Haifaa Younis – Why Women Should Study Fiqh

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The importance of learning about one's religion and bringing it into one's life is emphasized, as well as the need for acceptance in modern day society. They emphasize the challenges of working in a $1,000 a month job and the importance of acceptance in society, particularly in attracting employees. The speaker also emphasizes the need for acceptance in the workplace and acknowledges the need for diversity in workplace culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. Early he was Sufi he woman Wailea Lama alumna. myinfo. Now one foreigner vema Alam tena in the Kissimmee on module Doha woman. Yeah, how do we come in and I am what I believe I have shown I've seen letters about our low SMA, or vanilla to superluminova is a headache or habla nampula don't cut off my inaka Intel hub, arbitrarily solder us silly Omri watlow. Lock Let me listen you have popoli saramonic come everyone is akmola here for joining us at hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Another Tuesday night, another hour in sha Allah will be a loss pantalla will reward this for all

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the efforts everybody those who joining us our guest myself the agenda team and sha Allah, it will be a gathering data for one melodica the angels will surround the TLB and as you all probably know, the hamdulillah one of the goals of gender Institute is to bring resuscitate I use the word the love for learning about this Deen and specially for the woman if I will say not mainly for the woman and as we have this passion learn about things in this life and we want to have this passion and life about things in related to our religion and it gives me a great pleasure today to have one of the dearest person to myself met before the COVID one winner then COVID came in so we could not meet in

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person but we are in a constant contact hang glider Bellamy the Torah shows was she's joining us from

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Minneapolis deterra Ayesha, I'm not gonna introduce a lot I leave her to introduce herself, but she is a chaplain in St. Catherine University. He is a PhD in Islamic Studies much a lot of our cola from a Union University and she has her own website and she has her own Institute and she spread the knowledge again to the hearts of the woman so without further ado, before I said Mr. Aiko, welcome and Zack Lau Hey for joining what I consider him rahmatullah wa barakato. The Torah Haifa Allah how you care of Jazakallah for for inviting me, Mashallah. I know that we have. We have a lot of wonderful sisters at the Georgia Institute and I always send the sisters your way, because of the

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great work that you guys do. And I'm, it's my pleasure. And I'm extremely delighted to be here.

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So did you want me to share the screen? Victoria Haifa. How did you want me to do this?

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Oh, I can't hear you anymore.

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Oh, no. What happened? Okay, Alicia, Alicia, can you share with everybody, right? Who is Ayesha was.

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So I was I was born in the US.

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hamdulillah my father and mother Palestinian origin. My husband is Tunisian. I got my bachelor's degree in FIFA, from Gemma templates from the university. I got my master's in contemporary Islamic Studies and my PhD from Lebanon Jeanine University in also Orientalism and Islamic Studies in where my work was reviewing and scrutinizing the works of Karen Armstrong. And, of course, how, how authentic or how does she present Islam in in her books? And are they really? Are they really in parallel with what Islamic Studies in the books actually reflect and what they reveal or not? So that was my PhD. My masters, on the other hand, was relating to the portrayal of Islam and Muslims

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in the neoconservatives media, and the impact it has on the Muslims throughout the world.

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I still can't hear you Dr. Haifa. So I'm not really sure. Which is you Me?

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Me? Yeah, please forgive me. I keep muting myself. And then I forgot to unmute myself. May Allah forgive us all. I know you have slides, if you want to start shooting, but I come I came in today to learn with everybody else. Couple of things is number one is the fear itself. And what does this word mean? And how this word originally included all the religions and what this how depth or how deep, this word, literally meant at that time, and how it changed as time went by, you become now when we refer to the word fix, we literally mean one part of this religion. Another thing I personally want to learn and I want all our audience to learn

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What made you learn that and why woman as the title of our today program why women should learn I can go and ask them in the masjid I asked the Imam I asked them, Why should I take it as a career? And I will leave it to you.

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Well, I won't necessarily say why take it as a career, but I will inshallah answer a lot of the different questions. So I hope I hope this is sharing. Do you guys see the screen or? Not yet? Not yet. Okay. So yes, now you see it great, good.

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So, when it comes to filter, it's usually people are afraid of even the word for it kind of sounds like a strange word in where the fat comes from the the the front term frontal part of the mouth, and then the author kind of gives you this really big clash in your throat and then it becomes like a scary, scary reflection on many people in that front vibration just scares people away. But FOCA is really to me, it's it's my passion. And when we talk about fucka, always the question will what is filler? So the word fucka, it's pretty much a science, a field in, in the early times of Islam, the the, the word filter was really in a general comprehensive word to mean to understand. But

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later, as different sciences developed in Islamic Studies, the word filler became more to define a specific science in Islamic studies that relates to deriving Islamic rulings from the Islamic references. And it usually In fact, it's always relating to human action and behavior, which is, which is what distinguishes it from the different sciences, such as Al Qaeda, such as Hades, actually, the more relates to philosophy, Islamic thought, or the different thoughts though, hate monotheism, etc. So when we're studying Philip, we're really studying human action, and the behavior that human behavior, and the main focus is human action, human behavior. But of course, when we're

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relating, when we're relating to human action, human behavior, we're actually discussing on how do we derive the rulings that relate to that human behavior, whether it's right, whether it's wrong, forbidden, permissible, if it's obligatory, whatever different ruling it is on and going within those spectrums. And then, of course, from the Islamic references. So when we're looking at Islamic references, that's where our I would say, our laboratory lies in, that's our lab, those are tools that we would we would do in order to help us understand so what fields do we study when we actually study filling. So when we study filter, we actually study the different sides of Islam. So when

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we're talking about spirituality, or slash ritual and its rulings, we're actually studying the different rulings that relate to spirituality, find the five pillars, the different rituals, slaughtering, anything that relates to spirituality, we'll be looking at it, whether it's permissible or not permissible isn't obligatory, all those different different sides of how we can do do different rituals to in the way that Allah subhanaw taala had permitted them in. And of course, it also discusses different parts of our life, whether we're talking about marriage, and what qualifies in marriage, and the rights and responsibilities divorce, child custody, inheritance

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transactions. These are of course, just some of the things and not everything, that this is just giving you a glimpse of it. And some examples and of course, we're also discussing governance. And when we're discussing governance, which is called the CSR shuddha, you were talking about whether it's a national governance or whether it's international relations or economical relations, we would study all those different sides. And that when we're talking about national governance, we're discussing court, Family Court, public relations, Criminal Court and the criminal laws on all those that relate to to those different issues. And of course, international relations takes also takes

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also a large piece of study in where this is an in itself just a separate, just a separate study on its own. And of course the economical relations whether we're talking about economical relations, whether we're talking about inner transactions that is National transactions between Muslims and non Muslims or between Muslims and other other non Muslim countries as well. So how do we relate with that? Now, so why study FIFA, and why is FIFA important after all, so number one is that a las panatela actually says woman cannot feed Who cares? Hello, Lana forum enough for

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him in Hong Kong. If I told you

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while you're in the room, either

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In the end is that almost panatela had permitted, as you can see all sorts of tober permitted and in fact considered it as an obligation that even if the whole Muslim owner was facing a dangerous enemy, on the other hand, there has to be a group of people that are taking it on themselves and taking it as a mission, to read, to review to study the different, the different sciences and specifically for me at the end, so this is a type of studying that they're actually taking upon themselves in order to bring about that base of understanding, a correct understanding of Islam. And Allah subhanaw taala actually says first Allah Allah Vickery in kuntum, let Alamo and ask Allah

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Vicar and you finally Vicar whether it was based on the context with when that area was revealed were the people of the book or analytical in general those that have studied and reviewed that they care whether they can or answer not etc. In quantum let alone if you don't know that's to go back to those scholars, when when the when the average person doesn't know the answer. And of course, there's another Hadees based on beheading and Muslim that the Prophet Selim actually says men euro delay will be higher on your photography. Who ever Lost Planet Allah wills good for them and last month, Allah will give them the knowledge in the deen. So how does and how

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can I can I interrupt if we can go back to the previous slide because it's extremely important that's actually I love what what you called so here last pantalla This is the first verses from sorta tober Leah Takahashi Dean is not to study only the science of Africa to know the inner depth of this Deen and not everybody is a group, they come back and then they teach. And then I love the Hadith you shared when Allah wills and want higher good for someone does not give them dunya necessarily, they don't that does. Allah hunter doesn't necessarily said in this study, that Allah will give them the highest level of education in the modern or in the domain or mundane education,

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or they will give them money or they give them children. He said, when a loved one's higher good for someone, give them the knowledge of Diem. And I need all our audience to pay attention to this, whether it's your children, whether it is you, you yourself, the higher the goodness is learning about this deed. So panel I'm glad you put this year is exactly.

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So the other part is how does study in fact help us in our daily life? This is a very common question that we asked now one thing that we always have to keep keep in mind I usually put it in one acronym, and the acronym of D and AI m and this is really famous. You know, I always use this when we look at studying filler. Now as a Muslim, there are certain priorities, there are certain things that we have to look through in understanding how do we live as a Muslim? What are my priorities as a Muslim? So when we study FIFA, we're actually studying how do we how do we practice our spirituality, we're studying how we, how we should preserve or maintain our life as whether it's

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an individual level or whether it's on a community level, or even as a mother? How do I understand my priorities, input? Every, every everything in my life in the place that Allah Subhana Allah wants me to be in or wants it to be in. So when we study a filler, what we're really studying, is really how do I practice my Deen? How do I put it in in a behavior that reflects my Athena that reflects my love for our last predator? So we would study next we would study I'll cook we would study the mind we would study the different things on how do we actually consider how do we actually consider knowing different sides and an understanding Islam knowing my rights and my responsibilities. And

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this is really important when we're talking about rights and responsibilities, and specifically when we're talking about eldan, when we're talking about chastity, and when we're talking about family and husband and wife relations. And of course the final thing, which is well, because you can't live dunya dunya without depending on a certain on a certain mean to help you move on. But at the same time, it doesn't mean that we live, just consuming these products around us and property. So in Islam, when it comes to wealth, there is the filter of transaction that would help you identify what is halal, what is a halal income and what is a halal mean and what is not a halal mean or even when

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it comes to distribution and how we deal with that. It's really important to remember that the process lm actually said in the Hadith, that that the first thing that a person is asked about when the when they enter the grave is really one of it is number one

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Is their life and what they had done during their youth time, their life, the time, and of course, the end that they got and what they did with it. And finally, the wealth, the wealth and the property that they had and how they, how they spent it and where they got it from.

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So the very, the most common question that I get is how do we understand the differences of opinions between scholars? And this tends to be probably the most confusing question. In fact, I have a whole YouTube series just to help answer this, this question is over 100 slides, but I'm here it's going to make it just going to make it short in follow. When we look at the differences of opinions between scholars, most of the times people are confused, that if well, if they go back to our specific texts, how can they actually have differences of opinions? If anyways, they're going to go back to order n and they're going to go back to the traditional texts and the traditional wordings

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of the process? And um, how do we? Why did would they go into differences of opinions? So the first part is that the text itself is an Adobe language, and whether it's an Adobe language or whether you whether it's an English there's always the different words. And of course, the different the different parts of whether it's grammar, or whether it's the eloquence in a language, is this a figurative term? Is this a metaphor? Is this

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is this

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a literal term? How do we actually understand those but in Adobe, it's a lot more complex. And what I mean by complex is really not that it's just confusing, but I mean by that it is very rich, the audible language is extremely rich, that you can't necessarily just translate and use the translation as your resource for footwear. So you definitely have to have the Adobe language and and deep understanding of the language in order to make sure that you really are capable of delving in and going deep in the words to make sure that you're understanding correctly when you give us the ISO Can you give us an example of the Arabic language? Because that's a very common question, why

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should not learn how to be and everything is translated. So the translation really just gives you the shallow meaning of the wordings in the Quran a really shallow shallow meaning when we look at Tafseer for example, if you take I'll just give you an example in were Lost Planet Allah says you already know eminent with quantum illustrative su hakama idea Camila Morocco one so I can just add just you know, comment on one word, for example, where las pantallas says all people Oh, you who believe when you prepare yourself for the prayer for su Hakuna idea, Camila Morocco? So here's the question. Wash your hands if I were to just randomly translate it wash your hands and your wash

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facility, would you wash your faces? And your hands? Well, if I said what do I do come in and Morocco up to the elbows? So this is just a fast translation. But in fact, they would have lots of discussions on does the letter where which is just one letter, just the the letter where it was translated into and what does that mean? Just an addition meaning your face your hands and your feet? and etc? Or does it mean that there has to be a specific pattern? Does it also include pattern or not so they'll go differences of opinions and actually research that. And they'll probably even have debates on whether the letter where for example, means just a just an addition or whether it

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includes the pattern as well. And they will go to different different poems and different poetry in order to make sure and bring the evidences from the poetry that is before 205 hedge iya. In order to prove that in Lovato BIA, this is, this is what it actually means. And 205 video was really the date in order to bring about the date of sheffey. Because the shefa was one of those major figures in the lobby. So this is just an image. This is just an example in Adobe language. But of course, this is just the letter. But the same thing when we're looking at for example, when we're talking about the words themselves, then it becomes even a stronger debate. Whether the word higher the or whether the

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word core actually means higher, whether the word or actually means menstruation, or whether it means being cleaned from menstruation. In other words, getting the cervical mucus in what does it really what does it really mean? And then they'll go into those different debates. This is just an example and I just wanted to bring up something close to the sisters mind and relate it to women's women's issues. Same thing when we're looking at hobbies and in its authenticity. I know many times people will think well, they said it was authentic. That's it actually, the debate doesn't end there. The Hadith and its authenticity can also be debatable amongst God.

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have hobbies. And this is a this is a frequent issue between the scholars of how authentic is this howdy how do we interpret this some this wording in that heavy and it's not just the text that sometimes the differences of opinions between scholars can also be non textual, non textual meaning that it's when we're looking at the situation we're looking at the situation there are different evidences that are derived also from the Islamic resources and when we're talking about Islamic resources we're talking about

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we're talking about Quran and Sunnah as well, but they're they derived different legal Maxim's, so we're talking about general resources, they're considered like legal Maxim's. And this includes things when we're talking about tradition, how far? And how can we use tradition? as a reference? How, how far can it go as a reference? And how much can can how much of weight can can it hold? Same thing when we're talking about as an example, this is not just, this is not just exclusive to these points. But this is this is just an example. Or even the wordings of a companion, or even things like said the door which is which, which really holds a lot of weight. In fact, it's two thirds of

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the Sharia, which means you're blocking the means to evil in your in, then we will look at how do we weigh the different evils and so forth. So when we, when we're looking at the textual part, there's also the non textual part but it actually goes back to the text. So we're looking at these general legal Maxim's. And of course, the third part is understanding the situation. But understanding the situation to mean that how do I apply the text on the situation in order to bring about the interpretation, which is called HD head. So when we look at these different items, each and every single one of these items, and there's actually more to it, but I just wanted to make it make it

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short? If I want to, just to add to make it easier and simpler, probably for some of our audiences. This is a very common question, which I loved that slides you put if it is the Quran and the Sunnah, why we have this many ways of Salah, this many ways of standing or putting where I put my hand, the Quran is number one, the Sunnah is number two, what about if they are not there? That's what

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therefore I shall put there is other there's something called analogy of chaos and all these things in the Quran. And the Sunnah. Depends how, as she explained, so the point is, if I want to summarize to make it easier, this is something literally scholars and real scholars and specialists, they know how to get to this not ordinary people, not by going and reading a book, am I right, Aisha or going? I'm going to explain that in the further side. And this is where can we use the references and not go through the scholar. So here's the thing is that when I actually put the slide the one before it, for example, and I set the text, when we're looking at tax where we're actually talking about so the

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what any 6236 A is alright, and there are different ads for it. So you're talking about the different little ad and even though every single wording of even those two ads are going to be considered within filler. And when you're looking at headaches, we're talking about almost 500,000 500,000 different ahaadeeth Not to mention the different the different debatable, ahaadeeth, they would be also a reference because a lot of those had they would have different different debates between scholars on whether it's authentic or not, can we use it as a reference. So there are so many different things. This is just to make the story short, but when we're when we're

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talking about can we use the references and not go through scholars, it's really important to mention that even when we're talking about analogy, analogy doesn't go in each and every single part of focus. So you can't say I'm going to use class and figure out things about solar analogy and PS doesn't go in a bad debt period, it doesn't go in worship. So that's why we need to learn fucka and fucka depends on another science which is called sort and filter. Sort and Filter is basically the science that a scholar or filter would go to because the scholar of oil filter which means the principles of the scholar have or sort of would be the one to lay out the science itself on how you

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can derive it goes deep and low RV there's absolutely no way. No way that anybody can do their own foot life. They can't even go to the loo RV itself the Arabic language itself.

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And be able to read those texts and, and be able to analyze those texts because their own a lot of you and know how to be it is what that that, that science depends on. It's all about understanding deriving a ruling. So if you're deriving from something, you have to understand that chemistry of that, of that, that element that you're using. So that is the same thing in science, if you're going to, if you're going to do any kind of dissecting, you're examining anything, if you examine something, and you have no idea how it functions, then there's absolutely no way that you're going to be able to examine it, let alone to diagnose or probably come about with a, with a with a, with

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an understanding of how do I come about with a final, a final conclusion to that matter. And that's the same thing is that when you want to go in any type of science, you have to understand the whole chemistry of it, and how it all functions and be able to derive a ruling. To be able to derive a ruling, you definitely have to have the knowledge in knowing the text, the knowledge and knowing the text. And not to mention that there are certain texts that have been abrogated when we talk about abrogation, this actually takes takes a lot of knowledge. And sometimes it's it's a debatable issue even between scholars on what text abrogated another text and of course, the authenticity of the

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text. So if the person does not actually have that, and to know whether this text is authentic or not, or what the rule ought to be, is, or whether this text was, well, this text was was at least specially in heavy divots, considered authentic and what is wrong if we want to say it's not authentic lovara BIA is not the only thing but also the science of Hades. So for a person that studied filler, they definitely need to also have the knowledge of Hadeeth. And to understand how, and what is what makes a hadith authentic, not authentic? What if it's a debate between scholars? How do I go back to figure out the different the different chains of narrations or even the

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different texts themselves because it's not just the chain of narration? It's also the method it's also the, the the coating itself, how do I understand that? And how do I know and even understand the debate between scholars now the other part, which is the scholars explanation for those texts, it's really important to go to the scholars explanation, because they would have a lot of explanation to help us understand to make the story short, basically help us understand the the chemistry of those texts, whether it's the history of it, or whether it's the wordings or whether it's in the Adobe language, or even the context, the chronology of the text as well. So all those

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different elements, and all those different items are are really important, they're actually crucial elements for any person that studied film if they don't have those, those those sciences or at least the capacity to go back to those references and really understand it that in that in that way or even as deep as that then

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that person really is speaking of themselves and not necessarily speaking of Islam and unfortunately and this is something really unfortunate during our time of today is that we would have a lot of people we even within the Muslim society who might actually get degrees from you know Harvard or Yale or whatever it is and actually get degrees in Islamic Studies and think that they have now accomplished getting the the the ability or the qualification to derive Islamic rulings or even in FIFA FIFA is a different field. There's absolutely no way that a person that studied fucka in English or French or whatever language it is that their be able to speak in FIFA whatsoever. So the

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other question that I always get is how can we study filler? So there are different Islamic institutions but it all all of it really depends on how far do you want to go? So there there are different levels I usually put it there's the level one which is basic learning, basic learning, Deen. So the person is basically trying to learn and I don't want to go deep and filler. They're just wanting to learn the basic the basic understanding of basic understanding of Deen how to make Salah right, how to understand my rights, my duties, etc. So in that situation, I would say there are different Islamic institutions whether we're talking about Jenna Institute or whether we're

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talking about the Islamic University, you know, they're they're actually around us hamdulillah they're a lot more plentiful than than

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Before so that's the basic learning theme. But if the person wanted to go to level two, and that's studying the evidences, that's another level. Because if you want to go for level two and study the evidences,

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then the person has to go to a higher Islamic institution, and actually now has to start with learning Adobe, because there's no way that you can study the evidences if you don't actually have lobbyists. That's the beginning. You know, this is like, it's kind of like somebody saying, Well, how do I start with learning physics, I would say, Well, the first thing you have to know is really the basics. And in math, if you don't know the basics of mathematics, there's absolutely no way that you can study physics. And that's the same thing in studying the evidence as level two, you would have to study lovara and study the end, and study the basics of different different different

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sciences of Islamic Studies. because

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historically speaking, was considered just like today in where, in order to get to the highest degree, it's in our times it's considered medical school, historically speaking, it was considered and the only selected students were studying for, it wasn't open for every for every person, it wasn't open for the public like that. It was only selected students that were studying filler. So the level two studying the evidences, that's to go for the studying evidences that's to go through an Islamic institution, Islamic University, or at least with the ultimate and actually get a get into the, let me say the core of Islamic sciences, level three, being able to compare the evidences

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now the first one I said level, the level two was studying the evidences that's, that's pretty much like a bachelor's degree. Level Three is being able to compare the evidences and being able to review the evidences and bring about a preponderance ruling. Now that's a that's a master's degree, considered the beginning, or at least have a master's degree, and a master's in in fucka, or the Islamic sciences, to be able to compare the evidences. And it's really important to mention that when we're talking about comparing the evidences, it's really important to mention that during our times, we would think that if a person is is is a specialized input, we would usually think that

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they should be able to compare the evidences in every single field, which is not necessarily very accurate, because just as when we're talking about medicine, we've got you know, neurology, cardiology, orthopedics, Pdn, pediatrics, etc, we've got different fields. Same thing, when we're talking about football, there's the focus that's related to enable that there's the focus that's related to transactions, there's the filter that's related to international law. So not always is that person necessarily going to be in fact, during our times, there's almost nobody that is specialized in all those fields. And this is really important to mention, being able to compare the

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evidences is very different from level four in where the person is able, and is capable of deriving rulings that have been researched by scholars. Now, you can see level four is really different, because what that person is doing is really, they're going back to what the other scholars have said, The shafia, yet malakian, high Nebula, etc. And they're just looking at their evidences, they're looking at what they have said. And they're saying, Well, here's the ruling, and they're able to compare the way the evidence is and and talk about which is unfuckin modern and looking at the evidences and studying those things. The evidence is that's level four. And this is usually in a

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PhD level, to actually study that area. And then when we're talking about a PhD level, we're looking at there that it was reviewed by other scholars that the person is capable of reviewing the reviewing the different texts and reviewing the different acquainted or an amount or the different words of the scholars and is able to compare the evidences and of course, definitely is able to study the evidences and is able to go back to the references, and level five, which is very few people, by the way, and this is deriving rulings on issues that have never been researched before, which is considered the fiction No, as of now, the level five in the US I can only think of just a

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couple of just a handful of scholars. They're actually at that level to name from them. Dr. Soto has saw with Dr. Hatem and hash doctor what he did many see these are very few people that are actually at level five in their ability to actually research for quinoa ism. This is just a handful of Scotland. This is even worldwide. We have very few scholars that are actually at that level to name some of them will have as you Haley say they commonly do these are very few people that are actually at level five

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And right now, level five is actually not studied as an in on an individual level right now, level five is more studied as an institution, so institutions would have a group of scholars that would review those different situations, whether it's medical issues, or whether it's transactions and banking, and all these different all these different modern cases that that, that go on the surface within, within the different challenges in our modern times. And they would research it as a group and not as individuals. So individual scholars would present their researches and then would they would finally come about with, with a ruling that they might agree or disagree on, but in the end,

00:35:45 --> 00:35:53

it becomes that that fuckin noise and right there, so this is just an when we talk about how do we study a field that depends on what level you want to get to,

00:35:55 --> 00:36:37

in order to say, Well, you know, how far and what institution you should be going to, and of course, which scholars and, and the more and the higher you want to go up in your level, the more you have to prepare yourself for a bigger challenge. And of course, for a bigger for, for a bigger challenge in the amount of amount of effort that you put in and the amount of studying that you put in. And of course, the challenge is from the other scholars as well, which is what, you know, a PhD or a master's degree a lot of times to do that, that defense to challenge them and see are they capable of deriving or are they capable of understanding those those different evidences. So of course, the

00:36:37 --> 00:37:11

different Islamic institutions are really the, the different time constituents are really the, the first places to head to to help you get to that point, get to that point in where you're able to, you're able to begin, I would say your path to studying it definitely has to be in Islamic institution. So you can make sure that that you are growing, you're growing gradually and you're not gulping it all up and then eventually choking. So that was that was my little, little short, how long?

00:37:13 --> 00:37:23

It would you so I'm going to start with the first question in our audience, please write your questions and we'll do our best to cover it. So for every

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day living woman, a man ordinary Muslim, what should they study? What Allah subhanaw taala will ask them now you are not talking about level five or four or three? Should they start anything has to know.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:27

So there there are different different basics. Whether it starts with for example, if we let me go back and find the slide in where we're looking at, here we go. So when we're studying Islamic Studies we're actually looking at number one is that things that relate to the five pillars that's something that they have to at least know that the things that relate to the five pillars if solid This is layer that are not over journey, you have to know the details. How far to know the details, at least know the beginning. You know things like the hora and if, of course you're a woman you have to know the rulings on on your menstruation, postpartum, the different things that relate to your

00:38:27 --> 00:39:13

bajada. But does a man have to know all those details? No. But whatever you are working in, then you it is incumbent upon you, you have to take in the in the role to learn that site. So let's say you are working as you're working as a businesswoman. So you have to know at least certain things in transactions in order to make sure that your money is valid. If you're, if you're married, and you're trying to figure out your rights and responsibilities, you have to have some knowledge on that. Unfortunately, within our society, within our society, when it comes to learning look like now I'll tell you one thing, learning is a very rigid, a very rigid science. I know too many it's like

00:39:13 --> 00:39:15

okay, you're not making it fun here.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:59

It's a very rigid sign so when you go in further I'll tell to you, when I studied for my professors, you know, you can see the the effect of learning, even on the scholars of fitness behavior, so a scholar of fitna, you could see that they're rigid, and my professors would be like, you know, pointing at you while you're supposed to do this then and even the even the way that they would say things is usually like you have to you can't do this. It's always making things it's more of a police officer than anything else. But when you look at the scholars of Tafseer they're very spiritual. You could see the words they're living their life.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:28

flexion of the noodle core and but when you study further, you can see that the a lot of this a lot of this debate, a lot of the debate that is that is filling, the books of focus is really reflecting on the scholars of fucka. So like I said, it's a really rigid science, but you have to take the effort to study it, in order to make sure that what you are doing in your daily life, whether as a married woman, as a business woman, as

00:40:29 --> 00:40:44

as a person, you know, probably getting your education, you have to make sure that what you're doing is actually going in parallel with what Islam says. So you have to, you have to know what you're doing. And in order to make sure that you're, you're reviewing,

00:40:45 --> 00:40:52

you're reviewing the right, the right resources, and you're reviewing the that field.

00:40:55 --> 00:40:56

At one, one more thing.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:11

Yeah, I think it's really important to also learn as much as you can just to make sure that you are, look, you are practicing Islam, right, learn as much as you can, because you really don't know that you don't know.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:57

You don't know that you that you are missing out on something, and you would just live your life, I don't need to, there's nothing that I'm missing on. So in order for you to make sure that you're not missing on anything, make it a daily schedule that you learn, you know, a whole series and let me say series, this is really important. Like a whole series, let's say for the heart of the film of, of purefit purification, a whole series on focus Allah, take it, take it with series by series, and it's different than these random lectures, take it by series and watch the whole series and make it that it's a it's this daily regimen, that you have to put it on your schedule to make sure that you

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are understanding that Oh, there's something I'm missing out here, or there's something that I need to I need to research more or ask more questions relating this issue or that what I want you to share with everybody is the four blue line. And for those key fires, the what really then what does that mean for ordinary person. So for an ordinary person, the front of the line are the things that that things they know within the context of what we're talking about here. The further further line is really what you as every single individual, every single Muslim, you have to know, you have to you have to practice it on your practice that with you the way the way your last pantalla had

00:42:41 --> 00:43:28

permitted or obligated, there are certain things that you'll have to know as an individual. But giving for little cafe affordable Cafe is more of a community. So we have to have a certain number within the community, a certain number of scholars within the community that have that knowledge to probably derive the rulings I'm going to go back to that slide to derive the knowledge or to be able to review the the different, the different texts, etc. So those would be the fundamental failure. So if you're not able to get to that level five or four, well this is more affordability failure. So or actually level 234 or five, those are more foreign key failure right there and we have to have a

00:43:28 --> 00:44:08

group of a group of Muslims and in the end is that the higher you go up in the level, that means it's it's really a blessing the higher you go up in the level, it's a blessing, the higher you go up in the level, Allah subhanaw taala inshallah will increase if there is an increase even in the Amen, because in the end, it's not an issue of how much I know it's not an issue of a degree, I got a PhD, I got a master's degree, it's not an issue of degree per se, but it's an issue of how much time are you spending with those collars? How much time are you spending with them? How much time and how much time are you spending with knowing your dean, and this is this is really important to know, you

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know, there, that it's not an issue of degrees for the sake of, you know, boasting around people, and not at all. In the end. We know the Hadith where the prophets or SLM actually said that a woman to Saudi human are the first ones to actually enter Hellfire and the prophets Allah mentioned that it would be accorded a person that caught it, you know, you he was a reciter of Quran, why did he resign? Because he wanted people to recognize him as a shift as a scholar as as a renowned scholar of L or M, etc. But he would be ending up world was pantalla would tell him because you were a lawyer, you did it for the sake of people. And that's what was said about you. People recognized you

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

as the scholar recognized you as that. And now. This is what you're going to be you're going to be held accountable for

00:45:00 --> 00:45:47

For having that laws being put in the wrong place. And when we're talking about the, when we're talking about studying, like I said, it's really studying for the sake of a loss. pantalla loss is the most important thing because in the end it Tacoma where alum kumala have the taqwa and Allah, Allah will give you their own. So when we speak about the study the study of fuka or studying Islamic sciences, it's not an issue of how much only you know, but it's an issue of having the loss to know that the practice that you are doing is really for the sake of a loss paradigm is really the way that last pantalla had legislated and it is not on your own inclinations absolutely i mean i

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floss is sincerity you are I or you or anyone listening to us who wants to learn is you want to learn to please last pantalla not to some people will say you are this or you're that and number two which one of the best advices I personally was given and I'm sure it was given to you also the Torah you know, you learned when you changed when your relationship with Allah become closer last pantalla becomes number one in your life then you know you have learned we have a question I want to share with you the Torah hi Shan says Do we have to learn madhhab do we have to follow a mother a school of thought so, all scholars you know all scholars mo oh let me say let me correct that most scholars

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actually follow a certain method, but do we have to follow a certain method the answer is no. Just as in this is very important quote here from the book and then walk in or out of them and walk pain

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he had mentioned he had mentioned that it wasn't even obligatory in the the metal hub itself that there had been the whole school the whole idea of schools of filter they actually came after the process. So to make it mandatory to follow a filter madhhab is actually is actually erroneous it to actually call it that yes, you have to follow a filter method is not is not actually accurate. But at the same time it's really important to keep in mind that all the scholars though let me call them the fathers of those mothers of those mothers are the always considering and always making it clear in Where is so hard headed for whoever's happy, if the Hadeeth is authentic on this matter, then

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that would be the method it the war on high fidelity the were on the whole idea. The whole idea of filler is really to make sure that we're finding and we're scrutinizing the evidences and not following the people which is what are always quote, if that ought to be the scholar from the Maliki method, when he had reviewed the area where to help the who Yamaha saw the in in the area where was really discussing, discussing in the scholars of ficklin were discussing that a whether it is it is it is obligatory to give Zakat on every single produce or not. And a lot of be actually said Amir Abu hanifa as for Abu hanifa for a journal, or enamorado, hufa Apsara. Abu hanifa had had made the

00:48:34 --> 00:49:22

hora en had made the Quran be the lens that he sees through and he was capable of seeing the truth. And this is exactly what we need to understand when we look at the different schools of fucka. It's not an issue of looking at who said what, or what must have said what it's an issue of looking at the evidences. It's an issue of looking through the lens of Quran and Sunnah in order to see what the preponderant ruling is. And that's even when Abu hanifa when he was sitting, giving the * of our giving the class and he would tell his, he was telling his, his student His name is Abu Yusuf or Yaqoob, no Brahim, he said, Oh, yeah. Are you writing every single word I'm saying? He said, Yes. He

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said, don't do that, because I may say something today and leave it tomorrow. Why? Because he would discover that that's not necessarily the proper preponderant ruling. Not to mention that the schools are fucker. Most people think that only four there are actually a lot more than that. Those are the four famous ones. But there are actually other motherhood that many that many would not know of, whether its mother below it or whether its mother, Sophia nfld, or Madhava, tabari or etc. There are many Dima they have that were that were pretty much lost because the because the students didn't work

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

Those May they have and transmitted to us

00:50:04 --> 00:50:21

this is a very nice question follow up as to what you're saying. He says can you please put some light on the difference of opinion on different schools of thought like how important is it for a common man to follow solidly one school you cover that and how to decide if you are facing to a different opinion.

00:50:22 --> 00:51:06

So the second part, so ordinary person, not a person not scholar. Okay, so here's the thing is that in for an ordinary or let me say layman, if you trust you're going to trust we're going to look at five things. Number one, you're going to look at the that person's qualification what I mean by qualification, did they study do they have? Do they have the degrees in Islamic studies? Do they have the degree at least in FIFA or whatever, whatever field you're, you're wanting to enquire or ask them about? Number two, do these people have the qualification to review and go back to the resources? This is really important? Are they able to go back to the resources? number three? Do

00:51:06 --> 00:52:01

they have the taqwa? Do they have the taqwa to review and not just give you have an answer based on their inclinations, based on you know, based on how they feel about it, or do they do they actually research and will give you will give you what the preponderance ruling is based on the evidences and not based on their own inclination, and not based on the society pressures. This is really important because we're seeing today, many being pressured from the society to give a certain fatwa. Because whether it's the Western society, whether it's the Muslim society, embracing a lot of Western values, so they feel pressured, that if they don't give such a fatwa that I would say is is, is, is

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clapping or is somehow is somehow reflecting Western values, they won't be considered as modern scholars or moderate scholars. So they will change the factor to make it at least looking moderate to make it seem like it's it those people would lack of the the, or would lack even the taqwa. And number five, you want to also research the do these people do these people have the taqwa to even order them as well, that Aqua Ender and to listen to the story, there's a difference between fatwah and Acaba, the difference between federal law is extremely important to to explain because when we're talking about federal law, that would not require listening from both parties. But that would

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require just listening from one person. So somebody comes up to me and says, hey,

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my husband is asking me whether such a hokum is permissible or not, for example, maybe I want to buy a house. And I'm wondering if mortgages had LR or not. Alright, here's it, this is a fatwah. But if although it be it requires that we would hear the situation because it involves more than one person. So if the woman came to me, and said, You know, my husband actually told me I'm Pollak, and I'm wondering if this block is considered, is considered valid or not. This is something that requires a law in where I have to listen to both parties. And I would have to interview the man to make sure that he was aware of what he was saying whether he was in his full state of mind what

00:53:41 --> 00:54:25

really happened, etc, then that would require something else. So there are different different issues here. So when we're talking about madhhab, I hope I don't get away from and get far away from the question. So when we're talking about madhhab, generally method Madhavi lammi, Elma malema, tabouleh and Malibu Malibu 50, ilaya me the layman, you don't have to worry about madhhab, you just worry about is that scholar, somebody that is qualified, do other scholars see that he is qualified, and therefore I can ask him on different issues. So that's what you want to get to Don't worry about the issue of madhhab that is not whatsoever something that you would necessarily need to be

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concerned about. And but at least just keep it in mind that there are differences of opinions on many, many, many issues. So before you rush and actually say, Well, this is halal, and this is how long I would first learn my Deen to make sure that you are not following. You're not following a certain method and the other person isn't, is following a certain method. There is also a considerable opinion and then you would end up attacking a person and they actually come from a different, a different community, usually different communities.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:10

have different mothers without them knowing. So you look at Pakistanis, Indians, they usually follow a Hanafi madhhab. without them even realizing that it's a Hanafi madhhab.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:50

If you look at, for example, Malaysians share filament hub, you look at North Africa, Maliki madhhab, you look at the the Gulf and those areas, they're usually hanbali madhhab. So it's really important to understand, you know, the basics of at least certain issues before you rush and and actually, and actually attack that person thinking that they're following the wrong type of Islam. jozankei locatie, you answered my next point that I wanted to clarify that when we go, and we see people practice, different than the way we know, that doesn't mean they are wrong.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:36

And I'm talking about again, the lay people, then we just say it's a different opinion. It's a different opinion, and who are we to judge which opinion is stronger, we are not equipped with what the terrain has shared with us. So what we need to learn is to respect the other opinion. Respect the other opinion and join to argue and the third thing is don't argue because that's how you learned it. Unless you really are equipped, which majority of the people again, allow my lay people are not, it's not their specialty. I always say this to people. If somebody asked me about I'm an OB GYN, I deliver babies. If somebody asked me about pediatrics, I say it's not my specialty. I can't

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comment on what the pediatrician does. And we all do this in our daily life. But when it comes to Dean, we rush into judgment and giving fatwah and saying this is wrong, this is right. or wrong. Am I right? Yeah.

00:56:54 --> 00:57:39

Well, yeah, this is this is really common, and I see it all the time in where, you know, they would right away rush. And unfortunately, it's really also sad, I must admit, it's also sad that we're even seeing, we're even seeing people that are masovian, Allah labetalol, and people that are considered or, you know, known to being celibate, or to known being, let me say, figures, public figures, that would also do the same thing in the world, they would rush to say this is not what Islam says. And then they would draw a rush in, in, I would say, accusing those scholars of being deviant and rush in accusing them of

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somehow absorbing the western values or sometimes absorbing even extreme values. And we would see how a lot of times the granddam Muslims are right now going into more divisions, I personally feel that the divisions are really a reflection of how much how much, how much the Muslim oma is really ignorant about Islam. A lot of those differences of opinions, knowing those differences of opinions will actually help in bringing in the unity within the Muslim Ummah, by knowing that even scholars had differences of opinion so why why did you Why did you think that by that scholar or that polybrene by embracing embracing that purse, that particular fatwah or that particular point of

00:58:36 --> 00:59:18

view, is somehow deviant. So if we could see it on social media and where this scholar is accusing, or this Bolivarian let me say it that way, is accusing that polybrene of being deviant because they don't follow their their their method or they don't follow what they regard what they regard as the the common fatwah and would accuse them probably practicing shirk even or would accuse them of probably being cafard, or would accuse them of, of somehow embracing Western or embracing ISIS or embracing extreme views. And not knowing that there is a whole martaba there is a considerable opinion that scholars have might might have voiced

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made it clear, even in the books of focus. So it's really important that we don't rush and we take the we take the time to actually get them and right now the reflection of those differences of opinions, those differences of opinions are are going into a different sector in where it's becoming an organization versus an organization. So we went farther than further and even though it traces back, it traces back to Philip. But then right now it's, you'll see it in where it's hot selfie versus that levy versus when etc.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:25

Not realizing that a lot of this actually goes back to a certain to a certain opinion and yet this might have embraced one thought I'm sorry to interrupt you again to that end unfortunately we have been an hour have loved anime. So the take home message that I want to share with everybody and May Allah reward you the Torah Ayesha, you probably have seen in this in this one hour, how deep and how

01:00:28 --> 01:01:13

exactly probably deep is the word that's coming to my mind now to become a fucky to give rulings in do or don't this is hello and this haraam is not something we can throw it out. Just like that. It's a science. It's you need to study and you need to be trained. And you need to have Taqwa of Allah. So number one, we all go inshallah, from this, that, let us not quickly judge about rulings what people are doing one number two, let's stay away from judging scholars. Allah is the one who's going to judge people. If and we have all learned this the much does the port the scholar who gives an opinion he is rewarded by Allah if he was right he will be rewarded twice if he was wrong, he will

01:01:13 --> 01:01:50

be rewarded one but that's for the much time that's for the scholars we as laypeople ordinary people, Allah will ask us about the obligations the for buying the obligatory things they're obligated reaction that we all need to learn to worship Allah in the right way knowing Allah is my Salah is correct is my siyam Ramadan is less than five weeks is nicely I'm is right same questions every year Why don't I know it? May Allah reward you the Torah I will leave the last two three minutes for you and then inshallah we have to end unfortunately

01:01:51 --> 01:02:36

Allah for the total Haifa I think the last thing that I would like to say is that you know i although I did mention that the science of hookah is probably a rigid science compared to you know the other sciences but I would like to say I would like to say that Pamela you know the, when you first learn Fugu, it may seem rigid, but then later on, you start living the words in it becomes who you are, when you learn fucka it becomes the habit that remember because FIFA is really studying the human behavior. So it becomes who you are and you will start seeing the world everything based on FIFA. You will look at everything this is Hillel This is haram This is this this is that and you

01:02:36 --> 01:02:45

will start in your mind if you become like sort of autistic if you would want to say I've got an autistic child so to me, the whole world is right now built in autism.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:33

So you would look at the world through the lens of everything first that everything is going to be put in a pattern in a pattern of *, how long have Balkan Sahih Sahih fer said walk on whatever it is everything around you and it will become that trace that you just don't know how to leave that tour. I sorry to interrupt you because of the time if somebody needs to reach out to you for question, what's the email or they can reach out to you? That is a comment. And I'm going to answer that comment by the time if you want to put your email on the chat is follow the sooner and study the Hadith in sha Allah your life and your journey is unique. So your inflections interpretation is

01:03:33 --> 01:04:20

unique. It's true but don't study it alone. Islamic Islamic Studies is like nobody can become a physician by studying his medical books you have to go through training and you have to have people who teaches you and it takes time Same thing goes with Islamic Studies you have to get enrolled as the terrassa said you get enrolled into whichever you need to be trained by scholars then you have you get experience is not reading books is not going to make your scholars have to did you put your email determination so I put I don't want to put my email so there's the website gems of light calm they can go on that website and I also have a YouTube channel where you can also go to that a do

01:04:20 --> 01:04:59

have gems of light calm there is there is a whatsapp group and I've got different lectures that they could also join us in and there is also a whatsapp group I'll put it right there in where they would send me a text message and I can send them the link to join that whatsapp group for whatsapp group for other classes and she's not gonna love her Don't forget that we put it there and shot one next week. Gender Institute we are starting four weeks course full of menstruation what every Muslim woman should know it's on a Saturday. All our classes are recorded. You can go back to it

01:05:00 --> 01:05:35

available to the students for six months. And we're going to cover the way it is for the ordinary woman what she needs to learn. And also we'll be taking questions. The registration is still open on our website and the tour it does actually pay for giving us this opportunity show one other last time may Allah reward all the audiences who joined us please forgive us if we couldn't take your question subhanak along we'll be handing a shadow unlike the hula and stuff we will cover to bully some love alesina Mohammed while he was happy to see him and kathira salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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