Irshaad Sedick – The Time Has Come
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala Kiba chillin with Delkin while Jana Tolima widing wala Divina Illa Allah Bali mein or salat wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad, her Tamil Ambia you will mousseline so they were too low. He was selling them who are they he What are they him I do mine rubbish rally surgery. While you're silly Emery was a little awkward at a melissani of coho Kohli Subhanak Allah al Milena Elana alum Tana indica Angela Aleem will Hakeem Allahumma alumna Mayan Pharaoh Runa one foreigner Bhima Island tener was it now I mean the Rama, Rama Rama I mean Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah heeta Isla or barakato
or praise and thanks to you Sarita Allah subhanho wa taala. Ida traces peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplar on a B Muhammad sallallahu alayhi. Wa early he was happy with Salam, beloved elders, mothers and fathers Brothers and Sisters in Islam. This is the last Jumeirah before we reach the month of Ramadan
in sha Allah, Allah may Allah grant us live to reach the month of Ramadan. And we don't know whether that will in fact materialize. As you can see, in the last couple of days, we've lost some very significant very valuable members of society. May Allah grant them genital fugitives.
Yesterday was the passing of Shani Moses, the father of Sheikh Ibrahim was who spoke here not too long ago. And while I had the privilege of traveling with Bathsheba, and he
is was a stalwart in this community of the Quran. We planted seeds of Quran that will be growing and bearing fruit for generations to come.
I spoke to him last night, and he was saying that, you know,
he has to really try to live up to his father's example, to Hanifa has been reciting in a JAMA of Hoffa every Sunday, for the last 55 years. So other than being half of the Quran, you have to understand this level of sacrifice, right? So it's a Sunday morning, they usually start very early, sometimes extremely early, and sometimes like seven o'clock or so, finishing another hot term. So this gym, I would finish a hard time every week at different people's homes at different masajid for 55 years. troubadour ame says, you know, I haven't even lived that long. They've been reciting for that long. Try to wrap your mind around that. May Allah grant as such beneficial lives and legacies
that we can also you know, do something significant in our lives that we can be proud of that we can present to Allah subhanho wa taala. I mean, how many of us here have been taught by ASHA Hanif? How many have become fired? At his hands? How many have pursued the study of Deen at his hands or because of his inspiration?
Not not not unique to his own family. But beyond that, so we pray that Allah grant him a high place in Jannah. And we pray that Allah Subhana Allah grant him every desire, every wish and intention that he had for this Ramadan, that Allah grants him the reward for that. And then, you know, not too long ago, my colleague Molina Tofik maruf Rahim Mahalo to either passed away at the age of 52 of cancer SubhanAllah.
Again, examples of individuals who had relatively short lives, but the contribution that they made to society was tremendous. And I'm mentioning this so that we can aspire to have similar contributions within our lives. We don't all have to be further the Quran we don't all have to be all the amount of Deen
but leave behind the legacy that will cause
an impact, a positive impact in society. In whichever capacity you have been blessed by Allah subhanaw taala whether that be in your capacity as a husband, or as
Father, who has a brother, who has a son, who has a neighbor or as a friend,
but leave behind in an impact that is felt here. And that is rewarded in the era of May Allah grant us that.
As we approach the month of Ramadan, it is essential for us to look deep
at our intentions at our state of being at our hearts, for the month of Ramadan has been given to us as a gift. But it's a unique gift. It's a gift, that depends on how much attention you give to that gift.
It's not a gift that will be equal for one and all. Ramadan is how much you put in is how much you get out.
And there's a basic minimum requirement for all of us. That's too fast from fajr to Mercury, to fulfill alpha.
So at the very least,
a Muslim who wants to benefit from Ramadan must fast every day goes and must fulfil that which Allah had made obligatory upon them, and they must refrain from what Allah Allah had made haram. That would be the bare minimum of gaining the rewards of Ramadan and not ruining the rewards.
Understand that a person who first but neglects the obligatory duties to somebody who first but they don't play salah.
There is no reward in such a fast there is no reward.
So does this mean that the person who fasts but doesn't play salah they should just leave it and they should just not pass at all? No.
They should fast, regardless of the sin for not praying Salah because if they don't fast also, then there'll be sinful for not fasting as well.
But it's still wrong to say at least a fast
diet in Cape Town we live lives of at least you get hijacked at least they didn't shoot me. Your child is a drug addict at least is only on DACA
daughter comes on pregnant at least she's not a lesbian.
La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. So the concept of fasting without fulfilling our for our religious obligations means that you are starving yourself. You are making yourself nice and hungry and nice and tired. You will not be punished for not fasting. But you will not receive any rewards for doing the sacrifice of fasting for it is an empty act. You still have to do it. But there's no chance of gaining any benefit from this no chance of spiritually improving and progressing towards Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
And just like fulfilling alpha, it consists of doing what is compulsory. It also consists of abstaining from what is haram.
The person who first but they are still committing Zina, they are still watching *, they still having romantic relationships that are against Islam rules. They are still engaging in Haram, with the eyes, with the ears, with the tongue, with the hands with the feet, with the speech with the thoughts. Engaging in the prohibited, while in a state of fasting or even while in the month of Ramadan is again a reason for you to tire yourself out and starve yourself but gain no reward from the month of Ramadan. Understand that an individual who does this, all of the spiritual fruits that they that they reap in the month of Ramadan, they are all superficial. They are all based on
feelings. That that's basically just the feeling of hunger and you know, you haven't felt hunger in such a long time that you think that you've progressed, but that's not going to grant you any progress. Because as soon as the Ramadan leaves us, then that false sense of spirituality will also leave you. So the bare minimum of fasting in the month of Ramadan is to do the fast stay away from haram and to fulfill the obligations. That's the bare minimum.
The second level.
The second level of attainment of spirituality in Ramadan is to do that. And in addition to fulfill the toolkit, or the tools of Ramadan that we spoke about in last week's cookbook
to spend time praying at night, it's not hard, it's sooner, but if you do it, you'll gain exponentially more rewards than to just do the bare minimum.
So for this reason today on the last Friday, I want us all to make a genuine intention that I will try my utmost
to pray at night, every night in the month of Ramadan.
So for most of us that would mean attending taraweeh every night.
Make that intention.
Pray that Allah affords you that opportunity to be in his house, with the community in listening to the Quran, praying the rosary every night. Make that intention today and may Allah accept it from you and then have a backup plan. So if you're not going to be able to make that movie every night, then have a backup plan that if I miss it at the masjid, I will still play some raka at home
some people think that if they missed out or if that means they must tarawih he's like no way to make it up. No today extra car off the Scylla Tillandsia at home and there's no minimum it's not that every morning I can play a truck at because you know I don't know enough liquid I know this is a false understanding who said you must get a truck guy who said you must play to interact or do what you can but pray at night. Do not neglect the benefits the spiritual benefits of mankind Ramadan, Eman and rocky Serbian who fear Allah Who Madoka demean them remember this is only level two fasting during the day fulfilling the obligations playing at night.
And if you can manage level two you've already attained two massive rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala you should know what they are man sama Ramadan Iman and Marathi Serbian man comma Ramadan Iman and wrap this up and what are the rewards who fear Allah Who mantha put them in zombie, all of the previous sins will be forgiven. If you do so motivated by your faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala and hoping for reward from Allah. Those are the only conditions
so we've all understood level two stay away from the prohibitions do what is compulsory past during the day today during the night
level three
I'm making my own levels up in
level three
we still going to get to the learning at the end with for those who know what that means.
Allah Allah says in surah Hadid
by the an Akula bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim
Allah me yet Neely Levine Manu, and Tasha Kulu boom live victory lap while man as the nominal hawk.
This is a profound verse.
They are stories about our pious predecessors
who loved the lives of gangsters. highway robbers. They used to call them call to Tarik cattle of the road.
And one day in pursuing the fifth and the robbery, they heard the recitation of this verse. And that single moment took them so much that they transform the lives.
And today we celebrate those same pious predecessors as some of the most pious individuals this ummah has ever seen.
What does this verse say? alum yet nearly ladina Avenue, as the time not come, for the believers. And the Shah that trembles that becomes humbled. That becomes all inspired Kulu whom their hearts livecareer Allah remembrance of Allah wa Manasseh laminal ha hawk and for that which had been sent down as ultimate truth, the Quran
while I Hakuna Gala, Dina O'Toole kita and that they do not be from among those who like those who had been given the book before. Fatah Allah, Allah himolla Ahmed, and then a long period that passed over them because that Kulu boom, and the hearts became hardened. Percocet Kulu boom. can think about it like Africans, expression. Set Kulu boom. They are to date.
Their hearts became hardened focus at Punahou boom what Kathy roomin whom forsaken and many of them are sinners.
The meaning of this verse
coming from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
is a form of lamentation
has the time not come from my servants? Have they not had enough time as believers, enough time knowing Allah, enough time having access to the book of Allah, that their hearts tremble in all of the fact that I have a creator.
He is aware of what I do. He years what I say, he sees what I do. He's with me wherever I am, in his knowledge, in His sight, in his yearning.
And I am going to be facing him when I leave this world. And I could leave this world at any moment, as the time not come for their hearts to soften,
to be humbled at the remembrance of Allah, and what has been revealed of the truth.
And to not be like those who had gone before the people who had been given the book before. They are hood and then Asara specifically, that they do not be like them how? Because they were given a book. They were given guidance. And then a long period had passed with a book just became a book.
And Allah speaks about this in other places in the Quran. QMF filial Hi Maria Mila Sphera they became like donkeys carrying a book on the back.
They became like donkeys carrying books on the back. So they carry this book with Anna, we've got the book of God, we are the chosen people of God, this false, ostentatious superficial idea of a bond with with one's Creator.
Because I'm a Muslim, because I'm a Jew, because I'm a Christian holocaust. That's enough to know.
Let us not be deceived by similar trains of thought. Because with them, and Allah warns us not to be like this, they had this book with him, and a long time went by, and it had no impact on them, no effect on them.
So their hearts became hardened. And they remained sinners and rebellious.
So level three of maximizing Ramadan, you're not going to go to a lower grade, nor are you satisfied with standard grade. But you want a much higher form than that. Level three, in my opinion, is the person who prays at night after doing the bare minimum plays at night, and spends a significant amount of time with the book of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad wa salam, as we've said before, and it's probably one of my favorite narrations in relation to Ramadan. The Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam used to spend every night in Ramadan, revising the Quran was Gibreel Ali Stratos Salam, I mean, it's hard to imagine such a union such a gathering.
But you daddy suhu Al Quran they used to study the Quran with one another. The scholars explained that what this means is that they revised whatever was revealed up to that point, at least once. And then in his final year, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, they did so twice.
But you can imagine that this was the preferred
action, the preferred occupation of the Prophet Muhammad wa salam during the month of Ramadan. So if we are followers of the Sunnah, then we follow in this way as well. So level three is to spend some of your day and some of your night an allocated portion of time. Dedicate dedicated to the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. This year in sha Allah, our post tarawih theme is going to be based around Social Virtues and social interactions in the light of the Quran. And for this we we've selected Surah Noor Surah hijab and Surah hoogenraad. So I invite you, first and foremost, to make the NIA today to spend time with the Quran. Now, if that for you meant in the past, I'm going to read the
whole term of the Quran Bismillah you continue with that that is not enough. It is time for our hearts to become humbled by the remembrance of Allah and its revelation. The revelation of the Quran, show me a single proof that the Quran was revealed for us just to butcher and not to understand.
Show me that that is the purpose of its residence of its revelation.
I'm not belittling the recitation of the Quran. It's absolutely paramount. It's part of who we are.
It's part of being a Muslim. But it's not its primary objective. It's not the book of butcher. It is a book of guidance. Don't believe me Come on the first night of taraweeh and listen to the first recitation of the the Fatiha. Alif Lam Meem Valley Cal keytab Lowry Buffy who the limit again. And if la meme This is the book, there's absolutely no doubt in it. It is a guidance for the Allah conscious.
It's a guidance is the introductory statement of the book after the the preface if you'd like Surah Fatiha, the first statement that this is a book of guidance.
How much of your life and I'm speaking to myself here first how much of my life is genuinely guided by the Quran. The decisions we make, the paths we take, the choices we implement,
what we hold sacred in our lives, what we hold valuable in our lives.
What we regard as priority in our every day and every night of existence, is it based is it genuinely based on the guidance that Allah had revealed to us in his book.
It's really, it's really mind boggling to think that we as the OMA of Muhammad Sasaram, we literally have the game plan, the cheat code, we have the cheat code for every single issue that humanity has ever faced and ever will face in our hands in the form of the book of Allah. And we've reduced it to a butcher book I
just think are mind boggling. That is that our only relationship with the Quran for many people is a reading for them. Reading Akata. Again, that's important. But that's not the primary objective. So you cannot reduce the book to that.
It's not the book in the sense of other books, we don't even refer to it as such, it is the kalam of Allah, it's the speech of God. God is talking to you in that book. Are you listening? Are you understanding so I invite you to spend time with the book of Allah by making the NIA now before Ramadan within allocated time for many an hour will be a good starting point. But if they are those who had already dedicated an hour for the first time and you want to continue with you one hour for your Hatha Bismillah but add to it increase this year to one hour 20 minutes or one and a half hours.
And hourly allocation is important because you see it can take somebody it can take a good recite of the Quran and a proficient reciter 25 minutes to read an entire Jews then that's it. So okay, my location for the day is finished no spend time with the Quran.
Spend time with the Quran
and my instruction yours my advice here specifically is to spend time with the understanding of the Quran with reflection on the Quran.
How do you reflect on the Quran? There are many ways to reflect on the Quran. It's not a one pronged approach.
For those who understand Arabic there is no there is no need to address that because that's not the majority of us. So I'm going to speak to the sick the state of the majority.
A very superficial way is to take the translation of the Quran with footnotes explanatory notes, a very good translation
and the read that with reflection
if there's nothing else that you do when you only do that it's a you reciting Jews one today then you take a segment of Jews one any section and read a couple of verses with the allocated time period. So say it's 20 minutes for 20 minutes you're going to be reading by reading with reflection reading with the understanding that this is Allah's words, and Allah is speaking to me.
So that's one approach. Another approach is to link yourself into a program such as ours, our poster always program where we will be focused on one particular aspect of one particular theme. So this year, it's the social values, social interactions in light of the Quran. And you now already know that we're going to be doing sewer on node the NIA is to do Serrano Surah Al Ahzab and Sudoku, Jura. So go and prepare for that. Go and get your copy of the most half outgoing mark with them. Surahs out started reading the translation they have started reading the deficit
Eat they are and join us every night. And we will go through this with reflection together. And the idea behind linking yourself to a formal program of this nature. We know this is somewhat more informal, but it is to connect yourself to a teacher. So whether that be here or at any other place or opportunity, find a teacher,
even if it's just for the month of Ramadan, and choose this as my Quran teacher for Ramadan, whether that be online or in person, preferably in person, because there's a spiritual connection with your teacher when you're in the presence, but if you cannot online Bismillah
and make the NEA to stick to the program.
And this program should be when I say a qualified teacher, I mean someone who really knows what they're talking about. And they're not just, they're not just thumb sucking. Right? And you are intelligent enough to know the difference between somebody who knows what they're talking about and somebody who's thumb sucking. I don't need to elaborate on that. There are so many qualified scholars, qualified teachers, we are so blessed Alhamdulillah in the city of hours that you can take your pick. You can take your pick, what flavor do you like Bismillah. But stick to the program. Spend time with the book of Allah and allow it to transform you. Make the NIA that your heart will
be opening this month of Ramadan ready for transformation,
that your heart will be ready to receive this humility. And this reverence that Allah speaks about in verse number 16 of Surah Hadid alum yet nearly levena M and Tasha coloboma, live victory lap
around Ramadan
is the month in which you must make a decision.
You must make a decision. Am I in it for ultimate change and transformation? Or is it just going to be an average Ramadan?
See the moon pasa la behrang Carry on with life?
If you go in with a Nia of ultimate transformation, when you go into the month of Ramadan with the NIA Oh Allah, I'm done with my sins. I'm leaving it behind me leaving my bad habits behind and making Toba from the wrongs that I struggle with you and I know how how much easier it is in Ramadan to stay away from haram. We all know that we've experienced that before
in place that
if your heart or your mind is telling you your naps, if it's telling you that listen, Ramadan now and it's going to be difficult, no movies and if you're going on a loss lunch or lost party within the next couple of days, then you're one of those people
because the concept is almost like Rukia I'm not going to be able to entertain my naps now. So let me entertain the last little bit in this applies to you very much. Make the NIA to embrace Ramadan.
Make the NIA to embrace the gift that Allah is giving us that gift of locking shaytaan of closing Jahannam of opening Janna, the doorways of good, the doorways of righteousness are wide open for you to just simply stroll in, make the knee of ultimate transformation. And Oh Allah, I've had previous Ramadan's. And I've benefited, and I enjoyed it and I felt some things. But this Ramadan, I want ultimate transformation. I want to step up in my relationship with you. Wherever I am, I want to step up.
Stepping up means getting one step closer to Allah Subhana Allah than we were before Ramadan and staying there. And you do that through your actions. It's not some spiritual concept or abstract concept that cannot be measured. No, it can be measured. You look at who you are right now. You look at your life. You look at your deeds, you look at your actions, and you ask yourself, are you ready to make the ultimate change? Are you ready to allow the book of Allah to influence you so much? That you make that ultimate change that ultimate transformation? It's your decision. I can't make it for you. I can't. I'm struggling to make it for me.
It is a personal journey. You and I we must decide what we want from this month of Ramadan.
Make big intentions may Allah accept it from us.
Then level three reciting the book of Allah is that enough?
Is that enough? So we have level one the basics, they will do okay, praying at night also taraweeh they will free and spending time with the book of Allah. What could they possibly be more than that?
Imam Ghazali addresses different levels of fasting as
Well, he calls it the fasting of the masses, the fasting of the elite, and the fasting of the elite of the elite. They use as three levels that I'm going to add the fourth level now, though the I'm making this up as I go along. The fourth level is the one who understands that they need more medicine because they more sick than everybody else.
The one who understands I'm a bit more ill than those around me, perhaps fasting and tarawih. And the big butcher and a big reflection on the Quran can be sufficient for some but me.
I'm a bit demented, spiritually dark heart is back into its sin. I know I need to go the extra mile. I know I need to strive harder than everyone else if I want to make that ultimate transformation.
So for those who are genuinely honest with themselves, they will understand that this means I must go above and beyond this level three.
So for those who really want to go the extra mile,
you have to follow the same route. The same steps that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam instructed us to follow.
For example,
not just praying at night for taraweeh. But waking up to pray again for tahajjud.
Ramadan is the easiest time in the year to pray tahajjud and it's the most rewarding time because you're going to wake up anyways to eat. So instead of waking up off an hour before the time you wake up 40 minutes before the time it's for example, and those extra 10 minutes you go in you pray to for like out of the 100.
And even better than that, you pray your two to four out of the 100 and my dear brothers in Islam, make your way to the masjid. Go and pray Fudger in JAMA Be a man be a man that's what men do in Islam. Muslim men supposed to pray the solder in JAMA in the masjid. That's what being a man is. It's part of a man's life five times a day every day. So you want to be a man be a man and do what men do. Do what Muslim men do? Go and pray your Fudger Salah in the masjid you are awake anyways. It is Ramadan going benefit, you will receive 27 times the reward of what you would have if you prayed alone at home. Imagine praying at home 27 times. I just saw that times 27 to get what you would get
for one Fajr in the masjid with Gemma. How can we how can we miss out on such an opportunity going the extra mile means that you follow the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim in becoming charitable in Ramadan, look for opportunities to give by the way, those who have donated towards our hasa collection, the second collection and think as we can do collection, it might just be just under but by now it should be just over a half a million is the second collection. And our intention is to transfer the money on the first day of Ramadan.
So if you want to participate, the reason for doing it on the first day of Ramadan is of course for the extra reward for those who have donated, then you're welcome to do so but become generous. This is just one way. The opportunities for generosity in Ramadan are endless. Don't wait for them to come knocking on your door. Go and seek those opportunities. Go for the next coming days go and find out your priority is not organizations. I'm not taking away from that organizations, my collection, whatever, that's not your priority. That second or third Your priority is to go and find out among your own relatives. Your uncle's your aunts, your cousins, your distant relatives, those who are
underprivileged, those who are living underneath the breadline, those who are struggling, those who struggle to make ends meet, go and find out what they need.
And without damaging the dignity. Go in the system. This is your primary form of charity.
If that demand are all begin with those who are moving, sorry if you can just press the power button. You begin with those who are close to you. You don't go out.
I'm going to donate my money to this organization and that organization you do that, but that comes second or third. If that payment or old means you begin with those who are around you, in your community. In your community. Your neighbors go and find out if they have groceries for the month of Ramadan.
Find out if they need anything if the bills are paid, be that brother
persister in Islam,
there's no there's no benefit in seeking charitable opportunities outside of your own closed circle if you had not yet fulfilled
the responsibility that Allah had placed upon you, and bravado to seal it, if you have a mother or father, or brother or sister, or children who are suffering while you know about it and are comfortable and you do nothing.
I don't know how you're going to answer to Allah subhanho wa Taala for that.
The month of Ramadan is not just a personal journey. It's a familial journey, you proceed to Allah together with your loved ones. And charity is at the helm of that.
This level four also consists of making dua supplicating to Allah subhanaw taala, I advise write down your topics of dua, just the topics, the things that you want to make dua for and write it down because when you fasting, and it's book a time you so hungry, you can think of this stuff which is supposed to make dua for you make a big to add and remove anyone to add and to go off, right the points down and increase in your application to Allah. Don't just go to Allah with a shopping list. I want this in one that the topics include praising Allah for the gifts that he had granted us going into Ramadan with gratitude, we've got so much to be grateful for Yeah.
You No, I literally can't watch the videos that are bombarding my social media feeds
of children. Who could be my children who could be your children, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers who are literally starving or rather being starved to death.
I never thought that in my time, I would see practices that I only read about in Hadith. I, I saw an image of a child with a rock tied around his belly, a rock. That's just to curtail the hunger, the pain.
This is what the Sahaba and the Prophet Muhammad SAW Sam used to do.
I never thought that I would see that in my lifetime. The day you go.
That's what colonialism does. That's what the racism does. That's what evil does. So this Ramadan eats differently.
But like one of our contemporary scholars say, if you feel if you genuinely feel in your heart, the ache and the pain, like you claim to feel it,
go and make a difference. And making a difference doesn't mean going over or only sending money they are only making to offer them now making a difference means you make a difference with Matt this year.
Do you think that we are without people starving in our city without people suffering in our city go and find them go and make a difference? And watch how Allah elevates you in the month of Ramadan.
And then part of level four and this is the final point.
You cannot overlook the power that Allah had instilled within the masajid in his houses in the month of Ramadan. For salah. Yes, but specifically for isolation and spiritual retreat. The article if
every one of us can find moments in Ramadan, we're in we engage in isolation, spiritual retreat with Allah subhanho wa taala. And may Allah grant us every level that is the to be attained in Ramadan and beyond are SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Just a reminder about the dates on sale. Do you have zamzam as well we have zamzam as well. So the dates and zamzam are sold at the masjid for the magics Ramadan activities. So do purchase your dates and your zamzam from the masjid in sha Allah. And then our collection for the wall continues until there wasn't much of an impact on that collection yet I don't know if people are waiting for Ramadan to start. But we
can't neglect the house of Allah in this way. My dear brothers in Islam, so I'm asking you can Allah the nature of the masjid so we can get this sorted.
It's our responsibility is no single individual responsible for this. It's all of us collectively. JazakAllah Clara Saramonic
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how do i
Hi Alan Stein
young fella
No more how am I gonna
go to your son Lunarlon Obi
Wan Levine
was suddenly wildly suddenly Oh Arlene was suddenly modestly
Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
log but Allahu Akbar a lot of work went on wall or
I Shall I do it
a shadow anyone
yellow sauna
are you
walkabout oh
no more
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Allah me yet Neely levena Manu and Daksha Kulu boom Lizzy Karela Yama Nasrallah mineral hubco
My name is Romina
while I have Kunal can let ina O'Toole Kitab Amin cabello Fatah Allah Allah He moved me to PHIPA set Kulu Buma Kathy Roman whom first your * so the kala Humala Anna la vie makalah Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam Sioux Moliro at 100 at Okama Paula Allah he's salat wa salam BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran whenever anyone here can be Murphy him in Albion upon you probably had our stuff you lovingly welcome What is it will Muslim in all Muslim as well we need one more minute just a few in who who will have a photo of him well most of the name was name was he
doesn't want to
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want to start who want to start the fetal who went on to be when they went on to be Himanshu Rudy and kusina Amin say you
may be love for La La La La La
ilaha illallah wa la sharika, Manisha do anna Muhammad and Abdul who want to sue out of Salah hula hoop to either be happy but you don't want to do it all day now they use my youth I learned how Rasulullah who Papa Russia drama yeah I see him. But in Hula, hula NAFSA Allah who are older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. In no more how am I the ICA who you saw Luna Allah NaVi. Johan Lavina mon Sol Lu Ali, he was selling muitas Nima, Allahumma Salli, ala Sayyidina Muhammad in Abdic, our Zuleika wa salam ala me Nina Mina, all Muslim in one Muslim barbaric Allah Muhammad Musa as YG he was the reality kala Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our hum OMA TB Almighty Abu Bakr Radi Allahu
Taala and pleasure to houfy amarilla Yama Rhodiola with Allah and Stockholm higher and Earth man Rhodiola with Allah and although whom Allah you Rhodiola with that and before tema to say that we need a little Jana Rhodiola with Al Anna but Hassan Al Hussein say either Shiva, Jana Rhodiola with Allah and Houma but Hamza Asadullah he was settled on Saudi Arabia Allahu Allah and who needs to have a big mind Allahumma filial macmini In our last minute when Muslim in our Muslim wildlife bein Upolu, Bina was left database Nina Allahumma Salli salam ala Mussolini Allah whom are easily slam on Muslimeen Allah whom are is that Islam or Muslimeen? Why did Allah shirk our machinic in one surah
Eva deckle morphine alone and Sunil Muslim in our mudra he didn't want to stop the happy in our mobile Amin be
Colima can fulfill her SATA for SATA Yarrabah LME Allah Humann su Mata beat up Adama home. Upgraded sobre la Kenobi him Allah Hooman su Muhammad hoomin benei ad him Amin holvi him one a mani haemangioma le momento P mamita. Team here Aubel Alamy Allah Humann Zuma Allah I do recover I do we hear up Allahumma Anika Sahaj in Alberta who tell me tell Lena barley mean Allahu Madame me whom did me wrong but I didn't see him i j if I could Radhika but Allah may Allah Houma whom Allah as easy mocha daddy Allah Who Madame mir whom machete chum LA home mama Jana home for her Riku Tomia jewelry when it comes Allahumma Masjidul episomal ad him for Salat and fee Runa Aziz Allahumma Birdy planner
female Bucky I mean Shari Shaban Baba Luna, Ramadan, Allahu Allah whom you know taka Isha Ramadan. Allahumma Jiang namun Otakar Ramadan Allah Houma. Janome Oh taco Isha hurry Ramadan. Eva de la Rafi Maka moolah in Allah Hiya, Bill. Sun. Evil Kuba, ye yong ha and in Sasha Carrie will bury you calm la lakum does a karoun with Corolla Lavinia calm where they're always terrible as well as the Corolla he wala Huya animal matters now one of the Masada
please make sure the lines are in order all the gaps are closed all the cell phones are switched off on silent that you're standing shoulder to shoulder at the most awful oh well oh well candy fold this up in front of you first. You ask him to make dua for Imam Hanif Morris as well as for the family of brother Yasin Hendrix is wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy my show
Allahu Akbar
should do what
like the permit is solid
Norma Hannah, my son of mine is a stepping stone came on why can you get hung up on law without also suddenly
a law
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Alhamdulillah here on the line me.
Raf Nana Rahim, Maliki own Mateen Yaga na India UK and US 19 denouncing rock stamping Chirag levena
merrily him line up on me and
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
our tiny man can come from Poseidon in Europe Macomb and in Nash Enya Kenya, who won
Sammy I'm Molly min Hamina
I'm loving
I'm loving
Alhamdulillah you Robin. I mean, a rough man. You're running man EP or meeting. Yo, boy, you're gonna snipe me. Now see, you're off by my stomping
There are
no me I lay him
on me. I mean
this Bismillah you're
gonna hold the mirror up. Follow me in shall mean.
Warning shall Rivas and you can walk other running showering not even while I'm in rehab she didn't either and said
Allahu Akbar
Sami Allah holy man Hamina
hola hola Nina de mon Herdade y fina team and I have been working on Nana theme and governance while Bonnie Lana fina
walk in the rock many guys shadow Rama up all day by NACA company right now you're
in Nola you're gonna know my wife when I date the doctor I'm
finally gonna handle
when this does occur when I told you like was Allah Allah Allah Muhammad in me on me while
my son Rob there were a Hanwha and
I love and love
long long got here
long a seller
or a staff in La Nina stone
him Allah Lila
when as alga Shara can now
only learn the shell Barney regime. Eastman Lachman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala
Sadie now when Ali Jana leaving them are handmade in some on the Salam wa ala
Allama Muhammad who was in Ghana, Allah Allah, Allah who want to humble us from Ghana. Hola. Hola. Hola Hamas from Jana, wata Zhao was Annie say it was you and Naveen was set up in Russia guy was trying to him well has no like ficar gallican problem and I'm like
Yeah, yeah to understand mohtarma In
but the only thing I imagine when I allow my anger to move I'm Muslim young mostly man, while not minimum in
Allama JAL hallelujah mo lewd mo lewd and Mubarak Alain de Benenson. Robina have learned and
react in our Kurata Yan wotja on Manama.
Aloma hotel will be twisted former. Aloma hit the holding companies to karma Allah Allah who becomes karma Danmark and HollyWell Nivea in Nagar, Semyon
Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah.
Allah, Allah. Allah, whatever phenoms leave
Alone Matsui, January follow Steen
Allah Hemanta Saddam, warming Casablanca, Barack Taliban our college he had an agenda and even Koran Sham. Yeah, I know I thought I know Veronica Roth banana. Wala Quwata illa Mahana Rob BiC.
wa salam ala moana Famy Wafaa
Learn your normal Alameen couple alarming income
that's it