Isam Rajab – Foundations of the Prophetic Sunnah 2/13

Isam Rajab
AI: Summary © The history and meaning of the Hadith terminology have been discussed, including its use in media and media, as well as its importance in verifying news. The terminology is not complete and cannot be written or read by public. It is important to verify the news and avoid confusion. The terminology is also discussed in relation to the use of the Sun airline and the importance of verifying news in writing. The history and meaning of the terminology are also highlighted, including its origin and use in various books.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa barakato Welcome to the Hadith studies class. Today inshallah, we will discuss the Hadith terminology, the introduction to this subject and the historical preview for the writings and the and the science they have. Now,

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the sciences of the Hadith are divided into two types, we have two categories of Hadith. The first category is the textual studies, studies of the text of the Hadith.

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And the second type

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is the study of the narrations or the chain of narrators.

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As Nam sutra, Pamela says in his elfia, in his poetry of the Hadith, I have not had a theme, though cavanna to had with Robbie, while magnin was Santa. So we have the method, the text of the Hadith, and we have the Senate. All the studies of the Hadith are focused on those two things. If you study those two things, then you study the Hadith. Basically, we have the Hadith, which includes mettam, the text, the words of the messenger Salaam, and the chain of narrators, how this hadith came to us. When we say this hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, we have the saying of the prophet SAW Selim. Now this hadith did not come to us automatically. There was a method

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which through it was formed to us how it was transmitted to us. Those are the men of the Hadith. And studying the narrator's is part of studying the Hadith. So in the Hadith terminology, we have two studies, narrator's studies and the textual study the study of the text of the Hadith.

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Now, at the time of the messenger, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam. There were no official writings for the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So if someone said, there was no writing at the time of the prophet SAW Selim, this, this is true, but it's not 100% accurate. We mentioned in a previous class that, at the time of the messenger science lamp, there were some companions who wrote the Hadith. Like, Can you remind me of one of the companions who wrote the Hadith of the messenger science alum

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of the lab number of months? Exactly. What's the evidence?

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The prophet SAW, Selim told him right, anything you want from me, for I do not see but I do not say but the truth. I only say that which is right. That's at the time of the messenger silent. And that's not the only incident. There are few other incidents where we have some companions who wrote the Hadith, like the messengers, I sell them in the farewell hedge hedgetrimmer that he gave a hot war he gave a sermon, and one of the companions he liked this horrible, so he wanted to write it, but he doesn't know how to write. So the prophet SAW Selim said octoly, abijah, his name was Abuja. So they also wrote for him, and he wrote the law one.

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This is another evidence that there are some Hadith were mentioned. A little Dylan was asked, Did the prophet SAW Selim give you something in particular for you, as some people claiming that you are special? You should be the halifa after the messenger Salaam. He said no, by Allah, he did not give us anything. Anything in particular, except what is in the book of Allah, what is in the Sunnah of the profits are solid and this page. So earlier of the law, when he had page, he had a paper.

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What was written in this paper, few narrations from the prophet SAW Selim about the punishment if someone hurt someone else, he got his finger, or he violated the rights of another person, what's the punishment that was written

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in this page? So this is a type of writing. However, this is not a complete writing, because nowadays we have enormous numbers of the Hadith of the messenger Salaam. We have over 100,000 from the profits that are selling. So when did this start? When did we start having complete books of the Hadith?

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At the time of the messenger Salaam, we did not have that. Again, the prophet SAW Selim commanded the companions to erase anything was written at the beginning, because he did not want them to mix between the Quran and the Sunnah. They themselves did not need to write the Hadith of the messenger silent because they memorized it. It was easy for them to memorize they lived these a hadith after that, at the time of the companions of the messenger, Selim, the same thing. We don't have official writings. For the Hadith, we have few companions like the lab, and I'm not

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Alon Omar, we have a live in Abu Talib brother Alon, we have a Boucher. They had few writings, but it was not official at their time yet, because they did not need. They wanted any Hadith, they could take directly from the companion who hear that from the messenger send them. The example we gave earlier like Jabba Abdullah of the Allahumma. here that Abdullah bin onis, had a Hadith,

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which he hears from the messenger Salaam and jabbering Abdullah of Yama, he doesn't have this hadith. So he went and he traveled for 40 days just to hear this hadith.

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Later on, at the time of the successors of the companions,

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they started writing the Hadith.

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So, the writing the official writing of the Hadith started at the time of the successors of the companions.

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Now let's go back again.

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We said that in the Hadith we have the textual studies, the studies of the text and we have the studies of the narrator's What do we mean by that? There are rules

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in which you accept the Hadith or reject

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is this narrator reliable? Is he trustworthy or not?

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These rules were not written by the messenger sighs seldom, but it was known by the companions because even nowadays, some people say may ask you why you accept this hadith On what basis you accept this hadith the non Muslims may suspect some narrations from the prophet SAW Selim, even the Muslims themselves sometimes tell you what makes this hadith authentic. Your job here inshallah to understand what's the meaning of authentic hadith, how you can give this judgment, this ruling that this hadith is authentic, that our study for this semester inshallah. So, at the time of the companions, there were no written rules, in which they can say this hadith is accepted or it is

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rejected. However, they knew that there are specific rules.

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They knew that you do not accept anything you hear of the London mobarak Rahim Allah He said, and it's not minute, Dean. It's not this from religion. Without this net, anyone would say anything that tells you you don't accept anything you have to verify.

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verifying the narrator narrations, verifying generators and verifying even the regular news is something known by the companions and the successors of the companions. When Ambassador Allahumma

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used to tell his students they are Hadith of the messenger sallallahu wasallam.

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once he hear another person, saying the ahaadeeth without verifying them,

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he is not to listen to him.

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We shall either we,

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once he was with an ambassador on Hama, Boucher was saying lots of Hadith. And the people were looking at an abacus are the Allahumma

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is he going to accept with this hadith or not? Now the companions they care most about the Hadith of the messenger Salim if they hear one Hadith, they used to travel to get this hadith. At that moment, had been our best was sitting next to shale but he did not listen to him. He ignored him honkala so Boucher was surprised he thought the best What's wrong with you? I am telling they're Hardy and you are not taking them. He said we used to care a lot about the Hadith. Once we knew that the man is reliable. Once we know that the man is not verifying what he is saying. We are more cautious.

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That tells you the companions themselves. They use not to accept any Hadith. Just like when they say this is from the prophet SAW Selim, they needed to verify it. Amara della one

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when he heard that the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu Sallam is to knock on the door three times if you are not given the permission you live now Abu Salah Chateau de la and he's the one who talked about this sooner.

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Omar did not accused of a Mussa but he wanted to verify the sooner so they wanted to verify. verifying the news is always recommended. It's always requirement.

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So I've been told

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that once we see that the people are not verifying what they are saying. We will not take it because we don't know. Maybe it is not from the messengers or not

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so the basis of the Hadith terminology was known by the companions and actually it is in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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In the book of Allah subhanaw taala Allah commanded us to verify the news. Can someone tell me where do we find this in the book of Allah subhanaw taala to verify not to accept everything you hear. Now, we are not telling you do not accept the Sunnah of the messenger Salaam, all what we're telling you is to verify it. Verify Yes.

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Very good out here in Seattle for JIRA, what do we have in Surah 200.

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What do we have in sort of 200? Allah subhanaw taala says yeah, you have Lavina Amano in Java confessio combinator In fact, I have a new

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whenever an outsider comes with news, verify these news verify it.

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Yeah, you have Latina Amano in a confessor convener in fact obiano.

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Now, unfortunately, most of the translations for this ayah

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is not accurate. They say facet means wicked person, or wrongdoer. Now this ayah is talking about one of the companions of the messenger sallallahu sallam, and it is not polite to tell a companion, classic, wicked person, we have to show respect to all the companions. Yes, that companion, he made a mistake. And that's why the IRS revealed.

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The prophet SAW Selim sent him to bring to collect this occur from one tribe. He went to that tribe, but before he goes to them, he feared that they may kill him. Because at that time, some tribes, they were not really Muslims, they did not accept Islam fully. Or in the road, there were some tribes they are not Muslims. Anyhow, this man, this companion, he feared from this tribe. So he went back instead of taking the Zika from these people, he went back to the messenger asylum and he told him on messenger follow those people, they refuse to give me the Zika.

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So the prophets of Salaam sent Holly who lead with with an army to fight these people. But he told Holly to verify it. And the I was revealed. Yeah, you're Latina Amano in jazz festival. Now he came from another place. So that's the meaning of first linguistically fist means

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going outside the path. That's why they say for SOHCAHTOA you see the seed of the date when it goes out? That's the meaning of Fiske linguistically. So here in this ayah

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The meaning is the linguistic or not the religious one, because we are talking about the companion. Yes, he made a mistake. But Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with all the companions. So you have to be careful when you say something about the companion.

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Basically, this ayah is telling us to verify the news. So you verify

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whenever you hear a Hadith, you ask, what's the source of this hadith? Who are the narrators? So these rules

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are in the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. These rules are not in any other religion, this type of knowledge verifying the narrations of the messenger sallallahu sallam, they are not in any other religion, except in Islam. Scholars they listed very strict rules. So once they say this is an authentic hadith, you make sure that it is authentic hadith and you are pleased with it because you know that it is from the messenger of science Allah, you don't have to worry about it later on.

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So this ayah in Surah 200

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Yeah, let me know in jack,

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also in the son of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we have this rule that we have to verify the news.

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This is the evidence in the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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prophet SAW Selim said, not Bromley and samyama Cala T, fava hakama Samia, may Allah make red in the face of a man who hears my speech, understands it and delivers it as he heard it.

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This Hadith is narrated by Jeremy the Buddha would have imagined that moment and of course, it's authentic hadith. That's why scholars say the people who who study the Hadith of the messenger Salaam, their faces will be lightened in this life and in the Hereafter, because of this that the prayer of the messenger Salaam to make their faces Rajan. Now what is the point of this hadith

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Hakuna? How can we learn from this hadith that we have to verify the news?

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What is the point of this hadith?

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Could someone tell?

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Again, you cannot accept anything without verifying? You have to analyze you have to look at the point. What's the wisdom behind saying this statement?

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So in this Hadith, the prophet SAW, Selim said, not only and saying, I'm equality, for

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profits, I sell them in this how they said, you deliver it, as you hear that you did not say you deliver it

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according to your desire or any way you want. You said according to

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the way you hear it, that means you verify

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you understand.

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That's verification for the news. You don't just say something, and you conveyed the way you understood it, what will happen in the process, you may change the meaning. So you have to deliver it

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the same way you heard it. That's the point of this Howdy.

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So we learn to verify you take something you understand it, you give it the same way you took it. That's type of verification for the news.

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So again, at the time of the companions, they knew these rules, but they did not have any writings for the Hadith, because they did not need to.

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They were intelligent. They had short memories, memorization, their memorization was excellent. They would miss the new the incident so the messenger science tell them later on at the time of the successors. They started writing the Hadith, officially. Before that, there were some writings but it was not official. It started at the time of Omar bin Abdulaziz Omar Abdullah Aziz

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Rahim Allah. He commanded one of the successors of the companions

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to document the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He asked

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Mohammed bin Muslim eventually hab azuri Rahim Allah. Mohammed bin Muslim eventually haphazardly He is known as zuri who died in the year 124. Mohammed bin Muslim when she had zuri

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He's the first scholar to document the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu Sallam officially. Muhammad had been Muslim women she had azuri

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was commanded by Amarna glasses, Rahim Allah

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amarga just died in the year 100 of Hydra 101 of Egypt. So, you learn from this that within 100 years, the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu Sallam was documented, it was preserved by memorizing but also it was preserved by the writings, the early writings of the sooner

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the Shahab zuri he died in the year 124. But before that, more than 20 years before that

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the writings of the Hadith were officially starting

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at the time of Mr. antonopoulos.

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After that, scholars started writing other books of Hadith. We have

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early books written in Hadith.

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The Can you tell me some books of Hadith written

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in early stage of Islam

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after the 100

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buhari, buhari what you

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Buhari relatively late, still early, but not that early.

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Before elbow hurry.

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It is their

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wapa when they demand Malik die,

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he died in the 170.

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When did he die? Malik you forgot? We just mentioned it today.

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Before the 200 and Martha was written

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and his big book,

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but there are other books as well.

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And the

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Later on most of the scholars started writing books of Hadith. Nowadays, we know the six books and it became famous the six books What are these six books? Whenever a scholar mentioned the six books you know that there are specific books of Hadith and they are six

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Do you know them

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have been magia nasai

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Buddha would tell me the exactly these are the six books of Hadith

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Are they the only books of Hadith?

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No, I just mentioned one of Eman Malik

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what made these six books

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different than other books

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and of course we will study each book in details next semester inshallah. We will have Sahil Bukhari and Muslim next year the other books inshallah. So, what made these books different than other books? First of all, a lot, man schefflera harmala said about that motto, it is the most authentic book

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after the book of Allah, which is more authentic al Buhari or Mr.

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Buhari. So how Imam Shafi Ramadan said and what is the most authentic book?

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Exactly at that time and Buhari was not there. Once al Bukhari came, he wrote the best book after the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. All the Hadith in Al Bukhari are authentic.

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He made a condition to only compile the most authentic hadith.

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The same thing about Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah.

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Now there are a hadith al Bukhari and Muslim agreed upon them, and there are different Hadith between al Bukhari and Muslim then came, Mama Buddha would tell me the necessity and even magic

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so it became known as the six books. So what happened to Amata? why it was not accepted as one of the six books. Now these six books does doesn't mean that they are the best books. Yes, Al Bukhari and Muslim Of course, they are the most authentic books. But are they the only authentic books al Bukhari and Muslim?

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Do you know any authentic book other than al Bukhari and Muslim

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cyanus I nessa is not sorry.

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No, this version came later. Just

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what do you think? Well, we will discuss this in details but do not think that only abohar and Muslim wrote authentic books. We have

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been have been.

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They've been have been illusory Rahim Allah he wrote a book but it's not that authentic like Alba Hari and Muslim. But you could say 80% of what he mentioned is authentic. We have Sahaba hoceima. In that have been Jose Maha Maha Allah. He has a book of sight also. So it's not only al Bukhari and Muslim, but what's unique about our gohara and Muslim is that they made strict condition which makes you comfortable that it is truly authentic.

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And then we have the other sunon

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and as I said, we will discuss these books, details inshallah, one by one.

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After that, now scholars at that time, they cared about taking the Hadith.

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They combined compiled the Hadith. That's why when you open al Bukhari Sahih al Bukhari you see the chapters, you don't see.

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You don't say I remember her telling you this Imam or this narrator he is weak because he did so and so or this narrator is authentic. He automatically included only the authentic narrations in other books like cinema say, you will not find the moment to say Rahim Allah coming to a hadith and he's discussing each narrator. When did they start

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writing about the rulings of the Hadith or what we call Hadith terminology. That's the term which is used masala Hadith. That's what we call it Hadith terminology. the right things about the Hadith terminology started

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after these great books of Hadith a Muslim Timothy

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the first separate book written about this terminology was written by Imam Rama Hormuz, who died in the year 360.

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It is called almohad diesel fossil when and why Robbie will why it's a little bit difficult you don't have to write it I just need you to know the date, the approximate date when did they start?

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So it was not at the time of the companions. The details about the rulings, how to accept the Hadith or refuse it was not written down until like the fourth generation.

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nama Rama Hamza is the first one to write about

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the Hadith terminology.

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Then we have a famous book by demanding hacking, you know, hacking, who has unstruck, Mr. Dracula hacking.

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Remember hacking, he wrote a book called net effect, or lumen Hadeeth. Man hacking died in the 400 or five.

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This book, again, it doesn't include

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only a hadith it includes rules like that these are the conditions

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by which the Hadith becomes accepted.

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That's how you accept the narration. That's how you tell the Hadith

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that's what we call Hades terminology. So, this book is called modified Solomon Hadith.

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Then we have almost

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four for

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us buy honey.

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So these are few books now. Now, these are the books that I want you to know.

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I only wanted you to know when did they start? And now you need to know these books because these are the famous books until our day until this very day. Now, aluminum Hadith.

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Remember masala? It is called Alma Kadima, the introduction. This is one of the most famous books in Hadith terminology. Until now, it is taught in most of the Islamic universities

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and the Islamic University of Medina that's what they teach. called the madness. Allah Rahim Allah.

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He is the Imam His name is Edna Salah. He died in the 643 he wrote a book called sciences of Hadith, Aloma Hadith.

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It was known later as Kadima the introduction, because no matter how you want to study the Hadith, you have to go through the introduction. So he made this introduction about the Hadith terminology. Before he studied the Hadith you need to know the Hadith terminology. So this is one of the most famous books. Then we have the dreamer Ravi

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the dreamer Ravi for Anam co2

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who died in the year 911.

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The dreamer Ravi

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Yes, ma'am co2 is a famous man. He wrote a composed poem 1000 lines of poetry about the Hadith.

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And he wrote the book called Liberace.

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Those are the most famous two books. And we have here that ribeirao

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This is the book of imams God.

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It is two chapters in one book.

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This is the trip the Draper robbery basically, what what did he do here?

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After the masala we have a moment knowing who died in the 676 nomina we wrote

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a book called crib. The crib was the text in Hades terminology. When a man

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CLT came and he

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command he made comentary on that book. So it was called the Draper Ravi beshara cribben nawawi.

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Now this book is much bigger than the introduction for massala.

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This book, they teach it only for the people who are specialized in alumina, Hadith, the sciences of Hadith.

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So these are the two famous books in Hadith terminology. So now we have books of Hadith. What's the difference between books of Hadith and books of Hadith terminology? Now open these books.

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What do you have? You have only

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explanation. You don't have narrations from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, while when you open Sal Bukhari, you have a habit you have

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text from the messenger. So these are the rules, how to accept the Howdy. What makes the Hadith authentic or weak. What makes the narrator authentic, who are

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The authentic narrators who are the weak narrators and so on and so forth. So this is Hadith terminology and that's what we're studying. We're studying now Hadith terminology, the rules of Hadith. Later on inshallah next semester, what to study is the Hadith.

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Now before we go through the immunology, there are essential definitions in masala masala

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means Heidi's terminology

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and that's the definition of masala or Hadith terminology. What's the definition of our subject the rules and principles by which you know the status of the text and narrator's

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whether it is accepted or not.

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And actually, this is the purpose of studying why we're studying Hades terminology.

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It's fun. What's the reason we're studying this terminology? The objective of studying this terminology to know what to accept from the Hadith of the messenger Salaam and what to reject.

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That's what the monster law says. The Danica mobile will not sudo a new alpha Nakula Walmart good to know what is accepted and what is rejected in the Hadith. How to verify the Hadith. How to say this is accepted Hadith and this is rejected. That's the purpose of Hades terminology. That's the purpose of masala

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what is the subject of the Hadith? Two things, as I said, it's not and metal

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is not and metal. No, the objective is to accept or reject to know what to accept and what to reject. That's the objective what's the subject of the Hadith?

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Two things, the chain of narrators and the text

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because that's how the Hadith is

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established. You have text of the messengers or Salaam and you have narrator so delivered this hadith which transmitted these

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two things. Once you know these two things, then that's it, you knew they had a terminology

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so that's the fruit of that's the objective to know what's accepted and rejected from

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okay then we will move forward

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to the types of writing and the Hadith.

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Now, we mentioned the Hades terminology

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but we have 10 different types of writings in the Hadith.

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We have 10 different types of writing in the Hadith.

00:32:58 --> 00:33:22

Now, Sahil Buhari is different than most other ethical hacking. It is different than Muslim Imam. Yes, you may say they all include the text of the prophet SAW Selim the sayings of the prophet SAW Selim, but actually they are different. What's the difference? That's what we will know inshallah, next week and with this, we will conclude our session at Uppsala law, Solomon and ramadasa

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