Ismail Kamdar – Events leading to the hijrah

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The history of the Hadron in the river is highlighted, including the migration of Jewish tribes and the creation of a spiritual cycle. The migration is crucial in the series of events leading up to the hijra, which escalates in the ocean and leads to war between two cultures. The group of young leaders are trying to convince young people to come to Makkah for advice on Islam, and they meet with a Prophet inrows who gives them a pledge to unite against the world. The importance of acceptance of Islam's plan and not underestimating his plan is emphasized, and the importance of learning from the story of the Prophet's use of Alayhi wa sallam and the holy grail is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Milena no matter who you know the stock funeral, we're not may not be here today when I want to be let him in Cerulean Butina woman CEO Dr. Molina Miyagi hill now who further medulla will meet you below for the inner circle, Hadith Kitab Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We're sure Morimoto to Hakuna Matata Timbit vocal obedient Allah Allah, Allah Allah

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Hamdulillah we now begin the year 1445 After Indra. We are now in the month of Muharram of the year 1445 of the Hijra. And I think it's important for us to take some time to reflect on the events that led up to the Hijra itself. Our calendar is directly linked to the hijab.

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Because the hijab is considered the turning point in Muslim history, up until the hijab, the Muslims were oppressed minority in Makkah. And after the hijra, from Mecca to Medina, David, they grew into a powerful civilization. So the hinges considered the turning point. And that's why our calendar begins with the headrail.

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But what often gets lost in our discussions about the Hijra is how the doors were open for the EGR to take place. You see many times when we study the Sierra we're looking at we're looking at it from one angle, we're looking at what's going on in Makkah, right. So we're looking at the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the oppression he was facing him looking for a way out. But what many of us don't realize is that there's another story going on in your trip in Medina, which and that story helps us to understand how Allah opens the doors for people. Right, Allah opened the doors for the hijab, through a series of events that takes place in the trip that makes it the right

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place at the right time to become the Hijra destination. So today, I want to just highlight about five events that took place before the Hadron in the river, that these five events in a row, they were what opened the doors for it to become the right place at the right time for the Hijra itself. And this goes back number one to the Hijra of the Jews, the migration of Jewish tribes into the region. So this goes way back before the time of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, that many Jewish tribes had migrated and settled in the region of YouTube, setting up marketplaces and fortresses. And they had gathered in this region. And this is important and important event related

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to the hijab, because why did the Jews choose this land to migrate to, they chose the land of Yatra, to migrate to because from their understanding of the Torah, that's where the next prophet was going to be. That's why they chose the land, because that's where the next profit is going to be. And so they set up the markets here, they became quite wealthy in the area, and they would tell the Arabs of Yatra, that the profit is coming to this lens, right, and we're going to follow him and we're going to take over. So this now puts into the minds of the Arabs living in your trip, the idea of a prophet, the idea that the Prophet will come to that land, right, the idea of a prophet will arise

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in their lifetime in Arabia, and we'll come to this land. Now. Remember, for many of the Arabs, the concept of Prophets was something that they weren't familiar with. So this opens the doors for the people of your trip to be familiar with the idea of prophets deeply familiar with the idea that a prophet is coming to this land, and to be ready to recognize him when he comes. So the migration of the Jews to the land of your trip is very important in the series of events that led to the hijra, you're going to open the minds of the Arabs of your trip to the idea that the prophet is coming.

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The second event that led to opening the doors for the hijra, is the brass was, right, a war a civil war that took place between the Arabs of yet so before Islam, the city of Yathrib was divided into two Arab tribes, two major Arab tribes, the oats and the hodgepodge. And the oats and the husk Raj were in a state of civil war for a very, very long time. It was a very divided community. And what happens now is a few years before the hijra, this this civil war escalates, and it reaches a peak and a major battle takes place in which there's a lot of bloodshed, and in which almost all of the elders and leaders of both tribes are wiped out. So what's this got to do with the Hijra? It was

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taking place in the artery of a civil war between two tribes the ocean the cartridge deadly

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Leaders are wiped out. The elders are wiped out. What's this got to do with the Hijra? Well, what happens is

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because this war was so *, and because all of the elders were killed, number one, the young people now take over the tribes. So now the leaders of the ocean, the Hassan are youngsters, very open minded youngsters. Number two, these youngsters are looking for the solution. They don't want war, they want peace, they want unity. They want to wait for the ocean husbands to unite. They don't want to see another battle like that ever take place. Again, the last too many people. Number three, is that these young people, not only are they now in charge of the tribe, but they actively now go out looking for people to to advise. Right, and this is where the we see the first intersection

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between this story and the serum that this is the poverty of many of us, because you have all these people, because what happens is Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam at that time, he's in Morocco. And anytime people are coming for Hajj, he's approaching them with the message of Islam. And he's looking for a place that he can migrate to. And he's thinking about dois is thinking about Yemen, but Allah had a different plan. In the meanwhile, this group of new young leaders who have just been devastated by a war, and who wants solution, they want a way out and want something different than they want to solve the problems their community, this group of youngsters are now coming to Makkah

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for hygiene, hoping to speak to the elders of Makkah and get some advice. Right. And so they meet up Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam looking for people to deliver the message of Islam to these youngsters who just survived the war looking for someone to take advice from. They speak to each other. And some of these young people accept Islam, and they convert to Islam.

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And this is now the beginning. Right of the

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this is the third event right? In this history of five events that lead up to opening the doors for HITCHER. So Jews move to Medina. This introduces the Arabs of Medina to the concept of a prophet will come in their lifetime in this region, the people of Medina Yathrib, they have a civil war, right, a civil war takes place between them. And the new young leaders, they want solutions. So they go to Makkah, and they meet the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, and they recognize him as the prophet that the Jews were talking about. They recognize him as the prophet that the Jews were talking about, and they accept his message. The fourth event, a very overlooked and important part of our

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history. The Dawa, of Musab even omega, the Tao of Musab ibn Amir Rajala. This is a very overlooked part of our history. Many of us don't even know the name was up even Amen. But he is one of the most important figures in the history of Dawa, one of the most important figures in the history of Dawa. So what happens? This group of young people, they accept Islam, and they ask Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, send someone with us to your trip to teach us Islam and to preach our people. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looks at his companions, and he chooses Musab Abel are male, and tells him to go to your trip and to teach the people who is most available. Oh, man. What's up

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even though man was born into one of the wealthiest families of Makkah. Right in his childhood, he was the spoiled rich kid, who everybody else would look up to in terms of fashion and terms of wealth and how he dressed. He accepts Islam. His family cuts him off from all these wild, he becomes poor. He doesn't care about that. he dedicates his life to the worship of Allah. He becomes from those who memorize the Quran. He becomes from those who know the deen inside out will really understand the deen on a deep intellectual level. He makes his right to Abyssinia he comes back and now Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam chooses him to be the one to go to Medina. It's a very important

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event. This is the first time we know of in our history. We are Rasulullah sallallahu some actively chooses someone to go and do Dawa in another region. And Musa even Amir is very effective in his Dawa, he moves to Yatra a stranger to this community. A man from Makkah, a complete stranger to the people of your trip. And he begins to sit down with the people and teach them Islam. And this catches the eye of the tribal leaders of your trip. As the tribal leaders they come to Musa economic and they start to make demands and they start to threaten him and to you know to they want to kick him out and send him back to Makkah. So he makes a deal with them. It tells the leaders of one of

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the tribes tell him sit down and listen to a message. If you like it, accept it. If you think it's wrong, I'll go right. He makes a deal with him like this.

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So the man sits down. Musa ibn Amir presents to him the message of Islam recited to himself in the Quran. And this leader accepts Islam on the spot. He then goes back to his tribe and he tells his tribe, I'm a Muslim. Now you all need to be Muslim too. And because he's the leader, the majority of the tribe except Islam as well, and this continues over a few years, the Musa ibn domain has a ripple effect on the community of your trip, until there is now a strong and dominant amount of Muslims in your trip. And this is one man's doubt, and is a name that many of us don't even know. Musab, even email.

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The sad thing about the story of Musa even O'Meara is just three years later, in the Battle of Ohio, he's martyred, you will meet him Shahidi was one of the 70 shahidul.

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He was the one holding the flag on the day of God. And he's martyred on the day of Oh God, and he never lived to see the victory of Islam. He never lived to see the Muslims grow rich and powerful and established civilizations. He died very young, like he was probably in his early 30s, or maybe even his late 20s When he was martyred. But he's such an important figure in the history of the Dow

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and even the Sahaba they recognize this Indians remember this there are stories of the Sahaba 30 or 40 years later, when they conquered Persia when they conquered Damascus, the statements on the Sahaba saying this Musa Amelie could have seen this, this look think about him 30 or 40 years later, because they recognize him as such an important part of the community. So this is the fourth event that played an important role in opening the doors for the Hijra. The Tao of Musab ibn O'Meara, that he and his Dawa in Medina is what made that land fertile. So now, when they come for Hajj, the next year, it's a much larger group. A lot of Muslims come from Medina, right. And they meet with the

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Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam in secret, and they take a pledge with him. The pledge of occupied this is the it's the first event that they take a pledge with him that if you come and live in Medina, we will protect you, we will fight for you, we will die for you, you will be one of our own.

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And this is the final event that opens the doors for the future.

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Now, why are we looking at the events in this order?

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Because you know, Hamdulillah, we always talk about how the Hijra is the turning point in history. And we say that Allah opened the doors for the hijab for Rasulullah sallallahu he was done. But it's important for us to look at the exact steps of how the doors opened. Right? Because it shows us how Allah's plan works in this world. How events are taking place that we think are completely unrelated, you know, Jewish tribes moving to geriatric. What's that got to do with the Hijra? It's directly linked, right? A civil war takes place in yatra. What's that got to do with Asia, it's directly linked. All of this is the plan of Allah, to make this land fertile for Islam. Because the

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people of your trip, were tired of fighting. The people of your trip knew that a prophet was coming. The people of Yahweh needed something to unite upon and Islam gave them all of that Islam gave them whatever they needed. And then the rasool Allah Salah us Salam, and the Sahaba of Makkah, the MaHA Giroux when they migrate to your trip, it becomes Medina and the civilization of Islam is established. And so the main lesson they want us to take from this series of events is to never underestimate the plan of Allah subhanho wa taala. That Allah's plan is always in motion. And sometimes we don't understand it. Sometimes we don't see it. And sometimes things look like they are

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bad. But in the long run, they are working in our favor. And we must trust Allah's plan. Always trust Allah has planned for you because Allah knows what is best. We ask Allah to guide us you ask Allah grant us understanding and we ask Allah to ease all of our fears behind the robin Robin is a domestic goon was salam ala mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

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hamdu Lillahi wa, wa Salatu was Salam ala Madonna via bad bad

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in Africa howdy CK tabula AHA jihadi Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Shadrach ammonium decided to have a cooler more intensity in which we're going to be adding Dolla dolla in

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a parallel between the Hijra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that can be found in the Quran is the story of the Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam.

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In fact, that if you look at the reason for revelation of Surah Yusuf, it was when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam willing to toil, right according to one of the innovations when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam went to toys to seek a place to make Hijra to, and the people kicked him out in a very brutal

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Oh, and humiliating manna.

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And he's sitting outside in a garden thinking about what to do next. And you know, what's the next step? Now? Where do we go? It was at that moment that Allah revealed to him Surah Yusuf.

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Why Surah Yusuf? Because sewer use of at that moment was a prediction of what his story is going to be like that use of Alayhis Salam went through a series of events, that when you look at it, it seems like negative events, right? His brothers throw him in a while he becomes a slave. He is the woman who owns him, tries to seduce him, he gets thrown into jail for something he didn't do, he spent seven years in jail seems like very negative events, wash over hand over dollars in control. And these events opened the doors for us to become into a position of power in Egypt, for him to gain a position of power and authority in Egypt, that this was the series of events he had to go

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through. He's born in one city, he received a position of power in a different city. And this story being revealed at that moment, was to give Rasulullah sallallahu. Some hope that he was going to go through a similar journey, that yes, he's going through a series of events that seem negative, but they are opening the doors for him to receive a position of power in a different land, which was Medina. And so another beautiful story for us to analyze. Whenever you feeling down ever you feel like things aren't going your way Your plans aren't working out, you know, bad things are happening. Take time to recite your use of and to reflect on the story of use of Ali salaam, and take time to

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read the story of the hijra, and to reflect on the Hijra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because these stories, they give us hope. They give us hope. And I want us to focus on three lessons that we can take from these stories. Lesson number one, have the workbook, have the workbook, trust Allah because Allah knows best. Sometimes you want something, you really, really desperately want something. But Allah is closing every doors to what you want. Trust that Allah knows what is best for you. Trust that Allah knows what is best for you. And perhaps that's not good for you at this moment. Perhaps what you want is not what's good for you at this moment. Trust the plan of ALLAH

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SubhanA wa taala. Number two, understand that God works in ways we can't understand. Other work works in ways that we can't understand. When Yusuf Ali Salam was taken as a slave, when he was put into prison, he did not know what this was leading towards. Were Rasulullah sallallahu, some had to face what he faced with the people of boys. And he's sitting outside with his feet bleeding, wondering where do we go next? What do we do next? He did not know the plan Allah had for him. And we see this in many of the stories of the righteous predecessors and many of the stories of the Sahaba and many of the stories of the prophets that they did not know at that moment that all of

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this was part of the culture of Allah to help them get to where they need to be and to accomplish what they need to accomplish. When we look at Musa Ali salaam, the same thing happens with him when he is kicked out of the city, right for killing that man, you know, by mistake, that leads him on a series of, of events that establish him to become the man that he's meant to be.

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And so even in our own lives, understand that the color of Allah works in mysterious ways. And sometimes you just have to let God happen. Sometimes you just have a quarter Rolla and you just have to keep moving forward. And you just have to put in your mind that this may be what's best for me, even if I don't understand it. You go back to the study of Musa alayhis salam, when he was commanded by Allah to take the life of a young child and Musa al Islam got angry and asked him How can you take the child's life and he then explains to him that Allah has revealed to me this child's going to grow up and be a great source of fitna to his parents, and his parents are righteous people to

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Allah wanted to save those parents, by taking the life of the child. Those parents will never know why they lost their child at a young age for them, that is the grief and the tests they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives, not realizing Allah saving them from a greater calamity. And so sometimes we just have to accept the color of Allah and keep moving forward, understand that it works in mysterious ways.

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And finally, understand

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that perhaps you dislike a thing and it is good for you that perhaps you love something and it is bad for you. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this in the Quran, and in surah baqarah and this has become a proverb of the Muslims. Perhaps you dislike what is good for you and you love what is bad for you, but Allah knows best and you know not Allah knows best and you know not

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keep this in mind. Whenever you are trying to accomplish something and Allah is pushing you in a different direction. Keep in mind

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In the Allah knows best, maybe what I love is not good for me, maybe what I don't like that's what's best for me. And so accept the color of Allah have Tawakkol and understand that if you are living a life that is pleasing to Allah, if you are trying your best to obey Allah, if your plans are plans that are beneficial for the Ummah, Allah will help you in some way or another. He will either help you to get what you want, or he will help you to get what is better for you. Either way, Allah is going to help you. It just might not be giving you exactly what you want in the studio. And sometimes that is what is best for us.

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So we ask Allah to give us the ability to understand and to accept, and to have the will and to be content with what he has written for us. And we ask Allah to allow us to benefit from the Sierra and from the lives of the prophets and to extract wisdom from it and to apply to our lives. Robin Artina for dunya Hasina will ask you what he has now working with Governor Robin Hobb land I mean as watching those who don't yet know Kurata

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Akina mama Shiva Hannah Robin Robin is that mi se foon was salam mousseline will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen, Aki, Minnesota

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