Bilal Dannoun – Excellence Of Generosity And Spending In The Good Cause
![Bilal Dannoun](
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The speakers discuss the use of money in Islam, including its use for one's wealth or health-related reasons. They also touch on the importance of not overpaying for one's wealth to avoid future complications and the Hadith of the Prophet sallim. The speakers stress the need for everyone to practice the concept of spirituality and use it to deal with one's life, particularly in the context of the poor and needy people. They also mention a pilot where a woman is killed by a man who claims to be a god, and the importance of practicing the theory of Islam to gain new knowledge and use it to deal with one's life. The speakers also touch on the use of cloak as a form of superann ow and the potential for charity to cover one's sins.
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi h mine, brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Today inshallah huhtala we are going to explore another chapter from amongst the chapters of emammal no always beautiful book riobel sila hain and this chapter that we are going to be discussing today mmm no we are him Allah. May Allah subhanahu Wata Allah have mercy upon him. He entitled this chapter Babel karami while Jude well in Falco, Fie with Joe Hill higher Patton Villa heeta Allah this translates to the excellence of generosity and spending in a good cause, with reliance on a loss of pan of water Island. Now, wealth My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, wealth, money, or wealth in all of its forms, is from Eliza when it comes to Allah azza wa jal and it is a fitna, it
is a trial. It is a test. This will fit we have allies zoa gel is testing us regarding this wealth. So will people spend it in the right way? Or will they spend it in the wrong way? That's the fitna. That's the trial. Now inserted at the herban in the 15th verse, the 15th area. Allah azzawajal says in a lukewarm Well, we'll do calm fitna. In amines, for sure, indeed, in unwelcome, your wealth, your wealth, your unwell, your wealth, where to comb your outlet or your children. They are a trial, because many people
too occupied or preoccupy themselves with their wealth and their children at the expense of their obligations at the expense of their Deen at the expense of the rights of fulfilling the rights of Allah soprano who at Island. Now, when it comes to spending wealth, okay, people differ, people differ with regards to the spending of their wealth. Now the first group are some people who spend their wealth on unlawful or haram desires that only distance them and keep them away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So spending it on haram activity or haram goods that drive them away from Allah azza wa jal. That's the first group. The second group of people, those people who
spend their wealth seeking Allah has so much as pleasure and that which will bring them closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the group that we want to be a part of those people who who spend on good causes whether it is spending on the poor on the needy on building Islamic infrastructure, building massages, building schools, building wealth sadaqa charity,
spending it on refugees. So all of these beautiful causes, and you know, in Dawa initiatives and spreading Islam, then we have those people who
you know, spend their wealth on non beneficial things now, they're not hard on things, okay? Or they're not,
you know, spending on things that are desired or mooster hub or recommended, okay, so what they are doing is that they are spending it on non beneficial things now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he warned us and forbade us from wasting our money. Okay, and this is called a Seraph. You know, when you waste your money in Allah subhanho wa Taala he does not like those. There is a verse in the Quran whereby Allah subhanaw taala does not like those people in the Lucha Libre boo serophene those who waste their money. So now when we open up the court and we go to a chapter called Sabbath, in the 39th verse of the of the surah Allah subhanahu wa Tyler, he says one man and factum, one man and facto ministry in for Who are you here for who will who will highroad rise your teen that means wherever you spend, in fact is spend one unfuck term Okay, men Shea in from from a thing from wealth
For whoever you live for who he compensates you with better, if left is the is the compensation with that which is better, for Who were you for who were who were heroes of pain, and yet he is the best of sustainers he's the best of those who sustain and give us
so Allah subhanho wa Taala promises in his book that he will compensate us for our spending for his sake.
Now this area is supported by the many Hadith that enamel now we included in this chapter. Now one of the Hadith mm uno Rahim Allahu taala. Included in this chapter is the hadith of Abu huraira radi Allahu anhu that we find in Sahih Bukhari, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Mammon Yeoman you specially a bad Wi Fi in my Lakhani and zielen for your kulu a huduma Allah hum of the moon Falcon Hall as a
way of poodle and her Allah humma of the moon see can tell
abou hora de la one who are the reports the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said every day, two angels descend, they come down. And,
and then one of them says, Oh Allah compensate the person who gives. So the one who is giving, in other words charity for a good cause, compensate him, reward him.
And for the other one, the other angel says, our law destroys the one who withholds now, what the learner has said here regarding this phrase Allahumma out the moms he can tell refer is they said here tell us tell us or telephone is is of two types. The first one is,
is see it's an actual, an actual or tangible type, whereby your wealth actually is destroyed, whether it be by way of theft, whether it be by way of you know, being burnt up or just you know, being destroyed. So your wealth is actually destroyed as a result of this. Now, this, the LMS said it's the person who withholds from giving with regards to their obligations like zakat. So, for example, where you are obligated to give you will obligate as a husband, to spend on your wife, you are obligated, as a person, as a father to spend on your children, you are obligated as a person who has reached the nisab and Zakat is payable upon you to give you a socket. Now, if you hold from
discharging no duty than this, there is an angel who is making against you every day and that is Allahumma RT, Mumsy can moosic is done who withholds telephone is destruction. Now, it can be interpreted in another way as the ultimate set. So there is the sea or the actual
or tangible
destruction, or the mariner We are the abstract or the intended meaning is that, that May Allah not bless your wealth because there's no barakah in the wealth. You know, some people they they will, they might have, you know,
you know, $100 that they earn, and that $100 they might find it, they're spending from it for a whole month, whereas another person earns $100. And within days, it's spent, there's no Baraka, there's no blessing.
And this is it's not about the the amount of wealth that you have, but the Baraka is gone, because then Allah subhanaw taala, for example, and if you are not spending in his cause, and that this data is being applied upon you, all right, what could happen is that Allah subhanaw taala control you and I can give you an illness, for example. And then you have to now spend that wealth that you could have spent it on more pleasurable things you're spending on medicine, you're spending on being, you know, hospitalized or being treated or treatment. There's no Baraka, there's no blessing in the wealth. So that's why we need to as Muslims ensure that we are fulfilling our obligations. So Allah
azza wa jal can put Baraka can put blessing into our wealth, inshallah hota Island.
Now, for amongst the beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is another Hadith that a man will know we are him. Allahu taala included.
We call this hadith amongst the jomi al kelin. whereby the prophet SAW Selim, he says, only a few words but will lay there is so much meaning. So much meaning behind the Hadith.
This is the hadith of Ibn mestrado the Allahu Allahu Allah, and it's originally found the Sahara Bukhari. Now, in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, he asked the question, he said, au comb marylu Where is he? A hub boo la he may min Melly, he, he said, Who of you loves the wealth of his a meaning the one who's going to inherit you? He's a, who of you loves the wealth of his a more than his own wealth.
So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked his question to the Sahaba
pilu Yasuda Allah they said a messenger of Allah.
Man Mina, I hadn't inland Allahu Allahu Allah He, there is none of us, but loves his own wolf. Why would I love the wolf that's not going to be mine. It's going to be somebody else's. I love my own wolf, the wolf, but I have control over that the one that's in my position. So, the prophet said a long while he was seldom, he said, For in mela, who Kadima mela, where is he he
he said that his wealth is that which He has sent forward, that you put forward but that which he retains, belongs to his heir.
So, what does that mean? That means the wealth that you give for the sake of Allah that you spend that you invest for, you're here after that's yours, you're going to find it with the blessing of it in this life and more importantly, we're in the hereafter. But the wealth that you don't spend for the sake of Allah who's going to ultimately get that wealth, the people that inherit you, when you die, there is a whole section A whole lot to do with a little to do with inheritance, okay to deal with what they call tarika.
So, so, therefore, the prophet SAW Selim is saying, Hey, you know, spend as much as you can from your wealth, so you can see the returns. Otherwise, when you die, you have no say, you have no say, regarding the wealth that you leave behind, it's no longer yours, you can leave behind millions,
you can leave behind billions. But if you have, if you once you pass away, you have no say as to its distribution, that before you die, of course, you have a say, in a third of your wealth, you islamically are allowed to,
to be quest to bequeath a third of your wealth as follows was through through Kathy in the process lm said a third. So you can say I want for a third of my wealth to go to this mystery to this organization to this cause, but no more than that, the rest of the wealth will be distributed according to inheritance law that we find in the Quran.
So a very beautiful Hadith and encouraging Hadees Hadees me to ponder over and think long term think about our hereafter inshallah hota Island. So your wealth is that which you spend for Allah sake, and you will find it on the Day of Judgment. And anything else apart from that really, you just leaving it behind, for people to fight over, you know, if they don't agree with the, you know, with the laws or and we find this in western countries we find that's why it's very important to ensure that you, you know, ride out your inheritance with a with a lawyer or to do it properly living in the Western world. So that you so that those who are
rightfully entitled to that wealth will receive it inshallah hota Allah.
Now, another very important point to know is that when you spend for the sake of Allah,
Allah will compensate you. Allah will compensate you and He will also spend on you will compensate you in reward he will compensate you
in blessing, but he will also spend on you. And in the Hadith and other Hadith Emma will know Rahim Allahu taala. Included is the hadith of Abu whatever the Allahu Allahu Allah we find it in originally in Mohali a Muslim.
It is, it is a hadith
See, Allah subhanahu wa eila says unfair cabina Adam Yun Yun Falco I like
and feel to them even fatwa like which means spend Oh son of Adam spend hours in the course of Allah spend unfair cabinet Adam Yun fangkuai Lake and
and you will also be spent upon by you spending you'll be spent upon. So therefore again another Hadith, okay, we're about a loss of panel Tyler is telling us when you spend Don't worry you'll be compensated. So the problem is, is we didn't have that europeen and we don't have that certainty in Allah Allah azza wa jal will compensate us and will reward us for our expenditure.
Now all of these hobbies and verses direct us to give and spend more for the sake of Allah subhanahu Wata Island. Now, the first Hadith Mo Mo Allahu taala has included in this chapter is the hadith of Abdullah bin Massoud of the Allahu anhu that we find originally in Bukhari Muslim. Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Let hasakah illa 15 attain that there is to be no envying or no envy is permitted, except in two cases.
You're only allowed to envy in Islam in two cases. And the first one he says Roger when I tell who love women for salata, who Allah halakha T. Phil Huck, a man whom Allah gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully, what are you alone? Tell will love who heck mutton for who is the Bihar while you are the Maha and a man to whom Allah gives knowledge which he applies, and he teaches it. Now, the envy here that is referred to because we know that in Islam envy is not allowed. It's haram to envy people because the word the English word, the English meaning of the word envy is when you
when you see something that somebody has, and you wish to have it instead of them.
Okay, that's envy.
In Islam, we have something called a HIPAA, HIPAA with a high end of HIPAA. And HIPAA is like a positive envy, whereby you wish to have what that person has. But without that, a blessing being taken, taken away from that person. That's the difference between has said, in the full sense
of the word, the full meaning of the word and lip balm. That's the difference. Now, so this is the first Hadith, so there is no lip Ba,
except in two cases. La hacer de lF is nighttime, say so Hippo, or envy is only permitted in two scenarios. as per this idea, the first one is a man whom Allah has given Mel, Mel is your wealth. And by the way, the word man
the reason why Mel, which is the the Arabic word for wealth, is is is mal is because of the fact that it comes from they said, there's a connection between it and more you'll and we will means having an having an inclination. So people are very inclined to wealth, what we have bonell Mela, hope Benjamin and you love wealth excessively, you know, and the hobbies that if you had, if the son of Adam
had two valleys, okay of gold, he will wish to have a third. So nothing really satisfies us, you know.
So a man whom Allah gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully. So if you see somebody, they have wealth, Allah has given them that money and they using it rightfully, you're allowed to have this feeling I wish I can have that, that he has. This is called the HIPAA. The second case, is a man or a person who Allah has given Elon has given them knowledge, which he applies, and he teaches it. You're allowed to have that positive envy regarding a person who has urlan who has knowledge and he applies it and he teaches it to others. Now, the word here that was used for knowledge is hikma. hikma here means knowledge
Hear it means knowledge.
And of course, when we're talking about knowledge in Islam, we're talking about knowledge. That is the juice that is derived from the two primary sources Alcor and the Quran and the Sunnah, and the traditional prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when it comes to applying knowledge or hikma and how people deal with it, they may be categorized into four groups. How people deal with knowledge, we can probably now we can put them into four different categories or four different groups. The first group are those persons or people who are allies of a gel has blessed with knowledge, they have the knowledge, but they use it wrongfully on themselves.
Yummy, they don't use that knowledge and apply it in its proper way. So they don't benefit from the knowledge. They don't act upon the knowledge. They don't obey Allah azza wa jal through that knowledge and they don't refrain from haraam from you know, based on that knowledge, so this person of course, is going to be in shear loss. Now, this person is really similar to the Jews and yahood because the Jews, they know the truth Yeah, how do you fornell half they know that the Huck
just as a loss upon on what it says about them Yari funa, who they know him meaning Mohammed sauce, lm cambiare una Abner whom, just as they know their own children. Okay, so but what did I do, they shy away from the truth, because of the kubity yet because of their kibber, because of the arrogance, because of the arrogance. So that's the first group of people. The second group of people, those who apply the hikma or the knowledge upon themselves only, and they don't share it with others. They don't propagate the knowledge. as Muslims, we are encouraged to spread the LM, the prophet SAW Selim, he said balneo.
He said propagate, or teach on my behalf. Even if it's a verse, even if it is some in a specks of of knowledge, you just don't know how far away those words can go. You learn something new, share it with your best friend, share it with your parents, share it with your relatives, share it with your children, okay, share that knowledge, share it with other people.
This group of people are better than the previous group. Then we have the best group are those who are granted, and those who are blessed with hikma with knowledge, and they apply it onto themselves, and they teach it to others. Now, this is this is what we want inshallah huhtala. We want to be from amongst those who are learned, who have the knowledge, who apply it to themselves on themselves, and they apply it on to others or they, they teach it to others. There is a fourth category of people when it comes to knowledge. And there are those who have no hikma they have no knowledge,
the ignorant people
johanne they don't have the knowledge. And the prophet SAW Selim he said, you know, Allah will tell me for either to Allah Kula Muslim that you know, seeking knowledge and pursuing Islamic knowledge is a faridah especially when it comes to our prayers and our fasting and our obligations. So these people
as depriving them of themselves as much hood Allah hey my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, when you have knowledge knowledge is empowering
teaches you how to do with life's many dilemmas and perplexing problems and hardships and you know, arduous situations. So we need to inshallah huhtala gain as much knowledge as we can and apply that knowledge and by applying that knowledge, okay, Allah gives you a new knowledge. Man Amina, this is a this is a very well known statement by the Roma Munna, amela Bhima. Salim, were rasa hula who are at my man Lamia alum that whoever applies what he has learned, Allah blesses him with knowledge of that which he knew not. So it's very important that we are always translating the theory into a reality and putting it into practice. And by doing that Allah azza wa jal blesses us with new
knowledge. So very, very important to remember this inshallah who Tyler and these people when you who don't have knowledge, we say to them, learn hamdulillah we have many Institute's masajid schools, very good websites YouTubes if you're not sure, ask
Ask and you will be directed to some, some material that can really, you know, change your whole life around. So, no more nor lm is light. It's enlightening. It tells you how to deal with your Jani calamities and distresses and problems and children and spouse and with people how to do with them. It's very, very important to empower ourselves with the knowledge and there is no harm with secular knowledge. But the priority of course, is our religious knowledge because that's our obligation. We are here to worship Allah azza wa jal woman, Hala telegin. Now an insanely Lia boon, which always keep this area in front of our eyes, that Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, my doctor did not create
a general mankind except for worship. We are here to worship Allah azza wa jal. And when we have knowledge, when we have knowledge of Allah azza wa jal, then we will come out of our hardships, and will lie here we will taste we will taste sweetness of faith, we will taste the sweetness that amen and knowledge has to offer us in a day and age, whereby so many people are miserable. So many people are just as suicidal or committing suicide. You know, recently I came across a YouTube clip about a very rich man, a very rich man
who has so much wealth, but he is so miserable, he is so miserable, that he wants to take away his life. So panela, he has all of this man, he has all of this wealth, but he's not happy. He's not only not happy, he's depressed to the extent to the extent that he wants to now take away his life. And he does so through through, you know, euthanasia.
And you can see if you see it on the screen, in front of your eyes, he's happy to take that, that that, you know,
you know that poison, and put it into his stomach and die within moments. Because he's miserable. had that man been exposed to Islam, and learned about true Islam and the spirituality of Islam, and the light of Islam and what and how happy makes you and that you don't need dollars and cents. You don't need to have this materialism to make you happy. I believe there's no way in the world he would have reached out for that drug
and reached out for that poison. But the problem is many of us that we don't you know Allah azza wa jal has created us in a physical, we have a physical body and we have a spiritual body, and many of us are nurturing our physical bodies, but we are neglecting our spiritual bodies. And just just as the physical body needs, exercise and nutrition, our spiritual body needs to be exercised, and it needs nutrition. The exercise of our all of our spirit is the solid and the poor and and Victrola, and cn and hedge, an ombre and all of these things. And it includes also,
you know, the the all these things that are going to basically exercise our airmen and our faith. So let's strike the balance inshallah huhtala and not be superficial. Otherwise, we can end up with those people who are suicidal or ending up and you will find Subhanallah the countries that have the highest rates of suicide.
The countries that are, you know, technology technologically advanced, and the countries that are very affluent countries, that's where the highest rates of suicide are because they have all these things and they think that those things are going to make them happy, but it's not the reality.
So we asked a loss of power pilot to bless us with beneficial knowledge. Now remember, no we got to him. Allahu taala included a number of hadiths to do with this chapter of being generous and the excellent excellence of generosity from amongst the Hadith that he included is the heartbeat of Id been hacked and love your loved one who would have loved that we find it Bukhari Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said it Taka Nara wala will be shipped kitamura he said
protect yourself from the fire from the Hellfire even by giving a piece of data as charity. So if you don't have anything to give, give something even don't belittle something as half of a date or part of a date. What's that gonna cost you? You know?
So give even if an organization is asking, give to give, let's say, you know someone's asking to give $100 you don't have $100 give $1 your dollar could be equivalent to the $100.
The profits are low and he was telling himself he never said no.
He never said no, this next holiday illustrates is and it's the hadith of jab barrel, the Allahu anhu that we find them Bukhari and Muslim.
That he said jabber said masala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Shea and Kaku sakala that
the Messenger of Allah saw sell it never said no to anyone who asked him for anything. He never said no.
To the extent that we learned through the Syrah of the promises, sell them that he would go to the extent of borrowing to give someone the designer he would go to the extent of borrowing.
On certain occasions if there was a needy person
from monster howdy phenomena, Rahim Allah, Allah included
is this next Hadith, which teaches us that about two of the best acts in Islam is the hadith of Abdullah Ahmed in the last for the Allahu and woman that is found in Bukhari and Muslim.
And then as the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
which act in Islam is the best.
Which act in Islam is the best. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, to feed the poor and the needy, and to greet those whom you know, and those who you do not know, to Acts, feeding the poor and the needy, especially today, we have so many of them around the world 80% of the world
populated with poor and needy people, people who have been displaced people who have been,
you know, kicked out of their own countries and cities. So, also the process of selling here he mentioned that, you know, that you should also give salams to those that you know, and to those that you don't know, saying a salaam aleikum is not limited to your relatives or to your kith and kin, and to your very close friends. Islam as Muslims, we are one big family. We are all brothers and sisters.
So we should always when we see each other, say Assalamu alaikum. Even if we don't know that person, and this is from the etiquettes, and the manners of Islam, that we give our cell lamps to those that we know as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either man or after woman, lamb tarrif those who you know and those who you do not know.
And this, of course, also acts as an antidote to hatred and to hostility and maintaining that harmony within a community.
Abdullah in Ahmedabad allows for the Allahu anhu
or the loved one whom are also reported that the prophet SAW Selim said, there are 40 kinds of virtue, the highest of which is to gift she goat he who practices any of these virtues expecting its reward from Allah and believing on the verity of the promise made for it will enter Jannah
now, the LMS someone I met have actually enumerated
by by way of their own respective Yani
ways the 40 qualities
but Allahu taala alum as half as had been hijacked last colony, he said,
at the prophet SAW Selim did not name these qualities and that perhaps the reason behind this is that no one should underestimate a good act, no matter how small it might be, then under estimate iniquity act that you do.
And remember that the upper hand is better than the lower hand, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the hadith of Abu Muhammad Allah one who he said, a son of Adam, if you spend the surplus, it will be better for you. And if you retain it, it will be bad for you. You will not be reprimanded for keeping what is enough for your need. Begin with those who are your dependents and the upper hand. In other words, the one that spends in the way of Allah is better than the lower hand. In other words, the one that receives charity.
So again, spending on those nearest to you first of carbona available maroof those who are nearest to you are most deserving
Have your kindness and your generosity.
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, he used to give in such a way that was that showed that he was fearless, very generous, he feed he he did not feed becoming poor at all.
And as for the Allahu Allahu wa who reported that whenever the Messenger of Allah wa sallam
was asked about a thing, by one who was about to accept Islam, but he would give it and then came to the prophet SAW Selim.
And he gave him a herd of sheep scattered between two mountains. There was
a herd of sheep that belonged to him, he gave them to him, just like that.
When he returned to his people, he said to them, oh, my people, this man, he said, Oh, my people, embrace Islam because Mohammed gives, like one who has no fear of poverty. Some people would embrace Islam only for worldly gains. But soon, Islam becomes dearer to them, then the world with all in it, and what it contains. So what happens is stem encourages us to give to those people who are as the idea the idea of Zakat in chapter nine, verse 60, tells us the recipients of Zakat, and one of them is Elmo Alfa Polo boom,
which is those whose hearts are inclined to Islam.
Right. So when initially they might, you might, they might interest them on the basis of Islam, generosity, and Islam, you know, kindness, but soon What will happen they'll see the beauty of Islam, the true beauty of Islam, and then they and then they embrace it wholeheartedly. So this is an encouragement inshallah to Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not a BA he'll, he was not a miser. And Amara, the Allahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, he distributed some wealth, and I said to him, a messenger of Allah, do you not think that there are other people who are more deserving than these whom you gave? He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
they had in fact left no alternative for me except either they should beg of me or they would regard me as a miser but I am not a miser suppresses them gave them so they they don't big, and so that they don't think that he's a miser. So the process of selling was not a miser.
Another Hadith
Jabir urban
macrame rajala one who reported while I was walking with the prophet SAW Selim, On his return from the Battle of who name a few better ones caught hold of him and began to demand their shares. They forced him to a tree and someone snatched away his cloak, which got entangled in that thorny tree.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Give my cloak back to me.
Were I to have camels equal to the number of these trees, I would have distributed, I would have distributed them all among you, and you would have found and you would have found, you would not have found me a miser or a liar or a coward. The prophet SAW send them with give, he doesn't fear being poor.
That's our role model. That's also assassin. So he feed not poverty, and he was not a miser, he was not a liar. He was not a coward.
that's just the way the prophet SAW send them once. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also indicated in the Hadith fantasize Muslim the hadith of Abu Dhabi, Allahu Allahu wa. He said, Nana Casazza cotton mean men. He said, that wealth is not diminished or not reduced, by giving it in charity. When you give it in charity, your wealth is not being reduced.
And that Allah subhanaw taala he raises the honor of the one who forgives and the one who displays humbleness towards another seeking the pleasure of Allah and Allah exalt Him in rank.
For amongst the Hadith,
that a man will know we included regarding the excellence of generosity
is the hadith of I shall have the Allahu Akbar hat that is Francine and Timothy, she reported that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam had slaughtered a sheep and distributed major portions of its mate. Then he selected
While he was lm said, Is there anything?
Is there anything left. So after he started the ship and distributed, distributed it, he turns to Ayesha, his wife. And he says to her, is there anything left? Now listen to what she says. And then listen to the response that he gives her.
She says to him, nothing except the shoulder. So if this was distributed all and all that's left is the shoulder.
Now look what he says. He says, All of it is left except for the shoulder.
He says the other way around, then all of it is left except for the shadow. What does that mean? Because that which he distributed is going to be rewarding for you in the Hereafter, you're going to find it. The shoulder on the other hand, we're just going to eat and that's gone. It's finished, as devout, it's done. But that will be distributed that's going to remain behind for you as an investment for you here after, you know, it's like superannuation. You know, you you invest now and you reap up later, you put this money aside and then you collect later, and that's what you're doing when you're giving sadaqa inshallah to Allah, it's a form of superannuation.
And also, this next, Heidi teaches us not to only hoard the wealth,
otherwise Allah will withhold from you. In the hadith of asmat been Abubakar radi Allahu Allahu Allah, that is found in Bukhari Muslim, the process Selim said do not hold otherwise Allah will withhold from you. Allah will withhold from you.
Okay, and basically as the saying goes, as you sow, so shall you reap. Or you reap the seeds that you sow.
Okay, so it's always about what you know what goes around comes around as well.
And the prophet SAW Selim, in this next Hadith, it gives a very beautiful, a beautiful metaphor, a beautiful analogy,
prophetic metaphor, and how charity covers up your sins like armor, and protects you from sins like armor. Listen to these words the process alien, he said, the case of a miserly man, a stingy man, and a generous men who gives in charity is similar to that of two persons who are clad in armor from the chest up to the collarbones. When the generous man gives in charity, his armor expands so much as to cover his fingertips and toes. When the miser intends to spend something that armor contracts, and every ring of it sticks to the place where it is, in other words, it sinks into the flesh. He tries to loosen it, but it does not expand.
So the more that you spend, the more that you're protecting, again, this you're putting this protection around you, okay, from sins.
So it covers covers up a man's sins. And
the next hadith of Abu huraira, the Allahu anhu reported, the Messenger of us as lm says, Hey, who gives in charity, the value of a date, which he legally earned, and Allah accepts only that, which is pure.
Allah accepts it with his right hand and fosters it for him as one of you fosters his mature horse until it becomes like a mountain. So we this hadith is saying that when you give sadaqa when you give for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah takes it in this hadith.
Allah subhanaw taala takes it with his right hand. Now here the right hand is in a way that is befitting to His Majesty, remembering that laser chemistry he shaved, that there is nothing like unto Allah subhanahu wa to Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala takes it and he invests it for you and makes it grow
just as one of you Foster's his mature horse until it becomes like a mountain. So this article that you give, will actually it grows It doesn't just stay stagnant, or one size.
And lastly, the last Heidi for a moment no Rahim Allahu taala included is a very interesting miracle that happened. It's a little prophetic story the process Ellen mentioned something that happened before his time. It's the hadith of Abu whatever the Allahu Allahu Allah that we find inside a Muslim.
The prophet SAW Selim said while the man was walking through a barren land, he heard a voice coming out of the cloud, saying Eric
gate, the garden of so and so. So he heard a voice saying to the cloud, water, or send rain down to the land of this person such and such a person you mentioned his name,
there upon the cloud drifted in a certain direction, and discharged its water over a rocky plane.
This, the stream lifts in the water coming down down from the mountain, the stream, let's float into a channel. This man followed the channel until it reached a garden.
And he saw the owner of the garden standing in its center.
Working with his spade, spreading the water, and changing the course of the water. So as you know, the water is coming down, it's cutting into a stream, and he's allowing it to go here to his garden to go this way to go that way to irrigate his crops in his field, whatever he has growing.
So now the man who initially heard the voice from the clouds and who's following and has come is come up to this man. And he system What's your name?
Oh, slave of Allah, what is your name? He told him his name, which was the same name that he heard were from the clouds.
The owner of the garden, then asked him, oh slave of Allah, why do you ask me for my name?
And he replied, I heard a voice from a cloud, which poured down this water saying, irrigate the garden of so and so. And I would like to know,
what do you do with it?
What do you do with it? He said, Now that you've asked me, I'll tell you, he said I estimate the produce of the garden and distribute one third of it in charity. So whatever the the land produces, I always estimate a third and I give that feasibility let I give them for the sake of Allah azza wa jal.
I spend one third of it in charity. I spend one third of it on myself and my family and invest one third back into the garden.
So what does that mean? Allah subhanho wa Taala is rewarding him and compensating him for that third that he spent in feasibility.
And that's when you're dealing with Allah azza wa jal.
Okay, Allah azza wa jal compensates you and rewards you.
That's why whenever you have to look at it as a loan, you have to look at it as a loan to Allah azza wa jal and that's what Allah Subhana Allah says, Mendel levy Yukari to La coloradan Hassan and for you though if a hula hoop if and kathira who was it that will give a lot of good liloan and Allah will multiply it for him. Yeah, and he many fold many times over. We ask Allah azzawajal to make us from amongst those who are generous. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from being stingy, and from being miserly. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless our wealth, to bless our health and to bless us with beneficial knowledge. heatherwood Allahu Allah sallallahu wasallam over a calendar
Amina Mohammed, Salah monokuma rahmatullah wa barakato