Abdulbary Yahya – Qur’anic Reflections

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallavi and its associated characteristics are discussed as a way to practice mercy and love, as well as the importance of consistency in Islam. The importance of consistency in actions and behavior is emphasized, as well as the need for passionate prayer and respect towards one's parents. The speakers also discuss the history and use of the words "has been met, but is met," in the message of Islam. The importance of listening to young people and their ideas is emphasized, as well as the need for compassion and listening to everyone's experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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So when are we gonna be learning theory of casino sejati I'm Elina my end Hello fella Melinda Lahoma Euclid fellow had Allah

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Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika who eyeshadow Anna Mohammed and Abdi

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Yeah, I'm gonna topple and help her to party. Well at a moto Nayla went to Muslim on Takara Kumala the Halacha comin FC Wahida bahala come in has with him in humare gel and cathedra when is what type Allah Allah maybe he will or have in Allah can add a camera diva yeah you Hello hello hello Colin's Eddie they're usually Hello Kumar Malecon wealthier living with an Uber calm when they operate in our Rasulullah HuFa defassa 1000 Halima another. So inshallah we'll continue with the diverse following Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. We said Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen the first idea in Surah Surah Al Fatiha Rahmani Raheem, is the second the second verse in Surah, two fatty and of

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course, well, there's the first second

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whether Bismillah is by itself that's a different difference of opinion. And Charlamagne when we have when we get to the end of Surah Fatiha will mentioned some of the Islamic rulings or fifth rulings relating to it for so right now we say Rahmani Raheem AR Rahman AR Rahman AR Rahim first

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I met I mentioned I want to mention just some mistakes that people

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pronounce meaning when they recite the Quran. Just some common mistakes first AR Rahman Rahmani Raheem

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Of course,

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Hamza is one of the rules one of the letters that are known as Rockhopper which is like an asshole and most some people they make mistake, especially when it's connected with the RA. So they say r Rahmani Raheem AR Rahman and that's correct that's incorrect. It should be an error of manual Rahim and also it's the second Iraq Man Of course there's a shutdown the RA but the second one R Rahman near Rahim and some people add another ra to it when the by saying NIV Rahim as if there's a an extra route towards that and so our Rahmani Raheem, what does that mean? Our Rahman is from Rama what is Rama? Rama in the Arabic language is a

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one of the one of the one of the

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attributes of Allah subhanaw taala when you say R Rahman R Rahman r Rahim, these are two names of Allah subhana wa Tada The first is our ramen and that is only specific to Allah Subhana Allah and our ramen is a loss of handle at Allah himself his he is a ramen. And when you say our Rahim it is connected to his actions. So ramen is related to related to his Allah subhanaw taala self and Rahim is connected to the actions of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So which one is greater? The person greater is that which is both of them, of course are the names of Allah subhana wa Tirana. But when you say Rama it's directly connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala and they both come from the word Rama and

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the word Rama is a word that encompasses

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love. And not only just love and compassion, we always translated as being mercy as a mercy. And it is, you know, when that's when somebody has mercy on someone, it's like, you know, the, when it comes to a person, when we speak about Allah subhana life as attributes of course, his attributes are unique to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and there's nothing like it. But in the Arabic language when you say Rama, it means mercy but mercy that's accompanied by compassion and love. And it also it is also connected to someone doing or someone doing good towards you. So it pushes a person when someone has Rama. It's not just it's not just a feeling of the heart, but also it's a feeling that

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that motivates a person to do good for the person whom they have mercy upon who have right

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come upon. And so the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. When we say a Rahman and Rahim

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Rahim Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What can it be me Nina Rahim. And some of the scholars have mentioned Rahman is one who is all merciful in this life and in the Hereafter. And Rahim is specifically for the believers because of the verse in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What can I be mean? And surely Allah towards the believers? Or can it be me Nina Rahima, meaning Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is merciful towards the believers. And so we know that

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when we have mercy upon others, that Allah subhana wa Tayana will also have mercy upon us. And so how do you by learning the names of Allah subhanaw taala? How do we, as Muslims, by learning the names of Allah subhanaw taala put that into practice or habit? How do we embody these names? Meaning how do we

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put it to practice and learn so that we can make a change just by knowing the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala the names and attributes of Allah first.

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the first thing is,

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having mercy upon ourselves, right? So you have mercy, you have to have mercy upon yourself, what do we mean by like, really having mercy upon yourself. Having mercy upon yourself means meaning, it means to take care of yourself also, that you do not do anything that is harmful towards yourself. So the first person that is, of course, the that's deserving of that mercy, when the person has mercy is oneself. So what does that entail? It entails abstaining from sins, because committing sins is harmful for you. And so when you're drowning in sins, then that's harmful for yourself and you're not compassionate towards yourself. You don't have Rama, towards your own self. Also, another aspect

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of Rama for oneself is,

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knowing who you really are, and being consistent in the worship of Allah Subhana Allah meaning, because there are some people, yes, when it comes to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. You do your very best to pray as much as you can, and fast as much as you can. But the best example, of course, is the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when it comes to balancing the deen in the dunya. When someone does not balance the deen and the dunya they're not really having mercy upon themselves. And that's why

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during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when those three people came, the three people came to Aisha Radi Allahu anha, asking her about the worship of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and of course, she told them that, you know, at nighttime, he sleeps and he prays. And in the daytime, some days, he fasts, some day, he Some days he doesn't fast. And then of course, we know that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had multiple lives. And so one of them said, you know, I'm not a, I'm never going to sleep at nighttime. I'm never going to sleep at nighttime. And the other person says, you know, I'm not going to break my fast. I'm going

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to fast perpetually, continually. And the other person says, you know, I'm not going to get married at all. And so when the messenger of a loss a little over Ellefson heard this, he was very angry. And he said, When Ron Lieber and Sunnah de Felisa midnight, he was very angry. In fact, he was, he said, Why is it that I hear some people saying this and that I'm certainly the most pious, the one who has the most Taqwa amongst you. And I sleep, I pray and I sleep and I fast and some days I don't fast, and I get married, whoever, whoever stays away or rejects or does not like my son, that he's not of us. He's not of us. And of course, there's another Hadith about Ebola.

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Or about salmonella, salmonella, faricy,

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Around the Allahu Anhu.

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In which, you know, he noticed, you know, the companions of the prophet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina.

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He used to pair the Muslims together, and he would pair people who were you know, of course, to that

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They could help each other. And he would pair the companions. And,

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of course, because there were people who were coming from Medina, or they were, as in the case of Salman and fallacy, he was a slave before.

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And so after he became free, you know, you pair each other up so that you can help each other. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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when he paired the Companions up, and actually this pairing was done so that they could, you know, they could help each other and it's to help to help them in their brotherhood, and the parent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Salman and Pharisee

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with Abu Dhabi and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Salman Fado fallacy realizing how,

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you know he had realizing that his wife did not sell man's wife without his wife, you he was she was very, she didn't take care of herself. She didn't take care of herself. And he said, he said, Why? Why is it that you don't beautify yourself?

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And this was, of course, before the revelation and the obligation of hijab before the obligation of hijab, and when

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she answered, she said, Why should I because you know, he is in no need of me. You know, my husband is no need of me.

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In the daytime, he fasts at nighttime, he stands up in prayer, and so there's no need for me to do that. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was informed about this, and the Messenger of Allah Sivan told him

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to tell him and to call them over and the Messenger of Allah says Allah He

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asks about the situation he says in Arabic Arabic

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Surely your Lord has a right upon you. In the early Macaulay Culkin and your family, they also have a right upon you were in the early callicarpa

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were in the NFC car and they happen and you yourself also you have a right upon yourself, for it equally the helping haka, so give each entity that is deserving of it's right, it's right. And so this balance, the you know, if you're, if you go to one extreme, then

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most you know, if you're not really having your you don't have mercy or compassion towards yourself, that means you're not taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself means taking care of also giving each it's the easiest, right? And so you yourself also have a right upon yourself.

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So the most important thing in Islam, of course, is consistency. It's not about going all out and then you burn out, you don't want to burn out, because the most beloved deeds in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala are that which is most consistent, even if it's just a small amount, even if it's just a small amount. And, you know, during the time of the Prophet saw the likes of the companions, whenever they used to hear from the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam, they were very, very as any everyone anyone is, you know anyone who this is the Quran listening to a lecture, they feel extremely motivated, they will know when they go back home, when they do their regular chores and do

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everything out and go back to work. The same level of faith and Eman is not maintained. And so

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hunger Allah, He came to Abu Bakr for the law, I know he said nothing of our hands on how the law has become a hypocrite handler has become a hypocrite. And Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu said, how was that? Why? What do you mean? He says, Whenever we're with the prophets of Allah, Allah, Allah, he was set up. And he mentions about the hellfire and Paradise as if we could see it with our very own eyes, to see if we can see what the violence but then we go back to our families. And we, you know, we play with him and, and we're with him. It's as if we forgot everything. Like, he's trying to tell a vocalist, I feel like a hypocrite. And so I will work as Roger said, you know, I feel the same way

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also. And so they said, Well, let's go to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and ask about that. And so they went to the prophets of Allah. I know he was set up. And he said,

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he said, he said to Angola, and of course Abu Bakr also there. He said, satin was there's a time for the

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Listen, there's a time for that. If you were to be able to maintain the same state, when and how you feel when you're when you're when you're in front of me, meaning when the when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking well, Paradise and the hellfire, then if you're able to maintain, if you were to, if you were to be able to maintain that, the angels would come down and shake your hands, in the streets and in your houses, they would shake your hands. But there's a time for this. And there's a time for that. And that's why there's there has to be there has to be a balance. You know, sometimes

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when you try you, when you try to do something, and you do as much as you can, of course, there's like, during the month of Ramadan, when you try to maintain and do so as much as you can, but the most important thing is to, to make, to, to improve,

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and to try to be consistent in your actions. And when you're trying to do too much you overwhelm yourself, and you break down, you overwhelm yourself and you break down. So the most important thing is to try to not just of course, you get motivated, but if you're motivated by something, try to take something from that lecture, or from those lessons that you learned, and try to make the intention to apply it for the rest of your life. Because a little of something is easier than doing so much and then stopping off together. So, and that's why it's very beloved to Allah subhanaw taala And so, having that consistency, is also having mercy upon yourself, and taking care of yourself

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also. So the first so, Rama, the word Rama also

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should be applied to you know, having mercy upon yourself also, and of course, others. The second aspect of it is having mercy or having Rama towards others, and especially, especially who there's two types of people that the prophets of Allah Allah He was that we should really have mercy towards that mean we should show compassion towards them. We should show compassion towards whom the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Lisa Min Min lamjao Sorry, Rana well, um, you worked in Kibera. So he's not of us, those who do not, who do not have mercy upon the

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two who are not compassionate towards the end. So, being compassion, compassionate towards the young, the same time also respecting your elders, when you say respecting your elders meaning part of part of respect is also having mercy upon them, meaning you taking care of them also. And at the same time, it's not just taking care of them, but also,

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you know, showing respect for them being

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well mannered, considerate towards them. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Lysa min NEMA la Mia Hamm Surya Radha. So, one thing that we should work on is being compassionate towards the young, towards those who are young, and where you work, it can be Rana. And also, where Yeah, roughly admittedly, anaemia. And also, you know, know that people who are knowledgeable also in respect those who have knowledge also. So part of having mercy as having mercy upon those who are young, meaning taking care of them, of course, naturally, a mother will take care of her children and, you know, the parents will take care of the children, and, but showing compassion towards them,

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meaning, you know, understanding them because the young, they're also learning, and they will make mistakes. And even when they do make mistakes, try to try to be gentle with him. And but that there are certain times of course, you have to be firm and you have to be strict also, especially if you've already, you know, reminding them many, many times and they will continue to make mistakes also, but part of our deen Ardene teaches us also to treat the young amongst us and have mercy upon them. And so, having mercy upon the young and another one, of course, is having merciful being merciful towards your family, not just the youngsters, and when I say youngsters, it's not just

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youngsters amongst your family, like your children, but also young young people around you know,

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other young people like young people who children, other people's children also to be merciful towards them to be kind and show compassion towards them because there are some people like you know, there's some uncles. They feel like if the young

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They are at the masjid and they do something wrong. They're always yelling at them and screaming at them and then and then the young people, when they are when they see this uncle, they're always scared of the uncle. They run away or their uncle's coming. But that's that's that wasn't how the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very, very kind, gentle. And he was even his children and his grandchildren. Husband with Jose, they used to, they used to one time they came to the masjid, while people were praying, and of course, their grandfathers praying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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they are climbing upon the back of the Messenger of Allah subtle lighting. And they're playing on his back while he's in subdued. And people don't know. People are introduced, they don't see it. They don't see what's going on. And he remains in sujood for very long, for a very long time. He continues to stay in sujood.

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And he continues to stay Institute. And he continues to say so to the point where some of the companions they were saying, and we were we feared the worse. We feel the worse because the Imagine someone in scheduled for so long, that you're afraid something must have happened to them. So there we feared the worse. And then some of us raised our hands. And we saw Al Hasan No sane, and the Prophet sallallahu listen back. And then when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finished praying,

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he finished praying. And he turns around and he says, I, when the reason he told them the reason why he prolonged Institute, and he said I did not want to distract them in their play. Yeah, Allah, you're in prayer. And he didn't want to cut them off, because they were having fun jumping on his back. And so he prolonged the prayer so long that people thought the worst had happened to him. And so the lesson here is, I want you to think about it. Would

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Hassan and Hussein, would they have done that to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. If he didn't play with him at home,

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if he didn't play with them at home, you know that they would not do that. The reason why they're doing that, even in the masjid is because they're used to it, meaning the Messenger of Allah, so this was not the first time that they would get in the back of the profits of the level seven there are many other times. This is this is definitely not the first time. So the lesson here is he used to play with them. And he used to play with them in a way that you know, it's that they that made them happy, you know, children, we let them let them ride your back. And

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you know, you play with them. They, they, you have this connection with him and then they love you. And that's how the messenger of a loss of Eliasson was. So that's part of being merciful. Towards the, and also the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He prolonged the prayer because of

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these, these two youngsters, two kids. And he shortened the prayer because of another baby.

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He showed him the prayer. So he's praying, and he intends to recite a little bit longer than normal for you know, doing fajr prayer and now he's praying, and he hears the crying of a baby.

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He hears the cries of a baby. Because the companions were they used to pray, and the men used to pray in the front. And the woman used to pray in the back of the masjid. And so some of the woman of course, they would bring their children because they couldn't leave their children especially when their babies at home. But they enjoyed praying in the masjid of the prophets of Allah lives and so much that many of them came to pray behind the prophets on the love annex and in the masjid. And

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during prayer, a baby cries

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and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shortens his prayer, he stops right away. He goes down to Rocco and sujood. And then he finishes the prayer and He said, When I stood up for prayer, I actually intended to prolong my prayer. I wanted to pray longer. But I heard the crying with a baby and I was I felt I felt for the mother.

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So he felt for them on that because so look,

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if this was in some massage, it's you know, I know there's some massage it's when the mom is leading player in the baby's crying some some some some email

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As a turnaround, sisters, come on, find your time while you bring your kids to the masjid.

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Right. Some people, they, they will say things that make the woman feel unwelcome. But the messenger of allah sallallahu has approached shortens the prayer for everyone, because he's worried about, he's worried about this, the mother, the concern of the mother, imagine the she, she can't do anything about it, the baby's crying, and she's praying. So he shortens the prayer. So he shortens the prayer because of a baby. And he prolongs the prayer because of two other babies. And this was the mercy of the Messenger of Allah, the lies and the love, and the compassion, of the messenger of allah sallallahu, towards the youngsters, and also towards also members of his family. And also even

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when he was praying, he didn't prolong the prayer so much. Sometimes in fajr prayer, he would read between 60 and 100 verses, but other times, like, you know, some of the companions reported that the prophets of Allah and some recited with teeny was a tune. So he they said, I heard the Messenger of Allah who received reciting what Danny was, I tuned in Fajr. And, and then the second worker, he recited it again, I don't know if he forgot, or he intentionally recited those two souls twice. And so that's a very short for the prayer, right. And so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to tell

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the companions and if you lead people in prayer, make sure you make sure you think about the weakness of the congregation. Because there are some don't prolong it too much that you will make it difficult for them. Because there are some who are old, some were, you know, not feeling well, maybe. And there are others who are busy. And so they need to go go and go out and about and do their thing. And so being part part of having that mercy when we say all right, Manuel Rahim, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is our manual humanity, we know that if we're as the prophets of Allah Himself, or hammelmann, for Lord, have mercy upon those on earth, and the one who is in the heavens, will have

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mercy upon you. And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala also tells us well, level imagine that Hello, lemonade, Rama, Allah tells us to also be kind, to be compassionate towards our parents. Welfare level manager now has

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lower your wings, you let the wings of humility towards your parents. And it's sometimes it's difficult, you know, because when when your parents they say something, sometimes they might say something that you may disagree with, or they,

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you know, some when they're older, it's hard to deal with them. And they're from another generation, sometimes you can't connect with them that well, but you have to show respect for them. And if you show respect for them, and if you are merciful towards them and compassionate towards them, then Insha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will be compassionate towards towards you also, and say, Well, Rob will work for rub Durham, Homer. And remember also say, Oh, my Lord, have mercy upon them come out of Bayani Saudi era, just like they were this like, they took care of me when I was young. When when we were when we were infants, and we were babies. They took care of us. We needed them. If you

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know, if you don't have your parents taking care of you any baby in the world right now. If their parents abandoned them, and no one takes care of them, they will not survive. They will not survive. And so our parents took care of us just like they took care of us before. Have mercy upon them also, oh Allah and that's what we're taught to ask.

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To ask, from Allah subhanho wa Taala to supplicate to Allah. And Allah subhanho wa Taala also tells us apart of course, having mercy upon them also is loving them, meaning you want the best for them. You want the best for them. So what's the best thing that they can have? The best thing that you can give them is guidance. And supplicating meaning your children and your family. So you want them to have Jannah because the worst thing that can happen to them is that they lose Islam. The worst thing the best thing they can mess of course, the greatest blessing is Al Islam. And because when you have Islam that you have Janna, if you don't have that, then you know where you go. And that's why if you

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are if you love them, then try to instill the teachings of Islam

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in them and that's why the prophets of Allah and that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what Allah we saw that he was studying Allah

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to order your family to pray, and be patient with it. Be patient with it, because you know, just not just one or two times do it the best way that you can try to remind them in the best way possible, try to help them when it comes to their deen and their prayer and teaching them and so forth. And so that's part of having mercy. Yeah, part of the mercy that we should have for our families. And when we recite Rahmani Raheem, we should also be reflecting upon those, those types of things like what can we do to earn the Mercy of Allah. So one way to earn the Mercy of Allah is of having mercy upon our children by teaching them the deen of Allah subhanaw

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taala. And another is, of course, for Muslim, to be compassionate, and love those who are compassionate and care for those who are sick, though amongst the Muslims, those who are going through difficulties then so that's why we're ordered to, you know, when someone is sick,

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if they're part of our, they are family members, we should take care of them, and do our very best to take care of them. And this is a very virtuous deed, virtuous act to take care of them. And also, when you hear somebody sick, to also go visit them, know to visit them, when you're visiting someone who's sick, you know, they can't go, they're stuck in their house, or they're stuck in the hospital.

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And they're going through a lot of pain they need, they need support.

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It's not just financial support, or but they also need just they need, they need us to be there for them, and just to speak kind word to them, to know that we're, we're thinking about them, and we're making dua for them. So that's why it's very virtuous to visit the sick, and to, and if they need anything, then we help them with that. And so that's part of being merciful towards, towards others who are weak amongst the Muslims with those who are in need, especially, you know, with Muslims, what the Muslims are going through right now. And if you have that sense of

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compassion in our hearts, because we are one body, whatever, you know, when the Muslims are suffering anywhere in the world, then we are also we, you know, we were also making your offer that as if they are our own mothers, our own children, and they these are our sisters and brothers, who are going through difficulties. And that's why it's very, very important for us also, to remind ourselves, it helps us also when we visit the sick, and it's a part of us showing compassion for those who are in need. And that's why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was always concerned about everyone. And that's why when they, when the Prophet Sutherland passed away,

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it affected them so much, because they could feel the Messenger of Allah, and they live with the prophets of Allah. And they knew that he wasn't just someone who just gave a reminder and then never saw them again know, he used to visit them, he used to eat with him, he used to travel with them. And that's the kind of kind of person the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, and of course, his, as he was applying the teachings on the Quran, because the eyes are there, he said, kind of full of who Al Quran his characteristic, his character, he was the embodiment of the Quran. And so when someone is in need, someone is sick, then you should, you should make dua for them. And

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when you know that some people are going through difficulties, even if they're very far, even if they're another country in Palestine as sham for example, or that or that which is going on that one that they're going through, we should try to do our very best to make dua and supplicate to Allah subhanho wa taala, that Allah subhanho wa Taala alleviates some of the difficulties and if we're able to help them financially, then we should help them also financially, and if we can help them in, you know, because right now, it's just you. There are other things that you can do now that here, wherever you are, to help them also, you know, so that so that this doesn't continue on,

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because you know, like in social media, or if you can change

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the opinions of politicians and so forth, then of course, that's something that we as Muslims,

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that type the mercy that we have in our hearts for them.

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Should be

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Yes, you'd be applied in those things, especially in those matters also. And it is

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As Muslims, another aspect of Rama that we should

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try to embody, is Rama towards not only just not only just humans, but everything that's around us whether plants and animals and so forth. And that's why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, by Nimrod, uranium sheabutter.

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And there was a man who was walking on the road.

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And instead, Dalai Lama became very, very thirsty for what they did. And he found that well, funnily enough, he had, so he entered, he went into that well for sciatica and so he drank from that well, because he was very thirsty for Maharajah then he left the well. So sometimes, you know, some wells you have to go in, and then you have to get the water and some wells you just, you know, throw in a bucket. Right. So this is a well he actually went in to get there was no bucket right there. He actually climbed down the well. You know, some people they're able to climb down the hill, and he filled up, you know, of course, he drank when he was down there right from the water. When he got

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out. He saw a dog this dog fight I can't be this dog was so thirsty that it was its tongue was sticking out. And yeah, cool a thorough, and he was it was licking the mud, the ground, the wet ground, because it was so thirsty minute, Rush. And so that man saw that dog

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and realize that that dog is just as thirsty as he was, if not more, before he went down to drink from that well, and he says, The Carvela has helped me a lot to Smith. He can quite well a mini. This dog is just as thirsty as I was before I went down to drink from the well. And so he went back into the world and you know, it's not easy to climb a well, right. So some people Mike asked yesterday, no, who cares, right? But no, he says, Vanessa Albir he goes down into that well, and he takes out his leather socks, because there's nothing that he can, he doesn't they don't have cups or containers, he doesn't have anything with him. The only thing that he can use to bring the water out

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is his socks. So he has leather socks. And so he filled his letters, leather socks, and he did it. He put it in his mouth, he actually you know, because you when you're climbing a well, you don't have you need to use both your hands and feet in order to climb up and down. It's you know, it's difficult to climb a well so he puts this the water in the socks, and he's biting the socks to make sure it doesn't spill. He's doing his very best until he climbed out and then he gave water to that dog. So he did it was a little bit of effort that he had to put in of course, and because of that if I shout Allahu Allah

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala was thankful for what he did. So notice he says for Shahrukh if I shakaar Allah when Allah is thankful to Allah subhana wa I appreciate ya Allah. Allah created us, he doesn't need us. But Allah Subhana Allah appreciate what he did. And Allah forgave him all essence and another narration. Allah subhanho wa Taala into him Jana. And so the Companions when they heard this hadith, when they heard these words from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they said, Allah jasola in the lynah filled by him I do not say being kind to animals we get reward to them the prophets of Allah lessons he said equally Cabot in Urraca

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every animal has everything that has a wet

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liver meaning you know, any, anything that pretty much has blood running through them right. And the animal that's life in this world has blood running through them you get the reward for equally carried in erotica. ADGER so Allah subhana wa Tada forgave this person in another direction. It was a woman in May this is a another another another case where she was a prostitute but that mercy in her heart, Allah subhanaw taala forgave her sins also. But the opposite is also true. Someone who doesn't have mercy in their hearts and the prophets of Allah as I'm said with the bottom right and v here rotten habits utter Hatta method.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says the Prophet Salam said a woman was punished because of a kitten because of a kitten. Have a suntan? What did she do? She locked him up until it died.

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She locked him up until it died for the harlot fee Hana and because of that, she entered the hellfire.

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Here I'm attached she did not give him any food that she did not give the kitten any food and and she did not give him any water and she did not give it any water and the the kitten any water in here have a setter and she locked them up close the doors and he was there wasn't able to to She didn't leave any food or water for the for the kitten. Wallah here terra cotta coolamon Hashem and she did not allow that. To go out and eat on its own eat from the in the shrubs and the grass. And as a result of that, the Prophet saw the lines that she entered the Hellfire because of a kitten because of it. And so, lack of Mercy mercy towards animals also is a you know, it's one, it's not

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just towards humans, but mercy towards all and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also ordered us and he said

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he ordered us to sharpen our knives. And he said in in a locatable, SNL echo DJ, Allah subhanaw taala has written a sign in every single thing that we do. SR means excellence, to try to do our best to try to be our most kind in the locatable exon Allah cliche for either cartels do for essential fitna, if you're going to kill that means if you're going to slaughter an animal to eat, or you're going to kill, then do so in the best way. And don't be, you know, if you have to, then of course, don't

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don't do anything that's considered

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harmful or excessive towards in terms of your harm of the animal, or either the Batum and then whenever you slaughter fasting, or

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whenever you slaughter than slaughter in the best way possible, whether you hit the hydrocone Chef rather than make sure you

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you sharpen your knives, you're nice. And then he says, Well, you read the data. And also make sure you lay down lay down the animal properly. Meaning be kind to the animal you're even though you're about to slaughter the animal, but do it in the best way. Do it in the best way. And the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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ordered us to do so to do all of these things. And he was of course the embodiment. He embodied all of these teachings. Because amongst the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala as R Rahman r Rahim.

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Allah dude, and R Rahman r Rahim, the most the most Beneficent, the Most Compassionate, the most loving the Most Merciful Rahim is of course, it's from Rama also from Mercy also, roof is compassionate and kind. And Allah dude is loving. But notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned that the names are Rahman and Rahim in the Quran 170 times 170 times a Rahman and Allah mentions al Jabbar, Jabbar is the mighty that Compeller what's in the Quran. And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala even describes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the prophets of Allah

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as being

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merciful, Allah says Allah Allah Jalla Khadija a camera zoom in and fullcycle indeed, a messenger has come from amongst you,

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Aziz an ally, he may need to what is as he is another humanity as he is an ally, he may need to whatever whatever difficulty you may go through, he also feels it.

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As he is another human any, it's, you know, you might for some people like when they go through difficulty, sometimes you don't care about the other person but the Messenger of Allah was very caring. As he is an ally, human I need to whatever difficulty you go through, also affects him.

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That's something that affects the prophets of Allah. And the messenger, Allah is describing the prophets of Allah, Allah is describing the compassion of the Messenger of Allah towards this ummah. And that's why every single thing that he does, he's always thinking about the goodness of his own mother, to make it easy to ease and compassionate in his, in his mind

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In the rulings and what he does, and Allah subhanaw taala says he's an icon. And he's always Harrison he wants goodness for you, Bill Momineen towards the believers he is Raouf or Oakleys compassionate, merciful and loving. No for Rahim. So Allah Subhana Allah describes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when I was at NAC ala Rahmatullah anime. We have not said You, O Muhammad, except as a mercy for all of Allah, Allah be meaning all of humanity, all of the Djinn all of the creation, all the worlds, all of the worlds and the prophets of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala also describes the mercy of the Messenger of Allah so Allah says, in Surah, Ali Emraan, Allah says

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Febi ma rahmati mean Allah, He lint Allahu Allah, we are going to have an odious Albina from domain Holic. For I know myself, hello, Michelle. We're hopefully when was this? When was this first reveal.

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This verse was revealed after the Battle of losing the battle, but I learned about it.

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During the battle,

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the prophets of Allah Allah has listened to the youngsters, he listened to the answer if the youngsters were very motivated, they wanted to go out and fight. And we know what happened after the battle, but

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and some of the like some of the hypocrites, specifically Abdullah Abdullah vagueness alone, he's one of the reasons why he didn't go with the prophets of Allah is, of course, one of the reasons he mentioned

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was that

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the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam listens to the youngsters, and he doesn't listen to to us. So, part of having mercy upon the youngsters is listening to them also, and consulting them. And so he consulted them, he saw such such motivation that instead of heal himself, he wanted to stay in Medina and he wanted the enemies to come in and let them fight inside Medina. So because why because, you know, the streets of Medina, you have your, you have their houses to protect you, you can shoot them from your, from your rooftops. Right. And so it's, you're in a better position when the enemy comes. Like, just like, you know, in some places, like when the enemy comes in, you know,

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your area, you've already, you know, you can take care of it, but And that's why, just to just to start just a side note, like, you know, the the idea, of course, they're trying to go into Tulsa, but they're having a lot of problems. Why? Because there are people in tunnels, they have places they have their they have everything staked out and they know the area very, very well. And so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, during the battle ahead, he wanted to stay in Medina and let the enemy come and we strike them from the tops of our roofs. And in our streets, we can defeat them that way. And maybe in sha Allah have less coyotes, and of course, put the woman in the

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children in one particular fortress area and protect them and have them be protected. And when they come in, we can you know, it's it's our area, we know our streets, and we can defeat them that way. But the youngsters do, we never did. We never used to do this in Jamelia. Why because they wanted to, they were afraid that the Mexicans would not fight they would go back. They were so

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whether they had so much zeal, that so easy, and of course the hypocrites they they wanted the profit, they want to follow the profit advice. Because they don't have to fight they can stay in their houses. Nobody knows. Nobody sees and that's why and so.

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So the when the messenger of Allah saw the youngsters doing that, seeing the youngsters do that, oh, say this, so motivated. He listened to them He says All right, if that's the case, let's go we'll we'll go and meet the enemy instead of waiting for them to come. And of course we know what happened. A lot of Muslims were like were martyred in the Battle of

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and what do you think will happen?

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What are you after the battle? What do you think the hypocrites are gonna say?

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And the elders? Who do they blame? They blame the youngsters look at this as you guys this is your problem this your for next time was next time do it next time don't listen to them.

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They stand or listen to the youngsters. Right but the Prophet said the low values and listened to the youngsters

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even against his own tactics and he had a dream that he saw his hand inside his, his armor in the dream and put it in a shirt or inside. And he said, I interpreted that as being Medina, it would be a very strong fortress against the enemy. But because there was so much zeal in the youngsters, he said, Alright, let's go we go. So he listened to the youngsters after consulting the youngsters and the elders. And so they went, and so when they went out ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, Furby, ma Rama Tamina Allah he'll intellia who, because of the Mercy of Allah, He will kind to them Well, I wouldn't have been if you were harsh, and a cold hearted, holy admin course heart course apart me.

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Or at least, we will say cold hearted. Learn from bloomin how thick they would have fled run away from you.

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Factor I know, forgive them, you know, forgive them was stolen, feel love

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and ask forgiveness for them. And then Allah says what was she I would hope the next time consult with them again.

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The elders are saying no next time I'm talking to them anymore. Like what happened? And I know of a masjid like SubhanAllah. And this was a masjid, you know, in another country, a big Masjid in a big city. And some of the youngsters were complaining. They said, they never let us do anything. And I said, Why don't the elders let you do let you guys do anything? So the reason is, because, you know, a couple of years ago, there was a an event that we planned for the brothers and the sisters. And so we it was a picnic that we were going outside the city, the sisters separately and in a bus and the brothers will be wouldn't be in the bus. And we really planned that. But

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Allah subhana decreed that one of the buses got into an accident.

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I got into an accident. And of course some of the

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hamdulillah nobody was seriously injured. But there were some people who are injured. And some sisters were injured. Because of the bus of the accident and the bus I think it actually flipped.

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And the elders, the brothers had ever since that time. The elders never let us do anything.

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Like, what did they have to do with the accident? They didn't cause the accident. And they were blaming the youngster See, see what happens. What do you guys plan

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and but the on the time of the Prophet sallallahu Hassan, something happened. I mean, a lot of Muslims died.

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A lot of Muslims were martyred when they went out when they went out to fight. But the prophets ALLAH, ALLAH SubhanA wa says, Forgive them, and ask forgiveness for them. And next time consult with him again, you better consult with him again. And so that's part of the Mercy also when you have compassion towards the youngsters towards you know and part of having compassionate toward compassion towards them is listening to what they have to say.

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You know, when you when you love somebody and you and you have mercy towards them or you compassionate towards them, you have to listen to them. And what is listening to them is consulting them, listen to their ideas. And if you do so, then there'll be a lot of there's there will be Buttercup inshallah. There'll be Baraka so listen to the youngsters also. And that's part of the mercy that we should be learning when we recite a Rahman r Rahim. And so

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is mercy also, for those who do good. If we want to earn the Mercy of Allah, Allah subhana wa says in the Rahmatullahi, WA EBO, meaning Massini the Rama of Allah is near those who do good, but even mean and mercy Nene. And so if you want to earn the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala

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have do a lot of good, help others because when you're doing good, then you're close and close to the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and of course, the famous Hadith that the prophets of Allah has mentioned he said, methyl minivator wide

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the the example of the believers in their love for each other with Torah homie him and in their compassion towards each other with Otto for him and also their compassion and their the Rahmatullah we have Mr. Love and love and mercy towards each other with Otto for him is there compassion towards each other? Is like mythologising them

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that method just said, it's just like one body. So believers one body, they're stuck I'm in or if one part of the body is aching to die, and it was just a dishonorable home, just like anytime there's pain in one part of the body, that it keeps the whole, the whole body awake. It's not like oh, your your feet, your feet is hurting or your knees hurting, like, hey, knee, you stay up. Let me go to sleep.

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Let me go as you can tell you a knee. You can't tell your knee to okay, you stay at us, you're probably hurting right now. Let the rest of the body go, No, you can't go to sleep. And it also affects your whole body. You have the fever, of course, if some part is injured. It's not just that one part that has a fever. It's a whole body, it affects the whole body. So the love and compassion of a believer just like our brothers and sisters are going through,

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you know, the difficulties around the world. We think about them and they they keep us awake and that's a part of faith and part of Eman. But at the same time, you also should not lose hope. You realize that Allah subhanaw taala is a Rahmani Raheem, that he's all wise and he's all merciful and whatever, whatever is happening. Allah subhanho wa Taala is all wise and out of that.

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The Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala embodies the Mercy of Allah even through tragedies and difficulties.

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in ways we don't understand because Allah subhanho wa Taala is in subtle when he does things sometimes we don't understand the reasoning. But we should try to do our very best, and we love our brothers and sisters and we make dua for them, we help them win whenever we can. But at the same time, we should not make it. We should not allow it to paralyze us, to the point where you're so depressed, that you don't do anything. Let that push you to do good to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's why the prophets of Allah and he also say lay hammelmann Lay your humaneness in cyber hiding, say a Muslim, one who is not merciful, Allah

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Subhana Allah will not have compassion towards those who don't have compassion towards people. And the prophets and the messenger of allah sallallahu says in the Maya hammer Lahoma I mean a buddy Ruhama in NAMA, I mean Allah only in the moments only, Allah only has compassion towards those has mercy and compassion towards his servants who are Ruhama who are merciful and compassionate. Also, and he says, also, Malaya, Hamlet, whoever is not compassionate towards others will not have compassion towards them also. And another Hadith also. So we're repeating similar Hadith there are so many Hadith that have sort of similar meanings. And so I have Buhari and Sahih Muslim, the

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prophets of Allah and so said he had humble Memphis, have mercy, and be compassion towards those on earth. He had ham called Memphis and met the one who was in the heavens, in the sky and heavens will have mercy upon you. And Allah says and the Prophet SAW says, a moon your hammer hammer, rahmat r Rahim moon, those who have mercy, the Lord or Rockman, the Lord Most Merciful, will have mercy upon them. So

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I just wanted to speak just a little bit about mercy and the Rahmani Raheem, and how we can you know, how we can

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apply where we can apply some of this,

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you know, by learning the names of Allah subhanaw taala and knowing that he's merciful and he's merciful towards those who show mercy. How can we show mercy we show mercy by making dua and part of

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our Muslim Brotherhood you can't claim that your know that you love someone.

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Unless when they go through difficulty you make them and you don't make to offer them. If you don't make to offer them that means you don't really love them. And when I talk when I speak about do other means do offer on the bottom of your heart. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to have to envelop us with mercy. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help our brothers and sisters who are going through difficulties. And one final thing in sha Allah. I know you guys there sat there there are some people who are sitting at home listening to this. But one way to earn the Mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada is to actually come to this, you know, when there's a lecture to physically go, if

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you if you can't Why? Because these gatherings are gatherings of angels, the angels, there are angels that roam the world from the land

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I'm looking for these gatherings gatherings of knowledge. And when they find it, they open up their wings. And they and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala descends upon those people. So if you want a loss of Hannah with have mercy upon you, it's one of the best ways to earn the Mercy of Allah. And to have the baraka and mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is to come to, to,

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to these circles of novel, anytime there's a lecture, and it's different when you listen online, it's different. You don't feel the same. Even if you have even have you can you have more options, but when you're coming, you can feel a sense of mercy because Allah subhanho wa Taala has angels here that you don't see

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that we don't see. And if we were to see them, we would see then I think we would, a lot of us would, would come so if you have the opportunity to come in Sharla please do so in Sharla so I'm gonna turn this off since they want to make a run.

01:01:08 --> 01:01:09

I think I turned the other one off.

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