Habib Bobat – 18 Things to ask for when making Dua this Ramadhan

Habib Bobat
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a series of powerful and rewarding moments from thebye of the world. The first three moments include a request from Show Of Meat to allow them to enter a world where they can make a better the world. The fourth moment is a request from Show Of Meat to allow them to enter a world where they can make a better the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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the moments leading into if Tara are extremely valuable, they are Mubarak moments one should utilize this opportunity to engage in Doha. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for forgiveness. ask Allah for forgiveness for yourself, your family, your parents and the Ummah at large. Make dua for the oppressed ones across the globe, especially the ummah of the Prophet. sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ask Allah for wellbeing for our fear. ask Allah for protection. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for good health. ask Allah for sustenance. ask Allah for steadfastness on eemaan Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for sincerity. Ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make you a better individual, ask Allah subhanho wa

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Taala to protect you from all calamities. Ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the blessings of this world and the next world. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for a blessed ending to your life in a way where we are able to please Allah subhanahu wa taala is we are living in this world. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for the company of the Gambia in the year after. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for an easy reckoning on a day of Yama. Ask Allah subhana wa Taala to allow us to cross the bridge with the speed of lightning. Ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the books of records to be given in the right hand. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for entry into Jana. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for protection

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from the fire of *. There's so much to ask from Allah subhanho wa Taala one should utilize these moments leading into Iftar to speak to Allah subhanho wa Taala to converse with him to seek his forgiveness and to come closer to Him. May Allah bless us all Amin

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