Ismail Kamdar – Allah loves the Pious, Independent, Unknown

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of the conflict between the Union of Saudi Arabia and the Union of Saudi Arabia, leading to a war between the two countries. They emphasize the importance of paying attention to people's qualities to achieve dreams and avoiding piety. The speakers stress the need for individuals to strive for financial independence and not seek fame, emphasizing the importance of learning Islam to become successful and avoiding past experiences or relationships to achieve financial freedom.
AI: Transcript ©
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No hamdulillah Madhu and Stein on the stock bureau. When we know we hit the rock Ali when I will be below him in Cerulean phocoena Woman sejati Amara Lena via the hula hoop Allah moody Lala. For me you dilute for the Hadith, Baba and sign and sign even more general call caller Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a law he pulled up the copy of money, I'll copy.

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It is narrated by SODIMM ABI Waqqas Rajala. One who

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the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam said,

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Allah loves the servant, who is pious, financially independent and unknown to the people.

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Whenever we hear of a verse of the Quran or Hadith that begins with the words Allah loves, this should cause us to pay extra attention. Because whatever comes next, is a quality that is beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. And we all we all want to be beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. So we should pay attention to these qualities so we can put them into our lives and we can practice them. Now very often. The verses of the Quran or the Hadith says about the qualities that are beloved to Allah are quite self explanatory, right? Allah loves the pious, Allah loves the jest. Allah loves the generous, Allah loves the clean. All of this is quite easy to understand. But the Hadith I've

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chosen for today for today is one that requires a bit more explanation. Very often, I have people ask me, but what does this actually mean? Allah loves the financially independent. Allah loves the one who is unknown to the people. What does this mean? So inshallah today we are going to discuss this hadith the Hadith mentions three qualities that are beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala, piety, financial independence and being unknown to the people. Piety we all understand 100 That we all understand what Taqwa mean what Taqwa means, what is a good ducky what is a pious person and inshallah this is something we are all striving for. But what may be less clear is what is meant by

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Allah honey, a person who is independent what is meant by a hoppy a person who is unknown? And how do we achieve these qualities in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa taala. To understand this hadith, we need to look at the reason for narration. Just like the verses of the Quran, have reasons for revelation, some of them there will be an incident and then a reverse will be revealed. Likewise, many a hadith have reasons for narration that something would happen and either the prophets lawyer some would say something or it's a hobby would narrate something that the prophets liked him I said to them in the past. So when you look at this hadith in Sahih Muslim and this is an

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authentic hadith from Sahih Muslim. The reason for narration is mentioned in the in the narration found in Sahih Muslim. This hadith was narrated by sod even ABI Waqqas Radi Allahu Anhu to his son, Amin around the time of the first Civil War. Now I'm not going to go into details about the first Civil War. Inshallah we all know history well enough to know that after the death of Usman Rajala, and who there was a civil war between the Sahaba right, so while the civil war was going on, sad even ABI Waqqas and who was Saddam be Waqas, he was on the Ashura Bashara the chain given the glad tidings of Jana, he was one of the first earliest Muslims he was from those who are closer to the

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Prophet sallahu wa salam, he fought in every major battle with the prophets, a lot of you some he was from the greatest and the most pious of the sahaba. But why in the civil war was going on. Nobody could find him anywhere. He was neither on this side on that side, nobody could find him. So he says, Amir goes looking for him. And Amir comes to a to his father's farm. And he sees his father, sitting amongst the camels, just relaxing amongst the camels. So he gets angry. And he looks at his father and he says, I always will be live in Saudi. I seek Allah's protection from this from this love of this world from this level of wealth.

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You are attending to camels and sheep while there's a war going on over leadership. So we begin to admonish his father, right. Like it's a very heated time if you understand what is going on in the world. At that time. It was a very heated time. So he gets a bit less than that. There's a war going on the Sahaba on both sides. My father sitting with his camels.

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Sadie Walker stands up, he looks at his son, and he says goose could keep quiet. Because I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that Allah loves the servant who is pious, financially independent and unknown to the people in Allah you He will up the honey I'll coffee in a low level.

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Ducky Alcone hoppy Allah loves the server do is a toughy personal Taqwa out

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I need a personal financial means and Alfie unknown.

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So why does he know read this hadith at that time? We know some of you, of course, was a toughy. He was a pious person, because he's from the ashram Aubuchon. He was guarantee Jana, you're not going to be guaranteed gender if you're not a pious person, right. But we also know he was Aulani. He was financially free. In fact, the majority of the ashram washed out of the chain, given the glad tidings of Jannah. were wealthy people. The majority of them were wealthy people, they were people who are financially free, including Saudi, they'll be workers, right. But at this point in time, what the part of this might not make sense to us is, how was he unknown to the people? Because to

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us, when we look back 1400 years ago, we see Saudi Arabia workers, as this legend, as this amazing person as his hero, as the person who we write books about. So how was the unknown to the people? You see, this is where the practice of the Hadees comes in.

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It's not that he was unknown to the people is that he was trying to be unknown to the people. He was staying away from the spotlight. He was staying away from the politics, he was staying away from the public eye. He was trying to focus only on two things, pleasing Allah and taking care of his business. He didn't want to be in the public eye at all. That is our coffee. A coffee doesn't mean that you are completely unknown. He means you are trying to avoid the spotlight. And so from this Heidi's we learn that there are three qualities that are beloved to Allah. Number one is piety and piety is the most important one, because if someone is financially free, and unknown to the person,

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but they don't have a single atom of piety in their heart, then that that financial freedom is not going to bring them closer to Allah, that being unknown to the people is not going to bring them closer to Allah because piety is the foundation, the others are built upon.

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But why financial freedom? You see this, this is a point that many of us get confused because we are taught that piety and poverty are related. Right? The pious person is poor, that people who have money, you know, they're going to be misguided. They are greedy, they are materialistic. But again, Abu Bakar was wealthy. Omar Rajan was wealthy man radula, who was wealthy Saudi Arabia, was wealthy up to Rossmann even offers wealthy, even illegal was, was wealthy. This is more than half of the 10 who are given the glad tidings agenda, were businessmen who are wealthy.

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So clearly, being wealthy does not get in the way of being pious. You can be both. So why did Allah love that person who is financially the first thing what does alfani even mean? Our money means that someone works hard in this world to achieve a level of financial success. We other people can't bully them anymore. If you one of the things that people hold over other people's heads is wealth. Right? Let me give you an example of alimony and not our money in terms of a scholar, and Imam who is financially free, who has his own business has his own sources of income, he can stand on the member and speak his mind. He can hold his own opinions, he can pass fatwas, that he believes is

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true, nobody can threaten you getting fired, nobody can threaten to take away his source of livelihood. Because he is alpha he, he is someone who is financially free. For the imam who is dependent on a salary from the board of directors. Very often it happens that they will bully him, they will control him, they won't let him hold certain opinions. They won't let him give certain fatwa he will, they will control what he says on the member. Why? Because in financial freedom lies the power, to be truly yourself to be able to stand up to bullies to be able to hold your own opinions, that people can't tell you what to say and do because they have no way of controlling you.

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And this is why financial freedom is actually something that Allah loves. Now, if Allah test somebody with poverty, that is a test from Allah, and part of the test is to work your way back up in life. But if Allah does not test someone to poverty, and they choose, you know, to remain in a position of weakness, then that is a fault on them. What do you mean by choosing to be in a position of weakness, some people, they live off DACA and they have no intention to build wealth or to start a job or to build up a career they just comfortable living of other people's aka Some people even worse than this, they borrow money from people with no intention to pay back. They just loads of

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other people's money with no intention to to pay back. Some people may live off the system, you know, maybe the country they living in the government hands out money and they just live off that and they have no intention of working their way up in life. This is a problematic mindset. And some people will link that to piety. They'll say Oh, I'm pilots like I got my Tawakoni in Allah I don't need to work is no piety.

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A truly pious person will work for the * out of this world because it benefits him and he benefits the OMA. It benefits him How does he benefit

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him already mentioned that when you work to work your way up in this world, you become independent people can't bully you people can't control you. People don't have that power over you anymore, because you are now financially able to take care of yourself. So it's a very important position to get into. We see this in the life of Imam Abu Hanifa Rahim Allah, that he worked towards financial freedom, he had his business, and he had his teachings. Because of his business. He didn't rely on anyone for a salary. And he was very outspoken about his own teachings. And this is why whenever young students of knowledge come to me for advice on what they should do with their lives, I always

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tell them, adopt the Abu Hanifa model, have a business and have your Islamic work to make them safe. So you can be free to see what you want without worrying about people controlling your what you say.

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So but being wealthy doesn't just benefit you. It benefits the OMA, why? Because when the wealth of this world is in the hands of the pious people of the kin, it benefits everybody. Because the pious person is going to pay this AKA a pious person is going to give sadaqa a pious person is going to establish a cough, a pious person is going to take care of the orphans going to take care of the widows going to help other people come up in life. When wealth is in the right hands, it flows through society. And when wealth is in the wrong hands, it stays in the minds of departments. And so it's important that wealth is in the right hands. You see, we hear about stories about aboubaker

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giving all of his wealth in charity and almost giving half of his wealth in charity, and Osman Rajaratnam giving so much charity that he can fund an entire army, but you everything how they were able to give that much charity is because they lived by this hadith that they lived up to being financially free.

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And again, if anyone's not convinced that financial freedom is something that believers should should seek and try to gain in their life. I mean, think about these two hours, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught Rasulullah sallallahu some daughters to make it work. Allah McWeeny Bihar alikhan Haram ik were agony before the government Seawalk O Allah make the * out sufficient for me. So I'm not tempted with the Haram and oh Allah make me alfani Make me independent of everybody besides you.

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If independence was not important, why would you be talking to

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more than that? The morning and evening to us? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to make dua every morning and evening three times Allahumma India Oh, Devika Minako free Well, factory, Oh Allah, I seek Your protection from Cofer and poverty. Every morning, three times every evening three times. We ask Allah for protection from poverty. If poverty was piety, why did Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teacher says to you some people they mix up poverty with simplicity. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam chose to live a simple life because he was the messenger of Allah. And he had no attachment to this world. But he's not he was not a poor person. He was not a poor person.

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He was not someone who was dependent on others. Right. He is not someone who chose poverty. He chose simplicity. The big difference. Omar Rajan was the same. Omar Rajani chose simplicity. He chose to sleep on the floor, he chose to live a simple life he chose to wear cheap clothing, but he wasn't poor in the sense that he didn't work. He had a business and it was hard. And he used that money to help others. If somebody else was in trouble, he would take care of them, he would provide for them, he would help them out. These were no this was not poverty. This was simplicity and we must understand the difference.

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So the quality that Allah loves, is a pious person who is financially free. You see for empires person is financially free, they could use that wealth for evil. But if a pious person has wealth, that wealth will flow to the OMA and that wealth to be used for good and this is why Allah loves that person. Super Hannah Robin is at the mercy fool wa salam ala mousseline hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.

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hamdulillah Salat, wa salam ala Nabi Avada Mavado inner circle Hadi sikita Bula. We're here you heard you heard the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shared with ammonium to high desert in mid poco Lupita tindora La Jolla.

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The third quality mentioned in this hadith is a hoppy and this is one that confuses us, the person who is unknown. What does it mean to be unknown? It means that you do not seek fame. You do not want to be famous.

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And this is a fitna of our times. We are living in a time where almost every second person you speak to wants to be famous because of social media, fame has become easier than ever before.

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And it has become a goal of modern society. You see, modern society is all about the knifes it's all about me it's all about what I want. You know, and because of that people want fame they want the spotlight they want attention on them when

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You talk to young people what you want to be when you grow up. Many of them say I want to be a famous YouTuber. Fame is a fitna of our times.

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And the way to get away from the sick now is to understand this hadith and live by the Saudis, Al Hafi. The believer who is trying to become beloved to Allah will run away from thing will try not to be famous, will try to avoid the parts to fail.

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A believer will feel failed. Why would you feel failed?

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Firstly, this modern

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idea that we are being sold, that it's good to be famous, is a complete life. It's a complete fabrication. Being famous is not a good thing. When you are famous, you don't have privacy. When you are famous, any mistake you make billions of people know about you think about it, when a famous scholar makes a mistake to whole world gossip about him. I do you really want to be in that position, which of us are free from mistakes. Think about it. When when you when you are famous, you will have privacy, you go out with your family, people are taking photos of you people want selfies with you, you have any privacy, when you are famous, every word you say people put pressure on you

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to be politically correct to the pressure on you to agree to them to what they have to say, society, you know, your friends begin to pressurize you. It's not a good thing. It's not something in which them should seek a Muslim should seek to please Allah.

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Even if you're doing something publicly, it should be for the pleasure of Allah. So things have gotten so bad when it comes to the desire for fame, that now we have people who choose to study Islam for the sake of thing, and they choose to teach Islam for the sake of fame. And they choose you know, to to do Islamic work for the sake of fame. And in this way, fame has become an idol. It has become an idol that people worship instead of Allah. That even when a person is standing up and talking about Allah, they are not talking for Allah, they're talking for fame. Allah protect us from this fame is not something a believer should seek now is a good ducky. If a pious person is trying

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to avoid fame, and Allah test them with fame, then that person should use that fame in a way that is pleasing to Allah. They should not allow you to change them, they should remain righteous, they should remain people have a class of sincerity, they should remain people who are firm upon their beliefs and their morals and ethics. They should not allow failure.

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That is a test from Allah. But it should never be something we seek. Now one last point about this hadith is that it's impossible for us to achieve perfection in any of these three areas, right? taqwa, we all know it's impossible to achieve perfect piety. We all have our mistakes. We all have our faults. We all have areas we can improve upon. But the goal is to try and that's really what the hadith is about. The hadith isn't about perfection. It's about trying.

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And when it comes to this hadith, it's about running towards two things and running away from one thing. So we can't achieve perfect piety, but we can strive for it, we can run towards it, we can try our best to be compared to people.

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It's the same with wealth.

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You can never be completely independent. Only Allah subhanho wa Taala is other honey that truly independent. We all depend on Allah. But even in a worldly sense. We depend on our businesses, we depend on customers, we depend on the stock market going up. We depend on something right? No one's ever going to be 100% independent. That is only for Allah subhanho wa taala. But you strive for independence, you work, you set a plan for your life, you work on your goals, you work on a career path, you work on a business plan, you make an effort to grow yourself to financial independence, and Allah to steward property after that, that is a test from Allah, you have stubborn you try

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again, you work with a cup again. But you try. You try for piety you try for financial independence. And the third thing is you run away, you try to run away from what? From fame. You don't seek fame. You try and run away from him. How do you try and run away from him? Number one, whatever you do, do it with a class do it for Allah. Number two, have secret good deeds have good deeds that nobody knows about between besides you and Allah subhanho wa Taala number three, those few things that you have to do in public. You do it for Allah, and you remind yourself over and over again, I'm doing it for Allah. So everybody has good deeds that you have to do in public. The very basic one being

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praying together in congregation, right, we all have to pray together. Our Salah in JAMA, that's a public would be at the very least you'll be known as somebody who prayed your Salah in Java, but we don't do it for the show. We do it for Allah. Right. It's the same with everything else. If you are doing it footbaww Do it for Allah. If you're making a YouTube video, do it for Allah. If you have a Facebook page or a Twitter page where you put things up about

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Islam do it for Allah. But don't seek fame, did not seek fame. Allah will allow your message to reach you ever it's meant to benefit. And that's all that matters. It doesn't matter how many people it reaches, doesn't matter how many people that like you all that matters is Allah loves you. And if you want a lot to love you well the Hadith gives you the formula, become a jockey, become the person of taqwa, become Alcone become a person of financial means and become a huffy become the person who runs away from fame and tries to stay quiet and tries to live a quiet life away from the spotlight. If we strive for these three things, and Insha Allah, Allah will love us to one last point to round

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up this hadith. Think about this hadith in terms of the three areas of your life, your relationship with Allah, your relationship with the dunya and your relationship with people. When it comes to your relationship with Allah, you want taqwa and Allah's love. You want to be as close to Allah as possible. You want the very best when it comes to this dunya you want halaal financial freedom. You want to have to not have to rely on this dunya you don't have to rely on others that have to struggle. You want to reach a level of financial freedom that is halal and has Baraka in it. And when it comes to your relationship with others, you want to benefit this ummah without being known

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for it. You want to serve the community without anything. You want to be a servant of the people without being

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