Fatima Barkatulla – Ramadan #03 – Women in the Qur’an Mother of Prophet Musa(AS)

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The Bible is being discussed in a series of sessions every day at different times, and the title is a woman named Maria Manny who was a mother of two children. The history of the title is discussed, and the video of the woman receiving a message from Allah Subharat is also mentioned. The woman describes the loss of her baby and feeling sadness, including the feeling of the mother and the loss of her child. The segment also touches on the behavior of the church.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah I hope everyone can hear me.

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Welcome to this session, women in the Quran, we're having this session every day in Ramadan at 11pm London time, that's British Summer Time,

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please do invite other sisters and brothers to, you know, listen in. Because I think I haven't really seen

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this topic really being talked about or covered in other,

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you know on other platforms. And so we're really going to be looking in these sessions every day at a different element or a different idea or a different story in the Quran related to the topic of women, or that mentions a woman.

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We mentioned in a past session that, you know, people often think that scripture, or God's revelation

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really aimed at men or talks only to men. And that's because especially with the Bible, you know, it really was in the hands of men, not even just men, but certain elite people, right, certain scholarly,

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the priesthood for a very, very long time. And it only really became accessible to the average person relatively recently. But we were contrasting that with the Quran and saying that actually the Quran was in the hands of ordinary people right from the beginning. It was in the hands of ordinary people right from the beginning.

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And that's because,

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you know, the Quran was being memorized. The Quran was understood by the average person who lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it spoke to all of us men and women. It wasn't just addressing men, it wasn't just addressing women.

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You know, the default of the Quran is that it addresses both men and women. So Inshallah, in this session, today, we're going to look at a story that's mentioned in the Quran that I think really shows

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Allah, our Creator's love for and care of a very special woman. And that is the mother of Musa alayhis salaam, the mother of Moses.

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And she's referred to as Omar Musa. Right, the mother of Musa. So

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you know, her name is not mentioned. And that's the norm with the Quran, you know, unless there's a reason. A lot of the women in the Quran are not necessarily mentioned by name. They're mentioned in the, you know, the, indicate there's indicators that tell you, you know, who you're talking about the mother of Musa or

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You know, the daughter of such and such or the wife of such and such,

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but some women are named in the Quran, right? Well, the the woman that is named in the Quran is Maria Manny has Sana, right? Other than her, the names are not that important. You know, we know exactly who Allah subhanaw taala is talking about. And he tells us their stories for a reason. And I just want you to listen to this story, the story of the mother of Musa and see what we can glean from this story. So in sort of total cost us

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which is the 28th chapter of the Quran,

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Allah Subhana Allah tells us about

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the mother of Musa Ali Salaam. So I'm going to play the verse and then we're going to ponder over it and see what we can gain from it.

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So let's start with

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verse number four

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Jelena lush,

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don't want in football, or in fact,

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just don't mindful, or if at

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so in this IRA, I would be lamina shape on regime, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah tells us that very fear on or Pharaoh, arrogantly elevated himself in the land, and he divided its people into subservient groups. So obviously, this is how he he could keep control and you know, be a dictator over them. And then Allah says,

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And he persecuted them, right? slaughtering their sons and keeping their women alive. He was truly one of the corrupters.

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So we know that, that Iran had a dream, right? And he saw that.

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And the meaning of the dream was that somebody from the children of Israel, okay, and the children of Israel, of course, were

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Bani Israel. So the children of Israel, somebody from the children of Israel would be the cause of his demise. So Pharaoh knew this. And he became very afraid. And he went to his advisors, his visitors, and they said to him, Oh, that's easy. Why don't you just kill all of the newborns of, you know, the newborn sons of the children of Israel? And of course, money. It's like you had been in Egypt, from the time of Yusuf Ali Salam, right. So the Prophet Joseph Yusuf was there before was sort of course and ever since then. But it's I had been there, but they'd gone from being you know, as use of a Salam was great, like a powerful figure in the government. They've gone from that to now

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being treated as slaves. And so Pharaoh was,

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Pharaoh was persecuting them and keeping them oppressed.

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And he made this terrible rule, which was that he was going to kill every single newborn son. But then his Vizio said to him, but you know, if you if if you kill all the all the boys, who's going to be your slaves in the future, right? So they made another rule, they changed the rules, and they said, Okay, let's kill the sons one year, and let them live in the next year. Right. And they would keep doing that. Now. Musa alayhis salam, of course, was born in one of the years when they were killing the newborn sons.

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And when we say killing the newborn sons, we don't mean, you know, that if they came across a, somebody who was pregnant, they would know that they were this was a police state, right? This was a police state. And they were literally going door to door making sure and looking for newborn babies. Right.

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And so that's what he was doing. He was sending his man his police you could call them to go around, looking for people from the children of Israel and looking for them.

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and making sure that there were no newborn baby boys in particular, in any of their homes.

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So that's

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that's the scene that we're talking about here. Now next I

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want to redo

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loveliness to mindfulness. Liana John

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on a Joanna

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wanna John?

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Easy Subhan Allah so Allah says, but it was our will. So Allah is saying now it was it was Allah's Will, it was our will to favor those who were oppressed in the land. Right, because they'd been chosen, making them in making them leaders or models or faith, as well as successes. So a lifespan was something else, you know, around thought that by killing all these newborn babies, he could, he could get away with

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preventing anyone from the children of Israel from rising up and becoming a leader over him or trying to fight him or remove him. But Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is saying he had a different plan, you know, Allah wanted those oppressed people, the believers to actually become the leaders in the, on the earth, and to be the ones who inherited the earth and spinal light and that is a message for us, right? Like as Muslims, sometimes living as minorities, and living in situations where there's a lot of Islamophobia out there. You know, sometimes it feels as though certain people, especially politicians and things like that are, are * bent on trying to make you

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know, conditions very difficult for Muslims. But, you know, we have to be patient because Allah Subhana Allah, Allah has the long term plan, right. And Allah's plan doesn't fail. So even though we might be suffering some short term difficulty or struggle or you know, might seem weak in the short term,

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you know, we've got to play the long game, just as believers in the past had to

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so Allah subhanaw taala is setting the scene again the next to

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and then Allah says and to establish them in the land Allah wanted to establish Bani Israel in the land and through them show Pharaoh and her man and their soldiers the fulfillment of what they had feared.

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Subhanallah in this ayah certain classes I have number seven, Allah subhanaw taala says that We inspired the mother of Musa Salas Pantanal gave her a type of inspiration, a type of way, which is, like, you know,

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an insightful way that can be given to ordinary people even right Allah Subhana Allah, Allah can inspire the believers, he can put a thought, or a certain message or an inspiration in our minds and inspire us. And subhanAllah if you just think about it, even, you know, on an everyday level, sometimes if you're a creative person, you do feel as though something has just been put into your head, right? An idea has just been put into your head, it didn't come from you really. You know, it's something that came from somewhere else.

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But here, you know, Allah Subhan Allah actually directly inspired the mother of Musa

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he says We inspired the mother of Musa with this message, which is or the

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that give him milk, you know, nurse him, breastfeed him basically.

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And then for either 50 or Li and when you fear for him, put him into the river. And do not fear or grieve. We will certainly will

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Turn him to you, and make him one of the messengers. So Pamela, this, this I have Quran makes me feel very emotional, because, you know, I know, I know what it feels like to be a mother, you know, when you when you first have the baby, or when your baby is newborn, it's a really difficult time. It's a time where you're already under a lot of pressure. And you're you feel very fearful about so many things, you know, like, do you have enough milk for the baby? You know, are you feeding the baby? Right? Is the baby well? Is he sleeping? Well, you know, there's so many fears that our mother already has, he imagine on top of that, the mother of morsels trying to hide him, because any

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moment, now the policeman from Pharaoh would come in, and they would be able to, you know, they, they would think nothing of killing her baby son, Musa.

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And so here, what I love about this is Allah subhana, Allah is showing us how much he loved and cared about this mother. You know, he says, breastfeed your baby, you know, it's as if Alaska is reassuring her, just breastfeed him, you know, make sure that he's full. And then when you when you really feel fearful, in other words, when it becomes very acute, the fear that you know, any moment, Pharaoh is going to come or pharaohs, men are going to go into come, then put him into the river.

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And don't fear and don't grieve. Look how beautifully Allah subhanaw taala is reassuring this mother.

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And then Allah says, I am going to return him to you, I'm going to return him to you, we are going to return him to you and not only that, we're going to make him a prophet and messenger. So not only is ALLAH SubhanA, Allah giving her the intuition and the insight that

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her baby is going to be safe. If she trusts Allah and puts the baby into the river as Allah has instructed her. Not only is the baby going to be safe, he's actually going to grow up and become an adult and become one of the messengers.

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so then, of course, the mother of Musa did this, right? And just imagine how much how difficult that must have been right. And in that is a message for us. You know, there are some times there are things that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us to do, that are counter intuitive, you know, we might feel like, Oh, if I do this thing, it's going to disadvantage me as a believer, it's going to disadvantage me in this country or in this place. You know, I know a number of people who, for example, they, they used to wear hijab, for example, and then they stopped wearing the hijab or stopped observing hijab, because they felt that would have an effect on their career, for example,

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or that it would disadvantage them in some area of work.

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But Subhanallah the message we get from this ayah is that no, if you obey Allah, if you if you do what is counterintuitive, but you're doing it for the sake of Allah, in obedience to Allah, he's not going to let you down. He's not going to let you down. He's going to make everything turn out way better than you could have imagined. And from ways that you could never have imagined because look what happens look what happens next. So the mother of water she put Musa Ali salaam into some kind of basket or some you know container, and then she put him into the river.

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Wow, that must have been scary.

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And then as a precaution, or as an extra kind of level of care. She told the sister of more Sally salaam purse her daughter to go and just keep an eye on the basket, right follow the river and keep an eye on the basket. See what happens see where it ends up.

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let's listen to the next I

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tell the whole loafing around the corner

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fall to eat

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while all our team told

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that our portfolio was

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welcome Leia, Sharon. So Subhan Allah Now Allah subhanaw taala tells us and so, and it so happened that Pharaoh's people picked him up. Right? Only to become their enemy and source of grief. So Allah is saying, obviously what's to come, right? That, you know, they picked him up little did they know that he was going to become the enemy and a source of grief for them in the future? Surely Pharaoh, her man and their soldiers were sinful. Herman is one of pharaohs, right hand men, right? I think he was like, responsible for like the building and the engineering that time one of Pharaoh owns key,

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you know, political politicians.

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So Subhan Allah, you know, Allah is telling us that, you know, little did they know, they picked him up, but little did they know that he was going to be a source of pain for them in the future. And then Allah subhana, Allah tells us about the wife of Farah, we we already covered asiyah Alehissalaam, in the first session that we had, and she's the wife of Pharaoh and she, she became a believer.

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And it says here it says, In the Quran, Pharaoh's wife said, said to him, this baby could be a source of joy for me and you right, Cora to Iranian Lee Wallach, that he will be a source of joy for me and you do not kill him. So you get the impression here that Pharaoh was suspicious because, of course, it was very clear to him that this baby was a baby from the children of Israel from the Bani Israel. And the baby mama Musa Ali Salam Moses. And so he must have wanted to kill him. Right? He must have wanted to have him killed. And it says though, Pharaoh's wife is saying to him, no, no, please, please just Just don't kill him. We don't have a child. So she, Allah subhanaw taala.

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Destined that she was a woman who didn't have the child of her own. And so of course, that would make her more likely to want to keep this child right. And so she begged Pharaoh to allow him to live. And he said, she said, you know, maybe he's going to be a cause of, you know, he's going to be useful to us, right? And we could adopt him as a son. And then Allah says, and they had no idea what was to come, they had no idea what was to come Subhan Allah. So you can see that, again, Allah is showing us that if you trust in Him, if you have reliance in God, if you have reliance in the Creator, then what happens is that he will make the universe

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conspire, you will make the universe conspire to make things better for you, right to make things work out for you. And that's exactly what Allah did for for the mother of Musa from the mother of Moses, he literally caused the baby to be picked up by Pharaoh himself, you know, the very person who was persecuting the children of Israel, and he made it such that the wife of Pharaoh didn't have a child and so she would fight, you know, Moses corner, right, she would actually want to keep him and she would insist on keeping him.

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And so, you know, they say you couldn't make it up, right? You couldn't make it up the very person who would go on to challenge Pharaoh, and to be the cause of Pharaoh's demise is being brought up in Pharaoh's palace. Right?

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So, again, Allah Subhana Allah, this, this verse, These verses really show you how much Allah wanted to reassure this mother, this woman and again, it emphasizes and shows you how much Allah cares about women. And just listen to this next verse.

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What else love has

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me most of all,

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God that led to believe me Lola

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being takuna.

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in this ayah, which is chapter 28, is number 10. So in other courses is number 10 of the Quran.

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Allah describes the heart of Musa

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As a mother, the mother of Moses, and he says, the heart of Moses mother, ached so much that

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it became as though it was empty. You know, Subhan Allah, the way Allah describes it.

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And then Allah says

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in Godzilla tube TV, and she was so like on the verge, she was so kind of desperate, she got into such a such a state of fear and desperation that she was actually thinking of exposing Musa identity just to be able to somehow get to him.

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And then Allah says, if it hadn't been for us, for God for Allah, reassuring her in order to help for her to have faith in Allah's promise, so if it hadn't been for the fact that Allah gave her peace of mind, and, you know, reassured her, and that she had didn't have reliance on Allah, she would have actually desperately gone out, looking for her son and exposed the fact that the baby that was now in the household of Pharaoh was her son. Right? But the main part of this ayah that I want us to really reflect on is what what else perhaps will add on me more surfer you know, that Allah, you know, our Creator above the seven heavens, he I don't know if this is really the right

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way to talk about it. But it says if he empathizes that's not really the right word to use for Allah, you know, but he understands he deeply understands the heart of this mother. And the way he describes it is in such a way that only an intimate, close friend would know, you know, would understand what a mother feels like when her lap is empty of her child. And we know that even in our times or in any time, you know, when, for example, when a baby dies when a baby when a mother is unable to have her baby in her arms. Even for example, if there is a stillborn baby, a baby who was born but has passed away or you know, even even in miscarriages for example, you know, mothers often

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feel really empty, they feel like their lap is empty. And that's a really that's a feeling that brings on all sorts of you know, emotions like grief and, and just depression as well. Right?

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So, here on mimosa, she had this baby but now he's gone and you know, she doesn't know what's gonna happen and she feels she's really feeling the loss of having that baby in her lap. And Allah subhanaw taala it's almost as though he is saying to her, just wait just be patient. You know, just hang on, just hang on. And then

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on a tummy, tea or sleep mostly for those who want to be on June OB.

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well However,

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not all beyond Babu football that do look call it

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Kumala leave at a call now.

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Okay, now this is beautiful. So she says to Moses sister or Saudi son, um, sister, she says to him to her. Look, just go just go and keep track of this of the baby, you know? And find out where did he end up? And then it says so he so she watched him from a distance while they were underwear. So she watched the basket or the crib being picked up by the family of Pharaoh. And so she knew where Musa was. And so then what did Allah again, remember what I said that when Allah ordained something, He will make the world and the universe conspire to make it happen. And so here we find Allah says, Well, how Ramna I lay him out all day. I'm in public, that

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Allah says We caused him Moses to refuse all witnesses. Okay, so Allah made it that this baby is in the house of Pharaoh. Obviously they're bringing wet nurses who were like women who it was their job to breastfeed.

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Basically, right?

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And they bring in wetness after wetness to feed this baby, because otherwise this baby is going to die. Right? There was there was no formula milk in those days, right?

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You had to have breast milk, but you know, rich people, they would they would get, you know, somebody who was already breastfeeding, or who had breast milk to feed their babies, right? So they bring in all these witnesses to feed the baby. And a lot made it such that the baby Moses refused, refused the milk of any wetness. So what do you think is happening in the household of Pharaoh they're getting, they're starting to panic, right? starting to panic, they're thinking, This baby's gonna die if the baby if this baby doesn't take milk. And you can just imagine the baby is probably crying, probably starving, it's probably getting hungry. Anyone who's had a baby knows, knows what

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it's like, when a baby can't latch on and can't breastfeed properly. Right? The baby literally

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cries or from from hunger, right?

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And so they're in the state of chaos. And this is when the sister of Musa sees her

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chance right entrance. And she comes in and she says,

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his sister suggested, so Allah says, so his sister suggested, Shall I direct you to a family? Who will bring him up for you and take good care of him? Right? So she says, Shall I tell you about a family I'm sure he's going to accept,

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you know, breastfeeding by this woman, right. And this family, and they are going to be really good for looking after him. And of course, for his family are like desperate. So they, they're going to they're willing to try anything. They don't want this baby to die because they've adopted this baby now. And so what ends up happening Allah tells us in the next idea

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mi JE

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Dunn law he helpful, Juanita

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law he helpful.

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So in this last I in number 13, Allah says, and this is how we returned him to his mother, so that her heart would be put at ease. Or literally, it says, you know, so that he would be the coolness of her eyes. Right?

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And that she would not grieve, and that she would know that God's promise is always true. Allah's promise is always true. But most people do not know.

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So Subhanallah look, look how much Allah the Creator cared about this mother. Right? He cared about her feelings to the extent that he mentioned her emotions and her feelings in,

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in the Quran, right? That he wanted to return the baby to her. Because he didn't want her to grieve. But she had to be patient, she had to go through a bit of suffering. I mean, you know that that goes with the territory, right?

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But that's because she's being tested. And she's being asked to be patient to just patiently persevere, just wait a little bit longer. And Allah's promise will come true.

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And so again, Allah caused the university to conspire to make, and Musa alayhis salam, the baby Moses

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brought be brought up in the house of Pharaoh. Okay, so he's safe in that sense, right? He's safe. He's being brought up in a wealthy environment. And not only that, but his mother is now being brought into that wealthy environment to that palace to breastfeed and to look after her own baby. And of course, her own baby is not going to refuse her. And so everyone ends up being a winner, right? Everyone ends up winning in this situation, except, of course, Pharaoh, but obviously he doesn't realize that right now. But Subhanallah I hope you benefited from that. Because I just love those ayat of Quran. I just feel like it really shows you how much you know.

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When you're a mother, you can feel quite low

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Lee, especially when you have a new baby. And there are times, even if you have a very supportive husband and you know, supportive family, there are times there are moments, there are things that only you as the mother can do, and only you as the mother will experience. And so there are times when you feel extremely lonely.

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But actually, you're not alone because Allah subhanaw taala understands exactly what you're going through. And these verses of Quran should be, should be like a bomb to, to mothers everywhere, that Allah subhanaw taala cared so much about the feelings of this mother and understood her heart so deeply. And if you are a righteous person, if you're a person of Tawakkol, then Allah will make everything work out, right, you just have to have that Tawakkol you just have to be patient just a little bit longer. And I think that's what the message of this idea is of these ayat, in certain cases, cost us or

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so in sha Allah. With that I'm going to wrap up today's session. If anyone has any comment or question, then this is your chance. You've just got to make a request.

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I don't know how you're going to do that there's some button somewhere on your Twitter app, you know, that allows you to make a request to speak and I can give you permission to speak to make a comment or to make an observation or you know, just

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ask a question.

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So if you have any questions, let me know.

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Does anybody have any questions or comments that you'd like to make?

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If not, we can wrap up

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okay in sha Allah. So I hope to see you tomorrow in sha Allah 11pm London time again for another session of women in the Quran. And tomorrow I think we're going to look at the verses about

00:37:26 --> 00:37:41

you know, baby girls and the impact that Islam had and the Quran had in preventing female infanticide and we will look at some other aspects as well. So with that, I will bid you farewell Desikan Allahu Hara

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44


00:37:45 --> 00:37:54

Subhanak Aloha mo behind the cast shadow Allah Illa Island stone Furukawa to be like Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:38:01 --> 00:38:03

Masha Fiona

00:38:12 --> 00:38:13

was a fair to

00:38:17 --> 00:38:18


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00:38:27 --> 00:38:29

be he

00:38:34 --> 00:38:35

said two

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37

or three times

00:38:48 --> 00:38:49


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