Ikram Sanaullah – Leadership and its Qualities

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary © The importance of leadership in Islam is highlighted, with a focus on the teachings of Islam and the need for responsibility and leadership in the culture of the future. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and rebuilding in the future generation, as well as the power of leadership in shaping one's environment. The transcript describes creative leaders, empathy, care, and consideration, struggles with former leaders, and challenges faced in roles. The importance of creating leaders among oneself and being a builder of empathy is emphasized, as well as the crisis of leadership and the need for leaders to reflect on the importance of creating leaders among themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah

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who want

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to be who you want

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to be living in Syrian forces fusina amin Surya Molina Maya de la

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una Sheree Kala wanna shadow nessa

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Amma bar for to say Panera Jeanne Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Nakata

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unfussy Kumasi Kima I need to hurry.

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sadaqa Lola was

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Kareem radical Amina shahidi no

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respecter satisfy Kiran, my

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dear friends and my beloved elders in Islam.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has left a very vital and important lesson for us when he said to us

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that each and every single one of you is in the position of responsibility, and each and every single one of you will have to answer most of anoter law regarding the responsibility. Allah subhanho wa Taala has entrusted you with

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and when a person has a responsibility on his shoulder, he automatically becomes a leader in that certain matter, because he's taking care of it.

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Today inshallah, we will talk about the lessons of leadership from a prophetic paradigm and how the Quran demonstrates and defines leadership in the Quran, through the lifestyle of

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Solomon, when we talk about the leadership of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Quran first and foremost, defines two essential qualities of leadership. And that happens when I was praising him in the Quran, and he is introducing

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to the humanity by revealing the verse lock of the jaw.

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They claim a messenger to you from amongst you.

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It is very effective to have a leadership from amongst the people. What that means is that not only for the future generation, but looking forward into the future of the community, we should be concerned we should be worried about creating leaders from within the community, the young men and women we see in our generation, we are supposed to be worried about them, how to mentor them, how to cultivate them, how to build them into the leaders of tomorrow.

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this very effectively,

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he constantly worried about this. It comes in the narration of Muslim of bizarre,

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particularly in the era of Medina, Nabina, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam constantly had 20 young men around him, would sit with him, talk with him, eat with him, learn from him, sleep with him, wake up with him.

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And that is why there is no surprise that the future generation at that time was in safe hands. It was in good hands, because

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I'm worried about them. And the Sahaba, the 20 young men I'm talking about. They did the same with their future generation. It comes in the Russians that our men came to us

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asking a question regarding the fear. Now, boss was the master of his field. Yet he pointed towards the student the app. He said that go and ask my student but he will answer the question better than me. Do you think the boss never knew the answer? He knew the answer, but he was creating a leader for the future generation. It comes in another notion that a man can

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ask a question regarding sera

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who pointed towards the student

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and he said that we were there

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with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but this man

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will narrate the whole incident to you

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Better than me.

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But he was creating a leader for the future generations. And that is respected and his influence is flourished in that era to such an extent that all of our scholarly heritage goes back to that particular generation. It goes back to the same generation and on the other hand

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under his wings, and he started turning him he started teaching him

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was only 20 something years old. What happened is a group from the tribe of blue Salima came to me

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asking for a separate masala asking him to leave Salah for them now is 20 years old.

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Yet the reason

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why did my job Why? Why did he choose multiple jobs to go along with them to create leaders for tomorrow nevertheless

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goes with the people.

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And like everyone, in the process of learning,

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made a mistake. He made a mistake the people have been

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complaining that otherwise is prolonging the Salah, and we come back from work late We are tired. Another two hours is leading long Isha Salah. In fact, one man came and said that I feel like skipping my congregational prayers. I feel. I feel like I shouldn't.

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So what

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did he play the hire and fire game? Or did he say that, you know, this is the problem with the youth. We don't want to involve them.

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He called

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he reprimanded him. Explain to him the right manner. And he told him now go back to the same place to the same people and leave this alone in the right manner. That is how

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creative leaders for the generation. It can be narrations that the same as was making a mistake in his young age, whenever you

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entered into Makkah on the occasion of conquest of Makkah. And when he decided to leave he made

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in charge of Makkah, he made him in charge of Iran, he made him in charge of such a great responsibility was put upon the same was was making a mistake in his young age and towards the end of his life.

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Now go to Yemen and teach the people of Yemen.

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This was the methodology of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we have to understand, we have to bring in this perspective of cultivating

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the right Western society and environment to understand the same methodology.

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So that is the first quality to choose from

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then talks about the second quality as he is

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used to feel the pain of others. He used to understand the pain of others, he was worried about the well being of others, that level of empathy, that level of care and consideration where you're not worried about someone else. You are worried about someone else wise, you're worried less about yourself. You're worried less about yourself. You're sitting with the people, talking to them, smiling with them laughing with them, that is another quality of leadership. That is another quality and I will prove it to you.

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After the battle so

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much pain so much. He was brutally injured, his lips were busted. His teeth were broken. His face was bleeding. He lost his cousin about him. He was supposed to break the news to his arms. He lost his ankle.

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He was mutilated. He was cut into pieces that are mentioned. When we saw

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him standing on the border of

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Thailand. There was so much pain in him that we could Yeah, he's just grinding. There was so much. He lost his 70 components, his friends, his relatives, his students, but after

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pain in his heart, he has the ability to look across the room and find other jobs

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in a corner who's also crying because he lost his father in the same battle

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with us, and

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he put his pen aside

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Do you embraces him, and then at the Joker starts crying. The jumper was a one man. He was only 20 something years old. And what's happened is that he had seven younger sisters with him. And the day before the Father told him, if I have to die, you will be taken care of the seven younger sister of yours. So within a day,

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he changed into a fatherly figure. So that Joker is gone, and he showed off

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and gives him a shoulder to cry. And he says to him that

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don't stress, don't worry, Allah subhanho wa Taala has honored your father. In fact, when your father fell down in the battlefield,

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sent an angel with wings, who was the body of your father, so the stem does not touch the body of your father. That level of empathy, that is leadership. What happens after the Battle of Mata

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receives the Sahaba. And from the Sahaba, he loses one of his close cousin

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and his adopted son.

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Imagine the pain that he still must be going through at that time. But still, does he do? He goes to the house.

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He calls the wife of the Java that asthma and asthma. Well, the children, the children are brought forward, he hugs them, he kisses them. So that asthma says that a prophet of Allah has something happened. Why are you treating my children like orphans? So it

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says that Jonathan has passed away.

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And she starts to say, what is going to happen to my children, they won't have a father,

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who's going to take care of them

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says that all smart.

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I'm there for them in this world, and then the next,

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I am there for them in this world. And in the next

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state, he fulfilled his responsibility. Many times what happens that out of emotions, we make a commitment, and then later on duty responsibilities, we forget we are human beings, but look at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he goes back at his house, and then he tells Fatima Fatima, the household of Jaffa is preoccupied with the issue of Jaffa to send food for them.

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food goes from the house

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to the house of this widow. And then later on,

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comes to find out that we have the same children, which

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took responsibility for the hair started growing wonder.

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This universe stands out bothered to come

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to come to help these children.

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That is the leadership of Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is what is missing in us today respected elders and friends. These are the two qualities we need to firstly have in us. The first one is that we are supposed to create leaders from amongst ourselves. And secondly, we are supposed to have been fathers were supposed to have empathy for others. This was from the Quran. Now I would like to narrate an incident to you from the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which highlights towards through another qualities of leadership.

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In the 90s

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a lot of people started accepting Islam entering into the fold of Islam. And that is why that year is known as

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the year of delegations. delegation of the delegation tribe after tribe waves afterwards would come to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they would accept Islam.

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And amongst this tribe, there is one tribe by the name of Abdul case, this tribe and accepted Islam, but they were only coming to take the pledge of allegiance from Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they were coming from very far and they had a very long journey. As they reach the masjid of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that they just came down the camera, they forgot to tie the camera, they left the cameras, and they entered the masjid without offloading all the luggage. Now imagine someone just comes with the car, leaves the door open, leaves the car just the way it is, and enters in. Not one but a half a dozen of people. So that is what happened. The people entered the masjid. Now came the leader of the same type.

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He came, he saw that the cameras are untied. He said to himself that this is inappropriate. So as a leader, although he was missing out on the gathering of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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As a leader, he started tying all the cameras. And then he started offloading the luggage. And then he changed his clothes because he was from a long journey. He put himself in good clothes in clean clothes. And then he entered the machine. When he entered the message, to his amazement, he finds that

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seated quietly, and that the people of the tribe are seated,

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is not speaking. So what had happened is that when it was time, the cameras outside who asked the people of the tribe, who is your leader? And they said, What is he doing? He's turning the cameras. So the son in law, Harrison decided to stay quiet, until his story

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comes close, that says, Welcome, welcome. And then that gives him place next to him. And he sits there and starts to advise, and advising, he looks at us.

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And he says to him, that

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there are three good qualities in you.

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those two qualities, what are those qualities on him? forbearance? In other words, a very wise and a thoughtful approach to things. You have this quality in you and Allah subhanho wa Taala loves it. And the other one is that

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you have sweetness, calmness in you, and Allah, Allah tala loves that as well. Now,

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I will divert your attention to the same idea, which I started the talk with, because someone might say, how is this whole leadership thing related to me? Or how does it pertain to me?

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President in any board? I'm not a principal, in any Institute or in any organization, then no, no, no, no.

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Each and every one of you is in the position of responsibility. And each and every one of you is going to be answerable for his responsibility. What's wrong if you're not any mom?

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What is

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the president of any

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country? What is wrong? If you're not in a political situation of position, your

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mother in law's responsibility upon you and respected,

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to defend in many cases, this remains one of the greatest crises is the crisis of leadership.

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We are witnessing it on a political landscape.

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Right in front of our eyes, we have to create leaders, let us listen to

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that the people who will you are the people who will be a direct reflection of your actions. And then he goes on

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you will,

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the way you will be will be the kind of leaders you will have about you. In other words, what he's trying to say that the leaders which we see on a greater level, on a higher level,

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reflection of our leadership,

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responsibilities as leaders in our society or in our community, as leaders in our family, in our homes, then there is a fear that there will be a negative spiritual impact in the system. Philip Morris will give us the right understanding of the

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law makers, the leaders of tomorrow, amin was

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an important announcement.

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If anybody has any outstanding this

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