Daood Butt – 30 in 30 – Ramadan 2022-1443 – Day 16

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The conversation discusses the history and importance of Islam, including the revelation that Islam takes care of snake and snakes, the use of taq wa, protecting oneself, and not being afraid of snakes and animals. The speakers emphasize the need for more knowledge and practice in learning and practicing Islam, and provide examples of how people apply knowledge through actions and actions. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for coffee and a coffee machine.
AI: Transcript ©
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somewhat while he was a little more identity him carrying on a soda to attend the testing to be sharply Sabri way acidity Emery that Emily Sadie of Cabo Kohli, my brothers, my sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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So let's see that some of the sisters want to come out, you can come into the main hall Inshallah, if you want

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for the Halacha nothing wrong with that.

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Today insha Allah to Allah, we're going to be going over the 16th Jews of the Quran, which is continuation of Surah, two calf. We'll take some examples from that. And then we'll move on to see what sort of medium short or long

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sorta to occur have to continue from what we learned yesterday. If we look at verse number,

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factor you want to go before that we go back a little bit into the 15th Jers. From verse number 60 to 74. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us some of the story of Masada, his setup, where Musa alayhis salam says to his young assistant, now they go out and they're tasked with something. And they need to get to a point and along the way, they stopped to rest at this rock, and they have a fish with them. And the fish escapes into the sea. And they don't realize it until they go ahead. And then they come back to this point afterwards. And they realize that this was the plan of Allah subhanaw taala. And they were when they were meant to be there. They were meant to, you know, come back to

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that point where Musa alayhis salam can now interact with or meet with creative. Okay.

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And then Musa alayhis salam. When he meets with Fidel, this is in verse number.

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Let me just give you the number exactly 6565 66. Almost native Selim says to him,

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you know, asks permission, can I follow you? Right? Can I follow you around now visitors like this Wiseman, who's got wisdom and Musa SNM, being someone who, you know, has received wisdom from ALLAH SubhanA, WA, tada wants to also learn from him, right? And Musa alayhis salam is a very, like strong personality, very stern, very strict type of personality. And so he seeks permission from me, he says, May I follow you provided that you teach me some of what you were guided with some of what you were rightly guided with, and that you have been talked with? And so he says, certainly, you can be patient with me. Right? It tells me decided to set up you're not the type of person that can be

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patient with what I'm about to go through, or what I experience. And then he says, and how can you be patient with what is beyond the realm of knowledge, right, there's something that you don't know of, and I'm going to be interacting and dealing with these things that you're unaware of. So to take an example,

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you meet someone, you came to the masjid and you meet someone, right? And you think to yourself, you know, I'm going to spend the day with you. Now, this person already has their whole day schedule planned out.

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And you're like, it's okay, go about your day. And I'll just be with you. And I'll be patient with whatever you're gonna go through, you know, whatever you're going to do. And then this person takes you like, you know, to certain places, like what is he doing? Why is he doing this? You know, and then they go somewhere else, you're like, I don't understand, why is this person doing that you have no back knowledge, right? There was nothing, you were not filled in as to what is taking place and what's going on, but this person is going about their day. And so he says to Musa alayhis salam, you know that you're not going to be able to be patient with what I'm going through. So Musa said that

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He reassures him. And he says, you'll find me to be from amongst those that are patient in sha Allah, right in sha Allah.

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And I will not disobey any of your orders. So he responded and said that if you follow me, then don't question me about anything until I clarify it to you. Right? So don't question me about anything that I do. I'm going to be doing things you just come along. Just watch. Just observe. Don't Ask Don't question. Right? Don't put your nose into it. Just be there. If you want to learn, watch and learn. And so they set out verse number 71, Allah Subhana Allah says, from Punta Cana, they set out but after they had boarded a ship or a boat, they get into this boat and the land that was added is another's with drills a hole or he makes a hole into the boat, the bottom of the boat,

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and moose is and he sees this and he gets upset. He's in what are you doing? Why are you making this hole in the boat? You're going to drown the people that are in this boat. This isn't right, what's wrong with you? And he says, You know this is this

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It's terrible. You can't do this, don't make a hole in a boat, people are going to drown. So the men, he replies to Musa alayhis salam. And he says, didn't I say that you are not going to be able to be patient with what I'm going through? Didn't I tell you that you were not going to just watch and observe and be patient? Like you already you're starting to question me. We didn't we didn't even begin the journey technically, and you're already crushed, questioning what I'm doing. So mostly I didn't set up he, you know, pleads within and says, you know, forgive me or excuse me, right? Pardon me for

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for basically interfering in what you're doing. Don't be too hard on me. He asks him right. He says, don't be too strict with me. So they continue onwards, fun. Tanaka had either Nokia, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says, now they proceed, they go on until they came across this boy, right, this young boy, and the man who Musa alayhis salam is when he goes to the boy and he kills the boy.

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Right? You killed the boy, Musa and Samuel gets upset. He's like, why are you doing this? Like you killed an innocent person? This is an innocent soul. Why are you doing that? You're harming someone that you shouldn't harm. He didn't do anything to you. Why are you doing this to him? And

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once again, the man says, well see, didn't I tell you that you're not going to be patient with me that you're just gonna get upset, right? You don't understand what I'm doing. I'm doing what I need to do. You're just coming along. So just come along. And so gonna say hey, listen, I'm replies. And he says, Okay, that's it. If I ever questioned you about anything after this, then don't keep me in your company. Right? Just like kick me out. You know, not gonna stay with you.

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Before by then I would have, I would have given you enough of an excuse, right? So I messed up once I messed up twice. If I have strike three on my record, then you can kick me out. So all of us can wait. And it says from Tanaka. They left and continued on until they came to a town where there were some people and they asked for some food, but the people refuse to give him any food. Like the people were rude with them. They were like, No, we're not giving you food like what is this? Like you Who are you just came you show up in our town all of a sudden you want us to like treat you like your kings or queens and kings because two men you know, you want us to look after you and and be

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hospitable and feed you and you know, show you some hospitality. So there after they left the people, they found that there was this wall that had already collapsed, like a wall, a brick wall and brick walls over time they collapse. So this wall collapsed. And it was in the process of like just deteriorating and falling to the ground.

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the men Musa said I was with starts to build the wall, starts to rebuild the wall. He starts putting it back in place. Now if you had just gotten to a town but we're in someone's house, and you're you know, let's say you rang on my my doorbell, came to my house rang the doorbell, open the door. I'm like, What do you want? What do you think you are coming to my house, we want food, no, too bad. That closes door on you. Right? And then you see outside my house that my railing needs to be painted. So you go to the store, you get some paint, you come back, you sand it down, you start painting my railings.

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Why would you do that? I just refuse giving you food. Are you doing something nice. So Musa alayhis salam, he sees that the man is now fixing this wall that had collapsed, why these people just refuse to be hospitable. They refuse to feed you. They didn't give you any nourishment. Why are you going to be nice to them? So Musa alayhis salam says to the man, he says if you wanted, we could have actually charged them a fee to fix this all and then we would have money to be able to buy food. Right? So we could have charged on the feet instead of just, you know, doing the kind to ask for them. They were rude to us. Why should we do this?

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So he says, This is where we part ways.

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You're questioning me again, strike three. You're right. You're questioning me again. But I'm going to explain to you what was going on, that you couldn't bear patients with. I'm going to explain to you. So he says, As for the ship or the boat that they were in.

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It belonged to some poor people. And they needed that boat in order to work at sea. They would go out with the boat they would use it as transportation but they would also go out and fish and they needed that boat that boat was a means of their livelihood.

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And Up ahead there was a tyrant ruler or king

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who anyone who was passing through their area would inspect the boats and any

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boat that was in good condition, he would keep the boat.

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And these people had a boat that was in good condition. So Musa alayhis, Salam maintenance sorry,

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fader was added. So that was when he made a hole in

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the boat. So that the boat when it's inspected is like that so useless boats got a hole in it and there's no point in taking it, let's just, you know, leave it.

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And so most adults,

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okay, make sense, make sense to us now when we think of it. Then he says, As for the boy,

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his parents were true believers. And we feared that he would pressure them into disbelief

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that he would influence his parents. Right, they loved him a lot. And he would influence his parents to disbelieve in Allah subhana wa Tada to disobey Allah subhanaw taala.

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So this child was one that he felt, should be killed.

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And then as for the wall, he says it belong to two orphan boys that lived within that city where they went to,

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and the wealth or the inheritance that their father had left to them was underneath that wall. So it's the wall crumbles, then the wealth is exposed, and people will take it, and those two orphan boys will not have any wealth.

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And so he rebuilt the wall to protect the wealth of those two

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orphans. So he says, so your Lord wills that these children should come to an age and retrieve their, their treasure as a mercy from your Lord. I did not do any of that on my own. He says I didn't do any of that on my own. This is the explanation of what you were not patiently bearing.

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So it shows that he had wisdom and knowledge of things that Musa alayhis salam didn't have. And it was a matter of him learning. Now, this is a beautiful example of how I remember when we were younger, and we would sit with our teachers and our parents would tell us sit with your teacher. And you know, as kids sit with the teacher, it's annoying sitting with the teacher, right, you want to sit with your friends, you don't want to sit with the teacher, right? The email monad that goes to the office after leaving the salon, you personally go and sit with him

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in the back and play with my friends. Don't go to the office, like go to the office. Because when you go to the office, and you sit down with them, and you listen to the stories, or you see the way they interact with people, or they're, you know, talking to people on the phone that explaining things or counseling, you get that, that knowledge is what you benefit from.

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And sometimes there's things that happen that we don't understand.

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Like, for example, I remember one time sitting with our teacher, and you know, he received an envelope, and I'm like, okay, envelope papers.

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And then, you know, someone comes this lady came who was you know, crying a lot. And you know, her children were sitting outside on the steps waiting just outside the office of a masjid. And, you know, the envelope was actually an envelope of money, right? That the Imam had arranged for someone who was wealthy to come in to give them a cow or set up some donation, because he knew that there was a sister that was in need. And she was a single mother. And so he made this arrangement. So when I saw it, I'm like, Okay, it's just papers. But then when you see what's happening, do I go wait a second, he gave the papers to her is she a lawyer, she a doctor, and she liked what she did these

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important papers for it. And then afterwards, I realized, oh, it's because this is someone that's in need.

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Right? And that I remember at times going with him in his car. And just giving examples of what I observed as well going with him in his car to certain places. And I was young, I didn't understand what was going on. Right. But he was like, doing certain things that were needed within the community that no one knew of, but he was taking care of them.

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And so this is an example of how at times we see people doing things, or we see them, you know, in a certain way or at a certain place, and we might judge them.

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I remember one time.

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When we were young, I used to go in July to leave Jamaat and there was some of you might know Colonel Sal, you've heard of Colonel

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Colonel immunity. He was a colonel

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in the army. And

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they went to do Dawa, downtown in Montreal.

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I know there's a lot of children here so I'll just say at a bar at a club, a nightclub. Okay, a nightclub for adult men only. Okay. So they went, they took, you know, a few of the Muslim Brothers and they went there. And I heard sisters I

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have no idea why

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They're going there. They got some old faces.

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There was a sister there was there was a woman there who asked for him to come.

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Because she's interested in Islam.

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And she was worried that something, you know that that she sort of, at that point in time, she had questions about Islam, and she was asking about it. And so he went there to speak to her. And she was one of the workers in the club.

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And she ended up embracing Islam. And I remember him telling the story years later, this woman, she used to work in the club. Years later, she was on the bus, right after becoming Muslim wearing hijab, by and so on. And she was walking out of the bus. And as she was walking out of the bus, maybe she put her hand on, you know, the rail to hold on to to go down the steps to exit the bus, a man touched her head

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when she came back to him to ask,

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what's going to happen now,

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a man who's, who's not going to be touched.

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And this was a woman who was working in a club, obviously not dressed decently. And, you know, we can put the puzzle pieces together. But years later was so concerned about her position before loss of habitat. Now, when you when you see that I remember, you know, he was telling us, he says, We came out of the club, and there were Muslims there that were on the streets, you know, people who you could see visibly, they're Muslim, and they came to us and like, stuff it along. Are you guys here? What are you doing here? You know, this is late at night, Saturday night, everyone's drinking. And he was saying even Muslims that came, they were drunk. And they were getting upset with us. Why

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are we here?

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They're getting upset. Why are you here? And they're judging them why you they're not realizing they just gave shahada to a sister,

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a sister who was so concerned and so scared about what she was doing in her past that later on just a man touching your head by mistake, right on the way as she's exiting the bus, she was so concerned that Allah is going to punish me, what do I do? What do I have to do? How can I you know, free myself of this punch.

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So sometimes we see Muslims or we see people in places are doing things at times we don't realize what they're doing.

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We know very famously, we say don't judge a book by its cover. Right? But really as Muslims, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to make excuses. 70 excuses. 70 means a lot, make loads of excuses, as many excuses as you can, for your Muslim brother and sister, for we never know what they're going through. We never know what they're feeling. We never know. You know, the household they live in.

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I've met sisters who have told me they embrace this now.

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And they've been praying. One sister was saying for the for five years, she was praying her Salah in the Washington

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because she lives with her parents. And she was scared that if her parents found out that she became Muslim, they would kick her out of the house and she's she was younger, she was like, I don't know what to do. Like if my parents kicked me out. Where am I gonna go?

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And so she her question that she came to me with this was, you know, a few years ago when I was traveling, this was in another country. She says, I raised my salah read prayer in the basket.

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She's like, in the washroom, I feared that I'm not. So it makes a separate room Subhan Allah, the sacrifices of people. All right, for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala. Now if I was to say to you, I met someone who prays their salah, every Salah in the bathroom, immediately we start to judge them and be like, Whoa, what's wrong with this person? Must be something wrong with them. You know, they're not thinking straight. They know we're not supposed to do that. But she's doing it out of fear for displeasing her parents and doing something that her parents will not be

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that she still wants to submit to Allah. So she makes her own room in the bathtub.

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So never judge a book by its cover. Now, it's easier said than done. Right? It's easier said than done. Many of us we, you know, we interact with people all the time. And sometimes you know, it's not a good day or it is a good day and you know, sometimes you too happy sometimes too angry, and things come out, right? But remember that we have to continue to make excuses for each other.

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I always say hate the action, not the person.

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Like if you see someone doing something wrong, dislike the action, but don't dislike the person. Maybe the person is doing that because they have no other choice. Another example

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I really

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Remember, when we were living in Malaysia In Malaysia, all of the shopping malls have Musab Luz in them, right? So there's a prayer room inside every shopping mall and we were downtown in Kuala Lumpur. We lived in Kuala Lumpur. We were downtown at the Pavilion, which is like the most posh shopping mall. We used to go there just because there was a bakery that had doughnuts. And I used to go and buy a doughnut and save up and buy a doughnut. Because there's a student is like, you know, don't answer expensive, right. And so Pamela, you know, we were there and it was time for Salah. So we went to the prayer room, it was upstairs. And sometimes you pick and choose which prayer room you

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go to, because nice and it's clean, right?

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So I went into pray, I came out and then my wife went in and I was waiting with my wife. She was small in the stroller.

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And as I was waiting the the whole way from the shopping mall to get to the prayer room. It's like a long, narrow hallway. Technically, just one person at a time passes through. Right. So anyone who needs to go through I have this stroller. So I'm like squished to the side against the wall and people are passing through. And then this woman walks by, and I'm thinking to myself, she's lost. Because the only people walking down this hallway are Muslims that are going to pray.

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And everyone is like in hijab or you know, as a Muslim man or woman and they're going to pray. And I see this woman who now remember living in Malaysia, there's like Malaysians or you know, Southeast Asia is mixed with Chinese blood as well. There's some Chinese Muslims. You know, Muslims from Southeast Asia, they sometimes you can't tell if someone's Muslim or not if there's no physical identity of Islam on them.

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So this woman is walking past she's wearing like a really, really short mini skirt. And a really like reviewing top just barely wearing anything. And I'm thinking to myself, like this woman's last. The only thing at the end of this hallway is the masala

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and then she goes into massage.

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And my wife comes out and I'm like, was there a lady that went in there just now? And she's like, Yeah, there's a whole bunch of ladies in there was like no, like, I think it was late last year, you should let her know that. That's the prayer room. She's like, No, everyone in there's prayer.

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See, initially I thought, Okay, this woman is going in, she's not Muslim, she's lost. Someone should tell her. This is a prayer. She was Muslim.

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She went in, and in Malaysia in the masalas. And the masajid. Even for the men. For the women, they have like the skirts. So there's there'll be like a rack or shells. And every woman comes in and they go put on a skirt and a long covering hijab. Most of the sisters in Malaysia, they keep it with them. But if someone doesn't have it, that they have them there. And for the men, they have a sarong like a monkey, right. So there's like a whole stack of like folded monkeys, you could just take it and just put it over. Like if you're already wearing pants, you just put it over so that it's more like modest as you're praying, right? And it covers you up. So she just went in, put that upgrade,

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and then she left.

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And I remember thinking and the reason why I'm mentioning it is because I remember till today that I feel really bad that when I saw that sister going in

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who knows what she's going through. Maybe she became Muslim that day. Maybe she was born Muslim, and raised in a family that's not practicing. Maybe she's the only practicing Christian in her family. And as years go on, and you know, I've traveled a lot. I've met so many people and heard so many stories that really make you think to yourself, don't judge anyone. Don't judge anyone.

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I remember meeting a sister once in Canada, in the western part of Canada. And she was attending one of my classes. And she was like, you know, usually when you're teaching, I was teaching for ANCOVA Institute and its students who take their time out of their weekend, and they pay money to attend an Islamic course. So usually the people attending like people you see, okay, they're serious about their Deen. But there was one sister who was sitting there who just didn't fit in from the outward appearance. Subhan Allah, I got to know a little bit more about her because she came and asked some questions. And she told me, she used to wear hijab. She used to wear a buyer. She used to wear niqab

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she used to, you know, be very modest and do a whole bunch of things. Until she got married.

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When she got married, her husband told her, I don't want you wearing a buy anymore. You can just wear like a long shirt.

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So she was like, Okay, it's my husband. Let me just do it.

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And then over time, he said, I don't want you to make a long shirt anymore. Just like you know, I want to I want to show you off. You know, my friends. When we go out my friends. They'd show off their wife on the show off my wife too. So he's like, can you just like stop wearing your scarf? She's no, say job. Like, I can't stop wearing hijab.

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But they argued, and in order to keep some, you know, harmony within the home, she started to give in to what her husband asked her to the point she does, where he would not let me leave, except that I was wearing like a mini skirts, no hijab, and you know, I'd go out and make up and my hair is done and stuff like that. And I couldn't leave home, if I was dressed like that, he would never go out with me ever if I was not dressed like that.

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And she's like, I used to be someone who people would only see my eyes and my hands.

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You never know what people were going through.

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And when I went and taught that course, she had just recently gotten divorced. And she was coming to the course, to try to come back to a loss of habitat.

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And now the sister who wears hijab, you know, wears, you know, modest clothing, married, has children, you know, with a brother and humbles learning the Dean as well together, they're moving forward, coming closer to a loss of habitat. We're looking at the transition that people go through, we never know what people are going through in their lives. Right. So the example that we see here in sort of took off with Musa alayhis salam

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is one that teaches us the importance of knowledge, and wisdom.

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It's one thing to have knowledge, but the application of knowledge is a completely different category of knowledge on its own. That's wisdom. How do you apply the team that you've received, the knowledge that you have? And we know very well, any of us who you know, we've all gone to school or learn some something from someone, right? I don't want to say that we've all gone to school because my children don't go to school. They're homeschooled. And they learn, but they apply what they learn. So you learn about measuring. Okay, now we're gonna bake. So we're gonna learn about measuring through baking, right? How much is this way? Okay, we need half a cup of butter. Okay, we

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need this, we need that tablespoon teaspoon. So we supply it, it's one thing to know, but it's another to do. You might know how to drive a car, but you don't know how to check the oil, or put air in the tire, or do anything of that sort. So there's knowledge. And then there's the application of knowledge. And that when it comes to the dean requires more and more and more knowledge. But the more knowledge you get, the more patience we need.

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is very interesting. The more systemic knowledge you get, the more patients you need. Why? Because the more systemic knowledge you get, the more you realize you don't know anything.

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You ask anyone who has studied Islam, the more Islamic knowledge you get, the more you realize you don't know anything. There's so much out there to learn so much to know, I need to keep learning. I don't know enough yet. Right? And then when sometimes you get asked simple questions like that, then you go check. Right, so the more you learn, the more you realize, I have to keep learning. And that's what keeps the Muslim constantly on their toes. We know we're supposed to pray.

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But at times, we might be in a place where you have to adjust your prayer, we have to adjust the timing of your prayer or you have to adjust, you know, where you've prayed, or how quickly and pray because of maybe the place that you're in the time that you're in, it's an airplane, maybe you know, the zone, the area, you don't know. So we have to keep learning Everdeen and so it's important for us to continue to learn and to apply that knowledge through the wisdom that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tadek gives to us. And wisdom comes over time.

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Let's move to

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I mean, the end of the surah we know famously almost penultimate shows us that you know if all the water of the ocean was turned into ink, to write the words of ALLAH SubhanA wa to add as in to rate you know about a loss parameter. Right? If I was to give you a piece of paper to write anything you know about a loss of habitat, we would all fill the paper and keep writing and writing and writing. And so to write about the loss of Carnival winter is blessings is Neram. Who Allah subhanaw taala is Allah says if the ocean were in for writing the words of my Lord, it would certainly run out before the words of my Lord were finished even if we refilled it with equal even if all the water was

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turned to ink and every last drop was consumed. Allah subhanaw taala to add it refills the water of the ocean and you use that again as ink that would run out as well. It wouldn't be enough.

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Look how great the last panel data is. And then lastly of us panelists and it gives us a simple formula to meet him. It says

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in an ambitious mythical group you'll have like an Elan Elan. From Canada. He has Julie

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In the last panel it Allah says, shows us here the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is saying this from an can Abdullah be whoever wishes to meet or hopes to meet their Lord for Niara Mala Mala and Saudi wherever from amongst us wishes to meet Allah we all wish to meet a lot, right? We all want to see Allah subhanho data we all want to go to Paradise and to enjoy that fun Yama learn events or

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then do good deeds. Right.

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Phil Yama, la overland Solihull while usually we are in the TLB had an associate nun in worship with Allah Subhan Allah to Allah with your Lord. Don't associate any partners with two simple things good deeds, worship Allah subhanaw taala and when we tell when sisters come and they ask, looking for a spouse, what are the things I should look for? Islamically What am I advised to look for two things.

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Dean, good character

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funnier than sorry. Good character good deeds, right? What are your speak we I got a tip I had an 18 is intact. They only worship Allah Subhana Allah and they don't associate any partners with football.

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Of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave lots of advice to the Sahaba we know famously the Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam telling us about what a man should look for in a woman is, you know, for men, beauty is important, right? lineage, family, you know, connection is important. Wealth is important. However, he says, but focus on the dean, dean, right four things, but the fourth is the most important. So in both when looking for a spouse, Dean is important. Why? We all know why. Right? Because if your connection with Allah subhanaw taala is good and right, then everything else is right.

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A person fears Allah so their finances will be in check. A person fears Allah. So when they're having an argument, they're not going to abuse each other, they're going to be respectful. A person fears Allah subhana wa Tada. And their connection is strong as Allah when it comes to raising the children, they're going to be raised according to the deen and what is right and what is true. So all ways throughout life, whether in marriage or outside of marriage, if a person's connection to a loss of habitat is strong, then every aspect of life becomes in check in order for the sake of pleasing the last parameter. But that needs to be the most important that I will do what is needed

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for the sake of pleasing Allah. So in anything, right, and I've given you examples throughout the month of Ramadan. But anytime someone asks us to do something, we make sure that we're doing it for the sake of Allah. And if not, then there's a problem with our intention. It's problem with us, we need to fix ourselves doesn't mean that the problem can't be fixed. And I always like to use the, you know, the old school radio tuning button, like in some of our cars, there's still a tune, right, you can tune the radio, so you can move to different radio stations. So tune your intention. As you get closer to the radio station.

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All of a sudden, the sound comes clear, right? So we want to make sure sometimes our intention is like, you can't hear it properly, right? It's all messed up

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to it properly. And you're going to hear that crystal clear sound, that crystal clear sound that's like your intention. Right? Make sure that our intentions are pure and clean for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala

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then Surah Maryam, the rest of the Jews were going through, sort of, and then swirl. So um, Meriam I honestly did not want to take many examples from it, because I went through the majority of it last year, and the year before. And so for Swan, ammonium, the only thing that I really wanted to point out is the very beginning. Where's that Hedionda his centum he calls out to Allah subhanho wa Taala and asks for

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an air someone to take over someone to continue their family. And what's really interesting is he tells a loss of hanaway to add up

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on a loss when Allah says is no doubt but we'll need that. And Sofia when he cried out to his board privately, and he says My Lord, surely my bones would become brittle, and my hair has become great and spread across my head as its thinned out. But I have never been disappointed in my prayer to you, oh my lord. And then he says, I'm concerned about my faith, about the face of my relatives after me, since my wife is barren, so grant me by Your grace and air, so he makes dua to Allah subhanaw taala for someone to sort of carry on

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The family because they don't have any children.

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And Allah subhana which Allah blesses him with, with

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from this Yeah. But from the family of Jaco, would you say? Are you said yeah. Oh, I thought I heard you say I hope so from the family of your group. But yeah, Allah his setup is like a year and it

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ends up being given glad tidings of yeah, that will be born. And the name is chosen by Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And immediately when he receives this good news, what's interesting is, is that good IATA has set up is like, asking a lot, oh my Lord, how can I have a son, when my wife is barren? You just finish asking for it. You just asked Allah Subhana Allah for it. And Allah is giving you good news, glad tidings, you're going to have a child. And you say, how? How can I have a child, even though you're asking for it, Allah makes it happen.

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Allah subhana wa, tada makes it happen. And that's an example for us. Sometimes we feel in life like we're stuck. Or we feel like, you know, things have gotten so bad. I know some people that they come and they tell me, this happened and that happened and this person passed away and that happened and that person got sick and they got diagnosed with this. And they're like, nothing good can happen to us. And I'm like, don't say that.

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If you really want happiness in life, and you want something good to come to you ask Allah subhanaw taala and he'll bring it you don't know how we don't know how but Allah will bring it remember last panelist Allah says on the Yet Allah insha Allah who must Raja were reserved from an isolated, right? Allah subhana wa Tada that says whoever has taqwa in Him, He grants for them away out like that men running out of the door. When they're right on top of the door, you see that little silhouette of a person running out to the skate fruit. I always like to use that as the example. I get the color.

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Way out.

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When there's trouble when there's problem think of you know that men is showing us if there's a fire or an out you escape and you'll be good.

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So having Taqwa is escaping from harm. And Allah subhana wa Tada says, once you get out that door, while you also come in high school I have tested and He will bless you with provisions from places that you couldn't even comprehend. You don't know where they're coming from. But Allah Subhan metallic gives it to us. And so this example is like beautiful, is that good? Yeah, it asks, We need someone to take over like, you know, to carry on the family lineage and so on, you know, concerned about our family and Allah subhanaw taala says, Okay, we'll give you anything and you're gonna give me your loss of habitat and just need to say couldn't find it. As in he gives us the example if

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Allah wills great to have it happens. Right? It happens.

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And then we move on from solo Meriam to sort of

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sort of

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examples of

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have the Quran was sent not to cause issues not to be something that's difficult for us, Allah subhanaw taala says,

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00:38:36 --> 00:38:42

that, he can earn any dash in Pirata, Lima,

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almost parameter Allah says, Baja, we have, we have not revealed the Quran to you, or prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam to cause you distress.

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It's not meant to cause you distress you're not supposed to, you know,

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get worked up with the Quran or to have challenges with the people around you. He says, but it was sent as a reminder to those in awe of Abbas piloti, that it is a revelation from the One who created the earth in the high heavens, the most compassionate, who is established on the throne. And these are the verses that

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who recited

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when they became Muslim

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who recited these verses.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:37

The long run when he entered the home of his sister,

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and she was sitting with her husband, and they were about to recite from some of the, you know, little pieces of leaf and branches that they would recite that they would write the ayat of the Quran to preserve it and to read it and to learn it. And so when he entered, she hid that away and I'm gonna leave you alone where it came in and he wanted to see what it was. And he took it

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And he read and then he asked to go see the profits and a lot of it and

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it got to his heart so much sort of BA So read through it and you know when you're the sometimes we read through it and we're like okay we read through the English but listen to the Arabic as well put your favorite your site or on and listen to it such a beautiful sweater and listening to it it just captures your attention. And in this surah Allah subhana wa Tada once again, makes it sound as mentioned right the Prophet of Allah Subhan was added as mentioned the most in the Quran, Musa it has set up. So he's given revelation near the fire at the Sacred Valley, right? The Valley of Booyah.

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He tells a last panel data tells him You know, remove your your slippers or sandals and come closer and he that's where he receives the revelation and becomes a prophet of Allah subhanaw taala he tells him about the miracles that he's going to use the stick the staff I should say throw it to the ground, and it becomes here to Intesa right as a serpent that is like moving it's not just like a serpent on the ground that's still in you go in your touch it like you go to the zoo and they're like oh, here's the snake touch it and it's like tamed no no how you had to Tessa was like a serpent that was like ready to attack. You know, moving around, like ready to attack. Right? And Allah

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subhana wa Tada tells me this is a setup, grab it

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shows the bravery of Mussolini's GrabIt.

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Any one of us that are you know, face to face with a serpent, a snake that is active that is like ready to attack. And someone says just grabbing

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your grab it. Oh, no. See that door going out there. When I get

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The snake is there the ground

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tells me to grab it that shows the taqwa the belief that the prophets of Allah subhanaw taala had that Allah is taking care of me.

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And subhanAllah you see it today, like in at our time as well, people who, you know, you go to zoos, and there's alligators and stuff like that. And sometimes the trainer's are there, even though the alligator might, you know, bite down on their hand, they'll like to jump on the alligator or crocodile and like hold it down and wait and try and get you know, a mouth open and get their hand out. Same thing with snakes. I remember when we lived in Malaysia. So I know that some of you will come from countries you probably have seen snakes growing up and stuff right. In Malaysia where we lived.

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On campus. It was a postgraduate campus, we had an infestation of cobras, those Cobra nest, just like 100 meters away from our apartment. And they found over 400 Cobras that they removed just in our area. And I used to see little eggs, right eggs on the staircase, going like from our building going to our apartment, there's eggs and then sometimes we see these little like baby cobras like this and they be there and you come close it it's like snap and jump. You don't want to remember one jumped off the railing of the balcony once and we're like yo, something's wrong way. There's a little too many snakes around here. Right but Subhanallah when when they cleared it, we thought they

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were going to come because from Canada we don't know right? We don't deal with snakes like that. We thought that they were going to come and like you know, spray something to kill all the snakes. They captured all the snakes and relocate them out to the jungle.

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They captured all the snakes they went around they pour like this powder like a sulfuric powder around the buildings so that no snakes can enter again because the snakes don't like that. And now they know that they've contained the area where the snakes are and that they just go through the woods. These like men.

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They go through the woods, they see the snake pit with the stick rabbit by the tail and put it in the truck. Go get another one.

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I must pay no attention. Additionally, we need to have taqwa and Allah's panel done easier said than done. Trust me at all. For most read through you right now. My feet would be up on the table if you'd like you guys, get them up. Right? Well, we have to have that top one I lost.

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That animal is a creation of Allah.

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It's a creation of Allah as well. When you hear stories of like the Sahaba when they're traveling in the deserts like Alia Dotty Allah, I'm being faced with like the desert lion.

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And just talking to it. I'm not scared of you. Obviously in Arabic, right? Not scared of you, your creation of Allah. You're going to show me how to get to Yemen. You're going to show me how to get to where I need to go more out of the bin double being sent on his own. You're going to show me how to get there.

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Subhan Allah the tequila the belief that we need to have an Allah Subhana Allah and it has to be strong. Again, easier said than done. But we need to work on ourselves to make sure that we come closer to Allah and that we only fear of loss of habitat. We don't fear the little spiders. We don't fear the snakes. We don't fear what's out there. And I know there's coyotes sometimes we see outside in this area, especially on Sundays today, Sunday careful way, because all the trucking companies are closed. So usually on Sundays when I'm in my office, I see coyotes and foxes. And almost every Sunday, right? So today's Sunday, it's

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outside, right, because all the trucking companies are closed with no trucks going by so the animals don't hear the noise of the trucks. So they slowly start coming and they go to the garbage bins of all the different buildings, and they try and like find food.

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And you see them remember first of all, you got to protect yourself. But don't be scared know that Allah will protect you do what's right and what's needed

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in any aspect of our lives. Even when it comes to exams, sometimes the exam papers what we're scared of, oh my god, this paper is gonna destroy ruin my life. It's just a paper with ink on it, right? It's like, oh, this take away my future. It's just paper door.

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Do your part study hard, answer the questions. And you'll see Allah subhanaw taala. At times, I think every single one of us who's an adult who's, you know, working, we've gone through that stage where we've done exams that we thought we would have failed. And we asked how

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because what we right now could be completely different from what the the invigilator or the person the examiner is reading. And they end up grading us differently. A lot has the power to do anything. That's all the time that we ever took 45 minutes of your time just after the level of hate on some level or seminar. Anatomy you know how to do either and you know, somebody was sending Subhanak Obama will be hunting finishable

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Filipino metal Lake, which is located in Santa Monica, to live your life wabarakatuh

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