Ismail Kamdar – Names of Allah 1 – Allah and Ar-Rahman

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The radio show discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the meaning of manners and character in life and perception. The definition of Islam is based on the will of the creator and not on personal attributes. The importance of mercy and forgiveness is emphasized, and the Lone Star Foundation's support for children with special needs is discussed. Prhots of Islam's weight in the world and its importance in society are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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To confirm again what's gonna kill us,

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nothing everything.

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when my school is free

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way to be bought, if I continue to spread, I'm going to start off with

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don't lose track whereby

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you can stay watching

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you listening to living a slam on Radio One, sir, I'm your host smile calm. Coming to you live from the Durban studio. And tonight we begin a new chapter in our series loving Islam. Over the past few months, we've been talking about manners about character. We've been talking before that about personal development from an Islamic perspective, discussing some of my books and articles, which are available at Islamic self That's my website, Islamic self help calm, and you've been discussing some of the books and articles available there and the lessons extracted from it. Today, we're going to start a new chapter in a new topic,

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which is a very important topic, one that was brought up last week, and it piqued the interest of some of our listeners. And so I decided that we will expand upon it. For those of you who tuned in last week, you will remember that we were talking about how Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives sins. And I discussed a large names that he's our food, most forgiving, and he's the acceptor of all repentance. And he's our man, the one whose mercy encompasses everything. And so this, the statements that I made, it piqued the interest of some of our listeners, that these are allowed names and what they mean, and they want to know more. Many of us when we're young, we memorize the

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99 Names of Allah. But how many of us know what these names mean? And how many of us actually know what, how it's supposed to affect our lives? You know, believing that Allah subhanho wa Taala is most merciful? Are you aware of how that that that should affect your life? believing Allah is most just how does that affect your mindset? How many of us know these things? Or are these names just words that we have learned that we haven't truly crafted meaning? So, from today, inshallah, over the next few weeks, we're going to look at a few of the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we can understand more about our Creator and that we can get closer to Allah subhanaw taala

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through knowing him and this is very important, you know, for example,

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As we all know, when you die when you leave this world, and when you enter the Berserker, the

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dwelling place of the dead, where the souls dwell after death, by the birth of your soul will be sent back to the grave, where it will be questioned by monger and Nikita, two angels as black as shadows with blue, shining eyes.

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And the first question that they will ask you in the grave

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is money or a book, man, Rob book? Who is your Lord?

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Now one has to think carefully about this question.

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If someone had to ask you, who is your Lord, man or book? How would you answer? How much details can you answer with?

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What What can you say about your thought? What do you really know about your Lord?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. He revealed to us the Quran, and the explanation of the Quran, which is the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in these two sources of Revelation, we have a detailed description

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of who is our Lord?

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And it is in studying these verses of the Quran. And these are the pieces that we begin to understand who our Creator is.

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This is a very important question is a question that you will be asked nowadays, by the skeptics, the agnostics, the atheists, they will ask you, you know, who are you worshiping? How do you describe him.

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And in Islam, we have the most unique description of a creator from any religion. And I don't just say that, you know, in a

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general sense, I mean it as someone who has studied different religions, as someone who has studied the aqeedah, and beliefs of Hindus and Jews and Christians and Buddhists in all the different religions, I can say for certain that the description of Allah in Islam is unique. The most unique aspect of it is that we do not have a description of how Allah is physically. You see, in other religions, they describe God to be like a man. Or they describe God to be like their statues or idols, or they have some kind of physical imagining of their Creator, some ways of visualizing the Creator. And those images that they imagined the creator to be. Our images they've taken from actual

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things on earth creation, you know.

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So this is something common across false religions, that what they worship is an imagination. Right? A man with a white beard, a blond haired, blue eyed white guy, right? You've got all these different

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images of God. This is something that you don't have any slump. In Islam, we have this concept, Lisa camisa, he she, there is nothing like him, there is nothing like him, meaning, what ever your mind can imagine. That cannot be Allah. Why? Because there is nothing like Allah, our mind can only imagine things which are similar to what we have seen. Allah is beyond that. Allah is beyond what we have seen. So there is nothing like him. And so we have a very unique understanding of the Creator in Islam. This is the only religion which is no anthropomorphism in the sense that God is not made like his creation, right? There's no images of God. There is no statute of God. There is no physical

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descriptions of how he looks. These are things which Islam says it is more than shabby. It is something that you will not be able to comprehend. So don't think about it. Rather, what Islam teaches us about our Creator, is a description of who he is in terms of adjectives, in terms of attributes, in terms of things that he does, in terms of how he treats his creation. So we don't have a physical image of God. But we have an understanding that our Creator is most merciful to our Creator is most just that our Creator is most forgiving. The our Creator is the one who accepts or repentance that our Creator is most tolerant that our Creator is one whose anger will never exceed

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his his

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He's mercy. We have all of these descriptions of Allah. So that when we study who Allah is, we study a relationship between us and our Creator.

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This makes it very unique. This makes our religion is unique. Our concept of Allah is not a visual imagining god that is prohibited in our religion. We don't imagine any physical thing. When we worship Allah. Rather, we worship Allah, to contemplating His names and attributes. He's a smart will who's now his beautiful names,

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the names which he has revealed, and the names which he has not revealed, as well, as mentioned in the authentic hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated,

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The prophets, although some of he was making up and in his dua, he said, Oh Allah, I asked you by every name of yours, known to your creation, and every name of yours, that only you know that you have not revealed. So they are Names of Allah which have not been revealed. And this is why many of the old amasi the alleged names are not restricted to 99. Around the all those names are infinite, just like Ola is infinite, his names are infinite. Rather, what has been revealed, are specific names from which we can take lessons and benefits. That's what's been revealed, specific names that we can take lessons and benefits from. But Allah is infinite, and he's beyond human description. So

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in Islam, when we study the concept of God, we understand Allah in three ways. First, we understand that Allah is the only Rob right the only creator. And this in Arabic is called the concept of rubia, that there's only one creator, and the word robber, which is often translated as Lord. It means the one who created everything, the one who controls everything, the one who nourishes everything, the one who has power over everything. So we believe that every single thing that we see in existence, exists by the will of Allah. He created it, for reasons, some of which we understand some of which we don't. He controls it, and nothing happens except if he wills it.

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This is the first concept of who Allah is. The second concept is about Allah has beautiful names and attributes he's a smile was the fact that Allah is unique. In his description, there is nothing like Allah, He is as he and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have described him and we do not go into the house, we do not try to understand how Allah is. No that is beyond human understanding. The finite mind cannot understand the infinite. And the third aspect of our relationship with Allah is that we understand ibadah that we worship in every possible way, Allah alone, that we love Allah more than anything else. We obey Allah above anyone else. We feel Allah more than anyone else. We

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obey the laws of Allah, we stay away from what Allah has prohibited. We pre sell that to Allah, we make dua to Allah, we put the walk within Allah. All of these are different aspects of worship in Islam. Islam, worship does not just mean the ritual acts know, loving Allah more than anything else is worship, fearing Allah above anyone else's worship, obeying Allah.

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When other people get angry with you for being unloved is worship,

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putting your trust in Allah, the workbook trusting Allah, that is worship.

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So worshipping Islam is a very comprehensive concept. So we're going to take our first break soon. Before we do that, a quick recap of what we've covered thus far. We said that our relationship with Allah we understand it in three ways. He is the only Rob of this universe. He is unique in the names and attributes in which he has described himself and we worship Allah alone. These are the three aspects of our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is the Creator of everything he is unique, and what we are going to discuss in today's episode are some of those names, which Allah has described himself would in the Quran, and what those names mean, and what effect it should have in

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our life. So we're going to take our first break now Don't go away. We'll be right back after this treatise at lm SAR radio.

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Born UNGA Nanga

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Monday, Tata, we thank you

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radio Allen star is proud to be bringing you the simpler and the better number to get in touch with us out with the old 0312084564 and in with the new 0861904904. Yep, that's 0861904904 informing, educating, uniting the oma radio on I'm sorry 90.4 FM in Devon and 105 point six FM in Pietermaritzburg.

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concerning the community on the 24th of July we're coming to you live from the sub reaches the hole in lenasia housing and the big one on the 31st of July will be at 207 West road in a public forum. This last debate will also be televised live on ITV debates will take place from 130 to 3pm. All are welcome. It's time to get real answers. Let's unite our voices for change. This political debate proudly brought to you by anglogold Sharif.

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No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opening. Getting you through your

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show me the way

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at the end of the day.

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you listening to living Islam on Radio One Sir, I'm your host smile calm coming to you live from the Durban studios. And we are discussing

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the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Man roadbook who is your Lord? That is the question that we all will be asked first in our grave. How many of us can I answer that comprehensively, how many of us really understand who Allah is. And so what we are going to do over the next few weeks is that we are going to discuss some of Allah's Beautiful Names and attributes and what they actually mean and how they should affect our lives. And I want to start with the most important Name of Allah. And that is the name of Allah itself. Allah is a name. It is one of the most important Names of Allah it is the most important Name of Allah,

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the One that is mentioned the most amount of times in the Quran, it is the one that can be found in most other languages, right? Like ello him, right, and many other statements in many different languages. They are words which are similar to the pronunciation of Allah, and they all carry the same meaning. Now, historically, amongst the scholars of Arabic, there have been a variety of different opinions on what the word Allah actually means. There are those scholars who say the word Allah does not have a meaning. It's actually

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Proper nouns, the name of Allah which does not need a meaning. But a more strong opinion held by Malema throughout the world is that the word Allah does have a meaning. And it comes from the word Illa. I the word Allah comes from the word Isla, and that's another name Illa. Okay, so what does ILA mean? This word either comes right at the end of the Quran in surah NAS Kula Oh, dear ob nurse Maliki nurse ILA in us, what is either the law in us, God or mankind? So Illa means God. So when we say La Isla Illallah, there is no god except Allah. So the scholars say the word Allah is derived from the word Isla.

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Isla means a god, it means something that is worshipped. Anything that is worshipped by anyone in the world is classified as an ILA. And that is why when you convert to Islam, you have to say La Isla Illallah. You have to deny that anything else has the right to be called an ILA except Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this word Isla, it means called. And the word Allah comes from this word, it is the attribution of the owl, the definite owl before the word Illa. Right. So it's law, which translates as the one and only God. This is the translation of the word Allah, the one and only God. Or another translation would be the one who is worthy of worship, the one who should be worship, the

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one who must be worshipped. These are different ways in which you can translate the word of Allah.

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Allah to repeat for those of you who do not, we're not familiar with Arabic, Allah means God.

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Allah, Allah means Dear God, Allah is a stronger form it means the one and only God. And the word Allah is unique. It is unique because it is a word which cannot take a feminine form. There is no feminine form for the world of law. There is no plural for the word of Allah. It is absolutely unique to Allah. The word Isla can be ILA, ha, right, we can be Ali ha which is the plural. There are many different forms of it. But once it transforms into the word Allah, it becomes unique to Allah, it becomes the unique name of our Creator, a law, the one and only God, the only one who is worthy of worship. That is the meaning of the word Allah.

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So Allah subhana wa tada has chosen this to be his definite name, the name that appears the most amount of times in the Quran. Allah hula de la ilaha illa. Who, right? Shiva Hannah love, a hamdulillah right at the beginning of the Quran, Bismillah Alhamdulillah. Europe Bella Allah mean, the word a law

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appears more in the Quran than any other name.

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Meaning This is the most important name to understand of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that he is the only God so we should worship Him alone. We should love him more than anyone else. We should feel him above anyone else. We should put our trust in Him, we should obey Him, we should follow him. We should treat his laws as more important and better than the laws of any of his creation. He is a law, the one who is worthy of worship. Why is he worthy of worship?

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Because He created us.

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That alone would be enough. He created us. Therefore He's worthy of worship. But more than that, Allah created us. He sustains us. He takes care of us. And he is the only one who can really help us. When you are facing difficulties in life, is there anyone else who can help you besides Allah? Nope. This is why even those who worship other than Allah, when it comes to the difficult times in their life, what do they do? They turn to Allah, even the atheist when he's dying, the first words out of his mouth, oh, God saved me. Even he turns back to Allah. Because only Allah can help us. We need Allah in this world and the next in this world. We need Allah to help us through the tests of

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life. In the next world. We need Allah to forgive us an interesting to paradise.

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So how then can we worship anyone besides Allah and so this is the most important Name of Allah to understand that he is the only one worthy of worship and to worship Him alone. And this is the primary message of the Quran itself. Right there at the beginning of Surah Al partea iya Cana Buddha year canister in this verse, He aka Buddha canister in it summarizes the message of the Quran. You alone, we worship and You alone we ask for help. That is the message of the Quran. You understand who Allah is, you worship Allah, you seek help them Allah, you put your delicacy in Allah, that is the meaning

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of worshiping Allah.

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So this is the first and the most important Name of Allah.

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He is Allah.

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You know, in English, is no word similar to this, the closest you can get is the word God with a capital G. Right? This is English, how to distinguish between God, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and God in terms of the common noun referring to anything that is worshipped. When is used to refer to anything that is worships. We have God with a small G. And when refer to the Creator, it's God with a capital G. But when you're speaking, you can't you know, really say that you can't see big G or small G. Some people do it nowadays, but it's not practical. But in Islam, it's two different words all together.

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God with a small g means ILA, you know, that's an ILA. IBC la isla de la la, right? But God with a capital G in Islam, that's a law, a unique word, Allah, the creator, the de sustainer, the one who controls everything, Allah The only one worthy of worship. So we need to take our second break now. When we return. We will continue discussing some of the Beautiful Names and attributes of Allah Don't go away. We'll be right back after this break, the uninstaller Foundation, Dawa tarbiyah and education establishing the foundations of Islamic civilization in South Africa. Did you know that iron salvo Commedia center brings you sharp and outside SEO data at the easier convenient way of

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Born on

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against white *, and I have fought against black *, I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons would live together in harmony with equal opportunity. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to see realize that my lord if it needs to be it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die. Tweet us at Alan SAR radio

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there are 9999

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you listening to living Islam on radio Island Sir, I am your host smile calm, coming to you live from the Durban studio. And we are discussing the Beautiful Names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We

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were discussing before the break the most important Name of Allah the name that is found the most in the Quran, which is the word of law itself. And we said that according to the strongest opinion, the word Allah is deep derived from the word Isla. Illa means God, Allah means the one and only true God, the one who is who deserves to be worshipped.

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So for today's program, if we have enough time, I want to cover at least three or four names. If not, we'll stick to about two. There are at least two more names that we should note today. And those are the next two names mentioned in the very beginning of the Koran. And the next two names that are repeated most often in the Quran. I want you to just guess for a second after the name of law. What are the next two most common names of Allah in the Quran?

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Think about it. You'll find it right there in the bus Mala. And you'll find it again right in the beginning of Surah Fatiha

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Do you know what these names are?

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Oh Rahman. And Rahim

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Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the Quran. With this Mila your manual Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem. The words are manual Rahim mentioned more than 120 times in the Quran.

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The word of man in Surah. Maryam alone is mentioned over 19 times. The word Rahim is mentioned so many other times on its own a fool Rahim Aziza Rahim. You will find after the word Allah. The two most emphasized Names of Allah. Allah Rahmani r Rahim. You and I we use these names every day. Do we not say Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem every day? Do we not read through rafati every day? And he the second verse was the manual Rahim.

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So how many of us actually know what these words mean? How many of us have conceptualized what it means? Why is Allah repeating these names so many times? How many of us are aware of this?

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Think about it. Allah has chosen the names or Rahman and Rahim to be the most repeated names in the Quran. After the name of law, why? What is Allah emphasizing? Allah is emphasizing something, which is his defining attribute.

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And when you understand that this is a large defining attribute, it really

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changes your understanding of who your creators, you know, I'm gonna say something that some people might not like, but a lot of a lot of us do, the way we talk about Islam and the way we talk about Allah. We tend to make it look like he's a very angry court. And like, he just wants to punish everyone. And I'm not and I'm saying this is wrong, but I'm saying to see what some people do, right? Some people when they talk about Islam, all they talk about is Allah is gonna punish you and others gonna punish him in love with a Punisher and you're going to have that everyone's going to *, and the emphasis is so much on punishment.

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But when you read the Quran,

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the most repeated Names of Allah in the Quran, Allah, Allah Rahim. Both of these names are derived from the word Rama, which means mercy. Both of these names can be translated as the Most Merciful. Both of them can be translated as the Most Merciful, but they carry a different meaning. Our man means Allah is merciful to every single one of his creation. And our Rahim means that Allah has a special mercy for those who believe in him and worship him Allah.

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So Allah emphasizes these two attributes of mercy over and over and over again in the Quran. Why is Allah emphasizing His mercy so much in the Quran, and he doesn't just mention it, and he does not just emphasize it in terms of these names. But even in terms of his description, Allah says that he has written upon you

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himself he has made it obligatory upon himself, that his anger, his punishment will never exceed His mercy.

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Allah is not accountable to anyone, but he, out of His justice, out of his mercy has made it a rule upon himself that his mercy will always outweigh his angle.

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Think about it.

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Allah is so merciful to us. Which of us listening here today, can say that we've never committed a sin.

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Which of us can say we've lived such perfect lives that we not deserving of punishment.

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Yet, despite the sense that each and every one of us have committed,

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Allah still taking care of us. He's still giving us chance to repent. He's still giving us chance to change. He's still he's still letting us live on his Earth. Allah owns this earth. He owns you and I. But he still gives us this chance over and over again.

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Is it anyone more merciful than this? I mean, it when people are merciful, their mercy has, you know, very short limits. There's only so many times you can disobey your boss before he fires you. Right? There's only so many times you can make your parents angry before they kick you out of the house.

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But compared to how many times we've disobeyed Allah, but he hasn't chased us out of Islam. He hasn't seen his punishment upon us yet. Why? Because this is Allah's mercy. You see, Allah as most of you don't succeed, we don't understand. We don't realize it. But Allah's mercy is all around us. In every day of our lives. Every day of our lives, we experienced Allah's mercy, just the fact that we are living and breathing and, and believing and worshiping Him, despite all the sins we've committed. That's mercy. That allows mercy.

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And once the Sahaba after a battle, they saw a mother who was looking for her child, and she was frantically looking every and she could not find a baby. And finally she grabbed the baby, and she began to feed that baby. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us to hava Do you think that this mother will ever throw that baby into a fire?

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And disabatino a mother's to merciful should never do that.

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The prophets of Allah who are alayhi wa sallam he replied and said, By Allah, Allah is more merciful to his believing servants than this mother is to her baby

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or mothers and just think about that. Think about that. Allah is more merciful to you and I is more merciful to the believing servants

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than mothers are to their children. their mothers are to their babies.

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Allah's mercy is one of his defining attributes are mentioned his mercy so many times in the Quran, the entire Sutras, entire Sutras, dedicated to the mercy of Allah.

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Allah talks about this, about him being a man. So many times even a student goes through Rama, Rama, Rama, come on.

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Man, the Most Merciful reveal the Quran. Did you ever wonder why did Allah see a man on the moon Quran when you see Allah

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Allah moko when you see a large reveal, why did you see a lot don't you? Man talk to the Quran. Why did Allah say the Most Merciful doctor in the Quran? Do you know why he says this? Because that Quran is a mercy. That Quran is Allah's mercy. If it wasn't for Allah teaching us the Quran, we wouldn't know right from wrong.

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We'd be living like the animals.

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We'd be worse than the animals you don't believe me goat? Look at society. Look at those people who are in Jackie Leo in ignorance. How many of them do sins that even the animals wouldn't think about?

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I want to offend anyone but but this is reality of the world we live in. How many times you read a newspaper and you're like, how can a human being do that? That's what happens when you don't have guidance. It is Allah's mercy that he revealed guidance to us. It is our man, Allah Quran. It is the most merciful who taught us the Quran

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where Allah speaks in sudo Maria, about the stories of Zakaria and Maria many Brahim Ali, he stood up for every story. He describes himself as a man

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as the Most Merciful.

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In every one of these stories, he describes himself as the Most Merciful. He doesn't use the word, any other name of his in this era, when talking about the stories Why?

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Because in the stories, Allah is talking

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About his mercy. He begins. Zeke rahmati Rebecca Abu Zakaria. remember Allah has mercy. Remember your Lord's mercy to be slaves to Korea, right from the very beginning, the sutra begins reminding of Allah's mercy. And he goes on to outdo surah, the word of mouth, the word Rama, he comes over and over and over again.

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Even when Allah describes his prophets,

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right, he describes him as Rama. When he describes prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he described to me the rock metal the algemene. When he describes Jesus, he said peace be upon him. He describes him as rush Mata Minda immersi from us, a mercy from Allah.

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Allah uses this word or a man to refer to himself throughout the Quran. Because this is one of his most important attributes,

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we must understand that Allah is most merciful. And we must conceptualize what this means. Because this will define our relationship with our Creator.

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Allah subhanaw taala states in a hurry so I could see that I am as my servant thinks of me.

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Again, Allah says in a hurry so could see. I am as my servant thinks of me. Meaning what? If you think Allah is angry, God wants to punish you. That's what you're gonna get. But if you think of Allah, as most merciful, if you think of Allah, as the one who is going to forgive you, then that is what you are going to get.

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So we must focus on the aroma of Allah subhana wa tada we must focus on the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala because that is the attribute that he reminds us of over and over and over again in the Quran. We need to take one final break now. Don't go when we come back we will continue discussing the beautiful nature attributes of Allah. We'll be right back after this

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The OSR Foundation was established with the aim of uplifting and empowering the community we have since grown to achieve a track record of being one of the most progressive active organizations in the region since 1994. The Lone Star Foundation has established steadfast projects to assist and aid both Islamic and non Islamic communities such as Radioland Syed Ansari, trade fair Islam assumed Center of Excellence for children with special needs the LSR book and media center morein be sold on preschool and Montessori teachers key our centers for learning outreach programs and feeding schemes, educational seminars, wheelchair and walking aid distribution programs, Cancer Support

00:42:52 --> 00:43:33

Group disaster relief programs and blanket drives. We would not have been able to achieve this had it not been for your continued support assistance and encouragement for more updates and information of our activities. Follow us on Twitter at on SAR radio and like our Facebook page allowance our foundation in South Africa the Allen SAR foundation educating uniting informing uplifting since 1994. The LSR Foundation was established with the aim of uplifting and empowering the community we have since grown to achieve a track record of being one of the most progressive and active organizations in the region since 1994. The LSR Foundation has established steadfast projects to

00:43:33 --> 00:44:14

assist and aid both Islamic and non Islamic communities such as Radioland sign on to our trade fair it massud Center of Excellence for children with special needs the Ellen SAR book and media center morein beast built on preschool and Montessori because Kenya centers for learning outreach programs and feeding schemes, educational seminars, wheelchair and walking aid distribution programs, Cancer Support Group disaster relief programs and blanket drives. We would not have been able to achieve this had it not been for your continued support assistance and encouragement for more updates and information of our activities. Follow us on Twitter at OnStar radio and like our Facebook page on

00:44:14 --> 00:44:22

Star Foundation, South Africa The Lone Star foundation educating uniting informing uplifting since 1994.

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Show Me The Way

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you listening to living Islam on Radio One sir I'm your host a smile calm coming to you live from the Durban studio and we are talking about the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the customer or the listener. And before we went for the break we were talking about the most, the most common names of Allah in the Quran. The most repeated Name of Allah in the Quran is the name of Allah, which means the only one worthy of worship. After that the most repeated Names of Allah in the Quran are Rahman, and Rahim, Allah man, meaning the one whose mercy encompasses everything, and our him, the one who has a specific mercy for the believers.

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We mentioned the Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated that Allah has more mercy upon his believing slaves, then this woman has upon Habibi. In another beautiful Hadees

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it is stated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated that Allah has this has divided his mercy into 100 parts. And every bit of compassion and mercy that you see on earth makes up 1% one part of the mercy of Allah, and Allah has held back the other 99 parts, the other 99% of His mercy, for the Day of Judgment.

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that the mercy of Allah that we will experience in the Day of Judgment is 99 times more

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powerful than all of the mercy that we see on this earth,

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every bit of mercy on this earth, from a mother's mercy for a child, to the compassion that we have for one another, to the mercy between the animals.

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All of this makes up 1% of the mercy of Allah. The rest we will experience in the afterlife, on the day of judgment, in gender, just we will truly begin to conceptualize understand just how merciful Allah subhana wa Taala is, Allah is so merciful, that he taught us the Quran.

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Allah Muhammad Allah the Quran, the Most Merciful taught the Quran. Allah taught us the Quran, he sent us the Quran he told us what it means he gave us understanding of it, he gave us the ability to practice it. This is his mercy. If Allah What did he could have given it to somebody else. If Allah wanted you could have been born into another family and never heard about Islam. If Allah wanted, we would not be Muslims, and we would not know about it. But Allah has mercy to us that he introduced us to the message and to the revelation and he made us believe us. This is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is from Allah's mercy

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that he sent us

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the final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The very concept of messengers and revelation is part of Allah's mercy, that a Merciful Creator will not leave his creation to just live in this world and not know what to do. No, it is part of His mercy that he has sent to us messengers. And this is why he describes the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a single mother so now

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we have only sent your Mohammed as a mercy to the entire universe. Allah's mercy is in the fact that he has sent us such a messenger

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Eva, the existence of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the message that he brought and the sooner that he has shown us and the message that he has taught us in his Hadees, it is all mercy from Allah.

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And it is the mercy of Allah.

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It is the mercy of Allah that will enter us into jungle because let's face it, none of us as in this

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universe can see the I'm such a good Muslim ideas agenda. No one can see that. We all have since we all have skeletons. We all have bad deeds, bad thoughts.

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How do we engender we to sincerely try our best to please Allah and then Allah's mercy? It is to Allah's mercy

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He forgives our sins, He multiplies our good deeds, and he enters us into paradise.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated, nobody will enter agenda because of the deeds. This is not even you Yara Shula, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, No, not even me unless Allah shows me with his mercy.

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Meaning the only way to indigenize to the mercy of Allah.

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So understanding that Allah is most merciful, it should have two types of impact in our lives. The first is the we should never lose hope in the mercy of Allah.

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We should never lose hope in the merciful In fact, losing hope in Allah as Mercy is considered this belief

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by many of the old Ummah, because it is stated in Surah Yusuf

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that Prophet yaku Alayhi Salam had stated that none lose hope in the mercy of Allah, except for disbelieving people.

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that someone who knows who Allah is,

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that person can never lose hope unless mercy.

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understand what I'm saying.

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When I say don't lose hope unless mercy, it means my brother and sister whoever you are listening, understand what ever since you have committed in your life, if you repent, if you make Toba if you change, if you become a better person, Allah will forgive them.

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Do not say I am such a sinner. Allah will never forgive me no lies most most people do not say

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that I am such a person that

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you know, Allah can't forgive me. Do not say that Allah is going to punish me and he's not merciful. Don't say these things. These are not statements that the believer makes, because the believer knows that Allah is most merciful.

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When we talk about the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada

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there's one Hadees that just it just hits me. And so this is about the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala we talking about not losing hope unless mercy. I want to quote this Hadees right before we close off, this hadith is the final Hadith in the famous book, The 40 Hadith, and Avi is actually Hadees 42 and many people don't know this, but the book 40 hadith of ANOVA is actually 42 Heidi says, and he's number 42 found the answer to the MIDI authentic Hadees and he's a hadith of bootsy integration that goes back to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and Anil radi Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you're all caught up with taala honestly with Molly karate low on the rates that I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam see that Allah Allah said, yup, nada. Oh, descendent of Adam.

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presents this is be careful attention. Allah is addressing you and I directly. Oh, descendent of Adam inaka

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mother. Oh, Danny what uh Joe Danny over to Luca Rama gonna Minka Willa Bali.

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Oh son and descendant of Adam. So long as you continue to make dua to me and to ask of me. I shall forgive you for whatever you have done and I don't mind.

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You have been Adam. Oh descendant of Adam. Yo brother got the new buka on a summer, summer stock photos. Danny Bullock. Oh, descendent of Adam. If your sins had to reach the clouds in the sky, and then you had to ask me for forgiveness. I was. I will forgive you.

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Yup. naadam Oh, descendent of Adam. In Naka lo a detainee pico de hora de su Molokini LA to Sri Cabeza de Luca b corabi. hamaca para

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o descendent of Adam, if you had to come to me, which lends more than the Earth in size, and you have to face me having not worshipped anyone besides me never come up with shirk. I will bring you a forgiveness that is almost as big as that.

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How can anyone

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lose hope in the mercy of Allah.

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When Allah has promised us this

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How can anyone lose hope in the mercy of Allah? When Allah has stated that he will forgive us, as long as we are seeking forgiveness, and as long as we are trying

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to the first aspect of believing in Allah's mercy is that we do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah and we continue to repent for our sins.

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You take an aspect of believing in the mercy of Allah is that we believe or rather that we ourselves, be merciful to the creation of Allah.

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And we do not have enough time to discuss this in details this week. Our time is up, we have one minute left. So inshallah

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next week,

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next week, we will continue to discuss the allas names denoting His mercy. I will talk about this concept of how we two must be merciful towards each other in the rest of illustration, there are so many pieces that we need to quote on that topic, that we do not have time to discuss it today. So we asked a lot to give us the correct understanding of his names and attributes to make us firm believers to make us from those who worship none but him who obey Him who love Him who follow Him, who love his religion, and who love Islam. You see this Malcolm the signing off on radio and services aka him was Salam alaykum. warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Islamic lifestyle solution presents its annual fundraising dinner on the 29th of July at the nmJ Islamic Center.

This is the first episode of a series on the names of Allah. This episode focuses on the names Allah and Ar-Rahman.

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