Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP05

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not showing forgiveness and showing concern for parents and loved ones, as it is important to avoid showing forgiveness and frustration with parents. They also discuss the history of using mercy in religion and the responsibility of individuals to ensure family's wealth is protected. The speakers stress the need for people to use their voices for informing others and to inform their own bodies, as it is crucial to avoid cutting family ties and making false accusations. They also emphasize the importance of educating people about negative consequences of not using language, and stress the need for people to use their voices for informing others and their own bodies.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam, ala rasulillah.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, Mr. Li Kumar, he will work out.

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So I'm going to ask again, especially those that are just chilling out just a little bit closer and

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fill in those gaps filled in.

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Let's do this Heidi's previously, some of you may have not been here, the person who fills up that gap. They're the ones that get into genderqueer.

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And for all of those,

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there's some children, some youth out there playing basketball, if you're playing basketball, please come into the masjid

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or else to

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see they all stopped.

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So we continue handling left with our Haddock. And it's nice to see that the numbers are increasing nice to see that there's a lot of us that are here and happy to do that. And this is a very critical or, you know, critical part of the book and very good chapters that we're going over with regards to parents.

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So I know a lot of parents like for their children to hear this stuff, but at the same time

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it's a it's a good reminder for parents as well because we are all children, we all have parents where their parents are alive or not. We still are the children of our parents. So we asked them boss accountable attorney to make it easy for us to learn this Deen and to protect ourselves in this life as well as in the hereafter.

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We continue with chapter number 12 from

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for those that are following along, and inshallah hopefully the books will be here soon and I spoke to the spoke to the distributor this afternoon inshallah, hopefully, within about 10 days books should be here.

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Just make drag, because you never know sometimes these things, you know, traveling from one part of the world to the other sometimes can take a little bit longer, but there's no inspections or delays and everything goes good. So chapter 12, we continue.

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And this chapter is titled, one should not ask forgiveness for his father if he is not a Muslim. So a person a child, or a son or a daughter should not ask for forgiveness for their parents, whether their father or their mother, after their parents have passed away. And this is something that a lot of people feel, you know, very saddened and it's a tough situation and very difficult to deal with and go through. And we'll see why in short a long time.

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All right, can I believe that in our bus

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commenting on these words of awesome Hello What Tyler and he said when one or both parents reach old age with you do not say obviously this is a versatile muscle countable went to Hi there I do not say or don't say, ah or don't get upset. Don't show your frustrations with them.

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Don't show this to them, nor repulse them, but speak to them and gracious words, say nice things to them. Gently, kindly say good things to them, even if they upset you.

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And lower to them the wing of submission through mercy and say, My Lord have mercy on them both, as they did care for me when I was little. Now this is a person.

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two verses 23 and 24 are also handled what Allah tells us to be nice and patient and calm. Don't get upset with our patient with our parents and say good things to them. And also also can with either your mentions,

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ask your board say oh my lord. So this is the highlight of the Hadeeth right to the highlight of the statement. Ask your Lord have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little.

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You know, this refers to if your parents were Muslim, right? This refers to if your parents were

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even our best then said that this was abrogated in sola Toba. We're also kind of with Adam says, it is not for the prophet or those who believe to ask forgiveness for the idol worshipers even if they are near relatives after it has become clear to them. That they will not or they will be people of the hellfire.

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So can we seek forgiveness from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, for our caring for our parents is there another

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Does anybody here have parents that are not Muslim?

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So we can just skip the chapter. Now, this is good to know, because it might be a relative, it might be a friend, it might be a colleague, it might be a co worker, right? That we sometimes get invited to their funeral. And then you say, Oh, you know, okay, it's a little prayer for this person. But they asked you, you know, come and speak about this person, say a little something about them and you make a prayer that might actually be one that goes against what Allah subhanho wa Taala permits. So can we say Allah, please forgive my friend who's not Muslim?

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Who died? Right? Can we say that?

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You can we say that. If you have a friend who dies, and he's not Muslim, and you need to add to a wall and say, oh, love, please forgive him. Now, if he's younger than the age of maturity, right? If he's still a child, and that's okay.

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That's okay. He's not yet reached the age of maturity. He's not yet reached the age where he's going to be held accountable for his actions, right? So if it's your friends and about your age, then that's fine. But what if you're 15 1617 1820 years old? Can we do that? We can't see why.

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So in this Hadith, we learned that it was changed. And we know when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was with his uncle of a polyp, right? The father of Annie obioma, who was the protector of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he took care of the profits on Long Island. He was saying that when people were fighting against our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, his uncle was defending him. When people were harming him. When he had no food, he would give him food, when he had no place to stay, he would give him a home to stay, when his family was being harmed and hurt and suffering and going through difficulty and struggling. His uncle was the one who was there to

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help him right after the death of the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we obviously know this was an easy this was a time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam felt extremely sad. Now imagine one of us we lose our relative, or you lose your father or you lose your mother.

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The uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like one of his parents. He took care of him the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an orphan. And he grew up in the hands of his uncle. And so he wanted to ask Allah Subhana Allah and he did. He did ask Allah subhana wa Taala to forgive his uncle. And then of course, Allah revealed the verse and said, it's not for you to ask for forgiveness from from me, for him, meaning, don't ask forgiveness for someone who live their life clearly. Clearly in the disobedience of Allah subhana wa tan. Now we get into this discussion. What if someone dies? And we don't know if there was them? We don't know. If there, then you leave that

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up to a loss of habitat. And we never know even our own selves. We don't even know if we are going to die as Muslims or not. And so we should not get into this habit of analyzing and checking. Did this person prayed they pay? There's a kind of that they go for Hajj? Did they foster Ramadan? Did they do all these things? Okay, yes, so I'm allowed to make your eye for them. If they clearly were Muslim, or they stated that they were Muslim, maybe they fell short in some of the actions for either dinners, I mean, to offer them if there's no science whatsoever,

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and leave it up to a Muslim one time. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was told not to make to ask for his uncle. Now this happens sometimes. I'll give you a simple example.

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My uncle passed away just before I moved to Mississauga. So last year, a few days before Ramadan started. And he had cancer in the 70s. Right? non Muslim. From my mom's side, my mom's side of the family is not. And so when my mother in law, who also accepted Islam about you know, 50 years ago, right? When she spoke to my mom, she said something to my mom, that was, you know, she didn't say, may Allah have mercy on him. But she said, may Allah Layton the punishment on your own on your brother. Now this was, you know, the statement that when we hear it, it sounds strange. And in fact, we should probably stay away from this. Stay away from making dry like that you're going to hurt the

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feelings of the person that hears sometimes people don't realize it. Right. And I don't think my mother at that time even realize what what she heard, right? Because it's just the spur of the moment. You don't really realize it. But somehow when you say things like, you know, a co worker who passed away or a friend who passed away, and you say, Oh, you know, mailbox. Lighten is punishment.

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You can see other things. May Allah be merciful.

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Right? That is also asking for lighter punishment, but you're not directly saying, may the punishment be lessened, he's going to be punished. But please don't punish him as much. Right? So you have to be considerate to people's feelings as well. You have to understand where people are coming from. We live in a society where people are very emotional, and become very sporadic, you know, they hear something and all of a sudden, boom, they react a certain way. And this is something that we have to be very careful with. So no, it's not permissible to ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive someone that clearly died upon Cofer, meaning they were not Muslim. But at the same time,

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you can still ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told by the law to ask for mercy. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may do his punishment to be lessened, that he is not from amongst those that receive a severe punishment, but he knew that he would be punished regardless. So it is not permissible to do that. To ask for forgiveness from a Muslim, what's that?

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In the next chapter, kindness to the non Muslim parent, so being kind to a parent who is not Muslim? Now, of course, some of you sitting here thinking, well, this is not relevant to us.

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But what if your children marry someone whose parents or in laws are not Muslim?

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Right? Sometimes we're sitting here thinking we're all Muslim, why are you talking about this? Skip the chapter. Right? Just skip it. I know, some of us, our children might marry people who became Muslim, or maybe we don't know, some of the sons, they might marry women from this country that are not Muslim, they're Christian or Jewish. Right? And their in laws would not be Muslim. So how do they treat their parents and this is why we cover this

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kindness to non Muslim parents. Sorry, I didn't have your class. He said four verses of the book of Allah.

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were revealed about me. So these four verses were revealed to the Prophet some of them were, I think it was something about him, things that he did in his life, where lust palitana revealed a verse about him in his actions, through the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was seven. The first was when my mother swore she would neither eat nor drink until I left Mohammed Salah Arla usnm, that's a famous story. We know that when he became Muslim, and he was supporting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In this mission of Islam, his mother said, I will not eat or drink until you leave this way of life. Right. And so I was had with Allah revealed, if they strive with you to make you a

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scribe, to me something of which you have no knowledge, meaning they asked you to do something that you're not sure of, then do not obey them. keep company with them in this world in a correct manner, meaning, if they asked you to do something that goes against what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants and loves, then don't do it. But still keep company with them in this world in a correct manner. So maintain the relationship with your parents, or with the parents of others, encourage them to maintain the relationship and never tried to instill hatred in the hearts of people towards their parents. And we'll see this very shortly how that is also a major sin. And so he says that this

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verse was revealed when his mother has been telling him to leave Mohammed. So if leaving the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is obviously clearly going against what wasn't handled what Allah likes. Therefore, he was told by a while through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, don't listen to your mother, in this regard. Meaning if you're going to displease a law, then don't do it but still maintain relationship with her and be nice to her.

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Be nice to her. Right. Then he says the second was when I took a sword that I admired and said O Messenger of Allah give me this so this was after an expedition and he saw a sword and he liked it he enjoyed it. It's just like today you're sitting down and what's what's the the weapon that we have today iPhone, right? You can use it and abuse it right? The Samsung the iPhones, the tablets, these are things that we enjoy, we love and we can use in good ways we can use in bad ways we can harm people with it, we can benefit people with it, right? And so today, let's say you saw something that you liked, right? What do you like? What do you what do you want to have?

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What do you wish your father would buy for you today?

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Best Buy is still open.

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What do you wish you had?

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What do you wish you had an amazing gift yet? A car. You can't drive yet you're not you're not 16. Right? But still, you might want to have a Lamborghini, right? Nice car, or Ferrari, or Porsche or something like that. And so he says, The second thing was that I took, I took a sword that I admired, I loved I enjoyed, it looked nice, I really wanted it. And I asked the Messenger of Allah give this to me. Then the verse was revealed, they will ask you about the booty, meaning the spoils of the word, waste.

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then also kind of more Tyler sorry, in the next case, he says the third was when I was ill, he was sick and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to him. So he says, He came to me and he said,

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the Messenger of Allah so now he's speaking to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want to divide my property. And this is a relevant topic for many of you adults, because I know every week there's someone asking me this question. I want to divide my property I want to leave in my will something for the people that I leave behind my family, my friends, right? My relatives, what can I leave for them? So he says, I want to leave or divide my property, can I will away or leave in my will half of my possessions and dedicate that for certain people. So for example, you have a house, or you have two houses. Actually, let's use for it because it's easier, right? You have four houses.

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And so one quarter is one house, two quarters or half is two houses, three quarters is three houses, and four quarters is four houses. So he says I want to leave half which means two houses, I will give to my family, I have children or whatever, give it to them. So he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Can I give away half in my will? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no. And then asked, Can I give one third? Can I give one third. And then he was silent. And after some time, that was allowed to give away one third of what I had. So he was allowed to give one third meaning less than half. So you're not going to give away half of what you have, but give a little

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bit less than that. And obviously, this is with regards to inheritance before thing he says that was revealed or was revealed because of him.

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He says was when I had been drinking wine, US drinking alcohol, right? He was drinking alcohol with some of the unsolved some of those who helped the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they came from Mecca to Medina. He was sitting there and he was drinking some alcohol, some wine. And a man from a London came and he hit him in the nose with the jawbone of a camel.

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Right, so he literally took this thing and he's like, you know, the Flintstones, bam, bam, bam, bam. You guys know Flintstones are don't show that on TV anymore. No. Okay, this was a cartoon when I was small, it was called The Flintstones. Right, Fred Flintstone and

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forgot his neighbor's name. And he always had a hammering, bam, right. And it was a it was like a bone right from a dinosaur. So this man, he took the bone from the job, the jaw bone of the camel, and he was to him and he hit him in the nose.

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He hit him in the nose to teach him this lesson that what you're doing is wrong, you should not be drinking alcohol. And then he went, he says, I went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And on one hand of what highly revealed the prohibition of drinking wine.

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And what at that point in time made it forbidden had revealed to them that it's no longer allowed to drink or consume wine, something that intoxicated person. Now from this heady one can tell other people of the favors of Allah subhana wa Tada. We notice here, that sad, cos he's telling people about one of us palates, Allah has blessed him with. So for example, you have a house, you can tell people and hamdulillah was kind of a town has blessed me with enough wealth so that I can purchase a house to live with my family. That's fine. That's, that's okay. When someone asks you, you know what? To buy a new car. It's difficult than you tell them a handle that loss of habitat a blessed me

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with the ability to get a good job, and hamdulillah last year, I bought a minivan. Right? And so now I have enough space for my family. Right? I have to sell the sports car, but now I have a minivan. Right? And so it's okay to speak about the favors of the blessings of the last pelotonia that you've been given, but

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you cannot boast about it. You can't say Yeah.

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Let's give me so much thinking about him. Of course.

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I'm going to go on vacation, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. And you start to boast about what you've done as well. I, you know, I went here and I went there and enjoyed this Android

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to boast about it is not permissible.

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Keep it to yourself. Some people don't have what you have. don't attract evil eye to yourself as well. And we know that UI is real. We covered this when we're talking about abusive, right, we covered evil eye, and how it's real pain, where as we say, in the womb, language, right. People can give you evil. And then some people think, Oh, you know what, I'm going to just wear Tyrese, right wears something around my neck, and that's going to protect me. And we say no, this is not permissible. And then they say, but it's versus

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is versus protecting me. No, you can build a fortress around you, like you build an igloo, you can take a mishap.

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And you can build a fortress around you and hide inside and Singapore, and it's gonna protect you. It's not. It's a law that protects us. It's not the verses of the Quran that protect us, it's our belief in a wasp handle. So sometimes people have a ring, and it has.

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And every time they go to the bathroom, and

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they put it somewhere nice and happy. That's good. That's what you're supposed to do. But don't think that this thing is going to protect you. And then some people, they take that rain and they wrap it up, wrap it up, wrap it up, put it in their pocket and think well, I can't go into the bathroom Without this, because this is what protects me. And the bathroom is a bad place. It's a place where it's dirty and evil, right. And so they keep it with them. Even inside the bathroom, we see people doing this,

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we see people doing it, because they put so much trust in an object either tallies or some sort of bracelet. No, some of the other religions they do this. And this is not according to the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we should remove these things from our life. And you will see you will still continue to live the same way you're living the same way. In fact, it might become better because you've now removed a type of ship from your life, something that you were associating partners with a lot by trusting in that piece of paper, you no longer are doing that. And now you come closer to a loss of habitat. So don't boast about the things that you have. Also, the fact that

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the parents should not be followed when they order us to disbelieve.

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Or any other act of disobedience is seen in this Hadith, where he mentions that I strive to make to make you ascribe to something that which you have no knowledge meaning that you're asked to do something that is not from the city. Hmm. So your parents asked you to do something like, you know what, go pick up your brother from the nightclub he's in

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or pick him up? Let's use a more realistic example. Your brother is going to go clubbing? Right? And your parents say you go with him to keep him safe, just in case. No, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna go. Right. Why? Because just because I've been protected. Some of the youth may think just because I've been protected up until this day from going to the nightclubs once I get inside. There's no guarantee I'm going to be protected when I'm in the inside. And so if our parents ask us to do something against one of us a panel that no one's and we should not do that but still maintain respect for our parents. And bahaya Muslim they mentioned in their

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authentic hadith, the prophet Sunnah Lombardi said

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that you leave your heirs, your riches, the earnings that you have, leave it

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sort of that you leave them sorry that those that Aaron goes to inherit from you. Leave them with your riches, moon, leave them rich, this is better than leaving the port having to beg from the people. This is an authentic Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that you leave your heirs rich is better than leaving them poor and having them to beg from people. So yes, now we think, okay, I want to leave some of my wealth with my family. You can do that you can leave some of your wealth. There's an amount that you can leave the rest, you also have to divide it amongst your family members. And the division, the way that it's divided is so pure and beautiful.

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It's done by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Sadly, today, sadly, there is a disclaimer. Sometimes today, you notice people will inherit from the parents that passed away, let's say

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they go to a chef. And the chef says, okay, there's sons and there's daughters. Right? And so the sons they get this amount and the daughters get that amount. And the daughters are thinking, well this is not fair. How can we get

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And that's because as sons, we have a responsibility of looking after our sisters.

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Sadly, today, we think, Oh, you know what, I got all this money, huh, I'm gonna go buy a house, you can even buy a car, right. And so we take this money. And we think that it's a bonus in life, really this money, this wealth is a huge responsibility from us that you not only have to look after the female fingers, or the female individuals inside of your family, meaning your relatives, you have to look after their children and the children of your brothers and your relatives and those who are near and those that are far. And so there's a huge responsibility. And a lot of the time this wealth is divided. and sisters, they come to us and they say, Well, you know what, our parents passed away,

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and they divided the wealth and we got nothing. And we're single mother and our brothers, they don't want to give us anything because they have their own families. And they say they have to take care of their families. This is why as Muslims, we need to not only plan for ourselves now,

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for ourselves 10 years from now, 20 years from now, if I'm not capable of maintaining my family now, I need to work hard to maintain my family, as well as the family of my relatives should something happen to them. So we need to work hard. We don't just work hard and worship, we don't just come to the mustard all the time. If we did that, then what would happen to our families financially, they would be stuck. It would be a crunch period all the time, they wouldn't know what to do. So there's a bad and there's actions Muhammad at work that you have to do to gain wealth. And so parallel with the loss of Hamlet, Allah revealed the Sadat for us prayers, right, we look at what is the best time

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of the day to wake up

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at 12 o'clock, right?

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Right, 12 o'clock. That's the most beneficial Time to wake up, sleep in, you wake up, you're fully rested.

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You missed out on the whole day. You notice some people if they wake up late, they feel as though their whole days wasted. And that's true. The best time to wake up. And scientists a lot of the time people don't believe the dean. So they have they need the scientist to give them a bit of additional support, right? Scientists say that the best time to wake up is just before sunrise, the time

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and time for fudger wake up. And then you notice a loss of Hamlet and gives us a huge chunk of time, from fudger all the way until vote where you don't have to pray. There's no prayer. And that is the most beneficial time of the day. And you'll notice people who work that's the most efficient time. That's where they get all of their work done. And by noon after that after lunch, it's just like, yeah, finish up a few emails, check this, check that sign out go home. Right. And unless it's had a need the time the cycle of prayer is so unique, that we'll have time you work so hard throughout the day, those who pray for her at work. They know when they wash themselves to make room and they stand

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to pray and they go into the court and they go into do they feel that relief of you know, all that tension and stress that they had in their body. It's like 100, in that, you know, you put your head down and hamdulillah You're so calm, you're so peaceful. Right? And then you go back to work, and then you eat so you feel a little bit sleepy, and you pray again, right? And then in the evening, you pray again, and then at night, you pray again, right? So you have more time you're more relaxed, that's more the time where you're kicking back and you know, it's not yours first year, right? You're not speeding through your day relaxing through your data. So we noticed that lots of handling

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with Allah also made the days and the prayers and the timings as a beautiful setup, a amazing schedule for us in life. Yet we fail to recognize that this was actually done for our own benefits. Then almost kind of with the head or the profits of what

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we learned in the next head he snapped into every bucket

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during the period or the time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was alive during this time. Now this is a smart bent me back. Who is it? The daughter of worker of the alarm. Her name was asthma. Right? What's her mother was the wife of a worker of the Laverne was she Muslim?

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Was she

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she wasn't this wife of avocado, viola was not Muslim, and we'll see that very shortly. So she says during the time the life of the Prophet sallallaahu Annie

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Listen, not only Roman, right? This is his first wife, the first wife of a bucket of the law. During the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my mother, who was still a non believer, her mother was not a Muslim, came to me, hoping I would be dutiful towards her, hoping that she would help her mom. Her mom had come to Medina where they were living. And she was hoping that her mother, sorry, her mother was hoping that her daughter would be one who's going to help her. So she didn't know what she should do. I smell didn't know, all the time. So she goes to the prophets on Long Island. And this is what the companions did, when they were faced with a situation in life. They

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didn't just use the guests, they didn't just go ahead and do it. And then we'll ask them 20 years Oh, you know, I did this once, way back in the day. Was that right? Or was I wrong? No, they would go immediately an Ask, ask the shift, ask the email that we have around, right? Ask them, is this permissible? Can we do this? Can we do that? Tell me about it teach me, right. And so we see that the knowledge that they had was one that was live and real. It's like you're watching TV and something's happening live in front of you. That's how it was. So today, we read it in books, but we have to put ourselves in that situation. So she says, I asked the profits on Walmart and he was

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sending them Do I have to keep ties of kinship with my mother?

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She's not Muslim, do I still have to have good relations with him? The profits a little lower and he was selling Sallam replied, Yes, even though he said that most of what's

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revealed about her.

00:31:42 --> 00:32:07

The verse Allah does not forbid you as regards those who have not fought you in the demon and drove through night out from your homes, etc, etc. And along loves that just doers. We see from this, Heidi, as we mentioned, the eagerness of the companions to know the rulings of the religion. So to examine their religion, to understand Am I allowed to do this or not before they go into it? So you want to buy a car?

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What are the rulings with regards to this? You want to accept a new job? Am I allowed to work in this type of field? You want to go to a certain place on vacation? Am I allowed to travel over there because of this?

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These are things that we have to constantly be asking our scholars, can I do this? Can I do that? How do I do this? How do I do that. And this is what they used to do. The Companions on the other hand, they would always learn about what they wanted to do before they actually did it. And this is the wife of a book of the lover. And as we mentioned, her name is Taylor. She was the first wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had four wives, they were pretending that woman had even asthma. Right. And this was the

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mother of asthma with the mother of the daughter of obika of the law. She was noticed today that she was the first wife of the alarm. And she she at this point in time was not one who believed in the loss of Hannah with the look of the lover and he ended up divorcing her.

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In this next Hadeeth, which falls under the same category, the same chapter heading as being kindness to non Muslim parents. This is actually an example of being kind to a non Muslim relative, not necessarily a parent, but an example of how to be kind to a non Muslim relative. Even aroma he said.

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He said, I'm out of the love. I saw a silk road for sale. So there was a gallon it was silk is interesting, because we're talking about this during our clip, but today clothing, and so he saw this Silk Road that was for sale. And so you tell us the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would you buy this robe and where it's on Friday, and when delegates come to you, you can wear it as well. So he asks the prophets on one way or the other. It's a beautiful gown. It's made of silk. Why don't you buy it, wear it on Jorah Jr. Has a nice day you put on perfume you put on nice clothing, you get yourself ready, you come to the mustard you pray to almost kind of which either it's a day of or eat

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for the week, right? It's a day of celebration for the week. So the prophet SAW one where it he was sending a response, a response, he replied, and he said, only a person who has no portion in the hereafter can write this meaning a person who's not going to go to gender. They can read this.

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They can read it.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:40

Why did he say that?

00:34:41 --> 00:34:45

Why does he say that? Only someone who's not going to go to gender can wear this?

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That's right. It's not a type of Muslim clothing. Why? What is wrong with this clothing?

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Why are we

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as Muslims, why did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam not allow them to wear this? What was wrong with the clothing?

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And even

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so off, maybe

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it was made of silk.

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It was made of silk. as men are we allowed to wear silk or not. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once come came out to the companions in his hands, his right hand, in his left hand, he had gold, and he had silk. And he said, Hi, Danny, these two are hot home, for the men of my own gold.

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And silk, not allowed to be worn by the men of this woman.

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And this is an example of how the people of gender, those who go to gentlemen will enjoy silk, they'll enjoy gold, and I'm enjoying the goal. That's not even the goal of this life. It's a goal that you and I can't even imagine. And we will have bricks on our homes that will be gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. And it won't be the goal that we have here. It's a different type of goal that we can't even comprehend.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he must have had an attack to bless our youth. And oh, they know that this is something which is not permissible to wear, at a person who wears gold and silver in this life, oh, sorry, gold and silk in this life will not get to wear it in the hereafter.

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So then, Hanif continues, the Messenger of a Muslim number, and he was seldom,

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he was given some ropes of the same material. So some time had passed. And he was given a few rows that were made out of silk. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he sent one of these robots are omitted.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:11

He didn't take it. He was given it as a gift. He took it and he gave it to Ramadan. nikopol. Does this mean that we're allowed to wear silk now? This is what's going through the minds of the companions. Previously, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't allow us to wear silk. How come now he's giving all the hubbub this gallon made out of silk. And so

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he asks the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where he says, How can I wear it? When you said, when you said what you said about it, meaning that the people who will go to gender they won't wear this is someone who doesn't have a place in the hereafter meaning gentlemen, they will wear it. So why are you giving me this gown to wear? How can I wear this when you said what you said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, I did not give it to you. So you could wear it.

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You can sell it, or give it to be worn by someone else. A beautiful lesson, a beautiful lesson, that sometimes there's things as men that we can't use, meaning we can't consume them, we can't wear it. We can't wear silk, we can't wear gold, but we can buy gold and sell it. We can buy gold and give it to our wife. If that was true, meaning that you can't buy it or anything, then all our wives would be deprived of the gold, you'd be like,

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I can't wear gold, because my husband can buy it. And the husband doesn't give me money, so I can't go and buy my own gold. Right? So we're allowed to buy gold, we're allowed to buy silk, we're allowed to be given gold and given silk but we can't wear it, we can give it to someone else, or sell it to someone else. And the shame. The important thing about this

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is at the next point, he says, I've sent this roll this gallon of silk to a brother of his in Makkah, who had not yet become a Muslim. So it's permissible to for example, you know, someone who

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I knew I had a non Muslim neighbor, right now is in intensive care. And he's good friend of my father's for over 30 years. And he's not Muslim. He's from Trinidad originally. And this guy loves gold is a young man, we have a gold everywhere we go. Right and he's got gold on his neck and gold on his fingers. He's just into gold. And he loves gold. When I was studying in Medina is like

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you bring in gold from the Holy Land. He's like, bring me some gold from the Holy Land. Right? And that was a means of me giving him down. He didn't accept Islam yet. a scammer he would ask me questions about Islam simply because of where I studied. He would say yamana Gold he so bring me some gold he gave me when he said give me gold. Now I didn't know I said at the time. What can I do? He gave me the money you can I buy him the gold and give it to him because I know gold is hard on for men to use. So I asked my professors, and they said is he Muslim? said No, he's not Muslim. Okay, you can buy it and give it to him. And he's gonna keep it as

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An investment and then sell it. And even if he wears it, right, at this point in time, it's something that is not how long upon him. It's how long upon the believing men. He's not believing. Right? So for example, you go to the store. And I don't know about now, because I don't buy this stuff. But I know when I was growing up Doritos chips was How is it? How never had this happen? something happen? Somebody had a lower right. I don't know. It's like, Don't Don't just don't buy it. I don't eat it. I don't like cheese anyways. And so

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there's always this discussion. How can you buy something? Let's say you buy something and you realize, oh, there's like alcohol madness. Right? Let's say it's cough syrup. Right? Sometimes people, you know, go to the extent Oh, you know, this thing we can't use? Or maybe there's gelatin in it. Right? gelatin. Okay, so we can't use it as Muslims, because knowledge is pork gelatin. Okay, so what do we do with it, we just throw it away.

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Now, personally, I don't like to give away something that I can't even consume. But it still is permissible to do that, to someone who is not how long for them. Because they don't believe, right. And so it is permissible to do it. Personally, as an individual, I feel you know what, I'm not gonna give it to my relatives, crush it up and give it to the cats or something. Right? That's something, something else that we can do. So we see here that he was kind to his non Muslim relative, his brother, and he gave him something good. He was keeping the family ties. And sometimes we have family, relatives who are non Muslim, and they say, Oh, you know, your life is so harsh, like this.

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Now, this does not mean that you're allowed to go and buy a bottle of wine for your children's teacher at school.

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00:41:52 --> 00:42:14

Sometimes at the end of the year, I don't know about now. But I know when I was in school, a lot of students, their parents would buy a bottle of wine or champagne or something and give it to the teacher at the end of the year as appreciation, you're given to them know, something that is how omit that extent meaning this is something that in toxic eats, it is something that harms the person

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wearing gold is not going to harm that person, right? It's not something that is going to make them go and drive drunk and harm someone on the road. It's not something that's going to make them sleep with someone that they shouldn't sleep with. were hurt someone that they shouldn't hurt, etc, etc. Right? And then we also have the prohibition of actually buying and selling those items, that we're not allowed to buy and sell those items. Whereas gold, there's no prohibition in buying it, there's no prohibition in selling it. So you can buy certain items, you cannot buy certain items that are hard for us to consume. Okay, so it has to be very clear in that aspect.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:00

In the next Hadeeth What time is it 915.

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In the next Hadeeth

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which is a chapter a person should not revile his parents, meaning a person should not criticize his parents, or be angry and speak to them in an angry fashion. This is what we're going to cover in Charlottetown. So Abdullah bin Ahmed.

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He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said reviling one's parents meaning criticizing speaking ill about someone's parents is one of the major sins. So they asked, how could one revile them? Like how could someone possibly speak so badly about their parents? Right? This is what they're asking, How can a person speak badly about their parents, people respect their parents, no matter how hard they make life upon them. If you're with people, you talk nice about your parents, right? That's usually what people do. That's the norm. So they asked How can someone speak so negatively about their parents? He said, some of them already do some of them by reviling, a man who

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in turn reviles, the other mothers and fathers.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:27

So if you speak ill about let's say speak bad about you and your parents, or SP bad about your parents, you go off, either with your parents or your family or whatever, you start to speak bad about my parents. I have made someone speak bad about my parents.

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I didn't speak bad about my parents. I made someone else so upset that they started to speak bad about my parents. Oh, look, he was raised like this. That's why he's that way. Right? His parents must have done this. His parents did that. Don't worry, you know, that's because he was brought up in this society, etc, etc. And that is my making someone else upset with you to the extent that they start to speak about your parents. You spoke about your parents you initiated that you made that happen. You spoke in

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about someone else's parents which in return ended up in your parents being spoken badly about major sin, major sin,

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although it is against the man's innate disposition to rely on the parents, as we mentioned, if a person does this and it in return comes back to them, then this is considered to be interested in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was referring to in the next Hadees, Abdullah Ahmed asked.

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And he said that a man should provoke someone to revile his parents is one of the major sins in the sight of Almighty Allah, which is exactly what we just said, that you should provoke someone else, that they in return speak about your parents. That's a major sin, you committed a major sin against your own self and your parents by hurting someone else's feelings to the extent that they talk about you and your family. Now, how many times do we do this? Sometimes people do it every week, every month, sometimes even every day, where people annoying people so much that they're like, so annoying.

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Like this, and they're like that.

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This gossip is very, very dangerous. And the next chapter, the punishment for disobeying parents

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will back up of the lover and he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no sin more deserving of its punishment to be quickened, meaning your punishment in this life should be given to you as fast as possible for the offender in addition to what is stored up for him in the hereafter. So you should get a punishment immediately in this life as well as a punishment as soon as you reach the hereafter. What is that punishment for what he says?

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The oppression to be someone who oppresses others, and to sever ties of kinship. So when you oppress someone else, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there's no sin more deserving of your punishment coming to you immediately. If you're an oppressor, or if you are someone who cuts your family ties, and cutting family ties, don't think is just such a light topic that Oh, we're talking about it, we're talking about it. How many of us actually cut family ties, like we will not go to a relative's house, we hate to go to that relative's house, and we talk about it with our spouse, sometimes.

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It happens all the time. It happens too much. And sometimes, sadly, with our children here, we hope that their parents never ever do that. Never, ever close the door of your house on your children. No matter what your children do. No matter what sins they get involved in, never tell your children don't come back to this house. Don't ever shut the door on the face of your children ever. If you feel that your home is a home of hive and a home where your children are going to benefit from there's goodness in it. Why are you shutting the door of goodness in the face of your children

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even if they come to your home and they're drunk.

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Containers contain them. contain them, talk to them, explain it to them, keep the family away. Don't let them get influenced obviously. Or tell them you can come but don't come when you're drunk. You can come but don't come when you're high. Don't do this. Don't bring a girlfriend don't bring a boyfriend into our home. Right? But come to the home, come over. Do not close the door on your children, your door. If you shut that you've basically closed off all hope for them. When your child is from the age of zero hours, meaning they just came out into this world. And they reach the age of 10 1112. Who is their superhero? Who is the person they look at and think this is the most amazing

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people on earth. It's the mother and the father.

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They love that you're their world. You're everything to them. And especially the mother, especially the mother who the child sits in the mother's lap for sometimes two years, drinking from her. They feel this is my source of life. This is where I came into the world and this is what has allowed me to grow into the world. And then we shut the door on our children. That's absolutely dangerous. Now if our children are going to harm the other people in the house, that's a different story. Right? You can tell them like I said, set conditions where you can't come if you're in this state. If you're like this, you know, don't come or call me. I'll come to you

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All right.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:20

At the same time, if they're going to harm someone, you have to put that barrier and make sure that they're not going to harm or influence the rest of the people in the family. So if they're living in your home, and you're forcing them to live there, and they're bringing all this sorts of nonsense into your home, don't say, look, I think it's better if you live somewhere else, you can come and visit anytime.

00:50:21 --> 00:50:54

But don't do these things in our home. We have rules in our house, this is our house. When you have your house, you can have your rules, whether you want to please alarm or not. That's a different story. But don't shut the door to your children. It's very dangerous. And it happens too much in our communities have been so much that sometimes young adults come and they ask questions and they're crying like babies. They're crying like babies, and all they want is for their parents to hold them. And they're 25 3035 years old.

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What can I do? What have I done? I want to go back to my parents. And they're crying tears like the day they were two years old or two days old. Sometimes they wish they can go to their parents and their parents say no stay away.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:18

That is how you have an opportunity to allow this child to go to gentlemen, keep that contact with them. And

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at the same time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is nothing regarding which a law is obeyed, that is quicker to bring reward as connecting the ties of kinship. So we said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned someone who cuts their ties of kinship their family ties, they should receive their punishment immediately. But the prophet son alone It was son of in another instance, he said that a person who brings their work connects the ties, the family ties, there's nothing regarding which a lot is obeyed. That is quicker in reward. you fulfill those family ties reward is coming to you today. It's coming. It's on its way it's probably already there

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somewhere in in life. We just haven't seen it yet. So maintain Family Ties is absolutely important. We'll take two more very short Heidi's and shout out to

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Mr. sain of the above and he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, What do you say of fornication drinking wine and theft? What do you think about this? What do you say about someone who commits fornication? Someone who drinks wine, and someone who steals their thief?

00:52:35 --> 00:53:15

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a lot. Sorry, sorry, let me rephrase this. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked the companions, what do you think about someone who commits fornication? One who is a thief, and one who drinks wine, and the companions, they said, you know, we don't know Allah and His Messenger know best. Right? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responds, and he says, they are acts of outreach, and there is punishment for them. But Shall I tell you, which is the greatest of the major sins? So we looked at this previously, that yes, they are major sins, but from amongst the major sins, there are some that are even more severe, some that are

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worse, some that are so bad that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam focused on these specifically, he said, associating with the mighty and exalted and disobeying parents, from amongst the major sins, worse than stealing worse than drinking alcohol, worse than actually committing fornication is disobeying parents after obviously being obedient to a boss accountable. Now, if we actively contribute to assisting our children in cutting off Family Ties by shutting the door in their face, are we doing justice? We're not. We're not. We're actually helping our children to harm themselves. We're making it easier for them to go further away from a loss kind of what we're saying

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you're committing major sins here, commit more major ones. Hey, take the whole package, right? So we need to be careful with doing this. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when we covered this part of this hadith in another Hadith, he was reclining, and he sat up, he sat forward and he said, and lying, and to lie, to tell a lie is from amongst those major sins that are even worse than the other sins. And how many of us lie even as parents, nice white lies, so called White Lies. Whether a lie is a black line, a red line and Purple Line, green line and orange lie or a white lie, a lie is a lie. There's only a few moments where a lie is permissible. Like for example, your wife

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cooks you some food and it's absolutely disgusting.

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00:55:00 --> 00:55:03

Did I marry this person? You can cook? Right?

00:55:05 --> 00:55:15

And then she asked you she's like, how's the food? You like, Mashallah, this is like, I feel like I'm in China. And you're thinking, I wish I was in general, My mouth is saying, I feel like I'm in gentlemen. Right?

00:55:17 --> 00:55:26

Because that's bringing the hearts together. That's okay. That's fine. Right? In the last very last heading that will take very short one line,

00:55:27 --> 00:56:09

making parents weep, even aroma of the Allahumma. He said, making parents wheat is part of disobedience to them. And one of the major sins and we know this, we covered it. So making our parents weak, making them upset, making them cry, imagine how many of us have made our parents cry. I think we've all made our parents cry. Not intentionally, most cases, maybe we get hurt. And then they cry because they feel sad. How many times have we done something in our teenage years, in our college years, in our university years, as we grow older, and we want to get married to someone, sometimes this happens, where the parents are like, you know,

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do whatever you want. Just do whatever you want. They they're just losing hope. And they go in, they start to cry in the middle of the night or loss

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hurts because we hurt them. Imagine that. This is one of the major sins that we can commit in our life. So it's important for us tonight. Now to make it easy for us to communicate with our parents to go to them. If they're sleeping, right? Go to their home for fudge.

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Go to their home for fudger. Help them to the bathroom, wake them up, make what to say I wish to praise analogy like it was when we were small. Right? Say something nice to them. Make them feel good. Go to them in the morning tomorrow, do something good for them. They live far away. Go online, we live in a world where you can buy leather shoes and junk German Barfi online that you can buy back now or you can buy any sweets in the world online. I know because I received apparently from Gujranwala some of the best Muay Thai in the world, right? And it was purchased online.

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And somehow you can go online and buy something nice for your parents and send it to them. You don't have to do anything, just put your credit card number in there. Right? Just pay for it and have it set to their own. And on it just write three words I love you. They're gonna be like, us, me, something's wrong with my child, he's got insane.

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Maybe he's going through a divorce or something.

00:57:42 --> 00:58:08

And they start making good to offer you hate the drive the parents is accepted right? hamdulillah so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us to gain near this to our parents. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us as parents to be good to our children to raise them so that they will treat us well. And nice and Justin honest, in ways that we wish we had treated our parents. I mean, yeah, behind him, you know, so long senemo back.

00:58:09 --> 00:58:10

Early, he was

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open up for q&a.

00:58:22 --> 00:58:26

There's no q&a. I mean, I'm sure there's I can see some sweets out there.

00:58:47 --> 00:59:25

Yeah, so the question is, is it permissible? We obviously said it's not permissible to ask Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness. But we can ask Allah subhana wa winter, as I said, to be merciful upon the meaning, to have mercy like full mercy upon them, but to be more merciful upon them, especially if there was someone who was righteous like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught to us, that his uncle be elevated in status, meaning he's not given the worst of the punishment. He's given a lighter punishment, a lesser punishment, but he's still going to be punished, right. And so we know that there's mercy that's specific to the Muslim into the meaning we

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also know that there's mercy or karma that is, that is specific to the non Muslims. And so we asked the last panel with Hannah to make it easy for those who are close to us that maybe help the dean if they're going to be punished, you know, have a have a later punishment upon. But at the same time, this is something that we shouldn't simply always do. Right? We should always do because it's a pilot who decides with them as well as with us. So we should focus on making draft for ourselves more than we focus on making your offer, especially someone who, you know, does

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constantly in the disobedience,

01:00:04 --> 01:00:13

right? So yeah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did it once. He didn't sit there all the time in grappling drama. No, he did it once, and for his own. And that was

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01:00:34 --> 01:00:43

that's right. Yes. So don't forget when we receive a set mRNA come to a Muslim, right, a moment someone who believes.

01:00:44 --> 01:01:04

When we say a Salam or Aleikum, one of the names of Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah is a setup. So you're asking ALLAH, you're telling about your commanding Allah, Who is the one who grabs peace and tranquility, share that peace of tranquility that you own, with this Muslim?

01:01:05 --> 01:01:48

So we don't say it to a non Muslim, right? Because this is not something that they're entitled to. They're not entitled to the SLM the peace and tranquility that our wall has that he owns, that is specific for his worshipers. So we can say, have a good day, may God bless you, right? And may you may be guided, right? It is the blessing here for you. And in your heart, you're hoping almost palitana is going to guide them through you through your actions through your kindness with them. Right. And so this is a stepping stone that we constantly take with the non Muslims trying to show them that yes, Allah is merciful, and I must add, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, out of the

01:01:48 --> 01:02:23

99 parts of vironment of mercy, only one part 1% came to us here on Earth, the other 99 was kind of its kind of has with him, and that's for later on, after we leave this world. So on the Day of Judgment, when we think you know, what, how is the login or Forgive me, he only Rutten? 1% to this world. 99% is still with him. So Allah, Allah is Forgiving, and he is All Merciful, right? And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to be merciful upon us. If a non Muslim says, a ceremony come to you, what do you say?

01:02:25 --> 01:02:56

Garlic, right, or why they come? Right? Because sometimes they might not know what they're saying, right? Or they only heard you say it, or they're saying it sometimes maybe with good intention. Right, but at the same time, we don't accept their setup as the senator comes from our brother and sister, right? Because our system is specific, the piece of data that he is the holder of they don't understand. So they might be wishing something else upon us. They might simply just be saying,

01:02:57 --> 01:03:19

right because they hear it on the news of the year on TV and music and movies. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Tatas if they say that see what I think whatever it is that they're hoping upon you you are hoping that back upon them if it's good then you're hoping goodness back upon them if it's bad then you know if they're wishing bad for you then I wish the same thing upon you right and that's that's a sentiment

01:03:42 --> 01:03:42


01:03:44 --> 01:04:12

no specific from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam if a non Muslim greets you with with Salim that you respond to them by saying what Alec right may not be upon whatever they're wishing upon you if it's good clay, if it's not quite right. So you respond to them in that way. Getting Salaam to people that you know and don't know, like, I don't know you. I give you some right. I don't know some some of the vendors that are here. Some of them is the first time I'm seeing them.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:43

Right? So we can send them to those who know and those that we don't know. The sad thing is sometimes you'll see we're sitting in the masjid together, and we will go to 12345 people that we know and we give them set up everyone else like I don't know. I'm not going to give them seven. Oh, you should give them to everyone. Right? You sound to everyone whether you know them or you don't know them. If they're Muslim, you share something. You share something that sometimes even blood brothers and sisters don't share. And that's the man that's the shad.

01:04:55 --> 01:05:00

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. So you go visit someone who's sick and they say I'm sick. You're pray for

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

You can pray to a monk.

01:05:03 --> 01:05:06

guide this person there's nothing wrong with making durafirm

01:05:07 --> 01:05:20

make draft for them or grant them health will not bring them to the deen will open their hearts while Allah made them be people who are understanding all that please show them the *. Show them the guidance if you if you couldn't make these ads for non Muslims.

01:05:23 --> 01:05:37

Right? So yes, you can make draft for them. And that's good. In fact, you should make the draft for them right in front of them. Right in front of them, make them feel that you're calling upon your Lord immediately. To give you goodness, that's amazing. And that's premise.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:49

Good question coming from the sisters, sisters, your husbands don't need to wear something gold, right? So the question is, why can't men wear silk in gold?

01:05:50 --> 01:06:37

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam disallowed this for men in this life but allowed it in here after for a number of reasons. First of all, a man who wears silk starts to feel a little weird. Right? He feels as though he's on top of the world. He feels as though I'm the man. Right? Ling Ling. Scott is gold. He's wearing his silver. Sorry, his silk. Keep confusing. These two, we all say gold and silver. And now I'm saying gold and silk. Right? So he feels like he's the man it gets to him. It makes him think he's rich and prideful, and so on and so forth. This is one of the reasons why gold is not permissible for men, women, they can have it. Sometimes women especially when

01:06:37 --> 01:07:19

they're, you know, it's that time of the month, they feel they want their spirits uplifted a little bit. They can't press all that. Imagine you and I how we would feel if we are forbidden from print sauna. It's not that you voluntarily don't want to pray. Allah does not let you pray your Salah, because you're on you know, your menstrual cycle, you start to feel terrible. I know this, because I've asked my wife. And I've asked other women as well, when they talk to me they're like, but we want to pray, want to do something. Right? Like, calm down. So at that time where they feel their spirits are low. by themselves, they look good, they feel good height that's allowed. That's

01:07:19 --> 01:07:25

permissible. That's one of the reasons. Silk is actually permissible for men to wear on the battlefield.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:34

You know that statically men can wear silk on the battlefield. Because it's so slippery. If the enemy is trying to grab you, you'll slip away.

01:07:36 --> 01:08:15

But that's only if it's on the battlefield. And we're not on the battlefield, right? So we don't need to wear silk. Right? So we also see that silk, right? People who have their rooms, their bed sheets are in silk, right? They think that they're royalty and stuff like that. You're supposed to humble yourself, especially as men, you need to humble yourself. You go out in society all the time, you're trying to make deals and sales, you're trying to be the best that you can and so on and so forth. You You can do that and achieve it No problem. That's great. Go and get that status. That's great. How can you benefit the Muslim owner as well as the society that you're in, but you humble

01:08:15 --> 01:08:45

yourself by knowing I can get millions of I will still be satisfied with wearing cotton, I will still be satisfied with the simple things that we have in life. But I'll still be a seal. Right? And I'll still be able to afford all of this gold. But I just don't need it. So staying out of that getting away from our minds is is one of the or some of the other reasons why it is not permissible for men to wear golden silk.

01:09:05 --> 01:09:24

Okay, that's a good question. How old? Are you? Seven years old? Mashallah. What's your name? So, hey, seven year old suhaib is asking he wants to read a book where there was a thief who didn't sell him, he didn't share his riches with the other people. And so you're asking?

01:09:29 --> 01:10:00

So does that link in or tie in with the alcohol not using it and stuff? I don't know, because I didn't read the book. Right? But at the same time, being a thief is not permissible. Right? And if he stole something, he should return it. Right. He should return it to whoever it belongs to and not share it with other people and sell it and make money off. And also alcohol is not permissible. Right? So it's possible that he was drinking and while he was drinking, he went and he stole something when he stole that he went and he sold this

01:10:00 --> 01:10:11

And he made money. And then he realized, Oh, I did so many bad things. And that's why we're not supposed to drink alcohol. Maybe he wouldn't have been a thief if you didn't drink Hong Kong. Allah knows best.

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 05 (20th March 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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