Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 18

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and use of the term "the" in parables and actions, including the use of "Okations of the Lord of the Wages" in various context, including Islam and the use of "Okations of the Lord of the Wages" in various context. They also discuss the importance of learning in the context of the current pandemic and the need for people to stay at home. The speakers emphasize the need for a vaccine to be available for everyone and discuss the potential risks of the pandemic, including the need for treatments to prevent future pandemics.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Heyman handled Illa Allah alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah so I feel MBA even more saline. Nabina Muhammad Denali of Nora Salatu asleep in my bed, my brothers and sisters in Islam ascent Mr. aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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It's interesting, it's Saturday and the numbers are very low. But I know why, you know, Saturday, everyone tends to go to, you know, someone's house invite outside of, you know, the city or, you know, travel a little bit somewhere. So, it's typical that you will notice the numbers are low, but then somehow, I think if that time we're gonna have more people than during the weekdays as well, usually right about, you know, four or 500 people. So it's interesting blend. And then we also notice panela for total, we the numbers are low on Saturday nights also, or at least for solitary shot. So keep an eye on salata, Alicia, you'll notice that if the mustard is generally full, on the

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Saturday, it's about, you know, a few lines missing because people had gone, you know, driven a distance and then they're coming back and they reach late because they had that extra cup of Chai. And so we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to, to be on time, have the law wherever we need to be.

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will continue tonight with sort of the Lanka boot.

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from verse number 46, onwards in sha Allah Allah. Then we'll also cover Surah Surah, Tarun surah lokman surah such that, and the first 30 verses sort of threw us out. So when I was preparing for it, I'm like, man, how is this like, adding up, but somehow as the days go on, we'll be doing a lot more so less. And I think some of them will literally only take maybe one or two, I asked from them and then move on. So that's the way it's gonna be a lot of data. Tonight is night number 18

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of Ramadan. So we have only a couple more days until it's the last 10 nights. So we ask Allah subhana wa attallah to accept all of our efforts and Dora and Amma throat throughout this month and to allow us to maximize from the last 10 nights in verse number 46 have sought to uncover what

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, although beenleigh hamina shavonne etla jeem What to giardino kitabi illa billahi sun levy Navona Moomin. Aku

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be Levy, Xena

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Xena in a column what you know who know what you know who know what you know? You do wanna know who Muslim

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala again highlights the aspect of debating with the non Muslims Allah subhanho wa Taala clearly shows us here what not to do Don't you know argue with the non Muslims when you're discussing religion with them? And again, like we mentioned yesterday or the day before you know staying away from using the method of debate Try not to debate with them if you need to clarify things great but don't debate because when you get into debating you tend to you know sometimes insult the other religion or the other book or the other people you say this but you know your book says this but the people do that and you know to clarify that is okay but to debate

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sometimes can make things turn very sour. So don't argue with them don't debate with the non Muslims about religion. Try not to argue tried to stay away from arguing your religion my religion, you know, what about this? What about that? Oh, you guys are like this, you guys, just stay away from that handler This is how we are that is how you are. You don't need to point out the mistakes or the deviances of other religions or or people who follow other religions and start to you know, point fingers at one another. So Allah subhanaw taala begins this part of the sutra with highlighting that then from verses 56 to 60 of saltiel Anka boot.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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gives us again, advice to migrate and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala anywhere. So verse number 56, Allah subhana wa tada says, Yeah, arriba de la Vina

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Yeah, ferragudo on all my servants who have believed indeed my Earth is spacious. Go, go. Worship Allah subhanho wa Taala anywhere. And this ties in with the verses that we took the other day where Allah subhana wa tada tells us, we'll see roofing or go and travel the world and we were saying go and see what's out there. experience what people are going through and try to

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tie that in with the, the life that we have and the experiences that we go through in this country and this part of the world. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us advice, advice to migrate, but still to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna, wherever, wherever we go, we know that the the masjid or the entire world is a must it and we can worship Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, anywhere that we go on this earth, except the places that are forbidden or have been forbidden by Allah subhanho wa Taala, or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for example, you know, places where there's filth and dirt, and we stay away from those places in terms of worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala, in our

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silence on trust Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this he knows best. And Allah also highlights in these verses.

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That the fact that

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you know, sometimes people migrate, in order to give their families a better lifestyle, to have a better place to live, right. But we feel, sometimes when we've come to a place, let's say Canada, for example, those that came to Canada might feel that, you know, Hamdulillah, this is a good place. But there's no guarantee that this will always remain a good place to be, right, there's no guaranteed we could see every single day things are changing, right, and some people have already packed up and left, some are planning to pack up and leave, and others will probably notice in the future, that they will pack and pack up and leave as well. And because our parents I've my parents

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had come from a different place. And many of you know, the brothers and the sisters, either themselves or their parents had come from different places. And that is the trend within Canada we notice, you know, who's a Canadian, really, right, like a real Canadian, they're the native Indians that are here, not the native Indians isn't from India, but those that are from here, right so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that even though people came from different parts of the world over here, we might actually pack up and go to a different part of the world later on as well. Even for those who are born here, like myself and like, you know, some of the children and others that are born and

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raised right here, we might pack up and leave and go somewhere else because we might feel this isn't the best place it might be a better place for us to, to raise our children in terms of climate in terms of you know, the the the produce that we get that we can consume in terms of safety in terms of religious

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you know, tolerance, and you know, many different aspects of life in society. So let them handle the data highlights that they're for us in the Quran, and then we'll move on to the next one. The next surah is solar to room

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who knows what this is called solar to room

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should know. You should all know the 30th sort of the Quran in English What do we translate and translate it into?

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The Romans, right the Romans now who are the Romans, even casier Rahim Omar he says that they were the descendants of Elise even Itzhak so the descendants of who is half right? The descendants of his half who is the son of Ibrahim Allah His setup. So they are the descendants of Larry's even his half Ibrahim. Allah has sent him

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there the cousins are the children of Israel. Right the cousins of the children of Israel. So we know Bani Israel. They're cousins. As we know Ibrahim alayhis salam had a son, his half who was the other son that he had.

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He's married, right? And so these are the cousins of the people of the children of

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Israel in there. They're also known as bundle bundle as well. And they followed the religion where they would worship the seven stars in the direction of the North, okay, worship seven stars in the direction of the North, which is similar to the religion of the Greeks at that time. Okay, the religion of the Greeks at that time, so they would, they would worship those stars which were facing the direction of the North Pole.

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In verses one to four Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the Romans.

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And if

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me, Oliva

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fee adenan

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Baron de vida beam saya holy boo, and in the nearest land, so las panatela says the Romans have been defeated, but then almost palitana goes off into the very next verse and says,

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mimbar, the halabi him after that they have been defeated, they will conquer they will also overcome so they will defeat afterwards, right? And we noticed that this happened in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Abubakar rhodiola and relates that there was a span of seven years ago and the Prophet salallahu Allah

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Send them said give them 10 years, and it ended up happening that we saw them overcome and defeat the lens that they were thrown out of, to move on inshallah to Allah because we don't want to spend too much time talking about the Romans themselves and the land that was defeated and conquered and so on, in verses eight to 10, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the signs of Allah, and tells them, the Romans, that the previous nations that had come before them, they were much stronger and better victorious individuals than they were in terms of their might, in terms of their strength in terms of their courage. And we know that the Romans, especially when you read through history, the

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Romans always felt as though they were untouchable, undefeatable, right, the Romans, everyone hears Romans like, Oh, yeah, the powerful ones, right. But somehow last panel Italia sent the verses in the Quran, to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to let them know to advise them, that there were nations that came before you, as we saw, and we touched upon those previous nations with the prophets that were sent to them, that were much bigger than them that were much stronger than them and had so much more capability than the Romans did themselves. So don't think that you're the greatest. Don't think that you're the strongest don't think that you're untouchable? Because there

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were people that came before you that were stronger than you. The question is, where are they? Where are they, those who were stronger than them? They were much more capable of, of, you know, conquering Lent. And they had strength, they had power, they had no ability. Where are they? They were destroyed. Why? Because they disobeyed a loss of animal attack. That's the lesson for the Romans, that you think you're so good and you're so great. But yet there were people that were bitten bigger and better than you and they're gone. They're gone because they didn't listen to Allah subhanho wa Taala. They didn't fulfill the commands of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And so because

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they were stronger than you and they were defeated. Don't think that you're invincible and untouchable.

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In verses 20 to 25, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights a dozen and a half signs of of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he mentions in these verses and, and from His Signs woman AR D. And these are the famous verses of the Quran that are commonly quoted in what, what time of the year or what events

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Come on. Who here is married.

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You're married? Well, verses of the Quran were probably recited at anyone's kneecap or would email these verses of a man right here. So from verses number 20, to 25, Allah subhana wa tada highlights here, the signs of his creation and from amongst them Allah mentions human beings that he created from what from dust, right human beings that he created from dust, obviously we know that creation, the history of in the creation of Adam Allah has set up, then Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the famous Nika you know i that is commonly quoted at everyone's walima and their wedding ceremony, which is verse number 21. And of his science is that he created for you from yourselves mates, that,

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that you may find tranquility in them, and he placed between you and them affection and mercy indeed in that are Signs for people who give thought.

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Now lots of handling that is telling us that our spouse, whether they're male or female, right, because the hero of us Pamela Tallis addressing the males, but also the female looks at the male as a sign of Allah subhana wa Tada, his greatness that he granted you this person out of nowhere, who would have thought that you would be united with this one person and share so much of your life with them, open your heart up to that person and make them feel as though Subhanallah they're, they are the person for you on Earth. Like we say they're the queen of the of the castle and you're the king of the castle. Right? And Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about it here, the he's the one that brings

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more love in the hearts.

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And as much as someone tries to do that and make that happen, it can't happen. It's only with the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But somehow today I was dealing with, you know, today and many other days, but today there was, you know, someone that contacted me with regards to their marriage and some of the issues that they're going through. That has been ongoing for a long time.

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You know, they've been married for over a year. And so kind of this this couple, for some reason, they just can't, they can't see eye to eye. And they you know, they've tried everything, but they're just not made for each other. It seems as though they've just not been made for each other. And that's a sign from a loss of habitat as well. He gives you the mates are those partners to be with to share your life with to

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bring children into this world together with, right and to raise those children together and to educate them and look after them and to be looked after by them later on in life. But somehow for some people, they are united with that person, but it just doesn't work. And so from the signs of a loss of Congleton as well is that two people can come together and enjoy the celebration, enjoy it, enjoy the time that the families come together, enjoy spending so much money on each other. And then months later, it just falls apart. Those are from the signs of a loss of habitat as well, because the same one a lot, who gives love to two people or two more people, right, in terms of the family

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members who unites two hearts, he's the one who can actually give the love to those people's hearts or take it away, or not even put it there in the first place. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is the controller of the love controller of the heart controller of the one who gives us our emotions, all of our feelings. And we you know, it makes us wonder, how is it that we love What is love?

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Like, where does it come from?

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We can't we can't even you know, put our finger on it. Yeah, it's a feeling that we feel a feeling that you you know, an affection inside of you for someone else. But you don't know where it came from. It's from Allah subhanho wa Taala. You can't remove it from you, you can't take it out and hold it. You can't have a love transplant, like you can have a heart transplant, right? You can't have a liver, you know, a love transplant, like you have a liver transplant, it just can't be done. But somehow people say love is in the hearts of a person who has a heart transplant, they still have love for their spouse, they still have love for their children. The Love was not there in the heart

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itself. The Love is something that Allah created and put inside of us, just like the soul, just like anger, just like many of the other feelings that we have inside of us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is the creator of all of these signs, and he gives it to us. And he mentioned that in these verses.

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The last panel autonoma also mentioned finding comfort in that person is from the signs of the last panel and feeling that comfort with them. And knowing that the two of you together as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that you complete half of your email, what do you complete half of your email, not that, you know, marriages have lost, you know, I've gotten married. So no, I fulfilled 50% of my email on gas tank. No, you didn't fill up 50% of your gas tank, that person is going to encourage you to increase your email when they notice a deficiency and you are going to increase you're going to encourage them to increase in their human when you notice there's a

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deficiency and there's so for example, waking up for Salatin photo, maybe someone has a difficult time doing that, but the spouse has it real easy, they wake up every day without even an alarm clock. So they nudge them Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. And you notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala, through that spouse allowed you to fulfill parts of your email that you couldn't do before, through the spouse. So you complete half of your email, as in that person helps you and assist you and encourages you to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala simply because they're helping you with what's good for easy for them, and you're helping them with what's easy for you.

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And the two of you come together. And Allah subhana wa tada unites the hearts. Then the law goes on in the next verses, the from the signs of Allah subhana wa tada are the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth as he created. And we could see the signs of a lot everywhere, wherever we go. The last panel, which I mentioned is from His signs or languages, as well as colors, languages and colors.

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Do we think of that, that the signs of a las pantallas language, and it's only when we travel to a different country where we're placed in the middle of a zone where no one else speaks our language that we actually realize somehow that's a blessing to know a word or two of a different language. It's a blessing from Allah, to know a word or two in order to communicate and to travel. And to be able to, you know, get around, let's say you're in the middle of, you know, a country where you don't speak their language at all. And you look at your, you're watching and I suppose I need to get to the airport, right? You left the airport, you're transiting and you had let's say a whole day,

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and you went out of the airport. And you look at your watch a nice handle, I need to get back to the airport, but you can't remember your weight. You're looking at the street names. Everything is a foreign language, you can't even read it. And then you go to people and you're like airport airport.

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And they're like, oh, Muslim beard terrorist and they run away from you. And you're like no, no airport or and the likelihood who would you know, the Be careful of this guy and the police show up. They're like, what's wrong with you show us some ID right? And you're showing them your passport. You're like, I need to go flight. I have to go fly and they're like, oh, Muslim, be careful. Right. So So

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Pamela it helps to say you know a word or two in another language, a language where people would understand us and be like, Okay, no problem. So Allah mentions that those are from the blessings are the signs that he's given to us. colors. It's a sign of a loss of hand without his greatness color. Any highlights that in the Quran, imagine if everything was black and white.

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Imagine if everything was the 1980s television set. Black and White, everywhere you look to is just shades of you know, different shades of grey and white and black. All these you know, shades, but nothing was blue, nothing was red, nothing was yellow, nothing was pink, nothing was purple, nothing was green, Panama, so many colors, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us and you ask yourself, those from amongst us that are colorblind,

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how they miss out on so many of the different colors. Like Imagine if you're just looking in one direction, like I was looking here, and I just kind of, you know, in my mind, imagine that the carpet itself was different shades of grey, and the wall was another shade. And the you know, the bottom part was darker because it's brown, and then the top part was white. And then those things are like black, the curtains that are hanging, it's just dope. It's dope, right and we know that gray is a color that makes us feel gloomy and sad and sometimes depressed. And so allow us to kind of metallic is this happiness through these colors that he's placed for us in our life. And last

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Palo Alto moves on in the next few verses.

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work as a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala we can actually work we can do business transactions, make Earn Spend. Those are from the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Lightning as we touched upon previously, water which falls from the sky, the rain and we get so much produce from it. It revives the earth from dead as the last panel with Adam mentions think of winter. And when you look at the ground as you're driving down Burnham Thorpe in the middle of the winter, and it's all ice, and then in the spring, you notice that some analyze some of the the snow is melting. But still the ground is so frozen that because the snow has melted, it just melts into water and it stays on top of the

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ground. The ground is pretty much dead. It's frozen, right? But then the last panel of data brings life back out of it. You drive down Burnham Thorpe now and you see the crops are growing, the plants are growing, right and we're gonna get corn soon and we're gonna get potatoes and we're gonna get all these, you know, beautiful things coming out of the ground. So panela in the middle of the winter, it's dead. So a love brings life to the ground through the rain through the sunshine, and the warmth in the heat and allows us to revive or he revives the earth and allows us to grow produce from it. Allah subhana wa tada touches upon the heavens and the earth again, and how they're

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suspended. So the heavens and earth are suspended previously, at the very beginning of us kind of Allah talked about the signs in the heavens and the earth here the signs that the heavens and the earth are suspended. And we took this earlier, there's no ahmud there's no pillar that's holding it up. What is holding the earth in place?

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We know gravity is holding us down to earth. You know, when we jump, we fall right back down on Earth. Imagine you jumped in you just went and you just disappeared. You were gone. And we tell our children never jumped. Right don't play basketball.

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So so panela Allah Subhana Allah has given us gravity, it holds us onto Earth. But how is the earth staying where it is? How does it revolve? Are there wires and you know, ball bearings that are allowing it to twist and turn, like the shocks in our cars or the wheels on our cars, there's, there's bearings inside of them. So they rotate, there's no bearings, the bearings are lost kind of the time is power that he's given to the earth, the heavens, the sky, how does it stay there? How is it being suspended? We spoke about this, you know, the stars, and how the stars are sometimes 10s of 1000s of light years away. And this the the light that we're seeing glowing from the star had

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already been extinguished hundreds of years ago, but the light is still traveling towards us. And we're seeing the glow from the star but the star is actually gone. It's burnt up.

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That's from the signs of a loss of Carnival attack, right? And then a lot goes on and talks about the resurrection of human beings how that itself is a sign of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we are, you know, we're basically our soul is created and then we're placed here on Earth, obviously through the mother and the father, and we're born and then we have life. And then at night we go to sleep and we experience minor death. And then we have life again. And then the last pan with Allah takes our soul away, and we experienced death and were placed onto the earth. And then the last panel Madonna will resurrect us and bring us back from the earth and give us life again. And so Allah

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subhana wa tada is highlighting those powers are those signs

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To us of his greatness, verses 33 to 37.

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almost kind of and it goes on to talk about how humans swayed between happiness and sorrow between happiness and despair depending on our circumstances and how we should turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala constantly, not just think of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we need him, right? When we need a las panatela with the Rooney St. Jude Law, we know Allah subhanho wa Taala loves when we asked from him, you need something, ask him he's going to answer you. But Allah highlights how we sway away from the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are happy and pleasant and enjoying ourselves, but then when we feel sad, and we feel that despair, we come back to remembering Allah

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subhanho wa Taala Don't be of those that do that this is what I was palitana is highlighting here. Don't be from those that only turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala when we need something, we should constantly as I as I tend to remind us constantly make dua to Allah Subhana Allah and in our Dora, make Shakur, thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for what he's given us, right? thank him for what he's given us. Don't just ask for things constantly. thank him for what he's already given us. Because what he gave us is what's best for us. Right? What he's given us is what's best for us already. So thank him for giving us what's best for us. Maybe we can do with something more. And so that's why

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we asked for a loss of Hamlet Allah to give us more, right? But what he's given us we can make do with that. And Allah subhana wa tada doesn't test someone, except that they're capable of going through the circumstances that he's placed upon us.

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Verse 42, again, Allah subhana wa, tada, highlights to travel through the lens. What are the seasonal fetal auto leaf?

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mold, okay, if I can liba to levena.

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cobble can

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shrieky in the last panel, which tells us again, travel through the world. And he told Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell the people travel through the world. Go and see, observe how was the end of those who came before you? Now remember, this is sorta to room talking to those addressing the issue of the Romans who think they're so great, so powerful, go and travel the world and see those that came before you that had more power that had more mite than you more courage than you more strength than you go and see what Allah subhanho wa Taala has done to them. So unless you kind of metallic again, reminds us to travel the world and it's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. Honestly, to have things like the airplane that take us from one place to the other so quickly, right and I'll talk about that shortly. inshallah with regards to a different verse, in verse 54.

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Verse number 54, all along with let

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me borrow from john Berardi, Lara.

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some geralyn, Daddy for watching,

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from shakiba, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us here in this verse, the different stages of life, He created us and when Allah Subhana, Allah created us, He created us with what weakness when a baby is born, do they just immediately stand up? Like the giraffe. I remember once my wife sent me this video of a baby giraffe being born. And literally within minutes, the mother You know, pushes it to walk. a giraffe whose legs are like, strangely long, right? It begins to walk literally moments after it's born. But when a baby is born, it's smaller, closer to the ground, the gravitational pull is stronger. It can it should have more stability, right? But Allah subhana wa Taala shows us that

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the baby is born. And it's literally there just laying down doing nothing waking up every two hours drinking, going back to sleep waking up going and you know drinking and going back to sleep. And can the baby sit? No, the baby can lay down, can't even roll over from side to side and change its position to whatever is more comfortable for the baby. Then eventually Allah Subhana metallic gives it the ability to turn to roll and then it rolls over it rolls over then Allah Subhana Allah gives it the ability to roll completely onto its other side. And then the baby starts to gain strength and pushes itself up with its arms and then gained some more strength pushes itself up with its legs and

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then starts to crawl. And then from crawling, the baby learns to balance a bit and sits right sits without falling over. Then what does the baby do? The baby grabs onto something and stands up pulls itself

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Uh oh, now it can stand but still holding on, then the baby gained some courage and strength in its legs after standing so much standing and sitting, that the muscles develop and it can stand and let go. And it has that balance, right? Then what does the baby do? falls over, then the baby stands again falls over stands again falls over. It repeats this a number of times, weeks later, what happens, the baby takes a step and then false.

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can't walk yet just takes a step and then falls. Then the baby learns to take two steps and then falls and the baby learns to walk eventually, then from walking, it learns to run and then the baby runs. And then it grows. And then it becomes an adult. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us those stages, then we made after weakness strength, so the baby now is strong.

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Then after the strength, weakness and whitehair old age so a person grows and gets stronger and Mashallah are teenagers, you notice they're, you know, building muscles, and then they get into the 20s and the 30s. And they're buff and tough and rough and strong and intelligent and very clever individuals. And then they go into the 40s and the 50s. And they're like, Okay, this is my shall I'm comfortable. Where am I'm comfortable, where am I'm comfortable, right? We noticed that people are comfortable, they don't want to try anything new is just leave me alone, I'm in my comfort zone, right? And then 50s and then 60s and psycho I'm starting to get weak and tired now, I need to sleep

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a little extra. I'm not the same person I used to be, you know, people change their their eating habits and subpanel Allah Subhana Allah returns us back into what that same weakness comes back. And then you notice as the age grows, the person starts to go back into the same stages of the child

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has trouble walking has trouble, you know, the difficult time running then a difficult time walking, working backwards, then a difficult time standing on their own and they need a cane or a walker than a difficult time simply standing so they need a wheelchair. And then a difficult time, you know getting in and out of bed and someone needs to help them to go to use the bathroom and then someone needs to feed them and help them to eat. Just like the baby needed someone to feed them to eat. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us into this life gives us that strength and takes it away again, the stages of life. We move on into the next one shot a lot of data sword on number 31 of the Quran,

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which is what I look for man.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and these verses verses eight and nine, we'll move on to verses eight and nine of sort of looking at who was look man does anyone knows

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he was a wise man. Does anyone say he was a prophet? There's difference of opinion between the scholars as to whether he was a prophet or simply a wise man

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named Hakeem Katara john right.

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Sharma so lots of kind of data had placed this wise man on earth, and this wise man had given us a lot, a lot of great information. Wisdom, some have a lot that is mentioned in the Quran, from this wise men. So in verse number eight and nine in alladhina men who were amino Sony had you know whom Jen to marry him. Claudine, Effie, were de la. comme la who Allah Z's will Hakeem Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that a huge portion of our Deen is to simply do good deeds. And we noticed this from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I mean those that attend regularly on the Fridays, before Ramadan started, we are going through the book from a moment of Bahati at the moment

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movement, which highlights the etiquettes and morals and values of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as well as those of the Sahaba the companions or the Allahu anhu. And so in that book,

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you know, there's a number of narrations and traditions and Hadeeth that relate back to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sahaba. And literally, it's only touching the surface of who we are as human beings. Like it just touches the surface of who we are in terms of love and morals and values and etiquettes. And a huge portion of our Deen was behavior. We noticed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in many different cases, his actions spoke louder than words. The very famous story that we quote all the time of the woman, the Jewish lady, who was you know, putting down the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam constantly, but yet she didn't know that that

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day. He Muhammad was the man who was carrying her provisions and he carried them all the way back to her home and the entire way she

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She was just bad melting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not realizing,

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not realizing that he was the one that was carrying those those, you know, groceries or those things of hers. And the entire way she's saying bad things about him, saying, Be careful of this man, Mohammed, he's like this and he's like that. Be careful of him. He's a magician. He's a madman. He's a soothsayer. Be careful, be careful. And when she reached her home, and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam reached there, and he put the stuff inside for her. And he, you know, made sure everything was okay. And she was, you know, safe and reached, you know, correctly. And I had no no additional requirements from him. She then asked you, I didn't even ask you your name, what's your

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And he said, I'm Mohammed.

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And what did she do? What did she do? Upon hearing that immediately, she recited the shadow. she testified on her own without even being asked without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, you see you see who I am. You see the type of person I am is great individual. I helped you all the way back to your house. That person you were bad talking that's me say the Shahada. He didn't have to say that he didn't actually ask her nothing. immediately she was shocked. She's like, That's you. You're Mohammed. She testifies. And so in the example of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that as a happy shot of the lover and her said Cana Hulu, and

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that his behavior, his morals, his his values, and etiquettes the person that he was, was the Quran, it was those of the Quran. It was as though you know, you look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you see the Quran. You see the the blessing of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so a huge portion of our Deen

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is to actually have good behavior, good morals. And Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that here in the Latina woman where I'm you know, slowly, Hattie Lohan, Jana nerim. Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds for them are the guardians of pleasure, Connie Dena, Fie. Forever, eternally, they will remain there and eternally, that is the place. And somehow sometimes we feel bad. You know, I was talking to my wife in the car, about something you know, earlier, we spent a lot of time in the car today, you know, we're just out and about driving around. And some handler, we were talking about something and sometimes we feel emotional. And that attachment to someone, the

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emotional attachment to someone who say, Oh, you know, we turn a blind eye from the dean, like, Oh, you know, this is someone who's, you know, Mashallah we can, how can we say that to this person, we have so much respect for the person, we feel shy to tell them this. But if we had real concern for that person, and their safety, if they're disobeying Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah and committing a sin, something that is displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Really granting them safety is not to just turn a blind eye and let them do what they're doing in this world. It's to go and confront it, and have them turn away from that sin, because your concern is what's eternal in the Hereafter, that

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they will receive a punishment for a long, long time. We would rather that they that they feel a little bit upset in this world for having to take themselves out of that situation for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to remove them from being burnt in the hereafter.

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The punishment of Allah subhana wa tannous severe. And we know last time I mentioned in the Quran, those who will receive certain punishments, their skin will be burnt, and then Allah will reform the skin onto their bodies and burn it again, and reform it and and again, and over and over and over.

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And I don't want to go in too much detail because there's children here and I leave that up to the parents to educate their children in sha Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah is severe and his punishment. And so if we really love people, and we wish for them, to have goodness here as well as in the Hereafter, sometimes a little bit of a sacrifice in this world is going to make all the difference in the hereafter. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for each and every one of us.

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Then we move on to verse number 12. Look man, Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights him here.

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And we mentioned he was a wise person that Allah subhanho wa Taala had allowed us to learn so much from in some of these verses. Then in verses 13 to 19. He goes on to mention and Allah subhana wa tada says, mentioned or Muhammad, one local man said to his son, while he was instructing him, oh my son, do not associate anything with Allah. Indeed, association with him is great injustice.

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Obviously we know this is shift, right? associating a partner rendering a partner with us accountable what we can move on to, you know, some of go through some of these verses in sha Allah hota Hana in joining upon men care for his parents will assign an incentive bhiwani day he how maletto that you take care of your, your, your parents, because they took care of you. They looked after you the mother carried you in her in her belly for nine months, and going through all the pains and then somehow her entire life and the father's entire life completely changes. I know my wife, I was complained to her, you know, like, when are we going to have our bed back? Like the kids

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are always in the bed? Like when are we just gonna go to sleep and not be kicked and punched? And you know, the baby's like jumping on you wake up, wake up, it's like two o'clock go to sleep. What are you doing? Leave me alone, right? You just want that. You want that part of your life back to some kind of law, you sacrifice it for your children. And all of our parents sacrificed that for us, they went through the hardship of trying to raise us.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions, but if they endeavor to make you associate with me a partner so if any of our parents ask us, as we covered yesterday, to do something which takes us away from Allah subhanho wa Taala, then we should refrain from that. And then lokman says in verse number 16, on my son, indeed, if wrong should be the weight of a mustard seed, and should be within a rock or anything in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth indeed, of laws subtle and acquainted. So if there's a sin that we've done that is so small, the size of a mustard seed, and it's hidden inside of a rock, like who's gonna find it in a rock, are we going and cracking rocks

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open to find this little mustard seed on the inside? No one's doing that. Right. So if it was hidden inside Allah subhanho wa Taala would know it. So ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness constantly. And stay away from that, that that, that which displeases the last panel attack on my son established prayer, enjoying what is right forbid what is wrong, be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, all that is of the matters requiring determination. Then we move on in sha Allah hota hai Allah, you can read through those verses of lokman and his son and the advice from verse number 29, to 30.

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Verse number 29, and 30 Allah subhana wa tada merges night into date. And we spoke about this, you know, I think yesterday, I'm starting to lose track of the days because I'm Yvonne the nights are short, and I'm losing track of the days. So it was kind of late Allah says here that he merges the night and today and merges the day into night, right. And how perfect this course is that the day becomes night, and then the night becomes day and we wake up, we go to work, we go to sleep, we rest, and so on and so forth. And it's so perfect. And I was reminded of, you know how we talked, we touched upon it earlier how it's a blessing to have airplanes and to travel.

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And I remember

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so many times when I travel west from Toronto, right, I travel west, which I tend to do very often, right, I'm going to do in another few weeks. And I fly from like Toronto to Hong Kong, which is something like a 14 or 15 hour flight. And you get there to Hong Kong. And you realize the sun never set

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the sun never set. But what day is it? It's the following day. Literally more than 24 hours on your watch has passed.

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But you never saw the sunset. It's the same time that you left here or just a few hours later. You've been flying with the sun pretty much the entire time.

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And so you leave here for example, at you know, noon, and you you get on the plane and you end up praying us seven Muslim over there in Hong Kong because the sun never set once. Isn't that a blessing from Allah Subhana Allah tan that you're just traveling with the sun. And on the way back, you get into the same plane. And I've done that I get into the plane, I pray Mohammed and Aisha in the plane in Hong Kong, just about an hour after takeoff. And I fly East Now coming back to Toronto, and they pray eight prayers, sometimes nine prayers or 10 depending on the time that you leave and arrive. Right. So So panela going one way you'd never have to pray, come in the other way. you're

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praying every two hours just praying and praying and praying and praying and praying because the sun is rising and setting right you're going the opposite way. And the days are moving much quicker. And so Allah subhana wa Tanis shows us in these verses how he makes night meet day and it's so constant and so perfect. That it just blends into each other with nice colors too. It's not just you know, bright white and dark black. Las panatela shows us the colors if you look

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got this at the sky now notice it's a little brighter on top and it's going pinkish there and if we go outside and or open these doors will notice is purple on the bottom right, just starting to change those colors. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights that for us. In this sweater. We move on to the next one on Sean Montana which is sold out to such depth.

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Sort of to such the or the prostration to bow down to Allah subhanho wa Taala will cover this sort of very quickly in sha Allah.

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Allah Subhana Allah says in the first few verses, this Mila here wash money of La theme, any flow.

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Mi m.

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z, Nikita below you Buffy he may be learning me in amea coluna after all of us can witnesses at Flamingo Meem This is the revelation of the book, but about which there is no doubt from the Lord of the worlds again highlighting the Quran

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or do they say Allah subhana wa Taala goes on? He invented it. Is that what they say? That this was invented that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam invented this book, that it isn't true. And we've you know discussed this quite quite some time throughout this month. Rather, it is the truth from your Lord Mohammed. Mohammed, that you may warn people to whom no warner has come before you so perhaps they will be guided so Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the Quran and then how he's the creator of the Quran and creator of everything that is good that we see that we benefit from on earth and that Allah subhana wa tada is the controller of the universe. So that is the beginning of

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the surah. Then Allah Subhana Allah transitions off in verse number 15, which is the only other verse that will take from this sutra inshallah tada in order to move on.

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Allah subhana wa tada highlights in this, in this ayah those who believe a lot of signs fall down in frustration, they bow down and go down in sujood in such that and that is the Surah Surah such that so Allah subhanho wa Taala in this surah you notice he talks about he talks about the universe and how He is the creator of the universe and the Comptroller of the universe. Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights His signs. He highlights the book right before Khan as we talked about previously, that the Quran itself is a book with guidance that comes to us it was not created by any human being. It was revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through Djiboutian alayhis salaam, and is the

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words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so those who believe and hear the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and ponder over and understand the Creator, they bow down, Institute in such that and prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is what we do. That's what we do. We bow down to none other except the last panel voluntarily, no other person on the face of this earth, no other creature no other being none, except the loss of Hannah Montana is deserving of our frustration and our bowing down. We move on to Surah two beautiful surah a beautiful incident and a beautiful occasion for those who visit the city of Medina to go and see the places that Allah subhanho wa

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Taala had shown us through the history of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Surat Al Asad is also known as

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the the Confederates, or the sort of the combined forces that got together the different tribes that got together to try and combat or fight against the muslimeen. So tribes gathered forces gathered, in order to take out the Muslim men that were residing in Medina at the time.

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In verses four and five, Allah Subhana Allah says that no person has two hearts. No person has two hearts in them. Right? And, and Allah uses that as a parable that in the body, there's no there isn't two hearts, there's one heart, and just like no adopted child is truly your child. Right? There's no adopted child who's your child, that child belongs to someone else. Right? That child can't belong to two people. So one child can't have to, you know, two sources, two fathers or two mothers, which is kind of interesting, actually, when you think of it in a more modern context. And alasa panel with Anna highlights the aspect that a adopted child, you should attribute them back to

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their own mother and father.

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So they take the name of their father for example. They are not

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Your child, they are the child of their parents.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights that here he also mentions that no wife is the replacement for a man's mother. Right? That no wife, you don't marry someone and think that this is going to be your mother, she's going to come down and do all your laundry and she's gonna do everything and she's gonna treat you like a baby and you know, yada, yada, yada that most wives end up doing anyways, right? Hopefully, no, no, this is one of us, Hannah metallus telling us don't think that you will marry someone, right? And they will now become your mother, they will take the place of your mother, right? And don't also treat your mother like she's useless and pushed aside. And now

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you have your wife that you need to maintain your wife and you need to look after her and she's everything for you and your mother is nothing. Don't forget what your mother has done for you as well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights all of these here, when you read through them in the books of Tafseer, in verse number six, also kind of which it mentions how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is closer to us than we are to our own selves. And we've seen that in the example of this habit of the Allahu anhu. When they were asked, which companion was it that said, he loves himself more than he loves a prophet sallallahu sallam,

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I'm going to pop up, right? And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he questioned him, really, you love yourself more than you love me. You would sacrifice more from your own self that you would sacrifice for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he you know, realized he made a mistake there. And he actually loves the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, more than he loves himself. And so

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Allah Subhana Allah mentions that here that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is closer to us closer to the moat meaning than we are to our own selves. Why, though? Has anyone ever questioned themselves and think you know, what we really is a profit, some of our analysts send them more beloved to me than my own self? Will you follow the son of the Prophet sallallahu, either who is sending them so much. We try to live just like the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we could live the life that we want and enjoy ourselves like many other people do, but we don't. We actually try to implement the sooner the lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which

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means we actually do love him. More than we live our own selves, we sometimes just don't know it, or haven't thought of it, and haven't pondered over it. Right? We move on the next few verses 11 to 27, which is actually sorry, nine and nine and 10, as of the Battle of

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alemtuzumab is the the nations that gathered together to try and fight against the Muslims. We also know this battle to be known as the Battle of the trench of conduct, right and conduct which is the trench. And that's because during this battle, they built a trench. So for those of us that come along, during our hygiene trip, if we ever do go on one and shot a lot, hopefully we do, right, I'll take you to these places, the Sahara, massage it if you ever go and if you've been to Southern massage, that area is where that literally that streets is where the trench was dug. And it goes all the way down to muslin to mount boyhood, for those that have been there. So it was a massive trench.

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It went between two mountains in order to stop the machine from coming in and entering. Medina, they couldn't penetrate Medina, there was a trench, a massive trench. And it was it was the idea of Sandman and fantasy, who told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, maybe we should build this trench, right. And it was a genius idea. It was an amazing idea to build it. And when the zarrab when the Confederates when the other, you know, tribes had come to try and attack the Muslim mean, after the trench was built, the horses would run and see the trench and be scared and back off. And those that actually got into it. You know, they, they they realized this is dangerous, right? We're

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in a dangerous position. We're stuck in the middle here. There's no escape route. And so it was it was something you know, that actually defended the Muslim in this trench.

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Also with regards to the trench or a hunt, duck, and this was during the fifth year of after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, some different st was during the fourth year, but the majority say was the fifth year after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We noticed that the momineen the believers, they were extremely scared and nervous before this battle. They were scared and nervous. And you read the verses. It's as though they were trembling. They were scared because so many clans and tribes had gotten together to try and attack them. Listen to me.

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Then there were the whispers of the moon fit the hypocrites. They were telling the believers You know what, this is dangerous. Don't think you should be doing this just leave just fleet just get out of here. Just go. Don't bother, just go leave. Right. So they had not only the pressure of such a large army coming their way. They also had the pressure internally from those hypocrites that were whispering to one another and saying, Hey, this is a bad idea. This isn't right. Something's not gonna go so well here. And a loss of handling to Hannah showed us exactly what happened during this battle. So Pamela, nothing really needed to take place. Nothing really needed to take place. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala sent a window that came from the east. Right when they came from the east, and it was a cold wind, there was so strong and furious when it hit the tense of the machine, the hazard, it destroyed their tents, it put out their fire, and for days, they couldn't lay the fire. They couldn't, you know, have their tents stay in one place. The wind was so strong and it just kept disturbing them. And it's unpleasant when you're in the desert and the sand is going and the wind is growing and it was cold, and you can't get a fire lit. You think you know what, forget this. Let's just get out of here. And that's exactly what they did. That's exactly what Allah subhanho wa Taala

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did to them. He sent the wind to simply disturb them so much that they were so irritated. They couldn't get a fire lit, they couldn't get any warmth. They couldn't cook any food, right? They couldn't warm up any water or anything of that sort. It was so disturbing to them. They had no tents. anytime they tried to build it, it just kept blowing away, blowing away blowing away. And so they ended up just retreating and leaving and that is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala so we ask Allah Subhana which Allah to make it easy for us to understand the verses of Quran that Allah subhana wa tada has shown us and made so clear for us as signs for ourselves to learn from and to

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learn from the previous nations. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless us during this month of Ramadan to allow us to connect with the Quran. Like we've never connected during any other month of Ramadan previously, or some of our cinema back at NTV. And I'm hammered out early or Saturday or Sunday. Please remember to take advantage of this time in Doha. I know a lot of us like to go to the other side and just chit chat. Let's take advantage go sit on the other side. It doesn't matter if you're facing the Qibla or not. Raise your hands and make your heart to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. This is a time window has accepted and we are fasting and it is also a time when your heart

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is accepted.

Explanation of Surah An-Ankaboot verse 45, Surah Ar-Room, Surah Luqman, Surah As-Sajdah, until verse 30 of Surah Al-Ahzaab

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