Bilal Dannoun – Etiquettes Of Travelling

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The importance of being in a hurry, being in a hurry when traveling, and praying in a certain direction during travel is emphasized. The importance of praying and not just sitting and praying at the same time is emphasized, as long-acting prayer is not allowed during the time of travel. Prayer is crucial during busy times, and individuals should not take risks and use their own experiences to make their lives successful. It is important to protect oneself and others from harm and return home after a journey, and to not travel in public unless there is a necessity or necessity.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad, wa ala Li he was happy he edged main praises you to Allah, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of the prophets of Allah, all of the messages that were commissioned to mankind.
Brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Today in shallow Tyler's lecture or topic is entitled etiquettes related to the traveler, or in Arabic, the musafir. The one who is traveling is the most airfare and travel the Arabic word for travel is Sephora, Sephora. And we find that both in the in the swinger
in the Sierra in the biographer process lm we learn about
many etiquette or manners related to travel. And when we open up the books of the books of Islamic jurisprudence, we learn about rules and regulations that are related to the musafir. The traveler, whether it's the cost of the solid shortening of solar, or whether it's the gym or the combining of solid and how this is done, and when Can this be done. So, in shallow Tyler, today, we're going to go through a number of hadiths, a number of prophetic traditions, from a man will know his book criado sila hain, which talks about some of these etiquettes and he actually dedicated a key tab, which he calls keytab dabboo Safar, that is the book of etiquette of traveling and he has a number
of chapters within this keytab within this book, in his collection, are able to silence him.
But let me just basically
give you an a general idea. When it comes to the sweetener
when it comes to the way of the professor love it, he was selling them and travel. First of all, we find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he traveled for a number of reasons, from amongst the reasons why the Prophet himself traveled. One is, of course, the migration when he migrated from Mecca to Medina. That's one form of travel the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam undertook, which he undertook with abubaker seleka The Allahu Allahu Allah.
Another type of travel could be for jihad, fighting in the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Another one is for Umrah
and Hajj would be the fourth one. So the earlier Matt speak about these travels now generally speaking, a prophet is not allowed to travel or to leave his city without the permission and without the instruction of Allah azza wa jal and that's why prophet Juno's prophet Jonah alayhis salaam, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was swallowed by the big fish or the whale, and then was eventually through his repentance, and through his words of remembrance and supplication. He was spat out, he was ejected from the belly of the whale, in which he spent a number of nights in. So he actually had left his city who were being disobedient to Allah and not following the instructions of
Yunus. And so he left the city without the permission of Allah azza wa jal, and consequently, he went through the ordeal that he went through until he came back to his city and Allah subhanho wa Taala had forgave him.
Now, we find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was married to more than one wife. And when it comes when it came to taking a wife with him, he would draw lots, he would draw lots as to which wife would accompany him, which would which which wife would accompany him on his travel. The only exception was hedge, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he only performed one hedge, and
during this hedge, he took all of them.
Whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he wanted to travel, he would depart at the beach.
Meaning of the day. So the sooner would be to leave early. If you are traveling by car, you have the option to have an early flight or a late latter or a later flight. You could you would from the sooner it's better to opt for the earlier flight. And we find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he,
as we read in say Buhari, he preferred initiating travel on a Thursday, he almost Jaime's on a Thursday.
Also, we read in the swindler of Abu Dawood, which remember, no, we also included that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he commanded that if you were traveling in a group of three or more, in a group of three or more, for there to be an Amir, for there to be a leader for this group, just in case any dispute, any disputes come about any differences of opinion, it goes back to the leader, and the leader should be the most knowledgeable from amongst them, and the one who fears Allah subhana wa Ireland. So
the ruler may have different weather that is mandatory, whether that is wedge IP, or whether it's, it's a preferred D. In any case, it seems and the loss of health and as it becomes more of an obligation, since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gave a command and a command is to be taken as an obligation unless there is another proof or evidence that suggests otherwise.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
he also condemned and he disliked for a person to travel on their own by themselves, and we're going to see and read hadiths or a hadith to this effect.
Of course, there are some scar or some to say before you set off to travel, asking Allah subhanahu Thailand to make the travel easy, and to protect you from anything that may harm you.
We also learned from the sooner is
what to say whenever the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was ascending or climbing up high mountains and what is the sooner to say, when you are descending? When you are coming down? When you are landing for example, what is the sooner to say? What are the words there?
Also, what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say when he would arrive when he would arrive at a new city or a new town? He would say R o Zoo B Kelly Mattila he met mean Sheree mahalo.
Be Kelly Mattila hit Mattie min Sheree mahalo, I seek refuge in a loss perfect words from the evil that he created.
We also learn that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a traveler, or we learned from his son that a traveller would pray his father prays, and the only son that prays that he would pray would be the karate bear or the son that that is prior to fudger that is the two units of prey before the Father of budget, and he would pray Witten, which is the last prayer of the night, he would also pray his PM, he would pray his night prayers.
And so the only real salette that is missed out during the travel would be would be the robotic those swinger prayers that are associated with the Father pray, such as the four godson before or after vote of four before or after or two after Muslim two after
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not pray these prayers, nor did he recommend praying these prayers whilst in a state of travel.
We also learned from the sooner that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prayed in whichever direction his animal went, he would bend slightly for bowing and Musso and bend slightly more for prostration and there's a hadith that is found soon an abbey there would and the mustard mm hmm Ahmed Hadith ns about the loved one who
and who can a step below being a copy al Qibla and the takbeer actually
So my son Lisa seletti, hi fatawa hat. In this Hadees Hadees ns, the prophet SAW Selim what he would do, he would begin, for example, on his riding animal in the direction of the Qibla. So he would commence his prey on his vehicle, okay, the direction of the Qibla and then would continue to pray in whichever direction the animal took him in. Now, it will pay him he said that this hadith is questionable. For everyone else who described his prayer on his writing animal said that he prayed in whichever direction the camera went without
any exceptions without mentioning tech better. Now, this, of course, applies to you sooner praise, because we know that one of the can, one of the pillars of the solid, one of the pillars of the Salat is that you pray standing, that the only time you would pray sitting is if you had
an exemption such as, for example, you, you were,
you couldn't pray standing due to illness. So you, you'd pray sitting in this case.
So these are some of the issues that are related to travel or the Sunnah of the traveler, as we learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, a question that often pops up is praying in this day and age, praying on an airplane? Okay, what is the situation when it comes to prayer on an airplane Alhamdulillah
Allah subhanho wa Taala, who wants for us he wants for us ease and does not want for us hardship. So a Muslim must try and exert every effort to pray standing. And some airlines, okay, may have a designated prayer area, or a space for you to pray in. So you have to take every measure, and every effort to ask to ask
those on board the airplane that are in charge of that irresponsible
part of that airline crew, you have to make, you have to take every effort by asking, you know, when can I pray in a designated area I need to perform I pray, do you have a, you know, an area for me that I can perform my prayer in. So it's very important that you
ask, you can't just assume and you can't just sit down and pray your prayers sitting without having us. It's only after you have
exhausted all avenues. After you have exhausted all avenues to pray standing, that you can then take up the concession of praying, sitting. Of course, praying, sitting is only allowed for Sunnah prayers. And
when it comes to the thought of prayer, you must ensure you must ensure that you pray standing. So things that you might want to consider while traveling, is that let's say for example, you're going to get to a destination at a certain time. And you haven't prayed.
And you can pray
standing on the airplane, then in this case, he should wait. He should wait until you land and pray your vote with your answer prayer. So because of the hood can be combined with the answer to prayer as a traveler, so therefore you pray over her with your answer at the time of us, whether you pray foreign for or whether you pray to and to, because those prayers also may be shortened. It might be the case that it's Margaret time, and you need to pray must live standing. And you cannot pray standing on the airplane or for whatever other reason why you can't pray. In this case, you can delay your your mother read to you a short time provided that the airplane will land at the time or
during the time of Asia, whereby therefore, now, you will do to here you will do a postponement of the prayer of Margaret until Asia and you will combine Maghreb with Asia. As for fudger fortune cannot be combined with any other pray. fudger is to be preyed on its by itself. So therefore you have a few scenarios and to think about, but it's all in your planning. It's very important that when you are boarding the airplane that you do set up your alarm that you do. Give us some thought whether you're going to opt for praying on the airplane or praying when you land if you are going to be combining What if the time allows you to combine between the prayers that may be combined
So it's very unfortunate, and it's very disheartening that we find many Muslims, when when they are on the airplane, they make no effort, they make no effort to actually to actually stand up and pray, or they're just straight away pray in their seats. Okay. So again, when it comes to the Fudd, pray, every effort must be made to pray, standing and every effort must be prayed, must be made to to pray towards the Qibla, which is the direction of the prayer. So
as for the shortening of press, the road,
the road I have, there is difference of opinion when it comes to this area of shortening of the prayers, or is it sooner or is it farther? So, for example, those who say it's actually funneled to shorten your prayers when you were deemed a traveler. This is the opinion of Abu hanifa. And we find the likes of Omar and Ali, and even Mr. Rude, and even at best and a banaba, even aroma and jabiru. They all say that it is a wagon. Actually, they say it's worship, once you are a traveler to shorten those who say it's a swinger, or the likes of Imam Malik who say it's a stressed upon swinger. And then there are those who say, it's just concessional that you have a concession that it's a
concession that Allah azza wa jal has given you and then we find the likes of chef fairy and Mm hmm. Okay.
So, and then they then they use their evidences
and proofs that we won't have time really to go into them. There's another very important issue, what is the distance that allows you to commence shortening your prayers, okay, and start combining prayers, what is it that makes you a musafir and as it been rushed, he said, I remember researching this and he said, he said that there is dlF and kathira that there are there there are so many opinions related to this matter. And then wonder mentions over 20 opinions, he mentioned over 20 opinions, okay, related to this.
So, without going into all the opinions, I like the opinion of Ibn taymiyyah for him, Allahu taala, who said, whatever people consider to be travel, then there is no harm in shortening prayer and taking up other concessions, whatever the people consider not to be travel then it cannot be considered as travel even if it is 100 kilometers that you have traveled.
Now, while this difference of opinion, because there is nothing, there is nothing specific in the Quran, or nothing clear in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or in the Hadith, that say that you can, you can begin to combine praise or shorten your praise. Once you get to this, this this distance or that distance, there is nothing of this nature. Hence we have the differences of opinion amongst our older men.
And we don't have any other Sahaba asking about distance.
What we do have is different reports of when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
did combine and did start to shorten.
In any case, what's important to note is that as I've been Tamia said, and as chef Mohammed Eben sila Jose mean, and AHIMA Humala, they said, they said whatever it goes back to the oath, it goes back to the to the tradition and the culture of the people. Whatever the people deem as being travel, you are a traveler, then that's travel, whatever the people don't deem as being travel, even if you're traveling 100 kilometers, then it's not travel. So this is something to keep in mind as a general rule. As a general rule, this is something to always remember whether you are okay, whether you would be considered to be a traveler or not a traveler and Allah subhanahu wa to Allah knows
best and there's lots of proofs and evidences and arguments regarding this contract controversial issue. As for Friday prayer, Friday prayers for to Juma
is select to Juma compulsory upon a musafir suratul. Juma the Friday prayer for males is compulsory if they can hear the call to prayer or if there is a Masjid or a mosque that is nearby. If there is a Masjid or a mosque that is nearby.
It becomes compulsory to answer the call to answer the needs of the Muslim to go to the Friday prayer to go to the gym while prayer. However, if there is no Juma in the location that you have traveled to, even if you are a group of brothers, even if there is a many of you, you have no obligation, you have no obligation to initiate a Juma prayer. There is no drama needed whenever you are a travel. And that's what we find from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Also, another point that you might want to consider another key issue is if a traveler is the Eman of a resident. So let's say for example, you've been the traveler, you traveled to your destination, and the people of the town they say to you, you lead the prayer for us, please. So you lead the prayer as an Amen. But you're a traveler.
It's time for the huddle. So you as a traveler would take up the concession or the command whichever way you want to look at it, or the Sunnah, to exercise your right to pray two units of prayer to the cart instead of four. So you are leading now with two and the more the people that are behind you that the congregation they have to pray for because they're not allowed to shorten their prayer. So what happens here? You say I said, I'm wanting Kumara Matala. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah after your second Raka. And then the people behind you must stand up and complete another tour of cart, another two, and a carrot.
Because they're not travelers. But now let's reverse things. You are a mussaf. Here, you are a traveler, and you are going to be praying behind a movie in a movie is a person who is a resident, and he's praying how many fatherhood is praying for but you only want to pray to? The question is, should you follow the Imam? Should you follow the Imam until he finishes for? Or can you simply sit down when he sits for a second America? And he says, and then you say Assalamualaikum, to your right and to your left? The answer is no, you can't do that. Whenever you are praying with the Imam, you must continue to pray with the Imam until he finishes either. And that's why the prophet SAW Selim,
he said when the Imam says Allah hug, but you say Allahu Akbar, when he goes into the court, you go into the core, etc. So you have a duty to follow the Imam through alcohol pray until he finishes the only time that you don't do this if is if you are the Imam, if you are that Mmm.
So this is another another masella, another must Allah when it comes to
when it comes to the, the prayer of the Messiah. And as for combining praise, you know, shortening, shortening prayers, there's no laugh about this, that of course, you may shorten your prayers, and you may shorten your prayers in instances, you know, such as there's rain, for example, heavy rain in the masjid and the Imam says, look, we're going to pray our asset of prayer in advance. We're going to pray at the time of the whole time. So as much inconvenience to people with this, you know, weather so you can combine between the prayers that can be combined, if it's due to very bad weather, or if there's a pressing need, if there is a pressing need, as we find that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam inside Muslim
Salah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had is even our best
seller so Salah Rajim
Jamie and Bill Medina means it has often been a matter that there was an instance whereby the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he combined he combined between he combined between a vote and acid in Medina and there was no fee there was no fee and there was no rain. So Abu Ghraib outside called Trulia he says quote to live and at best I said to him an adverse Lima file a valid Why did the prophets I sell them combined? Why did he combine with the between these two prayers when there was no fee there was no sickness. So he said okay, let your Raja or matter who so as not to inconvenience okay his own man, how much okay. So, therefore, if there is a pressing need, if you
are in a situation, which warrants for you to combine between two prayers, then it may be done so, it may be done. So if there is a pressing need, you can combine LaHood and acid whether it is an
The time of the hunt, we're at the time of prey Muslim in Asia, whether it's at the time of Muslim or at the time of a shed, you can do these you can do both of these things.
So there's one. So therefore we find, for example, the left not all the scholars agree to this, by the way. Now we find, for example,
that Abu hanifa Abu hanifa nominee bin sabot Rahim Allah to Allah, and when the ratio by Malik who said it's not allowed, you're not allowed to. You're not allowed to combine except for our offer. Okay at arafa and was deli for night at was deli first. And then we find the rest of the scholars including chef reanimate even our best Eben Armada, who all said it's allowed, it's allowed to combine.
Now also if you are delaying, if you are delaying praise a prayer to another prayer. This is called and you're combining the so called Gemma, that here and Gili Gemma Jean, and if you are bringing forward a prayer, this is called Gemma tuck Diem pajama taggi.
Now also, what you need to keep in mind is that the prayers must be prayed in order. So you have to pray them in the order that they are normally prayed. And also, what you need to keep in mind is that there is only one event for when you were when you are combining between two for praise. There's only one call to pray. Not one for each prayer, just one at the beginning, for example of the hood if you're joining vorinostat at the top of the hood, and there's two iqama there's two iqama there is two ikoma but only one event, as I said to you earlier mmm now we are him Allahu taala. He has a book called The Book of etiquette of traveling. And the first chapter he mentions
here the desirability of setting on a journey on Thursday in the early part of the day. And here he mentions the hadith of God, we've been manic that Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said on Thursday for the expedition of tabuk. He liked to set out on a journey on Thursdays Bukhari and Muslim. Another Hadith that we find a student of Timothy and soon I'd be there would, he said that the most blessed time of the day is when the morning time, the morning time, is the most Blissett time.
we have the Hadith, whereby the prophets Allah Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah humma, berry chromatography Bukhari Ha. He said, he said, Oh, Allah, bless my people and the early part of the day, meaning the morning. So we find also that whenever he dispatched a detachment
a sorry, yeah, or any army unit, he would dispatch it at the beginning of the day, soon after dawn, and the narrator, Sahar Padilla, Juan, who was a merchant, and he used to send off his merchandise at the beginning of the day, so his trade flourished and made a good fortune. So panela will lay there is a benefit. There is a Baraka in the morning, if you start your day early, you find that your day is filled with blessing, and much fortune in shallow Tana so always, you know, start early. That's where the blessing is in sha Allah. He says in another chapter here, the desirability of undertaking a journey in a group and appointing a leader.
So he mentioned here the hadith of Ibn Rama, there are lots of messages Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, if the people were aware of what I know about the dangers of traveling alone, no writer would travel alone at night. To the province. I said Lem doesn't speak from his own whims and desires and his own hypotheses. Okay.
So, obviously, they can be dangerous when you travel alone. And he is talking about
traveling alone at night, that can affect your deen that can affect you in a worldly way or new worldly affairs.
You know, feelings of loneliness, isolation, facing
situations that are difficult, arduous.
But as for the real reason, I love Tyler Adam. I mean earlier, Matt have given many reasons why it wouldn't be a sensible thing, or it would not be a good thing to travel alone. At night. Always travel with a companion.
In this next Hades, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said as we read in Sinhala, Timothy in Abu Dawood, a single rider is accompanied with shaitan with a Satan
And two riders are accompanied with two shaytans
three riders,
not three shaytans three riders form a group. Okay, three riders form a group. So that's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so therefore,
you know, if
it's good not to travel alone, especially in if an emergency was to arise, something's to happen to you, okay?
If you are a trio, then you become immune from satanic into insinuations that whisperings insinuations that whisperings of the shaytaan. So it's good to be a trio or more than travel alone and not even traveling just with one other person. But having a group is much more powerful against the shape on and him allowing you to get up to any mischief.
Another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we read in sunan Abu Dawood, when three persons set out on a journey, they should appoint one of them as the leader. So again, as I said earlier, it's very important to make one person a leader when you're traveling in a group of three or more.
And you should respect the view and the, the instructions given by that leader, if you come across a difficult situations, once you've appointed a leader is not going to be anarchy, there's not going to be chaos, that hamdulillah Islam has regulated every aspect of our lives, and how we can even be productive and successful during our travels.
And as I said earlier, some of them I think it's obligatory to take a leader when you were three or more.
Also, mmm and now he has included another another chapter.
Okay, another another sooner that we learn about another sooner that we learn about before going to the next chapter is the habit of ns for the loved one who that is found in a B that would that whenever an A says whenever we in can't, we would not offer voluntary praise and two we had unsettled unsettled our base. So what we learn from this winner is that they would first unload the animals unload their luggage, okay. And to give the this a panel that was second there. So consider it estamos very considerate to animals that you they would unload, you know, the luggage of the animals so as to give comfort and relaxation to that animal. Then they would perform their voluntary
select, which you know, so Pamela
shows us you know how considerate Islam is
in many, many regards. Now, there is a chapter here that mmm No, he has included this called helping a companion helping a companion, Bab IANA to raffia for a filter as your friend. And he mentioned a number a number of candidates. One had his I'll share with you is the heartbeat of jabber or their loved one who are the that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to lag behind while traveling and urge the weak to work quickly. He used to take up someone behind him and make supplication for him. So the sun there is if you are a leader, if you are a leader, if you are that you're the chief of this group, then for you to be behind for you to stay behind to encourage the
weaker ones to move on to next so as not to delay the group. So you motivate and you inspire the weaker ones to move forward. And he would also make it for them and he will also pull somebody and make dua for them. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam, another chapter supplication at the time of writing, as I said to you earlier, there are there are of God, there are ideas are related to the traveler, this one here, we find part of it in the Quran, part of this in the Quran, and whereby we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in as per the Hadith that is found in Sahih Muslim.
Whenever last messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mounted his camel for settling out on a journey he would he would say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Then he would say the verse in the Quran and sapan the levy, Sahar Alana has one acuna Allah Houma Carini
We're in Isla rabina La Mancha de Boone.
And when he would say I love him in nanus Luca fee surf arena hatha albir Raja taqwa woman Amelie. Matata. Allahumma. How when Elena Safar Ana has walked we border, Allah Houma. Allahumma angkasa hibou freesurfer will refer to Phil and Allahumma inni although became in warfare suffer work, battle maneuver was so ill mccaleb Phil Malley will hollywell wallet. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after saint Kabir three times, he would say the verse.
Glory be to Allah who has made this subservient to us for we have no power to subjugate it and certainly to our Lord shall we return our law, we asked you during this journey of ours for right for righteousness, piety, and such deeds as a pleasing to you, our law, make easy for us this journey of ours and make the distance short for us, Oh Allah, you are our companion during the journey and the guardian of the family and the property in our absence, our love, I seek refuge in You from the hardships of traveling and happiness connected with ghastly scenes and evil turns in property and family. And when the prophet SAW a long while he was Selim whenever he would return
home, there is a lot that he used to also say and that is a buena de buena buena de rabina Jaime Dune. That means, that means we are those who return those who repent, those who worship and those who praise our Lord. So, this is the duty of the musafir. What I do recommend to my brothers and sisters who are traveling is to purchase a book called fortress of the Muslim again fortress of the Muslim has Muslim and this book, it contains the door or the supplication of a traveler. So, what to say when you are
about to travel. You find that in the always carry that book with UCX consider different applications as well. When you are saying to somebody, when when when somebody is actually leaving, they are the traveler and you are the resident you say to them as though they are Lucha de Naka Amana Tikka will have a team I'm Alec and he the traveler says as though they are cola. So, Dr. cola a lengthy letter they are what they are who okay over there. Yeah. So there are some there are some applications that are that we say for each other Muslim supplicate for each other. They make two out for each other. They wish each other the best of success and happiness and safety and even if you
want to say words in English or any other language would show your concern would show your love for this person. This is all from the etiquettes of the of the believer.
Also here mmm no we Rahim Allahu taala. He mentioned glorification of Allah by a traveler while ascending and descending and here he mentioned the Hadith. The hadith of Jeb or their loved one who that he said when we ascended a height, we would proclaim Allahu Akbar which means our lives the greatest.
And when we descended from the height coming down, okay, we would proclaim sapan Allah Subhana Allah Okay, Glorified is Allah is Hadith is found in hiding. And in another Hadith, the hadith of Ibn Amara della one who are the loved one woman, whenever I lost messages or sell them and his army ascended a height, they would proclaim Allahu Akbar, and when they climbed down, they would proclaim so panela and that is found in a Buddha would.
There is a narration whereby
the Prophet sallahu whereby it's narrated by Abu Musab shagger, the loved one who outlines dependable highly Muslim
that we accompany Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a journey. And when we climbed up a height, we proclaimed aloud La ilaha illa Allah
and Allahu Akbar, and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he admonished the Sahaba.
And he said, Oh, people take it easy. He
whom you are calling is not deaf or absent he is with you. In other words, by his knowledge, he is hearing and he is me. So you don't need to say it loudly. When people say Allahu Akbar law, you don't you know it you don't have to say it out loud but Allah subhanho wa Taala Can he you?
This next chapter he dedicated in this book of etiquettes, of traveling the desirability of supplications during the journey, so why you are a traveler, don't deprive yourself of do I because Do I have the because the Do I have a traveler is accepted as we read as we read this, Timothy and Abu Dawood, Hadith, Abu huraira, the Allahu Allah, the prophet SAW Selim, he said, three supplications are answered, without doubt, without any doubt, there are three supplications that are answered, the supplication of the oppressed them of the room, if you are oppressed, make
the supplication of the traveler and the supplication of the parent for his son.
So he mentioned one of them is the traveler, and one of them is also the parent to the towards their child. So don't be a disobedient child. No matter how old you are. You are a child, even if you might be 60 years old, if your parents are still alive, or one of them is still alive. So make sure you keep your parents happy. That's what Islam teaches us beautiful Wiley Dane Bourdain being beautiful towards your parents.
Also, if you have supplication if one feels he has a chapter here he calls supplication if one feels harm, it's the hadith of Abu Musa Allah sorry, that he mentions
Allahumma in Nevada aka feanor horti him when are all they'll be comin surely him our law, we beseech you That means we call upon you, we beseech you to make the mischeif the mischief go against them and we seek your protection against a mischief. Okay, another
when you come to an area and you come and arrive or you land, or you get to your destination, okay, or you get to a destination, protect yourself, fortify yourself from anything that may be of harm to you in that area, whether it be a human being or whether it be an animal or whether it be an insect.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said whoever
alights somewhere and says, are to be Kelly Mattila, he met him in Sheree mahalo.
Whoever says this, whoever says I seek refuge with the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what he has created, no evil will harm him, till he departs from that place, the Hadith is found inside a Muslim.
when you you know go when you are mentioning the eternal attributes of Allah, then inshallah, who to Allah we can escape the wickedness and the evil of people and animals and bass.
The next chapter, he says desirability of returning home soon after the accomplishment of a task. So, again, the prophet SAW Selim, he said journey is a torment because it deprives a travel a traveler of his food, drink and sleep. So when a person has has accomplished his purpose of journey, he should return home quickly. He has another chapter, desirability of returning home by day, it's preferable to come home and to arrive in the daytime, and not to arrive during the nighttime. If any one of you remains away from home for a long period he should not return home at night. That's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in another Hadith, Allah messages are said and
prohibited us from coming back to our family at night behind a Muslim.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would not come back to his family by night. He used to come in the morning or in the evening before it is done.
We also have he has a Chapter The supplications of supplication at the time of returning home and on seeing one's hometown. And we mentioned that earlier, the hadith of a boon attack Ivana IV don't there have been a Jaime Dune,
another chapter, desirability of entering the masjid new ones home upon returning from a journey from for offering to the gods of prey. This is a sweetener that many people are unaware of. Many people are unaware that when you're coming home from a journey, the sooner is to
By any mistake is to actually visit
a Masjid nearby and to pray to the cause of sin. And this hadith is found the Buhari a Muslim, whenever Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned from a journey, he would proceed straight to the masjid where he would offer to rock art who would offer to send the press? So, this is a sweetener which has been abandoned by many people or unknown to many people.
He has a chapter here, which is entitled The prohibitionists imposed upon women to travel alone.
So in Islam, a woman is not allowed to travel by herself. Okay, unless there is a dire need or necessity and that's just the basic principle whenever there's a necessity, there is a concession, but here he mentions the hadith of Abu whatever the loved one who was the professor Selim
has said in the Hadith fandom, hiding Muslim it is not permissible. Layer Hello limra at intermino Bella he will Yamuna here and William will ask him to serve you Roma Sierra Teo. Meanwhile, Ella tiene el amor de Muharram Muhammad Allah Minelli her, it is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to make a journey
to make a journey lasting a day and night unless she's accompanied by a Muharram. And my heroine is a chaperone. For example, her husband, for example, her son, her father, her uncle, paternal uncle, maternal uncle, her grandfather, okay, there has to be somebody to travel with her. And much has been said about this, to the extent even hedge the majority of the scholars except for the chef era scholars, they say it's not permissible for a woman to perform Hajj without a Muharram and we have another Hadith and it's the hadith of Ibn at best about their loved one who are the Allahu anhu man, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said, A man must not be alone with a woman, except in the presence of a man who was related to her within the prohibited degrees that is the man and the woman must travel only in company of a man who is related to her within the prohibited degrees. In other words, a Muharram a man said, messenger of Allah, I have been enrolled for such and such expedition, and my wife left for Hajj. He said to him, go and perform Hajj along with your wife. So this man was actually to be included, his name came up to be as one of to go on a Jihad to go on an on a on a to fight for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And so he discloses to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how his wife has gone
to Hajj without him, say it says to him, go and perform Hajj with your wife, don't let your wife go by herself. And so he left the Jihad and he went to go and perform Hajj with his wife. And so, these are the words I leave you with. As we conclude the chapter of the etiquettes related to the traveler, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to bless us with beneficial knowledge in accordance with the two primary sources of Islam. The Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam beloved to Allah and Allah Subhana hutan. And as best or sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata carlina Bina Muhammad was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh