Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #14

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The concept of Islam's shrouds of worship is a voluntary act in secret, with exceptions for actions in secret. The Sharia has a purpose and an objective for individuals to do voluntary acts of worship, but it is not compulsory. The Sharia's purpose is to make people aware of the actions being taken and teach others about them, with a humility and comforting message. The speakers discuss different regulations and actions related to worship in secret and open publicity, including the Sharia's purpose of making people aware of the actions being taken and the importance of teaching others about them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone welcome to episode number 14 moments with the Quran. Today we're going to take another Ayah from Surah aarav and in particular Ayah number 55, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Are there or beckum terbaru, Ufa in hula, you have bowlmor Teddy in, in this ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala commands the believers towards the concept of Dora whilst in a state of humility and observing this drop in secret, okay. So this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala commands the believers towards now, number one, as mentioned to us by the scholars of the field carries two meanings, a more specific meaning and a broader meaning the specific meaning no

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doubt is what we know right? Which is to supplicate, raise our hands and ask him Allah subhanho wa Taala. So based on this meaning, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us to supplicate whilst we are in a state of humility, and

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whilst it's it's, you know, for the act to be done in secret, and we shouldn't transgress in our in our application, but also from the extended meanings of our is that entails everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed in Islam as an act of worship, like our Salah, and I was like, ah, and our fasting and our Hajj and so on, and so forth. And based on the broader meaning, then we understand from this ayah that Allah subhanho wa Taala is commanding us towards his worship, once we are in a state of humility, and that we do these acts of worship in secret. Now in particular, if we look at all the evidences of Islam and collate them and collect them together, we understand that

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this concept of worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, in secret specifically, is for the voluntary acts of worship. And I'll explain this a little bit more just now. But

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why does the sherea want us to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of the voluntary acts of worship in secret? Why does the Sharia prefer this? Or the Sharia does because this is more safer for our laws and our sincerity, and it protects us from falling into hidden shark, which is Ria which is to do acts to show off me Allah subhanahu Allah protect us right. And the evidence for this that the Sherry loves for us to do our voluntary acts. in secret is an idea like this, as well as an ayah Surah Baqarah. We didn't take it in our series, but Allah subhanho wa Taala he says into the solder party, Fannie Fannie Mae, we're into for our 204 kerravala Allah subhanho wa Taala says if

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you give the sadaqa sadaqa if you give it out, if you give the money to the poor, openly, then this is good, but if you do it secretly then this is better for you. So he Allah subhanho wa Taala is doing it in secret is better. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the hadith of Aqua tubular I'm Ravi Allahu and in a narration that is found in the Muslim Imam Ahmed and in sunon, abida Buddha Nina tirmidhi, and an essay and the other books of Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Lj and Cal JEB sadaqa well Macedo blucora and Colombo Serie B sadaqa, that the one who reads the Quran openly and loudly. We Everyone knows that he or she is reading the Quran is like

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the one who gives sadaqa openly and the one who reads the Quran in private secretively. Then it's like the one who gives sadaqa in secret now in my material medium Allah when expenses Hadith, he's saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is highlighting to us that which Allah subhanho wa Taala basically highlighted for us in Surah Baqarah, that it's better for you to read your Quran quietly. If you read it aloud, then it's okay as long as you're not doing it to show off. But if you read it in secret, then this is even better. So this is the default rule with regards to voluntary acts of worship, extra acts of worship. But if we look at the evidence of the Sharia and as I said

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earlier, we'll get into this into in better detail. If we look at all of the evidences of the Sharia, we see that the Sharia has exceptions, the Sherry I want certain acts of worship to be done openly by default and doing it openly serves the greater purpose than doing it in secret such as, for example, those acts of worship which are compulsory like our Salah, right fudger of the harasser. mahapariksha compulsory zeca, our compulsory charity which is known as zakka, fasting, the compulsory fasts, the compulsory Hajj, and so on and so forth, this should be done openly and the more intense the level of obligation is to an act then the more better it is for that act to be done

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openly, because number one, the act should be done anyway and it's expected that a person is doing it and number two, it encourages other people to do this act as well. And more importantly, by doing it openly, we are making manifest in our society that we are Muslims and upon Islam and this is a Muslim society. All right. So these are some of the wisdoms explained by the scholars. Also. For example, x which Allah subhanho wa Taala has commanded us to

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Observe in congregation even if it's not compulsory. Right, so we have the compulsory sarabah. We've discussed that in terms of category number one, but for example selection is the spot the Salah for rain, or the Salah of the two reads according to one of the views of the scholars,

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that it's that it's not compulsory it shouldn't. and other similar acts right, so they're not compulsory, however, we've been commanded to do it in a gathering do it together, right. So this, we say that the Sharia makes an exception in the Sherry I loves for this to be done openly and the Sharia has a purpose and an objective by being done openly and together and doing it in secret goes against the objectives that the Sherry wants to achieve. In doing it openness of the slotless discord, we should all go out people will see us Yes, yes, it's not compulsory, and people will see us beneficiary, once that unity, and the Sharia doesn't mind, the worship being known between the

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people. So this is another category also brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The Sharia makes an exception towards doing things openly if you're a person of authority, or if you have a following and no doubt this will, will change from place to place a father in his home has authority, right? So he has a responsibility in educating his family. So he does some acts of worship from the voluntary acts of worship openly to teach the family like we see for example, American hip hop, there'll be a lot more we find in in in the books that collate the occurrences at the time of the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah Germain how he recited the opening door when he began the Salah loudly to teach the people or for example, he said even Rama radi Allahu Allahu Allah and Abu

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huraira Viola and how they recited

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all the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. That was in Salah loudly so people could learn so here the Sherry says the objective of teaching the people beats, or the the must have had the benefit of teaching the people beats the benefit of keeping it a secret. So even though it's voluntary Salah, but if you read it loud to teach the people then this is an exception. And a fourth category that the scholars highlight is a category related to that which Allah subhanho wa Taala made as a station from the Stations of the religion like for example, the sacrifice during the day of lead, for example, this should be done openly, and this is from the Shah. This is from

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you know the matters of the religion and matters that are specific to Islam and showed the presence of Islam and so on and so forth. So brothers and sisters in Islam, in this particular area, Allah subhanho wa Taala is commanding us towards

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towards worshiping him in a state of humility and in and whilst that act is done in secret, however, we've highlighted the exceptions to this particular rule. Also, I want to highlight brothers and sisters in Islam that why does Allah subhanho wa Taala command us towards humility before he commands us towards doing the act in secret? Well, number one because as we've highlighted the certain acts that Allah wants us to do openly. But number two, because doing the act in secret is a means of attaining humility is really the objective from all the acts of worship that we do. So this is a subtle benefit that we we gained from the ayah. Last but not least, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says at the end of the ayah in the hula, you have been martyred in that Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala does not love the transgressors and in terms of then, meaning supplication right, which is the default, understanding when the tempo is used. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us what constitutes transgression into for example, if a person asked for something that Allah said he will not do so like for example, a person makes two answers he Allah make me a prophet. This is from transgression, a person likes to out against himself or his family. This is from transgression, against meaning you ask Allah for bad things to happen to you or your family. This is from

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transgression, and also from transgression is to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala in a way whereby you disturb other people, or to make dua in a way to try and gain blessings in a benefit from other people. All this is from transgression. SubhanAllah today's lesson went longer than our usual norm but nonetheless it is very important and I pray this shed some light in terms of the concept of worship in secret and worship in open and the wisdom is between both categories and the exceptions with regards to the lesson at hand. I love you all for the sake of Allah, may Allah accept our month. I mean, and until next time, assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Today’s lesson (Aayah 55, Surah alA’raaf) covers the following:
1. The meanings of Dua in the Qur’an. Many of us think it just means: ‘supplicate’.
2. The rulings of acts of worship in secret vs in open.
3. Are acts of worship better in open than in secret or vice-versa?
4. What does transgression in ‘dua’ refer to?
5. Why does Allah mention ‘humility’ before ‘secret’ in the aayah?

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