Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP03

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning to respect parents and be a future leader, as well as the struggles of walking on rough surfaces and finding a "hasn't been met" situation. They emphasize the need to avoid wasting money and waste time on things that will distract from one's life, and to focus on others and not share negative information. They also stress the importance of creating a need for technology and technology to make life easier for parents, avoiding wasting money and wasting time on things that will distract from one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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welcome to our weekly hypo, as many of you know V,

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which is a compiler.

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And we are still on chapter one, which is called parents.

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Chapter Six, my apologies there. Another announcement is that the hologram will be moving from SV

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without hand over the mic to shake.

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where are our youth, all of you to come to the cracks, you're not in trouble.

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When you're in trouble, I will not call you in front of people.

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All the youth

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if there's some some of our youth or children out there playing or pretending to play.

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Okay, so that's nice to see that the youth are here, there's a number of reasons why I want to be using the front. First of all, when youth are in the back, they're distracted by everything happening in front of them. So someone scratches their head for the next five minutes, they're focusing on that person's head, or look at that uncle is balding, serious turning white patient, why doesn't he use words, to cover up his bald spot, and so on and so forth. So distracts them from their actual attention span or attention that they're getting.

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Another reason why I wanted the youth to come up to the front is because, you know, it makes it feel nicer when our youth are close to the front. Because know that the next generation, which is you, the next leaders of this Masjid, in the future leaders of the country is a future doctors and lawyers and engineers and you know, amazing people who are going to set milestones and shall have to enter for the rest of the Canadian society. So you are the leaders of the future. So it's nice to see you in the front inshallah.

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Another reason why I wanted you to the front is

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are in them tonight, I saw that.

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Throughout his recitation, he reminded me of when I was memorizing the Quran back in the early 90s. And

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I went to a room,

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which is not far from here, actually, very close. The GTA, and I studied there for some time. And my teacher, he had a lot of patience with me. I was told, when I actually ended up leaving the school, after a number of years, I was told, or my parents were told that by the principle, that I would never be someone who's good at studying itself, that I wouldn't be good at saying

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and that I could not excel in Islamic sphere or realm. So it's better to just put me back into high school. And let me do some sort of secular studies, or some sort of studies other than this,

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which is not the road I went down anyways, in the long run.

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And my teacher, Pamela used to sit there all the time. And I'm the type of person that loves to do

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so when I see someone that needs something, especially an older person, or something like that to help them and especially even more so for my teachers, even if my teachers are younger than me. So now my teachers are younger than me, are these youth. Right? They learn these things, these ideas, these verses.

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We're going through, they become our teachers. They are the ones that will carry this knowledge forward, and they become our teachers. And they remember my teacher, you know, he didn't really care if I knew my subject or my lesson for that day. What mattered was that a student should have good, good morals, good luck, good behavior. And this is what we're studying in this book, How to Be good people. Right? And my teacher, there were times where, you know, I wouldn't finish my lesson in terms of memorization, and he gave me one page to memorize, and I didn't finish it. And he would get upset at all the other students except for me to finish it for too long. Read what you can today and

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do the rest for tomorrow.

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is Pamela hills is to talk to me and tell me how a lot of pressure in my head, a lot of pressure, why do you have a lot of pressure? I was young, I didn't understand why you have a lot of pressure in your head.

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How about after I left in 1996, or 95, I can't remember now. My back to Montreal, finished off High School, did a degree automotive technician was working for Volkswagen. Right. And then I got accepted to the Lena went and studied Medina at night in 2008.

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I was sitting in mustard in a typical day, every single day.

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And I saw my teacher who I was memorizing for and with walking through.

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And he was the one that changed my recitation from, you know, like really Pakistani style recitation, to having

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tried to be as good as you know, our email.

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And his recitation reminded me of that, it reminded me of when I was young, I think I'm still young, I consider myself young. Otherwise, if I feel old, I become old.

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And I thought handler he had so much patience with me. Right? And he took me from Voldemort's from really bad recitation to noon. He brought me from reciting, like you would never want to listen to me recite. It's like, Ah, ha, ha, busy, really bad. Even worse than that. Right. And then he worked with me worked with him. He didn't have the nicest recitation or most, you know, beautiful, or beautified recitation as well. But he knew how to teach me where to put my tongue.

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Please, you're telling me here, this Britain air, air has to come out of there. And you know, you work together, you work, you work, you work, and it's hard work.

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that pays off. In 2008. When I saw him, it must have been He told me to make two African says, you know, very sick just make draft.

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He'd love for him. And I always remembered him never forgot him.

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And a few weeks ago, I went to see melt, some of you might know him more than our shift. chakra.

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chakra brothers for those of you and I know,

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people in Cambridge originally, and my brother, he lives out here in Mississauga. And I asked him, I said, Where's party?

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seen in years, I want to go see him. Right. The last time I saw him was 2008. It must have been

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See, you didn't

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know what this is. Your teacher passed away.

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has to when he was like my parent, when I was away from my parents. And it reminded me of what we're going through, as you're saying,

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learning about how to respect parents, and how to have good morals and etiquette.

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And I didn't think of talking about this today when I was you know, revising my notes.

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But after solid, this is what came into my head.

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He passed away in 2010, just after not too long after I graduated from

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graduated in January, and he passed away a couple months later. And that is

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from learning from him. He continues to get rewards.

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Every time every cent every verse, every sight, every letter I recite, I get rewards, he gets rewards, right? So the more that we learn, and the more that we take from our parents and want to teach us the good things

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We should do them and enjoy to do it tell us to do something good. We should love that. Because we're not parents die. Imagine tonight, you go to sleep. And I know some of you are young. I know a child who is your age. You know what his father gave him a hug. As well, it was only 34 years old at that time, same age as me right now.

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And he gave his father went to sleep. And in the morning, his father do.

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You want to start doing all the good things your father told you to do? Or your mother tells you to do? Right.

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And then you wish I could spend more time with my parents wish that I can get closer to them.

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And I wish that I could do more to make them happy, they're gonna

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continue to make them to make their grave open wire and smell nicer, like a garden agenda. And those doors agenda, one of them closes on you when one of your parents passed away. But we mentioned last week that you can still have your doors agenda opens, and your father or your mother store to general by continuing to do good things on the day of judgment and

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give them the good deeds for the good things that you did, that they taught you in your lifetime. So we asked,

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easy for us to implement the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, to respect our parents to take good examples from them to also remember our teachers, those that taught us even the most my new details, I remember the stories of the scholars of the past. This is for some of the parents, and the stories of the scholars of the past. Some of them believe it was Emanuel hanifa.

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He saw someone walking past in the back.

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And he stopped his dogs. And he went to give Sam to this person.

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And he came back and he continued

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that's the man please the toilets as the janitor.

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Why did you stop the testimony sad to the janitor. And we think if you're going to stop right now and I'm going to go meet someone give them salad

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minister or you know the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or juicer days, one of the events of Halloween, Medina walks through the door.

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And not the janitor person needs attendance. So he told his students he said,

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anyone who teaches you anything becomes your teacher.

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And that gender that men in the twins taught him

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about how one of the animals uses the toys,

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not dogs to urinate.

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So he was confused about this. So he went he asked him about it. And he explained it.

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And so He therefore considered that janitor, his students

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imagine that, I believe it's the number one, I can't remember 100%. But either way, one of the scholars is asked, and look how much respect he gave to someone who just cleaned the toilets. Today we see someone will go and use the bathroom, we might see an onboard anti cleaning the bathrooms, we don't even

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know No, shake their hands, their hands dirty cleaning the toilet, they're gonna wash it with soap anyways. Right? Or if their hands are dirty, they know. They're not gonna go and shake your hand with a dirty hand

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or dirty

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smile and to make them feel good. You're doing a service for you. And you learn something from them just by observing. I remember my dad always told me, he used to say

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he still says it's still alive. And I heard him say

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the same thing. He's telling my mother, you know, you spend time with this callers. You learn more from them than if you'd sit down and read a book. And he also would say to his teachers when he was young studying in Pakistan, say you learn 10 times more from spending an hour with your with your teachers than you would if you spent 10 hours reading books. Imagine that, right? Just by observing little things that they do. So we asked

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to make it easy for us to learn from the morals and the etiquettes

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of the Prophet so long as we can implement it in our lives to be exemplary individuals and good human beings and people who

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give a good example to the rest of Canadians.

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Human beings on earth, regardless of which country we traveled, so we're going to continue in

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chapter six, we're not skipping the chapters actually go very fast, just like in the Quran, right? How many chapters we have

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33 chapters.

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How many chapters are working 114? If I say, this we learn in hafi, warehously News.

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That's a chapter.

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every chapter, some chapters are long, some chapters are short, right? And so in all chapters

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is really long. chapters. Cow cows are big, heavy, right? And similar to fear, the chapter of the elephant is even bigger. Elephants are huge and massive, right? No. small feat is very short term, okay, you

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can be as happy.

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A few very short and last tense.

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Right. And so the chapters in Harry Potter, or Star Wars, or any of those books, tend to be 10 pages, 15 pages, 20 pages long chapters in our books go along with the so we've actually covered every single chapter. And we're on chapter six. And if I look at the, if I look at the table of contents, there's actually

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there we go.

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There's actually 644 chapters in this book. Right, so we'll go through those.

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And remind me after we finish, just to mention a few things with regards to the book, I got in touch with the publisher, happy to give you a quote for it can actually enter books center in 10 days.

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You just need to discuss

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it afterwards. So chapter six on repaying parents.

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We did the first Hadeeth here, which will just read very quickly. Answer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a child cannot repay his father unless he finds him as a slave and advise him and set him free. We discussed this last week we will go over to the next Hadees This one is not necessarily or is not actually a statement. The prophet SAW already he was it goes like this. He broke up or

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he related that's even normal. Who's in Rama?

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he saw a man from Yemen or a Yemen event, someone who came from Yemen or the area of the jihad, the direction of Yemen. He saw this men going around the house of a loss of habitat in the caravan making the loss while he was making the love he was carrying on his shoulders are on his back his mother. So he's carrying his mother on his back and he's making an offer on the cabinet. How many of the people here have gone to Mecca and made the offer on the camera? Right? Quite a few of us a lot of us shallow. Some use this one. You know, when you're walking around the cabin, your feet hurt, right? You're tired, you're exhausted, you've traveled and taught and you're not wearing your Nikes

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or your rewalk or your Puma shoes, right? You're wearing your skin. And that's it, just your feet. Right? And the marble is hard. It's not like you're walking on the carpet. You're walking on hard marble. And at that time, you're not walking on marble. You're walking on sand.

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Walking on, and it's not only sand, it's actually very tough and rough. Earth of muck. So he says, This man was making the love going around the caravan carrying his mother on his back and he was saying, I am her humble camel racing. I'm her humble camel. If her writing animal meaning or animal that she uses to go from one place to the other like today, our animals are the BMWs and Mercedes the Toyota Camry and the

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you know the Sienna and all that. He says I am her humble camel. If you're writing animal breaks loose, I remain in her service. He's showing us an example of how even if the car breaks down, he's gonna be there for the house was on fire. He's there for anything bad happens to her. He's gonna be there to make sure that everything goes good. Right? Then the man that asked to be normal?

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He asked

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He said, Do you think that I have repaid her? So he's now asking by carrying around my back and making the wall floating around the car. But he asked him, do you think that I've repaid my mother for all the hardships that she's gone through in my life?

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He replied to him and he said, No, not even for a single grown, meaning grown or the moment that our mother makes when she's delivering us in the labor.

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Some of the fathers here know what it's like, ask them. When your mom is delivering you. She's in a lot of pain. Right? I remember when my wife was delivering our first time ever second job. I can remember the sound and the tone of the moan and groan of pain in my head, like it's not going to go away for the rest of my life. Because you worry so much. Is the mother gonna be okay? It's painful, it hurts.

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Right? So much pain, even when they give the painkillers medicine, like extremely strong, Tylenol, Tylenol, that's like, really powerful. And they injected in their back and make that pain go away. It's still there. It hurts a lot. And so he tells him, you didn't even repay your mother for one groan or one moan that she made while delivery. Imagine that. We struggle walking around the Kaaba with nice air conditioned marble, you know, the marble there, there's actually air conditioning under it.

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You didn't know that. There's air conditioning under the floor of the mustard. It makes the marble cold go and touch it. You'll see it's cool. You go in the middle of the day when the sun is shining so hot, you can't even look at the marble because the sun is so bright pajama.

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Because there's air conditioning underneath it.

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Yet, if we were to do that, while walking on the sand in the heat, with our mother on our back, we didn't repay her for not even a single loan that she made while she was delivering this.

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Then even though I'm gonna perform a woth, he came to Mojave, Ibrahim and he prayed to it like we normally do. You go around the Kaaba, then you go behind them upon him, and he prayed to God.

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He said, Oh, it'd been a loser. This is actually the person that was carrying his mother on his back. He said every tool.

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Sorry, this is not the person who is carrying on his back. This is actually the narrator's he says every tool account made up for everything. Every single sin that you've done, that has happened before. So praying these two Raka is a forgiveness for all of your sins that you've done up until this time, until you prayed those two

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acts. When you go for Hajj, or you go for Arma we know that it's a forgiveness, but we don't consider it. We know that we're gonna return like a newborn baby. As soon as we return, we're not anymore.

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Right? We forget, we're like, oh, like two weeks late for work, I need to make up to the you know, 1000s of dollars that I didn't make the time that I was gone. And you know, hours, I need to make up for that. And my boss worried so much about everything I need to pay, the bills were gone, and the heater was on its winter, and so on and so forth. You think all of those things, but we don't remember that we are free from sin

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should have also forgive us. So we see here that the pains of childhood, childbirth, and nursing that our mother goes through are extremely painful, yet rewarding, right? They're rewarding, there's a high rank for us and that we should work hard to try and repay her as much as we possibly can. Even if we can't succeed, we try as hard as we can to do that. Also. Also we learn that making offer on the counter as well as praying goes to Raka is a forgiveness from our sins. Let's move to the next at each other.

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A little more on the molar of

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RT, who's even

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right, what is the molar you can tell us we use this word sometimes.

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What is the molar Not today like Maria, right molar at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam companions of the law. A molar was not the mowlana he was the one that served like today. He knows they're the ones that serve the community. They're the ones that serve. So this servants those that also assist in the home or assist the people that they work for. Right.

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So the molar of honey he said Marwan was the governor of the

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City of Medina. He used to appoint a viola as his deputy when he would go away. So when he went for hadr he went for Alma, he will tell the loved one. You are now the deputy to look after the

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the city of Medina and he used to live in

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Zimbabwe first for those of you that have gone for Hajj and Umrah is the meal cart in Medina, you know the place you put on your home and you pray to that icon and you go over there, the bus stops right in the meat box, where you have to begin your intention before passing that point. You have to put on your home before passing that point. That is the area of virtualization. He says he used to live there. And every time that I would, I would leave his home.

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His mother would live in the home right next to him, and every single time that he would leave his home. And he wanted to go out he would tell his mother Peace be upon you mother and the mercy of Allah and His blessings. So he would send peace and blessings upon his mother. She would reply and Peace be upon you, my son and the mercy of a man his blessings be upon you as well.

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And then he would say it may Allah have mercy on you as you raised me when I was a child, and she would respond to him and say, may Allah have mercy on you, as you are dutiful towards me when I was

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beautiful relationship between the Son and the mother, right? Whenever he wished to enter, he would do the similar thing. So the narrator tells us whenever ever what I would wish to enter to return he would do the exact same thing he would call out to his mother or to his mother and tell her male is pleased with you have mercy upon you. And he would say you know what you dutiful you reasonably grades and so on and so forth. And she would do the same thing back to you

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in the next generation.

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And I'll touch upon this in you know, too heavy from now Sharma because it's very similar. In the next one.

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He said, A man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and made a pledge to him that he would do his job, he would migrate, right? He came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he pledged that he would leave he's going to migraines. And he said that he had left his parents and they were weeping very similar to the example I gave you last week.

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And the prophet SAW what he was telling them, he responded, he told him, go back to them and make them laugh. Just the same way that you made the meat. Right. Again, another example of how this is someone who leaves his parents, and they're sad. And he comes in he pledges to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells them with firmness and conviction, I'm going to leave a migrating for the sake of

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unfollowing you and he tells him go back.

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Imagine how you feel Yeah.

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That doesn't make sense. I'm doing this.

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Hard a physical muscle

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is to be dutiful, towards our parents. In this video, we see

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the necessity of correcting the mistakes.

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Also, this forms a point of benefit towards us in terms of learning. So how we correct people's mistakes, how we talk to them? Did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam take him and say Come here, knock him on the back of the head. Right? Did he just you know punch him or something? Or did he tell you know the companions take him? Tie him up and put him in jail? Right? Because he's been. He's been evil to his parents? No, he didn't do that. And so from this, we learn how to correct people's mistakes. Tell them when you did something wrong, go back and correct that mistake. And for us, I know last week, there were brothers that came and asked me, I may have done something to my

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parents, and maybe even now we might do things to our parents when they're older. We talked to them in ways where they might be disappointed with us. How can I change a situation? You know, we get frustrated. And they tell us something and you're like, Ah, you're just old. You don't know what you're talking about. Right? And then we get in the car, we drive away whatever. And the next day we're thinking, what did I just do? I can't do that. Why did I respond? That one should have just kept my mouth shut? I shouldn't have said anything. That would have been the best thing. So what can I do now? How can I fix that situation? Here's the answer to your question. The Prophet someone

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tells us go back to them. Do something nice for them. Buy them something, speak to them nicely, the same way that you spoke to them to hurt their feelings, the same amount of passion and emotion that you had in you that blood rushing through you get the blood rushing, do some push ups.

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Do some jumping jacks and go and speak to your parents and be like, I'm happy to see you give them a big hug, clean their house, vacuum, do the dishes, do whatever it needs to make them feel happy. Tell them, I'm sorry. It's so difficult for us to say words like that, I'm sorry. Sometimes it's hard for husband and wife to say to each other as well, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'm sorry. It's kind of we might see that throughout the entire day, a husband and wife are the mother and the father, they have this argument. And it goes on and on for the whole day, sometimes into the next day, sometimes even into the next day and the next day, and you'll be all solved is they just said,

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I'm sorry, I was wrong. It was my fault. I shouldn't have done that. That's it. It's so easy. Sometimes, of course, further discussion is going to take place. But that's the start. That's the beginning towards solving the solution or fixing the problem that happened between the mother and the father. In the next head is

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a boomerang. Again, we see this as similar to the one that we just took to

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the modal one hand, he didn't call it said that he rode with other railroad to his land in an Arctic. Why the Antarctic, for those of you that have gone to Medina visonic University where study the University of Medina, is just behind must attain. So for those of you that have gone to Medina and went to most people attain, I used to walk past it every single day in that heat. And just behind it if you get into a car and drive down the streets. But on our side,

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right, has a few names, you just drive down that street, about one minute, you will reach the front gates of the university. Right before you get to the gates, you're going to go over a small overpass very small. That's the way it underneath. Why the allottee. Right. We also call it wedding bar. And there's a very famous resin chicken restaurant called wedding watch. Right? And it's right by that wedding. So that creek that wedding when it rains in Medina, it fills with water. It's like the overflow of the city. All the water goes into there and it just flows down. And right next to the university is

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the princess palace.

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You'll see right, so you'll see most people attain just behind it not too far is the Islamic University. And right there, you'll see.

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This is where in this narration of what I lived in that area, if you follow where the alactic all the way down. So you're facing the university must let things behind you in universities in front of you to your left and follow it all the way down. It takes you to

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the mean costs. Right, the area of the mean classes we just finished saying lift in.

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And here it says an athlete, an athlete is the one that goes down to.

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So when he entered his land, he shouted in his loudest voice, he's saying that he would do this Peace be upon you, oh mother, and the mercy of Allah and His blessing be upon you. She replied, and peace be upon you in the mercy of Allah and His blessing be upon you as well. And then he would say may Allah have mercy on you as you raised me when I was a child, and she would reply to him and say, my son, may Allah reward you, reward you well and be pleased with you, as you were dutiful towards me. When old Musa This is the narrator. One of the narrators of this hadith he said the name of our whatever was Abdullah even

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was his name after one hour. From this Hadith, we actually learn what we discussed a beautiful relationship between son and mother. But it ties into what we discussed last week. Remember, we said As parents, we hold the key to our child's paradise right? under the feet of the mother, right? And so we should not make our children or put our children in situations where we're forcing them to do things that they dislike, or forcing them to do something that's too harsh or too tough, too difficult for them. Then they get frustrated. And then they're like, Oh, you know, I don't want to do it, then you start fighting an argument. Remember that key to their agenda. There's two doors of

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paradise for each one of your children. Right. And you as a mother have one door and you as a father have the other door and so you can open the door close the door and your children for gentlemen

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sample a lot of young man. And his mother is an example of how the child is trying to get through that door and the mother is keeping the door open for him as wide as you possibly can imagine that it's such a beautiful example

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of how the parents should also assist their children to get that door opens.

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At the end of this Hadees, it mentions of who it was, or his name was Abdullah even.

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And we see in where is it, hearts, underlining underlined? it? is there's some variants or some difference with regards to this. This color is different what his real name was. So how many of you know what his name was? We all know.

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How many of you know what his name was?

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Do you know whatever his name was? Do you know what it means? Father, the father of the cat or the Companion of the cats, right? And so I used to love cats.

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And my wife tells me she wishes I was like, Oh,

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I can't stand cats.

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She wants a cat. The children want a cat? I say no, because I'm gonna be the ones cleaning the litter box, right? I don't like cats. I like cats, but I don't like to have them in my house. I like them to live in the wild. And I

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used to love cats, so much so that he would have been around him all the time, they would come to Him, they knew that he was the man who looked after them, you would feed them, you pet them, you clean them, he would treat them nicely, right? And so kind of like you notice, for those of you that have gone to Medina, there's cats everywhere. And most of those cats are malnourished, because not many, whoever's living around it. Right. And so we need to take the example of Obama, he was the person who loves cats, the Companion of the cats. And sometimes he would be in an area where his cat was, you know, or one of the kittens or cats was laying down he wouldn't take his cloak or his you

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know, his agenda that was spread underneath there and the cat was laying on top of it, he would just leave it. He wouldn't take it. You would just leave it there. comfort them and not to disturb them in their sleep. And that was an animal. How are we today we see you know, sometimes our child is sleeping, okay. fudger is different right? Or time to pray that's different. Sometimes we see that our child is sleeping like a wake up, and they're sleeping in the car like get up, you walk inside the house will take them struggle, struggle to carry them because when they get older, you come and you ask, you know, how can I be a good friend of my child? Well, you knocked on the shoulder and

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today get up and go and walk inside yourself. Carry them, carry them even when they get bigger, even when it's too hard for you to carry them. Because when it becomes hard for them to carry you they will shut them. Right. When we get older, they will carry us they will make that effort because they will remember that my mom, my dad, they carried me. They loved me. They cherished me, they treated me more than they treat the golden silver that they own. They treated me better than the TV and laptop and the iPad and the things that they have. Sometimes the child takes an iPad drops on the floor, the screen smashes, we get more upset at the smashed screen of the iPad. And when the child

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falls and hurts himself, like get up, it's nothing.

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Oh, you should go and make them feel like they're worth more than an iPad. Otherwise they'll go stand on the shelf and be at what do you call it please, Best Buy Google stand on the shelf and Best Buy and put a price tag on their head and say I'm with you know $300 treat me nice. Because at home I'm worth less than 300 right? Imagine that. So yes, we need to work together as parents and as children to try and make things nicer in our homes. So the majority of the scholars say that the name of the long run is actually optimal.

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But there's difference of opinion with regards to this. In the next chapter, we begin chapter number seven and will conclude this chapter will take two headings of this chapter inshallah Tada, which is chapter seven disobedience to parents.

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I will go come on the lower end he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so this is a statement of the prophets, Allah, Allah, he was so nice. He said, shall I tell you, which is the worst of the major sins? What is the worst of the major sins? Now this ties in with what we discussed last week? And the question of why is it that only a certain number of the major sins was actually mentioned? I looked into it a little bit.

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And I actually came back into my mind I had forgotten about the question and I looked into it because I was reading this and I was reminded of it

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So let's see here in this heavy what it says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, shall I tell you, which is the worst of the major sins. This shows us that from all of the major sins,

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some are worse than others. Right? So we have major sins and minor sins from amongst the major sins, some are even more major than the other major sins, meaning they're worse than the other major sins. And this is why sometimes the prophet SAW what it was. And some of the companions mentioned only a few of them. Because some were worse. And they saw them to be very important to be focused on because of the times and because of what the people were going through. And so some of them would focus on some of these major sins, because the other ones were probably not really done so much, or, as you see in the explanation is that some of those other major sins fall under the same category of

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the the sin that was mentioned. Right? So there's major sin and from the other major sins that are probably lesser than them fall under that category. So he says, shall I tell you, which is the worst of the major sins, nonprofits will love it? And someone's gonna tell us if this had been the worst of the major sins? And this is not authentic? Had he? He repeated that three times? Shall I tell you? Which one is the worst? Shall I tell you which of the major sins is or shall I tell you which of the major sins is the worst? This is a method used by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to show us the importance of it.

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Pay attention, we got a right like today, we want to catch someone's attention in school in kindergarten, they close the lights, and they dim the lights. And the students, he has to

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get quite a big gathering, there's a lot of people's on,

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catch their attention by knocking on the mic, right. And so the profits are lower, and he was sort of you catch the attention of the companions, or show them even when they're paying attention, this severity or the importance of mentioning what he's about to say. So they reply to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Yes, messenger of hope. He said, associating something with a love. And this will be parents.

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This is from the worst of the major sins, associating a partner or partners with a lesser pattern want to add, and this will be parents. Now, this is pretty bad. Because we have a hard time dealing with our parents. Right. But as hard as it is, we shouldn't disobey them.

00:42:41 --> 00:43:06

Yes, we struggle. Yes. It's hard. Yes, we have a life of our own. We have a family of our own. Right. But when we were young, we were the family of our parents. That still is our family. We come from there, we belong there. Right. And there's no way that you can sever those ties on the day of judgment to be called all son of so and so.

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Oh, daughter of so and so. Right. And so there's no way that we can cut it off as much as we try to in our life, to shut the door on our children, or as much as we try in our life to shut the door on our parents on the day of judgment will be summoned, being associated. So we can't cut it off, no matter how hard we try. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says associating something else with a wasp pen with a hat and disobeying parents

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reclining so when he said this, the companions were around him, and he was reclining. And he said,

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shall I tell you what's the worst three times then he says,

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associating partners with a loss of Hannah Montana or associated partners with a love and disobeying your parents.

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He was reclining at the time. And then he sat up and he mentioned another one, another one of the major sins. He sits up and he says, beware of lying.

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Beware of lying. Beware of lying. Beware of lying. Be aware of mine. He were lying. He sits up he's not reclining anymore. And he's saying beware of lying. not lying, no. reclining. You were lying down, saying beware of lying, telling a lie. Not being someone who's truthful. I now go to the zoo. He says in Arabic. Allah will go to the zoo. And the narrator of a burqa, he added he said he continued beating the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He continued to repeat it until I wished he would stop.

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That's why in the head even when we were talking about it, I kept saying you were of mine.

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He sat up and he continued and continued and continued the capacity.

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wished he would stop saying this stop saying beware of lying? No, but he's showing us how important this is. We should not be people that tell tales. Don't tell the truth.

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Very quickly go through. Actually, I wanted to demonstrate something.

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From this Hadith, we learned a number of things. Obviously, Allah subhana wa tada shows us how important it is in these actions to, to pay attention to what he's mentioning.

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But also, we learned in this

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that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, use different methods to show importance. So I can tell you something, right? So I'm going to ask someone who's very attentive right now one of the youth, you.

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Right, so this is what we're going to do, I'm going to show you what some of the things that the prophets used to do.

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So sometimes,

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in addition to changing his posture, sometimes he would touch one of the companions on his chest, right? touch one of the companions on his chest, or you would also hold his hand, right? So, for example,

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you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would speak to someone, he wouldn't speak to this person and look somewhere else, or speak to them and be looking behind them again. Okay, I see. Nowadays, parents, we do that sometimes, right? Because our children run around, and we need to make sure that we focus on them. So we tell the person we're talking to, you know, please excuse me, I'm just trying to keep an eye on my child. That's fine. Okay, that's great. Well, we should still pay good attention to the person. So he would give full attention to the person. Sometimes when he wanted to show severity of what he was saying, he would put his hand on them on the, on the

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companion here, obviously, the male companions, right, put his hand on on their chest, and he would tell them now, when I tell you something like eight, right, all of a sudden, it becomes important. But if I look at you and say, Hey, you like a, right? It's not important. If I go like this, hey, right, now it becomes important, when I'm about to say matters, where he would take their hands, right, he would take their hand and hold their hand. And this was something that was common at the time of the companions.

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It would walk in hold hands, right? And today, we don't do that.

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And it's fine. In our society. We don't do that. Right? There's nothing wrong with it. We don't have to do it. Right. But he would hold their hand or he would grab them sometimes grab their hand in that gate, right? Imagine that, that shows the importance of what he's about to say.

00:47:54 --> 00:48:05

Right? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us sometimes to use different methods in conveying the message. Can't just speak. We also know it is

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right in the scope of Java is when he was talking about something very important, very dear to him. It is mentioned as though he was talking to the army. And he's the general. He's the commander. And he's talking to the soldiers, right?

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Showing the importance of what's in his eyes, his eyes were turning red, His face is turning red. This is important, but also at times, he would speak very soft, very calm, because this also grabs people's attention.

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We're always telling the other young people like oh my god, I can't listen to this guy. He's all screaming. So there's different methods that we learn from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We also see here that the companions that will be around who had such a great amount of concern for the Prophet Muhammad said

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that they wanted to know every single thing that came out of his mouth, every concern that he had every thought every idea, they were like what, tell us what tell us and when he was going on and on and on saying we were flying, beware of flying, they would sit there and listen to it and ponder, wow, this must be extremely bad to mine.

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Let's take the lesson for a long time.

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What the scribe of mohila

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he said, Mahalia wrote a movie on

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a movie Maria, and he asks, write down for me something that you heard from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from the messenger Someone

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once said, that he dictated so more are we addicted?

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He dictated and he said to work hard to write. So he wrote. He dictated to me and I wrote out what he heard. He says,

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heard him. I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for being asking too many questions. Three things are mentioned to you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbid from asking too many questions, and also a teacher's assistant, as well.

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to the

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The second thing he mentions is wasting money. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbids us from asking too many questions. He forbade us from wasting money. And he forbid us from idle talk. How does this tie in with disobedience? And parents? Tell us? How does this tie in with the disobedience of parents? I don't talk too many questions and wasting money on these things that we do to our parents. Yes, they are. Right? We do this all the time. We ask our parents too many questions. They ask us to do something. And we're like, what?

00:51:02 --> 00:51:11

As children, that's fine. That's part of the learning process. As adults. When our parents ask us to do something, and we're an adult, we're like,

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Why should I do this? or Why do you do that? What's the point of it? Why did you buy this thing? You saw this on the internet? It's a scam. Why did you do that? Right? You start asking too many questions. You know why they did it? either getting old? Right? You know very well, what they did, you don't need to ask? And

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don't ask too many questions. Because sometimes you'll ask something that's gonna make life even more difficult for you.

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Right? And sometimes we ask questions to things that are totally irrelevant. And this is why when we look at, for example, the stories of the companions, or the stories of the prophets and a lot of the stories of the other prophets, and this happens even more so with the other prophets, because, for example, in the story of use of Friday, that we covered here together, if I asked you how old was he was he when he was in prison? You don't know. But you're like, well, I want to know how old was he? He doesn't matter. How old was he? When he was seduced? It doesn't matter. How old was he? When he became a minister? It doesn't matter. How old was he? When his parents came? And he saw his parents

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and he saw his brothers, it doesn't matter. But we get so hooked up on these historical facts. Why? How much were how many people were there around at the time of no? How to his setup?

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And when the flood came? Was it the flood that destroyed all the people on the face of the earth? Or was it a flood that destroyed just two people in that area? Right his nation? At the time of his setup? How many children did he have? Right? And how many children they have. And then you know what happened here and there. These are facts, or these are pieces of information that don't make a difference in our life. And that's why unless I didn't teach it to us, what we needed to know is what we got, that's what he told us. And so here, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam warns us also

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warns us don't ask too many questions, you might make life very difficult for you. Right? And we know that in some cases. So what you know, try and practice that and learn some more and try and practice that. And don't say, you know, tonight I'm gonna read all

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I'm gonna implement half of it anyways.

00:53:38 --> 00:53:59

Right? So take it easy, wasting time. Do we waste sorting wasting money? Do we waste money? Yes, we waste money. Do we waste our parents money? Yes, sometimes we do. Right? Sometimes we take advantage of our parents. Or as children, sometimes we waste money as well. Parents are working hard. You say Baba, you're never at home. You're always at work. Yeah, you're wasting money.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:24

I need to pay the water bill. Look how much water you wasted electricity and all these things. The gadgets that you want, you got to charge them at this battery's dead. My watch battery's dead. my iPad battery's dead, the macro battery's dead, the iPad, there's three iPads in the house and format books and desktops, so much electricity being used these days. Of course, Bob is not spending time with you. He's busy at work. So don't waste.

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At the same time. Try not to waste money as parents on your children in things that will eventually distract them from the remembrance of the loss.

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And I'm not saying don't buy them the eyes and the gadgets and things that they like and they need but buy them more what they need rather than what they want. Buy them what they need. And if they want something create a need for that. Sometimes. So they for example, want an I have because everyone has the iPad, before you if for them, create a need for it. Why?

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

Do you need this iPad? To play games? No, that's not a need. That's a want.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:43

You need this because you're going to know learn on it, you need it, because every night, we're going to put the recitation on it, and you're going to sleep, you're going to be listening to the Quran, and you're going to listen to it all through the night, it's gonna play in your room, right? And you're gonna use it because it's so easy. Rather than carrying around with you everywhere, you can easily just carry this iPad Mini, and you can read. And there's a lot of applications that, you know, will help you with timing, with education, with learning, to sit down at ease, and so on and so forth. There's so much you can do, it's good. So create the need for it, rather than just buying

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it when there's a lot. And lastly, brothers and sisters, idle talk, is idle talk related, disobeying our parents, yes. When our parents upset us, what do we do

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waste time talking about them or things that they may have done, or other people. And this is considered idle talk. So we shouldn't just waste time talking about things about people because we end up committing the sin process. Remember, some of the scholars of the past, they would say if you get attacked by anyone, of course, not fighting this harm or not making it

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but they give the example, that if you were to backed by anyone,

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the least you can do is back by your parents. Because when you backlight you're giving that person your rewards. And it's not, you know, just taking away from you, or giving them what you have no loss of habitat, it erases your good deeds, and gives it to the person your backbiting.

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And so you're losing your awards, they're gaining rewards and scholarships, at least you can do

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that by anyone except your parents. So this is actually sarcasm of the scholars, right, showing us that backbiting is hot. But if you get backed by anyone, the best person to give your good deeds to is your parents. But at the same time, we're warned from that, therefore, it's how we don't do it. We don't talk about others, right? We will talk about our parents, especially if they do something wrong, don't go to your spouse, or go to your brothers or sisters and talk to them about you know, how bad they are or what they did. Talk to them about a solution.

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How can we help Mom and Dad, you know, they spent so much money on something, what can we do? I'll give you a simple example of someone I know, they came to me and they said, you know, their mom.

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But you know, they're, they're one of their sons, the eldest son bought a TV, flat screen TV for his parents, because they had this old, you know, those big TVs really old, 1520 years old. So he bought a flat screen TV for and he mounted it on the wall. And the mother wanted to do something nice for her son. So she went online, and she knows that he's trying to lose some weight. So this is not me, by the way.

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And she bought for him. She saw this advertisement of these pills that if you take them you lose weight. And it was a picture of like a man was like, you know, six pack abs and he was caught and it said, You eat this way with just 20 minutes a day.

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And so she bought that she bought those pills that were selling for like $79 plus tax, but you have to register and then they call you. So they called the mother. And they said okay, in order, you know, part of the process of taking the pills is to have this special skipping rope, which counts the amount of skips you do in the calories you burn and so on. It's like a digitalized one that syncs up with your iPhone or your Android and it tells you and and they ended up selling her so many products added up to just under $700.

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So she gets now that she didn't know. She thinks Okay, yeah, sure, give it to me and give it to me. No problem. She wasn't being told these prices. So the sudden he's saying you know what, she ends up buying this for the brother, the other brother. And then she calls the youngers the younger son and says, Hey, I just got the credit card bill.

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I bought this thing was $79. I think they made a mistake. So he calls it the company said no, you bought this and that over 10 other products. Right? And so kind of love that the brother He's like, Okay, what can we do now? I said, call the other brother and come up with a solution. Call the other brother and be like, Oh, look at mom and dad. They're getting old or delirious or, you know, delusional they don't know what you're doing anymore. spending money on these gimmicks and fake things on the internet. Now, come up with a solution and this is

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They came up with simply call back the company and say, Hey, this is a scam. We'll take you to court if you don't refund our money. The products are not even delivered yet refund the money. We don't want anything called us it was over. But that could have spiraled into something else. So that's an example of how sometimes we see our parents as they get older. They do strange things, but we should make excuses for them and not talk badly about them. That's the lesson how to make it easy for us to implement some of the profits,

01:00:32 --> 01:00:42

morals and ethics and next we can show a lot of data we're gonna start with chapter eight, which is a lot of curses. Whoever curses his parents does not love hate them.

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 03 (6th March 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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