Bilal Philips – Importance of Tawheed & Living Islam

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of tower heed and the core of Islam is emphasized in every act and belief. The speakers emphasize the need to pray for a law and obtain knowledge of Islam to avoid becoming immune to the virus. The importance of pursuing knowledge and obtaining it for one's own benefit is emphasized. The speakers stress the need to hold onto a book and learn to change one's life to achieve the unique oneness of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim. Allah Allah was hobby woman instead nabeshima t laomi Deen operations due to Allah And may Allah Peace and blessings beyond the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and an all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.

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The topic that I've been given to close off the morning session is that of tawheed

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for living Islam,

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the importance of tower heed

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in living Islam.

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And if we look at the position of tower heed,

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in the Quran, and in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, we will see that it is the core of Islam.

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Without tawheed there is no Islam.

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Without heat, properly practiced, there is Islam.

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Everything of Islam is built on the foundation of our head.

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If it doesn't have our head, as its foundation, any act, any word, any thought, if it doesn't have tawheed as its foundation, then

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it is of no use. It will not benefit us in this life or the next.

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So we have to understand that our head is the foundation.

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And that foundation

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is so important. That Prophet Mohammed wa sallam had said, Man call Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, doctrinal Jana, whoever says La Ilaha Illa. Allah will enter Paradise, we refer to Lai La la la as what kalama to tauheed.

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It is kalama to toe he, it is the word or the statement of the head.

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And that statement is enough to take one to paradise.

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So is there anything else in Islam that the prophet SAW Selim said, If you say this, you will enter paradise?

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Do we know of any other practice?

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If you do had you will enter Paradise. Did he say that? No.

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If you make salaat, you will enter Paradise. Did you say that? No.

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If you give zakah you will enter Paradise. Did he say that? No. But he said, If you say la ilaha illAllah you will enter Paradise. Of course, he gave conditions. It wasn't just left open. Anybody says it a person who doesn't believe in it at all. And that's gonna put him in paradise or her in paradise know.

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In some narrations, he said, Whoever said lilan a lot more Listen, because be sincerely from his heart. So there are conditions that are added to it. But fundamentally it is still that statement of tawheed is enough to take one to paradise. That's why the prophet SAW Selim

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showed us practically one of the Sahaba accepted Islam and they were going for battle. He didn't have time to learn ally and everything else. He went into the battle died without praying a single Salah.

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And the problem apostle Salam said he's in paradise.

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His saying La ilaha illallah wa sincerely was enough to take him to paradise. So that's how fundamental

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that tawheed is.

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the implementation of tawheed is the very reason for creation.

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For our creation,

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the prophet SAW Salem or last month, Tyler had informed us, molecule general Enza olalia boon.

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I only created the gym and human

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And to worship me

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and that worship of Allah,

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sincerely, he cannot boo. You alone do we worship, when that worship is restricted to worshiping Allah alone, that is Tao he, in implementation that is the the highest level of implementation is that we worship Allah subhanaw taala. alone, without any partners without any intermediaries that worship is tawheed implemented.

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the application

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after our head

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is the goal of the pillars of Islam.

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When we look at the

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rituals that we are taught, as children we grew up with we learn, we implement those rituals that application

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of the teachings of Islam

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in particular, the fundamental pillars of Islam and a man that application

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Its goal is implementation of tawheed.

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It is at the core.

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That's why last month Allah had said, Artemis Salah, Lizzy Cree, established the prayer in order to remember me

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remembering a law that is

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in our hearts, in our minds in our souls, that is tell him

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how he'd applied.

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So even the very Pillars of Islam, all of them Hajj Zakah. Fasting, the goal of it all is the remembrance of a law

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that is applied to our head.

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And the internalization

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of the head

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is itself the realization or actualization of Islam? When we internalize tauheed

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meaning it's in our thoughts, in our minds,

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in our actions,

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our head is there. And the core of our head is about a loss of Allah to Allah, about knowing who Allah is and who is not.

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And that is why

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how do we know this internalization is the actualization of Islam because the very first question that we will be asked at the end of this life, when it is all over, everything has been said and done. that very first question that mancora nichia will ask us is what? Man robuck? Who is your Lord? Who is your Lord?

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How do you know who ally is? Through tower head?

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If you have not realized our head, in all of its various aspects, you will not be able to answer that question. Though you might know that that's what you're supposed to say.

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On that day,

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in the barza, when we're asked memorable, who is your Lord, we will only be able to say ah, ah, a law, the term a law will not come out of our mouths, we will not be able to express it because we didn't translate the knowledge into actual faith.

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my brothers and sisters

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when we hear that Surah ikhlas is equivalent to one third of the Quran

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and we wonder why it's worthless, considered one third of the Quran it's so short.

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The greatest verse of the Quran was

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I will corsi.

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Want to see what is ayatul kursi about ITIL course is about describing the unique characteristics of a law.

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Every single statement in ayatul kursi is describing various aspects of the uniqueness of a law so that we would know who a law is.

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This is Tao heed.

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And that knowledge reciting ayatul kursi is so powerful that it protects us from shaytaan when we recite it before we go to bed at night. It protects us throughout the night, till the morning

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and we are encouraged to recite it after our daily prayers.

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I tell corsi.

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So, the question comes and remains,

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what is townhead

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Tao he may be defined as maintaining the unique unity of a law in all aspects of our lives.

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Maintaining the unique unity of a law in all aspects of our lives Paul who Allahu

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Allah didn't say who Allahu Ahad. In other parts of the Quran, he has described himself as being an

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But in it of course, he said, and described himself as

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a had.

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Those were the words of below when he was being tortured what I hadn't had.

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But Allah is not only one, but he is unique in his oneness. This is the point,

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maintaining that unique oneness of Allah. This is tawheed when we maintain it in all aspects of our lives.

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Meaning we live lives dedicated to the Almighty God Allah.

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That our life is dedicated. As Allah said, Bull endless allottee say indeed my prayers, one Uzuki my sacrifices Rama hayah, my living room Amati and my dying lillahi Rabbil alameen are for a law, the Lord of all the worlds

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Salatin, Laci,

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how do we implement that?

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Our Salah is for a law. We implemented by praying the way that the prophet SAW Salaam taught us to pray.

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He lived tawheed

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he taught us how to live tawheed

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so regarding the prayer, he said, salut salata Mata and

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say or pray a farewell prayer, whenever you are praying.

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You pray as if this was the last prayer you had to make in this world.

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You have no more time. Time is up. You have time only to make one more prayer.

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If you've made that prayer,

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that farewell prayer. You know, it is completely different from the prayer that we make now.

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The prayer we made for virgin

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the prayer we're going to make for the for the rest of the day. That prayer is a ritual prayer. We go through the motions, we have learned how to do it correctly, physically, ritually, but the essence of the prayer is missing.

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And that's why our prayers don't have the impact that they should in our lives.

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So we need to get back to that prophetic

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recommendation to pray each prayer, like a farewell prayer, strive for it. I'm not saying Okay, now that I told you, you go and praise rotten, Lord, and it's perfect. No, we are human beings. We have been so used to praying ritual prayers, to now go and actually pray a farewell prayer is a huge struggle.

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And you know, that's how things are, are they the greatest reward comes for the greatest struggle.

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The greater we struggle, the greater the

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So let us try when we leave here today

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for Salah

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let us try to pray that farewell prayer. Well, no Suki and my sacrifices, sacrificing whether it's sacrificing of an animal or making sacrifices in our lives Prophet Muhammad wa sallam told us one mantra cache and Allah, Allahu Allahu khairan. me know, whoever gives up sacrifices, something for the sake of Allah, that job in the Rebbe bank.

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You sacrifice that job for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better.

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may not be right away, immediately. It may take some time you have to be patient, it's up to Allah. Whether he gives you that replacement immediately, or it takes time.

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But the bottom line is that you make that sacrifice, then Allah will give you better. That's the promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala as told us told to us by Prophet Mohammed salam, WA Maria are living a mighty and are dying.

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How does our living and dying become dedicated to Allah? Well, Prophet Muhammad wa sallam told us before we go to sleep at night, we say what? This because lahoma

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moved to

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this make Allahumma in the name of a law.

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die, and I live

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in the law speaks about Mama hayah mama Mati he mentioned the life first. Then death after, but in the doula.

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We say.

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I moved to La Jolla, we mentioned death first. Why? Because sleep is the sister of death.

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And that's what we are going into right now. At that point that we're going to sleep at night, we're dying.

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Our soul is actually taken from our bodies.

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And some the soldiers are returned and others it's not.

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So we're entering into a death situation. So we say Bismillah lahoma R mu to Bahia. idi, in your name of Allah.

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And I hope to be brought back to life, in your name. And of course, throughout our lives we have Bismillah

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before eating before doing so many things in our lives. Bismillah is there. That's the reminder that we should be doing it for the sake of Allah alone.

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And also,

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Prophet Mombasa Salama told us, Latino Mata comme la la la la, we should remind those who are dying, they're on their deathbed, remind them to say ilaha illAllah. Sincerely. So that that may be the last words before they leave this life.

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To die on that state, in that state.

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With that in mind, with those words on our lips, this is ideal.

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So we try to help our friends and our relatives, when they're in that situation and we pray Allah give us the same opportunity.

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in order to maintain this unique unity of Allah,

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we must have knowledge.

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If we are ignorant of a law,

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we're ignorant of Islam.

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We will be ignorant

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of this life

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and ignorant of tawheed

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though we may know

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some of what I've said before.

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We will not be able to implement it in our lives if we do not have solid knowledge of Islam and that is why Prophet Mohammed Salam had said, tolerable elmy for Allah, Allah Muslim seeking knowledge is a religious obligation on every Muslim

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and if we

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Follow the principle of First things first.

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What we need the most knowledge of in our lives is what? Allah

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so that's where our knowledge should begin in the knowledge of Allah subhana wa tada

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and after that, we know or should know,

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the knowledge of the Sunnah, which gives us the methodology for living according to the knowledge of Allah, living according to Tao, he demonstrated a law sent him to demonstrate to us

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how we should live our heat.

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And that is why

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when we talk about knowledge,

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many times people go to other knowledge, areas of knowledge in this life, management, education, many other areas of knowledge, it's all included in the command to seek knowledge. But the starting point, the most critical area to have knowledge is knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah. And that is why profit models are seldom said to rock to FICO membrane, I've left with the two things in Temasek from behind my view, hold on firmly to them lenta de la vida, you will never go astray,

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holding on firmly to a law

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laws book.

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He explained it was kuttabul law was so nutty. The Book of Allah and my son holding on firmly to a laws book is having knowledge of a laws book,

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we can hold on firmly to it if we don't have actual knowledge of it.

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What we have done, unfortunately,

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is to turn holding on firmly to a large book into rituals that we have added around the last book, which the Amazon seller never even taught us. So we put the last book on the highest shelf.

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We take it off the shelf beginning of Ramadan, blow off the dust, we read it through Ramadan, and we put it back on the shelf.

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So that is the ritual. And if the book falls, we pick it up, we kiss it.

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And we have all kinds of rituals around it, which the prophet SAW Selim never told us.

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Because it's much easier for us to focus on rituals than it is to hold on firmly to the Quran by understanding it.

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That is the firm hold, understanding the core and and implementing it. When we do that we have held on firmly to it.

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And holding on firmly to the Sunnah is living our lives according to the example of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, which he has left for us and which is carried down to us.

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And in closing, I would just like to point out that in the province last time,

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that knowledge of tawheed

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and the practice of Islam was available to all

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it was accessible to all

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so much so that when the prophet SAW Selim asked a slave girl

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I know law, where is the law?

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She said, the summer above the heavens, immediately, no hesitation, no reflection, no contemplation, she just responded above the heavens End of story.

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But as time passed, we had philosophers and others bringing all kinds of different ideas. So that now the question is Where is the law is I don't know.

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I'm not sure.

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Some people made it a part of their belief system that you say a lot of equally McCann,

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Leia, Holloman who makanda. Who have he called him again?

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There is nowhere where he isn't.

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By aluminium McCann.

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And he is everywhere. What we call the Macan,

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which is confusion.

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Allah is everywhere. They couldn't answer that simple answer given by the same girl.

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Founded Sahih Muslim, above the heavens End of story. No

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He's like everywhere.

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And the problems that come with that confusion.

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The faith and the understanding of the faith became confused. And it's not to say all Muslim scholars held that belief, no a group, a group that became so powerful that it became the state belief

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for a number of years.

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that knowledge

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became distant and difficult to achieve, but Alhamdulillah in our times, that knowledge has come back to us. It has become available on a scale unknown before in history.

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Due to the internet,

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the internet has now made that knowledge available to anyone and everyone

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Alhamdulillah Allah blessed me to establish the first authentic Islamic University on the internet, the Islamic online university, which is available to each and every one of you.

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There are over 450,000 students from across the world studying in its diploma free diploma 6000 in the degree programs,

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among them 30,000 here in Nigeria, have registered, gone into courses taken one course, or another course etc. It's available, I'm sure still many of you have no idea. There's such a university free. Yeah, it's there. So we don't have any excuse today.

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With the Internet, and accessibility of knowledge, we don't have any excuse today to say, Well, I didn't know.

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We all can access it, benefit from it, and help ourselves in our lives. You don't necessarily have to go and take a degree. But you can take courses which will help you you already qualified most of our students are professionals. They qualified in different areas, but they never had the chance to get Islamic knowledge

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that was missing. So Alhamdulillah without opportunity, they have grasped it. And so many of them have benefited from it. Similarly, women, women who normally don't get the chance to seek knowledge to go out and seek knowledge men are the ones who go to Medina, Azhar whatever, get knowledge, women

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99.9%, stay home.

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But now it's possible to be ironing your clothes, cooking your food,

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looking after the kids and studying the dean at the same time.

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It's there at your fingertips. So tau heat

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is the imperative. The obligation on each and every one of us in order to make our lives, lives lived according to

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the belief in the unique oneness of Allah, and the application of it in all aspects of our daily lives. I asked the last one to Allah to give us the reality of tawheed and to remove from our hearts, any objections, any misunderstandings, any

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sins in relationship to the unique oneness of Allah worshiping Him, according to that oneness of who lokala was taught for Ali welcome Melissa muslimeen mechanism for stop Pharaoh in who will afford Rahim Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Islamic online university is

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changing the nation through education.

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Register now and get started. Visit gm for more details.

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