Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP06

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding negative comments and unexpected events in the face of unexpected events, respecting laws and not letting anyone take away from one's setup, and praying and staying in concentration to avoid breaking one's will. They stress the need for forgiveness and a positive attitude towards good deeds, and stress the importance of praying and staying in concentration to avoid breaking one's will. They suggest sharing good experiences to build stronger memories and healthy relationships, and emphasize the need for empathy and acknowledging one's own limitations in order to create healthy relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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brothers and sisters and my youth in Islam

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have some treats for our youth. So we're going to do what we said we would do last week or what was suggested. All the boys are like, okay, that's.

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So if we can have all of our youth, anyone who's a teenager or younger, right, come sit in the, in the frontier in the Middle East, so we could pick on it

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1819 and younger.

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Of course, we're not going to put the 19 year olds in with the nine year olds, right, but it's good to get the apples all together.

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So let me start off by asking a few questions who was here last week? Raise your hand. Okay, good. Mashallah. From those that were here last week, who can tell us something that you learned last week?

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What did you learn last week? Yes.

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To be dutiful to your parents, Mashallah. What else? What else did you learn? Yes.

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Okay, now, what about being respectful towards your parents? What did you learn?

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Okay, obey your parents. Listen to your parents. Good. What about being dutiful to your parents?

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Help them when they go shopping. I said that last week?

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No, but that's what you learned and haven't been

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something securities.

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Now we have more so today I'm the lead today one's gonna go home with very hyper children.

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Mashallah, you wanted to say?

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No, you didn't want Academy?

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Okay, can you catch?

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Can you catch

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me throwing candy to children, but if I see one of them sleeping on my shoulder McAfee is

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We covered a few a few chapters last week in sha Allah. And for those of you that are new to the helicopter's, I know there are a few brothers probably some sisters as well that came or that are here for the first time. And I see some children out there, those children want some candies, they can come inside with candy and chocolate and lollipops, or some

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we are going through the book.

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Just as a refresher for those that were not here, it is written by a mountable hottie, a compilation of Hadees, as well as some of the learnings or teachings of the companions of the long run the Sahaba of the Lamont home, and some of their statements or learnings, teachings that they got from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So not every single one of the Hadith in the book is a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, some are linked to him and some are linked to the Sahaba the companions or the alarm and we identify that as well as the

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the the authenticity of

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the grading of the Hadeeth. Okay.

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And what I was gonna say very quickly in a nutshell, so for those that have not been here since the beginning, we haven't covered too much, you know, we've gone through 31 of these so far, and there's hundreds in this book, right? There's over 500. So we're making a decent amount of progress. We're gonna continue today with chapter 17. Chapter 17 is

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the supplication of parents, right? The supplication or the door of parents, and that'd be whatever, I'll be

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the law man. He said that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said three supplications are answered without a doubt. So there's three times that you make drive where your drive is answered. It's accepted by lots of how to water had it right. So these are very important times, to remember, three times, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the suffocation of someone who is oppressed. We covered this a while ago, someone who's oppressed, someone who, you know you are putting them through a difficult position on purpose in justly, right. There's no need for them to go through that.

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But you are forcing them through some sort of situation, for example,

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you're living in your home, and the owner of the house says, might tomorrow you have to leave this house. Oh, by law, that's not allowed, right. There's no way you can do it. But he's forcing you forcing your parents you have to get out of this house. By tomorrow, you have to leave. You can't say your anymore. Right? That is oppression. That's an example of oppression, how someone feels I'm stuck. There's nowhere to go. And this person, when they make Do I have to also handle the data when they're stuck in that position and someone is harming them or putting, putting a lot of pressure upon them when they need to or how to handle it. This is a type of door that's accepted.

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The next one, the next type is as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says this application of someone on a journey, someone who's traveling, and how many of us travel? Have you traveled somewhere before New Life? Right, almost everyone has traveled. If you've gone to Niagara Falls, you've traveled, right? Anywhere that is more than approximately 75 kilometers going outside of the city to another city, maybe going to a different province, going to come back any other province within Canada that is considered traveling or if you get onto a plane and you fly somewhere, you're traveling, right? Even if you're going to Ottawa, right? That's considered travel. So when you make

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drive to a loss of habitat, that is also a time where drive is accepted. The next thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Remember, he said, there's three, right? He said,

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and the supplication of parents against their children,

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the supplication of parents against their children. What do you understand from this? What do you understand from the drop of parents that they make against their children?

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Who can tell us

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a negative draw right? against their children do they make when they might be upset, and wished or something like a lesson to be taught to their children. And so when you make this type of drama, this is very important for the parents to pay attention. Making this type of drama

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is dangerous sometimes, because sometimes you get so upset with your children, and you say things that you don't really wish upon your children or you wouldn't wish it an hour from now. Right? Just because you're upset now you see, but if you say in an immediate you gotta be careful. Right? You better be dropped for a loss my handle is added to remove that right as I possibly can without ignoring I was upset those angry. I didn't mean it right. Don't do this to my children. Don't apply this to my children. And this is very important for parents to remember. Because parents do this. Sometimes they say, You know what? You'll be punished. Maybe cursed. Why? Why do you wish for your

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children to be punished? Why do you wish for your children to be cursed? Right? Why do we wish bad things upon our children because we're frustrated? Right? They happen to get frustrated. But when you're frustrated, that's where you have to try and control yourself.

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How do we control ourselves? Does anyone know when you're upset when you're angry? What do you do? Yes? Drink water.

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I'm not upset right now. Man. I didn't drink water anyways.

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What else? What do you do?

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Think of happy things right?

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Okay, think of good facial expression so you're upset smile? Okay, good example. What else? I think we'll do that's perfect. Some of this is for you can catch I can't throw so be careful again.

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See arrows will be learning in a shape on a log. Good. Right. What else?

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He said Yeah.

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Go to sleep. Right? That's really good too. This is for you Come and get it. What else?

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Exactly change the position you're in. Now you said good things but I'm telling you about things that were done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or said encouraged for us to do right. So change your position. If you're standing sit if you're sitting, go and lay down. Right. Relax calm down. People who say I will do Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim and seek refuge in Allah Allah tala Yes.

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Go for a walk. Yeah. Think of a most common with Allah you really want the some of you.

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I gave you one. I'll give you another one later, inshallah. And so these are great things to do. When we get upset. Sadly, when we're upset with our children, we noticed that a bad thing tends to happen. Sometimes parents get a little bit violent. So to hit that

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Children, sometimes it's not just a small hit. Sometimes it's a massive beating. Right? I remember when I was small, not me. But I was staying at my friend's house once. And somehow his younger sister had done something I don't know, she was small. She was, you know, just being a child. And the father got so upset, he took his belt off. And like America is like whipping his leather belt, trying to get her out from under the table. And I was like, so how about that ever hit me, man. I don't know what I do. And he's like, come here, come here. Sometimes we lose our own selves in the action that we're doing because of anger. Right. And this is very dangerous. Sometimes it's

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extremely dangerous to the point that especially in the country that we live in, if you harm your children, and it becomes known or reported, then your children can be taken away from you, right? So we need to be very careful with this. And make sure that you don't return to a loss accountable to Hana whenever we meet. So we've learned a few things from this Hadeeth First of all, that the oppressed when they make this door, and the door height of a person who's oppressed This is because they, you know, they have some sort of stress that's inflicted upon them. So they feel stressed, they feel, you know, stuck. They don't know what to do. And so when a person if you do that to a

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person, you make someone feel as though they're completely stuck, they can't get themselves out of that situation. You got to be careful. You have to be careful. And this goes to show us how Islam is merciful upon people, that we should pay such close attention to the feelings of the other person. Is that person upset with me? Maybe I said something wrong. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe I looked at them wrong, right. We have to pay close attention to the other people. To the extent I think I used it in my hope a couple of months ago, that even the profits of Walmart, he was someone would pay attention to his breath. He would use the miswak and clean his mouth so that when he was

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speaking to someone, even if he was speaking to the enemy, his breath would smell nice. He would speak to them presentable, smell nice wearing perfume, his breath would be nice, he would be groomed, his hair would be combed his beard would be groomed nicely, right? That was the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Always caring for the other person. The next thing we learned from this or we can see that

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a traveler, why is their door accepted? Why would Allah Allah accept the drive someone who's traveling? Like what's what makes them so special?

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You have to pay close attention. And then you have to answer a question after that. Make sure you come to me after

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Okay, so they might get hurt while they're traveling. What else when you're traveling? How do you feel?

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Worried? Maybe

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Scared. Sad. Why do you feel homesick? Because you're all alone. traveler when they're alone, they're lonely. And when a person feels lonely, who do they turn to? They turn to a loss of what's Ireland. So it's a time in life where you're sincere. Just like the oppressed, someone who's oppressed, they're sincerely asking from Austin handling data, because they have no one else to ask for. When someone is traveling, they're all alone. They have no one else with them, they feel alone, they want that connection with some human being, or some sort of feeling of connecting, you know, being connected to something or someone. And so they turn to a hostile cannibal attorney. And that's

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an example of the reason why someone who's traveling they feel lonely. And also, I mean, we spoke about this, we're not going to go over it again. The parents, they, they go through so much pains and struggles with the child. And they wish and hope for goodness upon that child. The child birth the nursing process, right, the nine months of carrying the child, it's not easy, it's very difficult. And then they look forward for this child to actually be a good individual, someone who's strong, someone who's smart, someone who's you know, going to be a great achiever. And when they see that their child is not doing this, it makes them upset. It makes them upset because they struggle

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so much for the child. And when the child speaks back to them and gets, you know, in their faces, though they own the parents and parents sometimes feel you know, this isn't right. And so they might say something that they regret in the next Hadeeth over the alohar and he said this is a very lengthy heady, it's a very lengthy Hadeeth it's about you know, one page long, and again, it falls under supplication for

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Have you heard of the alarm? He said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, No human child has ever spoken in the cradle, except for visa, even lamium which we know is Prophet Jesus right? Prophet, Isa Allah, his center, and the Associate of George H, or the child, the story, not the child, the the, the one that was associated to drudge now who is drudge Jude age as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us he was a monk, he was a monk and he lived in a sort of monastery. He lived in a place where he could worship and not be distracted. So kind of like a monastery, but it was his own little place. Right? It wasn't like, you know, a massive area, it

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was his own. You know, sort of like a merabh kind of legwork money of our data center. She would sit and worship awesome. Hannibal went ahead. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said drange, he was a monk who lived all alone in his own place of worship. There was a there was a story a cow herd, who used to take shelter at the foot of his, his place of worship. So a cow herd is someone who looks after the cows like a shepherd. Right? So someone who tends to the cows, this man, he used to live or stay at the foot of the entrance of the place, where do I used to worship? And there was a woman from the village who used to come to this to this person who looked after

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who looked after the cows, right? Kind of like a prostitute. Okay. One day, his mother, the mother of drage, he called him sorry, she called him and he was busy in his worship. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he was busy in his worship. And he debated, should I choose my mother, or should I continue in prayer? So he continued in prayer. Then after some time, his mom came to him again, and asked what James Wright called him James drainage. And he's a little, you know, he thought to himself, Should I continue worshiping? Or should I go to my mother?

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The third time his mom came back afterwards and called upon him again, he again thought, Should I continue with my worship or go to my mother. Now, all three times he continued in his worship, he didn't listen to his mom, he continued, you know, praying.

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At this point in time,

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his mother, you know, she became really upset. And she said, out loud, kind of like a door hop, she said, drives me a lot, not let you die until you have looked in the face of the hearts, meaning like the prostitutes that you've confronted them, right? you confront those women that sell themselves. And then she left.

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As time went on,

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you know, there was a child that was born from one of these women. And she brought this child to the king. And the king asked, who is the father of this child, and she said, the father is drudge. So they went, and they destroyed his place of worship. And they called drains, and they asked him to come forward. So you came to the king. And the king said, there's a woman who claims that you are the father of a child. And he said,

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Where's this woman? So the woman came, and he asked the woman, you claim that I'm the father of the child? And she said, Yes. And then he said, okay,

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where's the child? So they brought the child. And then he asked the child, right? He asked the child, who is your father, and the child spoke, and said, it was that man who looked after the cows.

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And this was the only other time that the prophet SAW Selim says, someone other than retired his head spoke as a baby, right?

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And then the king when he saw this, he realized they made a big mistake. So he asked her age, you know, do you want us to rebuild your place of worship out of gold? And he said, No. So he asked, Do you want us to rebuild it out of silver? And he said, No, I don't want you to rebuild it out of silver. And so the king asked, how would you want us to rebuild it? He said, rebuild it the same way it was just just rebuild it the same way. Right. Now, this is someone who's worshipping a loss of habitat. This is before the time of the Prophet, some of them are hurting us.

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And he said something, sorry, at that point in time, he began to smile, drainage, he started to smile. And so the king asked, Why are you smiling? Like I'm gonna rebuild your home out of those sticks and stones that it was made out of? You want it I asked, I offered you gold. I offered you silver and you didn't want that. So he says, you know, when he smiled, he says, I remember a statement that my mom said, right, and she made a supplication, that door.

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And the thought of that had overtaken me. And that's why I smiled, because he remembered that his mom made this many years back, that he stand in the face of

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those that falsely accused him. And so from this Hadith, we learn, and this is an authentic happy family. We learned that a few things, but we'll put down on the couple of inshallah, the excellence of the scholar over the worshiper.

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So we learned the importance of the scholar over the worshiper, john H. Was he a scholar? Or was he was he one that worship is?

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One that worship is for you. Right? He was one that worship? Why do we say you worship that he wasn't a solid?

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Because he didn't get taught? What do you mean by he didn't get taught what example?

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Very good. All you did was worship a loss of a handle. And he didn't seek knowledge. Right? He might have sought a little bit of knowledge. But had he had the proper knowledge, he would have known that listening to his mother at the time where he's just worshiping would have been more important than to continue in his worship. And by doing so he used his worship, to a love that was good, that's higher, but it ended up being something that displeased his own mother. And this is an example for us, of how sometimes we can be doing something that is high, like praying extra low, often in the middle of the night. Right? you're praying to 100 and your parents call you? And you're like, No,

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no, I'm in and you make Sue Jews. And you're so connected with a loss of Hamlet, and and you hear your parents calling you there's an emergency, it's four o'clock in the morning, maybe you're in one of them, and one of your parents is having a heart attack. And they can help

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is good, this is great, and it is good, it's higher. But if your parents are calling you and you're doing something that is that is not, you know, an obligation upon you at that point in time, leave it, go to your parents, because listening to your parents, especially the call of your parents is one that is more important than simply just doing your version, right.

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One of our faults or that will ask that during the q&a. At the end, we also see in this Hadeeth.

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The fact that I've also had with Allah gives miracles, miracles can happen. miracles can happen to the people that will also count only to add unlikes can a miracle happen to you and I

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in Arabic is a common fluorocarbons. Right? Can a miracle happened to us? Who says yes?

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Who says no?

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Who doesn't know?

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Who doesn't know what a miracle is?

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Okay, a miracle is something special that happens, right? Like, for example, I drink all of this water. And I'm extremely thirsty. And I just linked to a lot of this water bottle to be full when I pick it up and I pick it up and it's full again. That's like a miracle. Right? Simple example. So yes, miracles can happen to us. Miracles can be given to anyone if I must have a handle with Allah wills, right? And there's a difference between why and miracle. You don't become a prophet if something good happens to you.

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Right? And we see that sometimes today people use the jinn. And they use the evil spirits in order to perform certain actions and show off to other people showing that you know, this is a great thing. Look what I can do. Allah has blessed me, right? They say that in front of the people, but in reality, they're using the evil spirits, right? The evil jinn because some Jenner good, right? So this is something that we learned from the Hadith as well. We also learned that despite the fact that his mother was angry, she did not make a dryer that was harmful upon him. She didn't make a dryer that was harmful upon him. She said to me, You stand in the face of those that come to you,

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right that accuse you of something. And so he did.

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This is a good draft. This is something great. And you make a draft for your child when they're upsetting you. You say something like, when you're in a difficult position in life, may you excel with flying colors, right? And they're gonna be like, Huh, why are you saying that about actual upset? Whoa, whoa, what?

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Are you crazy?

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But no, you'll be like, no, this is the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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Canada, you

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will advocate for local hiring only as much right? If you have, if you believe in the loss of habitat and the Day of Judgment, say something is good, or just be quiet. So this is an example of how we should always remember to catch ourselves from saying the wrong things and try to connect ourselves with a muscle cannibal with a hand, we move on to the next chapter. The next chapter is offering Islam to a Christian mother, or Christian parents in general, right parents that are not listening. Can we speak to them about Islam? Of course, we know that we can, we'll take some very quick examples of subtle love attack over the lover. And he said, There is no one, whether he's a

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Jew, or a Christian, who would not love me on hearing of me. So I will write out the alarm. And he was a person who had extremely good behavior. And he was known for that behavior. And people that knew him or heard of him would always say, this is an amazing person, right? That's nice. He's done good. And he says, I wanted my mother to become a Muslim, but she refused. So people will look at him like you're an amazing person, an amazing individual, but your mother doesn't even listen to what you say your mother doesn't follow what you do, right? And so there was you know, this difference? Well, if you're so good, and everyone likes you, how come your mom doesn't like your

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ways, right? Your mom doesn't even follow what you're doing. You believe in laws or whatever, but your mom doesn't even follow you. Right? So she says,

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I told her about it, meaning I told her about Islam, and she still refused. So I went to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and said, he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make Dora make supplication to a mother for her. So make dua for my mother. He did so and I went to her, she was behind the closed door. And we know that right on his mom, they used to live right next to each other, right? Very close to each other. So she was behind the closed door and she said, Oh, what if she called out to him? I haven't become Muslim. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I informed the Prophet Salam it was send them again, make supplication to a law for me and

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my mother. He said, Oh Allah, make people love your servant of Allah and his mother.

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Now from this Hadith, we learn that it's permissible to request a person of knowledge to make draft for someone else. We spoke about this dream. That's a subtle sort of use of, are we allowed to ask someone to make to offer us?

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You see, yes.

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You say yes.

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You say yes. You say yes.

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You say yes.

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Are we allowed to ask someone to make dua for us?

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Let me rephrase this. Is it encouraged that we go to people and ask them to make draw for us?

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No, it isn't. Why?

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We should make do half for ourselves first.

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You'll notice today's society, especially the Muslims, right? We go to people all the time that we need to like they draft me, they go after me, they go after me. Or something happens to you like Okay, get in the car, you tell your wife, I'm gonna go speak to the man and tell him to make the offer us.

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me do it for yourself first, that's what's encouraged. First, begin by making drive for your own self. You go to someone else, it's like I come to this brother and I say, can you make your ISO haul? For something for me?

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He will look at me and say, Why don't you ask a lot directly yourself. Right? It makes sense. If I need something, I should be the first one to turn to a lesson handle the data and make dua Li I need this. I have this throat infection Allah please cure me. Right? You asked Allah subhana wa tada for what you need. Then we see here there's an example of whatever that goes to the prophet SAW Omar, it was Sunday and he asks him to make to offer his mother for someone else.

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So he makes for his mother. We also see that he goes back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he tells him make draft for me and my mother. So he asked someone who's righteous to make draft for him and for his mother. So we don't just go to every single person we need to save a draft draft for me and make draft for me. It's permissible for you to go to someone who's righteous. Someone who you feel is a good person, someone who's a great individual, someone who's connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala someone who's in their Salah always there in the masjid, they're you know, someone who you feel

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Has that link with a lot? Yeah, you can ask them when you're speaking to them make Doha for you, but you should be making draft for yourself first. That is the key point, right? So begin by making draft for our own selves.

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Let's take the next dutifulness towards parents after their death. So being good to our parents after they pass away. And there's a number of headings here that will take 12345 with regards to this, but they're all sort of who saved

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it in earlier. He said,

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when we were with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when a man asked all messenger of Allah, right,

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is there any act of dutifulness, which I can do for my parents after their death? So he asks, Is there something good that I can do for my parents after they have passed away? He replied, so bombarding us Mmm. And he said, Yes, there are four ways that you can be dutiful towards your parents, and do goodness for your parents after they have passed away.

00:31:13 --> 00:31:20

He'd be good begins and says, making supplication for them, make draw for them, pay attention, make dua for them,

00:31:21 --> 00:31:27

asking forgiveness for them. Right, asking forgiveness for them,

00:31:28 --> 00:32:00

fulfilling their pledges. So if they owed someone money, or they had a debt, or they have something still to pay off, then you fulfill that, right? You continue to pay it for them, and being respectful to their friends and maintaining such ties of kinship, which you have inherited through them. So respect their friends, and the people that they respected, whether they are family members, or just general people in public. So what are these four things? Who can tell us

00:32:02 --> 00:32:03

that chocolate?

00:32:05 --> 00:32:06

Hopefully, no one's allergic to

00:32:09 --> 00:32:16

distribute? Can you tell me one of the four things big while for your parents? Good? That's

00:32:24 --> 00:32:35

okay. So if your parents were in the process of paying for something or buying something, then continue to pay for it on their behalf. Good catch. So yes.

00:32:37 --> 00:32:50

asked for forgiveness from US economy data you catch. Actually, this is my arm where I'm not supposed to be exerting it. So you come and get this and somebody and someone who didn't answer your question yet you answered let me just

00:32:55 --> 00:33:06

be respectful towards their friends, family members fulfill the rights of others that they used to fulfill as well. Very good. Some, yes, we settle for them already. Well,

00:33:08 --> 00:33:11

be dutiful and respectful towards them. Good. And

00:33:16 --> 00:33:17

you can't remember good.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:20

Okay, so those are the four things right?

00:33:22 --> 00:33:51

In the next heading, so this is a powerful heading, right, because it talks about getting a free upgrade, you know, when you travel by airplane, and I travel by plane all the time, and I've never been upgraded yet. Never, ever haven't been upgraded. And I've traveled literally around the world like dozens of times. That's a kind of I don't know why all of my friends, all my colleagues, they always get upgraded this morning, I was talking to my friend who teaches in Doha, and he was upgraded going to Pakistan both ways. I'm like, This is crazy.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:10

You get upgraded and I never get upgraded. I travel 10 times more than you Mashallah. So I made draft for him to be upgraded from business class or first class, right? Because that's a symbol of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, someone has something that you wish to have macdrive for them to have more of it as well. So you can have some too, right?

00:34:12 --> 00:34:19

So hearing this idea of or whatever, on the lower end, he said, the dead person would be upgraded after his death.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:26

Someone can get an upgrade, not on the airplane, right? But after you pass away, you can get upgraded.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:59

How do we get upgraded, he would ask this person when they get upgraded after their death after they pass away. And they noticed that, you know, maybe the time in the grave or their time, you know that they're spending after the death is not pleasant, and then all of a sudden that changes for them. And so we see here, they asked what was the panel was there Hannah, how can this be? How have I been upgraded, right? How can this happen? And so he said he would be told

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Your child asked for forgiveness for you.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:09

Your child asked for forgiveness for you. How many of us are children?

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14

How many of us are children?

00:35:16 --> 00:35:20

Right? Every single one of us is a child.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:23

Every single one of us

00:35:25 --> 00:35:29

to the extent that some of us might not even know our parents,

00:35:30 --> 00:35:38

my brother in law's wife, only about three years ago, she found out who her father is. And she's married with five children.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:42

Only about two or three years ago,

00:35:43 --> 00:36:24

she accepted a sound when she got married to my brother in law quite a few years ago, and only two or three years ago, she found out who her father is, for her entire life. She didn't know who this man was. And she found out he lives in New York, and she drove down to New York, with the family with her with my brother in law and her children to go and see them to go and see her father for the very first time in her life. Right. Even at that point in time, if they're a Muslim, because we covered it last week, we asked a loss of handle to Allah to forgive them, forgive them for what they've done. Maybe they didn't intend it, maybe life was difficult upon them. We don't know their

00:36:24 --> 00:36:54

situation, we don't know what they were going through, make dua to Allah subhana wa COVID, Allah to forgive our parents. Sometimes people hold grudges against their parents for decades, literally, for decades, oh, he didn't split the land or the plot of land in Pakistan correctly and gave everything to our sister. And for decades, they never see their sister, they never go visit their mother. They never go, you know, see their family and so on and so forth, simply because the land was not divided properly.

00:36:55 --> 00:36:56


00:36:57 --> 00:37:27

for forgiveness for them. Maybe your children will ask you for forgiveness as well. Or ask God to forgive you after your death. Right? So don't hold grudges, grudges are no good. grudges are dangerous. And this is a free upgrade, not an upgrade to business class for four hours or eight hours or 10 hours. an upgrade in our grave is amazing. Upgrading agenda is even better. Right? And this is what we want. We want from us accountable.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:31

In the next Hadith, Mohammed even seen,

00:37:32 --> 00:37:33

he said,

00:37:34 --> 00:37:55

we were with the lover and one night and he said, Oh ALLAH forgive our IRA and his mother and whoever asks for forgiveness for both of them. So you need to drive to Allah to forgive his self, his mother, and to forgive whoever asks for forgiveness for both of them.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:01

Do we ever ask for forgiveness for the person that makes us laugh for us?

00:38:02 --> 00:38:05

When someone you know you give something to someone

00:38:07 --> 00:38:08

the devil always

00:38:19 --> 00:38:43

right, please. Hello, Helen, I say and to you too. What is that? What yuck. But he needed to ask for me. So I could also and this is the example of who the alarm must have with ALLAH forgive you. For St. Joseph. Hello, hi, Ella. I gave him something. He made a draft for me and I give him something else asking Allah to forgive him.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:46

How many times do we do that?

00:38:48 --> 00:38:51

Do we ever do that? That sometimes we don't even say

00:38:53 --> 00:39:34

it becomes the norm that people give us things that we forget. We have to even thank them and thanking them with goodness, asking the loss of Hamlet added to shower them down with his blessings and mercy. And yet we don't turn to a loss of power to Allah and return that upon the person who gave it to us. Meaning someone says deserve Hello Hi, Ron. That's it. We're out there wishing goodness upon you. Not a typical goodness, not like may you have a sunny day. May the sun shine on you know, it's male also handle it to add to protect you. May you be in the goodness of a loss of handle attire either throughout your life throughout your day throughout your moments. Right. And

00:39:34 --> 00:39:54

then you tell them because you're happy for what they said to you. May Allah subhana wa tada forgive you for seeing such a nice thing to me. Right? We don't do that. And this goes to show us the extent of this habit of the Alomar at home how they would constantly go back and forth in giving each other goodness. Someone gives you

00:39:55 --> 00:39:56

a candy

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

I get a chocolate ice

00:40:00 --> 00:40:25

reaching my pocket I see if I have something a bottle of perfume or something I give you that it would just constantly be going back and forth. You know, competing for goodness, how can I get more rewards from Allah subhanho? wa Taala? We don't do that these days are like, how can I get one of those chocolates off the table, I need to find a deceiving way to get it off the table, maybe a miracle will happen and alone just make it drop right in front of them.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:29

So this is an example of how other

00:40:30 --> 00:40:35

showed us that we should be competing with one another in goodness in goodness, right.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:39

In the next video,

00:40:41 --> 00:40:49

we see that you know, he was an amazing individual, right? And he spent a lot of time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he learned many, many lessons from his life.

00:40:54 --> 00:40:55

What time is it?

00:40:58 --> 00:41:03

over the long run, he said, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:41:05 --> 00:41:26

when a person dies, all his actions come to an end with the exception of three things. Who can tell us when a person dies, all of his actions are soft, you can eat, you can drink, you can walk, you can buy, you can sell, you can sleep, you can't do anything. That's the three things that you take with you in your grave. Who can tell us

00:41:29 --> 00:41:36

okay, establishment of a charitable organization or a silica jatiya. Something that is solid concrete tips. I'm going to give you this.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:39

The next thing

00:41:43 --> 00:41:50

said about good, right. That's what the brother just said. Right? A Celica sadaqa jariya, especially something that continues? Yes.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:41

Sort of, but not really. Okay, in this heading for talking about three specific things, yes. Your good deeds, right set up ajaya. Right, you're, you want me to tell you beneficial knowledge, knowledge that you leave behind, that's beneficial, whether you wrote it, or you said it, or you taught it to someone, or you edited it, or you translate it is that knowledge remains and it remains with the people that you've given it to the people you've given back to society, you've contributed in some way shape, or form, in a positive manner, a positive fashion. So you get in southern Nigeria, something that continues, right, something that goes on and on, like, for example, helping

00:42:41 --> 00:42:59

the masjid or building an Islamic school or a hospital or something of that sort that continues after your death, to help people and to bring goodness to society, the knowledge, the beneficial knowledge that you leave behind, and a righteous child to make your house or supplicates for you, after you pass away.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:41

A person who makes do out for you imagine that, right? You take that with you, because they continue every good and righteous action that you did in your life that you taught them, or they learned from watching you or from being around you every single time they do it. Maybe at the beginning of eating, you would say Bismillah and your children would learn to say Bismillah before eating, and you never once in your life told them say Bismillah before eating, but they learned it from you from such a young age. And so every single time they say this, and now you're getting reward, because you've taught it to them. You taught it to them, it continues it goes on and if they teach that to

00:43:41 --> 00:43:49

someone, you get the reward as well. It keeps accumulating and multiplying and you get more and more and more.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:34

And this goes to show us the quality in our children is very important. You know a lot of the time is listed as we focus on quantity, because we know the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? have more children, make the oma larger, have more children. And scatola. Just recently, my wife asked me, my wife asked another chef, this question, you know, with a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to have more children, what is really meant by that? Like, what does that mean? Like what if I'm happy with having two children? And the chef responded to her? Not to me, I wasn't even in I wasn't even in this province. I think it was when I was in Kelowna, right?

00:44:35 --> 00:44:45

And he responded to my wife and said, this shows us the importance of and the sisters are going to get upset of having more wives.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:59

This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged the men of the oma to do to have more wives, right? We're allowed to have up to four. Now of course, the law restricts us in this country. Right. So

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

So you might have a wife in another country.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:26

And Allah knows, right. And this is a way, the chef was saying that you'd have more children. Because my wife, she said, You know, when someone has two children, they can put a lot of time in building those children with quality. But if someone has 10 children, and you want to do homeschooling, for example, how do you how does a mother and father do homeschooling with 10? children?

00:45:27 --> 00:46:07

It's like, impossible, right? It's difficult, you have to literally leave your jobs, and only teach your children and have some business that runs on the site. Now, not every single Muslim can do that. Right. So the second thing, it shows us the importance that you may have two or three children, and you raise them righteous and good and pious, and the other family that your husband might have with another wife, he has two children with them, and you know, raises them good and pious, and so on, and so forth. You notice from this family, there's 10 children, many wives, but a lot of children. And that was what the prophet sallallahu wasallam was referring to. Now, I'm not

00:46:07 --> 00:46:13

saying this, this is a chef that was telling my wife and my wife told me, I was like, 100.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:57

Right. But again, I have to reiterate the fact that in Canada, it is not legal to have more than one way. And people ask me all the time, you don't want to marry a second wife, can you do that? Because it's a look, no, I can't write, I can't do it. Because by law, we're not allowed to do that. So if another Imam says it's okay, and allows it, that's his issue to deal with, right. And so we again, have to respect the laws of the land that we live in. And this is also very important for our children, you have to remember, sometimes when a marriage doesn't work out, and it results in a divorce, the children gets stuck in the middle of it, who gets the house, who gets the wealth, who

00:46:57 --> 00:47:34

gets all of this stuff. And sometimes the divorce ends very, very badly that the children are suffering. I know of many families, because we counsel people, right? Many, many families, who the parents end up getting divorced. And the children, no money is going to them, they barely eat food, the mother has to go and work at, you know, some low income job, minimum wage, and it's extremely difficult. And so this is something that's important for us to focus on, and make sure that we respect the laws that are put in place, the last Hadees that will take in Charlottetown, that very short,

00:47:36 --> 00:47:50

even our vessel of the lover and whom I said a man said, messenger of Allah, right, so a man kings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked him, he said, My mother died without a will. My mother died without a will.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:09

isn't going to help her if I give sadaqa or a charity on her behalf. The prophets of Allah replied and said, Yes. So this shows us that it is permissible for us to give setup on behalf of our parents, right?

00:48:11 --> 00:48:49

That we can we can do this, it also shows the importance of having a will. So someone passes away and they say, you know what, from my wealth, let's say one third, this wealth or this money, I want it to be, you know, given to let's say, a certain organization, or a certain Masjid or a one to, you know, school to be built, or some sort of walk for a hospital or a library, something that's going to benefit society, then that's good. But let's say you don't have a will. And this shows us the importance of having one right and we should all write a will we should all have a will islamically this is correct, right? So you have a will and you leave something behind if you don't, or you let's

00:48:49 --> 00:49:05

say you know, there's nothing to go towards a son of a charity of some sort. Your children can give donations in South Africa on your behalf. Right, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and again, this is authentic also. So will endure inshallah to Allah does a couple of failing.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:09

Vietnam hamadryad.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:12

And we'll open it up for q&a.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:16

Always have question.

00:49:18 --> 00:49:21

What about when your parents are calling you?

00:49:23 --> 00:49:26

And you're doing an obligatory action?

00:49:30 --> 00:49:31


00:49:33 --> 00:49:34

Leave it and you go, okay.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:40

Drop everything. Go, listen.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:47

Keep praying. Okay, what about the adults? What do the adults say about this?

00:49:50 --> 00:49:54

you're praying you're Santa and you hear your parents calling you? What do you do?

00:49:57 --> 00:49:58

Keep praying

00:50:05 --> 00:50:06

Listen to parents.

00:50:13 --> 00:50:17

Sorry. Keep praying. Okay, that's your dad you're sitting on.

00:50:19 --> 00:50:20

Hopefully you're never calling.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:26

This is for you in Java. Okay. You can come and get it either now or later in summer. Yes.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:39

Good. So we got a number of answers with this. The last one is

00:50:41 --> 00:51:00

listen to your parents very good. A combination of what these two brothers said, right? As a person as a human being, you analyze what's going on. You can maybe tell by their voice, is this a crisis situation or not? If it is,

00:51:01 --> 00:51:07

right, and it is extremely important, something you know that you know, this is this is terrible.

00:51:08 --> 00:51:13

And you know that at that point in time, your concentration has gone from Florida as well.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:48

Then your cell has probably already broken anyways. So go, right. That's one thing. Secondly, you hear them calling you and they're just calling you because they have no idea. you're praying and they wanted to call you for dinner. Right? Let's say they even come to the door and they're knocking on the door of your room. you're praying, right? Because we don't all live right near the masjid. Sometimes we end up praying in our homes. So they're knocking on your door and telling you to come and eat. You can actually reach over and open the door. So they see that you're praying and continue praying then know right away, they'll leave you alone.

00:51:49 --> 00:52:30

They'll leave you alone. And if it's an extremely serious situation, like it's a crisis, they're going to come running for you. Like they're not going to knock they're gonna barge through the door and come come come right there's a problem. So you know, they have to judge that situation. Now, nothing should break your soul up. Right? compulsory prayer, nothing technically should breaking or take you away from your setup. But if you are no longer in your Salah, like you've lost that concentration, that devotion, you've already broken it, you've already broken it. Right? So ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us. In some cases, it is permissible. Okay, in some cases,

00:52:30 --> 00:52:52

it is permissible if it's a severe crisis situation, what you would do technically, if you're still in your concentration and devotion and you can you continue with your sought out quickly finish it off and go. If you notice that you're already No, no concentration, no devotion, your soul has already done anyways. Right? So you go fix that situation, come back and pray. Right?

00:52:54 --> 00:53:06

Because it's really tough. Sometimes you get tested with really hard things. Sometimes you get the question. My house was on fire. I didn't know if I should break myself. Right. Are you going to die in that house? Yes, I would die. Okay.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:08

What do you think?

00:53:09 --> 00:53:11

Is Best? Any other question?

00:53:15 --> 00:53:17

Yes. Okay.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:22


00:53:30 --> 00:53:39

If I remember correctly, actually, let me answer that for you afterwards. Let me just double check. So the brother asked, What's the difference between a comma and a Marchesa

00:53:40 --> 00:53:41


00:53:43 --> 00:53:49

common people margin is like profits, right? Okay, good. Double check the shape. That's

00:53:50 --> 00:53:52

right. He's my chef.

00:53:54 --> 00:54:09

He doesn't like to admit it, though. So karma is like a miracle that happens to us, the average person, right, emerges as one that would happen to a profit or messenger of a loss of a loved one that is close to a loss.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:59

Okay, so the brothers asking about Celica. jatiya. Can we give it on anyone's behalf? Or does it specifically have to be our parents? From what I learned from the questions I've asked my teachers is that a person should look to do more send up a jatiya for their own parents. Right? Shouldn't you can do goodness for other people and give goodness on their behalf to do goodness on their behalf. But the best is to do for yourself or for your parents. Right. And so the people

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

Who on the you know, let's say it's an uncle. They have children, their children should be doing that on on their own father's or mother's behalf. Right. But at the same time a person can do a type of Celica for someone else. Right?

00:55:17 --> 00:55:23

Yes. Like a brother. Yes. Okay. There was a hadith. I know, we covered a lot.

00:55:28 --> 00:55:29

I think we might have skipped one.

00:55:46 --> 00:55:56

Okay, I think we'll cover it. And we'll cover it next week. And Shawn, will cover it next week for due to time. The beautiful headings the level start with next week and Shawn, is

00:56:00 --> 00:56:03

how do you go about getting a proper Sonic? Well,

00:56:05 --> 00:56:26

we'll have to ask I recently moved here. So I don't know where exactly to get that done here in Ontario, I do know that there are some listen lawyers that have, you know, paired up with some e memes that do have, you know, or have put together semuc wills, there are some that you can get online, some of the scholars have put together.

00:56:28 --> 00:57:07

Okay, so it's nice to have one there are there's quite a few that are online, but then you can just have to get them attested. There is actually a brother here that, let me double check to make sure his website is still going, where I can remember the website shallow, maybe I'll get a fee next week. And you basically would download the will is free. And if you want to get a tested, then they'll charge you I think it's a $5 $25 fee. Right? So which is a good option that you can have it and then it can be tested by an actual lawyer in Ontario Muslim brother, obviously that you know, does this for the community and charges a nominal fee.

00:57:09 --> 00:57:09


00:57:14 --> 00:57:18

If you disobey your parents what happens? We spoke about that last week.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:23

Who knows? Who knows what happens if you disobey your parents?

00:57:25 --> 00:57:26


00:57:27 --> 00:57:49

You know, not necessarily get that easy, you upset a loss of habitat, so you make a lot of upset with you. Right? And that's terrible when I was upset with you. And that means everything bad can happen to you, if someone wants it to happen. So you don't want to upset about therefore you be nice to your parents. So a loss of habitat will be nice with are happy with you. Yes.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:21

Yes. So the question that our youth is asking if you disobey your parents, Won't your parents be upset with you as well as a loss of power with Allah? The answer is yes. Right. We spoke about that a few weeks ago, that the disobedience of Allah, sorry, the disobedience of the parents is disobedience of a month when you upset your parents, you upset a loss of autonomy, when you please your parents, you please also kind of with that as well. Okay.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:38

So on behalf of your in laws, your mother in law and formula without the permission of your wife.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:42

You don't need permission from your wife to

00:58:43 --> 00:58:47

be careful that she's mine and then you might need it.

00:58:48 --> 00:59:18

But generally speaking, no, you don't need permission from your wife is especially going to get set up on behalf of her parents, her parents, in some way, shape or form become your parents after marriage. So you can never ever marry your mother in law ever. Even if you divorce your wife, you can never ever marry your mother in law, she becomes common for you to marry. So that connection is always there. Even if you divorce your wife, you still remain the mom of her mother. You can never ever destroy that.

00:59:19 --> 00:59:23

So in some way, shape or form they become your parents right?

00:59:32 --> 00:59:33

Sorry, say that again.

00:59:38 --> 00:59:42

Oh, so you give for your in laws, but not for your own parents.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:59

Okay, yes. Mashallah. That's a good point. So the brothers are running us don't only get for your parents give for your wife's parents as well. Right. So do something good on behalf of your parents as well as your wife's parents. It's a very good reminder. Anyone else? Yes.

01:00:28 --> 01:00:29

For someone else

01:00:41 --> 01:00:51

so Okay, so you're combining a number of things here. So the brother saying that integral and it says that, you know, when a person passes away, they take the good deeds with them. Right?

01:00:55 --> 01:00:58

Right. So you take with you what you've done your outline your actions, right?

01:01:00 --> 01:01:18

What we read now is things that remain on earth that you can still get rewarded for. So for example, you left behind beneficial knowledge you left behind a child that is making graphics, you left behind some sort of setup, ajaya those things are still going on on earth after a person's death, which is good news for them.

01:01:22 --> 01:01:36

It's not only parents, it's for anyone, even if you're not a parent. So you wouldn't have the child but you could still leave the Celica jatiya, you could still have beneficial knowledge that you contributed towards society that still goes on on Earth. Right?

01:01:49 --> 01:01:50


01:01:56 --> 01:02:00

So for example, in the example I gave about seeing dysmenorrhea before eating,

01:02:08 --> 01:02:54

oh, no, no, no, no, that No, you can't. Okay, so this is a good point that the brothers reason, sometimes people say, and this is something that came up a few days ago, or a few weeks ago, as well, when someone passes away, people get together and they, you know, read, or you know, say, Oh, you know, we'll pay you you read the Quran and send this reward to that person, or I'm gonna read cerec and 500 times and send you the reward. There are a few scholars that have found some Hadees that you know, they're not too authentic there, you know, good, has some good say that, yes, you can do this on behalf of someone else. Meaning you can do higher goodness on someone else's behalf as

01:02:54 --> 01:02:56

long as it's within the Sunnah of the Prophet.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:15

Right? Not doing things that are not. So anything that is not within this area are shown to us by the possibility of some are saying, you know, I'm gonna, like someone called me up once and said, I recited three assays 70 times for you. That's why you you know, pass your your your exam.

01:03:17 --> 01:03:21

It's not my pass my exam, I study coverage exam. I mean, granted as

01:03:22 --> 01:03:51

you pass an exam now, because you read through a scene for me 70 times, and I even told her, why would you read it for me? Why don't you read it for yourself? And lastly, I seen one tree, the whole branch says 370 times, right? And so know these things that people do and say, Oh, I'm sending this to so and so person or do 1000 decode and then I send this to Joshua g who died third generation, many years ago. No, you can't do that. Right. Exactly. Okay. Very good point.

01:03:53 --> 01:03:57

I think we'll stop there because it's time for one more question in general.

01:04:02 --> 01:04:05

We, we spent a lot of time on this last week.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:42

Okay, so someone who died and was not Muslim, you cannot ask for their forgiveness. Right? You're not allowed to ask for forgiveness. We know this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he made draft for his uncle after he passed away. And you cannot make to ask for forgiveness of that person. What you can do is ask Allah subhana wa tada like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did for his uncle to have the less amount of punishment on him or to have mercy on him or alleviate the burden upon him and the grave or so on and so forth. Right? But forgiveness, no, because if the person wasn't a believer, there's no forgiveness on them at that point in time.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:54

For those that missed we were actually doing audio and video recording so you can get both right and for the habitat, it's gonna explain that right now.

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

I have

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

Very important and

01:05:03 --> 01:05:38

from you know we are we all know that a Good Friday was a long weekend and Poseidon is Friday communication will be getting like this. We need plenty of volunteers got the management for traffic the other things in and out. That's not possible So Susan, we will call and hire each other police officers as well. But here are the volunteer forms to fill up and we need plenty of volunteers from family shelter for that and other important inshallah

01:05:46 --> 01:05:50

So, secondly, next week

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 06 (27th March 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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