Faith IQ – Do I Have To Send My Kids To Islamic School Even If They’re Rubbish

Faith IQ
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impact of schools being too busy for children, and how those schools may not be as good as other schools. They also touch on the challenges of providing educational services for children in difficult environments, and the need for more training and professionalism. The speaker emphasizes the importance of providing therapy and care for children in these environments.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do I really have to send my children to Islamic school even if they're rubbish?

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But I was a bit of a judgmental start. But obviously, what is being proposed here is that the quality of education and the organization is not as good as the other schools, at least not as good as the private schools maybe as the same as the Free State Public Schools. Who knows. But let's just pause and ask ourselves why that is the case. Why is it that Muslims are so happy to pay for all kinds of things and all kinds of prices when it comes to personal benefit? When it comes to children's education, they want everything for free, they want the most cheapest tuition fees, they are willing to pay peanuts, and they don't expect monkeys, for the teachers that will teach their

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children who obviously at that wage are not going to be the professionally qualified experts in educational theory and practice and methodology, ie a teacher, and instead is a graduate of Islamic sciences that hasn't got a daily about how to interact with children and how to break issues down and how to give to be maybe they don't even like kids. So I mean, we are to be honest, and have suffered last 20 years, those lots of way they've been put forward to push the idea of Islamic schools and big centers inside the community is behind the idea in theory, but when it comes to the sharp and when it comes to the professionalism and organizational requirements that are needed for a

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successful educational institute, that's not been there. And we can't complain about that we have to get up and change that. So the real question comes back again, what are the educational options for our children in a very difficult environment, we know that the public schooling system in countries in the West are a real problem. And actually not just in the West, even in Muslim countries where we pay good significant sums of money to go to private, what better off schools or private schools or grammar schools, they also have their own problems, even if they are in some way Islamic. There's the challenge of a secular ethos versus a religious one. Everyone knows in the UK about the Trojan

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horse mess that occurred and the kind of ways that that regulatory bodies like Ofsted, and others are trying to come down upon schools and regulate what they're saying and teaching and then the prevent program and all of the political issues that are behind it, behind the moves to try and dumbed down and secularize a lot of the syllabus, the syllabi that are involved when it comes to this a huge area, then, of course, we want our children to have an Islamic therapy and have then this and that the most important person in your schooling of your children is not the school or the teachers, it's you. Wherever you send them if you are able to filter and you are able to culture and

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you are able to ensure that they're taking the best of their school day and correcting the wrongs. Then your child will be safe, you can send your child to the very best of madrasa and Islamic schools but if you're not involved in the care of your children and in education, it will be a flop at the end of the day.

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