Ismail Kamdar – A Legacy of Good Deeds

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The legacy of the Hades is guaranteed to live normal life, with the Hades being a group of people who experienced the loss of their parents and become the greatest of all time. The Hades are a group of people who have experienced the loss of their parents and become the greatest of all time. The importance of writing Islam and investing in one's life is emphasized, along with the need to purify retentions and create a culture of seeking reward. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being patient with results and finding one's own happiness, as well as the need to pursue one's beliefs and create moments of social interaction to benefit people after their passing.
AI: Transcript ©
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History, the Hadees about the importance of leaving behind a legacy of slavery,

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a legacy that continues to earn you good deeds after you have passed away.

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But the one thing we all need to realize is that nobody is guaranteed a normal life.

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It doesn't matter how righteous you are. It doesn't matter how important you may seem to be to Allah. It doesn't matter who you are.

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Any of us could pass away at any time.

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What matters is that we live lives that are pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they will continue to honestly what after we have rushed away.

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I want us to look at a few examples of this in our history. And these examples are mainly to show you that no matter how important someone is, they're not guaranteed alone by

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example, number one, if mom and dad will, you know,

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we all know the name of

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one of the greatest scholars of all time.

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We all benefit from his works. The 40 Hadees. The real the real story here is commentary on Sahih. Muslim, some of the greatest works ever written in the history of Islam.

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But did you know that Mr. unknowing has to be at the age of 44 or 45, for my illness, that just happened, son.

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He was a young person who had dedicated his life to studying and teaching Islam. And he was so dedicated to studying and teaching Islam, he actually never got down. Even though we never got married, he never had any children. He never had a family life. His focus was on writing Islamic books. And at a young age he passed away.

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And it's really a miracle that so many of the books have reached us. When you think about what a young agent that is.

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Going back a few 100 years before that, the year 99 Ah, Omar even Abdul Aziz Roy McCullough comes into power, the most pious and the most important and the greatest of the dobbyn to ever hold the position of

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you would think if any Khalifa from that generation would live a long time and who for a long time, it will be overly phenomenologies. But no, two and a half years later, in the year 101. Ah, Omar even Abdulaziz passes away at the age of 37.

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That he seven

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in those two years, he left behind an amazing legacy that we continue to benefit from right and just to give you one example of what he didn't do for years, he called some of the leading Hadith scholars of his time. And he told them, how these need to be compiled into books so they can be preserved. And so he gave this project to some of the leading scholars of his time and he began to write these books. And this project went on for 200 years. For 200 years the project of writing this report until 200 years later, we have Sahih al Bukhari, and Sahih Muslim. And so until today, anyone who benefits from at least the reward people battle, even after he was a lever for two years, he

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lived for only 37 years, but this is his legacy. Go back even further. Two years before that.

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A group of youngsters come from what we call Medina to Makkah, and they meet the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this movie on like less than a dozen

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and he accept Islam. And he told the prophets a lot of the assumptions somebody to our land to teach us about Islam.

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To the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam children, a young man by the name of push up giving away inshallah will do a football team another day. He chooses this young man to go to get three, which we call Medina, to teach the people about Islam was up, he went away, right and he actually, he starts doing Dawa to the people teaching them the Quran teaching in the message of the Prophet alayhi wa sallam. Within a few days, the leaders of the tribes convert to Islam at least the next year, they come back for Hajj with a huge group, and they call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to come and live in Medina and the history, the beginning of our calendar. The turning of the

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tide of Islam began with that moment. Two years later, the battle over which evil male is martyred at the age of this difference of opinion, but it seems to be 38 of the

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Muslim evil

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is literally responsible for the spread of Islam to Medina. Think about that. He died at the age of

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Before the glory of Islam was ever seen,

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decades later, like 20 or 30 years later Sahaba would be living in comfort in Damascus in Egypt, the all these other parts of the world, living a life of luxury. And he would think of Musa people who made and he will try. You see he did the work, we benefited from it.

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So why do I bring up these examples? Very simple point.

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If it's a hobby, the use of mail was not guaranteed more than 30 years of life. If a colleague or like woman, even Abdul Aziz was not guaranteed more than 37 years of life. If a scholar like anomaly was not guaranteed more than 45 years of life, why do we feel that we are entitled to a normal

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reality is anyone can leave this world at any time. What matters is what do you spend your life doing?

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And the are three things that all of us can do.

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Or we can all do at least one of these three things that will benefit us in this world. And the next time we'll continue to pile up our good deeds after we have that. And those are the three categories mentioned in this Hades. sacajawea knowledge continues to benefit people and righteous children that pray for

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has divided his risk amongst us in different ways. Some people have been blessed with mouth. Some people have been blessed with knowledge. Some people have been blessed with righteous children or grandchildren. Some people have been blessed to two out of three or all three.

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But whatever blessing Allah has given you,

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our attitude should be how can we turn this blessing into a source of so arbitrary?

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You see, many of us we apply this mindset when it comes to business. How can I turn my body into more money? How can I invest my money in a way that's going to make more money? If I just put a little bit aside every month, you can grow over time? What if we take the exact same mindset and apply it to the office? What if I put a little bit of money into Seneca Georgia every month? So I piling up my sources of sakaya? What if I put a little bit of time every day into teaching people about Islam, from building up my sources of knowledge that continues to benefit people? What if I make time every day to teach my children or my nephews and nieces or my grandson or whoever it is to

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teach them about the religion

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so that they become ambitious?

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You see, each of us can do this, each of us has invested some systems within the next generation, when he set up a carrier or when it is not.

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We need to start thinking about investing in Africa.

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And this idea teaches us to do this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, once when they gave them some of the wealthy charities are one of the Sahaba commented and all of it is gone now except for this morning.

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And the prophets have said no, all of that remains to just be the proteins, the small amount is kept with us watch.

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So this is the investment mindset, that if you put money into Islamic works of God is invested in your house. If you put knowledge, if you put it in a place where other people can benefit from it. It's not a waste of time investing.

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If you take out time and you sacrifice to help somebody younger, grow into righteous persons, and they meet you up for you after you pass away. Can you help eventually.

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So these are three categories I want you to carry with us because one of the most understanding of this haggis is that these are three deeds that you can do. To people think of it as 3d, you think of it as the deed of sadaqa jariya, the deed of teaching Islam and the deeds of raising your children, I want you to think of it as categories. Because sadaqa jariya is a vast what he said,

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it's it's any charity, that benefits people after you pass away.

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If you put money into an orphanage, that sort of surgeries, if you help build the masjid that says,

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if you want to the office, just set up a jury. If you have build an Islamic Center, that sort of projects, if you saw a poor person who is battling and you gave him capital to start the business, and they were able to sustain themselves, that becomes a local charity as well. Any good deeds you do will be paid upwards, continue and continue to outlast you become the source of Java. So don't limit your thinking. Don't think in limited terms of who can I give sadaqa to think in broad terms, how many projects can I benefit?

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It's the same with knowledge. Again, when we think about knowledge available to people wishing Oh, that's only for the

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music. Well, it's only for those who are giving lectures. Only those who are teaching the dean is for all of us.

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If you distribute books to people

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Knowledge of benefits. If you organize electrons, that's knowledge, it benefits people. If you open a bookstore, there's knowledge that benefits people, if you open a library, that's knowledge that benefits people, if you just teach the children in your neighborhood, the liquidity knows, that's knowledge that benefits people. If you do Dawa, to the non Muslims in your community, and they end up converting to Islam, that's knowledge they benefit. Again, it's a broad term, don't limit it, all of us have some knowledge that we can use to benefit. So we can continue to pay on our good deeds afterwards. Even if you do Dawa, to one person, and that person converts to Islam. And that person

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becomes a righteous individual, and that person gets married, and that person has righteous children, and they have righteous children, all of those people's good deeds are also on your skin.

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That is knowledge that benefits people and how it continues to benefit us long after he passed away. And the last category is the one that we restrict the most. Now very often people translated as the righteous son that makes too often

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it's a righteous child that needs to not even necessarily your biological child. Meaning, if you've left an impact on the next generation, and you pass away, and the next generation that we can talk with, that's what this piece is talking about. Not everybody can have children, Allah decides who has children who does not. But everybody can benefit the next generation.

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with it. It's your physical, biological children and grandchildren, with the two nephews and nieces. Whether it's often that responses, whether it's the children of your neighborhood, the children at the local Islamic school, or Islamic Center, whatever it is, but if you have left an impact on the heart of a young person, to such an extent that when you pass away, that person raises their hands a bit too often. Then you have fulfilled that category, that you have died and left behind is the righteous child. And

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so don't limit your thinking. There are many, many ways to leave behind the legacy that outlives us. You see, none of us can guarantee how long we will be in this world.

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But if we take time, to build up sources of sadaqa jariya sources of knowledge that benefit people and to invest in the next generation, that even if we pass away tomorrow, our good deeds will continue and continue and continue for generations and generations to come. Think about the three examples I gave most of evil may be yours. But every single Muslim benefits from his legs. He was the reason Medina for particular Islam, I became the safe place for the prophets Allah when he was up to vacation.

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Over with Abdulaziz without Khalifa for two years, we all benefit from his legacy role model our children.

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Mr. Mandela, we only live for 45 years. But we still benefit from his books, right? Every house has at least one book water.

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So it doesn't matter how long you go. All that matters is that we spend our time doing things that will benefit us afterwards.

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And so we are Allah subhana wa Taala to make us from the people of man, to make us from those who die in a in a state that was pleased with us, and to make us from those with good deeds are accepted and continue to benefit humanity long after we have passed on. So But hang on Robbie, is that the food for salami? Well, how did you learn

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hamdulillah he wasn't there was Salatu was Salam. ala nabina

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown

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to have Hulu

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or Hulu

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or Hulu

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or Hulu office on the log while he was

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in the middle of the yard.

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So in the first football, we mentioned, three categories of deeds we can do that will continue to benefit us after we die.

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But every deed has conditions for it to be accepted.

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And so I want to discuss three conditions that we need to put Well, if we want our setup our Java, our knowledge and our children to benefit us after your classroom. These three conditions are a must. And number one is a production deal

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as last year that our intention must be for

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yes, we said that the first two categories of these had benefits you often you die. I set up a Johnny up and all these benefits people. But the profits lawyers have also said that the first people to be thrown into jahannam are those who give charity for the sake of showing

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Going off, and those who teach Islam for the sake of showing.

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And so therefore, for our silica, Java and our knowledge to benefit us, it has to be done for the sake of Allah.

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So each of us must take time every single day to purify architectures. We live in a time where it's very easy to get caught up with our equals. Social media has become all about adoption. You know, many of the younger generation have this idea that they want to be famous when they grow up. Fame has suddenly become like a goal that people seek out in life. But this is against Islam. It is not befitting a believer to seek after pain. It's never something you believe is ever seek after. Whatever we do, we do for Allah. If you are treating patients at the doctor, you do it for the sake of Allah. If you are helping people with a mental health issue, and as a psychiatrist, we do it for

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the sake of if you're doing charity or humanitarian work, you do it for the sake of Allah. Especially if you're teaching Allah Diem. You do it for the sake of

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if our intentions are wrong, there is no

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there is no reward. And listen to this if you had to give a lecture that benefits a million people. But you did it for the sake of becoming famous in front of those million people. There's no reward.

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So the intention comes first, let us purify our intention every single day, let's not get caught up in this modern culture of seeking likes and seeking subscribers and seeking fame and wanting to be in the spotlight all the time. Let us instead do what we do for what he does look for Allah let us die for Allah let our legacy after we die before.

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If lawsonia is infinity,

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it is the very foundation of our religion.

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lawsonia is so important that if our Sharpies it is two thirds of knowledge, it is two thirds of knowledge.

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Meaning 1/3 is what you actually do. The other two thirds of getting any reward is that is for Allah sake. So let us purify retentions every single day.

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The second thing we need to do to ensure that our legacy continues, and it benefits people out to pass away is that whatever we do, we do it with sir. What does it mean? It means you do it to the best of your abilities. You see, sometimes, we may have a bad habit, that when we are doing something for our dunya we do to the best of our abilities. For example, if you're building a home for your family, you want to build them the best home, you buying a car, you want to buy the best car. But at the same time when it comes to Islamic work, we look for shortcuts. You know we don't think about Okay, let's have the best quality lecture. Let's have the best quality curriculum, let's

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have the best teachers, let's have the best we'll think about that very often opportunity. But let's just get it done if

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we don't give it our best, and we don't give it our best, it's not going to last. If somebody writes a mediocre book, that doesn't really benefit people,

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it's not going to be a source of reward for them after they pass away, because no one's reading it. Right? If somebody builds an Islamic Center, that's not one property.

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And so nobody shows up for the lectures. It's not going to be a source of reward for them after they pass away because no one showing up

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is somebody most managers, for example, it must be and the masjid ends up closing down or alienating the youth or chasing people away from Islam. That person is not going to get rewarded.

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You're going to get reward when you do things with CSR. You're going to get rewarded you do things to the best of your ability, because that's when it actually becomes beneficial. A lecture done with your son is going to benefit a organization run with your son is going to benefit people. A resource producer axon is going to benefit people. And because it's the best of the best that benefit could last for centuries. Look at Mr. McCarney, Mr. McCarney has memorized over 100,000 pieces. He could have written very long had his books. But he spent his life refining his list until he got down to about 6000 to 9000, the regions that he felt with the strongest and those within the regions he put

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into his main book that we call the site,

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you see isn't just focused on compiling the focus on your son doing the best possible job.

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Such a good job they right until today. 1100 years later, nobody's done a better job.

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nobody's done a better job in the past 1100 years.

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Because of the level of CSR he put into writing.

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That's the level of sound we should aim at in all of our projects, that we do it with the absolute best of our ability.

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And the final thing that we need to

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Keep in mind, for anything that you are doing for the sake of Allah, anything you are doing that's going to benefit people after you pass away. Anything you're doing for this oma is to have supper.

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Again, we live in a generation of instant gratification. We want things now, people put out the first podcast in the wonderful years listeners on the first day, people put up the first YouTube video and the and the 100,000. People never watch it. So people write the first book and the only the only 100 people bought it. impatient,

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impatient, we want things, you know, to to be to happen immediately. People want the instant output. They weren't interested workpiece they weren't impinging on the sport. That's not how this world works. That's never how this World War. The prophet SAW love while he was up to 20 years to establish Mecca, Medina to work

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20 years of struggle, 20 years of hard work 20 years of his last 20 years of doing the work and being patient with the difficulties.

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Many of us don't have the patience to spend 20 years on a project. I have seen so many people start good projects and give up within the first year because they don't see the response that they want.

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If you don't have sobor, you will not see the fruits of your project. If you have sub, even if you pass away a good project, and other people continue it after your time. It also benefits people

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if you do it in a way where you are patient with the result. I mean, again, if you look at the examples I gave

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over bin Abdulaziz, he simply started the process of configuration. It took 200 years for the project to complete. You know it's not something that people say oh, you will be doing this for 50 years. Let's just keep on the next generation continue. The Next Generation continued until they call it refine.

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And then you know it was up to me with Medina. He didn't know even when he passed away people didn't say oh you know we've got Mousavi. You know, Ty you know what we're going to do now even Muslim himself on the battlefield. The room had reached into the conference halls and passed away. Now what did he say? He said he's only a prophet The Prophet said positively before Him we still gonna continue fighting we got still going to continue doing our with our and he died did in the battlefield. Perhaps he didn't even know the props are still alive. Because he was during that moment when the rumor was spreading.

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The submarine is required, and muscle economy his whole life is a story of someone inshallah, we'll do a separate football.

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But this is something that's necessary. If you start a project for the sake of Allah, you have to see through what that means spending 510 20 years on a project. Sometimes it means spending your whole life on project. That's fine. Because if it's for the sake of Allah, you will not go unrewarded. But you are not going to get results within a month. That's just wishful thinking. And that's not how the world works. So if you want to truly set up sources of savagery of ourselves, whether it's sacajawea, whether it's knowledge, the benefits people even raising your children, raising children, take someone to make them righteous people takes a lot of suffering. It's a 20

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year process. It's not something that happens overnight. In all of these things, we have to do it to the class, do it to the side, and be committed to the long term. It's only when we do that, that we will truly see the results that we want to see. And even if we don't see the results alone, what do

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we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us of the righteous to make us from those with ease accepted rather sober, rather last gratitude son in the lahoma to

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property, Lago VISTA in the CEO of Donna Robin.

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Robin our

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company so behind Robin is an emergency fund.

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