Tom Facchine – Who is Allah – Understanding Allah’s Names and Attributes #15

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of recognizing and forgiveness, avoiding mistakes, and patient forgiveness. They stress the need for patient forgiveness and avoiding sin. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of actions and actions on people's personal relationships, including anxiety and overwhelmed feeling. They emphasize the importance of not letting people know until they have a chance to pray and giving gladness and giving permission to pray.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam. Ala Ashraful MBIA, almost serene nabina good Latina Muhammad Ali he offered a Salah was a Sneem Allahumma LMNOP May and found Alan fountain Habima ILM Tina was even an element, yellow bland, I mean,

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so we are moving right along.

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In Chicago, Zach, and weathers book, Understanding or the film of us, Matt husana allows you beautiful and excellent names and attributes.

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And we have reached a chapter of a life full of our fall over fall and utter Web. Because the chef haffi the hula, he doesn't simply

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dedicate one chapter to every name, he clusters names in a constellation of meaning. So you'll notice that these four names are full of our four of our thumb, and toe.

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All revolve around the same general meaning of forgiveness. However, there's different shades to each of these names, which we will soon see in sha Allah.

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One of the most significant and powerful of them is an awful

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this is one of the best days to make during Ramadan, especially the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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Allahumma indica and falafel to headwear often, for one, right? We use this name three times in one day.

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So what's the secret of this dua? What's the secret of this name? Why is it such a powerful name of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.

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Because we could imagine

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we could imagine different steps on the path to forgiveness, let's imagine ourselves, let's imagine that somebody wrongs us.

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Or somebody commits some sort of act that bothers us or tramples on our rights even.

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There's different ways that we can respond.

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Right, one of those ways

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is to

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recognize the wrong that happened, verify and agree about the transgression.

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And then to forgive after the fact. So yes, I know you did this thing to me, and it was wrong, and it hurt. Big time.

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I'm going to forgive you.

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Right, that's a type of forgiveness. This is the type of forgiveness that's more present in a file, and of a fork, of a thought being the base of the name of a file on the on the wasn't fat,

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which indicates something that is both intense and repetitive. And we'll see in a second in sha Allah,

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just how intense and repetitive Allah's forgiveness is.

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But a love of these two names with the same roots of law, fat, or all has to do with this type of forgiveness of admitting and recognizing the wrong that was done. And then after the fact, forgiving it.

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Whereas LIFO is a little bit different. I fought is also it also connotes an overlooking in the first place. Right? So imagine there's somebody in your life that

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does things that bother you?

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Does things that aren't right?

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But there are little things inshallah.

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Like the way somebody, maybe you have a sibling, or maybe you have a spouse, and you live with that person.

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And so the little kind of tensions that always come up between people who live together.

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style of doing dishes, one person they prefer to do the dishes as soon as they're dirty.

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The other person they prefer to let them all pile up in the sink until the end of the night. And then do them all at once is a common thing I hear when I counsel couples.

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Or, you know how punctual somebody is versus another person somebody's always right on time and other person they're always kind of Oh, I'm sorry, I got held up by this thing.

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It just kind of it's in their habit or even their nature.

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How clean and organized and, or cluttered as the case may be. Each person prefers to keep their living quarters, some people aren't bothered by

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a warehouse aesthetic, or what other people would call clutter to people, it doesn't affect them at all. And other people are very sensitive to it.

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Right? So these sorts of things that are very common things that people live with all over the world day in and day out.

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If you've told that person a million times, that you really, really would like them to put this thing away when they're done using it. Right, and they don't, again, for the millionth time, and you can you confront them and say, Hey, I noticed that this was wasn't put away, but you know, it's okay. I know you've had a busy day.

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I know you're under a lot of stress, right? Now, you've got this deadline, or this, this thing that you're going through, this is the sort of forgiveness that's from the last battle.

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Right? You recognize and then you forgive, that I flew is to overlook it in the first place.

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Right? So put that thing away, that the other person left out, and to never even mentioned it to the person.

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Right, isn't that a higher level of forgiveness? Isn't that a more intense experience?

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And subhanAllah, the believers and we asked a lot to make us from among them.

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Some of them, when they stand in front of Allah for the reckoning, he said,

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on the Day of Judgment, there's three types of reckoning. One of them is called the autumn, and the other is the lightest, is the least intense form of reckoning. And the slave will come before the Lord. And they will know full well

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that they committed such and such a sin. They transgressed against such and such a person, they know that they did it, and they're fearful in their anticipation of that thing.

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They're waiting for the moments. When the page is turned in, they're shown their books and it says, Look, you did that here. They're waiting.

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And then the pages keep turning and they don't find it.

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And then they keep on waiting and Allah doesn't bring it up.

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And then they asked about it, what happened to this thing and

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ALLAH SubhanA junta Allah had already overlooked it had erased it from from their books, and they didn't even know

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that is a lawful and Allah is i for

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the amount of sin and transgression that he is willing to overlook, not just forgive, but overlook. In the first place, is something that we can barely follow.

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Allah says in surah Fouta,

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that if he had punished people, according to what they literally deserved,

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that nothing would survive Allah's wrath.

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All of us are messing up constantly, all the time, all the time. We are creatures of habit, and such bad habits. We have.

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It's extremely difficult to

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change our trajectory,

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to reform the direction in which we're moving.

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And yet Allah is more patient with us than we would ever be with anybody else.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, This is a Hadith that's difficult to lay in both sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim or he says anything, where there isn't rather there isn't anything or any one more patient in the face of hearing and insults that Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the example that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam provides, he says, they claim he has a son

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and he heals them and grants their livelihood

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to panel Allah.

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He heals them and grants them livelihood. He's saying people who say that Allah has taken a son

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or that the angels or the daughters of Allah, whatever the case may be, have committed the worst thing that they could commit should have to Billa

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idolatry polytheism.

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Despite this,

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figurative spitting in laws

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on Allah's honor, let's say,

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Does Allah cut off their risk? Does Allah prevent them from having the basics food, water, children, happy memories?

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clothing, shelter all of these things? No, Allah doesn't prevent them despite their the magnitude and the gravity of their sin.

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Can you imagine what we would do?

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Even if someone means well, there's only so much we can take.

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Right? The majority of us in those situations we outlined before, let's say that you, you live with somebody,

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they have a different lifestyle than you. They have a different

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style of organization.

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These sorts of things.

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How many times until you're going to snap how many times until you're going to lose your patience? And this person means well, they're not even doing something that's not bad.

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How patient can we be in the face of wrong and transgression,

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any little thing that happens to us, we're ready to use all the tools at our disposal to turn the screws on that person and influence their behavior.

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This happened to the Companions too, we'll talk about it in just a second.

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So this hadith is talking about one of the general right, there's like many of Allah's names that we've discussed before, they have a general import an application, and then there's a more specific one. So the general inputs of Allah's being alive for this does apply to the entire creation in this exact sort of way. He delays their punishment,

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until they at least have an opportunity to repent, even though even though he already knows who will repent and who won't. He already knows it.

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Yet, he will still

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let out the rope, let out the rope. Give them an opportunity.

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He continues to grant people not only not only will he not punish them, he will continue to grant them the good things in life.

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Generally speaking,

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no matter how evil the person is, no matter how poorly intentioned,

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Allah subhanaw taala will keep providing for that person.

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So the example that I was thinking of happened at the happened to Abu Bakar. Right recall.

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Well, let's see. Can anybody recall I've given you half the story. An example of this sort of the opposite how how limited people are

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and their patience for wrongdoing. Mashallah, I sent it exactly that it's the incident of the if, right if referring to the slander that was against eyeshadow, the Aloha

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Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu was very wealthy, as we know.

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And there was somebody who was close to him, who he was supporting financially. His name was Mr.

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and Miss doc was was tied up in this if he was partially responsible for the spreading of this rumor against his own daughter

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Subhan Allah, and he did what anybody else would do.

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He said, I'm not going to spend on him anymore. That's it. I'm cutting him off.

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punishing him teaching him a lesson.

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This is how we operate. What are the tools I have at my disposal? Whether they are financial tools, or they are emotional tools, guilt, a big one that we use shame.

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Trying to make the other person uncomfortable enough

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until they change their ways.

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But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he confronted Abu Bakr basically saying, all this time were you doing it? Were you supporting this stuff? Just to get something in return?

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Was it really business this whole time?

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And not something sincerely for ALLAH SubhanA Hertzog?

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Because if it was sincerely for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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then it wouldn't matter whether he cursed you whether he crushed your daughter whether he did anything.

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It would have no relationship to what you were doing.

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But if it's business Ah,

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you get

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Yes, but you expect some sort of treatment and return. You expect him to maybe be humbled to you to be nice to you

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to protect your honor, this is business. You're trading your money for this sort of protection.

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And so when Abu Bakar realized, the point the prophets of Allah Holly was salam was trying to make he resumed

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paying for that person and supporting them.

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Don't we do the same thing?

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Especially in marriage, especially in marriage, people do this all the time.

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They want the other person to change.

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They're willing to work on themselves, I'm going to become more patient. I'm going to make my night prayers. I'm going to make the Sunnah prayers, I'm going to learn Quran, I'm going to all this.

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And then they're tested. Because they see that their spouse is not changing either. Their spouse is not changing along with them.

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That their spouse is not becoming a more thoughtful person, a more considerate person, a more pious person. They're not becoming more appreciative.

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And so the person wants to give up, they say, What was I doing all this for? I was doing this changing myself and proving myself because I wanted my spouse to improve themselves. And now my spouse is not improving themselves.

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Is that doing it for Allah? subhanaw taala? Or is that business?

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That's business. It's business. All of that extra things that you were doing all of that self improvement, it wasn't for Allah. You wanted a happier marriage? You wanted

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more back rubs?

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You know, I don't know maybe more chores done for you, whatever it is more more time to read whatever it could have been not to trivialize these things. They feel they're very emotional.

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But, but

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you can't pretend that you're doing the things for Allah when you're expecting something in return. No, that's not the way of the believer. The way of the believer is to focus on the process, and relinquish the results.

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Right. We don't work on ourselves for anybody else in this creation. Whether it's a spouse, whether it's a parent,

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and especially as somebody who was not born into a Muslim family, I understand this psychology.

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I want for example, my parents to become Muslim.

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Someone can be tempted to think that okay, if I do this and this and this and this right, then

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I'll get what I want.

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Allah will make the Muslims

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if that's my attitude, what happens after the years passed, the years passed, the decades pass? And they don't become Muslims? Do I get angry at Allah?

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Was I all that work I was doing? Was it for Allah? Or was it for something that I wanted? That was in this world?

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Very, very tricky. This is why the prophets Allah is sometimes talked about intention so much. Because in the meta Armando vignette,

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every action is driven by an intention.

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And every person will be rewarded according to their intention. So this is the most important thing that we can focus on and try to purify.

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This is also why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam he compared to via showing off a Schickel esalaam Miners should he compared it to a black ant, crawling on a black rock, in the middle of a moonless night.

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Because you can take the most beautiful act in the world.

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And you can introduce very, very, very easily into that act.

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Just a little bit of wanting something in return.

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It's wanting praise from other people wanting other people to notice.

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Anyway, back to our original topic. This is Abu Bakar, the best of mankind after the profits.

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Right, like the best of our Ummah, after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam.

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And even he succumbed to this kind of technique, this delusion. He could use his control. He wasn't able to be patient, at least initially.

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Whereas Allah subhanaw taala people do worse than that to Allah. Not that Allah is affected by it. Of course he is Avani No, he's not affected by it. But they do worse to Allah. They don't believe in Allah. Allah gives them everything.

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They swear he doesn't exist. I swear there's no afterlife, and this and that and the other and they spread corruption upon earth.

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And the law not only

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doesn't punish them. He keeps giving, he keeps giving, he keeps giving subhanho wa taala. I feel.

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So that's the general aspects of this name and I feel and then we have the specific aspect which is reserved for the believers, the pious, the repentance alone, may Allah make us from among them

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because Allah subhanaw taala will never hold a grudge against the believer if they repent.

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Sincerely. It doesn't matter what you do, or how far astray you go. If you turn around and repent sincerely to Allah, He will never hold that grudge against you. That is awful.

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Human beings are sensitive.

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If somebody does something to you, let's talk about the big stuff. Right?

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horrible things.

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Everybody has limits. And we're not saying that people should not have those limits. Now, this is our nature. There's only so much that we can bear. We are going to hold a grudge. We're going to use it as information to stay away. If that person turns around. Someone who had abused us for years.

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Even if they came back to us as a sincerely repented, reformed person, it would be hard, it would be difficult, extremely difficult to accept that person. It will be traumatic. There's so much psychological kind of literature around these sorts of topics triggering, right?

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You would be very liable to relive that trauma every time you even looked at that person.

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Somebody can spend their entire life committing ships, idolatry, polytheism, Xena hammer everything all of their lives and then in the last moment, they can sincerely repent to Allah and Allah will not hold a grudge against that person. Oh, we'll accept their repentance

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said that if you came to Allah subhana wa Taala with sin, such that it reached where it failed the heavens and the earth.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala would forgive you if it was sincere repentance.

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And another Hadith he said some Hola Hola, yo Salam, that if your sin was as numerous as the fall of the sea or the bubbles in the ocean,

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same thing.

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Allah subhanaw taala will not hold it against you if you come to him and sincere repentance.

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Allah is Allah I fall because he's constantly erasing our misdeeds our transgressions and our sins, from our books and we don't even realize

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good deeds erase the bad. Every prayer that you make, erases the minor sins that occurred in between them from Giamatti Juma as well from an emerald tomra as well.

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All of these things that are automatic.

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You we don't even realize the things that we've accumulated, the the burdens that we bear that we carry on our backs. And the law is just erasing, or he's at least he's set up the mechanisms to just keep erasing, erasing, erasing. This is an awful

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he's not even going to tell you about it. And I feel

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a lot also purifies us through the trials and the calamities that he gives us the hardship, the unfulfilled hopes.

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We wanted a relationship. We wanted a child we wanted a job.

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We once had a good relationship with our sibling or our parents. We tried and it didn't happen.

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Not to mention the other things the tsunamis and the earthquakes and the the war and everything that's our world is filled with

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everything every single thing that Allah sends us

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is purification is purifying us erasing those sins and we don't even realize it a lot.

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So this covers an awful

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we also mentioned a two web

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tab a a tube will refers to in in the Arabic language attorney or a returning turning back.

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And so a to web

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both refers to

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the one who is it's also on the wasn't a facade so it connotes intensity and repetition, constantly turning to us and repentance constantly.

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guiding the believers to turn to Allah and repentance.

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Constantly granting and the acceptance of that repentance.

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And in the name of the Toa we find

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we find a practice

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that every believer

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should institute in their life as a pattern, the pattern of turning

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the pattern of returning back to Allah.

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There's a turning that happens before sin and a turning that happens after sin.

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The turning to a law that happens before sin is Nikkor. remembering Allah subhanaw taala and remembering His names that are full of our file, a wall full of Rahim, Rama and Helene Latif, many of them we've already covered.

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Because remember, it's not only gives the hearts peace as a last set,

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but it also keeps us far away from sin, as most sin happens because of our temporary forgetfulness of Allah subhanaw taala and his maraca, his watchfulness over us.

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So there's the turning that happens before and there's a turning that happens after we sin because it's inevitable we will. We must, it's our nature, it's our shortcoming.

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We depend upon Allah for forgiveness. Afterwards, we have Toba, we turn after we turn back to Allah, such as our dependence every single sin that we make. It's our responsibility, yes, but there's also a hidden gift inside of it. And that hidden gift inside of it is proving our dependence upon Allah subhanaw taala.

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Without the difficulty without the shortcoming, without the failure, we might be more prone to imagine that we don't depend upon Allah subhanaw taala in a similar way, that we don't need his help as much. We might forget, we might be in cruise control.

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With the fact that we keep messing up and keep messing up and keep messing up to the believer, keeps us turning back to Allah subhana wa Tada for His mercy.

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As a beautiful Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said,

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he said that Allah subhanaw taala

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is happier,

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at the repentance of his servants,

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then if a man was traveling in the desert, by himself, just he and his cattle

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and that man, lost his calm.

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Now, imagine what this means somebody in the desert, they cannot survive very long.

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Right? The desert is someplace that you travel through as quickly as you can.

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Because of its harsh conditions, there's no chance for life to thrive there. Water is extremely scarce. And so the elements are extremely harsh. If you're they're exposed.

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For just a matter of days, you will perish as many have

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and so the prophesy Saddam, he gave an example here, of somebody who's traveling through this treacherous terrain,

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and they lose,

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they lose their only chance of safety, their only opportunity to pass through

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this place unharmed, a camel.

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And so the person becomes weaker and weaker as they're exposed more and more to the point where they're on the verge of death.

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And then what should happen but their camel just comes running back to them.

00:28:54 --> 00:28:56

And the province of the law has said I'm here to screw described it.

00:28:57 --> 00:29:09

He described the person as so happy, this person who finds his capitalist capital came back to him as so happy that he starts speaking and he tries to praise Allah but he screws it all up.

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He thanks the capital and puts the capital in the place of Allah is a thank you camo for

00:29:17 --> 00:29:23

returning my Lord. He switches the order of the words He's so beside himself stammering

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in his relief

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and so Allah subhanaw taala is happier than that.

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When one of us who sins returns back to him.

00:29:42 --> 00:29:51

A lost power to Allah is happier than that. For somebody who lived the life of Allah Afula of heedlessness didn't pray

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nominally Muslim.

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Then the light goes on. And he starts coming

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came back, she starts coming back, she starts to wear hijab,

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he starts to pray, he starts to care, he starts to wonder what Allah wants from him in his life.

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She starts to have concern for what will actually please Allah.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:28

A lot is happier than that, that person in the desert. With this sort of scenario, this person coming back.

00:30:30 --> 00:30:43

And so when we keep in mind this reality, that's what makes a lot of happiest of all. It also reminds one of the hadith of Protestantism Beshear with one or two nephew. Yes, it will have to ask you

00:30:44 --> 00:30:46

you said give glad tidings and don't chase people away

00:30:48 --> 00:30:51

and make things easy for the people and don't make them difficult.

00:30:54 --> 00:31:01

When you realize how happy and pleased Allah is, with someone returning to them

00:31:05 --> 00:31:28

it inshallah will affect your orientation towards these people because everybody in our lives we have people part of our families, part of people in our most local Muslim community that are they're not practicing. Right? And for somebody who's practicing mashallah, listening to me ramble on and on for 40 minutes, multiple times a week, you're pretty practicing Mashallah.

00:31:30 --> 00:31:35

So it can be very, very, it's a fraught situation to deal with such people.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:43

We often rely on guilts let's be honest, we often rely on guilt veiled threats,

00:31:44 --> 00:31:53

emotional appeals, this sorts of things. Think about how happy Allah be Subhan Allah to Allah. If that person returned to them even in a minor way,

00:31:54 --> 00:31:55

even in a minor way.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:08

It should influence our attitude towards these people and try to guide them gently back in a beautiful way. As much as possible. Well, low data.

00:32:10 --> 00:32:14

I'll share a story just because it's not enough time to share the the start the next chapter.

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Sheikh Abdullah,

00:32:17 --> 00:32:39

Sheikh Abdullah is my my Sheikh in Medina, this shouldn't be it. And we would love to crowd around him after his Tafseer class was over and people would come from hajj and umrah and they would ask him questions and so we would benefit a lot from these questions. I remember always there was, I remember the ones there was a man from Algeria.

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And he said, he said to the chef, he said, Oh, Chef,

00:32:46 --> 00:32:49

Jedi liaison, so my my neighbor doesn't pray

00:32:52 --> 00:32:55

and share how the looked at him and he said don't tell them to pray.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:05

Everybody their eyes got wide. They're like what did what did they say? Did he tell him to not tell him to pray? No, don't tell him to pray.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:09

He said invite him over to your house.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:14

Sweets tea little gifts

00:33:15 --> 00:33:17

become friends

00:33:18 --> 00:33:24

get close know his kids know his parents this sort of where he's coming from his situation.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:34

Then one day long down the road. Maybe months go by invite him over to your house just maybe 20 minutes before the prayer time.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:38

And then the event goes off

00:33:40 --> 00:33:44

and you say to him hey it's time to pray let's let's go pray.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47

He said he won't be able to say no.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:55

And this is true this is how people this is how people are the promises I said on the first thing that people in Medina heard him say

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was going to go rough man. Well after salon for up to a month I'm terrible Jana Bisola.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:06

Worship the Most Merciful

00:34:07 --> 00:34:15

spread slams feed the people you will answer paradise peacefully. Allahu Taala on anybody have any questions before we dismiss?

00:34:37 --> 00:34:38

So someone sent a

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message to me that's a very, very good thing to to keep in mind is that oftentimes we get frustrated or impatient with people who are merely before. They're like we used to be all right, whether they're younger or not, whether they're younger or not, but oftentimes they're younger. Right?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

And so we hold them to the standards of who we are now.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:10

And we do a lot of head shaking and finger wagging and

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express our disappointment. Right.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:22

When in reality we used to be in the same exact situation a lot also says this to the to the Muslims about the Kufa.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:27

Right and so to Toba

00:35:28 --> 00:35:46

and Surah Tober he says when he went to law says Subhana data to identify to don't just go killing people before you inquire of their faith. And then the law says what? Weren't you in the same situation? Just yesterday? Just yesterday, you all were idol worshipers?

00:35:47 --> 00:36:00

How can you guys not all of them of course not. Mohamed Salah said I'm not Abu Bakar but many of the Muslims so how can you just be so rash and hasty when these people are just exactly where you were? Just a little bit ago?

00:36:03 --> 00:36:05

That's a very good a very good reminder

00:36:15 --> 00:36:28

so the question is the name is mentioned in the IEA. Regarding the effect of Abu Bakr is a call for Rahim is the wisdom because Abu Bakr felt hurt and wanted to stop the support but then corrected himself subsequently?

00:36:35 --> 00:36:40

I'm not sure I completely understand the question. Are you saying the wisdom behind what behind the names of afford Rahim?

00:36:43 --> 00:36:50

Yes, short answer is yes. You find that Subhan Allah and i There are books written about it, I have a couple of them here.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:03

The flavor of many of the ads of the Quran, you can determine them from the names at the end of that a lot finishes certain is with

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00:37:08 --> 00:37:20

A lot of times when Allah knows that somebody who is pious and a believer is trying, but they have fallen short, or they might likely fall short.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:29

Allah often ends the verse with reminders of His Names that evoke mercy before Rocky,

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Whereas, if something is

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you can't compromise upon it, especially when it comes to issues of justice within the family, such as inheritance law, such as not mistreating your wives.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:00

Right. Allah subhanaw taala has a whole different tone. And he achieved that tone both of the difference names that he uses Aziz and Hakeem often

00:38:01 --> 00:38:03

should easily recall sometimes as well.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:12

tilaka who doodle Allah, Sheikh Abdullah used to tell us every single incident

00:38:13 --> 00:38:32

or we should say, situation in which Allah uses Tiller who do the law take place because they are something that people take something light but in reality is very, very severe to violate this sort of thing. And it almost always has to do with oppression, oppression within the home such as the middle

00:38:39 --> 00:38:39

so yes,

00:38:41 --> 00:38:45

very, very well done. It's encouragement and it's

00:38:48 --> 00:38:57

he had already turned back and so Allah often kind of says to the believers basically don't beat yourself up about a lot as the former rocking.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:06

Right? Like you've tried okay, you aired you write it yourself. A lot of stuff. All right. Very good. Anything else?

00:39:19 --> 00:39:19

Meanwhile, Jakob,

00:39:21 --> 00:39:25

okay, thank you very much, everybody. I'll see you next time in sha Allah, salaam alaikum.

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