Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP04

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the lack of youth in the region and the need for Islamic schools to teach children about their values. The speaker discusses the use of false words and false negatives in the Prophet sallama's statement and the importance of praying for him. The speaker emphasizes the need for parents to show their true values and the importance of not drinking alcohol or other illegal activities. The importance of avoiding harms' behavior and not giving up on parents' demands is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for parents to show their true values and the importance of showing them in public.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam ala alihi wa sahbihi Rahman, voila, Norbert. My brothers and sisters in Islam said Mr. Ajay Kumar from A to LA he robota cattle.

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For those of you again that are sitting away from the walls just come a little bit closer to the front and shala especially this area is completely empty. All the youth most likely would be for those that are out there playing basketball Come inside, I know you switch to soccer because the balls not bouncing, but I'm going to ask her the asset to call them inside themselves. So let's get all the youth inside.

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An interesting story we'll start with again, remember last week, I started with this story about, you know, studying and growing up from a young age and my teacher and so on and so forth.

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Who had passed away a few years ago. And so how do I walk through the door and I meet one of my classmates, but he's one of my seniors. He's a junior in age a senior in knowledge, right? And he's actually here with us right now, in this habit. So for those of you that recognize that when you look around, and you'll notice there's an awful tonight, right? And that oddball is none other than one on a mock suit chair who's sitting here. He's the Imam of the masjid in Fort McMurray,

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as well as one of the main teachers at the Islamic school in Fort McMurray. And if you remember a few weeks ago, or a couple more than a few weeks ago, maybe a couple months ago, I mentioned that I went to Fort McMurray and it was a day where as minus 41 degrees. And so you'll notice he walks around with no coat, no winter coat because for him, it's you know, it's summer already. Right in Fort McMurray, it's sub zero, by the dozens and over here.

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So kinda he's here, you know, just trying to reach out to some other communities. And I recommend each and every one of us afterwards in Sharla, to go and speak to him and ask him about his community. Last week, for July, I think there's too much feedback with two mics right? Is this better? Or do you want me to use two mics? two mics is better. Okay.

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So last week, in the clip, or two weeks ago, we were talking about the curriculum change in Ontario. And we also had mentioned that there's now more of a need for Islamic schools. And I don't know if you remember, but in Fort McMurray, they're the only Islamic school that is funded by the government, right or, right, funded by the government. It's a it's the only Islamic school that's funded by the public education system

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in all of North America,

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right, in all of North America. So somehow this is a good and great achievement that they've done, and one that we need to learn from, right, we need to learn how we can pull this off as well, and have schools here where we can teach our children because they're our children. So we should teach them what values Islam teaches us to teach our children. And this is something that they've managed to do out there. So please, those of you that have a chance afterwards, please, you know, get to know him. Speak to him in sha Allah Tada. Like I said, He's younger than me and age, but he's senior than me and knowledge. And this is with all honesty, I'm not saying it to humble myself. I learned a

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lot from him. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala, bless him and grant him success in this life as well as in the hereafter. I'm actually a little embarrassed to speak in front of him.

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Even though you know, he probably used to look up to me as an older brother. Now I look up to him as a more knowledgeable chef.

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So we're going to continue today Michelle Montana with chapter eight of edible muffins. For those of you that are following along or want to follow along, like we mentioned previously on your smartphones, or tablets, you can go to Sunnah su n n h.com. forward slash a dub, and you'll find chapter eight Hadeeth. Number 17. is what we're covering today.

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Chapter Eight is about curses, whoever curses his parents. So Allah subhanho wa Taala curses, whoever curses their own parents

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will read the Hadith and then we'll go through the explanation of the file. He said it for the long run, was asked that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam grant you something so did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam give you something that was special, which he did not grant to anyone else. So did

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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did He grant you something that was special that no one else got now why would he ask this? We'll see shortly inshallah. So he says to the prophet SAW longer and he was Southern graduate, something special, which he did not read to anyone else. I need all the love and he replied, and he said, the Messenger of Allah so longer and he will send them did not give us anything special, which he did not give to the people. So he didn't give specific people special things, except for what I have in my scabbard. So this is the scabbard is actually the, the case or the sleeve of your sword. So inside the sleeve of his sword, he had something which was written down.

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He then brought out a booklet or something where, you know, there was some words written on it. And he said, Now these are the words of the prophet SAW the long ideas of them. So he's saying that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a lot of curses, whoever sacrifices an animal to other than a lot.

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A lot of curses, whoever steals a landmark, a lot of curses, whoever curses his parents, Allah curses, whoever gives shelter to a more depth, and in some narrations, the the castle on the Dell is actually a fatass, or my death, and we'll see what the differences in Charlottetown so Abdullah bin Subbu, he used to spread falsehood that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had left stuff with alliott on the Leviathan, after his death, showing us not really true, but he's trying to prove that earlier of the alohar and should have actually been the so called messenger or halifa, immediately after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he then was saying that, you know, did

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any did anything remain with you, other than what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had left with anyone else? And so I needed on the lower end in some narrations, he got very upset with this question. He was really annoyed and irritated with this question. Because it wasn't true. There was nothing left specifically or something special that was given to audio of the alarm that was not given to the rest of the people from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, right. So he wasn't favoring and there was no favoritism that was done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in that aspect.

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The booklet itself

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was from the documentation of the Hadeeth. So we could see that this is an example of how some of the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, were documented during that time during the early stages immediately after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And also, this is actually one of the pieces that is said to be preserved and documented from the time of the prophet SAW along on either side. And so the scholars say that this was written during the time or during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So for those that actually say, you know, what Hadeeth was only documented centuries after the death of the prophet SAW love it, listen,

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and this is not true. There are some that were documented during his lifetime. Also, the word more death, or more death can have two meanings. So if we say more depth with a customer, this is actually someone who's an offender. So in the Hadith, or in the statement, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, Allah curses, whoever gives shelter to someone who's an offender, someone who's committed a crime, an offense, and you are sheltering them, you're hiding them, you're not letting them go in public or you're not turning them into the authorities. This is a punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala, you will be cursed by Allah subhanho wa Taala for doing so. Now, you

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remember France not too long ago, and in many different places around the world when things happen, you'll notice that people will do things under the banner of Islam, and claim that this is part of Islam, and be very radical in their behavior, and then go and hide. And they're trying to make a public statement that what we're doing, like what happened in Paris, for example, the Charlie Hebdo thing after they had committed these murders, they ran in hid. They were hiding, why are you hiding? If you claim that what you're doing is true and needed, then why hide? face the consequences afterwards? Right. If someone was to hide those people, keep them in a seclusion inside either their

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home or put them somewhere safe or out of the the spotlight of the public. Then this is what is meant here.

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If we put a fence

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fata or a southern right for those of us that know the zebrafish you know reading of the

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the hoodoo reading of the Arabic language. Then here we see that the word actually changes from more this, which is an offender, someone who's committed an offense to more death. And a more death is someone who innovates someone who introduces something that is new in the team, something that was not done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we know in a very famous Hadith, and many memes, quote it and go on, you know, crazy rants and talk about, you know, in the 13 beta, and then they go on and talk about beta, beta, beta, right, but they don't actually explain to people the reason or the essence of all this, right, so, a person who's innovating is not someone who helped to

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design the iPhone, or someone who buys the iPhone and buys the iPad. And then you have someone who's really extreme and says that a lot of these are the things or the tools and items and gadgets of the kuffaar No, we're allowed to innovate. In that sense. What we're not allowed to innovate in is things related to the dean. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prayed and he told us to pray the way that he's that the way that or he commanded the companions to pray in the fashion or the manner that they see him praying.

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Son, Luke, and Laura Mooney on Sunday, as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, right, so we know that we should pray the way that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed. Now someone comes in, they stand to praise Allah, and it's silence And further, and they say, okay, after the comma, they announced to everyone, you know how we announced we say, Okay, I'm a traveler, I'm going to shorten the prayer This person says, instead of praying to God to Allah subhana wa tada for photos today, we're going to pray five, because we want to be more humble and more obedient and strive harder to please Allah subhana wa Tada. So we're gonna pray five, and we're gonna do that

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standing on our left legs. So everyone stand on your left leg, right? And then they start praying. And when they start praying, they put their left hand on the front and their right hand on the back. And they say this is more difficult. So the harder we strive to please Allah, the more loss of habitat is pleased with us. Now this is an exaggerated example, but to show us that we should do whatever is done by the prophets, Allah, Allah who ascended, if he did it, 100 in love, do it. As long as it's within the limitations of the Sharia. So don't just say, Well, you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did this and he did that. We need to get up and go and do it. No,

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everything is legislated according to the Sharia the way that he taught us to do it and as well, right, so we don't say, you know what, miswak is a son of the Prophet sallallahu ala usnm. So in the middle of your Salah, you take out your miswak, and you're doing and you say, Oh, this is a Sunday, I'm fulfilling a photo while doing a Sunday at the same time. No, everything has its specific place in time. Right? So we fulfill the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by doing things, the way that he showed us, and the way that I'm also praying that Allah commanded us to do so through his example, through the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So a more death

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is one who innovates one who introduces new things into the deen. And this is seen very commonly in our time, in many different aspects of our belief. And sometimes we feel shy to stand up against something that we know was not done by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but oh, you know, what our family does it or, you know, our friends are going to, you know, say that we were not agreeing with them, or you know, it's going to cause conflict. So let's just, you know, indulging or engage in actually doing this, this action or this type of worship, and You know, what, no problem with Java, keeping ties is better, you know, keeping ties is better in ways that do not displease Allah

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subhana wa Tada. Right as we'll see very shortly, in the next chapters.

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So unless you kind of want to add he curses whoever curses his parents and this is the the title of this chapter and we see in this Hadith, the prophet SAW a modifier that he will send them and he specifically mentions that a lot curses one who curses their parents Now, what does it mean to curse your parents? Or, let's ask an even better question. What does it mean? When a lot curses a person when we say a love curses song? What does that mean? Can you tell us?

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You know what it means? Okay, can you tell us?

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he gets mad. Okay. How does he get mad?

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What does he do? What does he do to you?

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He punishes you. How does he punish you?

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badly? So very vague, but very true. Right? So what does the loss of pallets and what does it mean? For a loss of pallets added to curse someone?

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What does that mean?

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Game Over?

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Not necessarily Game Over, right? You won't succeed.

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Take the bounties away. Good. These are all different types of cursing. But let me give you a nice example. You know, when you're probably young, and really upset with your parents, and you said bad things to them whispering without them actually hearing it, like swearing at your parents, or saying, you know what you're this and that news, bad words.

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Imagine if Allah subhanho wa Taala turns around and does the same to you?

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How would you feel if on the Day of Judgment, and loss of habitat, it raises you and says, You know what, you said this to your parents? I think that about you?

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How would you feel? How little would we feel?

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Would we actually have any hope? Would there be a possibility at that time to actually see the road to gender? Or would we immediately just like fall? Right? How small would we actually feel at that point in time. So when Allah subhana wa tada says, he curses The one who curses their parents, of course, it's not simply just saying the things to you that you said to your parents, or harming you the way that you harmed your parents. Because we know that the pain that we inflict upon our parents is so intense and immense that we could never pay them back for that. We covered this last week, where the companion was running around or, you know, making the offer on the Kava, and he was

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asking, I'm going to go to a pub, you know, in my paying back my mother by doing this, right. And he said, You didn't even pay her back for one moan, or one groan of the pains that she went through in her labor. Not even one moment. And he's carrying her on his shoulders on his back making the wall. You know, the other day on Monday, I went to Niagara Falls, and my four year old daughter, she didn't want to walk. So I carried her on my shoulders for about, you know, a few minutes at a time, picked her up, put her down, pick her up, put it down in total about an hour she spent on my shoulders.

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And up until today, my neck is sore. My shoulders are sore. Right. And that was just an hour, carrying a four year old. Imagine how difficult it is for one of us to carry our mother on our backs, making the walk around the caravan. How much pain we feel, at that time, how difficult it is for us how much our feet hurt, our knees hurt our backs hurt, our necks hurt, our shoulders hurt our head feels like it's just gonna burst and explode. And then for maybe a week or two weeks, you might feel that pain somewhere in your body after carrying your mother. But you didn't pay her back for one mon.

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One. Ah, that's it. That's the amount of pain or the intensity of pain that our mothers go through. I remember I asked my wife to ask some of her sisters and you know, when she got some feedback as well, when she was pregnant, what does it feel to deliver a child? What is the pain? How does it feel? And a lot of women, a lot of mothers will say it's so hard to describe that pain. But what we can say is we feel as though we wish we were dead at that point in time, that we would just die out of the intensity and severity of the pain. And so candlelight. Allah Subhana Allah mentions that same thing in the Quran about money Amanda has said, when she was giving birth to a Saturday, he

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that it was so intense and so immense, that you just wish death upon you that this is so hard to deal with.

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And yet we can even repay, going through that difficult moment, our parents for one moment or our mothers specifically.

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And this part of the Hadeeth when we talk about the curse of the loss of handle, this could also be in this life or in the hereafter. And when we say for the youth when a lot curses us, it means Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is upset with us, and he might punish us. We know that Allah is merciful. And we know that he forgives, and we know that he likes to help us as much as he can. And he can help us all the time. But we also have to learn our lesson. You know, when we do something naughty, our parents say don't do it. And then we do it again and they say don't do it. And we do it again.

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The third time and they say don't do it, and you do it again. Then they say, okay, go stand in the corner for 10 minutes. Eventually they punish you. Right. And the last con with Allah is even more merciful, he loves to forgive. But we also have to learn our lesson, and so on gives us difficult moments in life. For some of us as youth, we might fail a class at school, we might have an argument with a friend, we might not make the soccer or basketball or hockey team. These are all items related to the curse of Allah subhana wa tada that some sort of hardship comes your way, either in this life or in the hereafter. Right? in the hereafter. Maybe Allah subhanho wa Taala would punish

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us with something.

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And we asked him last time was added to save us and protect us.

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Another point I wanted to mention with regards to the death before we move on to the next Hadees now, this is not only someone who spreads a innovation, it's also someone who assists in carrying on that innovation. So someone who is promoting a bidder or promoting something that goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were this idea of a loss of habitat. So you don't necessarily have to engage in it. But if you're promoting it, you're encouraging it to continue. You're also falling under this category. The next chapter, chapter nine, which is on being dutiful, to parents, as long as that does not entail disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So being

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obedient to our parents, as long as they don't ask us to do anything that goes against the command of Abbas accountable, what's Allah, let's look at this very interesting Hadeeth. I looked up that or the alarm, and he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the Messenger of Allah so long, it was some of them admonished me, or he warned me with regard to nine things. So there's nine things that he warned him against, don't do these nine things. Firstly, do not associate anything with Allah subhanho wa Taala, even if you are to cut or even if you are cut into pieces, or burnt, do not abandon or leave off an obligatory prayer deliberately. Okay, so that's the second one, the

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first one is off, see ship, don't commit ship. We've covered that a few times in the past few weeks, we're not going to go over it too much. But look at how severe the example is given to us by the prophet sallallahu ala some of them, do not associate anything with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Even if you're cut into pieces, or burns, or someone harms you if someone tries to hurt you, right? don't associate anything with the loss of how to what's ahead and know. There is a permissibility from the profits of bilingualism, if you fear for your life, then you can outwardly say something, but inwardly, you still believe in the loss of habitat, as one true God and Lord to be worshipped.

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Right. But that does not mean that we can use it freely. That doesn't mean that we just pretend that we're not Muslims when we're not at home or in the masjid. No, that's not what it means. Right.

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So the prophet SAW the longer it he was sent them. The next thing he says is do not abandon an obligatory prayer deliberately, anyone who deliberately abandons it will lose a lot of protection

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will lose a lot of protection. Imagine how many times you're sitting in a car, and you forget, not forget, this is deliberate. So you intentionally miss your prayers, intentionally. Or you're in an airplane and you think you know what, I can't pray, I'll just pray like five times when I get there. You intentionally think and decide and conclude to yourself, I'm going to pray later,

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you've taken the protection of the last panel with Alan and pushed it away from you, you're no longer under the protection of the last kind of time. Now imagine how severe that is. Imagine how difficult that is to not have the protection of a loss of handling data with us. And we sometimes know people that would do this every single day.

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They deliberately miss their prayers and then they're always the ones to complain about everything that goes wrong in their life. They're always complaining you know, we have to work so hard. We have to you know, everything cost so much there's so much taxes everything's going up. And then what Allah wants us to still you know, be obedient and live simple and this and that. So they're always the ones complaining about a loss of habitat. Yeah, they're the ones that are the first to disregard what Allah subhana wa tada has legislated upon us. So we gotta be careful from that situation.

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To move on the next thing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns us against is

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Do not drink wine for it is the key to every evil. And this is true.

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Anything whether it's wine or beer or vodka, any type of alcohol that intoxicates us.

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And in fact, it's not only alcohol itself that is intoxicating. Anything that you intentionally take that is going to intoxicate you. So even if it's drugs, something like smoking weed that you know distracts your mind or makes you feel everything's okay. Yeah, man who What's up? No problem, right? And you just chill. Life is chill, right? Everything's okay. Now, everything's not okay. You just think everything's okay? Because you're distracted from real life. You're high, you're drunk. So be careful. Because when you're drunk, you do things, that when you come back to your senses, you realize, what did I do?

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And you start to scratch your head and you start to hit your head, and you think this is a big mistake? How did I do this? Why did I do that? How can I possibly have done such a thing, and that will haunt you for the rest of your life. And this is a very important message for our youth. Don't think that you can grow up and go to school and on your high school, prom night or whatever you go out with your friends, and just chill. And you know what, one glass of wine, no problem, it's not going to do anything, it's going to do something. Because that one glass of wine or one glass of alcohol leads to another leads to another leads to another. Eventually, you drink so much, you don't

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know your name. You don't know what day you were born on. You don't even know what city you live in, or what country you're in. You do whatever you want with whoever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. And that is the ultimate destruction. Because when your senses come back, and you remember what you did, if you actually can remember what you did, then you realize, you not only destroyed your life, but you very possibly destroyed at least one other person's life. And you can, you can probably live with yourself for destroying something of your life. But you will never live comfortably knowing that you harm someone else.

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And that is a fact. That is a reality. When you hurt someone else, or you transgress the limitations of someone else, you realize you can never pay them back. You will do everything to try and help them for the rest of your life. And you will still go to sleep regretting that action that you did 30 4050 years ago. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, obey your parents, even if they command you to abandon your worldly possessions, then leave it for their sake. So do not dis obey your parents, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says obey your parents obey your parents, even if they command you to abandon your worldly possessions. Even if they tell you know,

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we need your house. We need your car. And we need some money, we need you know half of your paycheck give it to us, we've got medical bills, there was a brother the other day who was telling me and this is common in our communities. Because we've come or you know, some of you, not me, but some of you may have come from different countries. And sometimes our parents are here with living with us. And when they get 50 6070 years old, they want to go back home, wherever back home is for them where they were born, right. That's where they feel comfortable. And there was a brother just a few nights ago is telling me his parents are old. One is in the late 70s, the other ones in the early 80s. And

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they want to go back home, right to Pakistan. And he's thinking if they make that trip home, the condition of their health, and he told me, he's like, I'll be happy if they made it there safely. And if they make it there safely, for sure, for sure. The next time they get sick because of the medical attention that they will require and the money that it costs to pay for it. I wouldn't be able to cover that. And so he's stuck. What do I do? I have to literally give my wealth, I have to give my wealth to my parents what I'm making for my children. Now this is obviously done in moderation. You don't just give all of your wealth to your parents. They're not allowed to take what

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they want from you. They are allowed to take what they need from you if it's an absolute necessity. Okay, so let's get that clear.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he then says do not contend with those in power, even if you think you are more capable.

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So sometimes we think, you know what,

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Prime Minister is making a lot of weird statements, talking about niqab, talking about hijab, talking about, you know, the Conservative Party not accepting the fact that women want to be conservative, right? It's really strange. And so people now are thinking, Oh, we need to we need to get into politics.

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You'd like to have a Muslim Prime Minister. Right? Okay, that's good hamdulillah try, keep trying, try heart, give it your best. At the same time, don't contend with those in power, even if you think you're more capable. Meaning, if you're being oppressed, go ahead, try and take that position. Right? If you're not being oppressed, and you're just upset, and then you go online and you start posting things, negative things, bad things. That's wrong. What we should be doing is positivity.

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Telling them leaders don't talk like this, leaders don't promote hatred. leaders don't like to break up the hearts and divide the people within one nation. Leaders shouldn't be doing things like you know, x, y, and Zed. And so if you're not capable of taking over that position, because you're oppressed, then at least give some good advice and guidance to that person. Rather than creating more commotion. And making it very hard and difficult for the rest of the Muslim men that are living in that country. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then says do not run away from the army, when it advances even if you are killed in your companions run away. Of course, this only applies if

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you're on the battlefield, and we're not on the battlefield right now. spend on your wife out of your means. So last time with a story the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns those from amongst us they do not spend on our wife, this is for the husbands.

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We are the breadwinners of the family. You must spend on your wife.

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But don't overspend. Don't, you know give all of your money to your wife, or your children as well. And then eventually, you now have to take a pay cut, you change jobs and you take a pay cut. And your wife is saying wait a second, I have all these expenses, you need to pay for that. And then you kill yourself. Not literally. But you're striving so hard at two jobs, three jobs trying to make the same amount of money that you used to a few years ago. That's wrong. But work hard and give that wealth to your family. Let your family enjoy it. The best setup as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us is a set up that we give to our families that we spend on our families.

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And so Panama a lot of the time we think as Muslims, you know what, every year I need to pays a cap. So I'm going to take my account money and give it to my family. No.

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That's the kind of money that you have given to someone outside of your family. Because your family has an obligation upon you to look after. Yeah, un Latina Ahmed, oh, and for sakumo ethnical, narrow, who look, come on in what we look

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at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expressed this time and time again, almost kind of with Allah tells us to look after our families, save them from the fire, take care of them financially, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, educationally, in every aspect of life.

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Right. And so we have to look after our families.

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And this is a cat money that's extra, that goes to others. So the first thing that we do before we even say, oh, let's give her as a cat that our families know is the cat is the bare minimum that you give. That's the absolute minimum.

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And so how long would we think of life? You know, thinking of it, because

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he, you know, there mustard is trying to try to expand, it's actually one of the nicest communities I've ever been to. Right, because there's so much unity, whether it's, you know, people from different cultural backgrounds, whether it's people who are of different or slightly different ideologies, whether it's people, you know, all within that Islamic realm.

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But different sizes, different shades, different, you know, expressions, they're still united, they all pray together.

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And it's amazing to see it's beautiful.

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So when we help others, we should help them not thinking, Oh, I'm just helping the community. We help our community. We're not just helping building a Masjid.

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We're actually building our hereafter. Because when we die and we leave, you know, some kind of a you see this all the time on the internet and it never really gets to our hearts. How many times do you see a grave a picture of a grave dog? And you look inside of it. just stare at it. stare at it and think you know what, this is the day I'm laying in that grave? Looking at the walls beside me and people have thrown the dirt on top of me and there's nothing else left

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except this dirt that's around me and the actions that have done and that's it.

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And what we need to set up a Javea we need is something

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That's going to keep adding to our good deeds, keep adding to it, keep adding to it, keep adding to it, and his parents will adds to our good deeds is our children, having righteous children, making sure that after we leave this world, they continue to replenish those deeds that we did in this life. And so those walls of our grades can either come extremely tight against us that they crush our ribs completely together, like this, your rib cage, you know how everyone talks about their ribs. And then the women are, you know, created from the bedroom. Everyone has a veteran. But imagine you're in school like this, they intertwine and you're crushed in your grave, and you can't

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move as your underground. What do you do,

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or you can have set up a jatiya that keeps going on, and you're in your grave. And as you're laying in your grave, and the dirt is being put on top of you. And it's there, it's laid on top of you and the people leave, you start to smell a beautiful sentence.

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You start to feel as though your grave is like bigger than the world ever was. Like when you're in an airplane, and you're seeing the rest of the world. And you're on top of the clouds, and you can see the curvature of the earth. You're in your grave, and you're like Subhanallah What is this?

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And that's your setup a jatiya helping you, continuing for you, helping you to make your grave wider and smell nicer. And you pass the tests of the grave. And you enjoy the time after this life before the next life before the hereafter. You enjoy it because of the goodness that you did in helping your family and your parents.

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Do not resist stick against your wife. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns us Do not raise a stick against your wife. Now some of us are thinking Wait a second. The Koran says beat your wives, right? No, that's what the non Muslims tell us. The non Muslims tell us but what answers beat your wife

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lost her wits Allah doesn't say beat your wife. Yes, if your wife is not listening to you, and you need to give her a wake up call, you take out your miswak and your miswak is not a hockey stick. Right? Your miswak is like a pen.

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Very small size of like you're usually around the width of one of your fingers like my pinky finger, right? You don't put a hockey stick in your mouth. Cleaning your teeth unless Mashallah you ate something extremely bad, right?

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You put a miss watch something you hold very lightly. And that is what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam showed us that's what's meant if you need to do something, you just say, wake up. Wake up.

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Pretty doing. This is wrong. Come on.

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You know, let's talk sense. Let's not talk nonsense. Right. And that is the that is the furthest extent. That's the furthest extent that you go. And so unless palitana doesn't say even the poor and beat your wife, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here he shows us don't raise a stick against your wife. And so when people tell us Oh, you know what it sounds tells us to be beat women? No, it doesn't. In fact, we've covered it already. So many times every week, we talked about how Islam has elevated the status of both men and women in very unique ways. The last thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions here is command your family to fear a lot, the mighty

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and exalted. Command your family to fear a lot. The men is the not only the breadwinner of the family, he's the one who takes full responsibility of the family. You know, recently my wife attended a course downtown a few weeks ago. By chef Yeah, he had brought him some of you might know him. And somehow after the course, she came home, and she was teaching me some of the things that she learned. And she was telling me, you know, you're responsible for all of us, like, Yeah, no, she's like, no, you're really responsible for each and every one of us in this house in this family. I'm like, Yeah, I know. She's like, no, if you don't wake us up,

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like if we, if you wake us up, but we don't get up and you try to wake us up and we still don't get up. You better make sure that we get up. It's your responsibility on the Day of Judgment. When the last question me she's telling me this, when Allah says she's telling me that the chef told them when Allah Subhana Allah to Allah questions me about one or two days that I missed budget. I will go and grab you and pull you by the hand in front of a one sale. I asked him, Why didn't get up for budget.

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I got scared.

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I'm like, man, my wife's telling me this. I'm scared.

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I was gonna question my wife and she

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On the Day of Judgment would go and grab me by the hand and bring me in front of a one. This is actually what we learn from the Prophet so long it is not made up. There's not like some shift talking out of the blue. Right? This is from the, from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that a man is responsible, and he will have his wife drag him to our last panel attalla when she's being questioned, and he will have to give accounts for why she didn't do things properly in the house. Imagine that. And here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam commands us to command our family to fear Allah subhana wa Tada. So first and foremost, before we tell our family fear of law, we have to

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instill that within us, we need to understand what it is, if we don't know what it is, how are we going to teach this to our family. And when the profits are long it will send them as well as when last time with Allah in the Quran mentions to have feared or taqwa in the last panel and it doesn't just mean that fear him. Because if we feared a lot all the time, why would we go near him?

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Like if I light a fire that's really big, like the fire of Ibrahim, Allah has said that he was thrown into, would you walk up to this fire? You wouldn't, you wouldn't walk up to the fire, you would fear the fire so you would run the other way. So don't fear a lot only and don't teach your children to be scared of a lot. You don't do this, I was gonna punish you. You don't do this. I was gonna punch you won't be careful here. If you want to get punched with you. No, no, don't do that.

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teach our children and teach ourselves to love a loss of Hannibal attack, come closer to him by loving him. By wishing for goodness from him by hoping that something great will come our way from the mercy of a muscle cannibal attack. When we're scared of a lot, we're not going to get close to him.

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Except those that only focus on fear some children, you know, we noticed that in their behavior, everyone's different in the development of children, you tell them you know what, be careful, they whatever is scary for them, they will never go close to it. So those children Mashallah sometimes are very easy to take care of, because you tell them Be careful of this, be careful of that they will never go and do it because they're scared, something's going to happen. So they always go towards everything else, which is all the good things right? So Allah Subhana Allah wants us to love him. Fear his punishment, love and hope goodness from a Muslim Hannibal. What's

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in the next video, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the next ones are very short. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Sorry, Abdullah bin Allah said a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said, I have come to make a pledge to you that I will do his job. Although I have left my parents in tears, and we've heard this narration before. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Go back to them and make them laugh as though

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just as you've made them weak,

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just as you've made them weak. Now this is under the chapter of being dutiful to our parents. Even if they ask us to be disobedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala then that is the cutoff point. Now here in this narration, were his parents telling him to dis obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. No, they weren't. They just didn't want their son to leave. They just didn't want him to leave. They weren't being disobedient or inviting him or encouraging him to do something that went against what the last panel without I wanted. In fact, being close to your parents is one of the last time without a once. And so this is why it falls under this chapter, that he is being dutiful towards his parents by

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remaining or making them happy, just as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged him to do in the next Hadees in sha Allah to Allah Abdullah and he said a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanting to do the J word. jihad. Right?

00:44:15 --> 00:44:24

It's amazing how we get so scared to say this right? We'll talk about it. A man came to the Prophet Salama, and he was sort of wanting to do jihad.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked, Are your parents still alive?

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This man wants to go and fight with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now with ISIS or ISIS with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam towards something that's good and true and honest. And according to the deen not what they're doing which is not according to the deen harming innocent people. He asked some along while he was some of them. Are your parents still alive? children listen.

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He said yes, the prophet SAW love it. He said

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Then told him, then exhort yourself, what does it mean to exert yourself?

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exert yourself sorry, exert it means to do jihad. He says, then do jihad in their service,

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exert yourself in their service.

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This shows us that people who think leaving their families that we see some sisters in the UK and different parts of the world now we're noticing a lot of women are going and fighting and going and penetrating Egypt, Syria, Syria, and so on, paid off, and they're going and fighting, thinking they're doing good. And then you see their parents on TV and the media news and they're crying.

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This is an example an authentic example from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shown to us by a memorable hottie, the master of memory, right, showing us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us to exert ourselves, meaning do jihad for your parents, strive hard for your parents, not fight against your parents strive hard control your own knifes, there's something called Jihad enough's, which is to fight your own desires. I just want to chill out.

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I just want to have fun play video games. dddddd. Did Mario Brothers like back in the day when I was small, and all those video games, right. And you just want to have fun and chill out and have chips and popcorn and watch YouTube and movies and enjoy yourself all the time. But to give up those things to help your parents is a huge reward. It's actually better as we see here.

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exerting oneself in the service of parents is also referred to as jihad.

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In fact, it is better than going and fighting by the side of the Prophet sent along early usnm. In a battle that is actually legit, not like these fake things that are happening around the world. In a battle, that's legit. That's true, it's real. And there's a purpose and a cause.

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And so to help our parents is one of the best, most rewarding things that we can do in our life, better than almost anything else on the face of the earth. And this is taught to us by none other than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This also shows us that nobody except the leaders can actually legislate jihad. So when we hear in the news, people going and fighting, it has to be legislated by the leaders, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the leader, he told who would go and who wouldn't go, he was the one who made that decision. And so when he called for it, then the companions got ready and went, and when they were getting ready, those that were not allowed to

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go, they wouldn't go, those that could go, he would allow them to go.

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And so don't think that you can just pack your bags and buy a plane ticket and go to Turkey and so on and so forth. That is not allowed in Islam. We don't do that.

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All right.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:54

The last Hadees that we'll cover in Sharma are we'll do two more the very small, because there's still some time China probably would be a lot more unsaid that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, disgrace, disgrace, disgrace, the companions got confused. Remember, last week, we said when the prophet SAW longer, it was sudden to mention something more, like more than once he says it once he says it twice. He says it three times or even more. He's saying that this is something serious. Listen up. It's like saying, hey,

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Now you're all looking at me for you all looking at each other. Now you're all looking at me, right? It's an example of how this is important what I'm about to say because this is the method used by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, disgrace, disgrace, disgrace, the companions relate. You have a sort of law, who who is disgraced. He said the one who finds his elderly parents, or one of them, and despite that enters the fire by not serving them.

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And this is an example for us as adults. This Hadith is an example for us adults. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here mentions you find your parents in their elderly years when they're older. Now, we're not the size of this child and we're old, right? Except in some countries, the Arabian Peninsula, you might find someone who's 75 years old, and they have like a three month old baby. I've seen that right?

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But this is an example for us as parents, that we find our parents in an age where they're much older. But we ourselves feel, you know what, I'm an adult now it's not my own family, just leave me alone. I are going crazy. dolla dolla dolla cavesson to my parents and, you know, it's the end of the world and we just move by another house live somewhere else, put them in an old folks home and that's the end of it. Wait until the day too late. You know, the day that they're gone, then we're gonna have some peace and quiet in this house. No. The day that they're gone, the doors have closed on us. The day that they're gone. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said disgrace, disgrace

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disgrace to the one who doesn't help or serve their parents in those elderly years.

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So we must as adults strive hard to do that. The last Hadeeth will take which is the next chapter of my will prolong the life of someone who's dutiful towards his parents, and I felt it'd be good to end with this because it gives us some hope, some positivity,

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the prophets, morality bingeable

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sorry, Morales. Gianni. He mentions in this hadith he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, bliss is for him, who is dutiful, towards his parents, among the Almighty and exalted will prolong his life.

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So you want to live long.

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You want to have a long life. You're waiting for your parents to die so you can enjoy your life. No, you might not live that much longer.

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Be nice to your parents, Allah will give you a nice long life as well. And he will give you children who are nice to you just as you are nice to your parents. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives us hope in this Hadees. We conclude with this one, that if we want long lives, and we want to live nice and peacefully in the bliss of the loss of Hannah Montana, then be nice and dutiful towards our parents. And for those of us that might feel saddened that we're only learning this maybe after our parents have left, we can still do better by the day. We can still be dutiful towards our parents. In the next few minutes, the Adhan will be called the time between the Adhan

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and the Sala make dua, and even better the time after the comma. So when the more admin makes the oma Don't just stand there and wait for him to say Allahu Akbar. That is a time where Allah accepts do haha. It's such a short quick time it happens so quickly. The mother then finishes a comment in Santa

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Ana Amato mom welcome.

00:52:54 --> 00:53:09

And then you hear the email go still still irritated. Or straighten your lines? Put your cell phones away. That's like less than 10 seconds. And then Celeste starts those five to 10 seconds

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is accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. ask Allah for forgiveness. Now we're about to pray. This might be our last prayer.

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This might be our last prayer. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to prolong our lives and give give us long healthy lives upon the deen. But we don't know this could be our last prayer. So let's ask Allah subhana wa tada before the sauna after the abama before the technique and make to offer our parents and our forgiveness. Just one little thing I know some love some of our anatomy and

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he wasafi he was

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gonna say something

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 04 (13th March 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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