Asim Khan – Tafsir of Surah Jumuah #2

Asim Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of acknowledging the glory of Allah and the role of people in the world is discussed, including the negative impact of being a minority and the importance of unity in life. The speaker emphasizes the need to be part of everything else and the negative impact of being a minority. They also discuss the negative impact of being too busy pursuing beliefs and the importance of learning to be a prophet. The importance of the Prophet's teachings and educating individuals on their own culture and language is also emphasized. The history and cultural implications of Islam are also discussed, including the restriction of alcohol and the need for educating individuals on their own values.
AI: Transcript ©
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okay, so the link, then my brothers and sisters is as explained by Marshall, Russia, Allah. He said that here, if you know what triggered revelation, you will know the answer to this question, which is, well, once upon a time, some of the Muslims, they made a mistake, what did they do? They left the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was on the member doing a hotbar. So at that moment in time, if you imagine, there was a dhikr of Allah going on by the province of Sauron on the member, and some people neglected that liquor, and instead they went off to do something else. What was the other thing business? Now, before we even get to that, Allah is telling us that

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contextualize that, in the reality what is happening right now, everything out there in the skies and everything on the earth, in reality, it is glorifying me. So if everything now, as in what happened right now, once you did that this was going on. And for the foreseeable future, until Yama, Yama, everything is glorifying me. Then how do you think I see my servants and my slaves going away from a gathering in which my record is being mentioned?

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Now Allah subhanaw taala then speaks about the role of the Prophet sallallahu oralism in verse number two, where he says, who will lead the battlefield Amina Rasulullah min whom yet know Allah him, yet he will use a key him while you are living human Kitab on hikma, when Councilman Abdullah feel but early Mubin.

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There's one lesson we can learn just from the first verse, and that is if everything in the universe is glorifying Allah, either. If it's living with its tongue in the language that it speaks, or by its very existence, like the planets going in the orbits, or the sun and the stars as they shine bright, they're doing exactly what they were created to do. And that is how they through the reality of existing or glorifying Allah, then we learn a lesson, which is that me and you, my brother and sisters, we should never cease in making the Quran Allah, because everything else out there is doing it. So why should we be the miserable exception to this, rather, we should, we should be in harmony

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with that which is around us and always moisten our tongues with the vicar of Allah saying Allahu Akbar stuffer, Allah Allah, Allah Alhamdulillah. And saying that with our hearts to meaning, have the heart present when you make this dhikr of Allah and even if you can't do it with your heart, because maybe out there on the bus, or you're driving your car, or you're at work, you're saying it, because you know that Allah loves to hear you say, even if you don't have the presence of the heart, but say it and don't be the miserable exception. The other thing, a lesson it teaches us is that as believers living amongst non Muslims, many times we feel like we are isolated, we are the exception.

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And we are the minority rather than Allah telling us that we are part of the majority, which is that everything else out there recognizes the greatness of Allah and is subservient to him and glorifies Him. So wherever you are, even if you're the only person in the whole country, who is believing Allah, in reality, you are part of everything else out there, that is glorifying Allah subhanho wa taala. So a unity factor comes through this verse that you are part of the greater unity of creation, in the servitude and subservience to Allah subhanaw taala. The next verse, Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the role of the person but before he tell us about the role of the prophets,

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam, it tells us about the environment in which he came. Who will lead the he is the one meaning ALLAH Bertha who sent this man Muhammad wa salam, but who did he send him to fill me Hina to a people that were all me or me, as somebody said, means people that don't have their own scripture, the Arabs or Croatia at that time, they never had a religious scripture which they could refer to like the Jews or the Christians. Or me also means that it now to your Rahim Allah said, people that are unlimited, they can't read or write

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it and he said that the word all me comes from root on, which means mother right home. But referring to the child when he's inside the womb of the mother, not knowing anything at all, his mind is blank, he doesn't know anything, no knowledge. He is like a child. He's like a baby, this person in that this or me, man, or this or me nation, they're like infants not knowing anything inside the womb of their mothers, even to Rahimullah ISIS, that is not just that they don't know how to read right. in Makkah, they said at that time, they were only 17 People who are all of the population of Makkah that could read and write. And he said that it reflects the backwardness the backward

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traditions and the backward beliefs. And that teaches us the hostile, tough environment in which the person was sent. He was sent by Allah. And it was just not a coincidence that the person I'm caring about know who will let the bath fill me, you know, that he came to people that were not educated, you know, who very civilized? No, they were quite backward. And that sets the scene that the person has got a very tough task. My people are Miyun you know, they're not just any ordinary people. You're not like the Persians or the Byzantine. No, they are, unfortunately, Lee civilized all people. So Allah subhanaw taala says that he sent the messengers are nicer than Phil, Amina Rasool

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Allah as a messenger men whom and he was from them. Now how was he from them? Well, he was one of them. He wasn't a foreigner to them, he was one of them. And that teaches us that Allah is having mercy on the Kurdish you could have sent a prophet to them, who's a foreigner coming from the Romans or from the Persians and coming to them and saying, Look, you people are messed up, you're living like this, practicing shit polytheism This is not the way you should be whether you should worshiping Allah subhanaw taala alone, one of the reservations people don't have is saying is what? What a God listen to you. You don't even know us. You don't know our language. You don't know our

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culture. You're from outside, you're a foreigner. We don't want anything to do with you know, Allah said, He's men whom that he's part and parcel of your society. He knows you in and out, He knows your coach, he knows your language. So that's another barrier being taken away by me for you to reject him rather, is from you. And another thing it teaches us that the person is someone known to them, even though he's part of them and from the society. He's made no meaning as a quote to be said, they recognize him as a noble man. Before he becomes a prophet at the age of 40 years old. They know who he is. He's a psychological Amin, he's that he's a guy who's honest man is the guy who

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is trustworthy, we trust him. He's a noble person, his grandfather, great grandfather of the look, but you know, the chief of the Bureau, Hashem is no ordinary guy. Okay, so now he's become prophet at age 40. And he's telling you that some of the things you're doing are not quite right. You need to change your ways.

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Yeah, we should listen to him. We know him. We know he's an honest, upright individual member of our society. Why didn't you reject Him? Aha. So Allah is having mercy on your Quraysh by sending you someone who you know, and he's from you. Now, what was the role? Allah subhanaw taala said you have to know Allah him. TG Why use a key him by you Ali Mohammed kita. But while hikma for things, that the first thing for us Salam was sent to do yet to do Allah him it to recite to them revelation, number one goal of the personal objective rather, was to say, Allah has revealed certain things to me. I'm not making anything up myself. I'm not telling you my views, my opinions, no, this is coming

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from the heavens, Allah has revealed certain things to me. Let me just tell you what he says. Let me just tell you what he says, I'm not going to teach you anything. Or I'm going to ask you do anything, just listen to what Allah has to say. And that's very powerful for us living now in the in the Western 21st century, times have changed but the Prophet of Islam and his role, it was meant to be our role towards our people as well.

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So how many of us in doing that, what do we say? Have you heard what the Quran has to say about this? Do you know what the value of the Quran is regarding this? Do you know what the narrative of the Quran is regarding this, etc, etc. Many of us unfortunately, don't even know what the Quran says about certain things. If somebody was to ask you, while you read this chapter 30 Her 17 times a day I hear. So tell me what does it mean exactly? What's the message or sort of how many of us will be stumped to answer that question, which means we can't do yet to ally him yet. We can't do the first thing that person was said to do, which was to just say, Have you heard what God has to say about

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So that's the first thing. Second thing we use a key him to purify them, to purify them as put to be said, to purify their hearts.

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That their hearts and disease are corrupted, and they need to be fixed up. Now the thing is my brothers and sisters, you need to think about this. Islam. Many people think about Islam, non Muslims, that Islam is so tough. There's so many rules and regular so many do's and don'ts, so many laws, don't they talk about Sharia law all the time. Isn't that one, you know, sticking point for them, which is I can't accept Islam, this, the law that they have in there is too much, you know, the do's and don'ts is too much too difficult. However, how Allah subhanaw taala, though this third thing is where you Ali, Mohammed Al Kitab, to teach them the book, as Tommy said, the commands and

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the laws of Islam. The first thing he did was recite to them what Allah had to say, the second thing wasn't to teach them, you have to do this, and you can't do this. Rather, the second thing was what to purify them, to purify them. So Allah telling us that he didn't tell them do's and don'ts immediately. Rather, there was a process to prepare them to accept the do's and don'ts what was that process? We use a key him to purify them? And how is a person purified to accept the commandments?

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Well, let's take the issue of hunger, that alcohol was something, you know, part and parcel of the quality society people would drink all the time, only a handful of people would not drink. And Islam came to prohibit alcohol, very well known. However, was it prevalent straightaway? No, it wasn't it was prohibited. Some historians say in the fourth Hijiri year was something in the second half of the year. So 1513 years in Makkah, you are Muslim, and no one said to you, you can't drink alcohol. 5013 years. Add to that another two years in Medina.

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After 15 years, I'm being told now it's prohibited. And the way I've been told is a three part process. The first part of my saying, there's some good in alcohol isn't bad, too. And the bad outweighs the good. The second part is what? Don't pray one, two sukar whilst you're in a state of intoxication, well, if I've got to pray five times a day, you know, I can't be intoxicated when I pray, which means that I can't can only really drink at nighttime, normally possible to drink in the daytime because I'll still be intoxicated. Okay, so now I'm not really allowed to drink it that much. Okay, and then Allah subhanaw taala outright says vanished, and he will stay well away from

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it. So what was the point of doing it? So slowly, I show the router and explain she says that if it was said to us, in the beginning, we wouldn't have been able to accept it. But rather, what Allah subhanaw taala did was to build our faith, and to strengthen our love of Him and our fear of him and appreciate his greatness. These values, Islamic values, were those that purified our hearts and made them ready to accept. This is an explanation of my explanation of what I'm saying, ready to accept the prohibition. And that is why my brothers and sisters, we have to recognize that behind each do's and don'ts of Islam, there is wisdom, there is a value. And people need to be educated as to the

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values of Islam, before they are told to adhere to the to the regulations of Islam. Some of the values are, for example, the love of Allah, the right of Allah, the greatness of Allah, the value of Hera, that he has a tremendous value in our minds and our hearts that there is an life to come and is very valuable, more valuable than this life, the value of being being pure person, being a pure person, individual, not a person who is indecent, but rather person who is decent, that is another Islamic value. So these are the values that the person who first came to, to teach people in order to purify them, and then why you Al Imam Al Kitab. Teach them the laws and then at the end, we'll

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hikma as immutable how Allah said Hikmah was explained by more than one of the self to mean a sunnah, meaning the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW Selim. So right at the end, we have the tradition of the precedent. That is the last thing he came to leave and do to leave mankind with. As if to say that once you know what God says, and you know why he sees it, and you know, what he wants you to do and what he wants you to stay away from, then you have my tradition, to help you live that all of that on a day to day basis.

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is like my son, and my way will teach you how to live Islam in your life on a day to day basis. And then Allah ends that verse by saying we're in Can we call blue? A few bodily Mubin. And the reality of Quraysh? Is that had he not been sent to you, then you would still be in this state, what state by larly Mubin, Lafayette, Baltimore, that love of Tokyo truly, in a state of misguidance dollar, which is more been clear and clear cut, if anyone was to walk past, you know, fly over, for example, the Quraysh, ancient Croatia that time and to see the kind of tradition that they had, and the belief system, you'll be able to clearly see these people are misguided. They need help. So Allah

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subhanaw taala, lending my saying, This is what the messenger came, and I sent him to you. And this was his role and appreciate that four if you hadn't been sent, The Kure should never have been guided, and they would still be in their miserable backward ways. And now by extension, my brothers and sisters, if they never reformed themselves, it means we would never have reformed ourselves, isn't it for that is the link between us and the porcelain were the people of the parish and the people of Medina. So unless part of they're telling us that recognize the favor of the Prophet, had I not sent him you'd still be involuntarily moving. Okay. Now, there is a question that we need to

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ask him, which is, What's the link between the verse number one and verse number two?

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I'll give you a clue.

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In verse number one, Allah mentioned four names, right? And Malik, the king, and cudos, the pure Azeez, the mighty and Al Hakim, the wise. The second verse Now talks about the process of him and his role, and the role is also made up of how many parts four parts, number one reciting the verses of Allah and number two, to purify the people. Number three, to teach them the laws and number four, to leave for them his sunnah.

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For names for roles, take a moment now in your peers to discuss what do you think is the link between those names? And these four roles of the Prophet sallallahu sallam?

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