Isam Rajab – Fiqh – Understanding the Religion 8/14

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The holy art of holy time includes reciting loudly during a prayer, putting hands on the thighs during a night prayer, and counting down from the top. The importance of proper prayer practices and directing one's back towards the sky is emphasized. Different actions and behaviors are discussed, including reciting the holy word for a holy act, using the hand on the hip for counting down from the right, and not drinking during the prayer. The importance of following the map and not being led by anyone is emphasized, and travel is also discussed as a form of business trip.
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Salam Alaikum Telangana cattle Welcome to the class. Today inshallah we will discuss the preferred acts of the prayer. We already discussed the obligatory acts and the recommended acts. And now we are moving to the preferred acts of the prayer. Now, the essential acts are the obligatory acts,
it means that you cannot perform the prayer without them, the prayer is incorrect. And we mentioned we mentioned that we have 12 obligatory acts pillars 12 pillars in the prayer, then we mentioned that we have two recommended acts. Now, we will talk about the preferred acts. So, I'd like to ask you, to remind you, what's the difference between recommended and preferred act?
What's the difference between recommended and preferred this?
Yes, if you miss a recommended act,
like the Tisha hood, the middle Tasha hood, then you have to do students. So, why the preferred act? If you did not do it, you don't do anything.
And in Arabic,
we call the recommended act the sooner and the preferred acts as higher.
So the recommended acts they are stronger little bit than the preferred acts. That's why you make up by security sell. While the preferred act you don't do anything.
As the man says in his poetry methodical at layer, Oh, do let me see what Allah has to do.
This is about the higher the preferred that you don't do it again. You don't repeat it, nor you do it yourself. You don't do anything. How many preferred acts? Do we have? 15. We have 15 preferred acts. How many pillars in the prayer 12. Always remember the numbers? How many recommended that
you have to know whether it's before or after we have to before and two, after you start the prayer. Now we have 15 preferred acts. The first one is raising the hands during the tech era.
Now when you say Allahu Akbar, you wanted to start the prayer. And you said Allahu Akbar, what if I'm standing like that? I did not raise my hands and I said, Allahu Akbar.
What's the ruling? Prayer is correct.
Why? Because I did detect Veera. Now remember that comparatively Haram is pillar, you have to say Allahu Akbar. I said, Allahu Akbar. But I did not raise my hands. So raising the hands is what
it is, sooner
or higher, I'm sorry, let's be more accurate.
Raising the hands is only preferred act.
This is the first one. The second one putting the right hand over the left hand. Let's say I said Allahu Akbar. And
I put my hands down next to my legs. Instead of putting them on the chest, I put them down.
It's only preferred acts. The prophet SAW Selim did it. But that does not mean if you did not do it. Your prayer is incorrect. Many people, they make a big deal about it. Yes, it is the son of the messenger. So I said that, but if you did not do it, your prayer is still correct.
Your prayer is still correct, because it's only preferred
reciting the opening invocation.
This is the third preferred act. What's the opening invocation? Do I
Hanukkah, llama behenic tobacco smoke, dalla Ji
or Hong Kong law you could say what Georgie there are many of his
allama bag? That's correct. You choose one of them. It's better actually to alternate. Sometimes you say this, sometimes you say that. It is better because all of them the prophet SAW Selim said them, but he did not say all of them at once in one prayer. So sometimes you say one of them, sometimes you change. So you apply this one. So this is the third.
This is the third preferred act, say same stiff to the opening invocation. Number four saying all the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. And it's the other.
When do you say are the lamina shaytani r rajim.
When do you say it?
Before you start before you start the resuscitation before you start you say Allah rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen
As a tech we're not before the tech we're after the tech we're in the prayer.
Number five reciting loudly during the designated acts.
What do you mean by that? What are the designated acts? Actually the designated prayers reciting loudly
so prayer. So prayer Do you recite loudly or in silent?
Loud? What if someone did not raise his voice?
It's okay.
It's only preferred act.
This is number five. Number six, reciting in one's heart during the designated acts again, the same thing.
More prayer. What if you raised your voice? Allahu Akbar Bismillah Ar Rahman and you started reciting loudly what will happen?
Prayer is correct. You just did not do a preferred act. Actually, the prophet SAW Selim sometimes he raised his voice to teach the companions. Now why we say it's preferred, why it's not obligatory.
Because the prophet SAW Selim did not teach it to the one who did not perform his prayer correctly.
All the acts which are preferred, the prophet SAW Selim did them. But we don't say they are obligatory because he did not teach them to that man.
He taught him only what he had to do,
because they did not tell him that you have to say it aloud. That made it preferred on
Yes, the day prayers are silent and the night prayers are allowed. But you can look in a bed that you cannot make an allergy. Why? Because nobody prayer. It's in the night. And you start with two aloud and one in silence. Why? Well, it's not one allowed them to in silent. Why they Asia is to allow them to silent.
You cannot make analogy. That's how it came. But in general, that's true. The night prayer, it should be allowed the day prayer it should be silent. The Juma prayer, it's allowed. So
yes, yes.
Number seven saying I mean, after reciting the fact that
this is again one preferred act. What's the reward for saying I mean after Al Fatiha?
What is the reward for saying I mean, we studied this in tafsir.
Raise your voice I can't tell you.
Your sins are forgiven. Why?
Exactly. That's what the prophet SAW Selim said. If you say I mean, and when you say it, it's considered it's it matches the angels when they are saying I mean what will happen?
Your sins will be forgiven.
Reading a surah, a chapter of the Quran after Al Fatiha. Now what if someone prayed such prayer? And he said Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem, Maliki ami de Waal at Berlin. I mean, he finished and then he said, Allahu Akbar. He did not read anything else. His prayer is correct.
And Fatiha is the only pillar. What ever comes next is only sooner.
It's preferred.
So if you did not say it, your prayer is still correct.
Number nine, saying Allahu Akbar before each main act. What do we mean by that?
Before each main act, after you finish, you finish the Korea after you said Al Fatiha and another surah you say Allahu Akbar, and you bow down you do the record.
What if someone finished what a bar lean and mean? And he moves down Subhanallah below him and then he moved up.
Still, his prayer is correct. It's only preferred act.
It's only preferred that why it's only preferred because the prophets I seldom did it and he did not teach it for the one who did not perform his prayer correctly.
Now number 10, saying semi Allah holliman hamidah
Robin Allah callaham
when standing upright after down, not in every position only after down when you stand upright.
This is preferred act number 10. We have five more.
Number 11 glorifying Allah during bowing and prostrating
What do you say in bowing?
When you bow down?
Or be handy? And when you prostrate yourself Subhana. Allah will be handy. What if someone just rebelled down? And he frustrated? He did not say anything? Silly. I'm not telling you do it. But if it happened, someone forgot. It's only preferred that
number 12. Putting the hands on the thighs while sitting down. When you sit down, where do you put your hands? Do you put them on the on the floor, you put them between your legs, you put them on the sides, this is preferred act.
This is number 12.
Number 13. If there are during all sitting, except the last one.
What's if it's explained if there are is a form of sitting in which the left foot is laid under the buttocks and the right foot is erected on the toes?
That's if there are we have two positions to sit down if there are and to work, the work is the opposite. And I will show them to you now. How can we
I want you all to look at me.
Look at my feet.
When you sit down
look where I put my feet, my foot here.
This is called if the rush.
You do this in all settings. What do we mean by in all settings.
All settings mean means any setting
that does not have Salam after it.
If you sit down and then you will stand up, you will continue the prayer.
When you sit down like that, this is called if they rush
the work the other method
is like that.
You see where I put my foot?
It has two forms, whether like this or like that.
Whether I put it here or here. This is called the work. When do we do it this way?
In every setting that has salon after it.
This is called tower rock.
And this is called a steel rush.
Some people can do that. Yeah. What if someone can do it?
It's preferred that only that's what the prophet SAW Selim did it. Some people they are fat or they have disease.
It's only preferred act. Once you are able to do it. That's how you do it. If you cannot, that's fine.
Let me ask you. Now you know what's if the rash and what's the work? You saw it
in the sub sprayer,
how many t shirts do we have?
How do you sit?
If there are shorter work.
He said if there are she said the work we just said it now. So we have two opinions. Why?
Exactly there is Salah, master it so it's our rook.
Every sitting has Salam after it, it is the work.
Now, this is the Shafi school of thought opinion.
And the Hanafi school of thought how do you sit?
You sit always if there are always
the Maliki school of thought, always the work. It's easier whether you sit this way or that way. Why? Because some scholars they looked at only one Hadith and both of them are authentic. Sometimes the prophet SAW Selim said this way and sometimes he said that way. The chef is they try to reconcile between these a hadith.
So they said he said if there are when it was not after it Salaam, he said to look when there was Salam after the city
and we will discuss it later inshallah when you study all the mishaps now this is according to the Shafi school of thought. Every sitting has Salama,
it, use it to work.
Number 15 the last preferred act saying as Salam aleykum Selam Aleykum to the left.
What if someone
after he finished the dish I hope allama Sunday Allah Muhammad Allah Muhammad in the cameo Majid after he finished that and he said that he recommended after the Tisha hood,
seeking refuge with Allah from the punishment of the grave and from the jail. Then he said As salam aleikum wa rahmatullah only to the right.
Does he have to do anything?
No, because that's the the pillar only to the right. What if he said it to the left, this is preferred act, you don't have to. It's only
preferred act.
These are the preferred acts of the prayer.
Now we're moving to another thing, the things that invalidate the prayer.
Now we have pillars 12 or 18. We have recommended acts to before the prayer to after we start the prayer. We have 15 preferred acts now. How many things invalidate the prayer
11. Why? Because it's written there.
Yes, they are. 11 things were multilaterally. salata talked about limonada Dasha, Haleakala, Callum Lando Masha Eva her fan in Kaka, they are 11 things 11 things that invalidate the prayer.
First one, talking intention,
alkaline land.
Why talking invalidates the prayer?
So you have to focus on the prayer. What if someone was sneezing? And he said Alhamdulillah?
Is that permissible or not? What if someone corrected the man the man made the mistake in the Quran? And he corrected him?
We say by talking intentionally talking about something outside the prayer.
Like how are you How is everything?
This is what we mean by Al Kalam. lammed. How what constitutes a word? two letters, if you say because that's the least you could have a word formed of two letters.
Ah, actually some.
Some people they said even one word sometimes one letter, it could form a word like p i. p means protect. I means understand. But in the shaft school of thought as long as you say two letters, forming a word from outside the prayer intentionally then it invalidates the prayer. Why? The famous hadith of malaria. I've been able to hack him salami about the last one. He went to a sham and he came back.
When he came back, before he goes, it was allowed to talk to each other. They stood up in the prayer and they used to talk to each other until the I was revealed to a coup de la carnitine como de la carnitine. This ayah
forbade talking in the prayer carnitine means in horseshoe and tranquility, that means you cannot talk in the prayer.
So he came and he talked.
And people they started patting on their face. So he was surprised what happened and he said What happened? Then they they found it again. And he knew that there is something after the prayer of the prophet SAW Selim told him there is it's not suitable. It's not appropriate in the prayer in the Salah Elias lofi hashirama clamminess you cannot say anything in the prayer of that which people talk.
So it's only the vicar or arm and that is the
that's why talking intentionally invalidates the prayer. But if the talking for the benefit of the prayer, like someone, the man made a mistake and you you corrected him, it is permissible.
So the first thing talking intention, it invalidates the prayer.
Number two excessive movement. What do you mean by excessive movement?
doing lots of things, how much they did not specify, as long as it contradicts the whole show. Some scholars said three unnecessary movements. You are praying and you started
doing like that you don't need to and then you started playing with your beard.
Once, twice, three times and
There is no need.
And then
they said this is not appropriate for the prayer, you are moving in the prayer. So this invalidates the prayer. Why? Because for sure is a pillar, as we said,
and you did not fulfill it.
This is one opinion that it says you have only three things. If you do three unnecessary movements in the prayer, your prayer is invalid anymore. But other scholars said what is excessive, excessive, has no limit, as long as it shows that you are not really in prayer. If someone saw you, he said he does not think you're in prayer, then your prayer is invalid. This is the excessive movement.
Number three, urinating or defecating. Hadith, not only urinating or defecating passing gas.
This invalidate the prayer
alhadeff. Why? Because we'll do is is conditioned for the prayer. Your prayer is incorrect without although if you lost your mobile,
you're improved. So you're you're doing your prayer.
While you don't have to.
Number four ritual impurity.
What's the difference between number four and number three?
Number three is habit number four is
what is considered islamically impure.
If something came on your cloth,
then it invalidates the prayer.
Number five exposure of the hour. Again the hour I believe it's written in your books, the *.
Yeah, it's not the *. Because it's not the private part on the exposure of the hour. Someone was praying like a man, the minimum hour is to the knee. Half of his thigh was was exposed. His prayer becomes invalid.
But if it was exposed, and he directly covered it, then
it's forgiven.
But if it was exposed, because again, it's a condition for the prayer to cover your our, if it's not covered, your prayer is invalid.
Number six, changing the intention. The intention is a pillar of the prayer. You started with the intention that this is the answer prayer. During the prayer you remembered oh I did not pray.
Okay, this is your prayer. So you changed your intention what happens? Your prayer is invalid anymore. Because you changed the intention, you cannot change the intention during the prayer.
Number seven, directing one's back toward the Qibla This is the Qibla
and you are praying it is permissible like if something happened, you move a little bit you are sitting, you move a little bit from the Qibla. But if you turned all the way back to the Kabbalah and the Qibla, your back was facing the Qibla then again, your prayer is invalid.
There is
a margin of error in facing the Qibla. But if you if your back faces the Qibla
you turn your back towards the cabinet then this invalidates the prayer.
Number eight eating
Can you eat while you're praying?
Exactly it it contradicts for sure
someone is eating or chewing gum while his brain that's inappropriate for the prayer.
The same thing with drinking.
Actually, some scholars they said this pertain only to
the obligatory prayer. It's optional prayer. It is permissible if you needed to
do you need to eat while you're praying?
Usually you don't. But for the pious predecessors they needed because they used to spend like two hours in order. So they said it is permissible to have a sip of water. And the Levin is the bearer of the alarm on the lawn Homer. The birds used to stand on him thinking that his pillar in domestic
so that's why they said the optional prayer. It's permissible if it's needed, but in general, the obligatory prayer in general, drinking or eating, it invalidates the prayer. You cannot eat or drink
laughing loudly
you cannot laugh loudly.
Back does not mean smiling.
Even smiling is not appropriate in the prayer but if someone smiled, still his prayer is correct unless he laughed. He laughed by saying alcohol we say in Arabic that you have this
sound coming, then your prayer is invalid
number 11 apostasy
number 11. The last thing apostasy.
Of course, it's obvious if someone changed his religion. All his deeds are not. One of them is the prayer.
Are you writing all of them you have within the book, I don't know what your writing
is there in the book.
So these are the 11 things that invalidate the prayer.
Now, we will move to some rulings about
the Salah about the prayer, which are very important.
First thing, it is permissible for a slave to be the Imam of a free person. And for adolescent to be the Imam of an adult. Can someone who's 10 years old, leave the people
lead all people Why?
It happened during the time of the messenger assassin? Is it the condition for the prayer
that the one who performs it has to be adult?
If someone who's eight years old, he prayed. isn't his prayer accepted? It's accepted he doesn't have to do it. But if he did it, it is accepted. And so I have Bukhari, amor have been Salah Mara de la Juan, he was seven years old, when he led his people why he led them because he memorized more than them. So it is permissible. What if someone slave again, it's not about slavery or freedom. It's about knowledge. How much do you have Koran? Do you memorize the Quran, Allah.
So it is permissible for the young boy to lead the people as long as he performs the prayer correctly. Because if he does not perform the prayer correctly, his prayer for himself is incorrect. So people cannot follow him.
Number two, it's not permissible for a woman to be the man of a man.
We have some woman they want to leave men in prayer.
Yeah, I mean, dude.
Is it permissible or not?
You know, it's not why
you have to have evidence. She says it's permissible, why you discriminate against women?
doesn't have to do with discrimination. Why?
What's the evidence? Can someone tell me or do you want me to make it homework for you?
Well, someone has to tell me for the woman not for you.
No one.
No woman led men during the time of the messenger sighs seldom.
Is that an evidence? It is? Is it sufficient?
The profits are seldom used the microphone
I need stronger evidence.
Or it will be homework.
Because there will be people they will come and ask you
why you don't allow women to lead men in prayer. Are they less human than men?
Or woman?
They don't have to see her. There could be a barrier glass wall.
Or she could leave them from the back because some people said that she could lead them from the back.
No, no. They
said that.
He said Ronan's voices
What What did what did she say?
That's true. No nation will succeed if they entrust their affairs of
They give it to a woman. We did not give our affairs. Its prayer. Come on.
It's prayer. It's not appointing her as the halifa.
It's only a man. Prayer.
Yeah, it's prayer.
What do you want to say, sir?
Yeah, she made a mistake and men corrected her. What's the problem?
What's the relationship between this hadith that women they clap on their hands and bleeding the prayer?
Well, let me see until the end of the session. If you do good, I will give it to you. If not, then it will it will be homework.
Okay, it's homework
for john in particular, and for the rest.
Number three,
it is not permissible for someone who does not know how to recite the Quran to be the Imam of a recital of the Quran.
This is this is a general rule.
The one who leads the prayer he has to be able to know how to recite the Quran. why certain Fatiha is pillar. If you cannot perform it, recite it correctly, that means your prayer is incorrect.
And consequently the people who are led by you who are following you, their prayer is incorrect. So you cannot lead them. What if someone cannot read the fact that
we tell him you don't lead the people or talks about himself? He wants to pray? What does he do?
He is praying alone. Does that mean his prayer is incorrect for himself?
Okay, he has to memorize the fact that he just reverted to Islam today.
It may take two weeks to to know how to recite Surah Fatiha it's not overnight process. It takes a long time. So what do you tell him? You don't pray for two weeks?
Yeah, you go and that's the only thing.
What should he do?
If he cannot read it,
you're thinking lots of things nowadays.
If If you cannot read Surah Fatiha.
You read whatever you can. If not you stand the amount the time of Surah Fatiha. You say the the speed of the text via the vicar of Allah Spanner because that's the best you can do. For taco Lamas the bottom that's the best you could do. Once you are able to read Surah Fatiha, then you have to read it now for you because you don't know you're excused. So your prayer is correct for you because that's the best you could do. But for the people they don't have excuse to follow you. They have to have someone who can read Surah Fatiha if all of them cannot read Surah Fatiha that's fine. One of them could lead them.
So again Is this clear? The one who cannot recite he cannot lead the people while they have someone who could recite.
Prophet SAW Selim said your alma Accra home Nikita Bella, the one who leads the people is the one who recites better that's the position of the Imam.
Now we are moving to another issue, conditions for shortening
the prayer. And what prayer do we shorten the prayer with for Raka? four units? That's the only prayer we short them to Torah
is the amount of prayer shortened.
No. Three Raka can to make it one and a half. Two. What about sub sprayer? touriga can we do it? wondercon
No, only the forager prayer harasser and Aisha we have only three prayers that are shortened.
What are the conditions? We have five conditions.
Do we have something funny? We want to laugh? No.
We have five conditions to shorten this prayer being a travel for a purpose in which there is no
disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala
being a travel, that's the first condition
being a traveler.
Can you shorten the prayer? here in Houston? Because you want to
five blocks from my house.
You have to be a traveler, okay, you have to be a travel.
That's not enough, not only a traveler, but a traveler for a purpose in which there is no disobedience to Allah. Someone booked a ticket. He's going to Las Vegas to gamble. And when he arrived there, it's time for prayer, the prayer and he shortened the prayer. Can he do that?
he's doing something Haram. But he has to pray
in the sharpest school of thought you cannot. You don't use the disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala in order to shorten the prayer, it has to be a traveling where there is no disobedience to Allah. Someone is going for business.
Can he shorten the prayer?
He wants to purchase some stocks he wants to deal he can. why he's not doing Umrah or Hajj.
Exactly as long as he is not disobeying Allah subhanaw taala, then it is permissible he can shorten the prayer. We have three types of traveling, traveling for a better like head genre
for something which is permissible, like you're going to for business, you're going for another place just to explore to see
and a traveling for disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. There are three types of traveling.
As long as it's not in disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala then you can shorten the prayer. This is the first condition.
The second condition, the distance of the journey is at least 16 versa.
What do we mean by first
16 for each Versa is three months.
Three months, multiply 16 times 348 months, 4648 48 months? That's the minimum distance. It has to be 48 months.
Yes from your residence.
It has to be 16 first, or 48 months.
I don't know maybe they measured the distance between Cairo and Alexandria
is 16% why the prophet SAW Selim said the suffer traveling is a day and night.
It takes 48 miles to travel day and night at their time. Now.
It takes from you one hour or less to travel 48 months. If it's less than that, then it's not considered traveling.
Yes, it is still permissible. What if you used plane?
If you wait a day or night maybe you're on the F?
The third condition, the prayer to be performed is before being shortened a four unit prayer. As we said you don't shorten sirika prayer or to like a prayer it has to be for Rica.
It has to be foraker.
This is the third condition.
The fourth condition making the intention to shorten the prayer when the prayers, inviolability is being initiated. Once you pray, you have to intend you have to intend to shorten the prayer.
Let's say you are traveling. We already said that the intention is pillar in every act of worship. You made the intention. I am praying Lord. So you started Allahu Akbar and you pray to Rica. After you finished the second record, you remember you're traveling or I'm done. So you will make the salon now, you cannot you have to continue. Why? Because you did not make your intention that you are praying as a traveler, you made the intention you are praying World War is foraker. In order for you to shorten the prayer, you have to make the intention. All the actions are related to the intention. So you have to make the intention. This is the fourth condition, the last condition not
to be the Imam of a resident
the area.
What do you mean by that? If you are led by any man
or by someone whose resident, the resident how many loca he will pray
for Africa Can you make Salaam after two and you say I am traveling?
Can you? No You cannot. You have to follow the map.
Yeah, you have to follow the map. That's what the prophet SAW Selim said in the majority of the time maybe the man is only assigned to be followed. You cannot be led by the Imam who is resident and the shortened the prayer. You have to follow him.
I don't remember I don't think so. No, because you met you make Salaam and everybody is continuing. You cannot do that. If you are led by the Imam of Resident area, you have to follow him. The map is only assigned to be followed.
So you cannot leave the prayer after taraka and the people are continuing.
Now we're moving to the Juma prayer
not the man if the man is traveling and he finished after the second Raka Can he makes the Salaam Can he shorten the prayer if he is the man? Yes he can. What about the people behind him?
They must continue because the Imam is excused he's traveling but what about the people?
They have to continue they don't have excuse
no you can't you cannot be led by the Imam. I think there is a word missing here you cannot be led by the Imam of a resident of the area. That's what we mean by that and with this inshallah we will conclude our session.
Other solo Solomon Mohammed Ah, savage man.
Is there any question?
Not to be led by the man correct not to be led by the man