Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 23

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of staying indoors, reciting the Quran, and working out during quarantine is emphasized, along with the benefits of respecting time and space. The speakers stress the need for verifying information and being true to oneself, as well as the importance of respecting time and space in regards to social media. They also emphasize the importance of praying for oneself and finding a way to live life, emphasizing the need to be mindful of others' time and finding a way to live life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Spend Less than a human how we learn it'll be too hard. I mean on

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Sunday we'll send him earlier in the evening we're sending the BU named Mohammed in honor of Nora sada to work asleep and about my brothers and sisters in Islam said Mr. Anil Kumar often to lie he will back out

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it was brought to my attention that no one had gone over you know a few aspects of

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you know, takeoff windows that are performing Arctic F.

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So I thought you know, I would just highlight a few things in shuttle mozzarella before we get started.

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To begin with, obviously, you know, you've all begun your Etsy calf and you've come into the masjid and hamdulillah and you're here

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to try to maximize from the time that you're spending in the masjid and when I say Masjid, I actually mean the main prayer hall. So try to maximize from the time that you're in here. You notice that when you're in this part of the mustard, you might not you know, sit down and socialize or talk so much but the second you step outside the doors, even though there's nothing so much wrong with being outside the doors in you know, this, that part of the mustard, you'll notice that's kind of odd because a lot of people come in some people go there and just chill out and you know, you get distracted from you or a bad day and your worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. So it's best to stay

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within this part of the masjid.

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Try not to

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mingle too much, right? Try not to sit and spend time talking about things unless you're going over a book or you're you know reciting code and to someone who you're sitting with and spending time with throughout the month of Ramadan, which is good, you can, you know, recite a page to each other. So you recite one page, the next person recites a page, you recite a page, they recite a page, back and forth, so you correct each other's mistakes. And at the same time, you know, you're not fully reciting the Quran as in yourself writing it and reciting it unless you're going to go over you know, page one page each. But at the same time, you know, you're benefiting from correcting someone

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and listening to the Quran and having someone listen to your recitation of the Quran as well. But other than that, try and stay as you know, secluded as possible spend your time alone, and hamdulillah you each have your own little you know, area with curtains dividing each one of you. And I think the only interaction that happens when a curtain is up is snoring, which might disturb someone in their sleep. So we asked the last panel Medina to accept your efforts and make it easy for you. Throughout this, this, you know, part of the month of Ramadan, try to refrain from you know, any sort of outside connection because these days we have Wi Fi and Internet, and we have

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WhatsApp and telegram and all these you know, different social media platforms that we can use to communicate with our families and friends. And you'll notice this kind of a you know, you could spend easily an hour on Facebook without even knowing that an hour has gone by. Right so that one hour you can finish reciting an entire dose of the Quran and for some of us we can recite to Jews of the Quran at a regular pace, right not speed reading, it's just regular pace. It takes about a half an hour to recite one just of the Quran, right? So imagine in one hour you could have recited to Jews of the Quran. If you do one hour on Facebook every single day throughout the last 10 nights of

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Ramadan. That's to Jews every single day two times 10 that's 20 pages of the Quran. Technically, you almost could have finished the entire course and by sitting there and being on Facebook. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to stay away from those things that distract us from the Remember to the last panel what's at now what things can you do? You can recite the Quran you can sit there and ponder over the creation of Allah subhana wa tada you can busy yourself in Vicar and you can ask for forgiveness as we you know touched upon in the past couple of days. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would you no increase in that and we'll see this in the Quran as well

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how Allah subhana wa tada highlights it,

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you can you can simply take some rest as well. So you don't only have to worship and sacrifice Allah subhana wa sorry, sacrifice in terms of giving up your time and your your energy in terms of very bad but resting is also a refreshment to the body. And that allows you to worship Allah subhana wa tada even more and more focused and concentrated. So So Pamela, sometimes you notice, like even me when I'm preparing my notes, just a few days ago, I think I mentioned to you, you know, I started to feel real sleepy and my, my writing became, you know, very blurry, very, you know, messed up. And I literally just walked away, I walked through, I just left everything the way it was I got up and I

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walked away, I went and told my wife, I said, You know, I need to do something that's going to wake me up, either to nap or shower. And so it's a panel that I, you know, decided to just stretch out a little bit, get the blood flowing through the body, take a nice hot shower and then got back at it and hamdulillah you feel refreshed. So there are things that you

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can do to refresh yourself and to worship Allah subhana wa tada more you want to connect as much as you possibly can throughout this month of Ramadan, right connect with the loss of Hannah Montana, this is your time this is your moment, you don't have family around you don't have friends around you don't have any, you know distractions from the outside the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know sometimes he would put his head outside of the the area that you're staying in and the mustard could say which was basically at his time sticking his head outside of the mustard meant sticking his head inside of his home, the home of that is out of the land, right because he would

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come out of his home and he'd be inside most of the Navy and so he would stick his head out and shout out the alarm and Howard simply communist era and he would continue back you know, doing what he was doing in terms of embedded inside of the mustard so not to spend too much time yes if your family comes you can speak to them interact with them if there's something that's needed that anything that's that's more you're just sitting there chatting talking enjoying spending two hours three hours you know, either during the day or the night or the morning then that should be you know, staying you should stay away from that as much as possible on Sharma and handler you'll notice

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the time goes very fast. Right? How many nights have you spent you already two nights right this is going to be the third night and this is the 23rd night of Ramadan. And next Friday inshallah tada would be eat right. Tomorrow is Friday so there's only one week left. And when we look back at the month of Ramadan there's one week left over three weeks have passed over three weeks of this month have gone already and so the month is literally just flies right in front of our eyes and we don't notice it and by the time you realize it you'll be sitting here on the last day of Ramadan thinking wow, where did the Arctic f go? It wasn't that hard. It wasn't that difficult to because it passed

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by so quickly. And Mashallah hadn't done that I don't know about stuccoed but I know for a start we get really good food I remember growing up a few times I would spend the night in the mustard during the last few nights of Ramadan while leading pm and so Pamela and you know, we literally like look for a banana or something because there wasn't there wasn't much of a of an arrangement for food. So it happened and Allah subhanho wa Taala has made that easy. And if there's anything that you need, please let us know. Right myself any anyone any of the brothers or sisters that you see coming and going from the mustard regularly. If you need anything from the outside just let us know we'll bring

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it to you if you want some Chai you want some coffee, you want some donuts, you got some timbits let us know whatever it is that you need throughout the night to give you the energy that you require. If it's some dates, we can go and get you some dates that's not a problem. So please let us know we're here at your service. You are you know sacrificing to uphold this Deen to get close to Allah subhanho wa Taala to spend time you know connecting and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for you and we want some of the agenda as well. We weren't you know given the opportunity to perform erotica this year but we would hope that we can benefit in some way shape or form from serving you

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during your time and you have to calf

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Okay, so we'll continue in Charlotte Atlanta with

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with our to see it. Tonight we're going to be reciting on the 23rd night of Ramadan sort of threw off sort of Mohammed

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In fact, we'll also be reciting surah to her gerat off and that yet okay, so we'll be going through a number of sources or surah of the Quran the plural for surah is so what like sewer sewer right but at the end not an art so sewer

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so Allah subhana wa tada has blessed us to reach this far throughout the month of Ramadan and how about you know today I was looking at it and like 26 inches and there's not much left on the a few days left. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us to benefit as much as we possibly can from these classes and how about that we're doing throughout this month.

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Sort of off the the winds curved sand hills, right the curved sand hills, Allah subhana wa tada highlights in the Quran. And this is a surah which we could refer back to the story or the time that people have had, right the people have had and we had discussed them throughout our you know, classes have to see it. And we mentioned how the people that they had were extremely big and tall in stature they were strong and they would build inside of the mountains their homes, and they would also have castles that they would build or like palaces, homes but massive at the tops of the mountains. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala here refers to this sort of as sort of to that yet. Sorry

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sort of off the the scent curved or you know mountains and Allah subhanho wa Taala

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It had allowed them to carve their homes into the mountains. But at the same time he destroyed them using what what was the method of destruction?

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whose difference of opinion Masha, Allah, how come we're saying sound and wind? Who was destroyed by sound?

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I love this. What do we do when there's difference of opinion?

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No, we do homework. We do homework, because we've gone over it so many times. It's mentioned in court. Right? So this is homework for tomorrow. And you should know the answer to it because we're talking about the sutra. But for those that don't, this is homework. And I expect you to do your homework tonight because most of the other nights you haven't. And tomorrow I just enjoyed telling you the the answer anyways. So the carved or the curved sand hills as a loss of habitat, you know, refers to the people of add, and they lived in these in these carved out mountains. If we look at verse number, 15, and 16 of the soil, you'll notice that we jumped around so we can't go through all

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the sources that we're going to go into cover, which is it said that we can't do that, but time doesn't permit. So we're going to start at verse number 15 and 16 and shot alongside of the soil.

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And the last panel with Hannah begins, well was slain and son of Isla de de he is

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a Lhasa pan with Alex taala encourages us right and tells us in fact, he commands us in the Quran to do to do good to be good towards our parents, right? Well well slain in Sunnah he Well, he they he has to do good sn towards our parents. And in these verses Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that he overlooks the sins of people who do goodness towards their parents. So he mentions doing good to your parents, being nice to your parents, being dutiful to your parents, and then you grow older in life. And you look after your parents and you ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless you for the favors that he's giving you and having those parents look after you. And so you continue to be good

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and dutiful towards your parents. And so Allah subhana wa tada here highlights that, but then he mentions those people who were good to their parents and continue to do goodness towards their parents, whether they're alive or have passed away. Allah subhanho wa Taala overlooks their sins, their bad deeds, the things that they've done in their life, because being good and obedient towards our parents is such a powerful deed. It is so good in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that it erases out those sins that we may have done that. So Pamela, sometimes, you know, when I speak to people, they come to me and ask me questions of things that, you know, they're going through in

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their life, that that are affecting them. And sometimes they mentioned, you know, things that are really severe, or it seems to them that it's severe. And it is it is, it's something that's extremely disliked by a loss of habitat. But then you look at the fact that they've come out of that sin, they've surpassed it, they've gone beyond that sin, as in, they left it and they're now connecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala. They also have a great relationship with their parents. And for many of those people are, in fact, I should say, for some of those people, not for many, because for many of us, we struggle with trying to have a good relationship, and to be good with our

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parents. But for some of them, it's their parents that help them get out of that problem. And so they're so close with their parents, and their parents are the ones obviously, parents love us parents always want us to come out of our difficult moments and, you know, to come out of the sins that were committing, but those that actually, you know, give in to the help that their parents are offering and they get closer to their parents, you'll notice the Subhana Allah Allah had given that person, a rough road, and they went down this rocky road with all these sins that they were committing, but then their parents had helped them to come out of that rocky road onto a nice paved

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smooth highway. And that highway takes them straight, straight to Agenda because they had left those sins and gotten closer with their parents, only to realize through the closeness of their parents, Allah Subhana Allah overlook the sins that they committed.

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He overlooks the sins that they committed, because they allow their parents to help them through those rough times and rough moments. And this is advice for all of those people, especially some of the sisters who asked me You know, they come in, they ask questions, myself and many others, right? They ask questions

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about how they may have been, you know, unbeautiful towards their parents, they were not good and obedient towards their parents and treated them very badly. And now they feel ashamed and they feel as though Allah Subhana Allah rejects them. And I highlight this because it's a problem, especially more so amongst our sisters.

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Mainly because sisters feel very emotional, and they're emotionally attached. And so they feel that loss of bandwidth Allah would reject them because of what they've done in their past. And they feel so ashamed to go into makeup to their parents to go and talk to their parents and to, you know, try and get past the problems that they've gone through with their parents, and to show their parents that somehow they've gotten, you know, through those rough moments, and now they've changed they're better people, but they feel so much regret inside of them that they, they failed to go back to their parents. And so Allah subhanaw taala tells us here, go to your parents, because with the help

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of your parents, and with the obedience of your parents, by going through good times with your parents and making them feel good, Allah subhana wa tada will overlook the sins that we've committed in our past. And so we have to try and respect our parents as much as possible in that in that regard, verses 17 to 20.

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Allah Subhana, WA, tada responds to those who are unbeautiful towards their parents by letting them know that they will be humiliated. On the day of judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala will humiliate those who were bad towards their parents who disrespected their parents, who were not dutiful, towards their parents who will harm their parents who would constantly say things that would hurt the feelings of our parents. And you notice, as we highlighted before, in the last panel, it says, one lone wolf, don't say, what is off, often our time is going.

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Right? It's just like sighing just to say, like, you're so annoyed, like, they tell you to buy milk. And it's, you know, after the MLA and you're on your way home, and you look at your watch, and you only have 30 minutes left to eat. And your parents send you a text message and say, can you buy some milk? We have no milk at home. And you're thinking, well, it doesn't bother me because I'm not going to eat cereal. I'm lactose intolerant anyways, I'll just have some, you know, some bread or something, but they want the milk. And you're like,

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right, Allah subhanaw taala says, Don't even say that of last pan, which Allah didn't say,

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you know, don't feel as though there's a burden upon you. He knows that it's going to feel difficult, he knows that you will, you will feel that, you know, there's so much difficult moments in my life that I have to go through after, you know, looking after my family. Now I have to look after my parents and they're getting older, but my children are growing up, and I need to spend time with the parents and spend time with the children. And it becomes difficult. But Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Don't say of, which means he knows you're going to feel you're going to feel as though this is too hard for you. It's a burden upon you. But he's telling us don't express that burden.

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don't express those feelings to your parents, because that hurts their feelings. And they know they know, don't you think parents feel bad? They feel bad for their child who's coming home, let's say 230 in the morning, after clamor late and they're sending him a text message. You know, what, can you buy some milk? Bring some milk home, they feel bad? Of course, they feel bad. They feel like why shouldn't we be the ones that go out and get it and provide it for our children, even though the child might be grown up and have a beard or wearing Hijab and Mashallah have children? Right, they still feel it. That's how parents are, I know those who are, you know, a little bit older from

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amongst us, they can testify and tell us we feel to constantly be doing good for our children, even though they're grown adults, and they have children of their own. We still want to do goodness for our children, because they're our children. Right? We've seen them at the time when they were babies. And we remember those moments when they were born and when they couldn't sit up and they couldn't crawl and they couldn't do anything on their own. They couldn't eat their own food yet so panela we still want to do things for them, even though now they're capable of doing it. Right so Allah subhana wa tada shows us these examples in the Quran, that he will humiliate those that don't

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show duty or or respect towards the parents.

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In the next few verses, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to discuss the story of ad and the people of Eid and how Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed them while they were, you know, resting and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how you know, they they were granted so much of this dunya but that was taken away from them.

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We move on to the next one inshallah, to Allah, verse number sutra number 47, which is sort of Muhammad What does this mean in English if we were to translate it?

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Mohamed, okay, is there another name for this? surah?

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Yes, what is it similar to kita? Yes, so pseudo Mohammed is also known as sort of Turkey tell the surah of the fighting, right. And here in this one our last panel is added touches upon fighting a lot, right fighting the aspect of jihad that refers to the battle because Jihad itself doesn't necessarily refer to fighting

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jihad is sacrificing, sacrificing from your life sacrificing from your wealth. Sacrificing from your health, sacrificing from your money, sacrificing from your family sacrificing from the things that you love and your desire, sacrificing from your time and sacrificing from your, your energy as you know we're going through now during the month of Ramadan, we feel that lack of energy inside of our bodies, those are all types of jihad. So the word Jihad has only been used in one aspect in the media and shown to the rest of the world that Jihad means fighting. Right? But that's only an aspect. Jihad means to do good. Which two, which is to strive hard. And when a person strives hard,

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what happens when you're driving your car, and it's a four cylinder Toyota Camry, right? And you want to race someone who's driving in a nice, you know, Mashallah Volkswagen GTI. And so Pamela, you want to race them, and you press on the gas pedal? What happens to your Camry

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it's struggling, right? It's just trying to get up there. And so you're putting strain, you're putting jewelry on your engine, you're, you're straining the engine, what happens, you're sacrificing from your car, you're, you're straining the engine, you're taking away from the oil, you're burning some of the oil, you're burning a lot of fuel, you're probably you know, damaging some of the pistons in the piston rings, right, the valves are heating up too much, because it's not a car that's made for racing. So you're putting strain on the car, just like you put strain on the body. That is jihad. So Jihad of your car is to race a car that's not made for racing, right? And

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it's not to go into put you know, guns and stuff like that on it cannons and you know, missile launchers and stuff like that, like the world has, you know, portrayed or given the the image to the rest of the world. And the media I should say so Panama.

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So here in this word, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the aspects of fighting and it's right before the sword are known as alpha. What is the next surah alpha? What is that? The victory the opening of what the conquering of America so when maca was received by the Muslim in by the minion, so Allah Subhana Allah to Allah put salt on Muhammad here in verses number 123

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Allah highlights those who disbelieve in Allah subhanho wa Taala They are the ones who follow falsehood. And those who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. They end up following Mohammed is Surah Mohammed, they end up following Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam thus following the truth, and the truth is what the truth is the deen it's Islam, the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala the command of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the truth is the deen of Islam. And that is that is the opposite of falsehood. So those who disbelieve follow falsehood, and those who believe and follow Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam are following the truth in verses 16 to

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19, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the hypocrites, and how the hypocrites are described as having a heart which is sealed, that even if you talk to them about Islam, and you tell them about the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they admit that they believe, right, they say that they believe meaning they're believers, but they're hypocrites. And that's the that's, you know, that's the definition of a hypocrite, a person who claims that they believe they state that they believe that inside they don't believe. And so they make it seem to everyone around them that they're believers, they make it seem as though they're praying, but inside they hate to pray, they make it

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seem as though they're reciting the Quran, but they only do so because people are watching. They make it seem as though they love to fast, but when they're there, you know, on their own, they hate fasting to the extent that sometimes they might even eat or drink and you know, fill their bellies when people don't know it. But Allah subhanho wa Taala knows. So here Allah subhana wa tada talks about the hypocrites, and how they're described as having a heart that is sealed, that even if

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you speak to them and tell them the truth, and they know that this is the truth, or they hear that it's coming from you, as you know, conveying the message of the truth. Their hearts are sealed, and they still rejected, they still reject the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala that has come to us. And so

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they listen, but they don't comprehend, right, they listen to the message, but they don't comprehend it. They intentionally refuse it, and then the loss of handle attalla because of this act because of this behavior, he seals their hearts he blocks their hearts off from accepting the message in verses 24 to 28 Allah subhanho wa Taala commends us to reflect upon the Quran. And those who are apostates those who believed or were Muslim were movements, but then left Islam Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses them here and how

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Those who left Islam will have a hard time at their death. And this will be a moment where their bodies will grasp will hold on to the soul and won't want to let go of the soul. Now so Canada, we live in a in a society where it's very tricky. We don't live in America, we don't live in Medina we don't live in, in lands where, you know, some kind of people are born Muslim raised Muslim, whether they want to pray or not, everything shuts down, and it just becomes the norm that you go and pray. We are, you know, being brought up and raising our children in a society where some of the Muslim families inshallah hopefully no one here but some of the Muslim families

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they are born Muslim, but there's no Islam in their household. Right? They're born Muslim, but there's no Islam in their household. And sometimes those children grow up to then have children and they tell their children, yeah, you're Muslim, but you don't see Islam on them. You don't see Islam in them. You don't see Islam around them. You don't see Islam in their businesses in their transactions, you don't see Islam in any aspect of their life. And so those people, they say, we're born Muslim, we're Muslim. But if you don't see any Islam on them, they themselves come and ask the question, am I even a Muslim? Because I never prayed once. I don't even know what it means to be a

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Muslim. Right? My parents telling me that, that we're Muslim, but that's simply because they are there. Their parents, which is the grandparents came from another country. And so we're confused. Are we actually Muslim or not? And if we are a Muslim, then why does Islam put such harsh, you know, statements upon us, but we've never even believed? So if a person is never believed, the question is, are they or were they even a Muslim to begin with? Right. And that's something that we deal with a lot here in Canada, we deal with it a lot in Canada, remember, you know, quite a few times in some of my lectures, I have people come to me afterwards and they say, you know, we've only come to the

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masjid now.

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We're only coming to listen to this lecture, because our friends told us to come in. It's something that, you know, we could benefit from and after hearing what we heard, you know, it's nice, and it sounds nice, but am I from amongst those people that are rejected? And then you have to sit with them and discuss and go through a number of things. So it becomes very tricky. And so we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy for our families, to raise our families not as only Muslim, as in the title, you're a Muslim. You want to go for hydrometer and, and it asks you you know, what's your religion you put Islam, but is your religion really Islam? Are you following Islam? Right? Is that

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the Is there anything in you that is Islam, and that's where we need to work very hard, not only to tell our children they're Muslim, but as parents to show that we are Muslim, and Islam is a religion and we are meaning we believe in the last panel with Anna and by believing in Allah that means we have to submit to what Allah subhana wa tada wants us to submit to, which is whatever he asks us to submit to, aside from submitting to us Palo Alto, we submit in terms of I want to have the freedom of my time and do whatever I want, but a lot of asks me to submit or commends me to submit some of my time in prayer. He commands me to submit some of my hunger and my desires to eat. During the

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month of Ramadan. He commands me to submit in many different aspects of my life. And so we have to teach this as parents to our children because our children are losing the deen. Many of our children are losing the deen they don't even know what it means to be a Muslim.

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And so we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to raise our children in this part of the world upon the deen and to worship Allah subhana wa tada solely from verses 24 to 28. As we just discussed, the last panel with Allah mentions those who believed but then left, their soul will be clinging to their bodies. And when the angel comes to take their soul away, it will be as though it's ripping the soul out of the body. Why? Because it felt that this world this life was what was important. This is the life that we live, not the hereafter. Whereas meaning what do we believe this life is only temporary, there will be a death as we spoke about yesterday. And then there's going to

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be Jenna and Johanna, after the Day of Resurrection after the day where we will be questioned by Allah subhanho wa Taala and that point onwards is where we live life. That's the real life this life for those who disbelieve then Allah subhana wa tada who believed but then disbelief. It's as though their soul will be ripping itself or it will be ripped out of their bodies because it will cling on and not want to leave what it desires so much. And we as many in what do we desire we desire the hereafter we desire, gentlemen, right? So when our soul is taken, the stronger our Amen, the more we are connected with Allah subhanho wa Taala when the angel comes to get our soul that is

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It is to come out of our bodies. This panel, I remember one of my professors in Malaysia, may Allah subhana wa, tada, you know, bless him and forgive him.

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And grant him, you know, his grave to be wide open, sweet smelling garden of genda at his time of death, so Pamela it just came suddenly. Right, no one expected it, his his sons are actually my friends up until now we're still in touch daily. And Subhanallah, you know, when, when their father one night, he was having pains in his chest, and he told his wife, you know, I'm having this pain and he's had pain, you know, for a few hours, and then it became a little too unbearable. And so kinda that was the night that, you know, one of his sons had a, you know, a conversation with his father about, you know, purchasing a car and getting married, and so on and so forth. And he, you

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know, he tells his son, he's like, you need to take me to the hospital, something's not right. As soon as they walked through the doors of the hospital, he collapsed right there. And he had heart attack, right. And then he had a number of heart attacks, and then some kind of like, he lived in another I believe it was eight days after that he was on life support, and a number of things happened. And then in Malaysia, they have this thing because it's, you know, Muslim country or Muslim majority. There's a lot of Muslim doctors, so they got advice from the Muslim doctors from an Islamic perspective. And so so panela, they decided, Okay, remove the life support because, you

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know, Mashallah, we benefit so much here in Canada, we have free medical assistance, right? free medical aid. In other countries, like in Malaysia, you have to have insurance and your insurance will only cover you up until it runs out, the limit runs out. And so that professor had insurance through the university, but because he was on life support, it costs a lot of money. And so every single day, it was costing, you know, 10s of 1000s of bring it. And so so Pamela, eventually it ran out, and they had to make a decision. And they were making phone calls, they were trying to call, you know, Royal members and trying to get more money to keep their father on life support. And then

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they thought, you know, it's a panel that's removed this life support. And if Allah subhanho wa Taala, wants him to live, he will live from us. palitana wants him to live, he will live, right. And life support itself. As we discussed another time, we won't go through it. But it isn't something that actually gives life It gives life to the body, but it doesn't keep the soul in the body. If the soul is gone, the soul is gone. And so they end up removing the life support. And as they remove the life support, he opens his eyes.

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He opens his eyes, he looks around, he says the Shahada twice, and then he passes away. And it was so you know, his sons were there, everyone was around him. And I was on my way to the hospitals when I got there and just minutes after he had passed away. And somehow that's, you know, a beautiful example of how when Allah Subhana Allah wants to give someone goodness, he gives them goodness, they could have kept him for a long, long time on life support who knows what would have happened, but this was a person's panel I remember this professor in Malaysia.

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He taught us you know, when it when it's time for Sana rush to sada and many people ask this question, right now this time, is the time where there's cutoff to pray. Right? It's the time where most of us know it's mukou to pray right because it's just before the sunset. But for someone who did not pray us or someone who didn't pray us, sir, yet, you have to get a break now and pray. You have to stand up and pray right now. Because there's no guarantee this professor used to tell us this. There is no guarantee you will live one more minute of your life.

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And he used to tell us as well because in Malaysia we handle a lot of the the Malaysians when they pray, they're solid, they're so particular very particular with how they pray very particular with how they do everything in life. They're like, you know, textbook individuals, what they've been taught, that's what they do. And so panela they've been taught good manners and how to respect parents and if you really want to see how to treat parents and respect parents go to Malaysia, you'll see how children, teenagers, young adults, grown ups, they treat their parents like Mashallah amazing. And so panela this professor was saying when you when you're in sada a lot of them they

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will recite Fatiha right. In the center, let's say salata acid or the third knockout for an account for that account, right? They will recite Fatiha on their own because the Imam is resigning, but they will recite it as well. And if the Imam finishes before they do, the Imam goes into the court, they'll stay standing and finish sort of Fatiha. Right. And then they'll go into the court by that time that Imam is already up from record and maybe into salute. Right? Some people will delay that much. And it actually is a problem. I used to post about this all the time when I was in Malaysia and talk about it like if the Imam says a lot about go into salute if this man says semi Allah and

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the man hamina come up from a group or even if you haven't done anything, that a man is reciting for you as well. So this professor, he you know, he used this example, he said, those people who are standing in sauna or waiting for the Imam to come up

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Let's say you're joining the sauna. You're joining the prayer you came late for sauna. And you're you know, you see everyone in sudo Do you think when they stand up I'll say a lot oh come on and join while they're standing. Or this professor he used to be so particular, he said if you come late for sauna you're in that situation where you see the gmrs Institute, join the salah and makes you do it because you never know that might be your last second of your life. And you would die well your institute or you could die standing there waiting to pray Salah but you're already late. And Salah has started and you're you're supposed to join as quickly as possible. Why are you delaying your

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Salah that's how this professor You know, he was one who is really connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala in every single lecture that I used to give in Malaysia inside the auditorium because I used to give lectures weekly there on Friday nights, you know, Subhanallah he would always be sitting right in the front row. In the very front row. This is a professor PhD white beard Mashallah very knowledgeable, you know, Islamic degrees and stuff, he would be sitting in the front row right in front of all the other students who are just chilling in the back on their phones and stuff like that tweeting and posting saying, Yeah, I'm at a lecture and so on. He would be in the front row,

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right in the front seat right in front of the lectern, sitting in front of in front of the speaker, and all the other speakers that would come in and teach on Friday nights and on different nights because we had like, you know, we do a senate classes and stuff in the auditorium. They could all testify that he was there in the front row as well. Always someone who loves the dean, last panel with Anna when he takes their soul he takes it away so easily. This person was on life support, they removed the life support the life support machine. And the last panel it allows him to open his eyes see his family is you know, children are standing next to him recite the shadow twice, which calmed

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the hearts of his family members. Imagine when you pass away, your family is like worried, worried about you worried how your time is going to be in the grave worried about you, you know, in the hereafter the buck is off. Imagine if when we pass away the last few moments of our life is to say the Shahada, but not only once to say it twice. And we know that Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam men can ask you can me La Ilaha Illa de la Jana, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever his last words are let the law in a lot to say the Shahada. Whoever says that as their last words duckula gender enters gender.

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Now imagine his family members to see this. When I got there, they were all smiling. I'm thinking you should be crying. You guys should be bawling your eyes out. They were smiling. All of them were smiling. They were so happy. And they came in they hugged me and I was like in tears. I was like, you know, this is someone who we knew so well. And I walked in supposedly was in ICU. I walked into the to the room and they were all smiling the brothers Mashallah quite a bit and it was a big rub grabbed me and they're hugging me they're like, Mashallah, he said the shadow twice. He said the shadow twice. And they were so happy and they said, Look at his face, he's smiling, he's smiling.

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That's how Allah Subhana Allah takes the soul of people who are connected with Allah.

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We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make easy for us to lose our souls in the ways that are most beautiful and soothe and calm the hearts of our family members

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who move on inshallah, because we have a lot to cover

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in Surah, two, which is the next surah of the Quran surah number 48. This is the victory This is the time where Allah subhanho wa Taala granted the Muslim in us, Mecca, it came back to us and it came back to the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu. They went back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now the Muslim in the minion ruled and governed Mecca. And this is the sort of the last panel with Allah, you know, had on the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as he was walking, sorry, as he was writing in on his candle entering into Mecca, after you know, or during the incident of photopic. In verses 123 of us were conduits and it tells us of this great victory, the

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victory of receiving mecca of opening Mecca, conquering Mecca. But at the same time, he highlights the aspect of it not only being a victory in terms of claiming land, but victory for the mostly mean that we are believers. That is the real victory. Victory is not to just have a piece of land to fight over having a piece of land. Victory is knowing that I'm a believer and I'm also accountable with talent. That's real victory. So the victory for the mini and at that time was conquest, the the conquest of Makkah, that it now belongs to the Muslims. But true victory was that a lot took those people the Sahaba of the Aloha home from J Leah into into belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala from

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from disbelief into belief.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that here in the beginning of surah, two In fact, that will that will be recited tonight in sha Allah, Allah to Allah

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That the true victory for us is not victory of Lent. Its victory of belief that Allah saved us from what is going on outside the walls of this mustard right now. Allah subhanho wa Taala saved us from the things that are happening in terms of the fitna and the facade that's spreading around the world. And then in verse number four, Allah Subhana, Allah says that he sent down Sakina, right tranquility into the hearts of those who believe so that we can increase in our email. And you'll notice some handle on these last few nights of Ramadan, you probably feel a little bit regret, right? You feel a little bit of regret. Last few nights of Ramadan, you're praying family, and you

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sit there and you think to yourself, so panel, I haven't done much. And when you look at yourself, most people tend to self reflect through throughout these last 10 nights, self reflect what have I done throughout this month of Ramadan? Like, what have I done really?

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And what have I done in my life? Like the type of person that I am? How much knowledge Do I really have? How much do I really have, and then you start to feel sad, and you start to feel down and you start to feel some kind of as much as I'm doing and I'm standing in BM and I'm reciting the Quran and I'm, you know, making dua and trying to ask what kind of mentality to forgive me, I haven't done much in my life. I'm so distinct from Allah subhanho wa Taala. What does Allah subhana wa tada say, those who believe you will feel that it's normal. He grants Sakina he puts tranquility in our hearts. Don't worry, continue doing what you're doing. And by giving you that tranquility in your

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heart, you're able and capable to push yourself again tomorrow. And then the next night on the 25th night and then again on the 26th night and on the 27th night on the 28th night on the 29th tonight, right up until the end of the month of Ramadan. And so that's kind of how it tells us Don't worry, you will build your email with this Sakina that He grants us and places for us in our hearts.

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Then Allah subhana wa tada goes on. In verse number 21, Allah subhanho wa Taala grants the Muslims victory, even if they aren't in the hands of the Muslims. So victory is not in our favor. Or then the motion again or the non Muslims, right that that may be live even around us. They make it difficult for us sometimes to live to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and to show our amen and to display it publicly. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us very, you know, simply here that He grants victory to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and those who follow in terms of even those who follow this Deen. And so if we are upon the deen, anything that comes to us from any angle, no

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matter if it's from the Muslim mean, or the non Muslim mean, right, because sometimes it's the mins the believers that are making trouble for the believers as well, due to a lack of knowledge, as we mentioned yesterday, so Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it easy for those to believe those who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala to have victory, those who were right, who are right will always when

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we move on to sort of to her a lot. And you know, so panela this last thing that we were just discussing, I don't know if many of you noticed, but today, it was mentioned in Parliament, they're discussing having imams be trained and certified by the Canadian government, which means I may not be here anymore.

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A lot of our right last panel with Allah knows best, but I don't think that's something that that would be good to be done solely from the government's, you know, angular perspective. If the Imams and let's say you know, the the Council of Imams and people who are imams can make that decision and can you know advise them and guide them that would be good but so kinda like to simply come and say you can be in mmm you can do you graduated from this university, you're not no longer to be any mountain view you know, you're considered to be a radical you this you that is who's making this decision, who's making this call? Who are the people who make that choice. And so we ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to make it easy for us here in Canada and to not make Canada become like some of those other countries around the world that claim to be Muslim countries but the knowledgeable from amongst the Muslim in cannot even speak, I know handle, I've been to many countries around the world. And just to give a lecture, I can't come and walk through the door and do like I do right now, come in, sit down and give a lecture and need to go through months, months of paperwork, to deliver 140 minute lecture, months of paperwork four months to be exact, just to deliver 140 minute lecture, you have to do you know a lot of paperwork and approvals and get work permits and manpower

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permits and get religious approval and then they check your background and where you studied and who you are and check your lectures and then you have to give them synopsis of what you're going to talk about and the timing. So Pamela it's it's insane. Right? So we asked the last panel Italian not to make Canada like that. Because if that happens, then I think Canada is slowly starting to implement the Shetty law in some way, shape or form without even knowing that they are because they're doing what

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countries like Saudi Arabia are doing Allah subhana wa tada make it easy for each and every one of us. So don't throw her gelato which is the 49 suit of the Quran.

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What does it mean very quickly? Hey, the dwellings okay the rooms the places that you dwell, Allah subhanho wa Taala here in the very beginning from verses number one to three highlights respecting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and respecting Allah subhanho wa Taala, but even more so respecting their decision. So in our time, during the time of the Sahaba of the Levant home, for example, if someone needed to make a decision with regards to something, they would go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him, is this permissible? Is this not permissible? during our time we don't have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam around we can't ask Allah Subhana

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Allah to Allah and ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's not like why he is just going to come from the sky, right? How do we ask Allah Subhana Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we look at the Quran and we look at the Sunnah and we see if I want to travel to a certain place for example, am I islamically allowed to do so if I want to purchase something is this islamically permissible for me to person to purchase based on the Quran, based on the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that there for us in those first few verses, verses four to five, the etiquette in speaking to others. Now this is

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specifically referring to how we speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he is not here. And that was an example for us. He was the leader, he was the Imam, he was the person that you know, would lead the ummah. And so today, when we speak to others, the etiquettes and the morals that we learned from the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, we should continue, right? It's not that Oh, he passed away, now we can just yell and scream, and do whatever we want. And here the Prophet sent along, I think he will send them or sorry, Allah Subhana. Allah is telling us to call upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in ways that are nice, don't shout out to him,

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don't yell at him. If he's inside of his home, don't just go if you're behind the house, you know, behind your house, or behind the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Jesus yell for him to come outside, because you need something. And in modern terms, this, you know, would tie into giving someone a phone call in the middle of the night and saying, Hey, you know what I'm going through.

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I'm going to have a meeting tomorrow and it's three o'clock in the morning, I need to ask you, is this permissible economically for me to do so and so thing, right? And this happens a lot. So respecting time of people is very important as well, right? Everyone has their own schedule. Now, of course the mountains Mashallah May Allah subhanaw taala, bless them, they love to give back to the community and love to always help people. And honestly, even for me, it doesn't matter what time of day or night, you know, the brothers that that messaged me all the time they know I respond, it doesn't matter what time it is, if I'm sleeping, then I won't respond. So Allah subhana wa, tada,

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you know, wants us to treat each other with respect and respecting our time and space in verses six to eight.

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This is important with regards to social media for all of us that use social media and read, you know, articles in the newspaper and so on, unless of how to what to how to hear in verses six to eight highlights something absolutely important. verify the information that comes to you always verify the information that comes to you and remember it in in Surah. Allah what sort of recovering right now and losing track productive jobs. In verse number six to eight, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to verify information when it comes to us, especially when it comes to us from those who don't believe, right. And today, you notice people will go online, see something on Facebook and

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start to share it share, share, share, share, and then they realize they look at the date or someone sends them a message and says, Hey, you know what the date on this is from like six years ago? Oh, sorry. Right. And that happens all the time. So verify the information, don't just see something and it happens to us. We get so emotional, we get so passionate about something, we look at it and we start to you know, post about it and talk about it. And we realize oh this is like a long time ago or it's not even true, right? It's not even true. So verify the information that comes to us make sure that we don't contribute to spreading false information. We are not people that are going to be

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tools to spread false information. We are people who believe in the loss of pan with Allah and we have the most authentic book. Therefore we are people who verify everything. We look at the bumba we look at the Fatah we look at the cassava we look at the zipper, the zero the base, we look at every single letter specifically and particularly we make sure that everything is done in order and that's one thing I love about the Malaysians like I mentioned before they do everything so particular it's kinda like even when you come for Salah they have you know everything is nice. There's a little you know, there's a cloth where you put your face down Institute so that when you put your face down

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your faces on something clean every single day they they roll them up, they take them they wash them the next day there's a nice new one there. So panel are so particular and the things that

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They do and this is from our Deen

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recite sorry not the placing of things you know being particular and things like that Don't get me wrong those are good things good etiquettes to have right but being particular is part of our Deen okay being particular as part of our the last pan with Allah tells us to pray on time being on time as part of being particular verses nine and 10 Allah subhana wa tada says to help or sorry, Allah subhana wa tada helps fix matters according to the truth. So if you notice that someone is doing something that's wrong, make sure that you fix that according to what is right. So if two believers are fighting or disputing amongst themselves and disagreeing with regards to some aspect of the deen

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or something in life, then make sure that you resolve it based on the truth based on Islam whoever is true and right with regards to the the two parties that are arguing, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in verse number 10, that we are all brothers that we're brothers and sisters, right we are an Ummah, obviously of us pen with Allah just says if well, meaning who What? Who is brotherhood and sisterhood? It's the the family sort of aspect of our Deen

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in verse number 11, Allah subhanho wa Taala advises us against those who mock teas and hurt other people's feelings from amongst the muslimeen. Right? Don't mock Don't tease Don't you know treat each other badly. Don't give you know nicknames to people that are bad. Right? Give you know give them good names, good attributes speak to people nicely. Don't tease Don't mock individuals. Okay, it's not from our Deen in verse number 50 Allah sorry, in Surah number 50

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in Surah number 50 in sha Allah tala, which is a sort of cough, and this is obviously cough is in the letter cough the Arctic letter so we can't really translate it unless we write it QA A F. Right Roth, verses one to five Allah subhanho wa Taala lists the status of the Quran or mentions the status of the Quran, and the inability for the machine

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to comprehend the Day of Judgment, resurrection, to be more specific, their inability to comprehend it, they can't understand how is it that a person can die and then come back from death? This is something that's, that's that's extreme. This is something that's you know, it doesn't make sense. This is far fetched, right? It's far fetched as the last panel entirely highlights. It doesn't make sense, right? That's what the machete can say. And Allah subhana wa tada here talks about that, and how the believers believe in it. Verses 16 to 22, Allah subhana wa tada knows all that we can seal and that that we reveal, so whatever we show, whatever we don't show, whatever is in our minds,

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whatever we're thinking at this very moment, like though it's taking too long, and we want to make Doha right, Allah Subhana Allah knows that he knows everything that's going on in our lives. That doesn't mean that a las panatela is here right now. No, it means in terms of his knowledge, he's aware of everything. So Allah Subhana Allah knows what we reveal and what we conceal inside of us as well. In verses 39 to 40 of sorta cough, Allah subhana wa tada tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be patient with what they say what the mushrikeen say what the chorus were saying about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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sorry, what they say about him and what they say about Islam. And the last panel that Allah tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to pray, to make sure that he praises so that you can read the verses because of time I'm not reading over the Arabic of the verses. But Allah subhanaw taala says to pray, pay attention to your prayer the morning to evening make sure that you're praying your prayers, and then also kind of wait to have that finishes the verse by saying to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala even after that, so after we finish our Salah What do we do? A stone, a stone, a stone? All right, we begin with asking what kind of what Allah for forgiveness. So after we pray as

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a lust and with Alice's after you sujood meaning after your prayer, or even after your prayer, praise Allah subhana wa tada a lot after your sujood before you do your test name, but after you say sin mRNA, Komodo, Komodo, la a set mRNA Kumara Toba praise Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot asked for forgiveness. He busy with the decode of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended that we should do.

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Don't just get up and run away.

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Don't just get up and run away. The least is to be you know, to have to do to have tranquility, to be patient to be calm, and there's nothing wrong with getting up and leaving after Sadat. But for a few seconds at least send stuff in a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff right?

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Then get up nicely and calmly don't like Sorry, I'm gonna have to run out the door, right? Like a lot of the children do, like handle our free basketball, right? And so if China wants us to just, you know, take it easy for a little bit,

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sort of to that yet we'll conclude this relativity out in sha Allah to Allah, which is a 51st sort of.

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In the first 14 verses, Allah Subhana, WA tada affirms the Day of Resurrection. And he lists His Signs he mentioned some of his signs, the signs of a loss of habitat, and here he mentioned specifically scattered winds, right? That's a sign from Allah subhanaw taala. Scattered winds. Imagine if there was a constant wind all the time.

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Or a wind that was always in one direction.

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Going at like 50 kilometers an hour. Be kind of annoying, wouldn't it go outside, you're always in this breeze, this wind that's constantly blowing and pushing, right? But sometimes it's common. Sometimes it's going one way sometimes it's going another way. Sometimes the winds come very hard. Sometimes they Calm down, right? And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights the the wind, the scattered winds, the clouds. You mentioned the clouds as we've discussed earlier, steady ships, the steady ships that are flowing through the waters of Panama las panatela allows it to float, how heavy it is in the water but he allows it to float. Only Allah subhana wa tada has the power to do these things.

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Angels, how the angels write our creation of Allah subhana wa tada and how they deliver the message. And they brought the message to the messengers to the prophets and messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala to add the heaven, that heaven is full of beauty or the sky is our full of beauty as Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights for us. Sometimes he uses the word heavens, right as in the skies, and sometimes the skies referring to the heavens, so the skies are beautiful and last panel metallic created it that way. If we go outside right now and we watch the sun setting, I'm sure we're all going to say it's beautiful colors right? As we always tend to see on this side of the mustard, and

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then almost halfway down and verses 16 to 18. And we'll conclude with this. A good lesson for the believers during the month of Ramadan.

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Verses 16 to 18. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say here? taking their Lord

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with their Lord gives them surely they will be for that to be doers of good people who do good highlighting don't mean is is the translation basically a verse number 16 in laymen terms, the Muslim in the meaning those that take the word of Allah Subhana Allah and their content and they turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. What does he say in the next verse? They used to sleep a little bit at night.

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They're believers, those who end up in gender they used to sleep a little bit at night. And in the next verse, what does the last panel want to add to say? And in the morning, they asked for forgiveness. And what do we do? During the last 10 nights of Ramadan? What are we doing? We're sleeping less. We're asking for forgiveness. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to add at the end of the school or the end of this halachot as well today to forgive us of all our sins. ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant us the strength to stand up in the middle of the night and to pray drink them and to have our tm and our own connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah subhana wa tada to

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accept our deeds We ask Allah subhana wa tada to accept our fasting that we do throughout the day. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept our dorada that we make that we ask so many things for those who are hot so ask Allah subhana wa tada constantly to accept your will so long cinema can intervene over how much it will soften yourself.

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Are you

Explanation of Surah Al-Ahqaaf, Muhammad, Al-Fath, Al-Hujuraat, Qaaf, and Adh-Dhaariyaat

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