Seeking the objectives of Ramadhaan

Ebrahim Bham


Channel: Ebrahim Bham

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The importance of fulfilling spiritual and material needs in month complain is emphasized, along with the need for fulfilling spirituality. The speakers emphasize the importance of the heart and showing compassion and kindness towards people during daily interactions, as well as the challenges faced by people in their travels. The speakers also mention the use of silicone every body's joint for fear of getting shot and the importance of showing compassion and kindness towards people during daily interactions. The speakers stress the need for passionate and compassionate behavior and mention a woman who caught a fancy.

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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Mala V Avada

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a Mavado for Villa humulus shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Xiang, Ramadan and muddy wounds Rafi the Quran, Quran Linas mineral Buddha recon, settler colonialism. My dear respected brothers and elders. We begin by praising Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala and sending salutations upon our beloved Nebia Kareem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are approaching the month of Ramadan. And there are many objectives which Allah subhanho wa Taala and our beloved Maria Karim sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned about Ramadan. In today's talk, as I like to enumerate my points because of the attention deficit odor that we have in today's time, we don't have much

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concentration. So I'm going to say Inshallah, today, amongst the objectives mentioned in the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Maria Karim sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will present three important objectives that we should try and pursue in the month of Ramadan. The first of which is, Allah subhanahu, wa Taala has made us an amalgamation of both body and spirit. Both we have to fulfill our material needs and our spiritual needs, we have two needs, we have our physical needs, and we have our spiritual needs. The sad part and the tragedy is today, you and I, we have only given preference and priority. And it's only regarded our material and physical needs, as the be all and the end all

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of our existence. And we feel that that is the only thing that we have to fulfill, we have no added responsibility. And this is a gross mistake. And, and, and today, together with our material needs and our physical needs, we have to fulfill our spiritual needs. And today, one of the tragedies is that our material and physical needs in our physical desires, they've been given so much of importance, we have been so much enticed towards it, whether it be through the means of advertising, everything is calling you toward the fulfillment of your desires, and the fulfillment of your physical needs, obey your thirst, just do it. All of that has got a subtle message. Just fulfill

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your desires fulfill your material needs, your physical needs, there is nothing else that matters. But the reality of the situation is just as we have to fulfill our physical and material needs, within the confines of Sharia, which Allah has told us, that will allow you for either the acquiring of others to fulfill your needs, is a religious obligation. But beyond that, there is another obligation. Beyond that, these are the need that we have to fulfill, in the very same Hadith, which we got to speak about the fulfillment of our material needs. That same idea tells us sellable halali, for either to battle for either the acquiring of other risks, these are religious

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responsibility, battle for either after your primary religious obligation, and what is that the fulfillment of your spiritual needs, and spirituality is not nourished is not fulfilled, by material things well, it is to do with the heart. And the heart is the center of the fulfillment of our spiritual needs.

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And that heart that is why our happiness, the fulfillment of our spirituality, the fulfillment of our spiritual needs, it's got to do with the heart, happiness, contentment, satisfaction, spirituality has got to do with the heart. We have never ever heard anyone saying that. You know, my ears are happy today. Oh, my nose is very satisfied and very pleasurable today, why it is good not to do with the physical organs. It's got to do with the heart, even our happiness, which today everyone strives for, is got to do with the heart is a little bit of a humorous incident. Let me briefly make mention of it. They say a king became depressed. So the Hakeem that was treating him

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say, very easy that you can come to, you know, cure him is let him wear that Porter of someone who is very happy. Let him wear the photo of someone that is very happy, and immediately he will be cured. So the aches and the courtiers of the king. They said, Well, this is a very easy task. Let us look at it. We'll try and work towards it. They went to all the ministers, the people who are close to the

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He said, Give us one of your quarters. Why? The Hakeem had said that the king was really someone very happy, and he will be good. You see, we got that doesn't have Kuta we are not happy.

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You can as much as you want to take, but we are not happy. So they increase the search every way they went. Everyone had the same situation where we put enough quarters, but we're not fully happy. Everyone could challenges. So eventually they went out towards the village. One day they saw a person who was you know, taking a bath on the streams on the river. And he was like, you know, laughing and he was very happy. He gave every reason to feel that he was happy. And he said, here we found the person. So they went to him and said, Give us one quarter of yours, you will become very wealthy, you know, their quota, we will give it to the king, the king will reward you. She said why

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do you need it? He said this is the reason he said they want the quota of someone who was very happy. He said I'm very happy. But I got no quarter.

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Everyone who had put there was not happy, the person who was happy no could you see the happiness is to do with the heart. Whether spirituality has got to do with our turning towards Almighty Allah, chakra Ramadan, Allah the wounds Illa feel Quran. Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed, telling us increase your Taluka with the kalam of Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala quotevalet camassia even fasting which is in Ramadan, Allah Allah says I have made it compulsory upon you.

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That you turn towards Almighty Allah, you gain the fulfillment and you gain the recognition of Almighty Allah subhanaw taala. For others, this is such an important part of our life. If we do not fulfill the spiritual needs, these are vacuum in our life. That vacuum manifests itself in various ways. My own view, that many times people that go into drug addiction is because they feel that there is a vacuum in our life and we are fulfilling it with something that gives us pleasure, something that gives us some sort of added dimension in our life, not realizing that that vacuum that you are seeking to fulfill. That vacuum that you are seeking to fulfill was supposed to be

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filled. In what in remembering your Creator. Allah, you think Rila heated indoor guru says Allah in the Holy Quran. You know the word Allah is a very amazing word in the Arabic language, Allah. It is like someone telling you listen to me, I'm telling you something very important. Allah is telling us in the Holy Quran, Allah Allah be very careful. I am warning you, I am emphasizing upon you. Only in the remembrance of Allah will find contentment.

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Only in the remembrance of Allah Tala will not find contentment, peace, satisfaction, contentment, of real happiness, real contentment or only coming out of Almighty Allah. If you neglect the remembrance of Allah, Wallah, he you will never gain through happiness, through contentment through satisfaction. And I asked you the question, that how can you gain happiness? How can you gain satisfaction? When you disobey the creator of happiness? How can you gain satisfaction when you disobey the creator of satisfaction and happiness? Therefore, Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us from an arahant decree for inner humare chatons Anka says the lions in surah Taha we ever turns away from

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remembering Allah, I will make his life restricted.

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Allah wants us if you don't remember Allah subhanho wa Taala you will find there will be a restricted life. There will be no fulfillment, no contentment, no happiness, and even your needs, your even your material needs will not be fulfilled. Because sometimes you're gonna be getting sauce limited Lisa

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will end up in prosperity and wealth is not to do with the amount of wealth that you got, but it's got to do with the heart.

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And if you're not remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala you will not find this Ramadan is the month for us to turn towards Almighty Allah to fulfill the spiritual needs level maths we gave priority

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to our material needs let for once in a month of Ramadan, put everything on the backburner, turn towards Almighty Allah read Quran, the mixture of Almighty Allah subhanaw taala make with the Quran make it our try to understand the proper meaning of the Holy Quran. You know people today I said he said I saw people making such divided in Ramadan. If it is not that I saw it myself, perhaps I would not have believed it. I will give you one example I saw with my own eyes. I sent a Ramadan once was a very pious person, you know, Shah Abdulaziz and I put it in Pakistan once. It was widely assumed that he made one of the Quran a day and I saw it myself. He used to start after he shut up

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He used to sit because of his knees and he used to sit and make the out of the Holy Quran in the field numbers. It used to see him leading like this. From Mishra till before the world he used to be in the field numbers. And before the world he used to tell me used to lie down and tell someone read Quran while I'm you know, sleeping, so you should sleep a little while before Afters already saw numbers start again with nothingness from Zaha Kalasa I saw it with my own eyes. I not see we can do that much. But Allah has emerged irrespective of his turn towards Almighty Allah subhanaw taala in the month of Ramadan, fully strengthened our relationship with Allah. The first thing, the second

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objective, the second goal.

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Also meet mentioned in the hadith of Nebia. Kareem saw Selim, maybe occur himself some said who was shot.

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It is a month of kindness and compassion. For others kindness and compassion has such great

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emphasis in our Sharia in Allah.

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Allah loves those who are caring. Maybe I can install some tool Ayesha Ayesha er could work o Alikum, bereft go and adopt kindness. Because in Allah Rafiq, you Hippogriff, when you came in a lift Mother, your terminal. Allah Allah loves kindness, and he gives for kindness, that which he does not give for harshness, maybe a cream sauce, Solomon said in a hadith, what are these maybe a cream sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is that whenever Allah subhanahu wa taala loves a household, in Allah that hamper Beatty, whenever Allah loves our household at the Hala Hala hemolymph He brings kindness into the home. Whenever you want to know whether Allah loves you or not. See how you are

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communicating with the people in the house. If you are communicating with kindness and compassion, no it is a sign that Allah Muhammad is appointed house. But if in that house people are shouting at one another, they are harsh with one another. They are not showing compassion to one another. They know that Allah Tala has Ramadan mercy is away from the dose.

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That is how do we gain kindness and compassion. The one thing that I always tell people is very difficult to gain kindness and compassion when you are eating three square meals a day.

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That's the reality why we can gain compassion. And you all heard about the French Revolution. When the French Revolution started in the people who in the hierarchy, they were told that the people are protesting because they're hungry. They don't have bread. So what is the hierarchy in the monarchy? Tell them if you don't have bread, tell them to an intake.

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They couldn't understand if people were hungry, then forget kick. They didn't have nothing to fulfill their hunger because they were separated. When we are having three full meals a day, where are we going to gain compassion and kindness.

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And there is a reason why we don't have compassion and kindness towards people. I mean today look at the situation in the world. In the age of mass media, 30,000 people are killed in the world can do nothing and sit in silence.

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It is a it is a clear indication that we have no care and compassion in our

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ways that kindness and compassion to turn towards people to look at the difficulty to understand the difficulty to come to the assistance. This was a hallmark of our faith. Maybe I can even say Allahu alayhi wa sallam has made mention of it so much that you turned towards in the vehicle himself from one day to people, it is compulsory for you to give silicone every joint of your body you have a Salah we don't have the wealth Sahaba

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himself who said I'm not saying that you must only give wealth, just be kind and compassionate. Sometimes helping a person instead of taking a person across the road who is only Seneca and if you can't do that, oh my Sahaba smile at your next Muslim brother. Smile at your next Muslim brother.

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Be careful of the sisters Anyway, what I'm saying is spreading to next Muslim brother. And Allah Allah says in that is also a set of every good word that

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we do in the kindness and compassion to come to the system. And we were kind of the ultimate one incident come to mine every day after fajr Uber currently allowed us to go to one play particular place, even while he was asleep. So over the allotted one day save me go in ways Omar was overcome by Khalifa going went to our outskirts of the city and went and saw him entering the house of someone now more of the Allahu trimas Curiosity also became you know arouse what exactly is happening here. So after why we went to the house and said, you know, find out found out is a blind woman, she could not take care of our own needs. The Khalifa used to come every morning sweeper

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house that time You never used to get you know water. He used to make arrangement with regard to the water and keep everything for her with regard to her needs and go away and one of the

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Last time we started saying, who could have left such be accepted difficulty for the people at legacy for people to follow you afterwards? After Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Turmel passed away. The narrations make mention one aspect of the narration says the Kumara via Lacan went away and help and assist them. He said the way our worker used to go and help and assist them, let me go in helping a sister.

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And when he when they're, you know, he wants to put whatever he could. He left some dates. And they turn

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what they put to the person who used to talk before and O'Meara Villatoro used to think she's a blind woman, what does she know who is fulfilling her needs? Whether it is Abu Bakr, Omar, what what difference does it make? And she said

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when he left the dates, he took out the boots

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when he left the date, it took out the books and he left it in such a way that could be easier for me to to where is our kindness and compassion to be able to come to the assistance of other people and that'd be a courage to ask them said who was showering was it is a month of kindness and compassion brothers let us build our kindness and compassion which unfortunately we know more hand and then maybe occurring saucer said who was shot was server. And the third reason and the third goal that we could work towards achieving in the month of Ramadan.

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Maybe a cream sauce and I'm saying who are shadow server

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was someone who thought Jana, it is a month of patient and the reward of patience is Jana. Now today you and I when we look at patients from our indo Pakistan background, many of us are there not everyone, we look at somebody in a very restricted and confined way. So for us, somebody is

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someone does us something bad, who makes up a recording someone slaps you on one cheek to give the other cheek or to to hate for you to slip. That's not the right concept. I'm just giving you our understanding of southern or you face any difficulty that comes upon you. You are supposed to make someone now in the Arabic language and from the Sheree terminology summary is much more vast. It is a quality that encompasses the two things that I've made mentioned. Yes makes about a foreign difficulty that comes upon you makes about a phone the inconvenience that come upon you from other people what spirit Allah says Allah Tala makes them out upon what the people are telling you and

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abusing you is also part of seven, but it is much more of us than that. It encompasses it encompasses resoluteness it encompasses perseverance was starting to come out with me

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before sefaz upon what Allah subhanho wa Taala is compiled, commanded you. It encompasses callousness, courage, self control, all of that is part of Southern maybe let me just give you the root word of Sabah. The word Sabbath comes from the Arabic word sebab sebab is the aloe vera tree. The LM aloe vera tree grows in the desert and it grows in very harsh terrain in harsh circumstances and environment. Most of the time, the environment in the desert is there is no water, there is drought there is there is it. And despite all of that, the aloe vera tree grows in such an environment. And it still provides of course the aloe vera is used for healing properties. Despite

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growing in such harsh terrain, harsh circumstances harsh environment, the aloe vera tree still thrives and prospers and still gives its healing properties despite the circumstances and the harsh terrain in which it grows. That our Allama say is the meaning of southern despite the circumstances, despite the situation in the challenges are more men and a believer remains steadfast upon the commands of Allah Tala. No matter what happens.

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Zephyr RB Wascana Jan Yaga qua hookey kitna hysa heavy farmers aka Babu says affirm the last Mughal Empire was a very a man of letters. So one of his poems he read, don't regard Zephyr as a human being. She said Aisha Jada Khurana Rahim. She said to me Jose Padana. Who doesn't remember Allah in times of ease and doesn't fear Allah in His anger? What does it mean? A believer is always conscious of Allah, irrespective of the circumstances. He is persevere him upon every aspect of the commands of Allah despite the challenges. For them. I have written that someone who has three manifestation server upon difficulties, which is a very popular meaning of server and I won't have the time to go

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into the reward with regard to that, although we always be

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dua everyone must make this dua maybe a cream sauce from told his uncle Abbas, who Abbas always ask Allah for Lafayette ask Allah for Afia ease and well being don't ask Allah for difficulty. So we never ask Allah for difficulty but when one point of Saba is somewhat awkward difficulty, you know, second thing when I'm I have written sub adata Atilla

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server and discipline in complying with the commands of Allah subhanaw taala. So you have to comply this Bible Bukhari, maybe occuring sosman has made mention of the reward of making was doing a poll morning. Similarly with regard to the discipline required in Ramadan with regard to good deeds, that is also the suburb of the UK, the symbol of discipline to do that. And the last one is suburb and Marcia Tila, the seventh, the self control required to save yourself from prohibitions and haram. When you are seeing haram or doing haram. It requires self control to stay away from it. So you see a woman who catches your fancy and is attractive, and you feel like looking at her. It is some of

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that self control that makes you cast your gaze down and said No, Allah in the Quran says, Woman in your booth woman up sorry, tell unto the believers that they must cast the gaze down whenever there is a fitna.

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So that is a three aspects and the Vietnamese also have said that this particular aspect is some of the verb will Jana this one is a month of summer and the reward of summer is Jana that we conclude with a hadith that maybe a Kareem Salah Julio Salman said, you know the Monica comes to Allah subhanho wa taala. They say well now, how do we record the reward of a person who is fasting, the person reads to raucous numbers, he reads have to para we can record it read two records that have so far your person is doing nothing. How do we record his deeds? He's staying away from things he's not doing something? How do we record it? This is where the Hadith comes in. That Allah Allah tells

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a melodica Oh, my angels, you can't record it.

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Uh, so booty. Fasting is for me.

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Only I know that difficulty of the person went through fasting is only one good deed that is no reality is no name and fame in it.

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You can go eat in one corner of the household. There is only one good deed that there is no pride, and that is possible. Therefore the tele sales of Elijah don't record it. It's for me, I myself was recording

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and that is the seventh, which is part of which we must try to achieve. Let me conclude three things and objectives and putting in front of you strengthen our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala have kindness and compassion inculcate kindness and compassion, which may be occurring testosterone made mention of his an objective and adopt southern was several syllable agenda. He was talking to one