the beings that seek forgiveness so he can forgive us. God Allah wants to forgive, and Allah loves to forgive. And so he had given us opportunity upon opportunity to have our sins forgiven. And if we enrich the day of judgment without our sins forgiven, it is our own fault. Because we have all these opportunities, we have Ramadan, we have the Torah we have near to call we have our five daily Salah we have heard you have Umrah, we have sadaqa we have daily still far we have all these ways of having our sins forgiven. So if our sins are not forgiven, it's on us. It means we didn't take up the means of seeking forgiveness. Sometimes people

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say things like, you know, I've committed too many sins. I can't pray, you know, how can a sinful person like me pray? And we say no, you're supposed to pray, because the prayer is a way of washing away your sins. It's a way of forgiving you of Allah forgiving your sins. So one of the things we must focus on in these last few nights is seeking Allah's forgiveness for everything we've done up to this point in our lives, because all of us have our faults and all of us have our sins and all of us have our weaknesses. Even in the month of Ramadan, we slip up within you sometimes backfire. You sometimes say things we shouldn't say we sometimes get angry, we sometimes look at things we

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shouldn't look at, we all have our faults, we all have our things we need to seek Allah's forgiveness from. And so we should use these last 10 nights to seek Allah's forgiveness. And that is why dee doo dee doo are linked to the last night of Ramadan is a to ask for forgiveness.

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So we have our third narration from Aisha radiAllahu anha. In which he said, I asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that if I recognize later Oh God, what do I should I make, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told that say Allahumma Inaka foon to he will offer for one, Oh Allah, you are most forgiving, and you love to forgive. So forgive me.

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So from this hadith, we learn that would they do our we shouldn't be seeking in these last 10 Nights is the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa taala. But the wording of the DUA is so beautiful, because in this wording, we learn one of the attributes of Allah, that Allah is a fool, he is the most forgiving. A who is who is different from Alpha fool in his in a very subtle way of a fool means ALLAH forgives, of all means Allah wipes it out completely. It's kind of like the difference that Allah is above all resemblance to his creation, but just to give you an idea for us to understand, you know, when when somebody harms you, somebody hurt you, maybe somebody like slandered you, and

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they seek your forgiveness and you say fine, I forgive you. You know that that is you know, when you forgive someone, but when you truly forgive them from the heart, and you go back to your old relationship, and you treat that person as if that they never did that wrong thing in their life. That

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is what is meant by awful that is what is meant by overlooking a complete, complete letting go and forgiving. And Allah does this on a much higher level than when we seek Allah's forgiveness. He doesn't just forgive the sin, He wipes it out from our book of deeds as if it never happened. And sometimes even converting to good deeds in our book of deeds. So all those sins you committed, when you sincerely seek Allah's forgiveness on the Day of Judgment, he commits good deeds in your pocket. Instead, we learn from this not only is Allah Most Forgiving Allah subhanaw taala, to Hebrew, he loves to forgive. Allah created us as weak and sinful. So if we make it stick far, so he forgives us

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why because he loves to forgive. Allah loves it, we seek forgiveness and he loves to forgive. And so we should take this opportunity to seek Allah's forgiveness and to spend these last 10 Nights asking Allah to forgive us for everything that we have done up to this point in our lives. And to make this do this do our over and over again and every opportunity, not just in our childhood training, not just in our tahajjud not just in our router, not just you know, as we've talked about throughout the day, whenever it comes to your mind, you have time to make dua make this dua as the Allahumma Inaka Hoon to hibel alpha of one.

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Oh Allah, you are the forgiving you love to forgive, so forgive me. So we ask Allah to accept our you've added in this month of Ramadan to forgive our sins and shortcomings and to grant us all a good life in service of his deen and baraka and everything that we do Allahumma Inaka phone to Hebrew fufa for Anna Allahumma indica phone to Hibbeler fufa for Anna Allahumma indica for people who have Anna Subhana rahbek. Robert is a monsoon was salam ala mousseline hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen artemesa

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