Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 24

Daood Butt
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah, and the mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Ali of masala to attend the tasleem. Officially as Audrey was Sidley and rewind a look at a melissani of Gokhale. My brothers and sisters in Islam ascent Mr. La comme Rahmatullahi wa barakato.

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I know the nights are going, are the nights going fast for you? And hamdulillah Shama?

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No, I didn't know.

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I mean, we we know that someone who does not receive the message of Islam, they're exempted. Right? For example, someone lives in the middle of Brazil, the jungles of Brazil. Right, then they

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Yeah, but in Europe? I don't know. Islam is everywhere in Europe.

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1000s Yeah.

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hundreds, hundreds.

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Whatever, whatever reason he has, I don't know. I'll have to look into it and see why exactly, he said this. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to

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to guide us all, you know, some analysts sometimes statements like this are made by scholars who have never left their countries. Sometimes the scholars they've never left their country and they don't know what is out there in the world. Like I know when I was a student in Medina, some of the teachers would you know, some of them that didn't travel handler most of my professors they traveled the world, but some of them is actually from Canada. There's Muslims there. Of course, there's Muslims in Canada. We have massage it everywhere. So Allah knows maybe a statement we have to look at his personality as well. Maybe he never traveled maybe news of certain areas, but of course, we

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know with the with the internet and so on. Nowadays, it's easy to know what happens in different countries in different areas of the world. Allah knows best I'll have to, you know, spend some time looking into Of course, of course.

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Yeah, Allah Allah. Allah. Hi, Adam. I don't I don't know.

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That is true. That is very true. Hey, let's begin in Charlottesville. I have 100 Rahim, Nevers Sharma and hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah, while early wasafi Orman, Euler and my bad

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today we're going to cover a decent amount of the Quran insha Allah to Allah because it adds up to be a number of sources. So we're going to begin from sorta to the majority Allah which is the 58th surah of the Quran, and we will do surah number 59 and hasher and we'll go all the way until surah number 66, which is similar to heading in the last sort of witches

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20th * good. Mashallah. So we're going to be covering the surah from Sora and Medina all the way all the way until to hareem in sha Allah tada in order to Madeira, which is the 58th surah of the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala begins a solar road to be let him in a shape on energy. smilla rahmanir rahim goddess Semyon la hora coletti to giardino caffee is m g. h Turkey, Ma, Ma. Ma rota woroch una in ma semi balsley. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that he knows and he knew of an instance of something that took place during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam certainly has a lot heard the speech of the one who argues with you. Who is that person arguing with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam First of all, it's not a man it's a woman.

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Right? It's a woman and who

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What's her name? That's what I'm asking. What's her name?

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whaler bint Salah whaler vintera lava rhodiola Anna she comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she's complaining about her situation what is her situation the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by Allah.

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You know, Allah hears the speech of the one who comes to you and complains to you concerning her husband and directs her complaint to a law. she directs her complaint to Allah subhana wa tada and Allah hears her dialogue, he hears her speech. And this is revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to let him know that he knows that Allah is aware of what she comes to complain to him about. And he's aware of the situation.

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So this is Hawaii lab in Salah, rhodiola, her and her and she's complaining to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about her husband, house in assignment house in assignment. And she's complaining to him because he told her a statement that was said during the time of jatiya, a statement that was said, Before Islam that carried on that some of this habit of the alarm on home, they continued this statement throughout their, their time as well. Old habits die hard, as we say, right? So he said to her, you're like the back of my mother. You're just like the back of my mother. And in,

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in the, in the Arabian world at the time that was understood as you're divorced, right, I divorce you. Hello. So it's done. You're just like the back of my mother. You know, it's like, you know, you just, you're to me, You're like my mother. And so Subhana Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows here, how no wife is the mother to her husband. And we took these verses earlier, right? We took the verses earlier how a wife is not like the mother of that men. In two different examples. What were the two different ways are two different things that I mentioned to you?

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A wife is not the mother to her husband. How

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I explain this? And I mentioned two things. And in fact, I remember two days ago, I give you homework and you didn't answer it yesterday, right? Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we said that someone who prays in mustard, in mustard al Haram, it is equivalent to how many prayers 100,000? Good. And then we said homework, how much is it worth? If you pray in mustard? The Nebo? Eat? 1000 good, and how much is it worth if you pray and muster the axon? 500 Very good. Alhamdulillah some of us did our homework. Hey, yeah, here. We mentioned a few days ago that there are two things that two examples that I gave, not two things are mentioned, you know, set in stone,

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but two examples that I gave for a person who says or claims that their mother, sorry, their wife is like their mother. And I gave two examples. One of them is a person sometimes feels that, you know, the the the wife, she is supposed to do all the things that his mom used to do for him. Right? So he's used to his mom cleaning and cooking. And he comes home from school, for example, university and everything is done for him. And he's leaving for work. And his mom made, you know, his lunch or he's leaving for class and his mom made her his lunch. And he comes home and he finds that his laundry is done. And not only is it done, it's all put away in the drawers neatly and the way that

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it's always been done since he was born. Right since childhood. The socks were here and the undershirts were there, and the pants were here and the shirts were there. And somehow for 20 years, 25 years, that continued to be the case. And his mother did everything. And now he gets married and he expects his wife to do the exact same thing. That was the first example. The second example was

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Sorry, you were here. Okay, who was here.

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So the first one was that the the the husband expects the wife to treat him like his mother. The second example is a wife should not

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let me check now some handle, I can't remember. I'm going blank as well. That a wife treats her husband

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and Mothma Stan alongside

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us, we'll do it tomorrow. I don't want to waste time on it. But another example would be for example, if the wife is constantly, you know,

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slipped my mind, it slipped my mind. I'll get it later. inshallah we'll move on. We'll move on because we talked about family and walk it'll probably come to me in Sharla. So in verses number one to two Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that while I didn't say earlier that she complains to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam about this statement, that you know, you're just like the the back of my mother, you're supposed to do everything you do, just like my mother does. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here in this example, that the person that says this

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should take the wife back right? In verse number two we see those who pronounce

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vihara upon their wife, they are not consequently their mothers, their mother are none but those who give birth to them. And indeed they're saying an objectionable statement, and something that is false. This is not right. This is not true. It's not correct. She is not your mother, she is not someone that's supposed to fill the shoes of your mother, etc. She's not supposed to treat you like a baby. Similarly, you're not supposed to expect these things from her and so on and so forth. But then Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on in the next few verses to show that if someone does this, then there's a fara that you you it's not considered divorce, and you actually have to pay the 60 just

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like if you break your fast during the month of Ramadan, you have to free a slave. If you can't free a slave then you have to fast 60 consecutive days if you can't fast 60 consecutive days and you have to feed 60 people, right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that that is the punishment for someone that uses that statement towards their wife. Okay, that's a punishment for them for making that statement towards their wife in verse number 11 Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that he raises the people of knowledge into different ranks. Yeah, you yo Han Latina man, either.

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Either t Nana calm, toughest saccucci imagine ecsf sacral First, we have satilla hoonah calm what either

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Zhu Zhu, Zhu Zhu

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Lovelady in Manu Kumar, Latina,

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muda Raja, one la

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luna hobby, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us yeah, you hallerin amanu Oh, you who believe right?

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Either vilella calm if it is said to you, or you are told to make space, space yourselves out, then make space in your assemblies in your gatherings. Now some handler we think of it as make space between you. But actually what it's saying is come together and make space for those to fit in, make space for others to come and fit in. And we noticed that during the time of the prophets that along there and he was seldom the gatherings, they would be tight, they would come close around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And we know the example of the person who came, three people come one of them comes in sits, finds an empty spot and sits down one of them just sits on the

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outskirts, the other one just simply leaves. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addresses his situation and shows us that the person who came in sat in the gathering in a spot that they found available in the gathering without disturbing others is better than the one that sat on the outskirts just came in and sat on the edge and the one that comes in and we see that as as the night is gonna progress every single night in the last 10 nights, we've noticed people are seated right at the door. And some people come in and they walk over to this side and they sit down and some people come in and they sit towards the front. And so the person who sits on the outskirts is not going to

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receive a greater reward as the person who came towards the front door found an empty spot. And the person who walks away Well, they completely lost out on the edge of right. So Allah Subhana Allah shows us here, when you're asked to make space amongst yourselves, it doesn't mean space out and take up more place. No, it means come closer, find some space to share with others. And so our Dean is always teaching us to share with others, even the space that we have in our masajid or the space in our gatherings. And here, Allah Subhana Louisiana shows us he says, Allah will make space for you. And when you are told arise then arise. So some handle that it's important for us when we are

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being addressed, to listen to what we're being told, right? Especially if it's something that's right and true and good. Listen to what we're being told. And the reason why I said that is because we live in a country where not all the time that we are going to be addressed. We're being addressed by Muslims. A lot of the time we're listening to non Muslims, we're at work or we are at school, or we're at a wedding or a congregation or something of that sort. It might be a meeting some public event, and the person who's speaking is not Muslim. So sometimes they might tell you, okay, rise now so that we can praise Jesus. No, I'm sorry for something like that I'm not going to rise, I'm going

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to say I'm going to respectfully sit down why because this is something that goes against my beliefs. Similarly, when someone who's a non Muslim comes into the masjid, and you know, attends our Juma prayer or attends a funeral prayer of a friend that they knew that passed away, we have chairs seated for them, you know, put in place for them, they can come in, sit down. And when we stand for our prayer for the janazah, for example, we don't expect them to stand up. It's not something that they believe in, we don't expect them to stand up. Similarly, we should not be expected to stand up to something that is going against our belief. So here Allah subhanaw taala shows us when you're

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asked to arise when you're asked to stand, stand. A simple example Salah

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It's time for it. It's thought later on. And we go and we eat now we know we're trying to finish quickly, it'll handler

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We hear the iqama further bomb at in soil to powder calm at his

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house, we quickly tried to finish and come and join us on that. We shouldn't just hang around and just chill it. You know, why is it that you know the solids beginning too early? How come? We didn't get 10 minutes or we didn't get 12 minutes or we were given the time but it flew by maybe we were too busy eating too much. Or maybe we were too busy talking too much. Or maybe somehow Allah Allah didn't put barakah in our time. Maybe for some reason, or Allah knows best what the reason is, so when we hear the call, we should get up and we should answer the call to Sala or whatever we're being asked to do. Someone says you know what brothers Can you stop blocking the door, stand up and

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move to this side we should do that. A simple example of what Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us stand up and move why because Allah will make space for you. Don't think that you're going to be crammed unlock and put Baraka in our space. He can put Baraka in our time, he could go but aka in our earnings he could put Baraka in our sleep, and Baraka in so many different things. Baraka is an excess and not an excessive amount. It's an additional amount to what we expect from that situation. But Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses it. So we feel comforted throughout that, that moment or that instance or that occasion, even though we might have a little amount of wealth, he puts Baraka in

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it, he increases it for us or we are we all know about okay is I don't need to go into any explanations in that somehow Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then shows us in this verse in verse number 11,

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you know, federal law when Latina men who

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come those who believe Allah subhanho wa Taala raises them in ranks when Latina or to Larry muda Raja, and those who have been given knowledge he raises them in higher ranks above those who simply believe. So we have the believers who he raises in status, we know that and then those who believe whose belief is really strong, they have a higher level, however, one Latina Ooh, to learn those. All of you right now, all of us sitting here, we're constantly seeking knowledge, every single one of the days of Ramadan, we're coming. If there's an exception helaas no big deal. But we're coming regularly to learn to seek knowledge Allah subhana wa Taala is increasing us in levels higher than

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the average person that will just come later on.

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Okay, so Allah Subhana Allah shows us, blessings for you glad tidings goodness, hired for you, you sacrificed as well, those that are performing errante calf, you sacrifice from all of your pleasures and luxuries, where you could be at home and eat all the food that you want. And choose the menu as well. And you can cook it yourself whenever you want. In the middle of the night, early in the morning, as soon as you know, Muslim time enters whatever time you want, of course, during the time of the night, right because we're fasting, but Subhana Allah, you sacrifice that. And not only are you sacrificing that you're also sacrificing this time where you could just be chilling out laying

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on maybe a mattress or a sleeping bag or something but you're sitting you're seated here. And we know we see that we yawn regularly because we're tired. It's nearing the end of the month of Ramadan. Our bodies are low on energy. But Allah subhana wa Taala is raising you in ranks and Hanawon raising us all of us, raising us in ranks because we're simply dedicating some time regularly and constantly to learn the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We move on to the next one, I saw total hash

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which is the 59th surah of the Quran surah total hash of the exile and this is referring to bunu another year have been another year, which is a Jewish tribe or a dry tribe at the time of the Prophet sallallahu. I think he was some of them which comprised mainly of Jews. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here in verses number one and two. The Jews are the Jewish people of Medina, they agreed to a peace treaty that was made between them and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he made the law when he was leaving mecca for Medina, he left and he was going there and he made this peace treaty with the Jewish people who resided in Medina and told them that Listen, I'm not

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going to attack you the Muslim oma, we are not going to attack you. However, we also expect that you would not attack us. Do you agree? Yes, we agree. Holla let's write it down. Let's have a contract. This was the way the method of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the loss of Hamlet as we took, I think in the first week of Ramadan. He encourages us to have a contract written that you even get someone who is going to write for you, you have a scribe someone who will write it, you have witnesses, and you yourself make this contract between the person or the people that you are contracting in that statement or agreement. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here that the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had this agreement with the Jewish people, and he told them, we will not attack you, you do not attack us. Do you agree? Yes, they agreed. What happened? They broke that treaty. And so

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned them and you know, brought it to their attention. You broke this treaty, this is not good. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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in verse number three, and if it was not that Allah subhanho wa Taala had decreed for them evacuation, he would have punished them in this world. And for them in the Hereafter is a punishment of the Fire. And then Subhana Allah, He shows us how when they were evacuated at the end of verse number two, when they left, they left Medina and they left their homes, right. They left their homes, and they, they were told you can take whatever you can fit on your camels, or on your animals, whatever animals, whatever you can take with you, belongs to you, whatever you leave behind, does not belong to you anymore. And what does Allah subhanho wa Taala show us that they did

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in verse number two, the stuff that they couldn't bring with them, they did not want the Muslims to use ever so they destroyed their own belongings. They destroyed their own belongings, things that they worked hard to earn, they destroyed it themselves simply because they didn't want the Muslims of Medina to use it or to take benefit from it. And so they destroyed their own belongings and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here in these verses in verse number 18 have sought to hash out

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verse number 18. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, a Johan levena man with duck on La

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nevsun God dammit Nevada. What up boom.

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Pima man

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Oh, you have believed again, another one of those verses? Yeah, you are letting me know. It took on law how well turns out Neff some kadem at lienhard. Allah subhana wa tanot addresses us as believers. First of all, have Taqwa fear Allah but have Taqwa that taqwa where you're conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. All the time. You're always aware of him. And then he shows us what to do. Next Nelson McDermott and he had a look and see what have you produced? What have you brought forward for tomorrow? Not for tomorrow as in the

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29th of June, tomorrow as in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala is referring to tomorrow, the year after? What have you produced for tomorrow for your hereafter? have you built your agenda? Have you done something good? Have you been consciously building something in the hereafter? So I didn't want to use this? right now. I thought of it about 30 seconds ago, and I didn't want to use it. But I'm going to use it as an example. We were coming in the car. And my daughter's they make this sound that someone told them you know, it's like an exaggerated sound of a sneeze they got

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like a sneeze exaggerated sneeze. And so Pamela, my daughter was saying this all the way from home till we reached you know, about two minutes away. And I said, you know, you've been saying this like, and I exaggerated as well. They said like 1000 times from the time they left home until here, and you get no rewards for that. Why don't you say something that you get rewarded for? Why don't you say Subhana Allah say Alhamdulillah say Allahu Akbar. And so one of the daughters, she says, she starts to say Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah you know, she starts doing tests via Subhana Allah and so on. And then when, I don't know, she was counting or not, I wasn't counting. But just

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as we were approaching turning into the parking lot of the masjid, she says, Oh, me, I just built 30 trees and Jenna was like, oh, Mashallah, you know, she built 30 trees and you say, Subhan Allah, I love plants for you a tree agenda. So I was just now talking about this and it popped into my head somehow Allah, how many of us consciously are building our agenda? How many of you how many of us are aware of our agenda? And we are regulating what's going on in our agenda as we're living this life, as in we're constantly doing a cop, we're removing sins from our lives, we're wishing and making dua to Allah let us see you in gender. Let us you know, be able to, to enjoy ourselves in

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gender. Give me that home agenda Give me that place to rest in gender. Now I'm working really hard, let me have a place to rest later on. And so some handler we should be people who are less of hanway to Hana says, well, tons of nevsun market demat naked look and see what are you producing for tomorrow? Is there anything that I'm actually doing that is useful that is contributing to my agenda?

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Or am I simply just working towards this dunya

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and so Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us there

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of the importance

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what duck on law in the law hubiera on the matter Manu and Allah subhanho wa Taala is well aware and acquainted of what we do, right what we do in verses number 21 to 24. And I remember these verses because my dad used to recite them all the time. So Hannah law till today he still recites these verses.

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panel which Allah says in verses number 21 to 24 of soda to hotshot low and then

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jeberti la Ito hace mucho de

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min Kashi 18

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what you can

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see now

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on mama daddy

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ina in

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eBay my Shahada

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Susannah moon Meanwhile,

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Muhtar Kent dear, so the Hanauma

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Nicola berry song we're gonna

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use be hoonah Fie summer wa T one

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Z's will hacky. Allah subhanho wa Taala here affirms his greatness. And in verse number 21 he shows us if we had sent down this gold on upon a mountain, what would happen to that mountain?

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No, Ito Harsha Mutasa de Haan min hace Attila you would see it humble itself and come apart out of fear of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Harsha fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that a mountain in its, you know, think of Mount Everest, think of the largest mountain because even that would humble itself to Allah subhanho wa Taala add Mount Everest that is as high as the airplanes fly in the sky. Subhana Allah, what is it? 30,000 32,000 feet, something like that in the sky, and people go up there, and sometimes without even oxygen, some of them try and do that and they can some can't, right? Most people can't go up there without oxygen tanks. And

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Allah Subhana Allah shows us that if this urn was to come down on this mountain, it would make the mountain humble itself. It would humble itself and then it would crumble out of the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala because it would begin to tremble out of fear of Allah subhana wa attallah should it have done something wrong and displeasing to its creator? But how many of us receive the verses of liquid urn and we don't even feel it. We don't even feel it. Remember the other night we took the verse of the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala tells it tells us

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so Hannah Lawson, who was in Milton last night.

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who is in Milton last night well versed did I quote last night in Milton?

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To reflect upon the failure to adapt Barrow nellcor an America khudobin oxide? We took that verse just yesterday, right? a fella today Brunello Quran don't we ponder over the verses of the Quran. And Allah subhana wa Taala shows us that the key to unlocking our hearts is the Quran. You want kosher in your Salah, learn the Quran, you want to feel the softness of you know emotions in your life, learn the Quran, read the Quran, teach the Quran and implement the code and in your life, have a connection with the Koran regularly and it will make your hearts soft it will make our hearts become really soft. Then when we hear the verses of the Quran, you see sometimes you're standing

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next to someone so how to Allah years years before I actually met chef Abdullah Idris, I heard a chef say something about chef Abdullah Idris. I heard someone while I was living in another country, another chef, say something about chef Abdullah Idris and he's not here. And hopefully he's not watching. I know he's busy right now. Right? But some kind of law. How the chef was saying I went for Tada. We're in a Masjid. And as I was praying, I could hear one person standing in the very front, and he was crying. And the chef saying I came late. So standing in the back, and he said I got curious and I wanted to know who is this person that's crying during town are we who is this

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person that's crying nonstop during taraweeh. So he said, Every time someone would leave, I would try to quickly take that person spot to make my way to the front. And he says near the end of town, we had finally made my way to the front and I realized she had delayed threes. Now I'm not praising him, but I'm just saying that's an example of someone when they

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hear the call and it makes them you know, somehow they feel softness in their heart, that they begin to remember a line they begin to sometimes cry or they begin to, you know, feel that trembling inside of them of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala right. So it's important for us to be people that connect with the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forget about people who are living today in a life today, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu they would go for 200 they would go for 200 in the night to muster the number we they would leave their homes and go to 200 and whose home was right next to mustard and the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam. They said we would walk past his house and we would hear him crying and crying and crying and weeping. And they would ask him Yasuda, lo, what is it that made you cry like this? And he would say, I recited this verse, one verse, they would ask him one verse, he says, I kept reciting this verse over and over and over throughout the whole night, one verse, we stand in front of a loner, they

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were trying to finish the whole Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was weeping the entire night over a verse one, verse one, that's it SubhanAllah.

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And we feel we need to finish the Quran. You don't need to finish the Quran, we need to understand it, we need to feel it, we need to ponder over it, we need to put it in our life I need to live the example of this for an eyeshadow the Allahu anhu would say about the profits on longer and he was selling them current Hulu or an when you would see him his mannerisms. His behavior was that of the Quran, aka also known as someone who's a walking talking version of the Quran, when you see this person who say so panela that is what the Quran teaches us. Right? By pondering over it by learning it by implementing it in our lives and not simply speed reading through it and not grasping the

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So here Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, shows us that even the mountains, even something as large as Mount Everest, that holds part of the world together, would crumble if the Quran was to come upon it out of humility and then out of fear. And these examples is a loss of Hannah which Allah says and these examples we present to the people that perhaps they will give some thought, see, that's all this is enough for us for the whole night. Okay, it's enough for us for the whole night because Allah subhanho wa Taala says, This example is given to us for people that perhaps we would give it some thought and we just did that we now thought of it. Now the question is, what are we going to do

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about it? What do we do about it once we learn the verses of the Quran and we learned the importance of the Quran, we move on in sha Allah the next few verses you can read the translation on your own inshallah Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us his status, his magnitude his greatness, and affirming that for us in these verses 21 to 24 of surah. Al How shall we move on to Surah number 60.

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Surah 20 Montana in Montana, which is she that is to be examined the woman that is to be examined and don't judge it those that are watching Don't judge it we will explain what it means shortly inshallah don't think that only women have to be judged, or go on trial in Islam. In verse number eight of sola to Montana Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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lion her como la de la Vina LMU okatie lucam c d in 1am, your free ju

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dia de comm

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Babu Amato pasito la him in LA New Haven ciently in a law does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes. This is an absolutely powerful verse. Because a lot of the time the world I won't say the Muslims misunderstand and some do. There are a few that misunderstand there's people all over the world that misunderstand. But the world's misunderstands our Deen sometimes, especially when we see it on the news constantly and regularly. Looks panela the other day a few people were shot and killed in the US and the whole world made a big issue about it. And yes, we feel sad. No doubt we said that and we publicized it we feel sad.

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Today what happened in Turkey. Anyone know what happened in Turkey. There was an explosion in the torque. See, you didn't know there was an explosion earlier today. Not only an explosion, Subhanallah people went in started to shoot and started to throw grenades apparently, and there was an explosion, suicide bomb etc in the Istanbul airport.

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In assembling in the airport today, see you didn't know and this goes to show us how media shows us all the things that we need to hear or sorry, all the things they want us to hear, and not the things that people should constantly know of. Why is it that we say, oh, when something happened in one part of the world, it's a big issue, and the whole world is just mourning over it and talking about it, and things are changing. Laws are changing, just because of it, and an explosion and suicide bombing and you know, shooting etc, happens inside an airport in Turkey. And it's like, How long has it happened? And that's the end of it. You read it and it passes on and tomorrow, Allah

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knows, maybe tomorrow will be a different issue. Today, there was an explosion here in Mississauga, you know that? No, there was an explosion in Mississauga, as well. So can Allah Allah knows what it was about? I don't know. It could be a gas line could be a leak could be something Allah knows what it was. But when you see the pictures of it, so kind of LA, a home explodes. And when you see how much debris is around the city, it's it's amazing. SubhanAllah that's a home. Imagine what happens in an airport. How many dozens of people die and lose their lives. And here, Allah subhanaw taala shows us very, very powerfully in this verse, Allah does not forbid you, the Muslims, from those who

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do not fight to you. We live amongst people who are non Muslim, and they're not fighting us. And he goes on to say, they're not fighting you because of your religion, and they're not expelling you from your homes. He does not forbid you from being around them. And here Allah subhanaw taala shows us the permissibility of being nice to believers. He does not forbid you from being righteous towards them and acting justly towards them. Subhana Allah, right. The whole you know, media scene is always saying, oh, Muslims are you know, Muslims have to kill non Muslims. And they're saying, you know, they're taking verses from Surah Toba that we explained, folks stolen emotionally kena.

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Haytham, Elijah, Muhammad killed the non Muslims, wherever you see them. Let's understand the context. First of what's being said, it's talking about a historical event, something that took place in the past. And so we need to understand why is it that these verses are not coming in the public? Why is it that versus number eight and verse number nine as well of this sort of why is it not coming out in the public in the spotlight? Why is it the No one's saying this? How come? We need to do our part we need to be one, the ones that read the Koran and live it and show it to others. When people say oh, you're a Muslim, we thought you're supposed to harm us tell them hey, you know

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what, let me tell you a verse. Let me tell you two verses of the Quran. And you explain it to them. In verse number nine, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us

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a lot only forbids you from those who fight you because of your religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion. Those are the ones who we stand against no doubt. That's a defense. That is defense. you're defending yourself against those that are throwing you out of your homes and that are fighting you because of your religion. you're defending yourself. We are taught in schools, someone someone comes to attack you defend yourself, nothing wrong with that. And our Deen teaches us that as well. So Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Of course.

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Yeah, unless apana with Anna, like the brothers mentioning sort of the law as well, that you know, in in many cases, in many instances during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was not the Muslims that began those battles to begin with. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us those examples throughout the quarter and we move on to verse number 10, eight, nine and 10 those are the only verses we'll take from Florida to Montana. In verse number 10. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us which is a fairly lengthy surah a sorry verse, He shows us examine the believing women who traveled to you from non believing men. So for example, after the hero of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, the non believing women that were sorry, the believing women, the wives of those that believed after the command came because even the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which daughter,

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which daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was married to someone who is a non believer,

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Xena or the Allahu Allah. She was married to an unbeliever and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he made the hedgerow to Medina Zina, but on the long run has stayed in Makkah with her husband, she didn't go to Medina, she stayed there. And so when the command came, now you need to leave, she left and her husband actually secured her travel for her because he loved her. It's not and he fought against the profits along with him during the Battle of budget, his own son in law, their son in law of the profits and along and even some of them fought against the Muslim army, and he's married to the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he comes in he stands in

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fights against the Muslims, he was captured as a prisoner of war. But when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam received the command from Allah subhanho wa Taala that you can no longer be a Muslim woman married to a non Muslim man, she left

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She, she told him conveyed the message and he secured her travel to Medina and there were other women as well that made that travel they traveled to Medina to live with the Muslims and they left their families behind.

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And this is why Allah Subhana with Allah and these verses he shows us in them welcome Allah to come fitna and Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us as well. That your you know your children and your wives there are a fitna for you because you sometimes need to apart from them you need to apart from your I shouldn't say wives, I should say your children and your spouse because that is correct what Allah subhana wa tada is referring to is your children and your spouse is sometimes a fitna for you because you love them so much, but you have to follow the command of Allah and that might mean and at their time, they literally had to leave those who they loved because of the sake of pleasing

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here Allah subhanaw taala shows the Muslims and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those women that came to you that that travelled made that journey to live in Medina,

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examine them, ask them, see if they're Muslims, and ask them their situation. And don't don't put them in a hardship in any hardships. Don't make it difficult for them, and then let them return as well. So if they receive the Maha or some sort of gift or property, let them return that to their spouse. Here you go this you take it back. I know we were married but I no longer married to you because my Deen doesn't let me return that to them. And so we're, we're even Here you go. You take this and then let them marry others they can marry Muslims believing Muslim men that were living there at a time and so Allah Subhana Allah shows us that here in these verses let's move on in sha

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Allah to Allah to Sora

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Sora to suffer which is the 61st surah of the Quran. In verses number two and three, Allah subhana wa tada shows us why do you say that which you do not do? Yeah, uh, Johan levena. Man Mooney, Mata una de

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Cabo Rama coton

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de la choco Luna de Ferran.

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Oh, you have believed why is it that you say that things that you don't do. And this is important for us to understand Subhanallah as believers, we need to say the things that we do, and try to do the things that we don't do while still encouraging others to do them. Remember, we should not be people that don't say goodness, because we don't do it. We should encourage others to goodness and try hard sometimes we slip up but we continue to try to do those things those actions of goodness, for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala so yeah, you are living in Lima taco Loon. Why do you say the things that you don't do? cub What are mcdon en de la junta? kolomela tough I know. It's

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a great you know,

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sin or hatred with Allah subhanho wa Taala that you should say things and you don't do them yourself. Try to do them try to do them. This is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu you would encourage them try to do the things that you want to do your we know we know it's all it's hard for us is difficult we can't all receive the Quran is one big chunk and say okay, now I'm going to live every single step of the way. According to this step by step we have to do it one thing at a time. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he sent more how's he been Jebel to Yemen. He encouraged him to teach them about belief in Allah

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subhana wa tada and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the last and final messenger that's it. Then he says, For in home author who really dyadic and then if they believe, and they're their, you know, firm in their belief, violin, then teach them right then teach them that they have to pray their salah and Nestor do that then teach them that they have to pay zakat. So one thing at a time, and this is something that we learn in our Deen, especially for those of us that are dealing with new Muslims or those of us that are not, you know, maybe we're not practicing so much of certain things. And now we're trying to grasp hold of them trying to practice these things in our lives.

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take it one step at a time. And I mentioned this at the very beginning before the month of Ramadan even began, don't just become overzealous in praying 20 telawi every single night and then the night after Ramadan we don't even pray are assuming the prayers. Right? Make sure that so Pamela this month builds us into something or someone that carries on these armelle and actions after the month of Ramadan even if it's a little bit so there should be something that remains after Ramadan of these actions. In verse number six Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us how he Salah his Salah is given

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and shares the good news of the coming of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What if corollary seven no Maria Maria Benny is

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in Neeraj Suno Na e he can Mossad De Lima bang in a Muslim the economy bang in a minute tomorrow to MOBA Shira Brr Sunni

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Team in Burundi smooth.

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Ahmed, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us there that he Salah, his son Adam, had told the people that there will be someone who comes, who is a messenger of Allah, and his name is a Hamad.

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Mohammed, Mohammed and Ahmed, they have the same route. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us. Now a lot of people say well, it doesn't say that in the Bible, it talks about a spirit and I'm going to ask all the brothers that are not sitting on chairs that are seated on the floor if they can just get up and remember we began with this verse today make some space right Allah will make space for you make some space and Allah subhana wa tada will make some space for you.

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Yeah, and those that are there you can just come around, come around to this side inshallah we'll we'll finish we'll finish with enough time to leave and go to that side for If not, don't worry, we don't need to be very close to the door inshallah. Okay, so Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here that he sallallahu Sallam Jesus was given the news and the glad tidings that there will be someone who comes who will guide the people and he is none other than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yet to embarrass Muhammad.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us that proof in the Quran and we know that whatever comes to us in the Quran is the truth and from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we accept it and we believe in it. We move on sorta to Juma which is the 62nd surah of the Quran. In surah. To Juma we're only going to take verses 910 and 11. And these are the etiquettes of Jew Maha

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Maha Latina

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either moody Aeneas wanna Timmy amin, Jew more it first Xero First, enter the karela he was

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the Nico McClay Rola Come

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on all you who have believed when you hear the event, the call for Juma either new de la sala me yo Mila Juma on that Friday on the day of Friday, fests I will Isla zicatela quickly rushed towards the remembrance of Allah. Now, what does that mean? That doesn't mean that you come to salah and you ran here and you're

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you're praying and you can't even breathe? No, it means fast. So how quickly you finish what you were doing before the time of Juma and get there early. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us first so illogical Allah means finish off and get to the remembrance of Allah early quickly. Don't come late don't come in as it's already began. Come in early. whether we'll be here and leave off your your business, your sale your transactions, etc. From the time that the event is done, as in the time that the hottie begins the hook but when he walks up the member and says a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And then the other end is called from that time stop

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all trade all business even if there's someone selling outside the doors, mangoes and all these things, stop them to end he might say you know what, I'm going to pray the second drum I tell them say just like hello fan and some people are coming in and maybe going to pray the first prayer and you're selling to them and the Juma football already began sell after drama as people are leaving, sell it to them, right. So it's important for us to make sure that we teach each other this right we teach it to each other. And don't even you know, when you come in, some people come in and they're going to give sadaqa No, don't even do that. When the Juma hookah begins, don't even go to give

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sadaqa or anything of that sort sit down and benefit from the hookah learn. And as soon as this the hookah is done, Allah is aware, he knows he tells us what to do. He says

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that's how he learns he can in law whether obey the early compiler lakum in quantum talamona that is better for you, if you only knew.

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And then he says that either called liat is smaller to tashiro feel a bit

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for gulin he was Quran la cathi Allah Allah Come

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on, I want to play when the prayer has concluded, disperse within the land go go out, go out, go to different places, right disperse and what Allah subhana wa tada means here, when he says

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what the to whom in fatherly law to benefit from the blessings of Allah the scholars say you should go and buy something, you should actually go and do some business because Allah stopped you from doing it now you should actually do it. So you see someone who's selling something, someone who you know, you might be the vendor, you're now going to sell or you know, you're someone coming out of the masjid and you see someone selling something, buy something, buy something and benefit from the Father from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he's provided for you as you step out the doors.

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of the mustard and sadly over here, it's usually fruits and vegetables. But those are from the blessings of Allah. It could be anything. It could be anything. I'm not saying go and just, you know, give the person who's standing out the door, give them all your business, but I'm saying what I am saying is benefit from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that He has given to us on Earth. We move on in sha Allah who to Hannah

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sola, mon African, which is the 63rd surah of the Quran. In the first few verses, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in verse number one to four, Elijah qumola Mona phone call una shadow in Nicola rasulillah. When the hypocrites come to you or Muhammad, they say we testify in you or messenger of Allah. Right they will believe and they will show immediately their belief. We spoke about the unethical and the hypocrites before they were the ones who had the loudest voice, they would come and they would say, yada sola, we believe we're going to defend you he would do anything for you. But when it came time for them to do that, they were nowhere to be found.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here.

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He says, And Allah knows that you are His Messenger. And the law testifies that the hypocrites are, they are liars, they have taken their oath as a cover. And they have diverted people away from the way of a law. Indeed, it is evil that they were doing that is because they believed and then they disbelieve, so their hearts were sealed. And Allah Subhana Allah is the one who seals the hearts, and they do not understand. So hannula they distract people from the remembrance of Allah, they turn people away. The next time someone comes to you and says something, you know, Brother, why do you do this? You know, you put money in the donation box and look what they're doing with the mustard.

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They're not using the money the right way. Tell them sages aka malachite. And you know what I think? Let's leave this conversation for the right time in the right place with the right people, the people that are using the money in that fashion. And let's ask them, How is it being used? And we we were told it was going to be used this way. Why didn't you use it that way? Maybe they have a reason, a valid reason for it. So remember, and I'm using that as a simple example because this is something that happens regularly, especially at this time of the year the last few nights of Ramadan, you'll see a lot of fundraising happens. And that's because it's a time when the majority

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of the people are coming to the masjid. And it's a prime time for the people who are helping to run the masjid. I'm not saying they are the ones running the masjid. They're helping to run the mustard. It's a time that they see it's it's a lot easier for them to Subhanallah amass the money that they need for the year to maintain the mustard. Because then it's very hard, you're not gonna go knocking on people's doors. And so it's a time where a lot of criticism happens. A lot of criticism happens. Don't just call the person who comes to you and starts criticizing those that are using the money in different ways. Don't Don't call that person a hypocrite. Okay, that person is doing something that

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yes, the people who are known as hypocrites do as well. However, do not brand anyone we are in no position to say this person is a hypocrite this person is a catheter this person is this this person is that that is for Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't do that we don't know we leave it to Allah. We do not call people Oh, you're a monastic you're this you're that note we leave it to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We move on the next slide on shuttle montagnana

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which is sort on number 64.

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So at the top when, in fact, we're not going to take any verses from sort of the hub and we'll go straight to sort of a bollock case one or two Pollock, we can't take every single sword out as we get closer to the end of the quarter. And soldato Pollock and the very first quarter, Allah subhana wa tada shows us something that took place and this was an incident with the son of Ahmed Abdul hottub. Abdullah, even armor, even football.

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So I have the lead in honor of the Allahumma. he divorced his wife during the time when she was on her menstrual cycle. It was that time of the month for her. And this came to the attention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was still alive at the time. And he tells Ahmed ninfa, Bob's son, Abdullah, he tells him, take her back. Take her back. Why? Because you divorced her during a time when you're not permitted to divorce her. You're not permitted to divorce her during her menstrual cycle. And this shows us a number of things. First of all, justice, right justice, you treat treat your wife, you know, with honesty with justice, the way that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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wants us to treat them that's the first thing. The second thing that we learned here is upon Allah when a and we know very well when a woman is you know, it's that time of the month for her her emotions are going crazy inside of her. And that's something that is natural in them. We should not make fun of them. And we should not say oh, you know, just that time of the year PMS right PMS we hear that in schools all the time as youth and you know, young adults even at work so panel of people say oh, you know is is Don't worry, leave her alone.

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It was PMS, right? No. So that is something that naturally happens within them. There is something that actually aids an assistant and actually does produce the child inside of them. And it's natural, this occurrence has to happen within them. Without it, the children would not come. And that's how Allah Subhana Allah created them. And those again that are sitting there the door, if you could simply stand up and make some space and come over to this side, don't worry, we'll finish early so you can quickly get out for a thought, don't worry, just come to the side make space for those that are coming in inshallah. And so Allah subhana wa, tada naturally created women that way.

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And sometimes they will become angry, or they will say things that they don't mean or they regret later on. Prior to that menstrual cycle beginning as well as during it. Usually in the first few days. It's normal, they don't feel good, they don't feel comfortable. They're not even praying to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, they can pray during that time. How would you feel if you're restricted from praying to Allah, it's difficult, it's not easy. We feel happy when we're, when we're upset, we make blue and we come and we pray. And we feel much better. When they're upset. They're going through hardships, they can't make blue, they can make blue but they can't pray. You

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can make love Oh, but you can't pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's not a time that's easy for them. And this is why it's not a time where we should divorce the wife as well. Why? Because she may have said something leading up to it. She may have said something during it that she doesn't mean there's emotions. There's a lot of things happening inside of her we as men don't know what it feels like for them. And so we need to have mercy upon them in here a loss of hanaway to Anna shows us as well.

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In verse number two, be kind towards the divorced woman, as in your ex wife, be kind towards her. She might even be the parents of your children, you might have children together, be kind towards her, help her if you need to provide a place for her to live. A lot of people will say what do you mean provide for her we just got divorced. Obviously, we hate this person. No be kind towards them. If you hate that person, cleanse your heart, this person is still someone who worships Allah subhana wa tada if their worship or if they're a believer, this is still someone who you know turns to a lot, just a U turn to a lot. They stand in the same room, they might even be standing next to the

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sister that you would marry. Right? They might be standing next to the sister in Salah. And that other sister You go and marry and this is your ex wife and that is the wife you would end up marrying. So Pamela, and so it's important for us to remember they're still believers. Don't hate the person hate the action. Don't hate the person hate the action, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to deal with people justly and honestly, in the best ways that our beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah to give us higher ranks in general for the way that we treat others in a nice manner. We move on to the last sort of that we will take today which is sort

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the prohibition the 66th surah of the Quran in the first sort of, sorry, in the first verse. Yeah. A Johan nebby when he met we hadn't we

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hadn't long long who like debit led model a lot as well. Logic, one love

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me. You know, it's really interesting about the Quran and about some of these verses and some of these sources is that the personal life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is exposed to the whole world.

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And we try to conceal our own personal life regularly because we're supposed to do that. But some things, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught to the public his wives taught to the public as well like intimacy etc. We have learned through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And some things Allah exposes to go world in a book of truth that will never be changed until the end of time.

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And here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us Oh Prophet, why do you prohibit yourself from what Allah has made lawful for you seeking the approval of your rights? Right, asking him you seek the approval of your wife so you made something haram upon you simply to you know, to please your wives. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. What happened? What took place, okay. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to go to the home of Zainab rhodiola and her and she used to give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam honey, and he would take the honey and he would drink it in her home, and then he would leave. And he Chateau de la Juana, as well as hazza rhodiola. And they used they

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got a little bit jealous and they were like, you know, the next time he comes home, and he smells like

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Mahathir when he smells like Mahathir which is a type of SAP, it comes from a tree. Ask him, did you drink my coffee? Did you drink this?

00:59:42 --> 01:00:00

Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes home and they asked him which one see Allah Subhana Allah keeps the wording that is shut up the level and like, you know, sort of inconspicuously, we don't know. So then he comes home and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asked by one of them, you know, did you drink Mahathir and he says, you know, he takes

01:00:00 --> 01:00:10

an oath I will never drink this ever again. Right? I will never drink this ever again. I go to the house of Xena or the law on her and she gives me honey and I drink the honey

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and it could be as a scholar say it could be that the honey bees take from that tree, the pollen to produce the honey and so when he drinks it, he smells like that sent that very interesting some handle on here Allah subhanho wa Taala exposes the Prophet sallallahu Sallam don't forbid something alum made Hillel for you that honey don't make it out um for you because your wives are jealous. sort out your family. And then the last Hannah Montana shows in the next few verses you can read you know protect yourself and protect your family.

01:00:45 --> 01:01:20

Yeah, you're Latina, ermanno boo and fullcycle metallicum nara, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us protect yourself and protect your family from the fire. And he asked the two wives in the in the same verse, seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's an a beautiful example of the the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how we learn about you know, intricate details of things that happens even within his home, things that he he had, and the Sahaba you know, they say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he took this oath, he was going to keep it a secret. He was not going to let anyone know that he took this oath and he made it home upon him and

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Allah subhanho wa Taala exposed that statement of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in this verse. And so we asked Allah subhana wa tada to have mercy upon us like he had mercy upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to grant us forgiveness during this month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to accept our fast and our good deeds. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant ease and comfort to those that are suffering and struggling in different parts of the world. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant ease to all the parents who lost children in different parts of the world like Syria and Burma and many different countries on

01:01:53 --> 01:02:05

earth to grant those parents and those family ease and comfort in their hearts I mean, out of anatomy no Salaam Salaam Americana Vina Mohammed while earning usrp wa sallam which is located in Santa Monica Morocco to LA he ordered a cattle

Ramadan Tafseer Night 24

June 28, 2016

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