Abdul Wahab Saleem – Tafseer Of Surah Taha 01

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various Surahs and their themes, including the Baha of the Bible, the Surah of the Bible, and the Surah of the Bible. They emphasize the importance of understanding the language used in the Bible and the need to be mindful of the language used in the Bible. The speaker also discusses the use of "Ok," as a reminder for people to avoid the worst outcomes and avoid the worst outcomes. The speaker emphasizes the power and capacity of Allah's subhana wa Tada, which is the one who created the heavenly earth and creation of the completion of the time, and the secret secrets of Islam, including the ability to build code, the knowledge of secret things, and the ability to change one's words and language. The speaker emphasizes the importance of bringing out the secret of Islam within one's life and working towards the ultimate.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey meaner show your barn your boy G.

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enlighted kurata Lamy yaksha

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call upon our summer

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have been in

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a long

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salatu salam ala rasulillah Alhamdulillah

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Allah Allahu Allah CDM Hama didn't want early he was so happy he

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was eating ice cream or Mishra saw that he was silly me, Melissa Nia Coco de are visiting or visit or visiting a man

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Allahumma salli ala Moana Delta who said that he has an either sheeters Allah.

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Allah subhana wa Jalla said Baja.

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Like many other suitors in the Quran, Allah subhana wa Taala starts this surah off with words which are known as an orphan,

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which are known as words that have broken letters in them. And the general theme within these sutras which start off with a little film called box with broken letters is that right after these broken letters, Allah Subhana Allah talks to us about the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. And there's many, many swear words right from the very beginning, or almost the beginning of the Quran and Islam in Surah, Baqarah. And many other suitors throughout the Koran posse meme kapha, inside right before this sort of medium, was also started off with the broken letters. And similarly, this one starts off with that as well. And it has the same theme in the very beginning of its art as well. And that

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is the theme of on but before we get into the IOP themselves. Soraka is a surah which happens to be a murky surah it's a surah which happens to be a sutra which was revealed in the very early advent of Islam. So much so that some scholars they said this was revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in the fourth year after the Prophet hood of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Furthermore, sort of Baja is a surah, which Allah Subhana Allah Allah revealed right after sort of medium, so solid medium is the 44th Sutra in Revelation. And if you notice, it is also right before sort of Baja in the Quran as well. It's the 44th Sutra in terms of Revelation. And baja is the 45th

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surah in terms of Revelation, so they're back to back in Revelation, just as they are back to back in terms of their in terms of their placement in the Quran as well. So the Baha was another surah that was a surah that

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along with the fact that it was in the very early advent of Islam, it actually guided a lot of people, just like the rest of the Quran as well to Islam among those people who are guided because of sort of Baja, because of the Quran because of this, these particular verses and because of the verses which we'll be studying in this particular lesson as well. The very, very first few verses of sort of Baja was a man by the name of Mr. Robot who was no mystery, and no stranger to all of us are multiple chapada second Caliph, the two people one of the two people who are always with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Abu Bakr and Omar, one of the two people about whom the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said follow those two will come after me, Abu Bakar and Rama. So Soraka is a really, really powerful sutra. It's a really, really unique surah as well. And the story goes is such that are multiple hubub he had taken his sword up. And after he took the sword of his he wanted to go and go and do something evil with this sword. And he was in search of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But on the way someone came to ermanno, hubbub and he said why don't you go there?

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Get your brother in law and you look at your sister, they have also accepted Islam. They have also left the religion of our forefathers. So he said Is that so? Is that true? And the story is quite famous. He then ended up directing his anger towards his sister and his brother in law. When he got to their house. There was hubbub sitting there he was teaching them suit about sort of Baja specifically. So he asked for the scrolls that were before them. And he took the scrolls after cleaning himself after purifying himself and he started reading baja mountains olalekan or analytische, car, electric kurata, Lima yoshua. And so when he read these verses, he said this is

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extremely beautiful words. These are in fact extremely, very, very sweet words. And with that are multiple hubbub ended up accepting Islam. Allah Subhana Allah says mountains are not illegal for honor leadership, ah, these particular verses. To understand them you have to understand the general theme in Mecca during the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The general theme in Mecca during the time of the prophet SAW suddenly when the prophet SAW Selim was still in Mecca before his migration to Medina was that people were constantly looking for some way to to needy pick out whatever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. So the prophets I send them was continuously

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involved in a calling. And the call wasn't really getting where it was support where it ended up getting later on, where the prophets I'll send them at home for it to get during that time. It did get there later on within the life of those who lost a limb. So some of the people of Makati started mocking rasulillah they said, Allah has given you this put on so that you may go through distress. You may go through distress, so Allah revealed to him the second verse of sola Baja, Allah subhana wa Taala said madonsela alagille or Ana Rita spa, we did not reveal to you this for answer that you may be distressed. This was the reason for the revelation of these verses. That Allah subhana wa

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Taala didn't reveal the Quran to the prophets of Salaam so that he may be distressed because people are giving him this sort of excuse that people were giving accusing him of this right so Allah subhana wa tada negated that Allah hasn't revealed this Hold on, we haven't revealed this Hold on, that we have royalty, us the royalty, right? Whenever you're in the presence of a royalty if you're going through difficult times within your life, if you're going through misery and distress, there's normally ways to cheer you up, right? Allah Subhana Allah wants the prophets or send them to be reminded that he's dealing with this supreme royalty IE Allah azza wa jal, and Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is not going to allow him to be distressed. And this also means that when some people today they look at the Koran, and they look at the pseudoknot Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they think that it's backwards, it's not going to really withstand the test of time and so on and so forth. And the meanings and the guidances within the Quran within the Sunnah to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually going to do to bring the people back into the middle ages and so on and so forth. The answer is named No, never, ever. Why? Because Allah Subhana Allah revealed this Hold on, so that people people may be happy and not so that people may be distressed

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Allah subhana wa Tada. He didn't put any ruling within the Koran any belief within his IRA, any belief upon the tongue of His Messenger any ruling upon the tongue of His Messenger, except that it led people it leads people to, to happiness and not distress. Allah says mountains are not illegal.

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But you know what? There's an interesting factor, and that is that some people, they use this verse to twist the rulings of allies origin.

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And they use these verses to twist the meanings of a last word on. So they'll say Look, look, look, look, look, look when you give them an idea in which there's a clear verse in which there is an implementation that needs to be done Allah subhana wa tada is telling he, Allah subhana wa tada is telling the prophets SLM to deliver such and such message on which is a bit difficult. Okay, which is a bit difficult. People will say, well, hang on a law hasn't revealed the Koran for distress to override the ruling of the Quran itself. That is wrong behavior because a lot of us knows what is it that leads people to distressed and Allah subhanho wa Taala best knows what leads people to

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happiness. If Allah has given a ruling in the Koran or the prophets, I send them as given a an injunction within his in sooner than that right there is what leads to happiness and not our indexes and our benchmarks of happiness. Allah subhanho wa Taala says mountains a lake or on aliter spa, and one of the proofs of what I'm saying is the very next verse, Allah subhana wa tada says, enlightened girotto Lima Yahshua. But what we have done is revealed this hold on to you as a as a reminder for those people who happen to have fear, okay, so this What are nonetheless happens to be a reminder for those people who happen to have fear, right. And this reminder

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Under can be in two forms, it can be a reminder, which happens to be a warning, it can be a reminder, which is simply bringing people close to a loss of data encouraging people to do a certain action right in less than kiloton limit. So when you're encouraged to do an action, you have to actually implement something and that is some work you need to do. So it's not that it's all easy, there are some difficulties. Similarly, when you are warned of an action, you are expected to not do that action that means there is some difficulty there in that you have to give consideration to as well. So when people take the second verse of this sort of out of context, and they say mountains

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are not illegal, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah subhana wa tada has been revealed the poor answer that you may be going through so that you may end up going through misery and distress. That means let's just override anything that comes in our way and our comfort and so on and so forth. Allah says Elijah, it comes to you as a reminder as a warning, it comes to you as an encouragement Lima yaksha. But it only happens to be so for those people who have fear because those people who do not have fear they don't have fear to also not not take the verses of Allah subhanho wa Taala out of context, Allah continues, then Xena man holla

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what's the Mattila This happens to be a revelation it's coming down to you from the divine men mahalo calm. It's coming to you from the one who created the earth what semiaquatic Rhoda is coming to you from the one who created the earth and it's coming to you from the one who also created the heavens as well the the the ever high heavens right alula gem earlier, Allah Subhana Allah is telling you now that this was on a it's coming from a royalty mountains and we the Royal we did not reveal to you this photo on so that you may go through misery. Furthermore, not just royalty Tenzin. It's coming from down up. And what that means is that if you notice, whenever we have someone that's

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sitting on a very, very important

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domain, he happens to be a leader of a very, very important domain. he happens to be or she happens to be a owner of a company and so on and so forth. We say that this commandment is coming from down up that means it's a serious matter. It's not a joke. So take it seriously Tenzin so it's coming from a higher up authority man holla call out from the one who created the earth and also was somehow theater or not the heavens which are very, very high. Allah continues and he says Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala has been established on the throne of power and dominion. Allah subhanho wa Taala owns all things Allah subhana wa tada created the earth, Allah

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subhana wa tada created the heavens, which are the Most High. So everything within this heavens and the earth happens to be within the dominion, the power, the capacity and the capability of Allah Subhana Allah and there's nothing which can escape the power and the capacity of Allah subhana wa Tada. So when some people they wish to take the laws of other creatures and other creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala and believe within their hearts that these laws and these injunctions and these so on and so forth, bylaws and so forth, they happen to be greater than a loss of Hanna, what Allah is legislated. Allah wants you to know that Allah is the one who created the heavens and the earth,

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Allah is the one who over powers all of these things, Allah is the one who has the dominion and all of these Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who has all capacity and all power within this, all of this and Allah has not revealed to you the Quran or people so that you may go through misery and distress are either laws of a lot will lead you to happiness, ie those injunctions that Allah gave you in the Koran, they will be the ones that will give you happiness within your life. And they're the ones who should be the, in the minds of a believer in the heart of a believer they are the ones which which should have the ultimate authority at the end of it all. And that's why the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in a hadith now pardoning loop and female see it in Holland, there is no obedience for a monk No, there is no obedience for a creature from amongst the creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the disobedience of Allah, Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is being disobeyed, then we do not obey any of the creatures of Allah, no matter how great and how powerful they may be. A law continues and he says, well, integer horrible fate was

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one of the things you will see that Allah subhana wa tada when he speaks, he speaks in a very, very organized way. This doesn't mean there have, there's always chronology within the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But there's always a pattern that you can see what I mean by that is that sometimes events may not be chronologically mentioned. And as we know also from literature, sometimes chronology is not the best way to get the message across as well. Right? Sometimes if you notice author start off in the middle of the story, and then they go to the beginning suddenly, right

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And there's a reason for that because that can be rhetorically powerful at times. But sometimes chronologies also there as well. And this is one of those cases Allah subhana wa tada says, We're intelligent how to build potent

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Ascension or descending order as well. Allah says we're in touch how to build code, if you explicitly express yourself, if you speak very, very loudly, right?

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If you speak very, very loudly and then after the loudness, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes to a secret speech right the secret secrets that you spill to one another a lot then says for India who Yalla mas sobre la. So Allah subhanho wa Taala knows the secrets the secrets that you give to people right? And those which are even more secret than the secrets themselves right. So the first

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way of speech that Allah mentions that he says he knows of is first and foremost a speech which you speak out loud, or clearly expressed very, very, very, very obviously, right? So Allah subhana wa tada has knowledge of that, that Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for India, huya, Allah Muslim, and Allah knows the secrets and Allah knows those which are even more secret than them IE those with your hearts and your chests conceal. So Allah knows their speech, Allah knows the secrets that you say to one another privately and Allah Subhana Allah knows that which is within the heart as well. And Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't tell you that he knows the speech that you say out loud, okay?

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Because that is very obvious. When he tells you he knows the secrets, and he knows those which are also with concealed within your hearts as well. If he knows the secrets, ie those things that you say and do within your private times, those things which you do and say, within secrecy, and if he knows even further those things, which are hard to conceal, which are which are even more secret than the secrets themselves, that obviously Allah Subhana Allah knows those things you utter, very, very clearly. This is the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he knows all of these things. And that way, we can be reminded of the beginning of the verses as well. Mountains are not illegal or an

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elitist car, we did not reveal to you the Koran, so that you may go through misery because some people happen to have this idea within their mind or within their private conversations or within their clear words as well, that hey, the Koran, you know, it's backwards, it was meant for a certain time it's meant for certain century and now we need a spiritual revolution. to re understand the Quran as if the Prophet didn't understand the Koran. The Companions didn't understand the Koran. Those who follow the companions, they also didn't understand the poor and we are now reduced to rediscovering the words of God. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Allah knows your speech, Allah

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knows what you say privately or even if it's simply a thought within your hearts in Latin kiloton Romania. And Allah continues and he says, Allahu La Ilaha Illa who

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now either Allahu there is no god except Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah is the one who there is no god except Allah Himself, except who accept him himself. Level Esma will Krishna, Allah subhanho wa Taala has the most beautiful of attributes. So if you really truly want to get close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you really truly want to understand the power and the care with which Allah has crafted, the which with which Allah Subhana Allah has crafted his creation for which Allah has revealed the Koran, for things to be orderly within this then you should know the names and the attributes of Allah subhana wa Taala you should know those beautiful names a smile and personality

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are very, very supreme and Beautiful Names. And when Allah says, smart with Krishna, he's not just saying the beautiful and Krishna is a term which is the feminine, have an accent, okay? And what that means is extremely beautiful, the most Supreme, the most beautiful of names. So the most beautiful of names happened to be the names of Allah subhana wa diamond. And you know, when we give a name to one another, we just give it a name, just because we love that names, so to speak, but a lot of name acronyms actually has meanings every single one of them and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said an authentic tradition and not a lie. This afternoon with this

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release man when I saw her the whole agenda that Allah subhana wa tada happens to have 99 names, whoever is able to encompass these names of Allah subhana wa Tada, he will enter into Jana. So Allah has these beautiful names if you encompass them and what that means is if you understand those names and implement those names, within your life lives as well. So the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala actually having many of them actually have a human implementation that's possible within it as well. What that means is that you notice that Allah subhanaw taala is a Rahim. Allah is the ever Merciful Allah is of a man

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Allah is the most merciful, you notice that Allah is the epitome of mercy. You notice that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who delivers his mercy to others as well. Right. So when you see that quality within Allah Subhana, WA Tada, you know that quality is a good quality. So you try to inculcate you try to understand that quality and you try to implement it within your life as well. And you give that mercy out to other people and that will allow you to gain the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is found in the Hadith as well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, avahi, Muna yamamura, that the people who have mercy Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy upon

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them as well. It'll hammer woman Feed of Your hand coo Memphis, Emma, have mercy upon those who happen to be within the earth, Allah, the One who is within the heavens will also have mercy upon you as well. So a larger messenger than said that those who are merciful, the Most Merciful will have their mercy, His mercy upon them. So he's trying to allude to two things a when you see a quality that is good, that Allah subhana wa tada has chosen for himself within his names, that normally not always, normally this quality, in some very limited finite way can also be implemented within the life of human beings as well. So you take that quality, and you try to bring it out

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within your life. So you end up manifesting this quality that Allah subhanho wa Taala had deemed beautiful within his beautiful names. And moreover, when you do so Allah subhanho wa Taala will also give you a portion of that quality and give you a portion of his care from that quality as well. So if Allah is a you, and Allah is the caretaker of all of the world, Allah is the one who is who is not in need of anyone, he is self existing without a need of anything else. And he's the one who is taking care of all other existence as well. So you end up taking care of some of the people that are within your care Allah will take care of you as well. And this is found in a hadith as well, the

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profitsystem said, Men can only he can along with your own, whoever happens to be within the house within efforts to help his brother Allah subhanho wa Taala will help that person as well. A lot continues and he says, Allahu La Ilaha Illa who Allah there is no god except Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Himself. lehle Esma personna Allah subhana wa tada has the most beautiful of names.

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Dr. hadiza Musa, and did the news of Musa alayhis salam come to you, and we even lie to Allah, the news of Musa alayhis salam, we'll be discussing within subsequent episodes of this particular sort of Elijah Allah. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala has divided into a number of different categories. So Allah subhana wa Taala first and foremost talks about the Quran itself. So that's the first MCQ bar the first portion of this surah then Allah subhana wa tada talks about two aspects of the story of Musa Elisa, one of those aspects of the law, we'll be discussing are in our next lesson, inshallah are part of that one aspect. And then Allah subhana wa tada talks about a number

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of different aspects of after the two stories of Musa alayhis salam are two aspects of the story of Musa Elisa. Right then Allah will talk about the tiama and some of the fears related to that, then Allah will bring it back to Adam and Instagram. And then there will be the conclusion of sort of the surah. So you have about four or five depending on how you want to divide this up four or five themes within the surah. Okay, it could be for if you join the two suitors of Musa alayhis salam or it could be five, if you separate the two stories of Musa alayhis salam and Musa alayhis salam is the most mentioned prophet within the Koran. This surah happens to be one of those tourists which is

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in fact a very exceptional in the relation of of the story of Musa has one of the longest relations of the story of Musa alayhis salam so much so that the sutra is called pseudo Baja. It's also called pseudo Moosa itself. It's also called pseudo and kelim as well, what sorts of kelim I can name a lot, the one who spoke to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. So it's a sort of very, very particular to Musa alayhis salam and as we said, it is Elijah Allah in our next lessons, we will look at the pseudo story of Musa alayhis salam, Salam Alaikum Quran, Allah Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Join us in our tafsir of Surah Taha as we explore the benefits and gems found in Surah Taha this Ramadan 2017. Surah Taha discusses the story of Musa, the story of Adam, and much more.

Ta-Ha. We have not sent down the Qur’an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress, but only as an admonition to those who fear (Allah), a revelation from Him Who created the earth and the heavens on high. (Allah) Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne (of authority). To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil. If thou pronounce the word aloud, (it is no matter): for verily He knoweth what is secret and what is yet more hidden. Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names. [Surah Taha]


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