Fatima Barkatulla – IslamiQA on Islam Channel #08

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of reciting the Quran in Arabic to reflect on the message of the Prophet and to ensure that it is rewarded in the Arabic language. They stress the importance of reading the Quran in Arabic to reflect on the message and recite it in a way that is rewarded in the Arabic language. The speakers also discuss the benefits of fasting, including reducing health risks and improving one's health. They stress the importance of praying for oneself and finding the perfect behavior, as well as the importance of praying for oneself and reciting the holy grail for comfort. They also discuss the importance of finding ways to increase in prayer and increase in deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Dear brothers and sisters As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. And welcome to this episode of Islamic cap. I'm your host, Fatima barkatullah and hamdulillah we've reached the month of Ramadan. How? How's your Ramadan going? Do you let me know, you can call in to the studio. The number will be on the screen in a moment. And you can also send your questions through WhatsApp to the studio. I'm here at your service to help you navigate and answer some of your questions regarding Islamic practices during this month, and any questions that you may have about Islam.

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So brothers and sisters, how have you been this Ramadan? How has it begun for you?

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Have you been preparing work? Did you feel prepared when you started? I know that many of us, once Ramadan has started, can often start feeling that we're falling short.

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But we shouldn't allow that to happen because Subhanallah Ramadan is like a treasure trove for us.

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You know, every single moment every single second is something that we should be trying to benefit from, is something that we can benefit from. When rewards are multiplied. We when we are fasting we're in a special state. And Allah subhanaw taala rewards us just being in that state just from withholding from food and drink. And doing that with the intention of fasting. Allah subhanaw taala is rewarding us for every moment. But beyond that Ramadan is the month of the Quran, isn't it?

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And we had a question that came into the studio about the Quran. And sister, she was asking, Can I read the Quran in English instead of in Arabic during the Ramadan period?

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And in answering that, I think I can highlight to you what I call the three R's, the three R's of Quran connection,

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and that those are reading, reflecting and reciting. So the sister is asking, Can I, you know, read the Quran in English throughout the month of Ramadan? The answer to that is, of course, a person can read the translation of the meaning of the Quran in English. And they should do that, especially if they don't understand Arabic, they should do that, in order to reflect on the Quran, and that's the second of my three R's. read, reflect and recite. But reading the Quran

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is actually rewarded in the Arabic language, right? So reading the Quran in its original words, because Allah subhanaw taala he revealed the Quran in Arabic, right, the the Quran is the speech of Allah, and it's in Arabic. And so in order for us to be rewarded for every letter for every word that we read, and for the baraka that we gain from reciting Quran,

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the Shiva that the Quran is, you know, the Quran is healing, in order for that to take effect. We read the Quran in Arabic, and that's what is actually, you know, what we will be rewarded for. So, I would encourage everyone, whether you understand the words in Arabic or not, you should read the Quran from the most half from the, you know, the physical copy of the Quran, if you can or from your phone. You know, nowadays there are apps from your tablet, read the Quran

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properly in the Arabic

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In addition to that, we should be trying to reflect on the Quran, that the bar what is known as the bar. And in order to do that we might take you know, rely on things like translation of the Quran, or a tafsir book of Tafseer which is the exegesis of the Quran. And that's also something that Allah subhanaw taala encouraged in the Quran, do they not ponder over the Quran? Allah Subhana Allah asks us, right. So yes, in Ramadan, we should spend time reading the Quran in our own languages as well. But that's that doesn't replace reading the Quran in Arabic. That's very important for us to note, you know, obviously if a person can't

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Read the Quran in Arabic, they don't have the ability to read, then you know they can do the best that they can and read a translation of the meaning. But you have to realize that it doesn't replace, it's not as to the same standard or to the same level. It doesn't have the reward attached to it, that reading the Quran in the Arabic language does. And then the third thing is reciting of the Quran. And what I mean by that is tilava and reciting deer reciting the Quran, in the Salah. That is also something that we are encouraged to do during Ramadan, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us whoever stands in prayer in Ramadan with Eman and hoping for reward, we have faith

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and hoping for reward then Allah subhanaw taala will forgive their sins, all of their previous sins. And in order to do that, that Qian when we stand in prayer, you know, especially the prayers that we do after the Isha prayer,

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the Tarawih prayer or the Tahajjud prayer, the prayers the extra, the Nawab fill prayers that we do after Isha

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we should try to spend time reciting Quran in those prayers, you know, whether you're doing it at home or whether you're doing it in the masjid, of course in the masjid, the Imam is reciting. But when you're doing at home, you know you can also recite without, you know, whatever you've memorized, whatever you've memorized, this is a chance for you to recite that.

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And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So I've got another question here.

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Let me have a look.

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Somebody is asking Salam aleikum? Please Is it okay to listen to Quran on mobile phone and follow it by reading with Quran

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I mean, there's nothing wrong with listening to the Quran in somebody else reciting it on the phone, for example, listening to a party reciting the Quran and then following it, within the most half. There's nothing wrong with that, you know, that could be one way of learning. But again, it doesn't replace you actually reciting and reading the Quran. Right? Brothers and sisters, when we do deeds, you know, we're using our limbs, we're using our tongue, we're using our bodies, we're using our hands, our feet, we're using our energy

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to worship Allah Subhana. Allah, these actions are a sign of our iman. And so things like reading the Quran, they can't be replaced. Simply by listening to the grant, that is not the same thing because one is passive. One is active, right? So, of course, there's nothing wrong with listening and following. That's something people could benefit from maybe, you know, if they're just revising something, or if they want to just follow maybe they don't know how to read. That's completely understandable. But again, it doesn't replace actually actively reading. Okay, another question I have here.

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When distributing inheritance or writing a will, is it allowed to leave more for one son than the other.

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So, in when it comes to the shares of inheritance, when it comes to family members, these are fixed, right? So depending on who your heirs are, who you leave behind, whether you've got children or not, whether you've got a spouse, all of these factors will be factored in. And there are specific shares that have been mentioned for members of the family. Okay.

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But and so, for those members of the family who have been mentioned, and who are included in the fixed shares of inheritance,

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you wouldn't be allowed to give one member of the family more than another, right? of your own accord. In other words, if you have two sons, if a person has two sons, for example, and they are his heirs,

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it wouldn't be allowed to write in the will that you want one son to have more than the other. It doesn't work like that.

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In within your lifetime. If you've given them a gift, something like this, that's different and even then, you know, the Sharia encourages us, to be fair between our children, you know, to give if you give one sense

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don't think she'd give another son unless one is more needy than the other. Right? If so, if somebody has more of a need, and you might in your lifetime, I mean, while you're alive, you might want to give some one child something, because they have a particular need, another child doesn't. But after death,

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the shares of inheritance are already have already been assigned and fixed. So we don't tamper with those. However, you have a third of your wealth that you can assign to some cause or some other person may be who's not included in your inheritance, etc. Right? But when it comes to the actual heirs, their shares are

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already fixed. So that's not something that you should be tampering with. An Allah Subhana Allah knows best.

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I'm gonna look at some of the other questions that have come in. What is the purpose of fasting? One of the questions that's come in is what is the purpose of fasting?

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subhanAllah? That's a good question.

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Allah Subhana Allah made fasting, one of the following the month of Ramadan, one of the five pillars of Islam, one of the five essential things that every Muslim has to do, right. So the five pillars of Islam, or of course, the shahada, which is the testimony of faith. A shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow anna Muhammad risotto Allah making that statement and believing in that the second pillar of Islam is establishing the Salah. Right? The five daily prayers

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Fajr the harasser, Maghrib and Isha. The third pillar of Islam is fasting, fasting the month of Ramadan. So this one month, one lunar month, in the year, we fast every single day, from dawn until sunset.

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What is the purpose behind it? Subhanallah there are so many benefits, but Allah Subhana Allah Allah specifically says that he revealed this in order for us to attain taqwa in order for us to attain God consciousness. And if we reflect, we can think of some of the ways in which fasting helps us to attain God consciousness. You know, in this world, most people, when you look on the streets, when you're out and about, most people are walking around in a state of Afula. They're in a state of heedlessness, they don't really conscious about the fact that they have very limited time on this earth. And that one day, they're going to meet their Lord one day, they're going to have to answer

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for everything that they've done. And one day they will end up, you know, being judged by Allah and then

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having a life of eternity, either in Jana or Johanna, right? Most people are not conscious of that most people are not thinking about that.

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But Antiqua means that we do become conscious of that we become very acutely conscious. And we walk around in such as such a way that we don't forget that. And subhanAllah fasting has that effect, doesn't it? Have you noticed that when you're fasting, you start feeling that hunger, but first, it's almost like a constant,

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a type of ache that you're feeling, that is a constant reminder that you're a believer, a constant reminder that you've got to be careful, constant reminder to control yourself, right.

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Fasting has so many health benefits as well. I mean, apart from spiritual benefits, there are so many health benefits to fasting, our body gets a break, you know, our digestive system actually gets a break. And so what happens it actually goes into this,

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this kind of state where it starts to clean and detoxify itself. This is something that you can read about if you read about fasting. You know, at the moment, there's a huge trend of intermittent fasting people are fasting as a diet anyway, right? So they have like 16 hours of No, no food, usually it's not a dry fast. Hour fasting is a dry fast, dry fast means no food or drink.

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You know, people when they do it for health reasons, they sometimes do it with no food only. But there are also benefits to dry fasting that have been cataloged and you can look those up. Physically there are many benefits again, the body gets a break, it starts to cleanse itself.

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Actually people you know who studied longevity, they actually talk about how fasting is one of the means to increase a person's health and lifespan

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You know, of course we know that these things are written, but Allah subhana, Allah gives us fasting as, first of all as a spiritual,

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you know, healing. But,

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of course, there are so many physical benefits to it as well, it diminishes our,

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our desires as well, right? When we're in a state of fasting,

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our animalistic desires are diminished. And so because we're constantly reminded that we're in that state, it helps us to lower our gaze, for example, it helps us to be more in control of desires that may be, we find hard to control. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended didn't hear that if a person couldn't get married, when he speaking to a young person who couldn't get married, you know, he said, get married. And if you can't, fast, because fasting helps you control that desire. Right? Those are just some of the benefits of fasting. Allah subhanaw. Taala also says that fasting is for him. It's one of the most sincere deeds that we could ever do, right?

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Allah will personally reward it. Why? Because when you pray, when you do other actions, even when you give sadaqa, for example, it's something that somebody could know about, somebody could see and observe. And so there's always a slight danger that you might be doing it to show off. But when it comes to fasting, nobody really knows that you're fasting, right? Only Allah subhanaw taala really knows and you and so if you fast, it's one of the most sincere acts that you could do you give up food and drink something that's beloved to you, for the sake of Allah.

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And those are just some of the special things that fasting gives us. Okay, let me see.

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A Salam aleikum? Is that a particular dua to say before so whoever? I don't know of a particular specific blog to say before, so whoever,

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but you know, we should be making as much to as possible. And, you know, brothers and sisters, sometimes we think, and we want a specific blah for everything, right? And, in reality, Allah subhanaw taala loves for us to call on him sincerely, from the bottom of our heart, in any language that we know. Right? So the best dua is actually the DUA that comes from your heart in which you are as humble as possible in front of Allah, and that you're speaking from the heart, in your language. So never, never hold back waiting to find the perfect dua in Arabic. Right. And, of course, for those listeners, who who may be new to this terminology, is supplication. So when you call upon

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Allah, and that's something you can do 24/7 Wherever you are,

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at any point in time, right, it's our connection with Allah that we can have at any time. And so in Ramadan, of course, you should increase in dua, one of the doors that we could say, you know, the doors that are mentioned fall a little further, for example, right along my nigga for one to hebbal alpha five for Anna, that's a dua that we should be doing all night as much as possible, you know,

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when we're trying to seek little cover anyway. Right. So that's one I could mention. But specifically for suhoor. You know, really, we should be making as much thought as we can.

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The time of horror is, of course, part of the last third of the night. So it's a very special time when do as onset, especially if you're doing it closer to Fudger, right just before the dawn.

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So don't lose that opportunity. Make the most of that opportunity and make dua in your language from the bottom of your heart.

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Because I come allow, Harun

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salam Wa alaykum Can I follow the Hadoop or tarawih from Makkah from my television?

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I don't know what the question means by follow. If you mean Can I watch it? Can I benefit from watching it? Of course, that's fine. You can always watch and you can benefit from listening and it's wonderful, isn't it to to have a look at what's happening in Makkah and Medina etc. But if you mean, can you actually pray and have the imam from Makkah and Medina as your Imam through the television, then no, that's not something that you can do. And that's not something that you are

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expected to do at all, it's actually better for you, or actually wouldn't be a correct way of praying, right? What you should do is pray. If you don't know much Quran,

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you pray your own prayer, if you don't know much Quran, and this is an official prayer, in other words, the 100 prayers that you're doing, you can have almost half you can actually have either a small copy of the Quran in your hand, or if you have Quran on your phone, you can actually recite from that, okay? Or some people you know, they have like a stand, they keep a stand and they put almost half there.

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So that when they stand up, the must have is in front of them with a tablet is in front of them, and they can recite from it.

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But brothers, doesn't it kind of show you the importance of memorizing Quran, right? When Ramadan comes, you realize your own shortcomings, don't you when it comes to memorization of Quran, and you kind of wish I wish I knew this surah I wish I knew Surah Baqarah I wish I knew these beautiful tours of Quran so that instead of relying on a must have I could actually sound and just recite, you know, with all of my heart for this for Allah Subhana Allah Allah I could recite.

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And so in a way, it should remind us all that even after Ramadan, we will do our best to memorize Quran so that we can stand in, and we can recite from our memory.

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So I hope that answers the question. Just like love heron. We're going to see if there's another quick question I can squeeze in before the break.

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Please, if someone mistakenly eat something when fasting in Ramadan is here to repay the fast

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if you forget that you're fasting, and you eat something, or drink something, right, you forgot that you're fasting, and you just eat or drink something, then that is something that's completely forgiven as soon as you realize you should wash your mouth out, remove the taste from your mouth and continue fasting and there's nothing, nothing to repay.

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But if that fast is broken, right? So for example, somebody knows that they're fasting, and they swallow something. Right? Or they break their fast deliberately, then they've got to make up that fast afterwards. Okay, they've got to make up that fast afterwards.

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Okay, brothers and sisters, we're going to go to a break and after the break, I will continue to answer your questions to Zach Kamala heron, Salam o alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh as salaam alaikum, brothers and sisters, and welcome back, I just wanted to reiterate, for all of you that the fast of Ramadan are obligatory, you know, it's very important to realize that breaking fast in Ramadan on purpose, deliberately is a major sin is considered a major sin. And it's something that we've got to be very aware of and careful about, it's not something to be taken lightly.

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Just as all of the five pillars, you know, the five pillars of Islam, we mentioned three of them, and the others are, of course, Zakah, right, paying the zakah a certain percentage of our wealth every year, once it goes over a certain amount becomes do upon us, for the poor people, right? And of course, hedge once in our lifetime, if we are able, if we're able, if we can afford it, and if we have the ability and the means to do so.

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Those five pillars, brothers and sisters are the basic minimums. Those are the things that every Muslim is required to do. No other deeds are as important as those, right? So that's why you know, those are the ones that we should be emphasizing in our communities and making sure that we're not falling short on and the fast of Ramadan is one of those. In fact, there's a beautiful Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to women, that if a woman

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you know, prays a five prayers, and she fasts her month of Ramadan, and she Gods her chastity, and She obeys her husband, and she obeys her husband, then she will be she will be allowed to enter Jannah from whichever thought that she wishes Subhanallah Can you imagine? Can you imagine what a beautiful Hadith that is? You know, so, for those of us for women out there, you know, if we take this hadith to heart, we can see that there are a few simple things and

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has emphasized if we can, you know, take heed of them, then in sha Allah, Jana is ours, My Allah Subhana Allah, Allah unite us all, in Jannah together, brothers and sisters, you can call into the studio.

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So do do call in, and you can send your questions in through WhatsApp, in Sharla. I'm gonna endeavored to do my best to answer them. There's a question that a sister sent in to me.

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This is there's a question that sister sent into me earlier, which I must answer. She was asking, Is it okay to do a baby shower? Right? So basically a party

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for anticipating the birth of her baby? Is it okay to have some kind of party, you know, gather her friends and celebrate, you know, they'll probably bring gifts for the baby, for the mother. And that's it's like a western tradition if you like, right? Is there anything wrong with us doing that? And the answer to that is that, you know, when it comes to personal celebrations like that, that are not related to religion, okay, they don't have a religious history that don't have a religious significance, right? They're not kind of Christian, or Jewish or any other religious kind of festival or linked to that at all right?

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Then, those kinds of personal celebrations, they're fine, you know, it's fine for a person to

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have a party for any reason, right for any reason that they want to celebrate something.

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So there shouldn't be any issue with having a party for that. However, I would actually encourage brothers and sisters instead of having a baby shower, to have an appy occur after the baby is born, right to instead put your energy into preparing for some kind of party to have after the baby is born. When you're having the Akiko, which is, you know, where we sacrifice an animal and we distribute the meat to sheep for a boy, one for a girl. And we can invite all our relatives, our friends, on that occasion, because that is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right?

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I would actually encourage us instead to do that. And there's a number of reasons for that. First of all, you know, obviously, it's the Sunnah. That's the actual prescribed way of kind of welcoming a child and it's a nice opportunity to distribute the meat to gain the reward for that, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Every child is ransomed by their Akiko, right.

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So it is something that it has that significance. But the other reason is, brothers and sisters that I've actually known of people who had a baby shower, which is before the baby is born, how at the party, people brought so many gifts, anticipating that it was going to be a girl, for example. And, you know, very kind of girls, baby girl gifts and all sorts of things. And then sadly, the baby passed away during labor, right. So the baby was stillborn. And then of course, that couple ends up having a house full of baby gifts that they've had from before that now sadly, they they can't use and also is a constant reminder to them of their loss.

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So I think, you know, instead of having some kind of party before the baby's born, I think there's great wisdom in having it after the baby is born. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best. And of course, pica is a sunnah, which is the best thing that we could be doing, right.

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Okay. I believe we have a caller.

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Salam o aleikum. Caller, please tell me where you're calling from.

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I'm calling.

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Thank you, Sister for calling in. How's your Ramadan going? humbling. Humbling that we're very fortunate to see that Dawn humbly.

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alhamdulillah you know, Ramadan is always quite a busy time. Isn't it? isn't busy Time Magazine. Precious time. You're with us?

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Of course. So how are you spending this time with Allah?

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Trying my best sister. Yeah, that's fine question was now.

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I'm not getting the most

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I'm trying to do at home. Now. Every day. Before I'm a dancer, I normally do to work

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for sugar on which is thank you

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and to hook up

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so now that come in when I'm doing what

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do I do before with the lobby or after?

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Okay sister Can you can you please make sure that your television or any kind of sound is has been turned down? Can you do that everybody says I'm upstairs, downstairs and can you make sure you're not using a speakerphone?

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No it's on okay.

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Yeah, so could you could you just repeat that question please? Just so clear on the question. Sorry. So before Ramadan

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after Isha I swear to god no offI for for sugar Allah. Thank you for thank Allah. Yeah. And to recap for the Toba. Okay,

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so now I have to return it.

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So do I do it before

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or after?

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do you pray that we prayers in the masjid? No, no, I'm

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Okay, does that Kyla Heron system

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do you have is that your question? Yes. Yeah, yeah. Okay, Charla please keep listening and inshallah we will address your question.

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Okay. So the system is asking, she it's her habit to pray to God.

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For to thank Allah subhanaw taala after Isha and it's a habit to pray to the gods. As Toba, seek forgiveness from Allah after Isha. And that's something that she does on usually throughout the year, and now she's asking in Ramadan, what should she do?

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Well, look, sister, that's something that you when it comes to Nuffield prayers, right. The more you do the better, right you're doing nothing prayers, your you know, it's extra right after especially after Isha. We're encouraged to do as much as possible. Right. If you're praying in the masjid, you should pray as long as the Imam is praying from beginning to end and leave when the Imam leaves or stop when the Imam stops and you will have the reward for praying all night. If you're praying at home, then you know it's up to you. It's really up to you. However many rock out you'd like to pray. This is completely up to you. And of course, there isn't like a specific you, you know, you've

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assigned that this is my salah for you know, Toba, this is my falafel.

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You can do that with your throwaway press, right? You can make Toba within your tarawih prayers, you can thank Allah within your tarawih prayers. So there's no kind of need to make a distinction in those prayers in that way, you know, as far as I know.

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But if you like you could you know, have the prayers that you pray after Isha that you want to do specifically for Ramadan, and then pray extra prayers. But like I said, there's no prescription in terms of the number of records that you do. Do as much as you can. What's more important is that we do it with full conviction, we have full concentration, and we do it for the sake of Allah alone. We're not doing it to show off you know, not doing it to show anyone etc. The sincerity the who show these are the more important things and Allah Subhana Allah knows best.

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So, what other questions do we have? What is the dua for protection from every evil?

00:33:59 --> 00:34:10

There are a number of the US one is I O will be kalimat Allah He term mean Kali Shaitan in wahama, Wyoming kuliah in in lamb.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:20

And the meaning of that is to be Kalamata Allah, Hi, Tom. I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:27

In Kali Shavon, Anwar Hama from every shaitan from every Satan,

00:34:28 --> 00:34:32

evil, evil spirit, you could call, you know, Shavon

00:34:34 --> 00:34:43

Shavon in wahama, and every thing that can harm right woman could die in in llama, and every kind of

00:34:44 --> 00:34:49

evil eye, right, somebody having ill ill intent

00:34:50 --> 00:34:58

and is having Hassard and jealousy towards us, right, and the evil effects of that. So that's quite a comprehensive da

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

which you can look up.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:11

Apart from that, you know, there are the doors like they were sewers of the Quran like Surah Surah NAS

00:35:14 --> 00:35:41

how the belimbing the shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Kula with a bit of B nas moluccana Nurse Illa in miniature real was was a nurse Allah the US we Sophie subordinates mineral Giannetti one nurse, so it's a nurse and then of course before that so it's a follow up these are these are sewers that are also to us right that we can recite for protection from evil. Okay

00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

Sonoma Aleikum

00:35:49 --> 00:35:52

I'm watching the program from Mozambique pay Masha Allah.

00:35:53 --> 00:35:54

My question is

00:35:58 --> 00:36:02

during such that, do I close my eyes or leave them open?

00:36:04 --> 00:36:11

I've never really thought about that question to be honest, sister. Do I close my eyes? Or do I leave them open?

00:36:14 --> 00:36:43

In sha Allah, I'm going to find out about that in more detail. But as far as I know, there's no specific kind of prescription for that. Right. During the Salah in general, we keep our eyes open, right? We look down, but we keep our eyes open. When it comes to the search that I believe that there's no specific prescription for that, you know, it's kind of up to you.

00:36:44 --> 00:36:48

But I will look into that further. So do listen out in a future show in sha Allah.

00:36:50 --> 00:36:56

I think we have another caller. So let me go straight to the caller. Salam Alikum. caller please tell us

00:36:58 --> 00:37:46

please tell us where you're calling from. I'm calling from what foods I hope you're good. have handed in that what food Okay, so how is Ramadan in Watford sister? Ramadan, love Hamdulillah. Ramadan is good Ramadan leaves. It's raining at the moment. So it doesn't feel like we really fasting it's not difficult. Alhamdulillah hamdulillah Yeah. And the days are not as long as they were previously Right. Like absolutely some easier and at the same time, it's it's more tricky as well. In what way So, previous Ramadan, because the time before Suhur and Iftar was very short. I would for example stay all night long reading the Quran, but now it's a bit longer. So you go to bed

00:37:46 --> 00:38:03

and you wake up again. And it's a bit more difficult. Yes, you're right. So having that kind of broke broken sleep. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Baseball do that humbly life. So Sister, how can I help you today? So I have a question regarding

00:38:04 --> 00:38:27

the supplications that the lamb are doing in Makkah at the moment. During the Tao we they do a very, very long supplications with the people praying. And I wonder if it's possible to record it. And today when we're not home when it's time for me to do my taraweeh to play so I can also listen to the same supplications or not.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:37

Did you say recitation? The supplication to do all that they do have a supplications? Yes. So you mean like at the end in the western prayer?

00:38:38 --> 00:38:54

Yes, they do very low one out loud on TV. And I wonder if it's a possibility to record it. So when it's time for me to do because I don't speak Arabic to those who do the same or to listen and you know, hold my hand like they do on TV.

00:38:56 --> 00:38:57

Okay, does that

00:38:58 --> 00:38:59

thank you for your question sister.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:23

So I think, you know, when it comes to the Salah, right when you're within the Salah, and your trip and you want to raise your hands and you want to make dua, then you shouldn't have something playing in the background, you know, that would not really be the right way to do it. Right? It really it would be that you do your best and you make your doors yourself, okay.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:56

But when it comes to like generally if you want to just record it if you want to record a door by an Imam, I remember when I lived in Egypt, you know, Sheikh Mohammed Gibreel would come to the masjid the honorable Alas, the first Masjid in Africa. And he would do these beautiful long doors right? And yeah, I have a recording of those dua dua that he would do. Because it's so comprehensive and beautiful. You just want to capture it I completely understand

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

and then to listen to it.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:13

separately, you know, not within the Salah, but you know, on your own, within your own time to listen to that da to repeat that da after him, you know, and and say, I mean,

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they should be nothing wrong with doing that, especially if you're trying to learn those doors, right, you're doing it with the intention of learning those doors of benefiting from those doors. So in that sense, you know, there's nothing

00:40:28 --> 00:40:30

any no issue with that, right.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:47

But when it comes to within the Salah, then you wouldn't have some thing playing in the background, you know, that wouldn't really be the right way to do it is better for you to spend some time there sister memorizing some of those guys,

00:40:48 --> 00:40:51

and making it out of your own court from your own heart, you know,

00:40:53 --> 00:41:02

that's actually better than feeling that you have to follow a perfect kind of formula of dua, right, that some other person is reciting.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:49

I hope that makes sense. You know, of course, any kind of recording that we have, we can benefit from it, we can use it to learn from it. But when it comes to the actual act that we're doing that we'll do our that we're making, we should make it ourselves, you know, we should especially in the Salah, it's something that we should do ourselves, we can't rely on recordings, and then you know, outside of Ramadan, I think like I said earlier, it's real motivation for us to start memorizing and learning more, you know, attending a class or going to some learning more Arabic learning, you know, more kind of Quran et cetera just so that we can be able to do these things ourselves right we can

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be able to recite and do these dials ourselves

00:41:54 --> 00:42:01

does I can love her and I hope that answers your question. Let me try to squeeze in one more question

00:42:06 --> 00:42:13

sister is asking what are the good things you can do in the month of Ramadan? So Pamela there's so many good things right.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:55

Of course, making your fast and making it as perfect as possible not saying any bad words and not getting into any fights very difficult but don't do it. Get it Get off social media you know if it if it encourages you to fight it encourages you to get into a negative mind space. Increasing your vicar every moment you can make liquor right whether you're standing in a queue try to maximise on every single moment by making liquor give more sadaqa the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give so much sadaqa in Ramadan even more than usual. give sadaqa find different types of causes and give sadaqa to different types of causes. Some people would like to pay their Zakah in Ramadan

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that's perfectly fine as well.

00:42:59 --> 00:43:45

Increase in your night prayers right so the prayers after Isha try it for there not to be any night where after Isha you have not prayed at least to record of prayer, if not the whole taraweeh you know in the masjid from beginning to end with the Imam only leaving when the Imam stops. If you do that, inshallah you have the reward of praying all night. So increasing in prayer increasing and reading Quran, reciting Quran reflecting on the Quran, increasing in vicar, increasing in your good deeds and giving food and helping people to break their fast, you know, giving food to break people's fast. That's also hugely rewarded, but I've just tried to highlight as much as I could in

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the time that we have Ramadan Mubarak brothers and sisters and Sharla I'll see you next time. Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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