Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 37

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Hadith's name is discussed, including its use for praying and the importance of not drinking and eating too early. The importance of praying for the right time to avoid drinking and eating too early is emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to have a strong faith in their beliefs to avoid distraction from others. The speakers stress the need for political support for Islam and the importance of not repeating false predictions. The importance of praying for the upcoming prayer of Jamal is also emphasized, along with the need to avoid pop culture and avoid getting caught in the busy atmosphere of the mosque.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to lessons. In fact, we're still studying the chapter that deals with Iran. And the Hadith we have before us, is Hadith number 151. I believe that brother Mustapha will read it for us.

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The rated wife Norma and Ayesha are the Allahu anhu. Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said belaire calls for prayer when it is still night. So eat and drink till abnormal Mattoon calls for prayer. And he is no abnormal to him was a blind man who did not call for prayer until he was told it is morning time it is morning time.

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Know what prayer is this

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dawn prayer or fudger prayer or so boy, prayer. Now from this Hadith, we learn that, as you remember, there are two types of ledger, the actual ledger and the false fudger. So the false fudger it's okay for a person who wants to fast to eat and drink. And he may not pray fudger prayer yet because it is false. And we said that if you recall that it's the light that is vertical from the earth to the sky and it comes like a while before the actual break of dawn which is horizontal

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in this head is it tells us that it is certain that you have to advance for fudger

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it is sooner to have to advance for fudger one is a reminder to those who are praying night prayer that listen fetcher is close. So if you want to pray Witcher go ahead and and finish, because it's gonna call in a while. And to those who want to fast, it wakes them up so that they would have their soul their late night a meal before they fast and stop and refrain from eating and drinking.

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And scholars have their different opinions. Whether this should be only for Ramadan as the case in the Muslim world, or it's a general thing that people should do, they should have every single day of the year to calls for prayer for fudger prayer. So it's an issue of dispute. The Holy The Two Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina do it throughout the year, the whole year, you have always to event and apparently that this is the most authentic thing that it should be applied in our lives also in all mosques. But unfortunately that this is not the case. Simply because people are drifting away from Islam, and they have working hours and they have to

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sleep at night and it's very rare that you find people praying to hatchet or praying night prayer except in Ramadan. If you if you make a survey, you'd find that 95 or 96% of Muslims don't know how to pray night prayers or don't even pray night prayers. They go to bed and sleep and only a small portion portion of Muslims, you know

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wake up in the middle of the night and pray to Allah the Almighty to forgive their sins. Now, in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had two more Alvin, who are they fatty?

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In this hadith

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Oh bilello Okay.

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over to Evan on McDowell.

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And even on Mac john was,

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was blind. So he could not recognize if it is a break of dawn or not, unless someone tells him. So this teaches us that it is okay to have more than a person that calls for the event who is blind, providing that he has someone telling him that it is day or night, because if he doesn't have anyone to tell him, he would probably go at 10 o'clock in the morning and call for advance thinking that it's noon prayer. And this is not acceptable. But if we have someone to tell him, to indicate to him that it is time for a ban, then this is permissible, and this is acceptable. And again, Abdullah had been omac dorm was a companion of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, Allah azza wa jal has revealed a

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surah. To our Prophet, when he, the prophet is the prophet Elijah

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was not cooperative with our beloved tool, the blind man who came to seek knowledge. But the prophet SAW Selim was engaged in teaching and calling those heads of tribes of the non Muslim tribes, the live interactome also was used to assume positions. And in the case of the absence of the Prophet, that is awesome. So whenever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam left Medina on journeys, he would appoint him as a governor of Medina, which meant that he had the powers to rule to judge and to solve disputes among people. And this, again, comes and teaches us and we learn from it that it is permissible for a blind person to assume a position in the state. Because our beloved, Tom used to

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be a judge, and used to be a governor. So it tells us that Islam cares for those who have special needs, those who are handicapped, and this does not prevent them from contributing to the building of the society and in contributing and trying to do good for the people. Your handicap is not a barrier or something an obstacle to prevent you from serving Islam from giving aid to others and helping them in so many different ways and manners. I think that this is all the issues we have regarding Hadith, of Abu Qatada of Omar, and Ayesha beloved Allah and Ayesha mela beast with them. We move on to the following Hadith Hadith number 152.

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Narrated by abnormal or low on humor below the line are called for prayer before dawn and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him to return and announce lo the slave of Allah meaning Bilal had slept hence this mistake.

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Low or Beware the slave of Allah Bilal had slept. Now this hadith is not authentic and you cannot correct things. There are no correction

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measures to be taken if you had made a mistake and called for the event. Before it's time it's not recommended that you go again hold the mic and say hey guys, I made a mistake. Just you know, rub it off and

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don't consider it it and we will do it again within two minutes. I'm sorry. If you have eaten Have you done this? Or if you prayed you review it No. This is not the case the Hadith we cannot build any allegation according to Ed because it's not an authentic hadith. We move on to the following Hadith Hadith number 153. And I believe no one will read it.

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Read it by our side.

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They will be political to him. Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When you hear the other than repeat what the audience meaning the call maker says.

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An al Bukhari has reported similarly in the narration by Avi Amira won't be pleased to him. And Muslim reported narration by Omar Mia won't be pleased with him regarding the virtue

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of repeating what the Moroccan pronounces, pronounce word by word, except when the other one says hi Allah, Allah hi alfalah meaning come to the prayer and come to the success. One should say La hawla wala quwata illa Billah meaning there is no mind and no power except with the help of Allah.

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Okay, this hadith tells us what to say when we hear them.

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And this is really important because the sooner is that we say exactly what the mother says. And this is a center that has been abandoned by lots of the Muslims, they're here then they don't pay any attention to it. They don't repeat after the color for salad after the event. And the sudden is whenever you hear the event, stop what you're doing. Listen to them. And then when he says, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, you say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, when he says eyeshadow, La ilaha illAllah, you saw you say exactly the same. Except, as in this hadith narrated by Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, that when the mother says, Hi, Allah saw that you say,

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how will Allah who was a levy law, so you say four times Hayato Surat La, la, la quwata, illa Billah, high alpha La, la, la la la la, this is the wisdom behind this, that La La quwata illa Billah means that there is no mic, and there's no power except with the help of Allah. What is the meaning of Hey, Allah salaat

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Come come to the country prayer. Okay, what is the meaning of high yada fella

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come to success and prosperity. And you cannot come without the help and power of allies origin. And that is why it is relevant that you say the how La quwata illa Allah. And this is something that lots of the Muslims are unaware of. Now, if I have a presentation in my company, and I'm

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providing I'm giving this presentation to the CEO, to the general managers, to the vice presidents to customers that I have, I would come and talk throughout the presentation by saying, I did this, I succeeded in making this, I secured a transaction with the company. And I did and I did this and I did that. And all of this is unacceptable in Islam. Why? Because you are attributing your success to yourself. You're claiming to be the origin of the * of success, which is wrong. You have to attribute everything that you know and gain everything that you succeed in doing to Allah Almighty. Otherwise, you will be associating someone else you will be associating your powers and efforts with

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others as with Allah azza wa jal, and this is unacceptable. We cannot do anything without the guidance of Allah, without the power might have a large origin. And if we fail, this is because of our own wrongdoing. And if we succeed, it is because of the grace of Allah azza wa jal. So it's very wrong to say that I did this and I did that. You should always say, by the grace of Allah, I managed to do this, by the grace of Allah, I managed to do that. We have a short break, so please stay tuned, and inshallah We will be right back.

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Back to the Prophet,

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join Shaykh Ahmad in the program back to the Prophet, wherein he teaches us practical lessons from the prophets life, and how this can help us to overcome our challenges in the present. We talk about the life example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, seeking guidance for ourselves. In the early days after the revelation of the Holy Koran. The Muslims were greatly persecuted, so much so that quite a few Muslims had to leave Arabia and migrate to Africa to live among

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Christian people who follow the gospel of Christ.

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah and welcome back. Before we move on to the following Hadith I believe that brother Mustafa has a question. What if someone lives in a very high building that he cannot hear that and then from the minister, and he can only hear it on a on a record on it from radiosonde? Okay, do you repeat after the review or? Well, this brings up another question.

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I think it's relevant that we may ask this question, but remind me of this. The second question after answer yours, yes, whatever you hear that then you may repeat after him. But some scholars said that if you hear the sound from the

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radio, then it's not an actual exam. So you may not repeat behind him. Personally, I think you may, because it is thicker of a larger vision. So whether you hear it from a radio from a tape recorder from directly from the mosque, it's okay, inshallah, to call for the eye, then you have any comments? Yes. Like?

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Do the scholars that do not agree that you should, like follow them, then from the radio, they also know that sometimes the more Ivan could actually be saying it live and worth make a difference? No, that that wouldn't make a difference because you're not listening to him on this at the same time, you're not in the same area or in the in the vicinity of the places doing but as I said, I personally think it's okay to repeat after the event, whether it's from a tape recorder from the radio, or you're hearing it directly. The question that came up into my mind, but I'd like to, to share

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it with me is that,

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that then, if you hear it, you must pray in the masjid. Is that correct? If you hear the other than this, it means it's obligatory that you pray in the masjid.

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Because of the Hadith of the blind man, who came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and he complained, saying all prophets of Allah, my far My house is far away from the mosque. And Medina is very dark. And, you know, it's creepy at night. And I don't have anyone to lead me to prayer. And I'm a blind blind man. And there are, you know, there might be dogs or stray dogs or scorpions and, and things that may harm me. So is there an excuse for me to pray home? The Prophet said that I saw Salaam Do you hear that? And then the man said, Yes. So the Prophet said, you have to answer the call, I don't find any permission for you not to attend. So it's obligatory.

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Now in this high building of brother Mustafa, because he lives on the fourth or sixth floor, and he does not see the event, though the mosque is next door. So is it obligatory that he prays in the mosque? Or because he does not hear the event? That it's okay for him not to attend?

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Answer Friday, I think he has to bring the mosque. Okay. He doesn't

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even know if it wasn't here, then he has to bring the mosque. How would he say that? Where did you get this? Because

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the prayer of Jamal takes the status. And that's what Yes, but the Prophet said as soon as you hear that, then then he made the obligatory or not obligatory depending on here again. So what do you think hammock? Yes, he must attend the prayer in the mosque because we know that this is a time for praying. He he hears the data on radio and television. They just didn't have any radio or television forever. No, no, Mustafa, I think you should tell because he knew that this is a tough period, even if it is not here. Then the Prophet should have told the blind man saw Salah that as long as you know it's time for prayer you should come whether you hate it or without blaming

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people to tell them

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what do you think of automatic

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semi semi DSM

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which is which is the know that you know, he should know the time no time you like have his watch or something? Whatever. Not a four o'clock or 430 is awesome, you know, 430 bitmask. Okay, finally, Fadi, like we said earlier should look at the sun and measure it by the shadow. No, he shouldn't. He shouldn't know. Do you have anything or should I go on? I think I have some opinion. Okay, I have to come to the morson to do pray together.

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But is it a must if he did not hear the event or not? See, the problem is, is that hearing the event itself, the most important thing

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or was it meant to be the distance that the voice of a normal person on top of a mosque was

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Whenever you don't have these concrete shacks and buildings that we live in,

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it's not the actual hearing. It's the distance that counts. Because if it's if it were to be the actual hearing, if I live exactly next to next door to the mosque, and I live in an isolated an insulated room, a well insulated room, then this means that I will not be able to hear that then, although it's a couple of meters away from me. So scholars say, Now, hearing the advan is a must. But providing you are in the same circumstances where the profit is awesome had. So this means that turn off the amplifiers, and loudspeakers but move away from the concrete buildings you're living in.

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And move away from anything that is consists a barrier to the sound, and then try to measure how far would the normal sound travel to. So people say scholars say that it probably travels two to three miles away from the mosque, in open environment, in normal houses made of clay, and one storey building buildings that they should protect them approximately two to three miles it will travel maybe more. So scholars say if you live in the vicinity of a mosque of this distance, then you have to pray. Now, if you deliberately close the windows, turn on the air conditioning, put on, turn on the TV and put some

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put on your Walkmans and listen to a CD or whatever. And then you say, oh, Al Hamdulillah I didn't hear that, then. This is not an excuse for you, before Allah azza wa jal, and you will be questioned accordingly. So I hope this answers your question, Mustafa. Then you have another? Let's go. Okay. So does this mean that if I live at a distance that's like five miles away from the mosque? I cannot i can i do have an excuse to?

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Yes, sir. You do? Indeed. If you live away from the mosque, in a normal distance that you cannot hear that you have this excuse? Because if the man answered the Prophet, the blindman? And he said, No, I don't use that that. What would you expect the Prophet Sal hammer? So sir,

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then you have an excuse? See, the problem is, does that then reaches you or not? Now, the loudspeakers don't count, because you could blow the sound like 20 miles away, or 10 miles away? And it was, it would be a burden to people to ask them to, you know, if you hear that, and then people say, Well, I hear it from the radio. So this is an extra 50 or 100 miles. And so it goes on and on and on. No, this is not wanted for itself.

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It should the normal voice, how long it will travel? How far would it travel in normal circumstances, without any high rise buildings without any concrete, and so on, Fadi, Christian, if someone keeps turning on the TV, because he likes to listen to the SN from one channel to the other. And we know that there's n is 24 hours per day all over the world, on the timing. And he has like 1000s and 1000s of channels on his satellite dish. Can you keep watching one event after the other after the other after the other saying like, before and after each prayer

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50 minutes of just listening to them. Personally, I doubt that a person will 1000 satellite channels would spend this time moving from one channel to the other just looking for event. This guy is obsessed with

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talking, he should be away from Muslim because he would stop them and probably harass them now. But hypothetically speaking, if we assume that someone does this, well, he would skip his own prayer. He would skip his own repeating after his own Advent who lives next door doing this? You see, you don't have to go to extremes, saying that moving on from one

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TV channel to the other and repeating after every and each other. And this does not go 24 hours because no channels, according to my knowledge. Bring the event except like four or five, maybe 10 of them. 10 he thinks like the person who does this things. It's like a form of getting closer to Allah. So like, thicker, like thick or like yeah, like, well, I like when it's to this extent. I prefer that. They don't do not do this. So

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Wouldn't be better if you're doing this. I've mentioned earlier that some scholars say, only repeat after a live event. But something that is transmitted through the radio or something that is recorded, you may not do this as it's a form of worship, and this person is not present. And I said that well,

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any any thinking that this doesn't happen every now and then it happens once in a while that you hear that while tuning on to the radio. And there's nothing wrong in Sharla and repeating after it, but if you come to be obsessed in this manner, and calling God on every single couple of minutes from one place to the other, no, this would not be recommended.

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Any question? Any further questions? Okay. We have the Hadeeth number 154. Narrated by us, man, the billable hours. It's a long Hadith, but it's an important one. I don't know if we have time enough for it, but we will just read it. As a reminder, go ahead, please. Narrative virus management not

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allows me May Allah May Allah be pleased with him, he said, O Messenger of Allah, appointing as the mm meaning leader of my people in prayers, he sallallahu Sallam said, You are the man, but you should follow meaning observe the strength of the weakest among them appoint him or admin who does not charge for the call of event. Now, the Hadith itself, we need a lot of time to look into the issues of it. But our family but I will ask is one of the companions of the Prophet Isaiah Salaam, he was very young, he came from a district from another place, came with his friends only to learn religion. And this teaches us that it is soon to travel to acquire knowledge. And this is when a lot

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of people abandoned. They either travel to acquire money, or to learn for this life, not for the Hereafter, or just to brag about them being not students of knowledge and I did this and I did that and this is not recommendable. At the time of the Prophet SSM they traveled only for the sake of Allah and to acquire knowledge. This Hadith as I've mentioned earlier, is a great Hadith inshallah, we will try to look into the issues related to it next time, but until now, via Manila, was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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