Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections When Are We Going to Let Allah Speak to Us Directly

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The title of the Quran is a mirror that reflects individual's condition and gives back something related to that condition. It provides a reminder for people to read and reference the message, and is essential for avoiding feeling like they are wasting their time listening to the Quran. The importance of giving sada shit to people is discussed, and the transcript covers topics such as deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds, deeds
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Hamden girthier on the human mobile
reckon fee Mubarak anally he can mount your headboard. Buena Yato
Gil La Jolla who am Manuel was Salatu was Salam ala say you will
have you will Mustafa SallAllahu taala. Either you are either the
he was Safi or Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman cathedral Eli Yomi
Dean Amma bad
call Allahu de Baraka with data for the Quran emoji they will for
corneal Hamid Lacan
EECOM kita fie the crew come, fella therapy rune.
This is a verse from Surah Al Anbiya, which is chapter 21, verse
10, of Surah Al Anbiya, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We have
revealed to you our people we have revealed to you a book in which is
a message for you.
V the crew come in which there is a reminder for you, there is a
remembrance for you, there's a message for you.
When you then not understand,
will you then not comprehend
so this is a direct address to us that the Quran is a message
and this is something that we need to start thinking about how long
will it be that we just mashallah we read the Quran May Allah
subhanaw taala accept it, we read a lot of Quran 100 Especially in
Ramadan, our community has to be
acknowledged for reading lots of Quran. But when will we start
letting Allah subhanaw taala speak to us directly. When we start
understanding what Allah is saying to us, otherwise will pass this
life will go and then meet Allah and we would not have known what
he had directly said to us in his own words,
with some kind of understanding and comprehension. So this verse
is telling us the same thing of certain Gambia we've revealed to
you a book in which is a message for you, then will you not
understand it, but hamdulillah Inshallah, we're safe in the sense
that we get this message through other languages, through our
teachers through our Alma through our Beyonc we get the message
Alhamdulillah but there's just something else. When you look at
the Quran directly. For example,
we tell people to read the Quran, if you have a difficulty,
especially if you have a difficulty one of the best cures
and therapies rather therapies for this would be that you open the
Quran with a translation whatever language it is, or the English,
whatever language it is, and you will find so many things to
reflect on that our own griefs and worries will start to diminish.
We'll start realizing the sunnah to Allah He filled out which means
what is the way of Allah in this world? How does he do things in
this world?
We know the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what is the
Sunnah of Allah? We learned that from the Quran.
And the other benefits of reading the Quran is that it gives you a
Muslim massage, a true believers massage a true believers
perspective. How is that helpful? It's helpful in the sense that in
our Sharia, there's things which are very clearly halal, and
obviously halal and something which are obviously haram. But
unfortunately, there's a lot of things in between where we need
guidance because they're not neither clearly halal, neither
clearly haram.
They're a bit vague. Even the sometimes the odema differ about
So what do we do in those kinds of cases? What do you even do about
halal and haram? When you start reading the Quran and the Sunnah
you develop a massage of the Sharia. You develop the spirit,
the inclination, spiritual and a Quranic perspective on things and
that leads life much better that provides a much better
understanding of life. And it gives a lot more comfort. This is
generally what people miss out on. So
the Quran, Quran shakable Hassan Ali literally, Rahmatullah says
the Quran is like a clear mirror.
For anybody, it's a mirror that will reflect you.
So while it has a message that is universal to everyone, but if I
read the Quran, I'm gonna get in certain certain verses, I just
obviously clear that a very particular meaning. But in terms
of what I read between the lines and what inspiration I get for it,
I'm gonna get something different from what you get from what he
gets from what he gets from, everybody's gonna get their own
unique one based on their own condition. That's why the Quran is
a smart book. In that sense. It gives you back something that is
related to your condition. And that's the amazing thing about the
Quran, that it gives you something back according to your condition,
whatever your condition is, try it. I guarantee you that for a
certain person if you're a sensitive individual who's gone
instantly getting upset about small things. Does anybody suffer
from that? Somebody who generally has what's worse, or not worse was
not not necessarily doubts, but who's generally gets upset and
sensitive about little little things. And then they start
crying. Well, then don't waste your tears. If you're a person who
likes to cry easily, sometimes.
You know, it depends on it. Sometimes women have more of the
issue than men who just like to cry more easily. It's a very
valuable asset to be honest, to be able to cry easily. There's people
on the 27th night they can't cry, though. They're trying. They just
can't cry. They don't know how to cry. They've never cried since
they were young. Or maybe and when they're young didn't cry, I don't
know. And mashallah, there's some people who just keep crying for
and just losing their tears. They're just willing to cry in
front of people in private wherever it is, keep trying. So
use your tears, believe me, you've got an asset. You need to channel
them in the right direction, open up Quran. Take one with a good
translation. And mashallah, now we have many, many, many
translations. That's why our orlimar wrote the translations
even hazard money suicide,
our show because it only some Matata. So Rahim Allah even before
he passed him Hamdulillah he had the Quran, translation in order to
a simple order, and many, many other trends is for us to read.
It's not for them, or only they know the Arabic it's for us to
read. So you start reading, and believe me within a page or two,
you will find something to cry about. Pour your emotion because
just need to release emotion.
Just cry.
The other place you can cry, is when you feel like crying, instead
of again wasting it just put your hands up to Allah and cry to Allah
in a DUA. And it'd be much more useful. Don't waste your tears.
So there's many, many things you'll get out of the Quran. When
you read it. There's so many things you will think about. And
it just helps to straighten out. It's like a, it's almost like a
spellbinding book in that sense. So shakable has anybody says that
it's a transparently clear mirror, in which everybody can see their
own image. If I read it, I will realize what my issues are.
Because I'll be able to relate to some of the things that Allah
subhanaw taala has criticized, has condemned.
And there'll be other things which I can thank Allah subhana wa Taala
for so because it goes in accordance to what I'm finding in
And this is how the owner Ma, this is how our ancestors, this is how
they develop the message. They have such a strong believers missa
missa urge,
a temperament. It's from that they didn't treat the Quran as some
kind of archaic book,
some kind of
Tales of
Old communities.
Allah subhanaw taala is very selective in the stories that he
mentioned and the details in the stories he mentions.
He only mentioned me in many cases, just bits of different
stories in different places. Because the main purpose of those
stories is to take a lesson
is not just to tell you a story. The use of Elisa long story, Allah
specifically singles and says this is one of the best stories, but
again, it's full of because every part of it is a virus that was
made to go through so many different hurdles in life, so that
we can learn from one of those hurdles or the other hurdle. You
know, an orphan can learn from the man who's discriminated against
can learn from the a person who is abandoned, rejected a person who
has lost their parents, a person who has become slandered, you
know, for something they didn't do. A person who becomes the
Minister of the Interior for agriculture distribution, a dream
interview, I mean, it's got so many different things that we can
relate to people who look at the Quran that what they will find as
a result, rather, they won't have much difficulty in figuring out
solutions to things.
So, let us look at one particular incident, there was a person
called enough ignore case.
He was one of the web closely related to it, even though we
thought they were the Allahu Anhu.
And once you read the verse
of the Quran, which says Laqad
EComm kita fie. The crew come Fela Aquino on this verse that I just
We've sent this reminder to you.
We did not understand it. So it kind of woke him up. And he said
I need to look at this. I need to see where mine
mention is in here because the Quran is a reminder for you so I
want to see what it's reminding me of. What's the personal message
for me in here?
So I can check who I'm closer to who I am like. So this is give us
give us one idea how to read the Quran. Okay. And I want us in the
month of Ramadan aside from your Quran reading, I want you to try
this at least once but every day spend 1520 minutes at least
reading through a translation
and pondering aside from your you know our two hours of reading that
you do do some pondering Inshallah, you will benefit hugely
now he passed by a group of people that are mentioned in the Quran
inserted there yet. So he, it was gone. Oh, Connie Elam, Mina, Lee,
Lima, Jeroen, or bill as hardy home yourself your own? Well, we
am worthy him how colorless
at Walmart room. So that's the group that he passed by. And that
was a group that sleeps very little.
They sleep a little.
And then they are seen making SFR at Saturday time. So they've slept
little, which means they've done worship. And at the end of the
night of all of that worship, where they should be saying that,
Oh, I've done so much worship, to actually doing so far that Allah
forgive us. This was the way of the sahaba.
And in their wealth is the right for those who ask and those who
are deprived. So there are people who are generous and who spend
from the world. So he looked at the verse and he said, Am I from
these or not?
Can you see how he's interacting with the Quran?
Thereafter that he passes by another group of people in Surah
Ali Imran Lavina you feel cool enough is
Eva Daraa evil Cara we mean Allah is our la fina and in
what Allah who you a bull Martini. These are people who spend both in
prosperity and in adversity.
They spend both when they have and when they don't have and when they
are in need themselves. They're still spending
and they're controlling of their anger.
And they are very pardoning of people they forgive people they
don't indulge and keep pursuing small small petty issues and
wasting their time.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala loves these doers of good, Allah loves
the doers of good. So when I'm reading this, am I thinking do I
there's some people in Africa when we went there to Senegal, we heard
about one scholar, whatever he used to get, he was a prominent
scholar. He's got lots of money that coming in, but he used to
make it like he gets the money and then he gives it away. Because he
had lots of people. There's lots of poor people, so he used to help
a lot of poor people.
He never had to do the cut. Zakat was never wajib on him. He never
had approximately saving of 300 pounds nisab never has. But he
thought you know what, I'm never going to be able to fulfill this
obligation of zakat
exists delimiter Munna Hui i should also pay zakat,
right, I should also pay zakat. So he said so what he did one year
was that he kept back, you know, zakat nisab amount,
so that he could have a year go pass and then he paid zakat on it
so you can say okay, Al Hamdulillah fulfill my zakat. I
have the mother of fulfilling zakat as well. Lots of people are
looking for an easy side business. Right and what's the best side
business you've already got a full time job you want to make a bit of
extra income. I mean, mashallah the women they've got they can
bake cakes, like Instagram is full of them. Every area has I don't
know how many mashallah new bakers in town. Otherwise roti makers,
right and when it comes to Ramadan, so Musa has and all of
these things Marshall hamdulillah Baraka there's, of course, you
know, Allah bless everybody. And guys, what what's your side
business, you're looking for that ideal investment, generally only
find about ideal investments after they finished. You know, somebody
tells you I, oh, it's finished now. Right? Because Subhanallah so
what's the best side business you can do for an extra income? How do
you earn a bit of a side extra income? about Uber? That's an easy
one now mashallah, you know, it's very easy. Just sign up and have
the right car and you can do a bit of Uber on the side, weekends, and
so on. However, believe me, I'll give you a side business which
works give some sadaqa regularly
and I'm not joking. It works. You won't have to do obey in sha
Allah, give some sadaqa and I say that from the Quran, Allah
subhanho wa Taala says,
me Euclid, Allah
Harkonnen hacer una, who is the one that will give a goodly loan
to Allah. So whenever we giving sadaqa it's a loan to Allah,
because we're the poor. They're representing Allah subhanho wa
taala. Because that's Allah's command for us, because everybody
is Allah's creation. So that's what it is. So
who gives a goodly loan to Allah? For your daughter if a hula hoop
or the elephant cathedra, Allah subhanaw taala will multiply it
many times over.
Multiple, many times over. And there's number of verses like that
in the Quran.
One brother I met in hedge is a doctor in Chicago.
And a few Ramadan's ago.
He sponsors one if that student every year, he's been doing that
for the last two, three years. So that two years ago, I think it was
a kind of two years ago, I think it was two years ago.
It was during the last 10 nights, he says, I'm going to send the
money then for the last 10 nights.
And so he sent the money.
Then, a day or so later, he sent me a long message, I think I've
still got the message. He said, I sent that money. I also sent to
our local institutions, I also gave them a sizable amount. So I'm
sure he donated several 1000 pounds, and he said, I depleted my
bank balance. Right, I depleted my bank balance, meaning I didn't
have much left. And I was and I looked at it and you know, there
is him as a human being like, am I going to have enough for the next
bills and things like because he really went and just spent, you
know, in the path of Allah. So it's I was just thinking about
them. And he said, I got a call, he's a doctor, he goes, I got a
call from somebody who needed consultation services. And
basically, the amount was going to be way more than what I just paid.
Allah secured me straightaway.
This happens on multiple occasions, and I'm sure you may
have experienced some of that. But the way the best way to do it, the
easiest way to do it throughout the year is to do a direct debit
Alhamdulillah Allah has made it easy. When is you have to remember
to keep taking Sadhak out you can do that these people have
some really creative ways of doing that at home. But the other way is
just to do a direct debit as less or as more do it diversify number
of different organizations on the welfare trust ICD white thread
Institute. And whoever else there is, you know, whatever you want to
give to even five pounds, 10 pounds, whatever it is, and it
just keeps going. And the other thing you will do is you'll
protect your money.
Because remember,
whenever we earn money, there's some dirt that could come into it
because the economy is you know, it's a big bubble. And while we
may be trying to earn a holler living, but where our money comes
from, it could be tainted or whatever. So in Hadith in Muslim,
the Zakat zakat particularly is what's the whole and wildness is
the dirt of the wealth of people. That's why we don't use it in
masjid and things like that. Right? It's only for the poor,
very specific, and the other categories that Allah subhanaw
taala has mentioned.
So these are the people who spend in both good times and difficult
times. I tell people like even students like you're struggling,
give even a pound a week.
I mean, a pound a week is a joke now to be honest, I mean, in terms
of inflation, everything, but give something in and you'll see it
will keep coming back the baraka you get will be absolutely
amazing. I'm telling you this from experience. I'm not saying this
just based on what I'm reading, I'm telling you this from
experience of many, many people. The thing is you have to try to
first get the experience. It's one of those where I believe in it,
but I haven't seen it yet. Well you're not going to see it if you
don't spend so spend
the minimum Allah subhanaw taala promises is he says that it's like
a seed you put that seed becomes how many
sunblock seven ears of corn, every ear of corn has 100 seeds on
there. So that's 700 that's the minimum.
Okay, then he carried on. Then he passed by another group of people
insert a hash of verse nine, where you're a pharaoh and
fusi him Allah who can be him Hassall so women you can show her
NFC for
ego homophily Haroon. They give preference over themselves
priority over themselves, even if they are in severe need, even if
they have severe hunger themselves. This is based on that
story of that sahabi, who brought the guest of the Prophet
sallallahu. If you remember, this was one of the verses that was
revealed in and then it says whoever is protected from the
greed of the heart, then these are the successful ones. Whoever is
protected from the greed of the heart is the successful one.
This is talking about miserliness, miserliness, how do you define
laziness? You know, some of us are just stingy by nature. That's
fine. If you compare yourself to your own brothers and sisters, you
will find that some of us are more intelligent than somebody else.
Some of us are more laid back. Some of them are more particular.
Some of us are a bit more angry, some of us are a bit more stingy
some of the most more, would you call it generous? Now, we're not
punished for whatever. However, Allah has made us with the
qualities or challenges Allah as creators, but if we use it in the
wrong way, then then we are in trouble for that. So where does
Where does miserliness and stinginess become a problem in
three places where the Sharia makes it obligatory to spend and
you don't, where it recommends you spend and you don't, or where
social common decency demands that you spend and you don't.
So for example, where you have where surely obligates you is the
cat, so the counterfeiter if you don't spend them, then it's
clearly It's haram that's wrong, where the shinier recommends you
spend general sada card relief, and all of these things, there's a
collection for Palestine or for the Rohingya, whatever and
mashallah, everybody's got water in their eyes and their spending
and you're like,
not sure, you know, I'd like to spend but I've never done it
before, you know, for whatever, whatever is going on.
And the third one is common decency.
Just where commonly people spend the next change gifts for
examples, people send food to one another's house.
Don't a lot of the time, it's like they sent it out. So we sending it
to the house, that neighbor doesn't send we're not gonna send
That's not the way in Islam, the Islam is that you send it
regardless of whether they give you anything back, don't even
expect I actually feel a bit embarrassed when somebody gives
something back. Like just just give.
Just give yourself everybody gives your children Ed, you don't give
it to anybody because it's better.
It's not mentioned anywhere in the Quran sunnah to give EDS. So you
say it's better.
But you're okay to let your children accept it. You go to a
and everybody's eating, and then you finish eating and then the
bill comes and you go to wash your hands.
There's nothing what you guys laughing there's nothing wrong
with washing your hands. Or my teaching you bad ideas.
Just stinginess, I mean stinginess, you know, it can be
remitted. That's what I'm saying. It can be remitted. You know, what
would the world be if we did not exchange things? What would the
world be? What kind of a social life where humans are social
beings? Humans are social. If we don't give to one another? Where
are we going to be? People don't give me if I don't give to people.
What kind of love can we engender? Right? So
think about it from that perspective. It's a therapy.
According to one friend of mine, the research he's done, he's
actually got a book on it, thinking Person's Guide to
happiness. If you want happiness, he puts it down to one thing he
said, give, give, give, give, and you will be happy. And then he
shows that Allah subhanaw taala says that the because at the end
of the day, you know what the ultimate reward is in paradise.
It's Allah giving, giving, giving, giving.
What is paradise? It's the gift of Allah. And he gives and gives in
paradise, to an amazing level
that you're going to get from giving. And that doesn't have to
be just money, giving everything giving other things of your life
as well.
May Allah make that easy for us? Thereafter that he passed by
another group of people?
In surah two Shura, verse 37, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
well, Larry Wallasey, nya Jetta and Ivana Acaba,
Ural if mu alpha he Shaohua is how the Boo meow if you own these are
the people who avoid the big sins. They are careful about falling
into big sin
evil immoral acts.
Today, it's so easy to be immoral to do immorality. So they avoid
that. And if they do get angry, then they are forgiving their
pardoning so they don't allow the anger to overcome them. You see,
some of us have natural anger. We just have to learn to calm down a
bit. And some people have very less anger. They don't even get up
even if they're abused. Or even if their religion is abused or their
parents are abused. They need to wake up a bit. It's a balance.
Some of us have shortcoming in some things, someone's have too
much of something we just need to balance that's the challenge as
human beings challenge only the professor Lawson was perfect in
every bit of character.
Thereafter that he passed by another group of people in
In Surah, two sofort. Anyway, firstly, after seeing all of this,
he said, I don't recognize myself in any of these people.
This is not me, that was his reflection that is not me, Man, I
wish I could do more of this that is not me.
And then after he carried on reading and he passes by verse 35,
a surah to Salford in whom, who either Tila hula in love Allah who
you stick beehoon These are the people when it said to them law, a
law a law that there is no God except Allah. They act arrogantly,
the ACT arrogantly, the disbelievers.
circle with the fear he passes by another group where Allah subhanaw
taala is saying to them Myrcella Kuhn V Sarkar. Palolem Nico Minal
mousseline one I'm not going to show you a model miskeen we're
gonna hold on I'll have a green one. Okay. We will be here we'll
meet Dean.
What is it that entered you into the Hellfire they would respond.
We never used to pray. We never used to feed the miskeen. It's
talking about Cofer talks about a characteristic of feeding. See,
Allah wants feeding to happen.
And we used to just indulge with the indulgence in in wrong things
in redundant things in trivial things. So we denied and we denied
we denied the Day of the Day of Recompense the day of hisab we, we
denied the hereafter, essentially.
So he says, Oh Allah, I exonerate myself from these people. I am
definitely not one of these people. I don't find myself in the
first group. But these people, I'm definitely not part of them.
Finally, in sort of two Tober, he gets to the verse 102, which says,
What Haruna I thought of who will be who will be him holla to Anil
Saudi who horas de Isola, who ng to bury him in Allah or fool
Rahim. And there's another group who are confessing of their sins.
They know they've sinned, and they're confessing their sins.
They have mixed up good deeds with bad Z, bad deeds. So this is a
group where they've mixed up good deeds with bad deeds, that
confessing of their sins, and it is very likely that Allah subhanaw
taala will accept their repentance because Allah subhanho wa Taala is
all forgiving, and all merciful. And so then he says, Oh Allah, I
am from this group of people.
But that's a journey that he took, that's a journey that he took. And
that's a similar journey that we need to take as well. That kind of
a journey is just giving you an idea of how to reflect on the
is basically the ponder over the vessel that where am I with this?
Not where is that person with this? Where am I in accordance
with this? We need to do our own soul searching our own soul
searching. It is such a therapeutic thing. It is just so
comforting for a believer to do this because you're reading Allah
subhanaw taala this word we're getting to our heart because apart
from EC, the Quran Raiders that it prevents a presents profiles. The
Quran presents a number of profiles, profiles of believers of
righteous people that encourages us. It also sketches, profiles of
policies and unbelievers and wrongdoers, and oppressors, and
then shows what they're gonna get. So that helps us to reflect there
as well. So the Quran represents both individuals and communities.
It speaks about individuals, it speaks about communities and
nations as well. So let's look at the following for example. So at
Bacara Allah subhanho wa Taala says Wamena in Sema, you're Ijebu
Phil hayati duniya will you shave Allah Allah Murphy kabhi Hiva
Allah duel? Hasaan were either at our Sara Phil ordine UFC Daffy,
where you helical how's our nest? Wala hula you hate bull fossa?
Whatever paella who tequila other Tuileries to believe me for hasta
boo hoo Jahan, what a bit sell me.
There is a this is what Allah says in surah baqarah verse 2042206.
There is a type of man who speaks about this world's life may Allah
you and he calls Allah to witness about what is in his heart. Yet he
is the most contentious of enemies when he turns his back. His aim is
to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and
cattle. But Allah does not approve mischief. When it is said to him
fear Allah. He is led by arrogance to even more crimes when you set
him to be good. He gets even worse enough for him is * and evil
bad indeed to lie on. That's it
a sketch of a bad person. Contrast this to another verse in Surah Al
Baqarah, where Allah subhanaw taala says, and there is a type of
man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah and Allah is
full of kindness to his servants,
the Quran, the Quran, then in social media speaks about the
Yeah, you Hala Dina Maluma he altered the mu komang Dini he for
Sophia Tila will be called me you hate Boomer you hate buena Zilla
in Ireland more meaning or is sitting idle caffeine Yuja he
doing a fee Sabina he won a half moon Allah Almighty Allah in the
DECA Fabula Allah He ut human Yasha who Allah who has zero
Nadeem. So this is talking about a community. Allah subhanho wa Taala
says oh believers, if any from among you turn back from their
faith. Allah will soon produce a people whom He will love as they
will love him. They will be lonely with the believers meaning they
will be humble with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers
fighting in the way of Allah and never afraid of the reproach of
those who find fault. That is the grace of Allah which He will
bestow upon whom He pleases. Allah is all encompassing, and all
knowing that's one community Allah speaks about, may Allah make us of
them. The other community Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about
encircle Azzam
meaning meaning you know deja vu so the Houma hadoo lahardee FURMAN
whom called on the who I mean, who may toggle on but the luta Videla
verse 23 of circular has, again, even a better among the believers
are men who are true to the covenant with Allah. of them. Some
of them had fulfilled their pledge already, and some are still
waiting, but they have not changed their resolve in the least nothing
changes them they're still resolved to do the right thing.
Allah subhana wa Tada gives many many examples in the Quran. For
example, I mean, our time is coming to an end. Allah subhana wa
Tada there's a number of a you look for the word Dada. Dada Dada.
Allah gives an example Allah provides an example Allah provides
a parable. So here just mentioned one two from Surah Nahal Wodaabe
Allah Who Methoden Korea can mean atom motorman in netting Tihar is
Koha or the mill Cooley McCann. For Kefalas B and Moromi law he
further Kohala hollybeth sell jewelry will hopefully be Malka no
yes now rune. This is really something that we need to think
about because
some of this description definitely fits our condition in
the West. Allah sets forth a parable, a city enjoying security
and peace don't we enjoy security and peace Alhamdulillah and
abundantly supplied with sustenance from all sides?
I do updates galore. Mashallah. Wherever you go, now it's agile,
nothing less than agile Alhamdulillah.
Yet they will ungrateful to the favours of Allah.
So Allah made them taste hunger and terror in extremes, that is
what will I am always frightened. Because mashallah the prosperity
that we are experiencing? You know, that there's just so much
Alhamdulillah Allah has given us access to so much mashallah all
the fruits of the world are brought to your feet, you know,
when the mangoes of India will finish you'll get Pakistan when
they finish we'll get Bangladesh mango and then you get the Mexican
mangoes all year round. I mean, how Allah has brought everything
from around the world to our feets. Right Al Hamdulillah, Allah
has given most people the ability to spend and to indulge. And I get
really fearful, you know, how long is this going to last into sugar?
Tell your children to do shocker. When you are Iftar and you have
that good, you know Marshall, I just say to sugar to Allah, for
what He has given us, because if we don't do sugar, we're in
trouble. And if we do sugar, Allah will give us more. Teach your
children to do sugar to say Alhamdulillah when they get a new
garment when they get a new pair of shoes, whatever it is, just
teach them I'm telling you do it as you say loudly Allah Tala
cachaca. You know, thank Allah for this. All thanks to Allah, all
Praise to Allah that He gave us this, you have to put it into
action. And you'll see they'll pick it up in sha Allah.
So Allah made them taste hunger and Terran extremes closing in on
them like a garment because of the evil which they had wrought. So
the Quran presents many contrasting types. You get both to
reflect on so wherever we are, we get a benefit. That's the beauty
of the Quran. This is a short time that we had how much how can we
how can we encompass the beauty of the Quran in the short amount of
time but may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to start this. Find the
translation. You can get it from us at Academy
Good translations Masha Allah and start reading you know along with
your reading start reflecting and you will see that your life will
change in sha Allah may Allah change our life illuminate our
life may Allah raised us with the Quran May Allah illuminate us with
the Quran. May Allah elevate us with the Quran. May Allah subhanaw
taala guide us through the Quran May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless
us through the Quran May Allah allow us to defend the Quran May
Allah allow us to read the Quran to understand the Quran to reflect
the Quran to contemplate the Quran to study the Quran and to teach
the Quran and above all, may Allah allow the Quran to be a source of
intercession for us on the Day of Judgment. And may Allah subhanho
wa Taala make the Quran a source of prevention for us from the
hellfire and may Allah then elevate us with the Quran when we
read the Quran elevate to the highest levels of Jannah Allah
subhanho wa Taala except from us, Allah Houma and the Santa Monica
salaam to bark the other jewelry with the Quran Allah who may or
how you Yatta Yom Gramatik Minister Leith Allah Houma Yohanan
yurman Illa Allah Subhan Allah in the Quran I mean authority mean
does Allahu Ana Mohammed Amma Hua Hello? Yeah Medina Judi will Karim
yeah a caramel acromion where Hieronymous only in where Hiral
Martine Yeah, they'll generally will Crom Allahumma fildena
Wareham now if you know what I was looking at Allah homophilic Medici
the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah homophilic Muslim
enormously murder I mean you know and what we now hear him inhuman
word. Yeah Allah Ya Allah we asking for your mercy. Yeah Allah
we asking for your forgiveness of Allah we asking for your
blessings. We are asking from your generosity of Allah we asking from
your Rama, Oh Allah, Oh Allah we are sitting here we are listening
of Allah, we are spending time in your home of Allah. We thank you
for allowing us to do this. Oh Allah you have given us so much
more than so many others in this world. And on top of that, you
have given us the ability to say a shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa
shadow and Mohammed Abdullah who are a pseudo of Allah, we thank
you for this. We are grateful to you for this, our law makers of
those who are who have gratitude make us of those who remember you
abundantly Oh Allah make us of those who remember you abundantly
Oh Allah do not make us of those who forget you of Allah, our past
forgetfulness, our past, heedlessness, our past negligence,
our past shortcomings our past sins and transgressions. Oh Allah,
our shortcomings. Oh Allah forgive us for all of those things. Oh
Allah we have no other door to turn to Allah and we know that
your door is open for us. Especially in Ramadan. Oh Allah
you are writing people freed from hellfire you are waiting for small
small excuses to forgive people. Oh Allah. If we can't even produce
a small excuse then what kind of people are we? Oh Allah guide us
right grab us by the forelocks and enter us into paradise. Oh Allah,
Oh Allah do not allow anyone any one of us to turn away from here
without being completely forgiven today. Oh Allah, we ask You to
forgive those sins that bring darkness is to our homes of Allah,
those that have brought
hatred among people, those that have caused conflicts, those that
have taken the blessings away. Oh Allah, those that have taken the
comfort away. Those that have taken away all the goodness from
from our lives. Oh Allah, we asked you to forgive us. O Allah grant
us an insight to see what we are doing wrong. Sometimes we don't
even know that we're doing something wrong. Oh Allah, we ask
you forgiveness from those sins that have now become part of our
lives and we no longer even consider themselves anymore. Oh
Allah, Oh Allah. Make this Ramadan better than any Ramadan before it.
Oh Allah do not deprive us of the understanding of the Quran. Allah
Allah do not deprive us of the message of your message of Allah
do not deprive us of your words of Allah just the way you have given
us Tofik to recite the Quran abundantly, oh Allah allow us to
memorize more. Allow us to understand more and take the
message more Oh Allah allow us to study it. And oh Allah allow us to
be instrumental in teaching it. Oh Allah accept us all for the
service of your deen of Allah bless all of these masajid Oh
Allah bless those who have who have founded these massage and
they may not be around with us anymore, illuminate their graves
of Allah and those who are working in the massage who are working for
the massage Oh ALLAH. Accept us all for some kind of service and
Hitman those who are working for the organizations that are helping
your cause Oh Allah bless all of them and secure them, strengthen
them, protect them from all the fitness which are out there. Oh
Allah. Oh Allah, wherever this persecution either taking place or
about to take place. Oh Allah we ask you to pray for protection. We
ask You for protection and preservation of Allah allow us to
become stronger allow us to become more strengthened and fortified.
Oh Allah except our donors and make the remaining parts of
Ramadan even better than the previous part of Ramadan. Oh
Allah, we ask that you send your abundant blessings to our
messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam grantors his
company in the hereafter Subhan Allah because Allah is that your
ma Josefina was Sudan when I would want to say you know 100
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration and encouragement, persuasion the
Next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially, for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate which you take 20 Short modules and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more confident.
You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to live,
you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have this more
sustained study as well as local law here and Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.