Do you observe this etiquette with Allah 2

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The speaker discusses the importance of showing respect and humility during a busy time. They suggest not being too busy and letting people enjoy their time. The speaker also suggests showing the respect and humility of a person when they are in a presence of another person.

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Let us let us try from now okay in this coming now eight nights or night, Nine Nights to observe this, let us observe this a ticket and remind ourselves everyone

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to and to observe this to practice is this and to show humbleness during this particular time. Yeah.

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Okay, because part of etiquette and edit, if you are in the presence of a great person, you will not

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act as if he's not there or as if you are not respecting. Yeah.

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This is one thing. So observe that. And the second thing is

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I try not to be busy, Jonnie, manage your time, try not to be busy during that time.

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Except in the Caribbean, that is too far because it is very precious time.

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I'll give you an example.

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And last day, decaf, we were doing a decaf. So there was a brother

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just before Fajr

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before I saw who he takes the last article for anyway, in one, he takes shower.

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So I said to him,

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this is not the right time to take shower.

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This is a very virtuous time.

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Yeah, you go to the toilet. You don't make the kid you don't make yourself out.

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Are you following that? So the person should manage his time and didn't know the precious times? Because those precious times? Yeah, maybe Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Maybe he does something vicar still far. Toba and Allah, Allah Allah forgives his sins.

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And Allah Allah, Allah, Allah makes him among the accepted people. Because one of the things that we really should strive for, and ask Allah, Allah Allah

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all the time, okay, which is to make us among those whom he loves.

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Yeah, whom he loves. So, if we want him to love us, we should show him the utmost respect. And we that we care for His Majesty, for his presence. Yeah. For the times he is telling us that I am there for you. Once we do that regularly, it will become a regular habit.