You Will Never Believe Until You Know

Tom Facchine


Channel: Tom Facchine

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The speaker discusses the importance of increasing awareness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and understanding oneself in order to achieve motivation and faith. They also emphasize the need to increase awareness of Allah's guidance and understanding oneself to build a faith and strengthen one's heart. The importance of knowing oneself is key to achieving motivation and faith.

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Our problem in our faith or our religiosity

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is not one of information, but it's one

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of motivation.

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What do we do? Right? What are the

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things that we need to kind of learn

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or ponder upon or synthesize?

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Right? Maybe it's not about just information. Maybe

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it's just about synthesizing. Maybe it's about feeling.

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Maybe it's about inspiration.

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What do we have to do? Where do

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we go?

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And at Aragua Sojani, he mentions

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we have to

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increase our awareness in a couple of arenas.

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First of all, we need to increase our

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awareness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Right? Somebody will never ever want to

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to Allah's guidance if they don't know who

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Allah is. That's just plain facts.

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Right? That they don't know that Allah is

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the most merciful.

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Well, then how are they gonna trust that

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Allah's rules are fair? They don't know that

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Allah is the most wise. How are they

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gonna trust in Allah's guidance?

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They don't know that Allah

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is able to

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beyond comprehension

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and forgive beyond comprehension. How is this person

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going to trust the system? Right? If if

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Allah is just an abstraction,

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a theory, an idea

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without sort of a tangible

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felt reality and I mean that in the

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sense that, like, a person feels

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feels that Allah exists,

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you know, then who's going to want to

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listen to this rule or that rule? So

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the first thing is

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increasing your knowledge about who Allah Subhana Wa

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Ta'la is and not just knowledge in the

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sense of information, but real

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knowledge, feeling it, understanding it, all of your

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senses involved.

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And then after that, we also have to

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understand who we are. That's probably the other

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big point,

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and that's what Raghu al Sahani mentions, the

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author, he says, for first understand Allah then

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understand yourself. What is what are we as

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human beings?

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What's our nature?

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What's our potential?

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What's our capacity?

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If you think that we're all just damned

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to go to hell from the first day

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we come into this world or that we

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have some sort of original sin hanging over

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us, then it's gonna be really hard to

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get that motivation up.

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Why would you want to,

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if getting into paradise

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is only about Allah's grace and forgiveness and

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has nothing to do at all with what

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we do in the world, then why we

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even try.

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Right? We we act as if differences in

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theology are just like differences in culture and

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they're not. They actually result in different ways

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of being in the world. They result in

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different perspectives

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and thus different actions

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or capacities for action.

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Somebody believes in original sin is not like

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somebody who doesn't believe in original sin. In

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Islam, we don't have original sin.

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So we don't have that hanging over us.

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Right? We we we're more of

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a clean slate. Michael Law says in the

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Quran, you came into this world knowing nothing.

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We're more of a clean slate and so

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that's a much more encouraging starting point,

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right, than the starting point of, well, you

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have this original sin and you're hell bound

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unless you

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get baptized or accept Jesus or whatever it

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Right? So we have to know who we

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are. What's what is the nature of a

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human being? Right? What are the different things

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that are common to all of us that

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go inside of all of us? The the

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urges, the motivations,

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the delusions, the potential,

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the potential for good and the potential for

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What are all those things that that make

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us up essentially? And the last piece of

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the puzzle about us, so, you know, 2

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main things: knowing a lot and knowing ourselves.

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What's the purpose?

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What's the point? Why are we here?

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I'm here. You're here. We have this urge

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and that motivation and this delusion and that

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ability and that potentiality

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or this capacity, why? What's it all for?

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And so if somebody can figure out those

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2 things or at least develop themselves in

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those two ways, their understanding of who Allah

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is and their understanding of who a human

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being is,

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then we can

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then we can go somewhere. Right? Then we

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can do the work that

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builds the faith,

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strengthens the heart to the point where somebody

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is actually seeking out Allah's guidance, ready, willing

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