Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 19

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of finding the right person for a relationship is emphasized, as it is crucial to avoid sarcasm and avoid cultural practices. The development of the US economy is expected to be slower than anticipated, but the second quarter is typically the lowest quarter for the segment. The potential risks and uncertainties associated with the coronavirus are discussed, and the segment is expected to see some margin expansion. The potential impact of the coronavirus on the economy is also discussed, with caution being taken.
AI: Transcript ©
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Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah and yet you will not be you know Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh to attend with Islam Mr Barrett, my brothers and sisters in Islam and Mr alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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so it's very interesting coming into the mustard today and we seeing all the food already laid out right usually we don't get to smell the food and feel it as we're coming in so we get to our Hello God we're not thinking food, we're thinking knowledge and then today Mashallah we came in and we got distracted there like some of us were standing there just wow, Mashallah, it smells so good of Hamlet in LA.

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So we'll continue with our halaqa today from verses

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30 will actually begin at 28. We'll start from verse number 28, today of sorts.

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And we'll go into sort of sabbats who thought there and the first 20 or 21 verses of sort of the scene as well. Okay. As for sort of the scene when we actually begin it.

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Okay, it's everything all right.

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So in sha Allah Tada, they're just sorting out the camera.

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So, as for somebody as seen, as I was saying, I mean, the storyline kind of gets cut. So we'll try and you know, just begin the soda. And then from tomorrow we'll carry on in a lot of

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soda till as the first few verses from verse one to 27 we took yesterday, who remembers what is and about the surah?

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The Trench right? I said is what what do we translated as an English? The Confederates right? So it's basically the tribes that ganged up or got together we use modern lingo that got together and united in order to combat the Muslims to go against the Muslims to defeat the Muslim army. And they had come into Medina or approached Medina but couldn't enter the city of Medina simply because segmen in fantasy encouraged or suggested to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they build a trench right of conduct. And we said that, you know, that is how of us kind of protected the army there. And we discussed that yesterday from verse 28, to 31, Allah subhana wa Taala talks about the

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wives of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could give them the choice, they have the choice to live and enjoy the luxuries of this life and Allah subhana wa Jalla would give them those luxuries, and they could just benefit from it, or a loss of kind of water Hannah had, you know, told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let them choose between enjoying the luxuries of this world and this life or to sacrifice a little bit for greater reward that later on, and that's simply because the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very different, in the sense that he was a public figure. And we know if we simply think of the term a public figure, someone who is

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constantly, you know, out there in the public meeting people talking to people meeting delegations, and so on and so forth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a very public lifestyle. And so to be married to someone of that caliber, it requires a lot of patience. It requires a lot of trust, it requires a lot of sacrifice, right self sacrifice as well, that he would not be around all the time. Some a lot more Anna usnm. He would be out early in the mornings he would be out sometimes all night long, he would be gone for weeks at a time, sometimes even for many months. And that was the life of the Prophet son a lot more I knew he was sending him. He was a person who, as as mentioned

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in the Quran, and many of the other prophets said it as well. We don't ask for any adjustment, meaning any wealth, not looking for any wealth from the people don't pay me I don't take any of your wealth, whatever you give you give for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't use to take sadaqa a gift is a gift. sadaqa is like you're different than a gift. Southern by itself is that you're helping someone who's poor, someone who's in need and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as well as his descendants and his family members. They didn't

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Take any South Africa.

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And so the choice was given to the wives of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and Allah subhana wa tada states that they're in the Quran right in these verses verse 28. And up until 31, where it talks about the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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I wanted to point out However, with regards to how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given that leeway and told to his you know, tool to tell his wives, if you want, you can simply enjoy and benefit from, from what what there is on this earth, and I will make that easy for you. But at the same time, they were asked to sacrifice if they choose to do that. Now today, when a lot of people get married, I know a lot of young brothers Mashallah, when they're ready to get married, they're looking for one of the or they're looking for a woman who fits the characteristics of one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Right. So they're expecting to marry like the average of

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2015, expecting to marry the Khadija of 2015. And you're not going to find women of that caliber very easily. In fact, you might not even find any woman of that caliber at all and our time, right? It's, it's not something to have high expectations for, you shouldn't set the bar so high when looking for a spouse. And vice versa. Some of the sisters expect to marry the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of our time, in terms of his luck in terms of his personality, in terms of who he is, and, you know, the type of men that he is and was towards his wives some longer than he was. And that is just not going to happen so easily, if any, right if anything at all. And so we noticed that

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today's we've had a lot of young couples, when they're looking to get married, they put so many harsh conditions, or they're looking for the perfect person to marry to, but they don't look at their own selves, am I the person the perfect person to marry someone else? Like, am I becoming the perfect person for the person that I married. And so there's so much focus put on the opposite, meaning the other person, whether it's a man looking for a sister to get married to or the sister was looking for the brother, so Pamela, you notice that each one is looking for the ideal spouse, but no one wants to be the ideal spouse for their future spouse. So we have to make sure that we pay

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close attention to our own souls first, when you're ready to get married, right. You need to make sure that you are ready to get married, not the person you're looking to get married to is ready to fit your lifestyle. You also have to be someone who's ready to fit their lifestyle. Right so Allah subhana wa tada as we discussed yesterday, but more than loving the hearts of the people, when he brings them together in in marriage,

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or harming someone longer than he was sometimes wives are not like other women as Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to discuss. They're not like other women, their sins are doubled, and so are their rewards. So whatever, sin or whatever.

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And here the scholars have to say it's not necessarily a sin, but anything that they say maybe it's out of jealousy to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or within their household, you know, the way that they deal with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam anything that is upsetting are displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala in any way, shape or form would be doubled in terms of the displeasure that they're giving to Allah subhana wa Tada. And as well, any good deed that they do any good action that they were to perform. Allah subhanho wa Taala would double the, the reward for them, they were not like any other woman, they're the wives of the Prophet sallallahu I think he was

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sending them. And what Allah Subhana Allah is doing here is trying to make them know and recognize you are individuals, as wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who are not only just a wife, to a men, you are going to be role models to the rest of the generations to come. You're the mothers of the believers, and every single one of the meaning and meaning that both men as well as women will look at the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for examples. How were they as a wife? How were they as a mother? How were they you know, in dealing with situations within the household? How are they in terms of their personality in general, in terms of seeking knowledge,

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teaching knowledge, acquiring it, and delivering it to others, and their patience, their level of patience and the hardships that they were going through? So the believing men as well as the believing women, from the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam onwards, every single one of us look at the wives of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as our mothers to the mothers of the believers, right, they're our mothers. And so Allah subhana wa tada is letting them know, you can go and enjoy life, or this is a huge responsibility right?

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That's what a lot of Hannah Montana focus is on in many of these verses, we move on to verse 32. To 34.

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And loss of Hannah Montana encourages the mothers of the believers to be an example in these verses that you are examples to others. And here Allah subhana wa Jalla mentions tbev which right above average, what is the berlage? Anyone know? In the verse, it's mentioned

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the word totteridge.

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Does anyone know what this is?

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makeup? makeup, okay. Anyone else? display? What do you mean like in public how you act and behave in public? Okay, anyone else? So Allah subhanho wa Taala warned the mothers of the believers, right, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam don't expose your tablet Raj, like the tobacco Raj of the people of jaha Leah or the time of Julian, what does that word mean? So here the scholars have to see it talk about it in a in a variety of different ways. So there was

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artificiality, good, Mashallah. So that I mean, all of these, you'll notice that the scholars have to see it actually highlight a few of all of, you know, the the opinions of the modern scholars of our moustache. Ah, right. So some of them will say, for example, the flirtatious ways so in the time of God, a women would come out and they'd be very flirtatious and try to get the attention of the men, other scholars would say, you know, it means to actually just be there and mix with the men and try to talk to them and in the way that they communicate with them and the way that they carry themselves. They're, you know, attracting the attention of of the men.

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Another description is a flirtatious walk. Right, and we spoke about this last week, right, the flirtatious walks, so don't walk in a manner that is going to attract attention to yourself, don't stomp your feet on the ground. And we noticed that at the time of the Arabs at that time, as well as up until today, they like to wear anklets that have little things that when they when they walk in jingles and your

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your the jingles and Subhanallah it attracts the attention right. Another thing that was mentioned by some of the scholars have to see is wearing of the scarf, but in a manner that is not worn properly.

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And I thought of right away like some Pakistani relatives I have, right in like the UK, I know some of the my relatives when I go and I stay over there and we go and visit people. Right? It's it's, it's normal to see that in our culture, Pakistani culture, Indian culture, you know, the the Bengali culture, the Indian subcontinent, in general, in our culture will notice that some handler, I know even my cousin, she went to get married in Pakistan last year or the year before. And I remember seeing pictures. And the the majority, in fact, almost every single woman that was in some of those pictures, it was not wearing hijab, except my cousin and her family who are from Montreal, who went

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over there. They're the ones wearing hijab, but no one else is wearing hijab, and those that are wearing hijab, right, they're just wearing it, like you know, the dupatta, very simply put it over the hair, half of the hair is hanging out, or it's just around the shoulders, right around the neck, covering the shoulders and the neck, but the hair is completely exposed. So at the time of jania it was and you'll notice this today's pelan Persia, right a lot of the persons if you know any Iranians Iranian friends that you might have, they wear their scarves like that, with very, like, fancy. You know, the the look is is like a designer style. Look. It's not like oh, you know, I'm lazy to put my

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scarf on my head. No, it's intentionally done that way. So it's exposing some of the hair and the scholars of the future say it's exposing some of the jewelry that might be worn like the earrings, the necklace, and maybe some of the chest as well. So warning to the wives of the Prophet, son alone where I know usnm don't expose yourselves or carry yourselves in the way or the fashion or manner that was done in the time of God. Yeah, cover yourselves properly. And we took the verse of the hijab earlier how Allah subhanho wa Taala has you know asked the women to cover themselves properly, and we'll go We won't go over that inshallah.

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In verse number 40, verse number 40, Allah subhana wa tada tells a prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or sorry, he addresses the Muslim mean or believers and tells us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is no father to any men. Can Mr. hamedan

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a Heidi mean the journey come while Kim was soon Allah He will hartham and be in what canon law will be Konishi in 19. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam McKenna Mohammedan Abba had in between

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Daddy come, he is not so long Lana usnm the father to any of the men of that time, meaning his sons that he had they passed away at young ages, they didn't grow up. So there were none of his children who were boys who grew up to be men. Therefore, there is no one to take on the succession of the profits of a lawnmower at a usnm I can remember Hamilton that I had in memory jellico there is no other men that can claim that they are the children of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And here Allah subhana wa tada also highlights that he is the cotterman nabin What does that mean?

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The seal of the prophets or

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the last of the prophets, meaning the chain of prophets has been sealed with the last one and that is Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? Did the prophets Allah or any of us and them have a seal of prophethood on him? Yes, on his back, right on his back from childhood. He was marked as being a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala during that famous incident, when he was a child, and we know that inshallah we'll go over it at another time, but God Allah, Allah has sent him the angels were commanded to come into grant Prophethood as in status, but he wasn't he didn't become a prophet during his childhood, but he was marked as someone who is going to be righteous and someone who

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Allah subhana wa tada has chosen so he was the chosen prophet of Allah subhana wa tada and messenger of Allah, and the last one that was sent

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out of all the prophets to come. So this verse I know I remember about a week ago, there was a brother who asked me I don't know if he's here, but he asked me which verses in the Quran and I said, We'll talk about it later. This is the verse in the Quran where Allah subhana wa tada mentions, he is the seal of the prophets, the Seal of all the prophets to come, none would come after him. Verses 41 to 44.

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Yeah, are you let me know levena man was

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Kathy was

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asleep. Oh, you believe Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says, Yeah, you Allah Dena Amadou. Again, that's each and every one of us with Kudo law her VidCon Cathy Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala commandos very simply, and beautifully in a few words, are you who believe, remember Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the Quran kathira a constant amount or an abundant amount of remembrance, and we'll talk about what type of remembrance we can do so frequently remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah was said bihu book called Sita and glorify praise Allah subhanho wa Taala in the morning, as well as in the afternoon. Now some of the scholars talk about this verse related to remember we spoke about

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the changing of the angels? When do they change their their work shift?

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Okay, so fajita, NASA, right, there's the morning and the afternoon shift. And that's why it's encouraged for us to remain busy in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we know traditionally, a lot of our, you know, uncles and fathers would say, you know, don't sleep in the afternoon after I said, Don't sleep after I said, Don't sleep, right because they don't want the angels to write down that you were sleeping when they ended their shift. And the next set of angels write down that you were sleeping at the beginning of their shift, and then at fudger you were sleeping and you're always sleeping right never busy. In the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says was said bihu book cannot attend. We're asleep Allah bookclub early in the morning, right? Well sila late which is in the in the afternoon in the evening, right? So remember Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly. And we notice here Allah mentions the morning in the evening, and then we covered it yesterday, but we'll cover it very soon as well. Last night, Allah mentions the changing of the day in the night again, the changing of the day in the night. So imagine from the morning to the night You're always busy in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Now, what does it mean to be busy in the remembrance of a lot what type of Vicar are we expected to engage in? Does anyone know?

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reading Quran good and even more in the month of Ramadan? Right? Right. What else namas translate that into English prayer. I know no mas is prayer. Don't worry. I'm just teasing, shall we? We were brought up you know no mas. And this is how I would I went to Medina and I was like, You know when you bring them up and be like, no mas What's that?

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was like that. You were gonna say something? Yeah, same thing. Anyone else? How else do we remember last time on the talent?

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forgiveness seeking forgiveness is remembrance of Allah subhanho data good because who are we asking for forgiveness. We're asking to forgive ourselves, but who are we

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asking to forgive us a lot, right? Good. Who else?

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Does be what type of disappear

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right to constantly be busy in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala by saying things over and over. And when we hear the word test B, we always think test B has in the beads, 100 beads or 99 beads and then the top one is, you know, the 100th depending on the one that you buy, if it was made in China or made somewhere else, and somehow the test B itself, is it compulsory for us to use a test B? How would the Prophet sallallahu wasallam do is Vicar is to speak his remembrance.

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Okay, so when he would count when he would count, and that's why I'm saying when he would count because he wouldn't always count the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged us to make our tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah meaning you don't need to count constantly be busy in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. But then for the times, which are very few that he actually mentioned numbers like after saw that, right? When you do the test speed of thought the model the lavorgna, you would count. So how would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam count you using his fingers. Now there's different reports as to how he would do it, but he normally would use

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his right hand for the actual accounting. So you know, some of the some of the scholars say, you know, each time you do one finger, you would count here with one finger, or some say three times for each finger because your fingers broken up into three parts, right? Some, some say there's three lines, but there's also three parts on each finger. So 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 15, right, 15, do another 15. And then you have 30 and then just do three more, right? So what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do is he would use his right hand to count the numbers quickly like to go through them not quickly, but like some panels or panelists or panels or panelists, panelists panel,

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finished one hand, left hand mark one,

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go against a panel, last panel, last panel, last panel finished the second hand mark to write. And that's how we do it. So I know we were brought up like some panels panel. So until you've done this hand and then do some kind of last panels panel on this hand too, right? How many of us do that? Many of us right? At least that's the way we were brought up on. And if we do that, that's okay as well. But the Sunnah is to actually use the right hand for the counting, because you're doing Vica remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada, which is something that's good and pure. And what hand is clean the right hand? What hand is used to you to do you know, dirty tasks with the left hand, right

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so to count your thicker on this hand is what is recommended and was done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and just to tabulate to count how many of these hands you've done, you could use your left hand if you actually need to, if you don't need to, then you don't need to write for many of us. It's so simple. You know, we've been doing it for so many years, we don't actually need to count with two hands, you can do it with one. There's many other different types of thickets though the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not simply to do to speak, right? It's not simply to say Subhana Allah and hamdulillah blah, blah, blah, they could have just kind of attalla remembrance

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of Allah. We're all sitting here right now. Are you saying to me right now? No, you're not but this is this is considered the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada hos that you're remembering a ma in a gathering, learning the deen. And also when you're walking outside and you see something nice and you ponder over and you're thinking of a muscle palitana that itself is the kind of colossal kind of way to add, you can make your work your entire day at work, become a bear that become a type of vicco remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala because you're remembering that this is a right that your family has upon you to seek this not to seek that that wealth that earning that you're going to

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make and you have to make sure that that is done according to the deen according to what Allah Subhana Allah loves, so you're not going to take any interest and you're not going to cheat and you're not going to do anything that transgresses the Sharia in any way, shape or form. And so all of that can become Vica remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala just have to connect and tie everything in with Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's it. It becomes so simple, right? It's so simple. So don't think you're going to work all you know busy away from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala try and make the work lifestyle, the routine that we go through, try and make that

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become busy with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then you will be gaining reward upon reward, right? No and I know if you get your paycheck and you'll get the reward for doing the Vicodin remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala as well.

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Then in verse number 53, Allah subhana wa tada talks about the

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etiquette of entering into the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So verse number 53, which is fairly lengthy, but we'll go through it in parts in sha Allah. Allah says, Oh, you who believe do not enter the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which, obviously some long island of Solomon is not there, but we say it unless permission is given to you for a meal. So here, I want you to think of this verse. And remember the month of Ramadan.

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Remember being invited to someone's house for a thought during this month of Ramadan. Okay, now unless pan with Anna says, Oh, you who believe do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless you've been given permission to go in for a meal. Which means here, you've been invited to come and eat, you haven't been invited to come and socialize, you've been invited to come and eat. Allah subhanho wa Taala then says, not waiting for its cooking to be finished. So don't come super early, when the host is not even ready to, you know, to cater for you. They're not ready, the food is still being cooked, don't come really early, sit down and chill. And that's why it's important for us to pay

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attention to time when someone invites us say What time should I be there. And when they say five o'clock, it's not the typical five o'clock, which means don't already come later on at seven o'clock, please don't come too early, right? It's no, five o'clock, you tell me to come at five, I'm coming at five. Unless there's an absolute reason why I got delayed like I was on my way. But there was traffic, or you were on your way. And something happened, you know, a child needed to use a bathroom or something. So you stopped and that delayed you. But try to be on time punctual. And that that goes for both parties, the one who invites as well as the one who's invited. So the person who

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invites says five o'clock. And this is typical with weddings, right? We always joke around about it. The wedding invitation says come in six o'clock, aka 8pm. Right? aka me is also known as 8pm, right? So six o'clock doesn't mean come at eight o'clock. And for those that are sending out those invites, send out the invite with the actual time that you're going to begin cuz I hate coming. And then you know, for walima or something and it says six o'clock and you get there six o'clock, and no one is there. Not even the family, no one is there. You're like, is this the right place? And like, yeah, don't worry, inshallah we put six o'clock so people can start coming by seven or 730. What do you

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mean? You know, so let's be fair and and deal with each other, honestly. So a last panel attalla here is telling us the story of the companions or the Aloha, I don't, don't go to someone's house. Unless you're invited to come in for food, for example, you can go for any other reason. But if you're invited for food, go for the food, and don't go so early, that the food is still being cooked. If they tell you come at six o'clock, then you're expecting the food to be ready at six o'clock, you're coming there at six o'clock, or it'll be ready at 615. And you're there you get there and then the food is served.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, but when you're invited, enter, and when you have taken the food then disperse. So when you're invited, I'm invited for six o'clock enter at six o'clock go there ring the doorbell six o'clock, I'm here. Okay. And then when you're done eating, what does Allah subhanaw taala say, disperse, leave, don't sit around and chit chat and, and and wait and be like, you know, typically, we tend to have some tie. So there should be a tie on the way. No one none of the hosts have told you there's going to be tie, right? No one said anything about giant. It's Ramadan. We don't have time for Thai, we have to go for taraweeh right. There's no time we got to

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make it to the mustard for Asia. And after a shadow, there's Tada. We have to find our way he wants to try. Yeah, come back.

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So this is important for us to understand the etiquettes of visiting people.

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And this applies again, not only to the people that are going over to visit, but the people that are hosting when you invite guests over and also especially more so during the month of Ramadan. Don't expect your guests to sit there they want to get to the masjid it's the month of Ramadan. No one wants to waste time. They want to eat enjoy the food Mashallah. So make sure the food's on time they come in, they break their fast, they pray Muslim, and then they eat and head straight off to the mustard. They want to get out for a shot, right? They want to be there. And so so Pamela, we have to be very particular and very punctual with regards to this. Now this is showing us etiquettes in

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general, and that's because of the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like we said he was a public figure. He was someone whose time was very valuable and important and didn't have time to sit around and just chit chat. Right? And as well this is tying in with one of the stories of the time when he got married. Some Allahu Allahu wa sallam and you know this habit on the other hand of them they just hung around. They were just enjoying us. The wedding day of the prophet SAW long earlier the sun and they're enjoying themselves and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ended up leaving and going from one house to the other house to the other house of his wives.

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Upon returning back to his place

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And when he got there, he went inside and drew the curtain was like, leave me alone. Give me some privacy, right? And so that goes to show us how Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us now etiquettes of visiting people generally etiquettes on how to visit people.

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And we'll move on in sha Allah hotelera verse number 7271 have Taqwa and speak the truth Allah subhana wa tada says,

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verse 70, and 71 Yeah. Johan levena

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la Haku Colin Kala

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Sadie de la comme Arma como la Koo back on one minute Li, la, la.

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foes and now Lima. The very first verse 17 verse number 70, because we just recited both of them because they go together in terms of the meaning, but also palitana here commands us to have Taqwa. Yeah. You're Latina Amano, it doubled, Lucha.

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worku colon sadita. have Taqwa and say the truth speak righteousness. Very important, especially when we are teaching our Deen. Why?

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Why is it important when we're teaching the deen teaching it to others in general, just talking to people in general. Why is it important to have Taqwa and to speak the truth?

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When you're speaking to a Muslim about Islam, and you're trying to, you're trying to remove some of the practices that might be cultural, for example. And we know that that's very common. Even though we live over 1000 years after the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we still noticed that there's a lot of culture in our religion. And when you're trying to clarify some of these misunderstandings, or misconceptions or ways that people have the cultural method that they implement in their Deen, you need to have Taqwa and Allah subhanho wa Taala, that what you're saying is true and right. And then you need to say the right thing as well. And so whenever we're speaking

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and trying to try to remove some of these practices, it's important to know what you're saying, it's important to save the right thing and speak the truth. But after you speak it, you go back to having tacos as well. Why? Because people will definitely get into your face. Right? People will come to you and say, What are you saying, you know, our fathers used to do this, there's nothing wrong with it. This is culture, it doesn't matter. Don't mix culture with Dean. Well, yeah, don't mix culture with Dean. That's exactly right. People when you try to remove the cultural aspect, and try to separate culture from Dean, that this type of very bad is supposed to be done a certain way. But

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because of the cultural influences, we've added this to it. So when you try and remove it, people say, Listen, don't you know, don't try and mix Dean and culture culture is permissible, and Dean is permissible. And so they merge the two together. And somehow this happens all the time. How many of you have led joma Flippa? How many of you have led Gemma somewhere in your work and your high school and university? Any of you? None of you? Anyone here done a joma football before? Okay, we need to have a course here for Yeah, you've you've done it before, right?

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Once or a few times, a few times, as it's happened? Has it ever happened where someone comes to you afterwards and say, You know what, brother, maybe you should have said this or know that you know, this and that it's on? It's happened, right? And it happens all the time. I lead Juma every single week and every single week I get people who come to me they say you know what, brother? Maybe you should have said this maybe you should have said that. You know don't don't mix culture Indian right. This is okay that don't don't bring that. No, don't bring this into the into the mustard. What do you mean, don't bring this into the masjid. That's what the deen is about. It's about

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clarifying mistakes that we do in order to do what's right, and stay away from what's wrong. That's what it's about. We took sudo for con and we spoke about sort of Drupal con, it's the con and it came to separate the two, the good and the bad, and what we do and what we don't do. And so that is all you know, coming out in the gym of football, what we're supposed to do what we're not supposed to do, and you'll notice panela people, they start to feel emotional. After a hook after a lecture after any any talk. That's normal. That's absolutely normal. The person who's speaking or the person who's delivering the hookah is not free from sin. They're not free from any you know, sort of

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mistakes and and it happens all the time where you say something and afterwards you realize that maybe you shouldn't have said that. But at the same time, everyone is a human being. And so people will understand things one way and they will come and advise you so for those that lead or lead joma any of you that do VA maybe some of the youth eventually you will lead. If someone ever comes to you and tells you you know what? What you said was wrong. You shouldn't

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have said this sages optimal height and and go and find out if it really was wrong. Right find out if it really was wrong. I remember once I did a gentleman hooked up many years ago, one of my first hook was like this is over a decade ago. And this brother came to me out of the entire club, but there was one thing that really stood out and he was so upset with it. In the Arabic When I was recite, and this was before I actually could, before I learned Arabic, right, I was reciting a verse. And so Panama, I changed one fatality to a Bama. So I changed those up to a base for those of us that know them, right. And he came to me, he was so upset. He's like, he's going on and on and on

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and on and on and on and on about this whole Zurbaran base difference. And I'm like, does that come a little heightened? Was there anything else in the hook, but that was right? He's like, yeah, I'm done. I was good, but you're okay. And it discouraged me. So for the youth, I know, there's a lot of youth here, and you probably will lead jobs, in your schools, in high school and so on. Make sure that people don't discourage you. And if anyone comes and tells you, it's good, think of it as constructive criticism. They're telling you something that's good for you, that you can change and become better because none of us is free from sin and we can all change and become better. I

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remember the other day this this brother came to me and he said, You know what, your Juma football I love it. But you know, I try and cut down on the sarcasm a little bit. I said, you know, it does look a little cleaner. And the brothers who around me afterwards they said don't worry your foot goes good. I said no. Well, he said is absolutely right. Absolutely right. Because he took it as something that is advice that he can give me to become better. And that's great. So we should always look at it as something that someone's telling you that you can implement or try to become better and always look at it that way inshallah long data even if the person approaches you in the wrong

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method, it doesn't matter and I don't know where the brother is if he's even here, but if the brother is here, he approached me very nicely and actually do appreciate it man last pentatonic lesson. I've tried to cut down on my sarcasm a little bit by the way,

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we move on to sort of Subbu inshallah, Tada. So what are sub which is verse number 37, on number 34 of the Quran.

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And it's also known as Shiva. Right, the Queen of Sheba we discussed earlier Who was she?

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Was she bilbies right below peace in the story of who which prophet Sinema and Allah has sent them and the throne that Sunni man Allah has sent them had summoned and taken and brought over from the Queen of Sheba here of a soprano with Anand verses 10 and 11 have sort of sub

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for those that are wondering Subbu is a place

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in common day or modern day Yemen. Okay, modern day Yemen. So Allah subhana wa tada from verses 10 and 11 talks about the favours of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he's given to download Allah His set up the mountains and the birds they would engage in the praise of Allah subhana wa Tana that tisby have dealt with and he has sent them they would engage in it the mountains as well as the birds. And the lowest penalties Allah mentions that he made the iron metal soft for dough Dinah has set up malleable he could mold it with his hands. In verses 12 and 13. Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the favors that he gave. So naman Allah has set up, right, which was, for example, the wind, very

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strong, very powerful wind. So the man and his son Adam had the ability to control it, okay. And also his workers, he had many workers and you could read through the verses, it goes into some detail there. But in order to save time, we will just, you know, go over it very briefly, in verse number 14, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about cinema and his cinemas death, and we discussed this earlier, but for those that weren't here, send a man to his sent him. He had his workers and his workers are from the jinn of different types of animals and human beings, right, because he could communicate with them. And he, they worked for him, he was the king, and he was the king as well as

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a prophet.

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And so, cinema Allah has sent him when he was out watching observing his workers as they were digging something at that time. He was leaning against his stuff, right leaning against his stuff. And he was standing there. And as he was standing, watching a loss of Hannibal etana took the soul of certamen on his senate up now, because he was standing and leaning against his staff.

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His balance was so perfect that he didn't fall over.

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And when a person dies, is it like in the movies or their eyes actually closed? No, it's not. The eyes remain open. Right? And so his eyes were open and he was watching his workers and he was leaning against his staff, and almost kind of attalla took the soul of Solomon and he sent him away and he remained there.

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Still looking at his workers, with his eyes open just as though he was just observing.

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And then Allah Subhana Allah says he sent an insect Some say a worm, other say termites, right, that came and started to nibble away at the bottom of his staff

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by nibbling away at the bottom of this stuff, his balance became uneven. And so Sulaiman Allah has sent them, you know, leaned over toppled over.

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And then from that incident, the workers that were there from amongst them human beings, as well as the insects and animals, and the jinn, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent that instance that occasion, the death of Suleiman, Allah has sent them to prove to you and I and to everyone else, that the jinn don't know the knowledge of the unseen, the Djinn have no power to know, the unseen, assign for each and every one of us, especially those who are very caught up with magic and you know, very hooked on somehow be careful, you know, be careful, always be careful, be careful, you know, someone in the family is doing magic and going to see this person and that person must somehow which Allah tells us

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clearly, the jinn do not know the knowledge of the unseen, they do not know it. Because if they knew it, they would have known that soon a man it has sent him was dead.

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But they didn't, they continue to work.

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And it continued to work. And the workers would have stopped working, had they known that their king had just passed away, and their king wasn't alive anymore, they would have stopped, it's a moment to stop into, oh, wait a second, we need to take action here. something needs to be done. But I lost some kind of weight, and it allowed them to continue working, because they did not know that so the man early his sentiment passed away. That's a sign for us to understand and to try to learn about the signs of a loss accountable with Allah that He has shown us in the Quran, that many of us get caught up in this whole magic and nestled in black magic and all this stuff is panela. It's it's not

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something that you need to be so worried about. As long as you focus on connecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala. The more you connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala the better stay in the state of who recites called an orphan. Learn your heart when you go in the bathroom, when you come out of the bathroom. Even when you're pouring something hot down the drain. You know, your wife makes you that cup of Chai, but it wasn't the right dude, but it was just off it didn't taste right. You're like, no good. And she leaves the kitchen and you go and you pour it down the sink and pretend like you drank it. Right? Save Bismillah before you do that, save Bismillah before you pour anything hot down

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the drain, because the jinn they live in abandoned areas. Do we live in the sink? Like in the sink inside the the the drain pipes? No, we don't. But the jinn live in places that we don't live in the abandoned areas. So even around trees, you know, sometimes people they'll take some garbage, especially in many other countries, we won't say where but in many other countries, you're driving down the street and you see a car go by and they just throw a garbage out the window. Right. And so Pamela, they throw it around a tree because it's like a landmark around the tree where the people who come and sweep the street, they're going to come there because they know that's where people

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have thrown the garbage. But that's also places where the gin will stay. Right so when you throw anything especially hot, you're pouring hot water down the down the drain, say Bismillah because you're pouring that down the drain with the word of Allah subhana wa tada Bismillah anything happens they'll take it up with a loss of Chinatown and not with you that you poured it down with a name of a loss of kindness. Right and that's a lesson for our mothers as well. When they're cooking that jar one nice hot rice and they're pouring the boiling water down the drain to get the right side of the pot. say Bismillah before you do it, okay. Also going into the bathroom coming out of the bathroom.

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All these Do I have the Prophet son alone I need a son and that's why it's important to learn heslin Muslim, you know that little book, The little booklet, the fortress of a Muslim, you can get the application on your phone very easily. And it's so much easier than having that book because you don't have to carry something else around and you can search you want to search this Dakota just right is Dakota boom it pops up. You want to search into a half for travel, right travel the door how pops up, learn those do out because the doors are important. You're protected when you're under the watch of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you seek that refuge from Allah subhana wa Tada. Right.

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We're in the loss of habitat, I should say. So it's important for us to learn those drop.

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In verses 15 to 17 the people of Shiva, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned to us that they were disbelievers, and they had gardens and they were very well known for their gardens and producing nice produce right from the land. And Allah subhanho wa Taala showed them in a destruction that he sent to them was a destruction of their crops a destruction

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of the gardens the lens that they would use to produce nice, you know, produce. So I'll also pan with Anna center flood that changed the stuff that they used to grow that was so nice into things that would grow that was so displeasing to them. And so that was a punishment that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent them versus 34 to 39.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions those who lived luxurious lives, disbelieved in the profits and loss of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they thought that they were going to live forever. Right? So you read the verses before and after this verse inshallah, you'll get the context 34 and 39. Allah subhanaw taala is talking about people who live luxurious lives, putting their trust in their wealth and their children, as he mentioned in the verse, putting their trust in their wealth and their children that you know it because we have this wealth, yeah, we're untouchable. If we need something, we go to the doctor, what we're sick pay for it, don't worry, Allah gave us so much

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wealth, we can pay for it. We don't trust that the cure or anything is going to come mainly from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he's giving the example of those that came before that they disbelieve in Allah Subhana Allah because they had so much wealth, that they were blinded from having to turn to Allah, because of the amount of wealth that they have the abundance of wealth. So Allah subhana wa tada warns us against being those who cherish our wealth and our children so much and think Mashallah My child is a doctor, the other one's a lawyer. The other one is an engineer who designed you know, the nice beautiful bridge in San Francisco. And this one is, you know, drilling oil wells

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on the other side of the world and that one is the founder of Tesla cars and in great Mashallah, I'm I gave you, genius children. But don't be distracted from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Add, and make sure that your children who are achieving those great achievements are also turning to a less accountable attack, because it's a chain reaction, when the parents are a certain way, the children pick it up. And it's only if the child changes them own their own self and wants to change and realizes and recognizes, I'm not going to make the mistakes that my parents made. That's when you will see change, we move on to to sort of number 35, which is sort of thought that

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and we'll go through very quickly in Shaolin laterna. The first verse, Allah subhanho, wa Taala talks about the angels sort of thought that what does it mean? Anybody holding the written you know, English translations? The Creator, the originator, who is the creator, right, the creator of all the creation is Allah Subhana, which had some of the scholars also call it the sort of the angels mela, aka why because the very first verse, Allah Subhana, WA tada talks about the angels All praise is due to Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the Maker of the angels, messengers flying on wings, angels are messengers flying on wings, two, and three and four, he increases in

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creation, what he pleases. Surely Allah has power over all things now must not, you know 234 the amount of wings are totally irrelevant, in a way as in, it doesn't change the way that we worship Allah Subhana Allah Tad and the reason why I'm saying this is people say, Well, how can something fly with three wings? How can something fly with, you know, an odd number of wings? Or does it mean two wings, four wings and six wings, right? As in pairs, like pairs of wings, I was it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. So there's certain things in our Deen that we should not waste time on trying to figure out because it doesn't change how you worship a loss of habitat, it doesn't change

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how the angels do their job. And even if an angel has, you know, an odd number of wings, it doesn't change anything, because it's still capable of fulfilling the command Allah subhanho wa Taala gave it and if a man can create the angels, then he can allow them to fly a certain way. So we shouldn't waste time on little details of things. In verse number three, Allah subhana wa tada

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reminds us

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to remember the mercy and favors that he that Allah Subhana Allah has given us so remember his favors that he's given us, and to also remember that no false god can bring anything around. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us many favors, many things, blessings that we enjoy. The food is sitting out there we came and we saw the food there. Right? And the food is there. And it came from Allah subhanho wa Taala. without us even asking for food today, maybe no food would have come. But food came.

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Here I was using this example to show us as well. Those false gods people that worship false gods, they don't bring any anything to the to the people that worship them. They don't bring anything extra without you asking a false god, that false god will not bring anything and even when you ask the false god, that will not happen. You get it. So Allah

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brings things to us without us even asking, asking for it. And when we ask Allah gives us as well, those blessings, those false gods meaning what people worship that are other than Allah Subhana, what to hide it.

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Even if you ask it to give you something, it won't. Therefore when you don't ask it, it won't bring you anything. And the people who worship false gods, they only turn to their gods when they need something. They only turn to the idol or only turn to the animal or whatever it is when they need something, as opposed to a lesser kind of what Allah He tells us remember him even when we don't need things, remember him even when we don't need things. Why? Because he brings us blessings that we benefit from when we don't even ask the things that we need. We don't ask for. Imagine you woke up today and you had a checklist of all the things that you needed in order for you to simply get

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out of bed. So you would your eyes would open and your brain would compute. Okay, see? Okay, so you asked a lot a lot I need to see today. Okay, a lot, I need to breathe because my lungs are going to collapse so air starts to go in. Okay, I'll make my heart start to pump so the blood flows, okay, so the blood starts to flow. Okay, I'm on now make my muscles you know, give them some strength so that I could sit up out of my bed and turn my legs and put them on the floor. Imagine if you had to do that every single day. Go through that checklist of things, unless pilots and it makes it happen without us even asking for it. But the false gods can never make that happen. Even if you ask they

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will not do it. So Allah subhana wa tada here is talking about the favors and to remember those favors and blessings that he's given us in verse number 12, aside from Allah subhanho wa Taala the saltwater and the freshwater and how they don't meet and many people like to post pictures on the Internet of this go and see it go and see it or try and look out for it whenever you're flying across a region of the world. Like if you're flying you know over South Africa for example you can see the saltwater and freshwater they don't mix you see the line right? So go and see that or you know, look for Allah subhana wa tada then mentioned, they don't mix, but the ship can travel through

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them whether saltwater or freshwater this ship can still travel through it. And from the freshwater and the saltwater we get beautiful You know, fish to eat seafood that we can eat both from the freshwater as well as from the salty water, different types of fish. And from it we get that which we adorn ourselves as less palitana mentions pearls, right? pearls and what else do we get? shells different things that we get some kind of love from the creatures of the water. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights those there. In verse number 27 to 28 how perfect is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his creation of the rain and so he highlights rain, and also panela to Allah highlights

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the mountains. And then there he mentions, you know, the different colors, red and black and white and how the colors and here the scholars have to say these are the paths going through the mountains. So the color of the earth, different places, different Earth, different color, Rocky Mountains, great Sandy mountains, reddish, right, different mountains where they're a little more muddy, or different types of earth like a clay black. And so Allah subhanho Medina, highlights that in the Koran. And then in that verse,

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verses 22 verse number 28 I believe it's in 27 or 28 because they're the two that we're talking about. Allah subhana wa tada mentions cattle, verse number 28 mentions cattle and how that is a sign of Allah subhanho wa Taala as creation how perfect is his creation? And we think of it we're like, okay, cattle like what's so good about cattle? Now you've been fasting all day, right? Wouldn't it be nice to have like an awesome grilled steak right now?

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That's cattle. Right? You smell it? Like we go out there and we smell Mashallah. What do you smell the civil sets, what's inside of them? those vegetables, the potatoes, Mashallah. And it's just fried nicely and you smell the smell coming out of it and you can taste it in your mouth. And that's the creation of a bustle cannibal Italian, that's what he's talking about in this sort of right time about the creation of the last panel. If we look at the animal, we're like, yeah, okay, what's so great about this cow, man, right? He's just there. It's eating this hay. And you're like, What's so good about this animal, but some handler when you eat that you take a bite of that steak, you're

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like, wow, I got to go to that restaurant to have that steak right. And so probably you notice people are going and spending lots and lots of money in the middle of the night trying to have an awesome if bought or sold. I mean, at some restaurants in different parts of the GTA Mashallah enjoying their steak. And here last panel, it's Allah reminds us when you take that bite of your steak, or you go out there and you have that date, which is a produce that Allah Subhana Allah gives us right gives you the energy and the nutrition, where you take a bite of that samosa and you enjoy the flavors in your mouth. Remember the creator of the Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala right will

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Gave you not only that food that smells so good, that tastes so good, but you can actually taste it as well gave you those taste buds to taste the fruit. Imagine if we just put anything in our mouth and we don't taste anything. And also paddle out some people have sinus problems, and then they can't taste food and they complain, I can't taste they can't taste what if my taste buds are gone for the rest of my life? Well, thanks a lot. I know it's Adam and you can taste is one day it might be taken away. We move on to verse number 32, which is the last verse that will take and shall longtown Allah subhana wa tada highlights inheritance of the Quran. And the inheritance of the Quran

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is of three different types. The first type is

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those who run themselves. So some people will take the code and read the code and learn the plan, but they will still run themselves. So that inheritance of the code and we take the Koran we learn it, but we still continue to wrong ourselves. The second the second category is those who some people who will recite the prayer and learn it, but they will follow a middle course. So they will take some of the plan and leave some of the plan. And then Allah subhana wa Taala talks about those who are foremost in their good deeds, so they will learn and try to implement and live by the Quran as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did. We'll conclude there today and shout along to Anna,

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because it doesn't really make much sense to start sort of YesI now. And we were only going to cover three aspects of the sutra as well, beginning with the fact that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as a messenger to warn the people and then we'll carry on the story tomorrow. Like I said, we'll end up breaking the story in half and it wouldn't really make much sense. So we'll take it all tomorrow inshallah Butera will conclude right now because I know many of you are thinking of the steak and the food and the samosa and you're smelling it now. Because I made your meltwater and haven't done enough. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us the ability to taste

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and to benefit and to maximize from the little food that he's given us. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us from amongst those that are content with whatever he's given us. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive us of our students that we've committed and done throughout this month of Ramadan and throughout all the months of the year. I mean, some of those animals that are going out of Vietnam hamadryad out to us on pizza

Explanation of Surah Al-Ahzaab verse 30, Surah Saba’, until the end of Surah Faatir

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