Abu Taymiyyah – Eid Special Gems from the salaf on Eid common mistakes and common asked Q & A
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Couple of years ago, maybe I think last
year or so, there was a lot of
people disputing.
Should we be praying inside the masajid or
should we be praying
outside? And it reached a point as well,
and some of the organizers told me this,
that people reach the limits of discouraging others
of going out.
No, no, no, no, no, no. We shouldn't
have the men and the women praying behind
one another
because there has been something that hasn't been
done for so long.
The moment they decided to do it, all
sorts of questions were raised.
People were discouraged
to a limit where they started warning the
people from coming out
to places like Victoria Park.
And some of them were okay with it,
but when they heard that there's going to
be women at the back, it's a problem.
And wallahi brothers and sisters, if we look
at the situation of the Ummah,
it doesn't require rocket science to understand as
to why the Muslim Ummah is suffering.
And time and time again, this has been
Is nothing other than the fact that we
have gone far away from
the basics of our religion.
The book of Allah
and the sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. Books like
If you just look at it, we are
disputing about an action that is mentioned in
Sahih Bukhari.
It doesn't even require you to go to
the books of Tabarani
or the books of Imam Haqim Rahim Allahu
Ta'ala, all the other 4 books.
The most authentic book after the book of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, you find that some
of the things are mentioned.
In the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's time,
you find
that Umar Atayya radhiallahu anha, she said,
We were commanded.
What did the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam do
to them?
She said, we were commanded.
The Prophet commanded and ordered us to come
out on the day of Eid.
And those who may have studied rusul fiqh,
we know that the essence or the asal
of a command of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam that indicates
That it is compulsory, it is wajib, it
is mandatory.
But we're not here to currently discuss as
to whether this action in within itself is
that is mandatory or is musta hab. That's
a different topic that we might discuss later.
But the fact that the prophet salaam commanded
them, what does that show you?
We were told to tell the virgin girls,
you ani, the young girls.
And even the woman on her menstrual, the
menstrual cycle.
That time of the month, even if that
woman is in that situation, she has been
commanded to go out.
And then today we come and we dispute
All the time you find this type of
topic that's going around on Facebook,
why is the Muslim ummah suffering?
It is maybe the fact that
we are not signing enough petitions. You know
what petitions is? The thing that goes around
every year.
Okay. Maybe it's because we haven't protested enough.
We haven't done enough mudaharat.
We haven't protested enough.
What can we do to solve these issues?
And if we're now discussing
or arguing and debating one another,
we are warning against and discouraging one another
to act upon a sunnah of the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The least we could say
about it. Then billahi a'laik, until when?
When will the situation of the Ummah ever
Abu Saeed al Khutir radiAllahu anhu,
he described,
Anun Nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallam
And He commanded the people to do this
as well.
And you know Abu Sa'id Al Khudr said,
The people they remained upon this. They carried
on going out
and praying outside in the fields.
Like what we're trying to do here
until the time of Marwan. This came after
Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu, umr ibn Khattab Uthman
for a very long time.
So the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam,
and this is what the majority of the
scholars are upon,
if not all of them, that it is
highly recommended for a person to go out
on the day of Eid,
to pray inside the fields.
To pray inside the fields. And as many
sunan brothers and sisters that come with it.
There's many sunan that come with it.
And before I come into the sunan insha
Allahu ta'ala, I want to speak about
how the women's sahabiyat,
they used to come out on the day
of Eid.
And how today we are living in a
time of urba.
A time where if the person is seen
in such a way
she's looked at as an outcast in the
When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam commanded the
women to go out to the Musallaha to
pray Eid,
from the hadith that has come in regards
to the issue of masajid of not us
preventing them, the The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam he said,
Do not stop the woman from going to
the house of Allah.
But you will find in some of our
asian community, this is rare. It's problematic.
It's from the hasasiya topics. That if you
mention it, people might get emotional.
That's why you find certain masajid, they don't
have the facility for women.
It might be an act of culture
that is still or a act of jahili
that is still found amongst the people.
But there's conditions that come with it. The
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam told us,
She should leave while she's unbeautified.
That means no makeup,
all this glitter and the glamour that's on
her. This is a day of impressing. They
call it a day to impress or dress
to impress.
When the Prophet salallahu alayhi was told the
women to go out and aid a woman,
she said,
You Rasulullah,
one of us, she doesn't have the jilbaab.
Okay. Now you told us You Rasool Allah
to come out. We don't have the jilbab.
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam replied back
and he said,
She doesn't have it, she needs to now
borrow the jilbab from her
friend or from her sister.
Is this something that takes place today or
that is applied by many of our sisters?
It's a question that is put forth.
Here the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is
commanding the woman to go what?
To give her sister this jibab,
so that she can adorn herself and dress
in the most appropriate way.
And also because you find
there is a fitna for the men. And
we mentioned this yesterday in Khudr Basoh.
How the Masuniyyah,
the freemasons,
they are here to get you.
They are here to corrupt the nation. How
do you corrupt the nation? They mention it
to you. If you want to corrupt the
corrupt the women first.
Corrupt the women first.
Make her dress inappropriately, and this is from
the plots of the shaitaan, that he aspires
and he works very, very hard to do.
And you can see in the fashion line,
some of us might there's a lot of
brothers, they may have worked in next directory
or all these other clothing company.
The more the time goes
past, every after, every year, what happens?
The clothes are getting more
And the clothes are getting more exposed.
It is more attached to the woman
And it's becoming more *, it's becoming normal.
Mila'aalik, did every or anyone ever think that
today you're going to have
a hijabi wearing a miniskirt?
5 years ago, this was totally unheard of,
and today you find it.
Before, nobody was talking about it. Nobody could
see it on the streets. But as more
time goes on,
you find that the dress is getting higher.
We wouldn't be surprised if a woman tomorrow,
she walked around with the hijab and she's
wearing barely anything.
But this is what is happening today.
And they are working very very hard to
make the woman more * and more and
more and more.
Also, you find that it's very, very common
on the David aid sisters and brothers
is how the sisters, they want to come
out maybe wearing perfume.
And this is what the shaitan wants as
well. Shaitan has
been locked up for 30 days.
He has been locked up for 30 days.
Someone that you have prevented from eating, let's
just say a human being, you've stopped
from doing something for 30 days. And he's
been maybe put
on a restriction.
Let's just say like a drug dealer.
A drug dealer, you keep him locked up
for a week, what happens? He's itching, he's
going crazy.
This person, he needs to go through a
The shaitan doesn't go through that.
On the 30th day, he's out. So on
this day, he's working very, very hard to
destroy the people.
All that hard work that the person may
have gone through.
You know, even Uthaymi was
how do you know if your Ramadan was
How do you know if your Ramadan was
He said, a person, he carries this on
after the month of Ramadan.
Whatever the Ibada that he was doing. Let's
just say he started practicing, he started clothing
himself or the girl started clothing herself in
the month of Ramadan.
She carries this on after it.
She started wearing the hijab, the jilbab after
the Ramadan it carries on. He stayed away
from a certain act, it carries on.
That's how you know if your Ramadan is
from the Alamat, from the Alamat of how
you know that your Ramadan was accepted.
And as we mentioned yesterday, inshallah to Allah,
before I move on to some of the
matters pertaining in the salah, how to go
about praying it, what is wajid, what is
In regards to the
especially with all this fitna that is going
we have a way that the salaf,
they behaved when it came on the day
of Eid.
And it's incumbent that we mentioned it.
Sufyanath Thawri
was from the tremendous
of the Tabi'in.
He said, on the day of Eid, Sufianathuri,
he said to us,
The first thing we're going to start with
is lowering our gaze.
The first thing that we're going to start
with is lowering our gaze.
Why? Because they knew that if they can't
control their eyes,
it is going to corrupt their heart.
And this is why ibn al Taym Rahim
Allahu Ta'ala he said regarding the statement of
why did Allah azzawajal say
tell the believing men to lower his gaze
and then save God your private part.
Then after that save God your private part.
The first thing that was mentioned was lowering
your gaze.
Why? Because if a person lowers his gaze,
it might reach a stage, it might be
impossible for a person to go to zina.
How can a person that is blind?
Something that might not ever happen. It might
happen but it's very very rare. A blind
man now to go
and commit zina.
It starts with the eyes, then it starts
with the tongue chirping, and then after that
the hand movement, and then the feet that
walks to it. And all of this the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam told us, each
part of the body here,
The Zina of the eyes is looking, the
Zina of the tongue is chirping, talking,
and the Zina of the hand is what
stretching out to her and touching her, Or
she or maybe walking around with her
holding hands.
And the zina of the feet
is you walking to that girl.
It is impossible for a person to
do that act without actually looking.
Hence, why
Ibn Uthayim said
It is from the fundamentals
of when it comes
to safeguarding your heart.
It is the fundamental.
He never just said
He said from even the fundamentals that we
have, the origin of it
that one
lowers his gaze and what happens? He ends
up safeguarding his heart, preserving his heart if
he lowers his gaze.
And Hassan ibn Sinan,
and we mentioned this again yesterday as well,
when he went out on Eid,
he came back,
his wife said to him,
how many beautiful women did you look at
He goes out and he came back.
How many beautiful women did you look at
Something normal for the woman. She's very very
It's a hadi.
She carried on. She carried on. She repeated
it time and time again
as it came in the narration.
He said
I never left the house except I was
looking at my thumb and I came back
and I was looking at my thumb.
So he left
and he came back like that.
Looking at his thumb, People might think you're
but at the same time it takes one
It's one it's one look for you to
look at a girl that is very pretty
and the fact that you're constantly thinking about
it and it corrupts a person's heart.
You know, brothers and sisters, Imam al Bukhari
rahimullah ta'ala's book is totally amazing.
Imam Bukhari rahimullah ta'ala's especially his chapterings.
This is why some of the scholars, they
say if a person
let's just say he gets a fiqh. Whether
it's the fiqhulhanabila
and there's a methan to it. There's a
mitten or the shafi'iya
or any of these other madahib.
He memorizes a mitten
and then he memorizes sahih albukhari with the
What I mean by the tabweebat is the
chapterings and the subheadings.
This person is a fakhi. Someone who has
Because what's Imam al Bukhari did,
when he came to a certain hadith, he
would put a chapter in there. And you
find that his understanding was inside that chapter
That's why they said
The understanding of imamal Bukhari was inside his
sub chapterings. And what makes him so special
and more to take from than other people?
Because every chapter that he came with, under
it was a hadith. So he would look
at the hadith, he would derive the fa'idah
from it and then
he would make the chaptering on it.
That's why my sheikh sometimes used to say
because he used to teach Sahih Bukhari.
Sometimes you find some books, they just go
on and on and on and on. They
mention so many Khalafat.
Imam Bukhari ramulahu ta'ala comes,
he gives you maybe 3 hadith with 2
Takes you out of the whole
Takes you out of the whole khalaf.
You don't need to be disputing anymore. Why?
Because he's broke it down with you, he's
given you the sub channel with a Dalil.
That which he has
is a daleel from the most authentic book
after the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So just looking at the tabweebah is a
lot of khair.
From the sunan that you find of
is as Imam Bukhar rhamallahu ta'ala chapter bab.
Whoever takes a different route when coming back
on the day of Eid.
It's a sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
Let's just say for example, I live in
Highfields. I can get to Saint Matthews from
two ways.
I can either take Ken Street or I
can go around on Melbourne Road.
If my usual tariq
to take Ken Street,
then on the day of Eid, I take
another way. Let's just say I take Melbourne
Street or Melbourne Road.
prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, when he was on
the day of Eid, he would take a
different route.
But look again with Imam Bukhari chapter, where
he's trying to maybe point out to us,
even on the return,
even though it doesn't clearly say in the
on the
one should maybe embark upon in his mustahab
recommended for him to take a different route.
And his summon that the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam used to do on the day of
And why is the Hikma behind it? Ilkaim,
mentions a very very important statement.
And if my laptop was working, I would
have read out the whole statement.
From the hikam or the wisdom behind it
is that,
one can maybe give salaam to people that
he didn't know.
He takes another path that other people he
doesn't see on a regular basis.
I might be taking a path, I might
be seeing the same people all the time.
And also
for the non muslims
to see the sha'ir al islam.
The symbols of Islam for the non muslims
to see it.
So to maybe go past an area
where you find
there is maybe a lot of non muslims.
So they become aware of this aid, this
symbol and
as imr al khim rahemullahu ta'ala, they may
They can see that Islam is being promoted
in such a way.
It is being glammed and it has a
glitter to it.
Everyone's wearing nice clothes.
They see how the Muslims, they look on
the day of Eid
and also the form of Dua. Also as
a form of Dua.
A common thing that happens all the time.
Matters pertaining the takbiraat.
How many takbiraat is it?
How many is it? Is it 7? Is
it 8? Is it 9? Is it 5?
Is it 6?
There's a hadith
that will narrated by Abu Dawood Rahimullah ta'ala
the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam on Eid
al Fitr,
the first rakai would be 7 takbiraat
and then the second one it would be
And there isn't a difference of opinion on
But then the khilaf or the difference opinion
it comes,
Okay. The takbira to lihram, it is called
the tahrimah.
You know the first takbira that we do?
Then you have another 6 or according to
some another 7 that comes after it.
Is the Takbira to Ihram part of the
7 or is it not?
You have a difference of opinion on the
But that which is most closest to
that which is correct
is the action of Ibn Abbas RadiAllahu Anhu.
I wanna here to go into deep differences
of opinion. That which does suhabaridwanullahi
alayim did, We're going to try and mention
and inshallah to Allah, stick to that. And
this is the position of Utamia. Ibn Abbas
and likewise Abu Hurairat radiAllahu an
and both
narrations were narrations that were authentic,
they both did 7 takbiraat.
And the tahrimah, the first Takbir was part
of it.
Brothers we need to be aware of this.
Why? Because at a time, I've seen this
happen every year, At the time of the
salat, people are differing. This guy is arguing
with the guy next to him and the
guy is arguing with the guy next to
him. No. He should be 8. No. He
should be 7.
So for a person to be upon insight
and to know what he's doing, and to
worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, bombardier is something
is important for him.
The last thing you want is a I
I remember couple of years ago that this
came to my mind.
It reached the stage where they're having a
heated argument inside Asaf.
The imam's wrong. No. This is right.
He's saying something and the other guy is
saying something.
The last thing that we want on a
day of
aid is people arguing. So Ibn Abbas, you
have a statement or you have an action
of Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu ano which was narrated
by or he was narrating the kitab al
musannaflibnabishaibah. And the state of the fi'alababhurirata
radiAllahu anhu was narrated by mamalik
that the first
raka'a they done 7 altogether
including the takbiraatul haram.
I come into the salat for example and
I've missed a few takbiraat.
Another very very common question.
Hey, what do I do? I came into
the salat
the imams on the 3rd takbiraat,
the third one.
Do I go into the prayer
and I start my 7 from then or
do I carry on with the imam
and I do the remaining 4?
Another common issue.
Firstly, we need to understand what is
the hukum of the takbirat
the takbirat?
The takbirat Alikhram, wala shakbirat is something that
you have to do. The first one.
As for the other 6 now.
Is it a wajib? Is it a sunnah?
Waabazib, I leave it off and I don't
do it.
Ibn Khudamur Rahimullah Ta'ala said,
We don't know a khilaf, a difference of
opinion between the people of knowledge.
That it is a sunnah. It is a
sunnah. Why does he believe of a sunnah
and a salat?
Does it make
my Salat bottle, does it nullify my Salat?
It doesn't.
So, the scholars they say, if a person
for example, even the Imam,
even the imam, let's just say he forgot.
He went in the Sahidun Takbiratul Ihram and
he started reading the Quran. Does he have
to repeat everything or does he have to
do Sajdah to Sahuh? The scholars they say
Why? Because it is a Sunnah
and it is a Sunnah
If you don't do that sunnah in that
particular place
then you have missed out on the sunnah
end, you carry on doing whatever you're doing.
What about now the mum that has entered
into the prayer, He's on the 4th Kebirat.
Does he do his own thing or does
he follow the imam?
Based upon the hadith of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam in
the imam has been placed inside the prayer
for you to follow him.
So one, he has to carry on. He
does what the imam told what the imam
is doing and he does the remainder and
He doesn't need to make anything up,
he just carries on. Another common issue that
Well, this is what happens, when you rely
on the laptop.
Does the person need to do raise his
hands in the salat or not?
This is also something
all the time.
Let's just say,
There is no doubt about it. I
raise my hand. There is 2 opinions and
I want to explain insha Allahu Ta'ala and
break it down. The first one they say,
the first one they say that he raises
And the second position or the second opinion
they say he doesn't raise it.
The first one, they based it on what?
The action of Abdullah ibn Umar.
The action of Abdullah ibn Umar.
There's a narration that goes back to Abdullah
ibn Umar and we call it a narration
that is muhuf.
Nam. But
there's many scholars that have weakened the Jew
today being 2 defects inside this narration. They
say it is weak.
And wallah wala'alaam, you find that this
position is more closer to the truth and
I'll tell you why.
They said because it is similar, you're doing
And at takbiraatilihram,
the essence of bada is you raise your
Because that's also a takbira,
you should also raise your hands.
And allallahu a'alaam, this could be more closer
to the truth. But the other side they
say there's no deal for it.
There's no deal for it. And if it
was such a fundamental issue, the Prophet would
have told us in the sahaba, they would
have transmitted it.
But the issue probably is something that is
broad. We need to understand when it comes
to Masa Al Fuhkiyah,
it is not like a aqeedah matter.
If someone is differing upon the matters of
aqeed, we got a problem. The Salaf, the
Sahaba, they never differed when it came to
But Fiqh
as Khattad, the great Tabir he said
Whoever doesn't know the difference of opinions and
also the broadness of fiqh, this person he
hasn't smelt it. He hasn't smelt fiqh.
So to be arguing and causing a big
fiasco over matters here which is not something
that is like clear cut,
It is ignorance in within itself.
So the matter is quite broad.
And the Khutba.
You know how the Khutba to Jum'a is
something that
is a wajib and that everybody has to
go to.
And we shouldn't just be heedless about it.
What about Khutbatul Aid? People tend to ask
this question all the time as well. Do
I have to attend? Why if I need
to do this? Do I even like Let's
just say I don't want to, I just
wanna go to my family.
Another hadith, the prophet salallahu alaihi was telling
me told us,
We do the khutbah.
Whoever wishes to remain,
let him remain.
And whoever
wishes to go and leave, then this person
has the choice to go.
So it is something highly recommended for you
to sit and to listen to the more
The admonitionnah is being mentioned by the imam.
And perhaps inshallahuta'ala, it could be reminded that
it saves you from the Fawahsh that you
Sahab they used to listen. The Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi used to dedicate
a specific Khud Khudbah for the women.
To appoint. After he was done, he went
to the women. And he said to them,
Oh women,
pay the sadaqah. For indeed I saw that
the majority of those in the fight are
So a woman, she stood up and she
said, You Rasool Allah, why?
2 things they mentioned.
And the married men, they're going to know
what I'm talking about.
You excessively complain.
All the time complain, some of the brothers
are smiling.
Took Thirn al Shakaat,
constantly complaining and you are ungrateful to the
And you Why? What does this mean, ungrateful
to your husband? There's another narration that explains,
If you was to be good to her
for the whole year,
she sees one little thing from you, she
goes, I haven't seen any good from you.
You spend time with her,
you spend hour with her, no no no
no, you don't give me any time.
You give her money, you never give me
any money.
You're good to her, you're never good to
A lot of these negative,
they call it indefinite. In the negative context
in the Arabic language, it indicates generality. You
land in Surfah.
That indefinite
took me ages by the way, and Nakirafi'yakan
umun to translate that in the English language.
if it comes in a negative context, those
who studied English,
you know.
Even indefinite now comes in a negative context,
it indicates generality. And you learn this and
it's very very handy. Why? Because you see
sometimes statements from the hadith and you know
how to put into context.
Okay. Some of the sisters they tend to
say, we don't mean it.
they don't mean it.
When they say, you don't give me any
time, they don't mean it.
But it's a form of dul. It could
be that one word that you don't mean
it and you don't take into consideration,
why you get chucked into the fire for
70 years. One kalima.
It's a form of dul. Someone who's been
looking after you. He's been good to you.
Then all of a sudden you just come,
you break his heart, you know, you don't
do anything for me.
It could really hurt the person.
Why the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
and why is this statement so dangerous?
This statement is so dangerous. Why? The prophet
a person, he says one word, one word.
And when he says it, he says it
out of consideration.
He doesn't give you any consideration when he
says that word.
And because of that, he gets chucked into
the 5 or 70 years.
When they are saying that word, do they
mean it?
You can understand now how serious it is
and how common wallahi the majority say this.
And that's why the majority of those in
Nafaa are women.
Using these kind of words, which might you
might take very very lightly, but it is
very very dangerous for your own good.
Why would the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
specify this on a day of Eid?
When I was having the sisters class, a
discussion that I put out to them Let's
just say for an example now, a person
has been given the opportunity to address thousands
of people on a day of Eid, what
topic should he choose?
Why would the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
dedicate on the day of Eid
with all these people there,
when he can pick so many topics,
this thing pertaining women at the end.
Because, of course, it's an important thing
in a congregation where you might not get
another congregation to address a certain situation.
It shows how great and important this issue
That we shouldn't just take lightly.
And even if the men hear it, it's
important that you explain to them the danger
that you could put them into.
is there any Sunan before Eid and Badil
Sunan Badil Eid and before Eid. Is there
like the Rawatib that is attached to it?
You know how we have Fajr, we have
2 raka'ad before it and then you have
Duhr, you have 4 raka'at before it and
2 after. Maghrib, 2 after it
and Isha, 2 after it. They're called the
Those are connected to the
Is there one specific for the Nawafil?
Imam Bukhari again he chapters
before Eid and after Eid, and then he
gives you the answer.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he came out
on the day of
Eid and he prayed to rakat. He didn't
pray anything before it and he didn't pray
anything after it.
Okay. What if I now wanna pray Tahitul
Masjid? And by the way, the Tahitul Masjid,
if you're praying in Victoria Park, that's a
Musalah, it's not a Masjid. The 2 raka'at
hate al Masjid only for the Masjid.
If the salat now is lisababin
for a reason,
like the Hadul Masjid
or sunnahulwudu, the turakat, if a person has
gone down wudu and he wants to come
now pray turakat,
then this is something that is Mashroor.
We're talking about something specific now
for the 8th prayer. Is there one for
Fajr? Is there one for Duh? The answer
is no. The answer is no.
Okay. If a person now misses, let's just
say sleep takes him and he misses out
on the day of Eid,
what does he have to do? Does he
have to pay 4 raka'at like you do
for Jum'at?
There's 2 positions or there's 2
positions when it comes to this issue. Some
of them they said you pray 2 raka'at
and you pray like the imam.
And some of them they said you pray
Why based upon a narration that might go
back to Abdullah ibn Mas'ud but that narration
is weak and it is not authentic.
And there's no proof for one to say
now that he prays 4.
He only prays 2 and he prays like
the imam 7 rak 7 takbiraat in the
first one and Khamzafithaniyah.
Okay. Issue pertaining at Takbir,
when does the Takbir start?
When does it start?
Does it start on the day of Eid
or at the time when you see the
Hilal? You become aware that it is Al
Eid tomorrow.
When do you start it?
The correct position is that once a person
he becomes aware that tomorrow is going to
be 8, he starts
doing this and something that is recommended that's
the awal
a takbir.
Why because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he
talked about ramadan shar or ramadan
Quran till when he came. While
he took
The scholar said, because he was mentioned straight
after Ramadan. So from the time that you
become aware of the Hilad, then that's when
start your,
And the last thing I'm going to mention
Insha'Allah Ta'ala,
eating something before you exit
to the masjid
or before you exit to the
The prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he wouldn't
for the 8th prayer until he add dates,
until he add dates.
Something that he used to do,
used to constantly do it. So it's mustahab
that you have some dates and you have
it odd ones,
3, 5, 7. You start your day off
with that and inshallah
to see both
the Sunnah of the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to benefit
from what we heard
to make us from those who apply the
sunnah of the prophet
specifically on 8th.
And like we mentioned, it's a sunnah to
play in an open area.
And we ask Allah azza wa ta'ala to
give us a tawfiq to do that.
Assalamu Alaikum brothers for and sisters for listening.
Still recording.
This what happens in it when you rely
on the laptop
and all your elm is inside it. You
know, ibn Hasan Rahim Allah Ta'ala,
all his books they burnt it.
Just so they could stop him from speaking.
And then he mentioned some lines of poetry,
you can burn all my books, you can
do what you like,
but the ilm is that which is in
the heart.