Ikram Sanaullah – How to build a community

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the rights of individuals to see their deeds and hold them accountable, including valuing their deeds and not highlighting them. They stress the need for individuals to read and understand the rights of others, particularly those who are performing their duties. The community's importance is emphasized, along with the need for love and consideration for everyone, especially those at risk of violence. The speakers emphasize the importance of practicing the community's commandments to avoid causing harm and to show love care and consideration for members of the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Hina muda who want to start a new one a strong Pharaoh who want me to be one a token Wally? One older Villa him in Cerulean fusina amin sejati Molina Maja de la hufa Malala one minute lil who follow her de ella. Wanna shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah hula hula Shetty Kala wanna shadow NASA Donna Maulana Muhammad Abu rasuluh I'm about photo Villa Amina shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem with me No, no el Mina to Babu Alia sadoc Allahu la de him, respected scholars, beloved students, elders and brothers in Islam. Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us many rights.

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And we are supposed to fulfill all those rights. And from the many rights one right is known as the individual right? In this particular right, every person is responsible for himself. He came in this world alone, he's going to leave this world alone. He's going to face Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and he will be accountable in the quarter of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. No person can stand in front of a lion say or justify, or put a reason that I did this because this was happening. Or I did this because I didn't know about it. Or I did this because this was the environment. Or I did this because scholars were disputing amongst themselves. No one can give such a reason in the court of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala That is why Allah Allah says in the Holy Quran Wanaka Ji to Muna for Radha comma haluk. Now come on Amara and you are going to return to us for all alone, the way you went in the world alone. So every person will be accountable for himself. And that is why other Amara, the Allahu taala who used to say that evaluate your deeds before Allah subhanho wa Taala has to take account of your of your deeds, evaluate your deeds, before Allah subhanho wa Taala is to take account of your deeds. So respected elders and friends, every individual is responsible for himself. Together with that the community that we stay in, has a right over us and we have rights towards the

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community. The 30 days of Ramadan fasting in the 30 days of Ramadan, the celebration of the EAD is teaching us two things. Number one, suppressing our desires. And number two, understanding the pain and the hunger that the vulnerable people, the poor people of the community and of the world go through throughout the year, not only in the month of Ramadan. So the 30 days of Ramadan and the celebration of eat, are teaching us about community, the day of eat, we have gotten together, we are celebrating, we are going to go and meet our relatives, we are going to connect ourselves with our friends, respected elders and friends. As I was saying that every person has an individual right.

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And also the community has the right of us what what are those rights to see if the community is anchored towards sound principles to see if the community is united to see if the communities and joining people towards good and preventing them from evil to see if the community is tending in favor of the truth and standing against false hood to see if the community is standing with the innocent ones and standing against the oppressors. Those are the rights of the community of us and I will prove you the importance of this aspect from two example. Example number one, Allah tala has made it mandatory upon us to read Surah Fatiha in our Salah. Whether we are performing for us

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knuffel wajib Witter, it is mandatory to read Surah Fatiha whether you are performing your Salah alone or you are performing with a group of people it is mandatory whether you are performing it during the day or in the middle of the night in the corner of your house at three o'clock of night. In the darkness. It is mandatory upon every person to read al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Rahmani Raheem Maliki Almaden er can Abu er Khanna Steen is Dino sirata mustachian Idina sirata mustachian Allah tala guide us, what guide me, Allah guide us, even if you're performing yours

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Allah alone in the middle of the night, it is mandatory upon you to say, Allah Allah guide us that shows the importance of the community or the concern we are supposed to have for the community. Example number two, go to Turkey. Look for a place known as an Takia. Find the grave of the men known as hobby nut jar, hobby, the carpenter, do you know who was this man? Do you know who was this man? This man is actually mentioned in the Holy Quran, even though he was a carpenter, and he will be remembered till till the Day of kiama because of one reason. Allah tala mentions in the Holy Quran, Raja Raja luminox Sal Medina Tierra Julius, they came a man running towards them from the

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outskirts of the city. And he said to them, it be all your mursaleen obey the messengers. It Tabby oma Elias lucam adjara obey those messengers who are not who are not asking for anything in return. What did the people do? They killed him, they disobeyed him, they killed him, he was martyred. And then what happened? Allah mentions in the Holy Quran what happened after he died? The lead holy Allah told he maintained to Jana

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pina colada Jana enter into Jana. And what did have even a GRC Paula taco me Allah moon Bhima for Alia Robbie what Jelani mukuru minalima Grameen Oh how I wish Allah you could inform my community how you have favored me, how have you forgiven me and how you have honored me even in Jannah is worried about the community and the scholars mentioned the reason why Allah tala is mentioned him in the Holy Quran and the reason why is going to be remembered till the day of the AMA is because of his concern for the community. So from these two examples, we can understand that the right the community has of us. Now there are certain aspects we are supposed to look at in regards to the

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community aspect number one as individual, we are supposed to be worried about the unity of the community, are we united or disunited, and the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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A companion from Medina and a companion from Makkah, ended up in a dispute. So the companion from Medina started calling all the people from his site, and the companion from Makkah started call started calling all the people from his site, when prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got to know about this, he said, ma ma ma ba Lu, that will jack

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ma ba Lu Dalia helia the sentence and the slogan is a slogan of ignorance, and they stink and smell coming out of it. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam disapproved this unity, and he disliked and he showed disappointment towards that incident and respected elders and friends. That is the whole reason why according to most of the jurist, it is inappropriate to perform to Jamaat in one Masjid. It is inappropriate to perform to Jamaat in one Masjid, according to most of the Judas Do you know the reason why? Because it is going to dis unite people. And that is why prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, solo halvah coleby will perform your Salah behind every

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Imam about whom you know who is pious or behind every mom about whom you know that he is a transgressor. Even then perform your Salah behind him. Imagine people start coming to the masjid every month you have Nabi sallallahu lism starts coming to the masjid with a set of principles according to his understanding that I will perform my Salah behind this Imam because this is how I look at him. I will perform my Salah behind this Imam because Masha Allah, his fatawa in accordance to my mindset, I will perform my Salah behind this Imam because he comes from my family there is nepotism involved, I will perform my Salah behind this amount, because he understands he understands

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the concept of Dharma the way I understand, imagine how much of girls there was going to be in the community. If prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't share this statement with us. He said perform your Salah BIA in every Imam who inspires or who is a transgressor. Why to keep the community together. So that is the first thing we are supposed to learn to stay united. Second important aspect we are supposed to understand as the member of the community is that we are supposed to show love care and consideration for each and every member we are supposed to be worried about them. Look at the example which which occurred at the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam how the Sahaba supported each other financially and spiritually financially. Look at the example isabey receives goat meat

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And he thinks that they someone else who's more deserving of this, he sends it to another house. He thinks the same he sends it to another house. He thinks the same he sends it to another house. It comes in an aeration according to one narration that goat meat makes round of seven homes and it comes back to the first Sahabi according to another nation that God made makes rounds of 13 homes and then it comes back to the first Sahabi financially they used to support each other spiritually we are supposed to support each other how well move me know me not to bother him only about the male believers and the the the female believers are the supporters to each other. Yeah morona Bill Maher.

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Why and how are they enjoying each other towards good they prevent each other from evil, UK Muna Salah, they perform their Salah while you tune as they give out their mandatory charity, respected elders and friends to also show care and consideration for the people who cannot speak up, who cannot speak up due to whatever reason they have, that is also part and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, basically to stand against oppression, to stands again to stand against the people who are torturing the innocent ones. Fresh example. 69 Palestinians killed eight children 13 women. Why were they killed? The only crime they committed was they were born in

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Palestine. The only crime they committed was they wanted to perform their Salah in the third holiest place according to their religion.

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And what was the outcome? People started making noise about the symptoms then the disease itself, people started making noise about the reaction then the action itself where were the superpowers who was there to speak up? Who was there to stand against the Israeli regime and tell them that the people of Palestine are being oppressed? No one was there. You know why? Because the element of care and consideration in the community when it goes missing, then this is what happens. This is what happens. May Allah subhanho wa Taala free the people of Palestine, may Allah subhanho wa Taala free mercy they Aqsa in faith may Allah subhanho wa Taala take care of each and every innocent person

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who's going through oppression in any part of the world, regardless of what religion he belongs to, regardless of what country he belongs to. I mean, that is the second point we are supposed to keep in our mind. Lastly, the most important aspect, which we are supposed to understand as an individual of the community, is that every community is made up of different kinds of different kinds of people. You're going to find people who are super pious, and you're going to find people who have really transgressed and who have really broken all the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala and who stay against the normal ethics of this society. The solution is not to discard or to abandon

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these people understand the massage the the the temperament of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah tala says that oh Prophet Muhammad,

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Allah, Allahu wa Taala

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or Prophet Muhammad, it is because of your mercy. It is because of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that you are kind hearted towards the people around you. If you had harsh behavior, if you had a harsh tone, then people were going to flee away from you. You are going to skate in the community and by the custom of Allah there are people in the community who are breaking the hearts of the people with their tongue.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala Forgive us, we are scattering the community. Understand the temperament of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by the son of Dr. Levine obey, who is up to loving obey, after loving obey the leader of the hypocrites. When he passes away, the sun comes to the Prophet of Allah and he says that oh prophet of Allah performed the janessa, Salah of my father, at that time, it was an impermissible at that time it was an impermissible

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kindly kindly only put Lila donation in the collection.

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Only put Lila duration in the collection.

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Let us pay attention to this incidence of this incident respected elders and friend.

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So prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is requested by the son that performed the genesis of my father and Abdullah in obey the leader of the hypocrites, who never left a stone unturned in harming the Prophet of Allah. And at that time, there was no clear indication that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam can perform his janaza Salah he came in front of Omar who stood up the Prophet of Allah wa

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Are you doing are you performing the janaza Salah of the leader of the hypocrites is stuck Villa Amata Toma reminded me stock film Oh lotta stock film interesting films of enamel ruffling yuck fear Allahu Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, the Prophet Muhammad, if you have to perform his janaza Salah 70 times, even then I'm not going to forgive him. So Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam said to Omar, that Omar, if somehow I get to know from Allah subhanho wa Taala that Prophet Muhammad perform his son janaza Salah 71 times and I forgiven him, I'm going to perform his janaza Salah 71 times. That is the temperament of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And what happened?

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What happened? Why did he perform?

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The Allah mentioned three reasons. Number one, he performed his janaza Salah because his son was a very pious person, and he didn't want to dishearten him he didn't want to break his heart. Number two, because upon one occasion the uncle of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam didn't have anything to put on. So it was Abdullah bin obey regardless of his hypocrisy, he gave a cloth to the to the uncle of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to pay that favor back Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam performed his Genesis Allah number three the most important point which even allama Rahmatullah has mentioned, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I am

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performing his janaza Salah because the tribe of Abdullah might accept this religion with sincerity looking at my good conduct and character. That is why I'm performing his janaza salah and that is what happened. Allah Miney Rahmatullah Allah mentions that after prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performed his janaza Salah over 1000 hypocrites, accepted Islam with sincerity, over 1000 hypocrites. So this is the massage This is the temperament of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam respected elders and friends I would like to finish by saying that it is very difficult to make something you must have seen the construction of a house, it takes months, but it is very easy

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to break something. It takes two days to break a house. Let us ask a question to ourselves. Do we want to be from the group that makes the community or do we want to be from the group that breaks the community? Now Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to practice on whatever has been said. Amin walk through that one Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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