Hasib Noor – Prophetic Communication #04 Commentary on With the Heart in Mind

Hasib Noor
AI: Summary © The importance of emotional awareness during situations like the pandemic and the loss of loved ones is discussed. The speakers stress the need for strong emotional awareness to avoid harming others' health and avoid harming oneself. They also discuss the use of words like "ar passion" and "ar passion" to describe emotions and actions, and the importance of showing empathy and understanding people when dealing with people who are not familiar with their behavior. The segment also touches on the use of physical touch and the importance of clear communication and understanding emotions in building strong emotional connections.
AI: Transcript ©
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So alhamdulillah saw Simon, as you went along with it, or have you been able to venum him as I said, and put up with him while studying almost anybody kind of have you been able to beat him from this place? Anybody have any alongside yet or have you been or whatever you know Masada, la Hollywood cinema, Columbia liquor with their criminal block, we'll call them as often as they can in life, you know, all praise due to a loss because that who knows we reveal and knows what we can see you and even those with the animals feel. We thank him, we praise him around him, we have alliances to him, we only turn to for guidance. We asked him to send his peace, his blessings has mercy on the rest of

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human beings and Prophet Muhammad SAW a lot if so the model will be praised until the very end of our days. We asked him for steadfastness, guidance, mercy, and to never lead us astray. And for him to save us on Judgment Day. Inshallah, we're continuing our sessions on prophetic communication. We're discussing the book, thematic commentary of the book by Sheikh Mikhail Smith called with the heart in mind.

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Prophet sallallahu, smz, emotion, emotional intelligence. And we started to discuss his emotional awareness.

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The idea of being aware of other people's emotions, and being aware of one's own emotions, and the reasons for them, there was an there was a, I think one portion of it, which kind of aptly summarized

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pretty much a large portion of, of the section. And that is, if someone is not emotionally in tune with their own emotional awareness and reasoning for what, why they feel the way they won't be able to do so with others.

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And this is an important concept because in the visa lottery systems, emotional awareness with people

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made them feel at least comfortable to share the reasoning behind why they were distraught, or why they were angry. So anyway, so I said, and was able to actually give them the guidance that was required for whatever they in there sit in their scenario required, you're not gonna have that he speaks about this in his book Kimia Sada, we've mentioned this before. And that is, there's there's four requirements for a person in terms of their spirituality, to know themselves to know Allah, to know, what Allah subhanaw taala has given in terms of the Hereafter for those who have accepted belief and follow it. And in terms of the consequences for those who reject belief and turn away

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from it. So he says, In summarizing, he said, strive to know yourself so that you may discover the path to Allah subhanaw taala and be able to understand his splendor, I think more is to understand his grandiose Breakaway, the shackles of passion and anger, Allah did not create these things within you, for you to be controlled by them, but rather for you to control them. And to summarize that, he says, The one who does not know themselves cannot know Allah subhanaw taala.

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And this is among the height of emotional awareness, among the height of, of emotional awareness and in the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam was able to recognize

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others, even by simple interactions.

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The next section that shocked me has Smith discusses is interpersonal emotional awareness, meaning after one has an understanding of their own emotions, and

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relatively be able to

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tune into why they function in their emotional presence, then they will be able to do that with others. He gives a number of examples, but I would like to move to a very practical example that he mentioned with regards to marriage. And that is the concept of emotional flooding. He calls it motional flooding. He says with regards to

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a situation with a husband and wife, the the wife asks,

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Where are you?

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And the husband risk response? Why do you Why are you asking me, you don't have a right to ask where I am or where I go, and etc. And then this obviously, has now started World war three. So until you know, it gets resolved, what actually is happening is there is a lack of emotional awareness from both sides, not just one, one of them the lack of emotional awareness of why the husband would would, would feel

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it you could say lack of respect, right? And the other side is lack of emotional awareness of why she's asking the question to begin with. So he calls this emotional flooding, where a person becomes overwhelmed with an emotion and they don't know how to properly channel it. So then that actually renders them

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incapable of responding to the other person's emotional needs. So meaning just like a flood when it comes along, it's like it's just taking over the car.

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entry in the countryside and tsunami, etc. So the same the same

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line of reasoning here, in terms of understanding other people's emotional awareness is to understand what is it that they're asking when they asked something? What is it that they're implying when they're seeking something? So when one person is asking Where where are you? The the imply the implication here is, where were you when I needed you or where were you when I needed your presence or your acknowledgement, etc. And the other side where they're saying you have no right to ask me this question is, why don't you just telling me what you want to begin with? Instead of asking you a rhetorical question. So it's like tugging stress, a tug of war on one and the other

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side and of course, one or the other side or both will become emotionally flooded and the visa allottee Salem exemplified. He mentioned a number of examples of how he had emotional awareness of people.

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Let's go to a few examples that he mentioned directly.

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so one of them is the example of Abu Dhabi, hello, Toronto. He says one day of withdrawal, the Allahu Neris that he went through the streets of Medina looking for the prophets like Selim. And he suddenly found him sitting in one of the alley, one of those streets. He said, So I approached the prophets I said him and said to him, I said Mr. Aliko, in front of the prophet Isaiah also said, I'm on the ground where were a few pebbles. He then grabbed the pebbles and they began to loudly glorify Allah subhanaw taala. While in his hand, he then placed them back on the ground, and then they became silent again. Then you pick them up again and place them in the hands of a worker who was

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also present again, the rocks began to loudly praise Allah. After a short time, he took them out of the hand of a worker and place them back on the ground and again, they fell silent. For a third time he picked them up and this time he placed them in the hands of Bob again, the pebbles began to praise Allah after taking them from the hand of Oman and placing them on the ground. He picked them up for the fourth and final time and placed them in the hands of Earth man and he they began to praise Allah or the alarm, says, This narration he basically saying, What made this incident miraculous. He says in my estimation, both narrations describe the great miracles of the Prophet

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sallallahu sallam,

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but they were granted access to a level of awareness that the prophets lesson of irregularly experience.

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He says, similarly, the miracle when the tree cried meaning out of the prophets of the lessons love and Shaka

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is up the comprehensive interpersonal emotional awareness of the prophesy son was temporarily opened before those present in the masjid that day, he constantly lived on a level of awareness that was far more perceptive than others, meaning even Gemma death, which are inanimate objects, who were aware in the presence of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So this is also by the way, one of the kind of like deeper perspectives of when Allah subhanaw taala says that they are worse than in their rationality than animals, but whom above and also the the notion that

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people who have no rationality, their hearts are hard like stones, right?

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And he says, Okay, the next section of how to increase intrapersonal intelligence with others,

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and especially from the son of indivisible Allah autism, he says, The first component of doing so is the language of emotion. So understanding the language of emotion.

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And he says an Arabic saying, I feel, tech feel a shell for intelligent person, a small gesture sufficient. Some see, some people seem to lack the emotional awareness necessary for positive interaction with others, because they simply don't understand the language of emotions. So the one who understands the community, the communicative functions of gestures, becomes extremely conscious of the messages that their own body sends. And of course, this differs from person to person, some people can't control their facial reactions. Some people can't control their hand motions, some people can't control the emotive reactions they have towards others. And at the same time, sometimes

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those emotive reactions may be perceived differently than the one who's actually feeling that way. Like, for example, why are you staring at me like I'm paying attention?

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See, the person's may be perceiving something different than the person actually feeling that so that's,

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that requires a little bit of emotional maturity as well to understand every person functions differently. Right. That's the sense of emotional awareness as well. Whilst it had been a bit hot Bob tells us that a man once entered the masjid while the prophet system was sitting down. It must be kept in mind that the machine was relatively empty but as the man walked into the

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Actually the prophets have moved over, as is to make space for the man. Imagine like the commercialism, especially right now, right? Bada comes in I haven't seen him long time and I just move over as they come sit next to me like why why do you have to move the prophesy said wants to emotively show that sense of care. And this is something we can benefit from the prophesy sends emotional awareness that is very practical. And that is a sense of going above and beyond what's normative to care about somebody, regardless of or to care about somebody to make them feel as if you are thinking about them in even normative actions, which normally people don't think of them in

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that sense, or in another way to think about somebody in their absence, or in their presence in a way that would make them feel as if you're thinking about them to give that, that.

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That show of actual care.

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Something very simple, as you know, few.

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Say you're on a business trip, and you're eating something that you you know, your wife would like you call you messages, or hey, I thought about you while you was eating this. And you know, just as a message of care that shows what a level of care that normally you know, it's surprising. It's not something that that's normative. In the prophets, I seldom had that. And then the man noticed this, and caused the prophets that his entry caused the prompts for them to move. So he said, Oh prophet of Allah. There is plenty of space in the masjid looking at the man the prophets, and some reply is the right of a Muslim that when their brother sees them approach that the former at least make some

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movement for him.

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From Hadith into the early Santosa. So and again, by the way, this is this was even taught to us and you're young music, right? When a person comes in the masjid and they say salaam, what sunnah to do, you're praying.

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You raise your hand, you raise your installa, you raise your and unless somebody responds to them already, then there's no need to do that. But you raise your hand as a gesture that hey,

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I, I've acknowledged you Subhanallah the level of emotional awareness and then besides that, he was teaching us okay, so So how am I imagine? And you know, you go to some places, you're giving salam, verbatim people are like,

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no response, or no, no response at all to begin with. So, of course, this is much more sensitive with the closer and closer people that you have, and especially especially more sensitive with elders, especially more sensitive with people who have hop over you and and it's even more sensitive in that essence, that level of acknowledgment that level of acknowledgement. So, these are some examples. One example also he mentions is cabin Malik was boycotted for over 50 days by the command of the prophets of Allah and after he committed the mistake by not going out to us with taboo, and the other companions also boycotted him and no one basically spoke to him. So

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he said that he was sitting on the rooftop having just completed his morning prayer when he heard someone yelling from a distance Glad Tidings OCAD glad tidings, good news, good news. Understanding that this meant that the prophets as I must have informed the companions that the boycott was to be lifted, he ran to the masjid, on his way to the masjid people were greeting him one after the other, congratulating him about his pardon, Allah subhanaw taala part in all of those three, not all of them because of some of them were not fitting. And he said, I entered the masjid of the Prophet salallahu Salam and the Prophet was sitting down with a few people gathered around him, while had

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been already last stood up and ran toward me, congratulating me, no one stood up.

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You know why? They took it very seriously. They took the Dean seriously, like if you mess around, they don't play around, but the prophets I wanted to teach them a number of things. This hadith has so many lessons. Number one, even the greatest of human beings will commit mistakes. Right? These are Sahaba. Cabin Matic is not an is that a normal Sahaba. He was among who he was among the people of October, bear the Atilla capital Gouda, the first and the second. He's not a normal person. This person was among the people that signed the treaty for the prophets I sent to come to Medina and the Prophet has recognized him in his place in the medina society. When he was there, he said, Are you

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can? And he said, I've never I never thought the process and window me. He said cab, the poet who's a poet, not well known as society. And cab said, Yes, he said, we'll talk later in Charlotte, right.

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So he recognized him and he's not a normal person. But many of those Laba that are there, they sacrifice for us now, the MaHA Jeanine who have left their families and sacrifice and Dave have everything. So of course, they're going to have some normative, you know, something in their heart and the prophets hasn't wanted to teach them something in this regard. So he said, No one's the he said, No one's

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Put up the emotional impact of love has actions toward cab is clear from cabs. Next statement, he said, and I will never ever forget Baja due to his standing up for me, due to standing up for me. So emotional awareness as well is in the sense of standing up for people or saying a word of truth when maybe no one is going to stand up for them method, they will never forget something like that. And also being there for people, as you all know, among those who give loans. So authentic hadith, the prophets I said, I said, Whoever gives a loan, Allah will record half of what they gave us on the phone.

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And the whole thing is stuff in general as well, but immediately for the goodwill that they have is recorded as if you've given sadaqa, half of that. And this teaches you even if you do that the prophets I send them also mentioned the praiseworthy nature of the ones who fulfill the loans of others. In fact, that's also a category of the

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cat. What do you mean, right, those who have loans upon them, and our teachers even taught us that, to fulfill the need of one person is better than if we were to take your cat and spread it amongst 100 people.

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Here to fulfill the need of one family completely. Absolutely. It's better in the sight of Allah azza wa jal, according to some of the forefather, then if you were to split your money and say, okay, 100 different causes, and let's just put our money into different things. So it's better for you to fulfill the need of a believer.

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And they will never further it for this reason, that level of if let's just put it in a practical way in Austin, let's say there's 100 needy families, if 100 families dealt with one of those 100 Each eautiful you have nobody in Austin needy, but Pamela where's the prophetic social welfare programs in our message, right.

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And then he said many of us have experienced the power of slight movements and gestures as we walk as we enter a class or gathering etc. Unfortunately, we have also been to those gatherings where there were from the entrance into the room until we left, we felt as if no one even knew, who we were, knew we were there. The second component he speaks about his body language.

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And he speaks about how people recognize from your body language, a level of emotional awareness.

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Physical Touch he mentions as well.

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And how physical touch can be a form of of emotional awareness of others and that's from the hadith of football a lot of the lowline when he was with the proselytize him in Mecca, he thought to kill him and saliva from Allah when he had this idea in his mind. The prophets I said, Emma says, Allah, what are you thinking about?

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Meaning just by gesture, just by of course, intuition, of course, maybe a wacky Allah Parliament's not mentioned, but there's prophetic philosophy or intuition. And hold on, I said, Nothing. I'm just praising Allah. He said, Whatever you're thinking, seek refuge from a lot from it. And he put his hand on his chest and this is not found present in the Prophet it is also set up where he would have a physical touch for his men

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of care and compassion, for example, are not accepted Islam. What did he do? He pulled him towards him, he shook him with a hug.

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And one of the alone time and like was sent out. So when he pulled him and he hugged him, and he shook him, this was this level of physical touch was required for the one he's speaking to our model the hola Toronto and also soften his heart. You think of Allah and what he said to him? Magi because what brought you here in the hubbub and it made his heart soften that the President is hugging him very hard and shit it's like you know, when you somebody needs a good shake, that literally what was what amount of power required and he accepted Islam thereafter, he said, I came on Messenger of Allah, to say that shadow Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, and he accepted

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Islam in the prophesy. Somebody took a view, and the people in the house said, we we understood that Ahmad accepted Islam after hearing the tequila of the prophets, oh Lord Islam.

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You mentioned the example of the lovely Bishop, who was a young boy during the life of the prophet saw Selim and he was one sent by his mother to take a bunch of grapes of the Prophet isolettes to them. He says before reaching him, I ate some of the crepes young kid.

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So when I arrived the prophets I said in the past his hand over my head, he then jokingly said to me, trader,

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later on it aebischer used to show them a mark on his forelock, saying, This is where the message was sent in place his hand when he said, he will reach the century, when he made to offer him, playing with him joking with him, and this, why prophets, I send them I said, even about the importance of touch, that if you want your heart to soften, pass your head over the head of an orphan.

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When you go to visit, even the sick, that touch, there is a spiritual connection. Literally, this is something we believe, and that's why

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many of them were the sahaba. They would have a Tibetan Book from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam by physical touch, and the rest of the law they said a method. So this is something that's that's present in our tradition, and that we believe

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Then in the essence that we, when we hug each other method, and there's like, a whole array of different hugs from all over the world, so that any hug is different. And then while your hug is different, because some of your ribs in the process, right, the muscley hug and the, you know, Pakistani hug as long as you hug but Indian hug, they're all different interests. Interestingly enough, they all have their formalities as well. So that that has a lot. And especially by the way, if you go to a particular place, and you know, that style of, of shaking hands or hug is and among the Middle East is how to kiss, right? One to one or 1111228. And sometimes you end up kissing the

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guy in the cheek or even lips. But anyway, there's, there's a way for every single country to do that particular touch. Some of them for example, they barely touch their noses, and they make a kissing sound. And if you've never heard this before, then inshallah you will one day

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when you visit these countries, and when you know it, when you know this kind of cultures, it brings like awareness and care, right? Just like if you were to wear the clothes of a country, and I remember one of my teachers, whichever country he went to, he would wear the clothes of that country for the lecture. And people would like Allahu Akbar, right? They would, they would love it, and they would pay attention more. Remember, this happened in Nigeria, and Mufti man came in Nigerian clothing that was gifted to him. And I think people cared more about that than the lecture that he gave. Well, and mashallah, like he's a handsome guy, so they love that.

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Another example of of was Adel, and Saudi who was another young boy who touched by the was touched by the prophets, I Solomon, passed by his hand and he passed by his hand over my head. While doing so he prayed for me, oh, Allah, make him beautiful and preserve his beauty. It is said that

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Abu Zaid lived until he was well over 100 years old without having any gray hairs on his face or or neck. This is from the miraculous nature of tomorrow can have anybody salatu salam.

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And of course, we can we can discuss this even more. But one of the most interesting things is

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a famous author from Afghanistan, whose name is Jose del Belfie, who wrote books on the psychosomatic components of emotional awareness

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and emotional health. Lamb Yes, let me just back it over to me for the whole meeting. He was there was no one in actual recorded history that has written about something like that. So when his book was translated,

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it was actually a pioneer in the field of psychology. And that is because of how much our faith emphasizes on emotional health, emotional and psychological health, as much as physical health.

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The next section he speaks about is emotional understanding. I mean, some some of these might be very similar, what's really on your awareness and understanding. It's similar, but he's giving a different examples of that. He says emotional understanding of others will give us deeper insight into why the ones we love are acting and feeling the way they are.

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And he says here, this is one of the most important portions of this entire book says if you can't understand why you feel what you feel, and why you act the way you do, you will never be able to identify and understand the feelings of others. And hence it goes back to the original statement we made the one who doesn't know themselves will never know Allah subhanaw taala that's why when you see somebody misguided, they've lost themselves to be honest with not so law, firm and settlement for sell. They forgot Allah so He made them forget themselves. We see somebody distant from Allah, they've lost themselves before they lost the last panel data. So what about you and I everybody else

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after that, that's why a person for them to deeply reflect within their own self. And the capacity to identify, as Jeff McHale said, the sources of, of what you're going through are suffering in other people is the third pillar of emotional intelligence. And it plays a pivotal role in family communal and societal reform as people become increasingly disconnected.

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So in essence, the emotional understanding is becoming in tune to why people do what they do.

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And then he gives you

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some examples. This is the prophesizing set the example before as follows of the complete DACA. Speaking quite frankly, how we'll be filled with many people who are extremely emotionally intelligent. We use that intelligence to con scam and mislead people. It is a tool that should be used for helping people not to ultimate and not an ultimate objective in and of itself. Many emotional abusers seem very observant and possess a deep understanding of those they abuse and manipulate. They know what buttons to push it precisely how hard to push those buttons without a self develop moral intelligence. Emotional understanding and awareness can be quite dangerous

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because you can take advantage of people. And you see this all the time.

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The process of building awareness

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and emotional intelligence, he says Begin with listening the air, the Arabic saying or proverb, the tongue is the interpreter of the heart and the statement of it which is

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attributed to any of the law and because God knows how many of these statements are actually totally, totally alone, and he says that

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a nurse must Nazma also known attacker as senior team for either to Kalamoon folio, oh, come on, he says that people are actually hidden underneath their tongues. So when they speak you, you know who they truly are. You know who they truly are.

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And he says it reminds us that we have to become true listeners where we have mastered the ability to hear beyond the spoken words, and to listen to what the heart is saying.

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And he says developing the ability to listen deeply can be difficult the prophesy some use the method we now call mirroring. It is a method commonly used in marriage counseling and is extremely effective when used regularly. Mirroring is when the partner who is receiving a complaint or any other type of message from their spouse attempts to repeat the emotional message behind the verbal complaint back to their spouse. Of course, mirroring is not restricted to verbal communication as we stated before emotions are primarily communicated non verbally. This means that learning how to communicate is a vital element of a strong emotional understanding, mirroring when implemented

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repeatedly helps a person who's normally very reactionary, build an empathetic capacity to think more deeply about the person they're dealing with. Mirroring our partner's emotional piece has a secondary benefit allowing your partners the chance to think about what they themselves are actually feeling. Alright, I shouldn't say that the messages I sent them I left her room one night, so I became jealous and acted differently toward him when he returned on returning the messiness, I said, but notice the change in her demeanor. So he asked, Oh, Aisha, did you become jealous? She replied, and why wouldn't someone like me be jealous over someone like you? He replied, I think your devil

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came to you suggesting the idea that he would go to someone else on her night. Let us examine the incident more closely. He says, firstly, we see the prophets ability to sense a change in eyes emotions. So imagine somebody comes home like from from work, and they're completely oblivious, and they don't care. This is this is the first mistake, and emotional awareness and understanding.

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And, of course, we're human beings, we're not robots, but at the same time to justify a complete neglect and continuous neglect is what leads to the emotional, obviously, Discord, a person cannot in Islam justify a constant neglect of someone's emotions via a responsibility that they have, for example,

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I'm tired from work, don't you know that I've worked all day? Or don't you know that I've been with the kids the whole day, I've been cooking all day. So that kid does not equal neglect of her. And that also does not equal neglect of him.

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Those are things that are your obligations and responsibility. So regardless of what those are, and again, this is not should be like a daily routine, but at the same time, one should be understanding that somebody is, for example, tired, lethargic, etc, but not create a pattern and use that as a justification for neglecting somebody. And this is present in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says, We're the guards to men sort of Lakota men is to remind people of your favours. This is one of the Haram things in Islam when husband or wife reminded them of the things that they do for them. Shouldn't do that. And parents reminded their children don't you know, I did this for you and I

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carried you and all these things, whether you like it or not, you have to carry them anyway. Right? So reminding people of your favorites is actually is not allowed.

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It's haram Tom, you should not do that, whether whether it's your family or whoever, this is your responsibility, but it should not justify neglecting somebody in emotional. So he says the prophesy some understood from a shift in her body language, meaning he was emotionally aware constantly. And subhanAllah. I mean, a husband and wife are the most emotionally aware. But this does not mean that they you can't do that with your parents, you can do that with your, with your siblings, you can do that with your extended family or other human beings. You notice that if somebody is acting a certain way that there's something wrong, right.

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And secondly, we see their ability to identify and mirror the emotion behind the change with clear unambiguous language, which goes back to the one of the first lessons we talked about, because we wanted to speak about how to address emotional conflict. Number one, like we already mentioned, and we're repeating it, don't make assumptions of people's behaviors, simply ask what is wrong? That's what the Prophet says that Emma did. And secondly, he wanted to know the reasoning Hey, can I can ask why you're upset.

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And the response shouldn't be Oh, you don't know why I'm upset. You're even worse than I thought. Right? People are not they don't understand by osmosis, other people's behavior. And then also as Gottman says, I statements will save the day golden like principle. I, I feel blank, because blank, and I would like for you to do blank soon

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right. And sometimes what happens is somebody emotionally floods, and then nobody knows what exactly that results in. Okay, so what should I do? You don't know what you shouldn't. And then it just repeats over again. So there has to be a clear messaging. The Prophet says, Did you become jealous? And she could deny it? She said, Yes. Well, why? How can someone like me not become jealous of someone like you? So this teaches you also the level of clarity that they spoke, they spoken. And sometimes people are very clear, communicating their emotions, and some people don't have very clear communicating what they want.

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And it's a he says here,

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that he let her know that he knew what she was feeling, though she has the mirror. Okay, many times our loved ones do not want solutions to their emotional problems. This is also very true. Sometimes they just want to vent. So sometimes you just need to ask, Would you like my advice before you offer it? And may Allah help us with all of this because it's important. Some people they don't recognize that it's not a position for your advice. They just want to be heard. And that's it, and acknowledged and that's it.

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And he says, rather, they desire someone who simply understands what they're feeling. All problems are not meant to be solved, some just need to be heard. Lastly, we see the Prophet says I'm attempting to gently remove the source of her jealousy by explaining the source of this feeling. And this prophetic method of understanding and responding to suspicion is in stark contrast, in the messy situations that many couples find themselves in today, inquiries about suspicious actions normally pay out play out like what we mentioned, where where are you? Why are you asking me where I was, you don't have the right to ask that. Are you hiding something? Why don't you trust me? Why?

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Instead he says the wife is really saying Why won't you hear from me, this need for companionship, and attention is what we should focus on first and foremost, which is in reality goes into a deeper subject of understanding gender differences, how women function and how men function generally and then how that specifically plays out to individuals. Over time you will realize that everybody has a particular practice or method

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okay, we will take one or two more examples, Inshallah, in this section, and then it's almost time for it's time for Aisha who the patient Sharla and will close.

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Second, Abu Zaid al Belfie, in his book masala has

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done well enforced, translated by Dr. Malik muddy

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as sustenance of the soul.

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He discusses

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this psychosomatic paradigm or format of dealing with this insight from a psychological perspective.

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Dr. fote says again, he says he was also the first to classify emotional disorders in a striking modern way and categorize them in one general classification.

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And he says, We Belfry writes, we start by saying that since man is composed of body and soul, he's bound to face from each part of them, fitness or weakness, health or sickness or other symptoms that afflict their their health in a negative way. The symptoms that affect the body and upset its well being are those such as fever, headache, and various kinds of pains that effect organs. The psychological symptoms that afflict the person are those such as anger, sorrow, fear, panic and other similar manifestations.

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Because Smith says, What is even more stunning than both his mental health analysis is the late night century, is how long it took Western psychologists and physicians alike to develop a similar understanding which is goes back to cognitive behavior therapy.

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And basically, the notion of cognition, being aware emotionally of why you think or act or feel a certain way.

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Me mentioned here while the prophets lesson was sitting in the house of Aisha Zainab bint Jash, sent some food for the prophets. I said, we mentioned this before, where I showed with Ilan who physically knocked it out. And the prophets I said didn't become angry, he asked why. And he himself

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was able to

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dissipate that moment of conflict by simply understanding from

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the perspective of listening to the other person, why they feel that that way, and this is not this is not very easy to implement. It's sometimes very difficult to have the strength to, in essence, not react and to simply ask, and then the response is what should be done to alleviate that? That situation?

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Yeah, so the Prophet isoftbet I mean, this essence of teaching us listening habits

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teaches us that the principle of emotional intelligence

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and awareness of oneself and why we say and do certain things will lead to us being able to listen to the other person of why they act or do anything. So that we may be able to respond to them appropriately.

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will inherently sha Allah, The next section is called prevent parenting prophetically. And in sha Allah is a gel. In the next session, we will finish the book. It's 184 page book, which we're summarizing thematically. Inshallah, and then what we'll do is after we are done with shift we can Smith's book, we're going to be doing a detailed explanation of what explains this book further. And that's another book by Chef Saleh Majid called how he dealt with them, how the Profit System wasn't his interactions. So the next session, we're just going to finish the kind of theoretical with some examples. And then we're gonna go deeply into the actual interactions of US law, civil law, so them

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in much more detail in that book by chefs Manager, which is free. So we'll just look it up how he dealt with them PDF, and you'll be able to get it for free. This book I really recommend for you to buy and benefit from in Charlottesville. That's the last Panatela to grant us emotional awareness, and emotional understanding, and the ability to better and improve our relationships constantly, to allow us to be the best of listeners and also the best of people who communicate, may Allah Subhana Allah allow us to have the best forms of conflict resolution, and not allow us to fall into who he mentioned, those who forgot themselves because they forgot Allah subhanaw taala. And those who also

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Allah has already mentioned, that among the greatest forms of human beings becoming lost, is that their ego overpowers them, may Allah protect us from that, and also protect us from what we mentioned in the hunt, or directly relates to this is that much of spiritual diseases is tied to Kibber arrogance. And the prophets I seldom was asked by that by that man, is arrogance dressing nicely or wearing nice shoes. He says no arrogance is rejecting the truth, what's rejecting the truth, not just call for rejecting the truth is not willing to be corrected.

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rejecting the truth is not willing to admit your mistake. This is this is the greatest form of rejecting the truth, having emotional reactions by saying Oh, are you to tell me this, and these are forms of rejecting the truth. And the second is to look down on people to imagine that you're the best of them, and you're beyond reproach, and everybody needs to listen to you. And these are all forms of looking down on others. And we said the consequences of that is if you look down upon somebody, you will see that you will see that unfortunately the consequence in your life. Like we mentioned the story of hunger scene. He had made a comment about a man of how he could be bankrupt

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How can this man get bankrupt? Just a statement? He said Allah punished me over the statement 30 years later, he was imprisoned for bankruptcy.

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He was imprisoned for bankruptcy for those of you don't know the story, he took a loan he wanted to basically do some business 40,000 Dead humps so he bought a barrel of oil and what happens is for him to do the business next he was obviously make make money and give the principal back he opens the barrel and there's a mouse in the in the oil. So what happens is oh, well what was some of us doing it take the mouse out. I'm just been loving, you know, businesses going, but he thought this was this was

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this was dishonest. So he did his he just dropped all of the oil. So what do you think will happen Jupiter is gonna give you another barrel of oil the next day inshallah? No, of course not. Right. So he couldn't find any more money to do business with the guy takes him to court and says to him, you know, where's my money? So the ring Mohammed had been sitting in one of the greatest or the man righteous people of his generation. He's a tabby right? He witnessed the homes of the prophets lie Selim is still in Medina. And he was the one who described actually what his home looked like he was the main narrator. So what do you think are going to do all mashallah you Muhammad in the city and

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the righteous scholar you pray in the front line you do do kill all the chronic where's the money? Because I got to have the money so did I did you take all of the wealth that you have? It is you're not allowed to spend except the basic necessities for your family. And the rest of it has to go to this man until you can able to pay it and you go to prison.

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So he said I spent time in prison because of one word I said 30 years ago.

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May Allah protect us? Zakat? Wilhemina Westville. I also lost I'm gonna have you been on a veto Hang on a second race probably should have Allah in a hurry. Let us go to work and we'll see you all next Friday after Muslim next Friday after Imelda Michelle is

PG 55-92

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