Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP07

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of being present in front of a crowd and maintaining a strong relationship with one's partner. The culture of parents control their children and encourages parents to maintain healthy relationships. The importance of having rules and values in one's life for parents to avoid loss of water and death, and the cycle of life where parents become children. The speakers emphasize the need to control oneself and control one's parents' behavior, and to show respect towards parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Barrett, my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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I'm going to ask all of our youth inshallah data to come inside all you little boys and girls that are playing basketball.

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If you're playing basketball, please come inside the masjid. If you're watching someone play basketball, please come inside the masjid. If you're listening to this, please come inside the masjid. If you're not listening to this, someone will bring you inside.

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And also, just I know there's probably some grills there. So all the brothers that are like in the back corner and stuff, if you can, especially you young guys that come come in the front, I want all of us to be right here in the front. All of us are full of energy, we need them to be in the front inshallah. So we can give them more candy and chocolates and energy.

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And if there's any girls that are in the bag, especially like some small girls that can there we go, the torso, boy comes up. There's any girls in the back, you can just, you know, come out the door and shot a lot of time.

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So it seems as though your candies have been confiscated by the students that are doing their his classes, right? They haven't done sometimes they you know, don't get much sleep because they wake up before fudge have to memorize their subak or their lesson for the day. So they ate your chocolates and candies. But we have this and we'll get more next week in Shama, Shama? So I want some of you, I want five of you to remind us about what you learned last week, actually two weeks ago, because last week, there was a meeting, right? So two weeks ago, five of you remind me what you learned two weeks ago, what did we cover? What did you go home with? Whether you teach your families about? or What

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did you start to do or implement in your life? Who can tell us?

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Anybody? Nobody? You don't remember? What were we talking about? We're talking about how the birds fly.

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Right? How the cows jumped over the moon.

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Why do you keep pointing over there? Your father?

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No, he's looking at you telling you to answer.

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Quickly, quickly, but fine with you. There's

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no need to answer something if you want this.

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That's the most people speak so. That's given.

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Don't worry about

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Okay, this is pretty much can you say can you

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alright, who else we need five people quickly? Otherwise, we're never gonna start.

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What did you learn last time we were here. I know they're waiting. They're like, No, we don't want the lollipops. We want the chocolates. Okay. What did you learn?

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respect their parents how?

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Okay, okay, so respect their parents by obeying what they say catch. Okay? What else who else? Yes.

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Do the things that wasn't happening without it commanded us to do? How does that relate to our parents?

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So if your parents teach you or explain something to you, that's good for you that you should listen to them. Good catch. Catch. Somebody Yes. And then you

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what to do when your parents die? What do you need to do when your parents don't

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respect their friends very good. Michelle law respect their friends respect their relatives. So your uncle's your Auntie's? Your grandmother, grandfather, cousins, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, any relatives? And shall I'm just gonna throw this in front of you because I don't want anyone get poked in the eye. Yes.

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Whenever your parents call you, you have to come immediately.

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Right. So never ignore your parents even if you're doing an obligatory prayer and let's say there's something immediate and urgent that we explained it obviously. Then you know, it's something that might be urgent. So you need to judge or analyze that situation yourself. Just, if that's inshallah one more person that's for it. We need one more. Yes.

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When you're mad and

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Okay, good.

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Dealing with anger so if your parents make you upset or you're already upset and your parents are asking you to do something and you know you're extremely disturbed and you don't know how to react Don't get upset with them Don't you know say anything bad to them go and make move and try and suppress your anger. If you made with little then what else can you do?

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Free to Kyle Okay, let's say you're standing what should you do?

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Sit down if you're sitting down and you're still angry then would you do lay down Mashallah, very good. hamdulillah Okay, good. So those are five of our youth, Mashallah, that taught us a few things that they remembered from two weeks ago and handed in law, which is very good to see that their memories are still very fresh from the law. Today, we're going to continue chapter 20, which is charitable acts towards someone's father or mother, who was also charitable. And this is a beautiful view for IDs. I wanted to cover it last halaqa but we didn't have much time in sha Allah to handle Abdullayev Indian out of your Mohan Kumar. He said, Sorry, about the long arm. He said, even normal,

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it'll be a long argument passed by a bedwin during a journey. So even earlier, the son of armour in football, he was going on a journey. And while he was traveling on this journey, he passed by someone who was a bedwin. So there was a bedwin. And that person's father was a friend of ours that had no football. So the son of Allah is traveling through the desert, and he meets someone who is the son of a Bedouin man, and that man and armlet and Uncle Bob were friends. So both of their parents were friends. So the Benjamins father had been a friend of Ramadan, NOFA, Bob's made a loss for him with Allah be pleased with him. So even though he asked this lead, when he asked this man

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that he saw, he said, Are you not the son of so and so? So he's like, are you, you know, is your father and he mentioned his name, right?

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And so the the bedroom? And he said, Yes, of course, indeed. That's me. Right? So even our metal the alohar. He ordered that this men be given a donkey, which he took with him along on his journeys, so I'm going to know how Baba used to travel. So even though he used to travel using his camel, when he got tired from traveling on his camel, he would ride his donkey, right? So he would also bring a donkey with him. And so he ordered that his donkey be given to this, this Bedouin man.

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He then also took off his turban, so he was wearing obviously in the desert, we know that it gets very hot and they wrap their heads even up until today. In some countries like Sudan, they still use the wrapping technique in Saudi they don't use the rap anymore, they use the

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just clothes. It's all about style now Mashallah. So they just use the the Shema or the ultra. And so in the desert to block the sun from hitting themselves, they would wrap their head so that when the sun hits your head, you don't get heatstroke, okay, especially when you're traveling through the desert for many days at a time. So he took off his turban, and he also gave this to the men. One of the people who were there, he asked him and he said, wouldn't to be enough for this person. Like you met someone in the middle of the desert, a Bedouin man who's there? Why don't you just give him some, you know, reach into your pocket? Give him $5. Like today, we say buy someone a coffee, right?

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Wouldn't that be enough? And so it'll be a lot harder. And he responds, and he says the prophets all along are they he was some of them said, maintain what your father loved. Do not sever it. Otherwise Allah will put out your light. maintain that relationship, maintain it as much as you possibly can. And we see here that our mother had no kebab trained his son to give to those who he was friends with as well.

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Right. So from that I've known her top is friends with this man. Ask yourself how many of us meet the children of people who are friends with our parents? Almost every single one of us, right? We all know someone who was or who is the child or you know, now grown up, obviously, but their parents were friends with our parents. I'm sure we can think of at least one person. And so kind of this goes to show us how important it is to maintain even that relationship with them because fulfilling or assisting that person's rights and needs is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala because it is doing something that our parents would have loved and enjoyed and had pleasure in doing as well

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during their lifetime.

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We see in the next leaf now this this hadith itself is actually is stated or graded as weak. So it's

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It's reported to be weak. But there's also another statement and we're looking at not the Hadith itself, but the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam within this story of this incident of the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is said to be weak, but mo Muslim, as well as Imam, Ahmed, and ohare. They mentioned a different narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam statement, which is authentic, and that's the next Hadith. So even though he says in the same situation, in a different narration of this Hadith, it mentions even armadyl D'Ivoire and Hamas said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the best

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form of dutifulness is that one maintain is that that which will maintain relations with the people

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whose father used to love

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and this also applies to the mother. Okay, it's just the way that it's spoken. And also the way that sometimes it's translated into from Arabic to English. Sometimes we get, you know, terminologies that will seem to be leaning towards one side, but the reality is, it's actually for parents. Okay, so we're, here you see the statement of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that being dutiful, towards one's parents, what does it mean to be dutiful, towards parents

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doing stuff for them. So they asked you to do something, you'd be dutiful or they they have rules and principles that we live by, in our families in our households. Like at eight o'clock, he has to get ready to go to bed. Right? as and as an example, obviously, that's in winter, right? In summer, you have to delay it a little bit because you have to pray right?

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And for example, at social time, you're going to wake up for fun, or your parents might say okay, you're going to wake up for a job and you're going to pray at home while I go to the masjid when I come back, you have to have your breakfast finished. So then we can do some planning or something like that, right? So there's some sort of structure within your house some rules that your family lives by whatever your parents have as rules for the house, these are the rules that we should follow. Why Why do we follow those rules?

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So the parents don't get upset right and when parents are happy, then what do we achieve

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a lot is happy right? So when our parents are happy then Allah subhana wa tada is happy as well okay.

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And when a lot is happy, then what happens?

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He rewards you He rewards you with what

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good deeds and

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go to Jelena right so on yo mo piano have also had with an opportunity gentleman, right. So, we see the steps that we get all of these good things simply by doing what mama and Baba say nine o'clock we go to bed nine o'clock we go to bed as you get done now by easily doing simple things right? So we should all try and work towards that inshallah. In the next Hadeeth which is also the next chapter, do not cut off relations with one who had ties with your father or your mother otherwise your light would be put out, just very similar to what we covered in sha Allah. So it's related by Saturday been verda zaraki

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that his father said I was sitting in the mosque or in the masjid of Medina. Which mustard is this?

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Masjid nabawi Mashallah, with an even rough man. When Abdullah even Salaam walked by us, who is underlain sallam, he was leaning on his nephew. Okay, so I don't live in Salaam and he was leaning on his nephew. And he was the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who used to be a very respected Jewish man. He was a respected Jewish rabbi. Right? And now he's a Muslim, right? So before he came to Islam, he was a Jewish rabbi. And now he's part of the Sahaba, the companions of the alarm home. So he passed by the assembly of the companions, the Sahara. And when he passed by, he turned around and he said, do whatever you like. Even norseman do whatever you like.

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Right? It tells him just do whatever you like. And he repeated this two or three times by the one who sends Mohammed so the longer I think he was sending them with the truth. So now he swears by what he says, By the one who sent Mohammed so long, I think he will send them with the truth. It is the book of Allah, the mighty. And here he's referring to the tellarite. He's not referring to the court and so he's telling us what the Torah says. Who knows what the Torah is.

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whose book is the Torah?

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Prophet Ibrahim,

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Prophet Musa alayhis salam which type of people tend or claim that they follow the Torah today?

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The Jewish right, is that we're gonna say, Yeah, so the Jewish they follow the toa and it is the look of Musa alayhis salam right or the scripture of Messiah his setup. And so he says this twice he says in the book of Allah the mighty meaning the Torah, he says in it says do not cut relations with those who had ties with your parents, otherwise your lights will be put out.

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What does it mean to have your light put out?

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You wouldn't get good deeds, okay, from some of the adults, what does it mean to have your light put out?

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The light that you use to cross or traversal out Okay, very interesting.

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Okay, so vasila as in more of a while the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We notice here that when it's mentioned that the light would be cut off, there can be a number of things that are attributed to this, first of all, the guidance of a loss of cannibal without that you are always in constantly under the protection of a muscle countable entirely. And we know it we hear it in every single draft. Yeah, you have Latina Amato, it took a la haka to party while that mo tuna Illa anthem, Simone, Allah subhana wa tada tells us that we should not die except that we are in the state of Islam, we are Muslim, right? What does that tell us? That tells us that we cannot guarantee

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that we will die upon amen and Islam. But we have to work hard towards it. And we have to do the things which Allah subhana wa tada will love and enjoy and therefore keep us under the protection of him and have this continuous light and guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala come our way. Now we know very well, that it is a loss of Hannah Montana who guides the hearts right? It is not us who takes amen to other people. We can only invite people to Islam, we can't always tell them about Islam and expect them to become Muslim. there that's that's not something in our hands. Right? Unless of how long it takes Allah guides whom He wills in knuckle demon, while lacking Amalia demon

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Yeshua, that we are not the ones who guide the people that we love. It is a law who guides them towards Islam. And the same applies to you and I, we don't guarantee that we will maintain or remain upon Amen. And we know very well the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that the the Wrath of Allah or the, the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala comes to a person who at the beginning of their life, they're constantly upon the event. And as time goes on, they distance themselves from a loss of handle water. This is a sad state to be in a very difficult situation to come out of. And that's simply because we filled our lives with so much negativity, negativity as in

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sins as in distancing ourselves from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when we want to get closer to Allah, we have to rid ourselves of the evils that are in our lives and fill it with the goodness of Allah Subhana what's happening, right. So when we do that, we will maintain this more, the more of us you can with Allah the guidance that will come to us, so we can remain upon the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala as we say in silicon Fatiha all the time. In Vienna, Sara

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Lee, we asked most of handling data to guide us towards not the curved path, not the detour. We don't say oh, Lord, take us on the detour. The shortcut to get to gentlemen. You know, when there's construction and there's a detour, does it usually take us more time or less time to reach our destination? more time, right? a detour is not going straight through. It's a different path. You're going a different way. 99% of the time, a detour is a longer route.

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And so we asked about some hamlets added to guide us to the straight path which straight path, save all by levena and learn

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him why he didn't know

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he was born.

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Me in this strange path,

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the one who whom He blesses to be upon this path, not the path of the Jews and the Christians, the ones who are misguided as well as those who were angry or doesn't handle it as anger, as you'd say, is upon them.

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The ones who must handle it and is happy with who are they, the prophets, the righteous and the companions, those who strove hard towards pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. the straight path of the people who sought near this with almost what's happening

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in the next Halley's love is inherited. Now this is interesting, is love really inherited?

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It is related from a man who was one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Roger Lin Minh was having to be some among it, he was sending him a call. He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, It is enough that I tell you that the Messenger of Allah said love is inherited. He says it's enough that I tell you that love is inherited.

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What read the read the wording in Arabic

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can say Touka. Suleiman is someone that he was born in what done Utah wealth in the year two hours? That would or more What does we see in the verse between husband and wife? Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions it is inherited. Now here we're not talking about love between husband and wife. What are we talking about? Parents, right parents and children that is inherited. And we see that children will always copy the actions of their parents. You know, when you tell your child don't do this, don't do that. Don't do this. Don't do that. What do you notice they do? If I tell you don't play video games, don't eat chocolate. Don't play with your friends. Don't use your iPad, don't use a

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computer, don't watch TV. What do you want to do?

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You want to do all that? Right? Right? You want to watch TV, you want to play video games? You want to do all the things that I said don't do right? When you're playing video games, and your parents say don't play it. Like, oh, I want to play it. Right? When your parents ground you. Let's say you did something wrong. And they say okay, for one week, no video games, no internet, no telephone, no friends, nothing. You have to stay at home. You wish that your parents go to sleep. So you can go and watch some TV or play video games, right? children always want to do what their parents tell them not to do.

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And we notice here that if we live the example that we should be with our children, they start to do what we do. And a bad habit that probably every single one of us has, is that we tell our children when they come to eat dinner or we're trying to get them to come and eat dinner and they're sitting there watching TV. They're watching cartoons or they're watching their favorite show or they're playing their video games. And the mother is like busy in the kitchen, cooking, cooking, cooking like crazy. And Mashallah the house smells nice. And the husband is busy, he's on his computer, and the wife is saying, Come, let's go, it's time to eat. And everyone is being called summoned to the

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table or the, you know, the the gathering place where everyone eats, Mashallah, and then all of a sudden, you notice the mother is sitting there, the food is on the table, and no one is around her. And she's like, Come and eat, it's time to close the TV. Right and no one's come. And then when eventually you get all the children and the entire family together around the table. What do you notice? The children might bring an iPad? To watch this? Watch that one wants to do something, no one wants to do something else. And the parents say no, no, no, I've had better ways to eat. And while they're eating,

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both parents are using their phones, right? using their phones. checking your email on what's important to message, right. Almost all of us have this issue. It's important. I need to check it Oh, it's okay. Just quickly, I need to respond. Right? And Subhanallah our children see us do this. And they're like, Wait a second, Mama Baba, you told me we're not supposed to bring the iPad to the table and that you're sitting there watching a YouTube video. This is 30 seconds I need to respond to it. Right? Is it that important, really, that we give the example to our children, what you say is not what you're going to do. And you tell them not to do this yet you're doing it yourself. And

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that's a big mistake that we all sometimes make. Right? And so our children they inherit what we do. And here in this Heidi, when it's talking about love being inherited when your children see you just

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Like the example of even the arm of an automobile, Walmart home Well, when they were together as father and child, and he would see the goodness that his father would do, he would do it after his father is left this world or even while his parents are in this world, and maybe not even around.

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And so it's inherited in that sense, that when the children see goodness coming from the parents, they continue to do goodness, they want to do goodness, yes. No doubt there is those teenage years. And now they say tweenage, right?

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Is the 20s. Going into the 20s? Now, we noticed that children are still not mature, even up until 2025 years old. Mashallah. Back at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, you'd seen nine year old children that are mature, they're doing business? Like, I need to sell this Why? Because I could sell it for $2 and make $5. And then what then I will buy something for $5. And I will sell it for $10. And then what then I will buy that for $10, and sell it for $15. Then what and then the cycle goes on, right? So they were smart, they were intelligent, they would go out on expeditions, they would help people, right, they would assist people, they were strong youth. And

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today we see our youth in the teenage years, we're making excuses for them. It's not their fault. It's our fault. As parents, it's not the fault of the children. It is not, I don't see it to be the fault of the children, I see it to be the fault of our own selves as parents, that we don't empower our children from a young age to take that responsibility. And I'm not saying take away their childhood, let them enjoy themselves, let them play. But when it's time for them to learn and be disciplined, we should have those sort of steps and procedures in place. Right? So let's not try to

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encourage this tween age era to grow into the threenager into the 30s or something like that, right? We need to have our youth Mashallah, I remember when I was in high school, we would always be asked by our our teachers, what do you want to be when you grow up?

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What do you mean, what do you want to be when we grew up? We don't know we have to go to college first, then University, and then we'll decide. That's that was the common thing for us when I was in high school. And today, if you ask children, what do you want to be when you grow up once as a fireman, or firefighter and as a doctor, I want to be like my father, I want to do this, I want to be with my mother and so on and so forth. But we don't help them to grow into being those individuals. And we say no, no, this is not good for you, you have to be that person. You have to be a lawyer, you have to be a real estate agent, because they make the most money these days, right?

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You have to be this you have to be that. But that might not be what our children want. So we need to help them to grow into what they already show an interest in, so that they can build that confidence in them and not kill their dreams and desires from a young age. In the next Hadees the prophets story in the next chapter, a man should not call his father by his name, nor sit down before he does more walk ahead of him.

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It is related from Ottawa

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or other than Him so it's either related by Ottawa or other than Orwell that override all of the above her and saw two men and said to one of them, who is the man in relation to you?

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He said he is my father

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whatever the alohar and said do not call him by his name, nor walk ahead of him nor sit down before he does. Don't call him by his name. Don't walk ahead of him, don't be in front of him. And don't sit down before he sits.

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And this is just simple morals and values, morals and values that we learn from the lives of the companions that will be alone.

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And a bad example that we notice how many of you know the Sims?

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you guys still watch that? So they don't show on TV? No. No hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah for those of us that are around my age, we know the Simpsons, right? How many of you have heard of The Simpsons before? All right, Mashallah. See even the adults that like a Oh, we watched it?

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What did Bart Simpson used to call his father?

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Did you ever say Dad?

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Do you say father?

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Did you ever say like we see him or her family of seven? Yeah, it is true.

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I would refer to him in the most beautiful manner.

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Use of it he said, Yeah,

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me, too. I had ochoco kelda. He tells his father jacobellis, Salam O Allah T. Oh, my dear beloved father.

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using good terms to refer to our parents. But today we noticed cartoons that are being shown to our children

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use the first name

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of the parents. So it's being taught to our children that it's okay to call your parents by their first name. I remember when I was in kindergarten, I didn't even know my father's name.

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I didn't know my father's name.

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I felt so dumb in class, everyone who was writing, I think it was some card for something Valentine's? No, no Valentine's Day. It was Father's Day or something. I don't even remember these things in Father's Day, and people were telling the teacher what their parents names were their father's name, and they were reading these cards. And even my mother, my mother's name is cold chills. She's Portuguese. I couldn't spell my mother's name. Right? And my father's name, I didn't know it.

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And how am I you know, this is that's because in the Muslim families Alhamdulillah, we teach our children the values, that this is what you call your parents who call them mother or father or a mother or a mother or a dad or mom at least is something good. But not to say Homer Marge, right not to call them by their first names. And sadly, today, brothers and sisters, and we think you know what the TV and the movies and everything Oh, this is okay, we've censored it. You may have censored it in certain ways. But there are subliminal ways where these shows and cartoons and stuff like that are damaging the minds of our children. So if we let them watch it, let it be in moderation. Don't

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let them watch it so much that they start to act as though they are those characters in the cartoons that they watch. Or they behave as though they're the characters in those cartoons that they watch. Right?

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So you know, SpongeBob, okay, you guys are not cartoons. And you're not NEEMO

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shumba? All right. So this is a beautiful example that we get from a right on the long run, don't call your parents by their first name. Don't walk ahead of them. What does this mean? This means that you just leave them behind. Now, it doesn't mean that you can't step in front of your parents. But we notice if there's a prime minister, or a president or a king or a queen, or even a prince that's in front of us, do we go and stand in front of them sit down and have a tea and just chat? No, we always sit behind, we stand from the side, we make sure our faces always facing them. Right, we show them a lot of respect. And we need to be more we need to show more respect with our parents.

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Then we show these people, kings and queens and princes, and so on and so forth. Because they're our parents. So when our parents are walking, we don't just say I forget it, and we just leave. And the mother and father saying, Come here, come here like no, I don't care.

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Right? You're the store sometimes, and you have an argument, I want to buy this, I want to buy this, no, we don't need it, we have to finish what we have at home already. And you're like, Oh, we never get this stuff. And you just take it and throw it on the floor. And then you walk away. Never ever do that. That's disrespectful to parents. Right. And we as adults, we do it too. I don't think this is only for the children. We do this too. Sometimes, especially for us who are a little bit older, and our parents are old.

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Like really old.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:28

We get upset with them almost every single time that we meet them. And you know, you're probably agreeing with me in your minds in some way, shape or form. We become obsessed with what they say or what they do or how they treat us or how they talk about our lives, how they talk about our families, or how they talk about how maybe we work too much or we give too much to our family. We spoil our children. There's some way shape or form that parents when they get older, they will upset us and that's normal.

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That is absolutely normal. I remember one of our one of our teachers, he was telling us Do you think you're going to get done this simply by saying yes, I respected my parents and you're going to be entered into gentlemen. There's a reason why it wasn't handled. It's kind of made our parents become that way that they're annoying for us because done that isn't easy. It's a test upon each and every one of us. You want to buy a Mercedes or you know what, let's

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raise the bar because some of you have Mercedes already in your like, it's okay, I could just buy another one. I already have one you want to buy

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the latest Ferrari

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or the latest Bentley, let's say, right?

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And you know that you can't afford it. So you have to work double time, triple time you need to save you're only going to buy the amount of food that you're going to eat in your house. You're only going to spend on what you need to spend on when your clothes rip, then you will buy another one not like Oh, I like this one. So I'm gonna buy it. No, you're gonna budget as hard as you possibly can. No more vacations, no more enjoyment. No more chips and doughnuts. No more Tim Hortons coffees? No, we're gonna budget until we get this car.

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It's hard, it's difficult. You have to strive extremely hard. And that's simply for a car. Some of us do it for our house. Some of us do it for vacation. Some of us do it to go and visit relatives. Or what about Jenna,

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where each drink is gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver, gold and silver. Today you want to buy a gold coin from Canada mint.ca. Alright. And you go to the website, or you go to the post office and you want to buy some of these gold coins as an investment. And you see a simple coin and the price tag on it is 2000 $3,000. You're like what this small point.

00:36:32 --> 00:37:07

And you're like, wow, I need to spend $3,000 on this coin. I'm going to work overtime for a month I'm going to buy this point, it's going to be an investment for me. What about gentlemen, when your house is literally built of gold and silver, gold and silver, marble and ivory in all different sorts of, of things that we enjoy, and are not even of the caliber that we get on earth is the caliber of gentlemen. So the milk that we drink on this earth, when we look at it and says 100% pure milk? It's not 100% pure milk? Because 100% pure milk is the pure milk weekend in general.

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Right, that's pure milk. This is the milk of the dunion, there's an even more pure milk. And that is only served to us in gentlemen. So when we work hard towards pleasing our parents, and when our parents say something that annoys us, and makes us very upset, and our blood pressure rises, and we say, you know, I have high blood pressure, why are you telling me to do this.

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That's where we lost. That's the mistake. Right? So we need to control ourselves because that is not easily attained. And this is the cycle of life. When we treat our parents, like we treat our children on the day that they're born. And it's not easy. It's not easy. It's easier said than done. Right. But when we treat our parents, like we treat our babies when they're born, then we're getting closer to gender. Because the cycle of life we know very well is that you start out as a baby, you grow, you become strong, and then you start to shrink a little bit. And then you become old and you lose the teeth that you never had when you were a baby and you lose the hair that you never had when

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you were a baby. And you lose the ability to speak that you never had when you were a baby, and you lose the ability to walk that you never had when you were a baby, and you lose all these abilities. So you become a baby again. And each and every one of us. If Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us a long life. We will go through the same exact stages. When we couldn't walk, we won't be able to walk when we couldn't talk, we won't be able to talk. When we had no teeth. We will not have teeth when we had no air we will have no hair. When we needed people to clean us when we went to the bathroom. We will need people to clean us when we go to the bathroom.

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And so when we treat our parents that way, as though they are the babies that we hold and cherish so much today, Jenna is coming our way in Charlottetown. Nor sit down before the parents sit down right nor sit down before the parents Sit down. And this is shown to us through the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If someone was hosting or he was hosting guests, he wouldn't start eating. The guests would start eating the relatives would start eating and then he would take a portion for himself if there was anything left. Right. And we see it throughout the lives of the companions of your own home as well. So suffice with this and shuttle lover to actually you know

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what, let's take the next to Heidi because we're very short.

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Shut up even how how should he said we went out with him in Norman, Oklahoma and Salim the son of normal.

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And we said to him, Allah, Allah

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Allah Abdullah. So he's

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said Allah, Allah award.

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Here we notice that he's using the cornea and we'll take the next Hadith as well.

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calling someone by their Konya. Even Norman, Oklahoma, he said, but ago house, Alma decided, and then he said this statement. So it's a very short Teddy's, but it shows us the importance of using something that is beautiful and liked by our parents as equipment. So in Arabic or in the, the Arabian Peninsula as well as the Arab tradition, you use a Kenya that is like, house on hidden in hot pot, right? Or

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Deadwood, right? Because, you know, there's been Deadwood, the supermarket when I was in Saudi, right? So there's all these different cleaners. So for example, what's your name?

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So your father's employment, what's your name? Hudson, your father's uncle Hasn't your mother's home hasn't right? What's your name?

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Hamza Mashallah. So your father's elbow Hamza? Right. And your mother's womb, Hamza? Right. And that's the example that he gave us. He himself referred to his own father with his Konya. And then he said his name out of respect. So we can use a cornea we can use something else we can say you know abou g right? omikuji something nice like that. In the world or Punjabi, you know, traditions, this is what we say Mashallah. So you're referring to the parents in a way that they enjoy. And sometimes our parents don't like if you say dad has to be dead D

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or has to be a boo. Right. So say what they like, use the terms that they like, right? And call them by that. And they will be happy with you they will feel especially when they get older, they will love you so much because they know that you love for them the good things that they like. So you will say things that make them happy as well. And this goes to show us the importance of respecting our parents to the extent that even with what we say is pleasing to them, and they're happy with it. And therefore when we please our parents we please Allah subhanho wa Taala we'll stop there for today inshallah, to Allah wa salam O, Allah Mubarak and Anna Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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If anyone has any questions, you can take questions.

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 07 (10th April 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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