Haifaa Younis – Those Who Obey Him

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of obeying Allah's sub laundry and the love of Allah for women. They also mention a video about a woman who wants to do the same thing twice. The speaker emphasizes the need to change the concept of sex and the importance of following Allah's instructions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While earlier he was so happy or Manuela

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loving a las pantalla and Allah loving us is what we have been covering today and we are looking at another way that Allah subhanho wa Taala will love me and it's very interesting Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Allah Imran Chapter Three co author yo Allahu Allah Rasool fitting to Allah fighting Allah Allah you're a bull Caffrey say to them, obey Allah and His messenger for him to allow if they reject or turn back faith in Allah Verily, Allah does not love a caffeine and caffeine, those who are disbelievers rejected Allah subhanaw taala or rejected His obedience or rejected there will be the answer for Rasul Allah Hisar to Sarah.

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So what we are looking at here hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen we all believe in Allah Alhamdulillah so we are not careful in the general meaning, but here, loving Allah subhanho wa Taala is connected when loving, Roswaal ASR to sit down but more important is obeying Rasul Allah has Salatu was one of the ways that will lead me to the position of the love of Allah is when I obey or Roswaal ASR to Sarah. Because Allah Suarez thought was pantalla said it's also in chapter three Ali Emraan calling quantum to a boon Allah for Toby oni say if you really love Allah, follow me. Follow Roswaal risotto certain you become Allah, Allah who will love you. Well for Lacandon welcome and Allah will forgive

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your sins. Allahu Allah for Rahim and Allah is all forgiving, All Merciful. So let's look at it this way.

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My goal, our goal and what that's what we are learning this Ramadan is I want to Allah subhanaw taala to love me. And we learned many criterias and 100 learn many virtues and we learned many things we shouldn't do. Now this one is general my one of my the keys to earn or to open the door of the love of Allah that Allah loves me specifically is by obeying God Rasul Allah is

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not only loving God rasool Allah Assad or Sarah, we all love him. How can we not love him? Ali Hassan Autocentre How can we not who taught us all this, who

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taught us about Allah? Who made us aware there is Allah's pantalla who brought us the words of Allah so loving or swatting aside to sit down? There is no doubt not a single Muslim does not have it even if the usual if we say imagine for Rasul Allah Sato Salam right now open the door, what will you do? Almost everybody froze. I mean, if they think the thought of it make them freeze, because of the love and the or we have to rozalia sell to a sinner, but the love of Allah Swati salatu salam alone, only love only feelings will not get me the love of Allah subhanaw taala to get the love of Allah subhanaw taala I need to follow him. I need to obey Him and this is what the verse called out to la

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hora So, obey Allah and Rasul fainter well lo if they reject, they turned away faith in Allah Allah yo, hey, bull Caffrey Allah does not love those who are disbelievers. It doesn't mean if I don't follow us while ASR to us and I'm I'm going to be a disbeliever No, because this believer is the person who does not believe in Allah does not believe in Allah Alhamdulillah we all do. But to get to the point of the love of Allah, I need to follow on Rasul Allah Hassan Tuusula. Having said that we need to change a concept sometimes it's becoming popular. That is just the Sunnah

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is just the Sunnah. It's not just the Sunnah. It's the act of Rasul Allah Sato Sinha, the what this thing he did, the thing he did, that's by me doing it following it, showing my real love to Roswaal as AUTOSAR. And by doing what he is doing, I will end up in the category of those who Allah love. There is legendary examples of those who love the Roswaal risotto CERAM and obey them. One of them is very well known as Sadan Abdullah adenoma, the son of Syedna Omar, where he used to do things, even if these things not act of worship, but even if it is not needed at that point, but he did it for only one reason, because of a soiree. He sought to surrender it and he wants to follow him. And

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one of these incidents when he was on his Campbell and traveling with a group of people

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Then suddenly he stopped and then turned his camel around and then continued. So the people around him says Why did you do that? There is no reason. And his response was I was with the Rasul Allah salatu salam in this place. And in that spot, his camel stopped, turned and continued and I want to do the same he did alter your Lahore, Rasul, obey Allah and hamdulillah in the month of we are obeying Allah Al Hamdulillah. We're fasting, doing our best to obey Him. But let's add to it especially again, in these blessings knights obey rasool Allah Hassan to Assam and let us not be of those Kaffir that Allah doesn't love. What did he do in these blessed nights? Yah, he used to be up

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all night, all night and it's very well known that when the 10 last 10 nights or the last 10 days of Ramadan approaches, he actually figure off his speech on an action he's he basically stay away from his family and I are late stay up all night, all night. So here I am when I am staying up all night, in sha Allah, all of us we do that one of the reasons if we if it is not the main reason because our Swati has sought was surrounded, I want to do exactly what he did. And that will will earn me the love of Allah. I want to finish the Quran at least once because rasool Allah has led to a certain review the Quran would say that you breed once in Ramadan and the last year before he passed away at

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his Auto Salon, he did it twice. So let's look at what let's pick up three things are Swati Sato Salam did it and I am going to do it today and every day. So I will earn the love of Allah your OB me. Desert Mala


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